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[Gen 4] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum


Iron Armour Forever
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 447
    Hi there, I'm SteC and this is:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    The Basics
    This is the third of my ongoing task to defeat all Pokémon in existence with Aron. Now I am moving onto the fourth generation with the Platinum version as the starting point as it benefits from an extended Pokédex over Diamond and Pearl. The task is to clear up the regional Pokédex as much as possible before moving on to the next game. The following rules still stand from my last run on FireRed:

    • catching and breeding another Aron for party use is fine, only if the hatched Aron can evolve and the original starter remains unevolved. Victories with Lairon/Aggron do not count
    • completing the Pokémon League and beating the last legendary is the minimum requirement. Ideally the regional Pokédex must be beaten before the next region can be explored
    • try to keep the 'caught Pokédex' count as low as possible until the Elite Four/Champion are beaten and post-game modes unlock
    • other party Pokémon may be raised for the sake of competing in Double Battles, but not essential
    • forget what I said about 'eras' and 'parts' and 'episodes' - the current format is fine as it is!

    Path to Domination
    The regions I intend to play in order.

    Hoenn --> Kanto --> Sinnoh --> Johto --> Unova --> Kalos --> Alola --> Galar --> Paldea

    The Rules
    Detailed explanation of my playthrough in the spoiler box.


    This is where I say my piece on how I felt about the Fourth Generation back in the day when it was fresh as daisies. I vividly remember that this was the game that got me back into the series after some distractions with Sony's machine for a few years prior to 2009. It was more akin to a chance encounter when a friend and I were visiting a GAME store on a day out and I happened to see Platinum being heavily promoted, which prompted me to bring home a booklet detailing all its key features. As I studied it, a horrifying thought came to me: "wow, so much new stuff has been added since I last played Silver. Not just new Pokémon, but all these strange mechanics. What if it's too much for me?!" Seeing as the Nintendo DS was capable of improving and enhancing the Pokémon formula and then some, I really was worried that I'd put it down due to the saturated content. Well that was bullcrap because, 1) I picked up the Pearl version and went through it just fine despite the slow as hell battle interface, and 2) I should be more afraid of playing Minecraft again which is brimming with new content to the point of over-saturation. I wouldn't know where to start with MC. So I did beat Pearl to dip my toes back into Pokémon and then acquired Platinum later down the line to experiment with my Action Replay but went no further than that.

    So, all you smug Sinnoh freaks can thank me later because I have you to thank for luring me back to the series. I never dared to leave Pokémon again ever since. I mean, *scoff* the Sinnoh lineup really look full of themselves, don't they? The old guard getting new forms, the Eevee Revolution kicking off with its new forms, the multiplied mess of Legendaries coming to the fold, that stupid sand shark and its stuck up Champion. I can't wait to wipe the floor with that penguin and flaming butt monkey for baiting me back in. And speaking of which, can you believe that I actually detested Lucario at first for being a shameless example of furbait? That's all water under the bridge now because the movie it starred in won me over.

    Well... I changed that tune quickly, didn't I?

    In closing, I've been eager to get back on the Solo Challenge ever since FireRed was done, I feel I have to celebrate the occassion by documenting every single sweep with 'Mr. 304.' It's a celebration, that's all it is. Now how will the format be different this time? As far as I know, it is still the playthrough with commentary... just go with the flow. Yeah, that's it.

    First part of Platinum is... kicking off this weekend!
    Chapter 1 - A Frosty Beginning

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    Let's start off with the introductory cutscene. I was really not that impressed with it for years - it's more like a tech demo than anything just to show that the psuedo 3D effect can be pulled off in the Pokéverse, and there is some remnants of a story in there somwhere. That's all I wanted to say about that. As always, open the spoiler tag below to read what I've been up to in the first hour or so.

    Following - I'm assuming some FEAR shenanigans are going to be afoot and I'm here for it
    Hi there,
    I like your way of thinking but having not tried the FEAR strategy before, I can't make any guarantee that I'll stoop so low to use it. :) otoh, the Sinnoh Pokémon are tricky customers indeed. I'll just have to give it my all.
    Chapter 2 - Plant the Town Red, Emerald, and Platinum

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    The date's wrong but never mind that. The journal was thankfully kept to one screen unlike the Kanto remake's Batman recap. Hot off the heels of exploring Jubilife City was the route towards our next destination, Oreburgh Town, and - look, somebody's playing 'pika boo' on one side of the screen there. Could it be?

    Chapter 3 - The Garden Thief

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    Seems like we're ditching the whole journal thing as it's not bringing me up to speed upon booting up the emulator. Keep in mind that I never asked for that option, okay? The Valley Windworks was where the action ended and continued at Route 205 towards Eterna Forest. Got to mention also that Diamond, Pearl and Platinum placed more emphasis on seeing Pokémon for the Pokédex count as opposed to catching them as we find out later, so that's good to know. Good for my solo for helping out with her own special way below.

    Chapter 4 - Galaxy For Rent

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    With the enigmatic Cynthia toodling off, we made progress around Eterna City whilst beefing up my solo Aron for the second Gym. It turned out there was much to see and do.

    Chapter 5 - Not Just A Seinfeld Episode

    If the title doesn't show you just how old I am, maybe the memes will... we left off from Route 208 coming up to Hearthome City where - well, it's the hippest and most happening place to be for one special reason. Let's take a quick tour around 'cause this was only my second ever playthrough in Sinnoh to date.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum


    Chapter 6 - Greetings From Texas

    Let's get this battle out of the way first:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum
    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum
    "Get the hell out of here, and tell all your useless friends about me."

    Now that's how you start a post. Alright, now onto the log.

    Chapter 7 - Problem? What Problem?

    Slower than a Slowpoke with a hernia, I pressed on diligently towards my fourth Gym Badge, and I'm going to get it whether I like it or not. I did the research and there's no other way to get by than brute force. But I couldn't do that without moseying around Veilstone City first. Gee, I hope I can remember what I did around here.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

    Very proud of its rock heritage (but surely the gym is not???)

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    Chapter 8 - Misty-eyed Flashbacks
    It's been two and a half months since the last chapter... let's see if I still got this.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Aron the World -- Episode 3: Sinnoh Slam Jam -- Platinum

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