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Stranded (rated M for possible adult themes)

(OOC: Man can you guys post, holy crap! Any who, I'm sorry for the delay, just been busy, and sorry if I back the post up a bit. Just so I can get in what Damion does. If its not cool, just let me know and I'll figure out a way to fix it. Also, as a referesher, what's the rules on swearing?)

Peering endlessly out on the sea as the sun went from high in the sky to now just above the horizon. Recapping the events of today, walking for what seemed like an eternity and coming across some survivors. Still puzzled as to how he wound up so far down the beach and all these 'kids' seemed to be all together here on this section. Damion let out a big sigh of relief and decided to let his thoughts trouble him another time. Just as he started to get up, still in pain, his ear twitched and heard the some faint sounds coming from the forest. His eyes quickly scanned the forest in front of him looking for anything. For an instant, he saw a difference in the lighting and the faint sound of static snapping in the air.

"I'd know that sound anywhere." he said sternly to himself. In an instant he quickly bolted off running at a fast pace into the forest, vaulting over shrubs and downed trees. Adrenalin filled his body, not even realizing that he was being cut by some of the branches on his arms, legs and face. Now deeper in the forest he ran towards the area he thought he saw the light coming from. He saw a second brighter flash followed up by the loud popping of static in the air. "Those are Thunderbolts, no doubt about it!" His arms and legs now had a mix of fresh and dried blood on them from his scratches, now seeping some blood from the rush of energy. He saw a small clearing up ahead which he had a feeling was the center from which the bolts came from. Vaulting a log with one hand his other reached for a Pokéball from his belt. Even before his feet had landed he had thrown the ball ahead of him. Simultaneously as his feet hit the ground, the Pokéball had popped open and then landed back in his hand. In a bright flash Damion's Jolteon appeared. Catching his breath some he assessed the situation. Seeing the girl who had talked to him before on the ground and Cyndaquil not far from her, his eyes now were drawn to the Pikachu next to her.

"Flash, Thunderbolt!" he commanded pointing in the direction of the Pikachu. "Aim high and don't them!" (Reffering to the girl and her Cyndaquil.) "Jolte-OOONNNNN" Flash screamed as he discharged a warning bolt that just barely missed the wild Pikachu's head. "Now follow it up with a tackle!" Damion continued. "Jolte, Jolte!" Flash quickly covered the distance between him and the Pikachu almost instantly. Flashed slammed into the Pikachu with enough force to quickly launch it through the shrubs and slamming it into a nearby tree. "Pi.......KA!" It let out a cry of pain, first from the initial hit, and then again when it hit the tree.

With a brief moment, Damion ran to the girl and her Pokémon, checking the vitals on both to make sure they were okay and still alive from taking two thunderbolts. Seeing as they were fine for the moment his attention turned again to the Pikachu who had emerged from the bushes beneath the tree where it hit. "Pi... Ka..." it said, obviously injured from the attack, but still determined to stand its ground. "Pi-KA Pika" it shouted, half out of breath. "Sorry, but just because you caught them off guard, doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you! Okay Flash, lets finish this! Teach that Pikachu that its not okay to attack humans!" Damion said pointing at the Pikachu. "Jolte!" Flash complied. Just as quickly as it started, the Pikachu quickly darted away into the woods. "Ehh, Flash, quick, lets go!" Damion said as he started running after the fleeing Pikachu. His Jolteon lead the way. As they ran off after it, he realized there wasn't anyone with him to make sure the girl and her Pokémon were okay. Skidding to a stop, Damion grabbed Flash's Pokéball. "Return!" Damion said as he recalled his Jolteon. Turning around he hurried back to where he had left the girl, using only instinct to guide him.

As he neared where the girl was, he saw 2 figures approaching the area, slowing his pace he saw one of the girls stumble and trip over the girl on the ground. He smirked jokingly, but his smirk was quickly wiped from his face as the girl started screaming for her friend. Damion quickly fixed his hair, which was windblown from all the running, and approached the screaming girl. As he drew closer to her, he put a hand on her shoulder in attempt to calm her.

