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Indigo League: Almost There

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    The Trainers

    *image removed*
    Current Location: Celadon City Department Store

    Role Play Information

    Pokémon In Max's Party

    Max's Story


    Kanto Trainer Two
    *image removed*
    Current Location: Vermillion City

    Role Play Information
    Pokémon In Your Party


    *image removed*
    Current Location: Celadon City

    Role Play Information
    Pokémon In Your Party

    Kamten's Story


    Johto Trainer One
    *image removed*​
    Current Location: Vermillion City

    Role Play Information
    Pokémon In Your Party


    *image removed*
    Current Location: Vermillion City

    Role Play Information

    Pokémon In Ryuu's Party
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    Chapter One: Pt. 1: Getting To Celadon

    Kanto Trainers:

    (Two Posts)

    You have received your third badge from Lt. Surge, you have spent the last week training with your Pokémon and staying at the Pokémon Centre. You now are thinking with ways to get to Celadon. A Ferry leaves in thirty minutes to Celadon City, but it will cut your budget down by a lot. You may not have much money for the Celadon Department Store. Travelling by foot will have to take you through Saffron City which is lurking with Team Rocket. There is no planes or helicopters to take you to Celadon, but do you have a strong flying Pokémon to do so? This is very simple, pick one of the choices however you want to and then travel to Celadon.

    Wild Pokémon

    Johto Trainers:

    (One or two posts)

    The two Johto Trainers have already left with three badges, be it by sea, air, foot, etc. Write about your journey there, very simple. You could be thinking about ways of defeating your next Gym opponant, Erika. You could research on her and what Pokémon she uses, or you could meet someone and make a story there. Your choice, just finish your journey to Celadon in the one or two posts.

    Wild Pokémon
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    Max was so excited! He had just got his third badge and was shining all of his badges. He was thinking of how to get to Celadon town where he could get his fourth badge. Should I take the ferry that leaves in thirty minutes? If I do, though, I will be really low on money. If I walk there I will have to walk through Saffron City where there are swarms of Team Rocket members, but it will save me a bunch of money. I could fly there with Pidgeotto but it will really wear her down. Max sighed. It was really exciting thinking about getting his fourth badge.

    He looked at the clock. 15 minutes until the ferry left. "Guess I'll just walk there. It's more fun that way. Besides maybe I'll be able to show Team Rocket what I'm made of." Max said confidently walking over to the computer that would allow him to call home. He planned on letting Nidorino and Psyduck take a break for a little while and get Pikachu out so he could get some of the action in.

    Beep. Beep. Beep. The machine rang as he tried to call Professor Oak. "Hello?" Oak finally answered.

    "Hey Professor! Look at my badges. I've got three now!' Max said excitedly holding up his badges case.

    "Wow Max! You've got a bunch of badges now." Oak said surprised.

    "Yeah well the main reason I called you was that I was wondering if I could give you Nidorino and Psyduck so that they can have a rest." Max said grinning.

    "Sure. Which ones do you want in return?" Oak asked him.

    "Actually I only want Pikachu." Max said.

    "Ok just put you pokeballs in two of the six slots next to the screen." Oak said.

    Max looked over and there was a small box that had six pokeball slots. He grabbed Nidorino's and Psyduck's pokeballs and put them inside two slots. While Max was doing this Professor Oak was finding Max's Pikachu's pokeball and put it inside one of the slots too.

    "Now press the green button." Oak said pressing the green button on his box thing.

    Max pressed it and the two pokeballs vanished and one appeared. He grabbed it and threw it into the air. A white light flashed and a yellow mouse like pokemon with red cheeks, two long yellow ears, and a long yellow tail popped out of the ball.

    "Pika Pikachu!" It said jumping into Max's arms.

    "Ahaha." Max laughed. He was happy to see Pikachu again.

    "Ok. Well I guess I will talk to you later." Oak said hanging up.

    Max hung up and then called his other pokemon out. He looked at the time and the ferry had already left. He smirked and then they went outside.

    "I guess we should start leaving. Huh?" Max asked his pokemon.

    "Pidgeotto! Oh ya! I can't wait to meet other pokemon!" his Pidgeotto said.

    "Pika Pikachu. Yeah let's show that Gym leader and Team Rocket who's boss!" His Pikachu said.

    "Saur! Well don't just stand there let's hurry up and go!" His Ivysaur said.

