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[Scripting Question] Gifting pokemon with passwords

  • 1
    • Seen Jul 19, 2024
    Im trying to gift the player a pokemon if they put in the correct password, I've managed to get the text box to open and i can give the player the pokemon but I'm struggling with giving the player the pokemon ONLY if they put in the right password, I would love some help also I'm pretty new to scripting and essentials in general so I'm sorry if this is a silly question i just cant find an answer
    You should use Mr. Gela's Password script.

    Create a new script above "Main" script in the script editor

    Paste the following inside:

    Then, in the event in which you want to give out the pokemon, you should create a Conditional Branch, with the following script as a condition:

    Replace the word "Passcode" with the words or numbers you want as the Passcode.
    Replace the phrase "Insert Password" with the phrase with which you ask for the password.
    The following two numbers (0,10) is the minimum and maximum lenght of the password the player is allowed to enter.
    The last word "false" indicates whether the passcode is case-sensitive. If you want the passcode to differentiate between upper and lower cases, change that to "true"

    I hope this helps you, it works for me so you should have no problem.

    PD: I've attached the Conditional Branch for you to look, but I forgot my RPG Maker is in Spanish lol. Hope you understand it tho.


    • [PokeCommunity.com] Gifting pokemon with passwords
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] Gifting pokemon with passwords
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    • [PokeCommunity.com] Gifting pokemon with passwords
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