"Hey, Its alright. Your friend here is okay, just unconcious, you're not hurt are you?" Damion said with a smile, not trying to startle the girl anymore.
OOC: You can swear, but censor it, like s***

Bliss shook her head, thinking to herself she shouldn't have made a joke out of it. She sighed as she noticed a man nearby. He was running off in a different direction, and then some thunderbolts quickly lit the area. Bliss turned back at Victoria, then wondered off towards where Damion went. She peered through the bushes. It was Kelsey! Damion seemed concerned for her. Bliss snapped out of her thoughts as her name was being called out nearby.

"Oh god, Victoria!" She shouted, running towards where the screaming was coming from. Her Pokemon seemed concerned, as they all headed towards the same direction Bliss was headed, but at a much faster pace. Bliss attempted to keep up, but then tripped over herself. It was a wild Tangela!

"Freequa, HELP!" Bliss shouted, trying to get her Pokemon to come back. The Tangela had wrapped his vines around her ankles and was holding her down. "Let go!" Bliss attempted to pull the vines apart, but another vine just whipped her hands away. "Freequa, Freequa, FREEQUA!" she shouted out, hoping the said Pokemon would come back.


Freequa had stopped, her trainer was calling out to her. Grace and Free-Free had stopped as well, wondering what was going on.

"Typhlosion, Ty Ty phlosion! (Bliss is in danger, we gotta go help!)" Freequa called out to her fellow Pokemon.

"Freeeee! Free Free! ButterButterFree! (You go on back, we'll find that girl)" Free-Free replied.

"Leaf, Leafeon, feon! (Yes, you go, go!)" Grace agreed, and started running again. Free-Free followed, leaving Freequa in search for it's trainer. She soon found Bliss being attacked by a hoard of Tangela.

"Freequa, use swift on all the Tangela, then use the same attack to free me!" Bliss commanded. Freequa did the said attack, after letting out a loud battle cry.

"Tangelaaaaaa!" They all cried out, as they were being hit by the yellow stars. The attacks continued on and on, before they were all gone. The Tangela that was holding Bliss down in the first place had let go, running away to save itself. She pushed herself up.

"Great job, Freequa!" She congratulated her Pokemon, doing a thumbs up. Freequa chuckled, and then started running where they had originally headed. However, that was soon to be thwarted.

"Taaangrowth!" A voice boomed. Freequa stopped in her tracks, Bliss frozen.

"Oh no, Tangela's evolution!" She cried, taking a step back. The Tangrowth quickly shot a vinewhip towards Bliss, and wrapped her up.

"Typhlosion!" Freequa shouted, her flames started up, ready for another battle.

"No! Flamethrower's too risky, whether this is a desperate situation or not!" Bliss informed, quickly thinking of a different plan


"Go get Grace and Free-Free, and quickly! I'll manage, but go now!"

"Typhlosiooon!" Freequa was a little reluctant, however quick to go off in search of her Pokemon friends.

They were not too far away.


Since Grace and Free-Free parted with their fire Pokemon friend, they were headed quickly towards Damion and Victoria.

They found them, Damion was helping Victoria.

"Freeeeee!" Free-Free called, wondering what was going on.
OOC: Uh, Bliss, I'm sorry to say, but you've got the events mixed up quite a bit. I think it'd be a good idea if you read through all of the others' posts instead of just skimming them :P No harm done, but it's pretty clear what happened.

You can wrap up the whole rescue scene in the next few posts. Thanks!
Batting away the mysterious hand on her shoulder, Victoria wheeled to face the unknown voice. The man, slightly older than her, had appeared from nowhere. The light not betraying much of his appearance. Was he on the boat? Is he another survivor? What if he actually lives here! Maybe this place is inhabited after all. Numerous thoughts, and unanswered questions began to race through Victoria's head.

Kelsey's prone body lay at their feet. The man suspiciously aware of her condition. Victoria looked down at Kelsey once again, the body of her Cyndaquil resting just a small distance away. She returned her gaze to the man in front of her, suspicion and fear rising in her chest. What exactly had happened to Kelsey anyway? Two and two began to add up.

Taking two steps back, Victoria kept her eyes firmly locked on the man. She crouched on her knees and reached out with her left hand, trying to find something, anything that could be used as a weapon. Her hand felt something smooth and solid, she wrapped her hand around it and returned to an erect position, a medium weight rock in hand.

Glaring at him and raising her arm in warning, shouted, "What the hell did you do to her?" Completely ignorant to the bleating of a nearby Butterfree.

