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About Pokemon White & Black Remake

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    I've been a fan of Pokemon since its very first released and my very first Pokemon game was Pokemon Gold Version on Gameboy Color til now Pokemon Violet on Nintendo Switch. Rumors are circulating that Pokemon White and Black are getting a Remake and well I have something to tell you. Please if possible to listen to my advice once I give you an idea about Remaking White and Black Version so that it will lead to have a big overall ratings and it can sell alot well. To please add a Sequel of Pokemon White 2 and Black 2 into the Remake of White and Black where it'll focus on after you Defeat N and Ghetsis in the Pokemon League. The story is that after winning Pokemon League and credits finish rolling than the adventure continues after 1 or 2 years later you already being the Champion and saving the Pokemon League from Team Plasma is when the story takes place where you receive news that Team Plasma has return along with a device that freezes People and the enemies to deal with is Team Plasma, Ghetsis and Colress and their scheme is using and capturing the 3rd Legendary Pokemon Kyurem. Story continues where you are fighting against Team Plasma and trying to understand the mysteries of Kyurem and his connection to Zekrom and Reshiram. N returns to fight against Ghetsis and Ghetsis new Legendary Kyurem. Also after defeating Team Plasma and Kyurem is where also you can add perhaps another Pokemon League Challenge with the new Champion and this time without Team Plasma interference and if need be you can add 8 gym leader challenge again with new badges and new high levels Gym Leader challenge where the level is equal or a bit high for your pokemon to challenge before second Pokemon League Challenge. That is an idea where Adding a story of Pokemon White 2 and Black 2 into Pokemon White and Black Remake. Perhaps the name for this adventure sequel is called "A New Beginning" after beating N and Ghetsis in the Pokemon League is where everything I mention should take place. Exactly like Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver where after beating Pokemon Johto League is where you travel to Kanto for another 8 gym leader challenge and facing Red in Mt Silver, it should be almost like that but for Pokemon White and Black Remake. I promise you that the game will get a huge success and alot of good overall ratings where Pokemon Fans will appreciate doing this. What you think about this idea of Development? I don't mind waiting for more months but its better to do this so Pokemon White and Black Remake can get a better selling with wonderful feedbacks about the Remake. Thank you for your patience and I'll await your response to this idea of mines if you guys will take it into development. Just a reminder that the last Remake of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shiny Sapphire did sell but didn't get an overall ratings because you guys only focus on Diamond and Pearl story instead of adding Giratina story into the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remake. I love Pokemon White and Black and its Sequel so what I mentioned about adding a sequel of White 2 and Black 2 into the Remake focusing on Team Plasmas return and Kyurems mystery will make the game even better and it will sell alot and overall ratings from fans are going to get a good feedback. Please take my advice and ideas into Accommodation. Thank you and God bless you.
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    ... This isn`t the place to ask The Pokemon Company about this. This is a fanmade forum. They don`t look here. And if they looked here, this site would probably be taken down.
    Also, have you heard of something called a "line break"?

    ↑ Notice that gap between the lines of text? That`s called a "line break"! Use it occasionally at the end of every sentence. It makes your stuff a lot easier to read.