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Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

(Note: I do still ask Vato for approval on Eli catching her own Pokémon. I trust myself as little as I trust the rest of ya. xD)

Eli - Petalburg Woods
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Eli left much earlier than Isla and Geoff did, and ran off to get some training in for everyone — herself included. During her meditation out on Route 104, Vex took out a Zigzagoon without much trouble, and Albion beat down a pair of them for himself, but they ended up chasing down a Taillow into Petalburg Woods when Eli failed a capture attempt.

"You know, if you actually listened to me we probably would have caught it on at least the second try, Derpy." The Psyduck was following behind an annoying Skitty and the Vulpix at Eli's side trying to tune them out. Between the "Duck" and "Miau!", it was difficult to tell which Pokemon was making Vex more agitated. When they caught up to the Taillow it was lost in a flock of them that were just flying away, and Eli kicked something in her mad dash to reach the bird.

It was a Wurmple... with a lot of Sewaddle, Wurmple, Caterpie and Weedle friends. They all started to scurry around and use String Shot, encasing most of Derpy in a web cocoon. Now, while that was undeniably funny and it shut him up, Eli sent the duck back to his Pokeball and had Vex start burning the bugs — needless to say that Fire Spin did wonderfully with Albion's Scratch following up, but it only attracted more bugs, including an angry Whirlipede whose home was burned to the ground. It screamed while it attacked Eli her Pokemon, "WHIRL WHIRL WHIRL WHIRL..." but everyone could tell it was all expletives.

In all the commotion and chaos, Whirlipede woke even more pissy Pokemon, including a Scyther with a schnasty attitude. "Whiiiiiiirl...!" the wheel-bug yelled when a Vacuum Wave sent it flying, and as the Scyther turned to Eli the hunter had quickly become the hunted.​

Eli - Battling an Angry Scyther

With Albion practically crapping himself and Vex slowly losing steam, they didn't have much of a chance against the Scyther, who was at full strength. Derpy released himself from his Pokeball when Scyther whacked Albion into a shrub, repeating his clueless "Duck!" in an attempt to cheer the Skitty up.

"SHUT UP DERPY!" the cat and fox both yelled, prompting the poor Psyduck to dejectedly seat himself at Eli's feet, clutching his head and almost... crying? (Can't help but feel bad for the little guy by now.)

Vex fought with Scyther over Quick Attacks and the latter's Vacuum Wave before she shielded herself with Fire Spin. Then Scyther went for Albion again.

Sing did nothing; Scyther's speed and scythes literally cut through the noise. He was too scared to use Baton Pass, and Fake Out failed. They were both guys, so Attract inevitably failed. It was just a slashing war now, and Albion was losing. Derpy was watching, and he didn't laugh at his bullies' plight. He wanted to help. Taking a stronger grip of his skull, Derpy dug his claws into the skin. A blue orb took shape in front of his beak, and with a strained "Psy...duuuuuuck!" it released a speeding beam of freezing death right into Scyther's face, who was almost too busy smacking Albion about to notice.... Almost.

What was left was Albion lying injured in front of a block of ice. Inside it was the Scyther, unable to move, but staring in Derpy's direction. Derpy himself went back to being... well, Derpy, and decided to return to his Pokeball, unsure of why he was even outside. Vex's jaw was dropped lower than a Diglett, and she fell over to be recalled to her own Pokeball. Albion had to be recalled to his, too, as he (for once) couldn't find the energy to climb on Eli's head again. Eli looked at the Scyther for a short time before deciding with a smile, "Let's take him with us."

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Level 12
- Vacuum Wave
- Quick Attack
- Pursuit
- Counter​
Emma VanBoven
(Route 101)
Emma and Roller walk to Route 101. "Alright," says Emma,"this next step brings us to the beginning to our journey. Are you ready to start?"
"Phan! Phan!" says Roller.
"Then let's do it!" Emma says as she walks past the sign. "So, what do you wanna do now, Roller? Battle, eat, sleep? I'm at a loss as for what to do."
"Phan, phan phanpy phan. Phan?" says Roller, pointing to the grass in front of them.
"So, you wanna train?" asks Emma,"Then let's train!" The two walk into the grass, only to be attacked by a Poochyena. "A Poochyena? Alright then. Roller, use Mud Slap!" Roller throws some mud at the opponent, and misses. The Poochyena then attacks with Bite, and hits the poor guy. "Oh no! Roller, in retaliation, use Rock Slide!" Phanpy throws rocks at the Poochyena, and it lands the blow. The Poochyena then tries to Tackle Roller, and pins the Phanpy down. On instinct, Roller Mud Slaps the Poochyena and causes it to faint. "Good job Roller! You were awesome out there. Now then, let's push on to Odale," says Emma. They then continue on their way to Odale Town.
As Jupiter chucked a pokeball at the smoking Seedot, the acorn pokemon, with double the power of every previous Bite and Incinerates, slammed onto Scorcher. A dust cloud swirled up.. Someone cried in pain.. And nothing could be seen for 6-7 seconds. . . . .

Finally Jupiter could open his eyes, and found out the fainted Poochyena and a shaking pokeball that clicked immediately. The Seedot was FINALLY captured.

"OH NO, Scorcher! You battled so well.. Here, have some rest.", the Poochyena was called back to his pokeball, "You'll be fine soon.. Lets run Aquaseas.."

The boy and his Mudkip darted towards Oldale Town, battling a Poochyena on the way. They were almost on the verge of entering Oldale when. . . .

A short, stubby boy blocked their way. With utmost difficulty, Jupe could brace himself and prevented the fated collision.

"Hi there.. I just caught a bunch of pokemon.", an impish grin spread on the boy's face.

"Congratulations! Now if you.. I'm in a hurry.", Jupiter tried skidding away but the boy blocked him.

"NO RUNNING AWAY from Barry, whenever trainers meet, they should battle!", the boy retorted.

"And how did you assume me for a trainer?"

Barry pointed at Aquaseas.

"Ok.. But make it quick, my friends need some medication!"

