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Emerald hack: Pokémon Modern Emerald (Complete, 2.3.1 Released! Following Pokémon, Modern Battle Frontier, and more!)

is there any documetntation about the location of all the items? I'm trying to find metal coat in order to evolve Onix! The only document posted only shows where to find the new introduced items, I can ssume that the vanilla locations are untouched probably!
Is there some hardcore features like IV changers, egg move learner or nature changers in the current version?
This is the reason this community is dying slowly, now at days all new hacks are same over and over. Ether remakes of Emerald with a thing or 2 different or fire red. How many more hacks like this do we need? How many times can people play same map over and over and enjoy it?
What are you expecting? This is a QoL hack for Emerald for those who want the core vanilla experience without straying too far. I frankly appreciate the focus this rom hack has for staying true to the Emerald source while mechanically and visually updating the game.

Is there some hardcore features like IV changers, egg move learner or nature changers in the current version?

Read the list of features. There is an IV Maximizer available in Lilycove after beating the game, and there are nature mints. There is also an optional setting to max out all IVs of your pokemon. Idk about egg move learners.
This is the reason this community is dying slowly, now at days all new hacks are same over and over. Ether remakes of Emerald with a thing or 2 different or fire red. How many more hacks like this do we need? How many times can people play same map over and over and enjoy it?

You are copy-pasting this in every QOL rom hack thread lol.

Modern Emerald is exactly what I envisioned as a kid while playing Emerald and thinking "this should be better, this could be improved...". I don't care if you like it or not, but instead of criticizing our hard work as rom hackers you should try doing your hackrom. It's pretty easy to complain when you don't know how much work goes into every game, even if they are QOL roms.
I've really been enjoying this QoL hack, thank you resetes12 for all the work you've put into it! I have a few suggestions I haven't seen anyone else bring up:

- Would it be possible to add pokemon's sprite animations when viewed in the pokedex? perhaps in the "cry" tab via a separate button input?
- A menu option to toggle visibility of the "Run? L+R" prompt seen at the start of every encounter... seeing this each time gets old fast
- Shiny icons/sprites for pokemon in the UI?
- The "cheat at your own responsability" NPC has a typo
I've really been enjoying this QoL hack, thank you resetes12 for all the work you've put into it! I have a few suggestions I haven't seen anyone else bring up:

- Would it be possible to add pokemon's sprite animations when viewed in the pokedex? perhaps in the "cry" tab via a separate button input?
- A menu option to toggle visibility of the "Run? L+R" prompt seen at the start of every encounter... seeing this each time gets old fast
- Shiny icons/sprites for pokemon in the UI?
- The "cheat at your own responsability" NPC has a typo

1. This is too much work for such a niche option, so I don't think so.
2. Yeah! I like this idea. Back when I introduced it people didn't use it because there was no visual clue, and then I added it. I can give the option to disable it (but it'll be enabled by default).
3. No... I don't think so. Followers and lighting come from this repo, and icons as well. However, there is no branch with icons, lighting and followers and doing it by myself is basically impossible.
4. Yes, it has been addressed internally.

I am currently working on a big update, but it needs more time in the oven.
This by far is my favorite rom hack for pokemon emerald. Thank you for making this. I have a few questions; mainly the first one as I am still playing it; the second is not really formatted like a question
  1. So if I play with modern encounters off (I just really like vanilla emeralds encounter pool and havent used the wonder trade feature yet but I'm curious to how it works); Is it possible to get at least one of each family of pokemon you may be missing from just wonder trade? I did read the front page where it mentions that but I'd just like confirmation that I could complete the dex that way with the non emerald pokemon.
  2. I know it's not in the scope of the project but I do somewhat wish some but not all Alolan pokemon made it in; particularly just raichu, marowak and maybe Exeggutor could've made it in given the tropical nature of those pokemon forms and the region; (some bias though because Alolan marowak's my favorite pokemon) but I feel like they would somewhat fit in with the region. Maybe evolution requirement could've been evolving around Slateport or Pacifidlog Town or just level at night.
  3. Would it be possible to add a "costume" feature that Ive seen some QOL hacks use that lets you switch between the Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald outfits. Maybe a Blue version of the emerald outfit as well for may and red for brendan (like the manga) but that less likely because that would require recoloring the emerald sprites.
  4. Maybe Manaphy since it's kinda in a gen 3 movie with other gen 4 legendries being in the game. Feel it would work well with diving being present in the game
Also this game has been very fun. I'm grateful and very thankful that you made this hack. I'd have to say it's probably the best QOL hack of emerald I've ever seen. It's quite literally the ideal emerald for me and love the field effects from just walking in the grass or sand. I've never seen a hack do that and it really adds to the world. I am very excited for your next big update! What should I avoid doing for the next update? I love that Wally's tutorial can be skipped, it shocked me the first time I did it, haha.
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Maybe I'm just being dumb, but I cannot find wondertrade in the pokecenter. Any help?
1. This is too much work for such a niche option, so I don't think so.
2. Yeah! I like this idea. Back when I introduced it people didn't use it because there was no visual clue, and then I added it. I can give the option to disable it (but it'll be enabled by default).
3. No... I don't think so. Followers and lighting come from this repo, and icons as well. However, there is no branch with icons, lighting and followers and doing it by myself is basically impossible.
4. Yes, it has been addressed internally.

