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[Released] Pokémon Uakitite v1.5.3

alright no worries, i have started a new run and ran into another issue lol. just trying to get to Monday for the party and when i went to the poke center to heal my pokemon im stuck respawning in the poke center on Sunday. i have no idea what the issue is for this one as anything i complete now sends me to the poke center and cant leave. been trying to reload and pin point the problem, but i cant figure it out. even the quest for the applin sends me to the poke center. im stumped lol. after i defeated the patrats to get the cargo, if i come back into town the game crashes. ill hold off on playing it for now. as much as i like being your personal game tester, this is killing my brain lol
Yeah, the quest system is really broken. One thing I need to focus on...

When you say stuck in the Pokémon Center, is it getting stuck in NPCs? If so, I've fortuantely gotten to that already. The Patrat one is new though.
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Yeah, the quest system is really broken. One thing I need to focus on...

When you say stuck in the Pokémon Center, is it getting stuck in NPCs? If so, I've fortuantely gotten to that already. The Patrat one is new though.
no its not like a pathing stuck. when i go to leave the center i pop back up in the seating area over and over every time i try to leave. i tried sleeping in there to see if it would fix it, but nothing seems to budge. but when i completed the quest for the boy about the applin it sent me to the poke center too and i couldnt leave then either. might have been a bug that was triggered earlier in the story. it really could be anything at this point. and the Patrat one just force closed after i beat the 3 of them. so im stumped on that too
no its not like a pathing stuck. when i go to leave the center i pop back up in the seating area over and over every time i try to leave. i tried sleeping in there to see if it would fix it, but nothing seems to budge. but when i completed the quest for the boy about the applin it sent me to the poke center too and i couldnt leave then either. might have been a bug that was triggered earlier in the story. it really could be anything at this point. and the Patrat one just force closed after i beat the 3 of them. so im stumped on that too
So with the fixed version finally released, let me explain why that was the case. To put it simply, it was outdated code using overlapping global variables with other functions. The function pbSetPokemonCenter that sets the positioning the player is sent to was poorly put together and also shared with the events that determine what version of the Pokémon Center, Quest Center and so on are loaded (since they use the same map). In fact, a lot of the issues that were plaguing this came from old code that just didn't work with modern systems. Combine that with someone like me who frankly doesn't playtest as much as one should and you get the buggy mess of what I'm now calling betas because they're that much of a mess.
Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.0.2
  • Completely changed Losrick's design, along with making its evolution Trovake.
  • Some more EBN news.
  • Removed the moss(?) from Galveson City since it didn't look good at all. Especially when considering that it isn't at all pixel-y.
  • Nerfed the availability of a certain NPC in a certain library.
  • All fakemon now have a habitat for the Pokedex Data Page Plugin.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed jack-o-lanturn graphic.
  • Certain NPCs now have a cooldown.
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Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.0.3
  • Worked on the battle UI some more.
  • More random dialogue for characters in tower when nothing specific to say.
  • DLV Swalot design updated so it's a little more unique.
  • Certain important battles have a variety of Pokémon that can appear (though right now it's just the first gym leader).
  • Certain items obtainable while fishing.
  • Add new trainer tip after Sociedew boss fight explaining using blank charms on anything DLV,
  • Updated badge part of the Trainer ID, specifically for the boss Pokémon.
  • Reworked the Fervorian Applin line along with adding the missing third path (thanks ScVi DLC for throwing an unexpected Dipplin and Hydrapple).
  • Changed up a certain plotline a bit.
Bug Fixes:
  • Forgot to remove a print statement during the carriage traversal in the savanna.
  • Messed up the cutscene code, which made the first carriage traversal impossible.
  • Removed Losrick's overworld sprite for now since it utilized the old spirte version.
  • Fixed sideways sprites of Boy and George not bouncing when walking.
  • Direction is now kept after fishing.
  • Cut off pixels in Interior tilesets fixed.
  • Fixed some form names for certain regional forms.
  • Fixed the type matchup up not properly showing alternate forms.
  • Fixed some passability issues with plants.
  • Main Story Content at first gym (though it's more like two "badges" in a sense).

So basically just "Chapter 1" right now. Currently working on the first bonus chapter, though I've slowed down a bit to see if I can get some people recruited in order to help with some of my weaker points.