OOC: Sorry SyNiKaLiTy, if a guy comes out of the woods with a girl unconscious on the ground, everyone would react suspiciously. :P Don't worry Abi, we'll wrap up the rescue soon.
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(OOC: No problem! :P I understand hehe.)

Damion seemed more perturbed at the girl raising a rock in attack to him. He glared at the girl for a second and then directed his attention to the one on the ground and checking her vitals. "Ignorant girl! You have no idea what happened and you think I'M the bad guy." he thought to himself.

"Go ahead and attack if you want, but I have to warn you, if you do you will probably get hurt." He said as he finished making sure the girl on the ground was still okay, not even looking at the other girl. His wounds were now a bit more visible as trails of blood had seeped down his arms, leg and one side of his face. Some of the feint streams were from wounds that had reopened from Damion overexerting himself so quickly. Damion staggered to his feet, leaning heavy to one side that seemed weaker from the wreck.

"This girl is alright, she just needs her rest." Returning a stern look to the girl who seemed to have slightly lowered the rock in her hand. "She and her Pokémon were attacked by a wild Pikachu. Her Cyndaquil selflessly took the first Thunderbolt. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get here fast enough to prevent her from taking the second." He said with a somber tone in his voice looking in the direction of the Cyndaquil. "If you want to help you could tend to her Pokémon." As he pointed to the area where the Cyndaquil was, he started collecting the girl, picked her up and gently put her over his shoulder.
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Ignoring the man's poorly veiled threat, Victoria circled him as he lifted Kelsey off the ground. She stopped and looked down at the poor defenseless Cyndaquil. The poor little guy looked so weak and exposed. "What proof of this Pikachu do you have? Other than your word of course? Which, no offense, doesn't mean a whole lot to me." Victoria barked snidely.

A quick survey of her surroundings brought home the realization of his initial statement. Even though he had made the threat, it wasn't any less true. An attack on him out here, all alone, probably wouldn't end in her favor. Even if she had the element of surprise, he surely had the advantage. A sigh escaped her lips. She released the rock, and resigned herself to the circumstances.

Scooping down to pick up the poor creature, and cradling it in her arms like a new born; Victoria gently stroked it's extended proboscis. She refocused her attention on getting back out of the forest, and ultimately, shelter. On a tropical place like this, the weather was always unpredictable. She had no desire to further compound her misery by an unexpected climate shift out here in the elements.

"You know what, don't answer that. Just start walking towards the beach, we have a shelter there." The attitude in her voice, reflecting the displeasure of being stuck alone with this stranger. "Walk in front of me on the way back too."

Another nagging thought ran through her head. Where is Bliss? Deciding that she was probably ok, and not wanting to leave Kelsey alone with the man; Victoria decided it best for the thought to be pushed aside for right now.

OOC: Sorry to break the posting order. Hope I haven't committed the unforgivable sin. :)
PS: If you want minor control of my character SyN, please feel free to do so. That way we can get underway back to the beach.
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Claire*: It's fine! (I feel as if though I should make an OOC discussion thread in the lounge for how much we post out of character...) I just expect SyNiKaLiTy to be next to post, and I would eventually post after him, although I don't HAVE to be directly after him.

Anyways, how is the idea of an OOC thread? I think we could use one, quite honestly.

As for SyN... I'll post details on what I expect his next post to consist of via VM.
OOC:On a quick break between jobs. My post will come later tonight around 9-930 EST. Just letting you all know! :]

As Damion Started for the beach through the underbrush he noticed the girl who had attempted to attack him was dragging behind.

"You might want to keep up, we don't need a repeat of what already happened." He said turning back to the girl. Seeing her looking more at the Cyndaquil in her arms than at where she's going. "And looking at the ground will probably help you avoid tripping over branches in the dark, like the one you're about to trip on now." He watched as she realized what she was about to do and catch herself. Damion simply smirked and chuckled to himself, and then turned and continued on the way to the beach.

As he cleared the edge of the forest, he continued onto the beach. When he got closer to the shore he fell to one knee as his leg gave out. He tried to make it look like it was on purpose as he gently set the girl down on the cool beach sand.