Barry let out a Lotad. It was, like Barry, stubby and short. With two Sludge attacks and a tackle, Aquaseas had no problem taking care of the slow pokemon.

"It doesn't end here. Go Wurmple!"

The bug pokemon looked like freshly caught, still not used to its trainer. Reluctantly it tried attacking Aquaseas but the latter slammed it so hard that it flew to Barry's face.

"AAAGGGH! Get off me!" Barry had one hell of a moment while Jupiter and Aquaseas laughed their heads off. Finally the Wurmple fainted from another tackle.

"You beat everything, but not Drew!", Barry let out his final pokemon.

As soon as the pokemon materialised, a flame ball was fired away at Aquaseas. Without giving anytime to recover the Vulpix tackled, but the Mudkip was able to dodge him.

"Tackle him Aquaseas!", the fox pokemon was swiped off its feet.

"Now Sludge!", Vulpix saved itself by using fire spin.

"Ok.. Sludge again!"

But this time something different happened. Aquaseas concentrated a moment and a blue orb was flung from his mouth at the Vulpix.

"YEAH, thats it. Use Water Gun and end it for good." Another blast and the Vulpix lay, defeated. Barry walked towards Jupe..

"I.. I underestimated you. You are one, talented trainer."

"It was only possible because of Aquaseas, I had a really little part in it. You too were great, try raising your pokemon better and you would do great."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. We would meet again!"

"Certainly!", as Jupiter raced towards Oldale with Aquaseas in his arms.
Emma VanBoven
(Route 101)
Emma continues to Oldale Town, he Phanpy at her side. She hears a rustling in the grass, and a crazy Sentret hops out and tackles Roller. "Oh my! A Sentret! It's so cute! I'm, gonna try to catch it, but first I've got to weaken it, so use tackle without letting up Roller." said Emma. Roller was already damaged from the previous battle, so being attacked by the Sentret was a real shocker. Although this may be true, he did not let up with his tackling, but was attacked by the Sentret again. He seemed to be extremely damaged, and Emma then said, "Come back Roller! Good job!" She calls back her Phanpy, and then says to her Pokeball,"You had better keep the Sentret in you Pokeball! GO!" she throws the pokeball, and watches it roll around in the grass a bit.
Emma - Attempt at Catching a Sentret

Even after being Tackled silly, Sentret had no problems getting back out of the Pokéball. However, though Roller was weak, the Sentret was weaker... but that's what the power of friendship is for! Another Sentret came flying in as the first broke out its cage, and they smacked the Pokéball right back at Emma!

Double Battle Incoming!
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
Emma VanBoven
(Route 101)
"Holy fudge! This sucks! Two Sentrets? This is just.... Grrr! Roller, just focus on the stronger one, I have a plan. Tackle it till the day it bows down to you!" Emma yells in total fury. She is so mad she might as well just explode on the spot. Meanwhile, Roller has his own problems. He is being beaten senseless by the other Sentret. Weak and totally helpless, Roller is on his knees, pleading for his life, and the stronger Sentret is ready to deliver his final blow, and... BAM! Roller hits the guy with a series of Mud Slaps, slapping his face left and right. Emma then says, "Okay, I've got this. Good job Roller! Return!" She calls back Roller, and takes out two pokeballs. "I will not let either of you escape me, after potentially destroying my partner. Go pokeballs!" she says as she throws both of the pokeballs in her hands at the twosome. She waits in suspense for what will happen next.
Emma - Attempt at Catching Two Sentrets!

Everyone knows you can't catch a Pokémon in a double battle! The pair of Sentrets smacked away each other's Pokéballs before even getting caught inside, laughing at the wasteful Emma and pained Roller before scampering off into the distance with a pack of Sentret that was waiting for them to finish up.

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]
Last edited:
(Torn, I feel like ripping your face off. But, I won't, because then I'll never catch a Sentret. Just kidding!)
Emma VanBoven
(Route 101-Oldale Town-Route 101 again)
Emma is very discouraged by the failed attempt at catching a pokemon that she begins to cry. She cries all the way to Oldale Town, and enters the Pokemon Center, still crying. She hands her pokemon to the Nurse and is asked by the Nurse, "Why are you so down?"
Emma replies, "I failed at catching a Sentret 3 times, and they both rubbed it in my face."
Then the Nurse says, "You know, I've heard the Sentret here love Pecha Berries, maybe enough to fall into a trap for one."
An idea suddenly materializes in Emma's head. "Thanks Nurse! I've got a plan to catch one of the little guys..." says Emma mischviously. She takes Roller from the Nurse and dashes to the nearest pokemart. She buys a Pecha berry, an Escape Rope, and a wooden peg. She then walks to Route 101. She sets up the peg and ties the rope around it, and has Roller hide behind a bush. She then hides behind another bush herself with the other side of the rope. She puts the berry in the center of the rope and waits. A Sentret come along not too long later, and eyes the berry. It's mouth waters, and it dashe for it. Emma then pulls the rope and trips the Sentret. The Sentret falls to the ground. Emma calls out, "Go Roller! Mud Slap him untill it is impossible for him to hit you! Then I'll come in with my pokeball!" Roller charges the Sentret, and pins him to the ground. He uses Mud Slap so many times the Sentret could not retalliate. The Sentret, weak and damaged, lays there, hurt. Emma throws the pokeball at the Sentret, crossing her fingers and her toes that it'll stay in the pokeball this time.
Naren Warren

The next day Naren set off toward Petalburg City. This took an extra hour due to Zeus and Hermes bickering on her bedsheets while she was in the shower. By bickering, she of course met biting at each other's throats. They were honestly quite troublesome, but all the same, she wasn't sure how well saying that would go. So in the end, Naren decided firmly to return Hermes to his ball and almost did the same to Zeus. However, she didn't want to be completely defenseless out here. Besides... he didn't seem to like the ball much.