    "Ok then let's go!" Max said.
    Pikalover10: Even though it was a short post, I did like reading it. Remember, your next post will be travelling to Saffron now. Remember to make your next post a bit longer as there will be more happening, as a lot of that was dialog. I did like the dialog though. A good simple start.

    Pikachu has joined your party.
    Nidorino & Psyduck have left your party.
    As much as I hate to bump, I don't want the role play to dissapear. I want at least one more person to join, a maximum of five.
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    Jadon sighed, it was such a long and hustle filled day, but it was quite refreshing too be on one of the largest cruise ships in Kanto. The young Latino grinned, he had put up forth a lot of money to afford the trip on the S.S Ann and he sure was going to let himself relax and enjoy it. It was pretty sunny today, beams of heated light pressed down on Jadon's body as he spent his petty morning time on a sun bathing lawn chair, they sure knew how to make these things comfortable, Jadon just layed there in his blue swimming trunks. Hmm... I wonder if I can impress some ladies while I'm aboard... He wondered to himself, grinning ear to ear, but then again... wern't most girls who could afford to go on a cruise, real stuck up?

    Jadon groaned, most cruise lining girls his age were stuck up, even if they had the body of a godess... Such an enigma, woman. He adjusted his cheap dollar store shades, he had got them speciffically for this trip, since he was on a budget he couldn't spring for the awesome ones he had really much rather wanted. It totally sucked being generally low class and poor, but it was okay. Jadon heard something being said over the loudspeaker, they were about to arrive, it seemed, Jadon couldn't really tell since the messanger had a tediously thick accent.

    Jadon got off the lawn chair and headed for his cabin, determined to get ready before they reached land. He opened the door of his cabin, it was a very nice room and was nice and first class, just how he liked his overexpensive, took all the money he had and then some cruise.

    Jadon began to gather up his things, only leaving out what he would be wearing today and probably wouldn't be changing out of for some time. He put all his extra things away and stripped out of his aqua blue bathing suit, he then began to change into his clothing. He put on a pair of black, worn at the knee's jeans, he then followed up with a grey muscle shirt and his white trenchcoat. His ponytail was already nice and neat, he puts on some socks and his black combat boots lastly.

    " We have reached the dock! Thank you for cruising with the S.S Ann!" The loudspeaker boomed, this time it wasn't an accent laden foreigner.

    Jaden grabbed his bag and strapped his pokeballs into their belt, he then left the room.

    The young Latino looked at the city in front of him, it looked kind of trashy, but Vermillion city wasn't supposed to be known for it's beauty. Jadon checked his map, Celadon city was a bit out of his direction, but had to find his way there, one way or another.
    Max and his pokemon were walking towards Saffron.

    "Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaur! This is soooooo boring!" His Ivysaur complained ready for some action.

    Max looked down at his Ivysaur who did look bored. He looked over at his shoulder which Pikachu was sitting on. Pikachu had dozed off. He shook his shoulder a little to wake Pikachu up.

    "Pika Piiiiiiii! Ahhhhhhh. What was that for?" Pikachu wondered almost falling off of Max's shoulder.

    Max chuckled and looked overhead where Pidgeotto was flying making shade for him. Pidgeotto was looking everywhere around them incase she spotted something.

    "Pidgeottoooooo! There is a big tree with a bunch of shade around it just upahead... and it has apples in it!" Pidgeotto said.

    Max sighed. None of his pokemon looked happy. They all looked bored except for Pidgeotto who looked determined to get the juiciest apple in the tree. He noticed Pidgeotto sped up in flying. Max smiled knowing that Pidgeotto wanted to race him. He got his footing just right and then he dashed towards the tree.

    "I'll beat you Pidgeotto!" He yelled running just barely infront of Pidgeotto.

    "Pidgeottooo! Not if I can help it!" Pidgeotto cooed flying like there was no tomorrow.

    "Saurrrrr???? What the heck Max?" Bulbusaur complained running as fast as he could towards Max.

    Max almost reached the tree first but Pidgeotto sped up just in time. He noticed that Pikachu had struggled the whole time just to stay on his should. Max grinned apologizing to Pikachu. Ivysaur had just come up to them panting hard. Ivysaur then caught his breath and used one of his vines to grab a ripe apple. He split in half and shared it with Pikachu. Pidgeotto grabbed a juicy one and then ate it. She grabbed a few more and ate them all.