"I think you just need some more rest." Damion said quietly as if to himself and the girl. After he did he simply smiled at her, and then winced slightly from his previous injuries, now becoming more prevalent.
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Hey guys, Claire* confirmed that the OOC Stranded thread would be a good idea, so I'm going to make one. I'm going to edit a post in here shortly (mostly where Kelsey just drifts in and out) but I just wanted to announce that.

EDIT: All right, I submitted the thread. It has to be approved by a mod, but I'll link it when it's published.

As for the fanfic, by the way, it's late at night. The characters should find some sort of way to go to bed. Some character control will probably be needed if not all the characters post about going to sleep. Crushgaunt's character will wake up tomorrow.


Kelsey felt groggy. She was hardly aware of her surroundings. It was like she was in a different, faraway world, one where she wasn't on a jungle island cut off from the rest of society, one where she was at peace.

"Where am I... am I dead?" She couldn't speak out loud. All of her thoughts were in her head. "Is this the afterlife? What happened? Did I die?" She tried opening her eyes, but they were too heavy. "What... what happened?" The thought kept repeating like a broken record, getting more urgent every time. "What happened? What happened? What happened? Where am I? What happened to me? What the hell happened? What happened? Seriously, what the f*** happened?"

She slowly opened her eyes, seeing Coal. Open seeing her Pokemon partner, the entire situation hit her at once, that she was still presumably alive, and on the same island she was on before. Coal himself was still knocked out, but breathing, which was a good sign and caused her to smile weakly out of relief. Her eyes quickly shut again, because it was too much effort to keep them open right now, but it was major for her that Coal survived.

"It's a shame I'm still on this island... I hate it here... it's scary! But... if nothing else... I'm glad Coal lived. I don't know what I'd do without it." Just the thought of losing her amazing little Cyndaquil made Kelsey incredibly sad. "He means so much to me..."

Her thoughts slowly entered in the world of dreams. It was a pleasant dream. She was in some sort of 5 star hotel. Coal and all of the other people on the island were there, even the unconscious boy. They were laughing, having a good time, and relaxing. It would come as a devastating realization to Kelsey whenever she woke up that this dream wasn't real, but it would be nice while it lasted nonetheless.
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After he set down the girl, he saw her fidget and then go back to sleep. Exhausted from the day and its events he laid on the cool sand for a couple minutes looking up at the stars. Before he knew it, he had passed out from exhaustion. Not knowing if it was just a bad dream or if he would wake in the morning again into the nightmare.
Vincent Phoenix​

As Vincent had put the final touches on the shelter, it had gotten relatively dark. He folded his arms across his chest and let out a huff, admiring his handywork. One tree had been tipped over and rested in between the two trunks of a Y shaped tree. Giant leaves were let down the sides of the trunk to create the 'walls' of the shelter, and more leaves were laying on the ground inside, to prevent people from having to lie on the sand and ground.

"Good job, Ace. I'll call you back later, when we find some food." "Dabra." Ace nodded and Vincent recalled him into his pokéball, bouncing it in his hand before placing it on his belt again. He glanced to his right and saw… some guy stumble out of the forest, carrying Kelsey. He quirked a brow somewhat the appearance of the guy, but breathed out quietly as Victoria followed and Bliss stumbled along afterwards.

"Hey! Over here, the shelter's done!" He raised an arm and gave a wave. Victoria blinked and looked towards him, as did Bliss. With a concerned little look at Kelsey and the guy, who seemed to have… begun sleeping in the middle of the beach, Vincent shook his head and let out a huff before entering the shelter and sitting down in a corner of it. It was a bit less chilly in here, thanks to the leaves and whatnot, but it wasn't all that good a shelter. "Damn idiots thinking this is some kind of vacation or romantic story… mrph. I hope they'll stop acting like that when they realize we're gonna be here a –long- time."

After making sure that Victoria and Bliss had gotten into the shelter, Vincent lay down and rolled onto his side, sighing quietly as he shut his eyes, curling a little up to shield himself from the faint cold still present despite the 'walls' of the shelter, slowly drifting off into a light sleep.
Victoria had noticed the mysterious boy and Kelsey collapsing in exhaustion. Any semblance of an idea of what to do, quickly escaped her head. There was no hope for her to move both of their bodies over to the shelter that Vincent was now calling her over to.