Like mapping. I don't enjoy mapping and tilesets and all things overworld.
Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.0.5
pbStoreBag broke because of item_decorations? It fixed itself when I opened the bag, so do that if you get an error involving pbStoreBag.
  • Added missing materials.
Bug Fixes:
  • Modified Trollodile's minigame winning reward so that no charm is left out.
  • Battle Low HP doesn't exist yet, so battles break when player's mons reach low HP.
  • Cactus juice is not a decoration.
Version 1.0.4
  • Decreased Sociedew's height by a meter.
  • Decreased the time for the HP bar.
  • Frugivore Charm that applies the "eaten berry" effect instantly.
  • Buffed Belch's accuracy to 100%.
Bug Fixes:
  • Added Sociedew's missing camo typing.
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Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.0.6
Mostly just improvements and fixes to the bosses.
  • Design on special DLV Pokémon so they scream "special form".
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed Fruity Scent not actually trapping the user.
  • Modified the UI so the caught symbol isn't over the boss bars.
  • Shrunk the thin battle bars a bit so you could fully see the remaining boss bars when there's more than one Pokémon on a side.
  • Potentially fixed a bug where the game is trying to heal more than what remains between the hp and totalhp. I'm not able to recreate it, but it's always been wildly inconsistent.
Version 1.0.7 exists almost solely to deal with a UI bug that can confuse players when healing is done.
Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.0.8
NOTE: It turns out soft resetting the game causes issues with UnrealTime, so for now avoid F12 like the plague.
  • Couple new events added to carriage travel.
  • Some mid-battle dialogue for important battles.
  • New Galveson City theme thanks to danger!ghosts! More coming soon.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed carriage travel. Particularly how the movement goes on even when the map changes.
  • Made sure you can't go anywhere else in the mainland to cheese to the cutscene.
Pokémon Uakitite
Version 1.5.0
Well, well, well, an actual story update! Now, it's a small one being a bonus chapter, and you have to meet the requirements of finding them
, but it is actually new content. If you're updating from an older version, MAKE SURE YOU'RE IN EASY MODE!!!
  • Chapter B1 added.
  • An overhaul of the candle system.
  • Even more new music by danger!ghosts!
  • Travelling trainers event in overworld event.
  • Enhanced Battle UI added.
  • Ferocity and Resilience charms will not work on any mons with a BST over 535.
  • Modified encounter table for rebalancing purposes.
  • Updated the trainers taking the modified dex into consideration.
  • Modify dialogue to make it so wild Pokémon are more wary of balls and require candles because of this.
  • Removed the difficulty stuff for now. I need a proper balancer for that.
  • Fevorian Natu and Xatu have been changed to convergent evolutions Batu and Vatu. If you have a Natu in your party, it should just become a regular Natu with some of Batu's moves.
Bug Fixes:
  • Updated some more outdated dialogue involving Pandora's Box.
  • Fixed the Otherside doors crashing.
  • Fixed weird visiblility stuff with the Mantrees.
  • Eris' trainer class was "Trainer" and not "Pokémon Trainer" on accident.
  • Facing a playable character in a different outfit works properly.
  • Candles crash fixed.
  • Blocked off access to Galveson park without a Pokémon.
  • Fixed some dialogue for certain quests in Nepdewn Town.
  • Partner trainers were having disobedience issues.
  • Made Sociedew guaranteed female (she's a "matriarch" after all).
  • Fixed oversight in mid battle dialogue, along with some of Lotta's dialogue.
  • Using a blank charm in a multi battle has the same properties as a Poké Ball where it ends the turn.
  • Starting up game in Uakitite Tower doesn't adjust the map until something leaving map or new decoration.
  • Fixed crash when opposing trainer has no graphic.
Hey, loving the latest release! But I still ran into some weird visibility bugs with the Mantrees. They keep glitching out in certain areas. Can you guys look into fixing it? Thanks!
Hey, loving the latest release! But I still ran into some weird visibility bugs with the Mantrees. They keep glitching out in certain areas. Can you guys look into fixing it? Thanks!
Can you go into a bit more detail? Are we talking the chase sequence? The nest portion? The temple portion?

I'm doing another playthrough right now, but I'm a single person and can easily miss things.

Thank you in advance!