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Favorite Pokémon (Using Cave of Dragonflies’s Fav Finder)

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A ghost in the snow
  • 420
    Hey there! So, I found this site: https://www.dragonflycave.com/favorite.html. Basically, you can create your own list of favorite Pokémon! It's easy (and time-killing lol), so try it! Here's the rule:
    You cannot post one anytime. They have to be at every 50-99 you get (i.e., I could post at 50, then 123, then 154, and so on and so on). Once you get all 1025, make sure to post it here! Also feel free to discuss with people your favorites and other people's. Have fun sharing!
    I believe that making a big list like this will be highly redundant and will result in lots of overlapping. Consider the case of the veterans here, who had already posted over 6000 times. So in cases like that, making a list of Pokemon will be exerting, plus redundant, because favorite Pokemon are limited in quantity, so after sometimes, the fun will eventually fade out, and that too, at very fast rate.

    Rather, I would suggest something like Pokemon of the Week. Here we will put a particular Pokemon in spotlight on every fixed day in a week, and then people will share their ideas, experiences using them, achievements, expectations, etc-etc. And via this way, we can get different insight for particular Pokemon. And this will not be redundant too, as we need 1000+ weeks to cover all Pokemon !!
    I believe that making a big list like this will be highly redundant and will result in lots of overlapping. Consider the case of the veterans here, who had already posted over 6000 times. So in cases like that, making a list of Pokemon will be exerting, plus redundant, because favorite Pokemon are limited in quantity, so after sometimes, the fun will eventually fade out, and that too, at very fast rate.

    Rather, I would suggest something like Pokemon of the Week. Here we will put a particular Pokemon in spotlight on every fixed day in a week, and then people will share their ideas, experiences using them, achievements, expectations, etc-etc. And via this way, we can get different insight for particular Pokemon. And this will not be redundant too, as we need 1000+ weeks to cover all Pokemon !!
    I still kinda want to do this :3
    I still kinda want to do this :3

    Sadly I agree with Delta, this doesn't really strike me as a viable 'game' for the section, so I'll be closing it. If you REALLY want to do a game like this, I would recommend doing it on your profile page. You could link your lists there, and anyone who wanted to do the same could reply to it. Sorry.
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