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[Error] Help wanted for custom Pokémon

  • 3
    • Seen Apr 3, 2024
    hi. i added 3 custom Pokémon to my game and only the first one works. the other 2 appear as the ?????????? Pokémon sprite, anyone know any workarounds? the one that works has the number 412 the ones that don't work are 413 and 414
    [PokeCommunity.com] Help wanted for custom Pokémon
    I think we're going to need a little more information to help you. Can you provide the code for the Pokemon that you added? Have you also included all the various sprites for each of the custom Pokemon?
    i got it work but thanks!
    I think we're going to need a little more information to help you. Can you provide the code for the Pokemon that you added? Have you also included all the various sprites for each of the custom Pokemon?