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    • faf
      faf replied to the thread Art Stream.
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread ☆ THE HIDEOUT ☆.
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread Art Swap.
      My wish list: My Warrior of Light (here are some references of her! She has other outfits but this is her canon one. Let me know if you...
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread PMD&D - Azumarill's Trial.
      Group A please!
    • faf
      faf posted the thread Gartic Phone in Get-Together Stage 2024.
      Welcome to Get Together's Official Gartic Phone, where it's similar to the game Telephone, but with art! The game will be held on Gartic...
    • faf
      FFXIV Glamour Contest MSQ tiring you out? Raids becoming a nightmare because your Healers are always trying to out-DPS you? Need a...
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread Siblings!.
      Have a younger brother and we get along well. Would be cool to also have a sister but I'm not complaining. :b
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread The Pokemon Race Version 6.4.
      5. The fact that this Pokemon tries to look tough but ends up looking goofy is just funny to me. Also, I cannot hate Dark-types.
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread The Pokemon Race Version 6.4.
      19. Okay this design is awesome, reminds me of something from Final Fantasy.
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread AMA 21 years on PC AMA.
      On a scale of 1-10, how hyped are you for Dawntrail tomorrow?
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread The Pokemon Race Version 6.4.
      15. Sorry but Dolliv doesn't do it for me and ik it's an unpopular opinion but it looks too generic for me. I will say its evolved...
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread PC: Get-Together 2024.
      Yes that would be great, always love to have you! (2k posts, waow)
    • faf
      faf reacted to Arcaneum's post in the thread PC: Get-Together 2024 with Like Like.
      I'll get back to you about VGT in terms of co-hosting; Pokémon Trivia preparation is kinda already underway between myself and 5qwerty...
    • faf
      faf replied to the thread PC: Get-Together 2024.
      Gonna host Gartic and possibly the FF14 glam event if no one else will do it. (prolly no Jack in the Box this year for me, sorry!)
    • faf
      Currently, definitely not. I don't even consider myself a fan of the series anymore, I merely like it and that's it. I never really...
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