I am currently working on a big update, but it needs more time in the oven.
I see! Looking forward to the next update and thank you for continuing to support this definitive version of Emerald! That repo looks promising, maybe there is a possibility for #3 in the future...?

There is still the bug when saving in dark rooms that require Flash - saving in Dewford gym causes the screen to glitch out with tons of black lines, saving in Granite cave doesn't have the black lines but the saving cubes animation doesn't appear.

Another question, how exactly do the two Exp Shares work? I tested the Gen VI Exp Share, and it's splitting the exp among all participating pokemon in the battle, but all non-participating pokemon receive 100% of the full exp each. This means that the pokemon actually battling are getting way less exp than the ones that did nothing... Is this intentional? I'm on hard difficulty btw, and how does the Exp Share S stack with the Gen VI Exp Share?
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I have a few critiques and/or requests

1. Can the shiny charm be added? (If it's not already)
2. Can you make shiny leafeon into its popular fanmade design where it's autumn leaves color?
3. Headbutt trees for encounters just like in HGSS?
4. Will you make a dexnav? I know the dexnav is technically only part of the mega timeline which this version is not a part of.
5. Will you add Wyrdeer?
6. Can you add quick ball throwing, press R to throw the first pokeball in your ball bag along with a UI for it?
7. Maybe add hidden grottos?
8. Sweet scent always encounter 2 pokemon?
9. Can you add Apriballs? Just to buy, the entire system of finding apricorns and crafting them/taking them to someone to craft would be interesting but that is up to you
10. Dark grass patches from gen5 that always have higher leveled pokemon and always in double battle?
11. Maybe add the relic items from gen 5 that sell for high amount, make them respawn daily and you have to hunt for them underwater, would give more of a reason to dive.
12. Odd request but can you make the legendary pokemon breedable?
13. Can you make all of the hidden items on the ground respawn after 24 hours?
14. Maybe add Lucario and Riolu since they were teased in media and the mystery dungeon games before gen 4?
15. An option to use different sprites for surfing like in ORAS? Could depend on what Pokemon you taught surf to, like Sharpedo, Wailmer, Kyogre, Lapras.
16. When obtaining an item can you make the icon and description of the item appear in a banner at the top of the screen?
17. Can you add options to PC boxes to automatically sort by Pokedex number (and other options)
18. Can you add mobile PC box key item?

I second the previously suggested idea of adding outfits, but if you add more character outfits from later gens please design them in RSE design.

I realize this is a lot more than I had expected to request but I hope a lot of these get added, i'm quite enjoying this rom.
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This by far is my favorite rom hack for pokemon emerald. Thank you for making this. I have a few questions; mainly the first one as I am still playing it; the second is not really formatted like a question
  1. So if I play with modern encounters off (I just really like vanilla emeralds encounter pool and havent used the wonder trade feature yet but I'm curious to how it works); Is it possible to get at least one of each family of pokemon you may be missing from just wonder trade? I did read the front page where it mentions that but I'd just like confirmation that I could complete the dex that way with the non emerald pokemon.
  2. I know it's not in the scope of the project but I do somewhat wish some but not all Alolan pokemon made it in; particularly just raichu, marowak and maybe Exeggutor could've made it in given the tropical nature of those pokemon forms and the region; (some bias though because Alolan marowak's my favorite pokemon) but I feel like they would somewhat fit in with the region. Maybe evolution requirement could've been evolving around Slateport or Pacifidlog Town or just level at night.
  3. Would it be possible to add a "costume" feature that Ive seen some QOL hacks use that lets you switch between the Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald outfits. Maybe a Blue version of the emerald outfit as well for may and red for brendan (like the manga) but that less likely because that would require recoloring the emerald sprites.
  4. Maybe Manaphy since it's kinda in a gen 3 movie with other gen 4 legendries being in the game. Feel it would work well with diving being present in the game
Also this game has been very fun. I'm grateful and very thankful that you made this hack. I'd have to say it's probably the best QOL hack of emerald I've ever seen. It's quite literally the ideal emerald for me and love the field effects from just walking in the grass or sand. I've never seen a hack do that and it really adds to the world. I am very excited for your next big update! What should I avoid doing for the next update? I love that Wally's tutorial can be skipped, it shocked me the first time I did it, haha.