Zeus trotted along ahead of her, sniffing patiently at the air. This weird sound kept moving around in his hearing... not even leaving a smell. It was rather obnoxious and rude. If you would like to fight then fight. Do not dance around like a coward. He stopped to look at Naren, noticing her having stopped to look at a berry tree. There weren't many Berry trees in Johto. People mostly grew Apricorns there. It was rather sad actually.

I wish I had a pouch, she thought wistfully, walking away from the plants to continue on the journey ahead. Zeus shook his head and plodded after her. Humans, he decided, were flipping insane. He reached her quickly and climbed up her shoulder, sitting on a careful perch of Naren's collarbone. The girl reached to scratch one of his ears and looked around nervously. Her eyes had been playing tricks on her all day. "H-Hey Zeus... you been hearin' any funny noises?" She had been catching sight of this odd aura flickering around... it was quite unnerving.

Zeus blinked. Well color him impressed. Maybe she had some hope after all. She stopped for a moment as a small creature teleported, green helmet hiding pink eyes. It looked at them with a little grin on its face and paused, prepared to disappear again. However, Zeus didn't let that happen, smacking into the creature with a growl. "Teach you to mess with my head." Electricity burst around his tiny, yellow body, making the creature screech and vanish. Zeus cursed as only a Pokemon could.

Naren looked around, seeing the faintest violet aura appear behind a tree. "Z-Zeus," she called nervously, but the Pokemon paid her no heed, padding towards a different scent that was profoundly distracting. "Zeus wait!" He turned to look at her, only to be smacked by a pink blast of energy. Behind the tree was the sound of a snicker and Zeus fired again. He missed and was smacked back, this time into a tree.

"This is the second time this has happened to me..." He groaned as Naren returned him, almost panicky as the creature appeared and disappeared to land in front of her. She would have kept him out... but if he had a concussion she didn't know what she would do. She released Hermes, who glowered at her.

He huffed, shaking his spiky fur with annoyance. "Feel like letting me out now huh?" Before Naren could answer the Zigzagoon was bowled over by a flying tackle. At last Naren was able to get a full glimpse of the creature, what looked like a child with green hair. A Ralts… which, now that she looked at it, had a very odd aura. It kept changing color. Maybe that was a trait of Psychic Pokemon. She didn't know. It snickered at her and Naren flushed with shame. The creature prepared to move but Hermes was for once a bit faster, Headbutting the Ralts right in the face. It tottered and Hermes just stared. Were Ralts really that shoddy?

It scowled now and spun a blast of energy at her Pokemon, who was spun head over heels. He scrambled up and bit into the Ralts by reflex causing a frantic squeal. Naren panicked a little, not sure if she could pull out a Pokeball or not in this situation.

"Looks like you aren't too good at this huh?" A blonde observed this, popping a bubble of Dittent brand chewing gum. He smiled at her through another one, looking almost mischievous. "Would you like some help?"
Marcus eyed the red and white sphere that he held firmly in his hands with a mixture of joy and agitation. The metal felt cool to the touch and almost screamed for the button in the center to be pressed and to release the Pokemon so the two could have a proper greeting before leaving Littleroot. However, Marcus was worried of what the Pokemon might think of him. Would it think negatively of me?

That thought kept repeating in his mind as he leaned against one of the trees at the edge of the town, his eyes traveling from the ball to the largest building inside the small town -- the lab -- as he replayed the memory in his mind, trying to wrap his mind around having actually recieved a starter Pokemon.

"What a small town," Marcus stated to himself, "Only a few houses and Birch's lab." He knew it was small because by the time the words had left his mouth he found himself at the lab's entrance, its steel doors almost too intimidating to even dare open. Almost.

"Hello," A well built man had greeted, his appearance a mixture between well groomed and unkempt as his white lab coat almost seemed out of place over his casual clothes. "Are you one of the many kids that I am to give a Pokemon too?" The question had been so direct, yet it was said in a warm way that Marcus had believed uncapable of being associated with such a question. Marcus had only nodded and shared his name before the man had disappeared, reappearing a minute later with a handful of items.

"What are you holding?"

"Every beginning trainer's tools of the trade." He answered, quickly grabbing a pokeball from the jumbled mess of items and gesturing for Marcus to take it. "That is your Spheal, your very first Pokemon!" He beamed.

Marcus couldn't explain the feeling of holding the device for the first time, it was as if it felt foriegn to him, yet right at the same time. All he could do was say, "Thanks," and let Birch continue with what he wanted to say.

"Here are five more pokeballs, each of them empty of course, and a Pokedex which you'll soon reailze to be your best tool once you start your journey!" Once the words had left his mouth, the handful of items had been shifted to Marcus leaving him stunned as he struggled to pocket the five empty pokeballs and the red rectangular device without dropping any of it.

After that, Marcus had left and found himself where he currently rested. His mind beginning to realize that he was going to have to face his Pokemon sooner or later, and it was always better to do it sooner. He didn't want to be in desperate need of his Pokemon's assistance and still be a stranger to it. Taking a deep breath, whether to relieve his nervousness or to dispell doubt as he stood up, he slowly inched his finger towards the release button. His index danced around it, almost to the point that he was beginning to think he had been missing it the whole time. Until he heard the definite click as the Pokemon was released in a white flash that had blinded his untrained eyes.

Once vision returned to him he could make out the small circular form of a blue Pokemon, its round body matching the black beady eyes that looked at him with curiosity. Marcus was sure that if it had a neck to do so, it would be turned to the side as if he were a dog observing its master in worry. "Uh... hi," Marcus stated weakly, unsure of how to actually become fast friends with a creature he was supposed to make fight all his battles for him. The creature, however, lit up at his words, as if they were what it had been waiting for. The sight of its round body opening to a wide smile pleased him, easing his worries to the point that they almost didn't exist. "Well aren't you an easily excitable one."

"Spheal," The creature stated in response, its voice jubilant.