    "Pidgeotto I have some pokefood for each of you guys." Max said digging in his bag for their food.

    He had six food bowls incase he had six different types of pokemon with him. He spread three out and then put flying pokefood in one for Pidgeotto, electric type pokefood for Pikachu, and grass type pokefood for Ivysaur in the last one. He pulled out a PB+J sandwhich and pulled out a bag of chips. He ate it and then sat there for a few minutes to let the food settle in his stomach.

    He looked up in the sky and saw a cloud formation that looked like his mom's favorite pokemon, a Blastoise. He wished that he could atleast have known his mom. He shed a few tears every time he thought of her. His dad had always told him what she looked like. Blue eyes just like his, the necklace he had was hers before, black hair like his, and the most wonderful smile ever. He thought about it more and wished he could have known her better so much considering he was only a year old when his mom died.

    He got up and told Pidgeotto to fly above them again, Ivysaur to walk next to him, and Pikachu to either walk next to him or sit on his shoulder. They all nodded their heads. Pidgeotto flew up in the air and flew above them, Pikachu ran up the side of Max and then onto his shoulder, Ivysaur stood where he was. Max smiled and then he walked along the path.

    An hour later and Max had almost reached Saffron City. He looked overhead and noticed a flock of Spearow flying overhead. He flinched and then noticed them flying away. He rubbed the scar on his right arm and shuddered thinking about the day he got that scar. He then arrived to the enterence to Saffron City.

    He walked up to a Tower looking thing and thought it looked creepy. He tried opening it anyway but it was locked. He shrugged and saw two Team Rocket members walking up the street towards them. He recognized one man. The man was someone who had battled Brock at the Pewter City Gym right before him. He gulped remembering how good that dude was. He covered his eyes with his hat seeing if the guys wouldn't recognize him then. It worked the Team Rocket members only told him that he needed to stay away from that tower.

    He sighed with relief when they turned around a corner. He faced the way that they had come and continued to go that way. He then stopped at a young traveler who looked as though his ankle was hurting him.

    "Are you ok?" Max asked.

    "Yeah except I twisted my ankle a few minutes ago." The traveler said.

    "Were are you going?" Max asked.

    "I'm going to the pokemon center." The traveler said.

    "Me too. I'll help you get there." Max said.

    Max put his arm under the traveler's armpit and helped him walk. They came to the pokemon center.

    "Thank you so very much my friend. I never caught your name...What is it?" The traveler asked.

    "You're welcome and my name is Max. Your's?" Max asked.

    "My name is Jerome. It's very nice to meet you Max." Jerome said.

    "Same here Jerome." Max said helping him inside.

    They went their separate ways when he went up to his room after he got a key, and Max went to heal his pokemon. Nurse Joy came out with them all and gave him his pokemon. He thanked her and walked outside.

    "Everbody...Come on out!" Max said throwing the pokeballs into the air.

    "Sauuuuuurrr Woohoo I thought I'd never get out of there!" Ivysaur yelled.

    "Pidgeottoooo Man I'm ready to get us another badge!" Pidgeotto said flying around in circles over his head.

    "Pi Pikachuuuuuu Ahhhh Team Rocket is coming!!!" Pikachu yelled running up Max's arm.

    Max looked behind him and it was the same person from before.

    "Hey kid get over here right now!" The grunt yelled.

    Max did the exact oposite. He dashed towards the enterance to the next route. The grunt was fast though. The grunt sped up and grabbed Max.

    "Let me go!!!!" Max said kicking the grunt.

    "No way kid!" The grunt said.

    Max got furious. He saw a spot where the grunt's jacket wasn't covering his whole arm and then he bit it as hard as he could.

    "Ahhhhh" The grunt yelled dropping Max.

    Max dashed out of Saffron City onto the next Route. He looked back and noticed the grunt wasn't chasing him anymore. He sighed with relief knowing that that was a close one. His pokemon were right above him because Pidgeotto had flew them over head when they spotted the grunt.

    Pidgeotto landed and Max asked her if she could fly him to Celadon from here on out. Pidgeotto noded and Max called his other pokemon to their pokeballs and then hopped on Pidgeotto's back. The air felt so good on his face that he fell asleep. Only when Pidgeotto coed did he wake up. They had arrived to Celadon City!

    (Tell me if I need to edit anything and I will)
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    Fallen Angel_Messiah Of Black Roses: Nice post, make the trip to Celadon in the next post.