1. Yes, you can. With vanilla encounters you will need to beat the elite 4 before you can start encountering new species in Wondertrade
2. Not planned at the moment.
3. It's something that has been suggested, so I don't discard it.
4. Not planned at the moment.
Thanks for your comment! I'll share more details on 2.0 when it gets close to release.

I see! Looking forward to the next update and thank you for continuing to support this definitive version of Emerald! That repo looks promising, maybe there is a possibility for #3 in the future...?

There is still the bug when saving in dark rooms that require Flash - saving in Dewford gym causes the screen to glitch out with tons of black lines, saving in Granite cave doesn't have the black lines but the saving cubes animation doesn't appear.

Another question, how exactly do the two Exp Shares work? I tested the Gen VI Exp Share, and it's splitting the exp among all participating pokemon in the battle, but all non-participating pokemon receive 100% of the full exp each. This means that the pokemon actually battling are getting way less exp than the ones that did nothing... Is this intentional? I'm on hard difficulty btw, and how does the Exp Share S stack with the Gen VI Exp Share?

The graphical bug came from the little icon that spins when saving. I decided a while ago to completely remove it, as it was just a minor visual detail.

NVM exp. share works as intended.

And Exp. Share S works like the vanilla Exp. Share. It doesn't stack with the key item one.

At all pokecenters? Unless my game is bugged he simply isnt there.

Are you using the lastest version?
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hello sir i come from China and i have beening playing this rom a long times and its really fun,could i translate this rom to simple Chinese so Chinese pokemon fans could play it? i believe there are some player who prefer the old generation like us。if you agress pls let me know thanks very much
hello sir i come from China and i have beening playing this rom a long times and its really fun,could i translate this rom to simple Chinese so Chinese pokemon fans could play it? i believe there are some player who prefer the old generation like us。if you agress pls let me know thanks very much

You are free to do so.
very nice romhack! But have a question, is it possible to add more pc boxes, current max is 14?
I'm filling up live pokedex and noticed there are 420 spaces, but there are 423 pokemon obtainable? Not enough space for them and extra free space for party, shinies, breeding, catching, …

Thank you!!
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1. Yes, you can. With vanilla encounters you will need to beat the elite 4 before you can start encountering new species in Wondertrade
2. Not planned at the moment.
3. It's something that has been suggested, so I don't discard it.
4. Not planned at the moment.
Thanks for your comment! I'll share more details on 2.0 when it gets close to release.

The graphical bug came from the little icon that spins when saving. I decided a while ago to completely remove it, as it was just a minor visual detail.

NVM exp. share works as intended.

And Exp. Share S works like the vanilla Exp. Share. It doesn't stack with the key item one.

Are you using the lastest version?
I think so- what version is current?
very nice romhack! But have a question, is it possible to add more pc boxes, current max is 14?
I'm filling up live pokedex and noticed there are 420 spaces, but there are 423 pokemon obtainable? Not enough space for them and extra free space for party, shinies, breeding, catching, …

Thank you!!
2.0 will include one more box. There is no more space, so 15 is the maximum.

It WILL require a new savegame, as this change fiddles with saveblock space. There's no other way but as 2.0 is a big update, I think is worth it. You'll be able to trade older version mons though.
I think so- what version is current?
Check the main post. 1.5.6
So was my post just ignored or what
There are too many suggestions and most of them are out of the scope of this project. Read the faq, please. I'm going to answer the ones that are possible:

1. Shiny charm won't be added. There's already a shiny chance option.
4. Dexnav requires a lot of saveblock space (where the save data is stored) and currently there's not enough space.
6. The "Throwing pokeball prompt" is a good idea, I need to know how to implement it.
14. Riolu and Lucario are not bad additions.
15. Making sprites takes A LONG TIME, especially since there are a ton of Pokémon that can learn surf, and I'm no artist... so no. If someone does it, they can pull request and will get included to the project.
18. No, but I recently improved how to access the PC via the debug menu. Now it's a portable PC.
2.0 will include one more box. There is no more space, so 15 is the maximum.

It WILL require a new savegame, as this change fiddles with saveblock space. There's no other way but as 2.0 is a big update, I think is worth it. You'll be able to trade older version mons though.

oh no i just got all gold symbols in battle front. Thanks for the reply