"Well that's a good sign. Say, can you keep up? I would like to make it to an area even remotely around where everyone else would be at this point. I don't want to be last." Marcus reasoned, more to himself than to the Pokemon which only nodded as it rolled into the route, eager to begin. Something which Marcus had to admit an agreement to. The two had strolled upon the route peacefully, Marcus enjoying the silence and tranquility while his Spheal just enjoyed the luxury of being out of its containment as it rolled circles around his feet. Marcus had been running a hand through his unkempt black hair when something had suddenly whipped past his head, missing him by a mere inch as his green eyes had only caught a brown and white blur.

"Spheal!" Marcus exclaimed, slightly worried that his Pokemon would be hit by the fast moving opponent. The creature rolled to his front as it looked around, intending to protect his trainer and make a good first impression of his battling skills. "Use... uh ****." Marcus breathed, realizing that he hadn't familiarized himself with any of Spheal's attacks. Quickly rummaging through his pocket he had quickly produced his Pokedex and was busy trying to figure out how to work it when it had suddenly spoke in an electronic voice.

"Pidgey, it is a docile creature, perferring to avoid conflict, however, if disturbed, it can ferociously strike back."

"Okay, that solves the what, but not the where," Marcus stated as he glanced around, trying his best to find his attacker. Successful in spotting the creature watching him from a branch in a tree that stood proudly before him, he knew he was in trouble if he didn't act quick. The creature's brown and white feathers looked neatly groomed, its eyes narrowed as it small but agile wings had readied for another flight. As well as another attack. Luckily, at the same moment the pidgey took off from the tree, Marcus had stumbled upon the page for his Pokemon's move set and called out the first one that struck him as capable of dealing damage.

"Powder Snow!" Marcus yelled, his choice proving to be good as his Spheal opened its mouth and released what could only be described as a small, controlled snow storm that had hit Pidgey, causing it to veer out of the attacks way, its body shaking for a second or two to knock off the snow before it dove at Spheal, its position putting Spheal at a disadvantage as it couldn't do anything to prevent the attack. Marcus left with no option but to grit his teeth as his Pokemon rolled on the ground from being struck by the attack, finally stopping with a dazed expression on its face.

"Spheal are you alright?" Marcus asked, relieved to recieve a small nod. "Good, lets use... uh, Water Gun!" The Pidgey had been coming in for another attack once the command had been issued, but thankfully Spheal had been able to land the jet of water it spit at the bird Pokemon. The force of the attack sending it into a tree, which Marcus had hoped would defeat it, but it only seemed to make it madder as it struggled to its feet.

"This thing must either hate us, or just wants to win really badly." Marcus commented, earning a small squeak that he took to be Spheal in agreement. "Well whate- what the hell was that?" Marcus questioned aloud after witnessing the Pdigey become surrounded in white light as it tackled Spheal, causing it once again to roll around on the ground. What had caught his eye, however, was the speed of the attack. "Must know quick attack." Marcus reasoned, his mind trying to think a way out of it, but his heart kept giving him attacks to issue.

"Powder Snow once more!" Marcus exclaimed, deciding to listen to his heart as it had come up with an idea first. The Spheal had stopped rolling upon the ground, to fire a bit of snow at its target, only to miss and roll upon the ground to position itself for the next attack. However, after a few minutes he knew Spheal was getting tired, and with not a single attack landing he needed to think of a plan. Pidgey, however, already had as it flapped its wings close to the ground, causing snad to fly into Spheal's exposed face, leaving it to roll around the ground with a pained expression.

"Pid, Pidgey!" The bird Pokemon squaked, its cries seemingly of victory. The worst part of all, if Marcus didn't think soon, his first ever battle would in fact end the way the Pidgey assumed. With another loud cry, the Pidgey once again dove at Spheal, its eyes narrowed with determination.

"Defense Curl!" Marcus exclaimed in panic, issuing the first attack he could think of working with Spheal's accurracy lowered. Spheal having heard him, quickly tucked its body into a neat little ball right as the Pidgey impacted it, sending it flying towards the nearby tree. What happened next, Marcus would never get anyone to believe. Spheal, still in its neat ball, bounced off of the tree, and hit the Pidgey as it flew in the direction Spheal had been sent, effectively knocking it to the ground.

"Holy, ****ing, ****." Marcus breathed, unable to believe his luck as he watched the Pidgey once again struggle to its feet. "This is going to get bad for me if I don't get this thing to stop attacking, and seeing how fast it is I only have one choice," Marcus stated to himself as he readied one of the empty pokeball's from his pocket. Hoping to god he wouldn't miss the Pokemon before it could spare the energy to avoid the ball, he tossed it. Praying to god as it impacted the Pidgey and sucked it inside that it would end in a way he could find satisfying.
Emma - Attempt at Catching (Another) Sentret

This Sentret was... stupid. It went against its friends' warnings, and wanted a snack, even though it was clearly a badly-made trap. Its friends abandoned Sentret as it was hopelessly caught.

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Level 4
Keen Eye
- Scratch
- Foresight
- Focus Energy​

Marcus - Attempt at Catching a Pidgey

(I've said it before: Special moves need to be left up to the GMs, or worked out in private beforehand; it makes you look like a jerk if you won't consult a GM over having something special about the Pokémon they need to approve the capture of in the first place. Stick to level-appropriate moves unless otherwise directed, please; a level 2-6 Pidgey obviously isn't going to have Quick Attack, or I'd have made sure that Spheal got its butt kicked up and down the route by turning it into Aerial Ace or something. |D)

This one's a fighter! Sadly, indomitable spirit wasn't enough to overcome the lasting cold of Powder Snow, or the following Water Gun that only made the chill worse. Pidgey quickly found a new home in its Pokéball, but don't expect it to listen to you just yet, Marcus! The little bird's still got some rebellious attitude left in him!

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Level 5
Keen Eye
- Tackle
- Sand-Attack
- Swagger​
OOC: Oh my bad, I'll refrain in the future, and edit it.