    Pikalover10: I would of liked you to describe the journeys more, you sort of skipped the journeying part, ah well. One thing though, how big is your Pidgeotto? I highly doubt it can lift a 5ft odd kid into the air and travel to Celadon. I don't want to slate you for it, just thinking about realism.

    Once Fallen Angel finishes his next post, I'll write up the next part where you can do various things.
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    "You guys did Great Gloom and Cubone you two squrtile" Kamten said proudly to his 3 trusty pokemon. You guys make me so proud I mean the way you guys battled and the way you got the win squrtile I'm impressed with you guys." Kamten continued. as he and his Pokemon walked along. "Squirtle" Squirtle says as he almost falls over. "Looks like someone is sleepy Squirtle return", "Anyone else tired?" Kamten asked. Gloom agreed and was returned to her poke-ball as Cubone was wide awake.

    We continued walk as we went threw Cerulean city we exchanged our Bike Voucher for a bike and peddled our way down the routes until we made it to Celedon. "Wow it seems like we should have a good time here it known for its casino games and prizes im hopeing to get an dratini I also heard theres a man who gives out eevees. Kamten said to him self as he stood over the horizon of Celedon before making his way in.
    X-Files: That post is way too short, sort it out. If you don't sort out that post, your are out of the role play. I don't want to be a mean bastard, but seriously.

    Fallen_Angel: You are out of the role play.
    Chapter One: Pt. 2: Celadon City

    Kanto Trainers & Johto Trainers
    (One Post)

    You have now arrived at Celadon City and have many choices upon you. You come across a news television screen in the city and hear that the Flame of Moltres has been stolen from the Indigo Plateau. Looking at your Town Map, you see all the available options to you.

    Pokémon Center
    Poké Mart
    Celadon City Department Store

    The Gym isn't available as of yet, as explained in the News Report your character sees. It mentions all Gym's are on a close for a Gym Leaders meeting for the next couple of days.
    ((OOC: Hey can we get the Eevee that's in Celadon City for free?? If so then I'll edit my post:)))

    Max was looking around the city. The city was al hustle and bustle. There was a bunch of Tvs that had news broadcasts on and many people standing in the streets watching them. He sighed with a foul stench in the air. He continued wzlking along the street trying to find an area to get his pokemon ready for the battle. He was walking to the pokemon center when a boradcast caught his attention. "Hi. This is Wendy with the news from Kanto Now! We are here today at the Indigo plateau. It appears that the special flame of Moltres has been stolen!( there was alot of gasps just then). Due to this tragedy all of the Gym Leaders are at a special meeting. Come back to Kanto Now to find out more about this tragedy!" It said.

    Max looked at Ivysaur who was shuddering, Pikachu was looking worried, and Pidgeotto didn't think anything of it. Max was deeply worried but he didn't show it because he knew it would make his pokemon even more nervous. Max continued over to the pokemon center. When he entered the building he heard people talking about the Flame of Moltres being stolen.

    "Hey did you hear the news about the Flame of Moltres?" Someone asked a kid.

    "Yeah. My uncle told me it was probably those scumbags known as Team Rocket." The kid said.

    "Yeah my parents said the same thing." Another kid said.

    Max stood there still as a stick.

    "Team Rocket did this?" Max muttered to himself.

    He walked over to Nurse Joy.

    "excuse me, but could you heal my pokemon please?" Max asked her politely.

    "Of course." She said takign his pokemon into the back room.

    Max walked over to a table and pulled out his town map. It had a list of everything he could do there. It said he could go to the Department Store there, the Pokemon Center where he already was at, or the Pokemart. He looked into his bag. He had enough supplies that he really needed other then some pokefood he needed to get. Nurse Joy came out with his pokemon and he thanked her. Then he walked out towards the departement store.

    The store was huge! It had 4 stories and a roof! Max walked inside. He noticed a sign that said pokemon were more then welcomed to be out of their pokeballs.

    "Ok then. Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pidgeotto. Go!" Max said throwing their pokeballs into the air.

    "Saur. Woah! This place is huge!" Ivysaur said.

    "Pikachu. Heck yeah Ivysaur. It's huge!" Pikachu said agreeing with Ivysaur.

    " Pidgeaottoooo! Woot! I cant wait to get to the roof!' Pidgeotto said spreding her wings.