The shelter was certainly impressive, all things considered. Victoria made a mental note to praise Vincent's craftsmanship. She settled in a corner opposite of Vincent and recalled Bubba, who was still plodding along at his merry pace. The previous event's of the day, not seeming to bother him in the least. "You'll be warmer in there little guy." I promise," she said affectionately to his Pokeball as it was being fastened to her hip.

Looking out of the hut, Victoria could still see where Kelsey and the man were rested. Completely exposed to the elements, and unsheltered from any wild Pokemon that might get curious. Trying to get Vincent's attention, she cleared her throat and whispered for him. "Vincent...Vincent...are you awake?" No response came. "Hey, maybe we should use your Kadabra to lift them into the shelter?" Peering through the darkness, it was evident that Vincent was already asleep. "Uh, never mind," she said exasperatedly.

Kelsey's Cyndaquil was still tucked under her right arm, the faint warmth of his body was amazingly comforting. Using her left, she reached up to her hair and pulled out the goggles of her father's. The goggles being integral to the structure of her hair, once removed it fell down into it's natural position, draping over her shoulders, releasing sand as it fell. The hair now slightly frizzy, and unruly in the tropical humidity.

The damp sand and sweat that still stuck to her body, made for poor insulation on her skin. Although the hut was lined with leaves on the ground, the effect was still freezing. A shiver ran through her to the bone, the temperature continuing to drop in contrast to the comfortable daytime conditions. The tank top that served as a blessing during the day, now doubled as a curse at night. Victoria snuggled with the little Cyndaquil as best she could, trying hard not to hurt him as she curled into a partial fetal position.

The exposed skin of her body turning to goosebumps. She looked out at the entrance of the hut. The sky was remarkably clear, unlike anything she had ever seen. The heavens truly profound and expansive, every star seemed to be in reach. Her nightly ritual of counting them began anew. "One, two, three, four, five..." Exhaustion overcame her, drifting off into the escape of her dreams. It was the first time she never made it past five.
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Kelsey opened her weary eyes. It suddenly hit her: that truly perfect dream she had was not a reality. She felt crushed at this depressing realization. It brought tears to her eyes, just for a second.

"Come on, Kelsey! Don't cry now!" She took a deep breath, stretching her limbs, which felt surprisingly good. She then exhaled. "What happened earlier?" She pondered the thought for a brief period of time. "Oh... oh... my... that Pikachu! It hit both me and Coal with a thunderbolt! Holy crap!" Her eyes widened. "Coal! Where is he?" Kelsey briefly remembered seeing his tiny body. She hardly remembered the details, but as long as it wasn't a dream and nothing too horrible happened, her Pokemon friend was at least alive.

She sprung up. Normally, she wouldn't be so quick to stand up after being out a few moments prior, but Coal meant the world to her. She scanned while jogging around. Then, she saw Coal. He was in Victoria's arms, both of them fast asleep. She ran away, grumbling to herself.

"What the hell? Why is she holding him like that?" Kelsey's mumbles sounded particularly angry. She was protective of Coal, perhaps a bit too much, because she was too anxious around other people to make too many friends throughout her life. That Cyndaquil was the only thing that stuck by her side, through thick and thin since the young age of 7. She's spent an entire decade with him, and she was not about to live with the fact that Victoria could be hurting him. After she was far enough from the others so that she wouldn't wake them up, since she wouldn't want to be woken up if she was any of them, she started talking to herself a bit louder.

"That b****! What the hell does she think she's doing to my poor little Coal!" Her jaw was clenched shut as she uttered that last sentence. Her fists tightened. She collapsed onto the sand. "What the-" She lost her breath. Rational thoughts crept into her head, but due to her pessimism, she pushed them out for a little while, making a slight growling sound. Then, she caught her breath.

"Wait... that Victoria girl didn't seem like the sort of person who would hurt an innocent little Pokemon. I guess I could be wrong, but it didn't look like the way she was holding him was in a rough way or anything. If anything, they looked like they were cuddling.

She slowly made her way back to check out the scene. Kelsey tiptoed up to Victoria and Coal, and looked a little closer. Upon being a bit more calm, she saw that the girl did not have her Pokemon on a choke hold or anything similar. The two were cuddling. It was actually kind of sweet.