"Well," Marcus stated as he picked up the pokeball, a worried look etched upon his face. "This thing really hates me." Marcus held the ball in his hands, minimizing it before twirling it between his fingers. He felt almost reluctant to let the Pidgey out, knowing full well that it would most likely just attack him. Plus, it was already proven a stronger battler than Spheal, which upon checking the Pokedex was revealed to a Pidgey that didn't actually know Quick Attack. "Wow... well I guess it could have been my imagination mixed with its naturally superior speed." Marcus reasoned, unwilling to let himself believe that he incorrectly identified a regular Tackle attack, no matter what circumstances had been the cause of his misconception.

He was glad to see that it did know Swagger though, Marcus being well aware how useful that move could be at times. "Well that took up some time and we've got a lot of distance to cover." Marcus explained to Spheal as he returned it to its ball within the pencil thin beam of red light that came from the capsule for that specific purpose. Marcus walked towards Odale, careful to keep a moderate pace and to keep a close eye on his surroundings. Both of his Pokemon were hurt, so a fight at that point would be terrible.

Luckily, upon reaching Odale -- a small town of only a couple houses, a Pokemart, and a Pokecenter -- he could see that it wasn't crowded, in fact, it looked almost vacant. The only proof of anyone living there at all being the pink haired nurse that accepted Marcus' Pokemon within the Pokecenter. Marcus waiting patiently in the lobby while his Pokemon recovered, a magazine held firmly in his hands as he glanced at each page, his eyes never resting on any particular page for longer then a moment.

"Marcus?" Marcus perked up at the sound of his name, seeing the nurse holding a small tray with his two pokeballs resting on top of it. Getting up to grab the two devices, he was sure to put back the magazine, and a quick, "Thanks," later and he was off, back onto the road as he left the small city behind to get towards the next city -- Petalburg.
Emma VanBoven
(Route 101-Oldale Town)
"Yeah! I caught a Sentret!" Emma yells with her fist pumping in the air. She then begins to ponder a proper name for a Sentret. She decides to get out her pokedex, and check its gender. "Hmm... It appears it's male," said Emma to Roller, "should we name him Stripes?" Roller shakes his head, "How 'bout Randall?" Roller shakes his head in approval. "Randall it is! Let's meet She says, throwing the pokeball into the air.
"Se? Sentret?" Randall says. Randall climbs onto Emma's shoulder, and digs its head into her bag. It comes out with a berry in its mouth. "Sentret..." he says savoringly. He then goes down and chats with Roller.
"Roller and Randall... How cute! Both names start with R!" Emma says adoringly. She then walks to Odale town, with her pokemon trailing behind.
Marcus had been content to strolling peacefully along route 102, enjoying the slight breeze that made the route seem so welcoming. Had been fine whistling a tune to himself, blissfully walking towards Petalburg, his mind wondering what he would do once there. Had been fine wandering with not a single care. Until someone had given him one.

"You're a trainer? We have to battle!" A girl exclaimed, bombarding Marcus with words he could hardly follow as they flew out of her mouth. He just gave her a quizzical look as she returned it with a look of confusion, as if his lack of sudden action had disturbed the natural order of things. "You're new aren't you?"

"Uh, a little." Marcus admitted, noticing that the brown haired girl was a little younger than him and wore a school uniform or something similar.

"Well let me explain something," she stated, her voice almost too upbeat. "Once two trainers lay eyes upon each other, they MUST battle!" She practically yelled at him, emphasizing the "must" too much for his liking. He knew she was just being dramatic, but even so, the fact that she would think such things worried him. Mostly because it meant he wouldn't get out of battling her, but also because she probably had more experience.

"I might as well," Marcus replied, almost shocking himself with how much his confidance had been lacking since starting his journey. He could do nothing at the present time but shrug it off and assume it was just him being the cautious beginner as the two trainers put a little distance between each other. "I'm Marcus."

"Tara. Now go Petilil!" Tara announced as she enlarged a pokeball and tossed it into the air, letting the blinding white light summon her small green Pokemon, Marcus taking note that it looked similar to a floor before it bloomed. Marcus knew Tara was waiting on him to start, but his hand had nervously been shoved into his pocket, confusing him on which Pokemon it was in the ball he held. Great, he couldn't help but scream at himself within his thoughts, Spheal gets out and I lose, Pidgey gets out and I die. Win win Marcus thought sarcastically as he worked up the nerve to throw it, releasing his own Pokemon in a similar white light.

"Pidgey," the Pokemon stated upon being summoned onto the field, its form almost gentle and calming as it peacefully sat upon the grass. Until it looked back at him with a look that would kill him if it could. It was mad.

"Petilil use Leech Seed!" Marcus almost felt grateful for the attack being called out, for upon its release, Pidgey had quickly taken to the skies, intent to attack its trainer filling its determined eyes. However, it had been hit by the small yellow seed Petilil had shot at it, the seed quickly sprouted, covering Pidgey in vines that hampered its flight, knocking it to the ground at Marcus' feet. Pidgey still struggling to worm its way towards its trainer when the Leech Seed had taken full effect, the vines suddenly zapping Pidgey of some of its strength. A blessing in disguise as it made Pidgey forget its hatred of Marcus, instead it turned its head to glare at its opponent, a beautiful grass type that had practically stabbed it in the back.

"Good, Pidgey get it!" Marcus yelled, willing to let the Pidgey command itself for the time being. Finally managing to work its wings out of the entrapment of vines it began to hover over the ground, cries of battle filling the air as it darted towards Petilil, almost completely unphased by the Leech Seed which continued to zap its strength. It all would come down to Pidgey's ability to take attacks, as well as its ability to dish them out. Pidgey quickly delivering a few Tackles, Petilil having difficulty keeping up the bird's speed.

"It seems your bird is fast, but it means nothing if it doesn't have a single flying type attack!" Tara yelled, either oblivious or unconcerned with the beating her Pokemon was taking.

"What are you talking about? I'm the one winning!" Marcus yelled, his eyes focused on the form of Petilil as it struggled to its feet.