    Max stood there smiling. Pikachu ran up onto his shoulder and got comfortable. Pidgeotto stayed where she was knowing she couldn't fly around in there and Ivysaur stayed where he was too.Then Max's stomach started growling.

    "Oh man. I'm soooo hungry." He said taking out the pokefood he had.

    He noticed a food court adn walked over there. He sat down and took the food bowls out. He pored there pokefood into them and then walked over to the line. It took Max 10 minutes just to order! Then it took them 15 minutes to make his food! By the time Max was able to get back to their table and sit down Pidgeotto, Pikachu, and Ivysaur had finished eating. He ate his food and then noticed he was totally out of pokefood. He threw the leftovers away and then they walked over to the elevator. Max noticed a sign that told him what floors had what items that were sold there.

    Pokefood was on the rooftop. Max pushed the button that had a picture of a roof and they went up. When they got up there a few more pokemon were playing with eachother. There was a Raichu that Pikachu imediately ran over to play with. A Venasaur that Ivysaur imediately went over to. And there was a Pidgy for Pidgeotto to play with. The pokemon looked like they were having a blast. Pidgeotto was playing tag with the Pidgy obviously not going as fast as she could go, Pikachu was training with the Raichu, and Ivysaur was practicing his Vine Whip with the Venasur. Max noticed the spot where he bought two cans of each type of pokefood. 2 cans of electric type food, 2 of grass type food, and 2 of flying type food.

    He sat down on a bench and watched his pokemon having a blast.

    (I'm going to start my next post off with him leaving:))
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    As Kamten walk in he saw people all staring threw a shop window gasping and ohh and ahhhing. "I wonder what's going on cubone return I don't want you getting stolen" Kamten said as he walked over. "The sacred flame of moltres was stolen" the TV said it has nothing to do with me Kamten said as he started walking away. "Those of you who are doing the Pokemon league challenge will have to wait a while as the Gym Leaders are all having a meeting that will take a couple of days" the announcer on TV finally says.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Kamten yells at the top of his lungs and people start to stare at him as if something is wrong he then scratches the back of his head and walks off.

    "How can they just stop in the middle of nowhere hmm I guess this is a good enough time if any to catch some Pokemon" Kamten said as he started walking towards the route pass the Department store.

    "What the heck This fat thing is in the way and I cant make it budge what is it a Pokemon I know" Kamten said as he took out a chocolate bar. He then waved it on top of snorlaxs noise it woke up instantly and ate the chocolate laughed at Kamten and went back to sleep.

    "No far No far give it back" kamten said then his stomach started growling. I guess I need to get some food he said as he walked to the restaurant in the city.

    "I'll Have a King crab legs for here please and three cans of poke chow" kamten said as the cook prepared his food and handed him the canned food.

    "Here you guys go" Kamten said as he pulled the tops of the canned food by the pull thingy on top of the can. Thirty minutes passed and his food came "finally I almost died" he said as he started to eat his food.

    Then the boy from the beginning of his journey came in he was wearing a green long sleeved shirt with black shorts and a black hat that covered his wild hair his black and green boots where clean as a whistle as if he just got them cleaned. He was followed by his so called starter Machop and his Zubat and, Bellsprout.

    "Marcus whats up come over here" Kamten waved twoads him. Marcus went to the counter to get the poke chow and order himself a burger before he came.

    "What's the hap" Marcus said opening the cans of poke chow for his pokemon.

    "Nothing much have you herd about the League challenge being suspended for a couple of days?" Kamten asked.

    "Yeah heard about it I guess the GL got too scared of me and went to have a meeting about me" Marcus boasted.

    OOC: I will continue and edit this also My first post was short because I really did have enough to go on this will be much longer.
    Pikalover: Alright post, a few spelling mistakes but none the less, it was alright, but you need to make more happen in posts. It's getting shorter and shorter. And to answer your question about Eevee, there will be various ways of getting an Eevee in Celadon, but you will only get it if it's a very, very good post.

    X-Files: You still need to edit your first post on the way to Celadon which I think you said as it was too short plus you need to do your second post on the way to Celadon. Do them before you continue please mate.
    To Everyone: Because only Pikalover really commited to this role play. I'm closing this role play, no point fighting to keep this running when no one is going to bother. Except Pikalover, I understand you may have other responcibilities and time consuming ****. But so do I, for example I have to retake Maths and English GCSE, do A-Level Sport and A-Level BTEC Music, as well as my part-time job. So, I don't want to see any whining.

    - Brian
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