"But why? I mean, Coal likes to be kept company, but it's not like Victoria knew that..." Then, she took a closer look. She was partially curled up, holding Coal close to her chest. "On second thought... maybe she's cold. Coal is a good cuddle buddy, with his warm body. The poor girl is only wearing a tank top, maybe she just needed warmth."

Then, Kelsey's sweet and caring side came out. She unzipped the striped hoodie, and gently placed it over the two. A chill was sent down her spine, almost making her want to take back what she did, but she decided against it. It was nice to think that Victoria would no longer seem so cold. Although the first impression she got of her was negative, after the more recent chat, she seemed nice enough to deserve it.

She saw that the boy named Vincent had finished up his shelter. It was impressive, given the circumstances of being on a deserted island. She went inside it, noting that there were leaves making up the floor. She laid down, shivering, but smiling at the thought that her hoodie went to good use. It was a long day, so slowly but surely, Kelsey drifted off into a fairly peaceful sleep.
(OOC: Got sick of waiting, so continuing on! :])

Damion gradually awoke from his earlier passing out to see the sun just barely peaking itself above the horizon. As he stretched out his weary body more recharged from the power sleep he just had, he saw a beautiful sunrise about to happen. Despite the dreary conditions of being marooned against his will on an island when he was supposed to be enjoying a nice cruise to clear his head, he did find some positive in the situation.

"Mmmm, and I was having a wonderful dream too..." Damion said as he wiped some more sand from his body, then brushed his hair back. As he collected himself he thought about some of the female trainers he just starting to become good 'friends' with before he left. "Maybe I'll go back and see Sabrina, or Jasmine, Or even Whitney, that is if i ever get off this island..."

After he got up, he noticed some of the dried blood still on his body. Though his wounds closed up, he decided taking a refreshing dip would aid in both relaxation and cleanliness. He looked around at all the other people who were still asleep from the looks of it.

"Better get this over before they wake up, don't want some of the girls waking up to see me naked." He said joking to himself. As he got undressed, the cool morning air hit his skin and formed goosebumps. He quickly ran down the beach and jumped into the ocean. Surprisingly for how cool the air was, the water was rather warm. After swimming around for a few, and wiping his body off, he headed back to shore to dry off and get dressed.

As he walked to where his bag was, he started ringing out his long silver blond hair. After a quick shake he grabbed a towel from his bag, dried off and then started getting dressed. "Might as well dress tropical." he thought to himself. He decided to leave his shirt off, somewhat showing off his muscular tan physique, and just wear shorts. After tightening his belt, he grabbed his bandanna and tied it over his damp hair.

"I wonder if anyone else has woken up yet." He said to himself, looking over towards the lean-to hut where the others were sleeping.
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As he came closer to full wakefulness Devin realized could feel was a warm pressure on his chest and rhythmic vibration buzzing through his back slowly replacing the dull cold that he had been vaguely aware of. Taking the first waking breath of a new day, Devin's eyes fluttered open as he realized he was lying on his side on a beach with his growlithe curled into a ball pressing itself against his chest and that the vibrations from behind him had been Frix's purring combined with the weak electrical current it was passing into his body.

Taking his second breath, this time noticing the tightness in his chest, Devin forced himself to his knees into a kneeling position and tried again to take stock of his situation. His movements had aroused Prowler and Frix from their light slumber; Prowler scratched himself in a decidedly doglike manor while the luxio stretched in a very feline way. He briefly wondered where his little vaporeon had gotten to but quickly reasoned that left unattended it was likely hunting in the shallows, completely invisible to the human eye, and would return at its own leisure.

Belatedly Devin realized a few things: The first being that the sun was just rising over the ocean, which even in his muddled state he knew meant that he had been unconscious for a substantial amount of time. The second was that approximately one hundred yards away, where the beach met the jungle, a makeshift structure had been recently erected. The final thing of note was that there appeared to be a person getting dressed near the surf.

Well, I might as well figure out what's going on, he though. He stood and started to slowly make his way to this interesting figure, his footsteps oddly muffled in this early hour. "Hey!" he tried to shout but immediately knew the odds that he was heard were slim, with his voice still little more than a rasp and the figure so close to the crash of waves. He sighed and shuffled on, Prowler and Frix padding behind.