"You need to think farther ahead. Petilil Synthesis!" Marcus was astounded, watching the Petilil absorb the sunlight that gracefully fell upon it, healing all of its injuries before his very eyes. Marcus knew he would need a change of tactics if he wanted to win. From the look of Pidgey, he didn't have long to think of one either. It was almost the perfect strategy, continuously zapping your opponents strength while replenishing your own, all to leave the opponent confused and helpless. Wait! Confused! It had suddenly struck him, he needed to get Petilil to become confused. Pidgey was so focused on the fight that Marcus knew it would never use the move he wanted it to on its own, but would it listen to him either?

"Pidgey! Swagger!" Pidgey only looked at him quizzically, its mind trying to decide whether or not to do it or not. Sure, he was its enemy, but he hadn't exactly treated it badly. Giving Pidgey a look that almost seemed pleading, Pidgey seemed to give in, looking back at Petilil with a small nod. So small, that it was almost uncaught. Marcus, unsure of what Pidgey had actually done, watched as it circled the Petilil, cries filling the air -- cries different from the earlier ones of battle -- leaving Petilil leaning to the sides, almost as if it were dizzy.

"You must be new to be relying on confusion to win, but I guess a little risk never hurt anyone! Petilil add on the damage with another Leech Seed!" Tara commanded, her Pokemon dizzily walking the field, falling to the ground before the attack had even begun.

"What's life without a little risk! Tackle Pidgey!" Marcus and Pidgey had been so focused on capitalizing on the small chance of victory that neither had noticed them playing the traditional roles of trainer and Pokemon. The two in perfect sync as the Pidgey flew circles around Petilil steadly damaging Petilil at a rate faster than what the Leech Seed could replenish. It didn't take that much longer for Pidgey to emerge victorious. Barely, but still a victory all the same. The two trainer's returning their Pokemon as they issued praise for their performance.

"That was a good battle!" Tara beamed, walking away so suddenly that it was almost like she had never met him before. The Pokemon Center was probably a priority, but the next town was a little ways away and who knew how many more trainers would try to get Marcus to battle them between his current location and his destination.

Resuming his walk towards the town, he couldn't help but note how important Potions would be in the future. I need like fifty, he thought to himself as he walked. Counting each and every step as a blessing, his eyes falling upon no trainers or Pokemon. Deciding to stop for a little while, Marcus quickly summoned Spheal in the usual flash of white light, its spherical body rolling around his feet happily. "Okay Spheal, we need to train, so I'll throw rocks and you blast them with a Water Gun okay?" The Pokemon nodded in understanding, or at least it looked like a nod, more of a roll but that is beside the point. Marcus had spent a good length of time doing that, giving Pidgey the chance to rest. Each and every rock Marcus had found to toss into the air had been sprayed with a jet of water. It seemed weak compared to pro's but it was to be expected, but he couldn't deny that with each use it was getting steadily better. Slowly, but steadily.

"Wow, that one went pretty far!" Marcus marveled upon his Pokemon's most recent usage of Water Gun as the rock he tossed was sent flying into the closely grouped trees that surrounded the route. It seemed that nothing could go wrong.... except for sudden battles, wild Pokemon attacks, catching diseases, or sudden death. Other than that, nothing could go wrong. Everything was going great for him so far, so quiet, so peaceful.
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Route 102

"You've gotta be kidding me..." Tyler muttered under his breathe. "Go Surskit!" Surskit materialized from the beam of light released from the pokeball. It started jumping around crazily, itching for it's first command. "You're a fighter huh? Alright then, use Bubble!"

Surskit jumped back and forth over to Slakoth, and released a stream of Bubbles from its mouth. The Slakoth brushed it off and used scratch. That one hit put Surskit lifelessly on the ground. Surskit had fainted.

"Haha!!! I beat you! I'm a better trainer than you! Na-na-na-na-na." Taunted the youngster.

"Oh brother... I really hate this kid right now" He thought.

"Try again next time Blondy."

Tyler turned around and grabbed the youngster by his collar. He picked him up and said "Never, EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" The kid nodded as he cleared his throat. He was going to say something but Tyler sent him flying toward some trees. With that, Tyler entered Petalburg City.

Petalburg City

Once inside the city, Tyler head for a Pokemon Center to heal Surskit. On his way to the Pokemon Center, he saw a Mareep in an alley. The thing was pale and weak. Tyler couldn't help to see the creature like that so he inched toward the Mareep and took out a piece of bread. "Hear have this." Tyler said, but Mareep back away and let out a cry. "I can help you." As he got within inches of Mareep, it let out an stream of electricity into Tyler. Tyler's felt himself start falling but then everything went black.

"Finally you're awake!" Said a voice. It was Nurse Joy, he was in the Pokemon Center. "This little fella must have given you quite the shock!" She said as she gestured down to the Mareep playing around with Sanjiro and Surskit. "I went out to grab something to eat when I find you passed out in the alley with this Mareep laying there cuddled up next to you. Is it one of your pokemon?"

Tyler looked down to the lamb. "I don't know, you may have shocked me, but I guess you were scared. So tell me... Are you my pokemon?"
Chapter 1-1: The Fish, Feebas

Miles held the PokeBall in his hand. It was red, and white, and inside it would be his Pokemon- the fish, Feebas. Miles looked over to the figure hunched over, getting Miles some supplies- Professor Birch. He yawned. Why'd he have to wait for a PokeDex? It was, of course, that Birch had to quickly program it to react to Miles, since he wasn't expecting him to come by, but it wasn't something that would take half an hour. Just a few more minutes. Miles quietly tapped his foot. Then, out of impatience, he said, "can I come back in a bit?"
"Yeah. Come back in a few minutes. I'll be done by then."
"Alright. I'll go."

Miles walked out and let out his Pokemon on a small pond. It was... not the best-looking. But hey, at least it wasn't a slug that was made out of magma and was prone to burning him anytime soon.

