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[Completed] Pokémon Retired Champion - A strategy-based Pokémon fangame (v1.0.7)

You have a form of Aerodactyl on one of your teams, with a non-initialised ability. You'll have to delete and rebuild the team.
Thanks. As a question, is there a file in the game where you can see the teams you made? Trying to solve it from the game's files directly and I can't seem to find the file responsible for handling teams.
I discovered this amazing game yesterday and today its my focus for the next sessions with pokemon. The concept like pokemon stadium, battle tower its kind of game to me, this project must keep growing.
Thanks. As a question, is there a file in the game where you can see the teams you made? Trying to solve it from the game's files directly and I can't seem to find the file responsible for handling teams.
The teams are stored in the savefile, located in "C:\Users\PC\Saved Games\Pokémon Retired Champion". But it's a file in hexadecimal, you'll need a specific text editor to see it properly.

no i didn't download the audio
Is it solved now?

I discovered this amazing game yesterday and today its my focus for the next sessions with pokemon. The concept like pokemon stadium, battle tower its kind of game to me, this project must keep growing.
Any update on any progression with this amazing fan game?

Unfortunately, I depend on other resources, because I cannot make sprites myself for Gen 9 Pokémons... So I need to wait for their release ^^"

I noted that heavy boots, mega ring and diary dont have icons.

Yes indeed. I didn't feel they were important. I'll add this to my todolist.
Made an account to say thanks for this awesome game! Some things I found/suggestions for future improvements:

-Ditto seemed bugged for me. The Teambuilder would validate the default scarf moveset but when I tried to battle with it the game seemed to think that Ditto had multiple instances of Transform in its movepool instead of just 1.

-Power Herb and Terrain seeds seem to be missing from the list of Useful Items to manually choose from.

-Filtering by Type in the Teambuilder doesn't seem to return alternate forms that get that type. For example, when filtering for a Fairy type, neither Alolan Ninetales nor Fairy Ninetales is listed in the results.

-Please add a Filter for abilities a la Pokemon Showdown.

-When trying to modify a team designated as MONOTYPE in the teambuilder, the game kept running validity checks that made me click through each type and the number of pokemon on the team with that type. This happened every time I opened the team to modify, updated a mon, or tried to reorder the team. I got so fed up with it that I just designated all my teams as FE. This annoyance did not happen when I tried making BITYPE teams.

-When choosing the Prankster moveset for my Meowstic (Einra's "real" pokemon; idk if that matters) , its gender defaulted to a female, which can't get Prankster. Had to manually adjust a male prankster support set. I also forgot to change the gender from "Random" so I ended up stuck with a Competitive female anyways in one of the
sequences. Gender-specific forms should default to that gender instead of random.

-In hindsight, trying to bring a Prankster setup mon to
was unnecessary. That sequence was tedious because of the level gap, so it was mostly mindless button mashing. I understand that Einra is the best in the world and has stronger mons than everyone else, but I think it'd be more interesting if
actually put up a fight. Maybe have just one admin with FEAR strats?

-A game crash while trying to choose/validate my team before
sent me into the next sequence with an incomplete team of 5. Again, the easy difficulty of that sequence meant that wasn't a huge problem, but it made the sequence slower since the team members I did have were built defensively for the

-Stealth Rock Move Seed is not consumed if it is activated but bounced back with Magic Bounce.

Thanks again for this gem! I look forward to seeing updates in the future, especially with Gen 9!
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You are terrible at writing characters. Einra is an insufferable elitist prick.
The game itself is a good concept but it's just badly executed.
The Ai is also terrible at making decisions during battles. I really like the castle and the whole concept but it still is a bit restrictive. Hoped there would be more customization. The game felt too easy. It should have been more like Pokemon reborn difficulty.
I had a pretty major scare involving the Gimmick Button (the one that lets you use gimmicks in battle, such as Mega Evolution)

Whenever I play a fangame like this, I always set the Z key to Confirm (as in VBA), but by default the Z key is supposed to be the Gimmick Button.
When I got to the tutorial on how to use Assistance, the entire thing confused me because the graphic to use a gimmick is still Z, even though I had it set to Confirm (thus, hitting Z just made the attendant tell me I need to use Assistance first)

I ended up running my finger across every key on my keyboard to see what I'd missed, and apparently Gimmick Button is mapped to "Run/Sort", even though that option tells me NOTHING about it being the Gimmick Button; I had it set to "]" of all things because I thought it didn't matter! Please update the Controls menu to include that tidbit of info!
You are terrible at writing characters. Einra is an insufferable elitist prick.
The game itself is a good concept but it's just badly executed.
The Ai is also terrible at making decisions during battles. I really like the castle and the whole concept but it still is a bit restrictive. Hoped there would be more customization. The game felt too easy. It should have been more like Pokemon reborn difficulty.

I stopped play this game for this reason, much easy. But sadly this problem is about engine, many games rpgmaker style coming with pokemon pack that is the same of nintendo AI!! Usually people make traditional story game to restrict choices or creates a narrative to enjoy.
Hi, I'm also having the same issue as many others. The game doesn't start, even after changing the "e"s around.
Can someone explain me what this place is??


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Retired Champion - A strategy-based Pokémon fangame (v1.0.7)
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