"Hi there, I'm Miles. What's your name?"
"I s'pose you don't have a name, do ya? They all call you Feebas, right?"
"Feebas, Fee." The Feebas seemed to nod in agreement.
"Well, I'm giving you a name. Birch said you were a guy." He thought for a moment. "You evolve into Milotic, right?" Another nod. "Then, I'll call you Milo. How does that sound?"
"Feebas, Fee!" The Feebas jumped, nearly out of the pond- in agreement, of course.
"Hey! Be careful there, alright!"
"It's OK. Don't worry, bud. Let's go check on Birch, alright?"

Miles opened the door slowly. He saw Birch. "Done yet?"
"Yeah, here's your stuff!" Birch put 10 PokeBalls and a Pokedex on the table.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Miles put it all in his backpack.
"Okay. Well, I would continue to have conversation, but, umm, I have desk-work to get to. The only advice is to go to Route 101, and challenge the gym leaders- or take on contests. Got that?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll leave you alone."

Route 101? OK, the Pokemon there: awesome. The actual route: not so much.

Besides the fact that Miles had just awkwardly noticed that his Pokemon was named Milo- the similarity to his own name was weird- he had just stepped into Route 101. There was no way around the tall grass, so he decided that he had to fight a Pokemon and he had to deal with it. Although, maybe I can catch one in the process, Miles thought, and he began to walk in. It wasn't so bad at first- not a Pokemon to be seen, until...

"Ow!" Miles shook his leg as it was tackled. That hurt. "Alright. Where are ya...." He swiveled around to come face to face with a Zigzagoon.
"Zig! Zigzagoon!" It growled (and actually used the move at the same time) at him- almost playfully.
"Alright, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get! Go, Milo!" The Pokemon came up on a puddle, right there and then. "Let's do this! Milo, use Haze!" A fog began to envelop the area, and Miles was blind. He wasn't sure what to say to his Pokemon. What was happening? Was Milo OK? As soon as he thought about that, heard Zigzagoon tackle the Feebas. And then, he heard it again. "Enough! Milo, use Brine!"
"Feebas!" The Feebas used the move, and when it did, the Zigzagoon was drenched. The haze cleared up, and he saw the Zigzagoon. It shook off the water and growled- for some reason, it still seemed happy and playful to Miles, and then attacked Milo.
Miles thought carefully. "Enough is enough." Miles pulled out his PokeDex. All his Pokemon knew was Haze, Brine, and Splash. Wait a sec. Splash! As the Zigzagoon growled, Miles yelled. "Milo, use Splash when he comes at you!"
"Just do it, alright?"
"Fee, Fee!" The Zigzagoon began to come in for a attack. Feebas seemed to concentrate on splashing... no matter how ridiculous it seemed. When the Zigzagoon was extremely close, Feebas used Splash, smacking the Zigzagoon- and thus hurting it, strangely enough. Miles couldn't believe that Splash would actually do any damage. The Zigzagoon backed off, crouching on the ground. Miles didn't hesitate- he threw a PokeBall and hoped it was caught.
Miles - Attempt at Catching a Zigzagoon

Poor Zigzagoon got scales in his eyes! Zigzagoon pulled out an Oran Berry and ate only half of it, throwing the other half at the Pokéball headed its way before tackling Miles' fish to play some more. Congratulations, Miles. You caught a half-eaten berry, and a mad raccoon-thing is going to hurt your dinner Feebas!

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Zigzagoon's mad. It was just trying to play, and it got soaked and you were trying to seal it in a little cage! Jerk.

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [IC]

Oran Berry in a Pokéball
- Half-Eaten; Half as Effective!​
Hello, y'all, as I'm back onto doing GM updates, I thought about giving you a small present I think you're all gonna enjoy. No, it's not Kesha's new CD, silly! It something far better! And no, it's not an Adele CD...​


Just a note, I'm typing this from a tablet, and since I found it completely time wasteful to do... Anything in this thing, I won't be using any images until I get the chance to use an actual computer again. Anyways. Oh, look! A swarm, it's Christmass! Well, not really, since the RP began a couple of months ago and were still in the first In-Game week of the RP :P So, yeah, it's Christmass in October :D Why? Simple, a huge swarm of winter-esque Pokes has been flooding the entire region, well... Kind of.

What makes this swarm so peculiar is that whenever any of these exotic Pokemon are around, you'll notice the prescience of snow, yup, that white and cute lil thing that falls from the skies every now and then. Sadly, this snow will cease falling after the Pokemon is either defeated, catched, or just runs away. And eventually, said snow that had felt will melt.

As for these Pokemon that swarmed the region, they're listed below:

Seel (By The Lakes And Bodies of Water) - Very Common (90%)
Smoochum - Rare (20%)
Delibird - Very Rare (10%)
Spheal (Same As Seel) - Common (80%)
Swinub - Uncommon (50%)
Sneasel - Rare (20%)
Snorunt - Very Rare (10%)
Snover - Uncommon (50%)
Cryogonal - Very Rare (10%)
Vanillite - Very Common (90%)
Deerling (Winter Forme) - Uncommon (50%)
Cubchoo - Rare (20%)

This swarm lasts until I feel like its been long enough, but of I see ANY of you abusing this by encountering these Pokemon every half post, then it's over. Yes, it is a swarm, but it doesn't mean that all the other Pokemon on each Route suddenly vanished. You may encounter Vanillite a lot, but so will you do with Zigzagoon, y'know?

As a matter of fact, these Pokemon can appear at ANY Route, Town and City that can allow them too. And if you were expecting the next Chapter, then... Suckz 4 U.
Marcus walked around the city of Petalburg, desperate to find the Pokemon Center without encountering either a Pokemon run astray or a trainer in search of battle. The town itself was small, even if it was quite large compared to Littleroot and Oldale. The buildings blended perfectly with the natural landscape as if they were always meant to be there. Marcus had been so distracted with the scenary he hadn't thought to check where he was going, something he realized too late as he walked right into a sign.

"What the hell?" He questioned aloud, his eyes examining the sign with a hate filled glare. "Challenge the Gym Leader Norman to test your skill." Marcus read, his hate for the sign decreasing with every word spoken. "If I can find the Center I'll do it." Marcus decided, saying the words aloud to see if some godly force would suddenly let him find the Center as a sign to do the battle.

"Holy mother ****ing jesus." Marcus couldn't contain the words, upon his declaration of needing a Pokemon Center for the Challenge he had walked but three steps before turning a corner and seeing just that. The red roof was like a beacon as it guided him in, his worries alleviated with each step as he neared the greatest friend any trainer could have.

"Hello! Do you need any assistance?" The cheerful nurse questioned, her pink hair styled exactly like the other nurses he'd met. Giving her his two Pokemon he quickly took a seat, trying to decide whether or not he actually stood a chance against a seasoned trainer with a type specialty. He doubted it, as he himself had just started and didn't even know how to use the types he had effectively, yet alone if he had any he was able to specialize in. In his train of thought he hadn't heard the nurse return, a tray holding his two pokeballs in her hands. "Here you go!"

"Thanks," Marcus replied, a sudden thought making him call out to the nurse as she walked away, getting her to stop and stare at him with a quizzical look. "Do you think I could beat the Gym Leader if I were to battle him with my team?"

Her face had saddened slightly, as if breaking the news was something she had become so used to having end negatively. "No," she answered, her head hung low for just a second before she lifted it, in high spirits once again. "Your not supposed to win the Petalburg Gym Badge until later on in your travels, the only reason to battle him now is to see where you are as a trainer and to recieve some guidance."

"Do you think I should?"

"Yeah, it can never hurt to push yourself."

"Thanks Nurse Joy," Marcus stated before darting out of the Center, intent to return to the gym and see where he was a trainer. He knew he wouldn't win, that was clear from the nurses expression, but her words had shown him that winning wasn't the goal of his battle. His goal was to educate so the battles ahead won't all be as hard. Returning to the sign, he quickly read further upon its contents for directions to the gym, finding it much quicker than he had the Pokemon Center.

"So this is it?" Marcus asked, his gaze falling upon the proud and almost sparkling building before him. Quickly, he entered, deciding it was best to start as soon as possible before anything could happen to prevent his battle. Upon entering he saw a small battlefield, and a bored looking trainer standing behind it. The trainers eyes lazily watching him as he held up a pokeball.

"Welcome young trainer!" He greeted, his voice not at all as lazy as his eyes would have made one think. "If you are here for a battle it is to be one on one with no time limit."

"Sure thing," Marcus replied as he readied the pokeball of his choice for the battle.

"What is your name?"


"Well Marcus, you may call me Norman. Before we begin I'd like to say that it will be an honor to battle an aspiring trainer such as yourself." The words had just left his mouth when he threw his pokeball into the air, releasing a strong but lazy looking Slaking before him, Marcus releasing his Pidgey in a similar matter, hoping the sheer difference in size won't be a factor. "You may begin."

"Okay, Pidgey use Swagger!" Pidgey -- to Marcus' surprise -- obeyed, flying circles around the Slaking to the point of annoyance, but Marcus and Norman both knew full well that that annoyance was also added with confusion.

"I see you fight with a little risk. Can't say that it is a style of fighting I can agree to, but I suppose it can have its rewards should it fall your way." Marcus couldn't help but roll his eyes at the word, "risk", something used to describe his fighting methods twice that day.

"Tackle!" Marcus ordered, hoping to land as many hits as he could before Norman could counter. Pidgey seemed to be thinking the same thing as all its hits were quick and percise, although as Pidgey hovered in the air, finished with its assault, tired where as the Slaking was not, it revealed it was not damaging. "****," Marcus muttered.

"Lets see which way your risk falls today. Slaking use Faint Attack!" The Slaking seemed hesitant to attack, but they both knew it was just a pause as it tried to fight the fog in its mind about where its opponent actually was. If only I had Double Team Marcus couldn't help but think, mentally cursing himself for not having caught a Pokemon with the move to make this battle even slightly bit easier. The Slaking seemed to have decided which target to attack as it brought its fists down, missing Pidgey by miles as its fists impacted the ground, cracking it slightly with its pure power but damaging itself a little as well.

"My luck holds out. Pidgey Tackle again!" The Slaking once again seemed to absorb the attacks, its body unmoving as if it was too lazy to even try to counter. "What's with your Pokemon?"

"Its lazy, he'll only attack maybe half the time. That, however, doesn't mean your to underestimate it. Okay?"

"You got it." Pidgey had finished with multiple assaults, looking more damaged than the Slaking as it just lazily laid on the field, like a Snorlax without a care in the world. "Once more, Tackle!"

"Got you," Norman stated with a sly grin, "Slaking use Chip away to your left." The Pokemon followed the orders without breaking a sweat, or even getting up from the ground, its arm lazily swinging out to its master's directions, hitting Pidgey before any call to dodge could be made. Marcus was left in shock, eying his defeated Pidgey on the ground, practically swirls in its eyes.

Marcus was at a loss for words, not only had his Pokemon failed to do any real damage despite all the attacks it landed, but it had been defeated by only one of his opponents. "That must be the skill that everyone was mentioning," Marcus muttered as he returned Pidgey to its ball in a beam of red light.
Marcus Lyon - Swagger, Tackle, Tackle, Tagcle, Tjhvadijce, highasdfghllllllll4hQ.

That battle proved to show Marcus' remarkable battle skill... Too bad ther was a level difference of over nyanthousand :( Regardless, Norman seems to be impressed and even delighted to see such a potentially strong trainer in front of his eyes. Without saying a word, he pulls out a small egg enclosed in a transparent container, a shrieked Pokeball on the top of it and several dots of an enormous variety of colour engulfing its white surface.

"May I ask you for a favour?" He says, impatiently holding the case.

What happens next needs no explanation. Norman has offered Mr. Lyon with the chance of increasing his team with an egg that'll hatch into a Pokemon whose name he kept as a secret.

Will you agree, Marcus? Or will you not. What does the egg hold inside of it? The answer depends on your decision, but it's up to thee wherever you choos to take the egg or not...