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Pokémon Spinoff: Pokemon TCG Generations 1.5.1

After all this I could say that maybe Tyrunt need a little nerf because it is the only pokemon that could do a energy denial attack for 2 energies in all the format and I don't think many decks could escape that level of oppression. This could maybe even beat Cataclyptic's Hellfire Deck that proved to be problematic prior to 1.2 (with the help of Lass and the rest of uncommon and rares).

All things say. It was an amazing challenge, I had such a blast doing it! I don't know if I'm doing a v1.2 standard run soon but if I do so I'll try the Pokemon introduced in 1.1 & 1.2 because I didn't tested any yet.

Thanks again for the game! It is really cool and I really appreciate the experience of playing it, it let me feel like when I was a kid and played the original pokemon tcg for gbc for the first time =)

I really appreciate You taking the time to watch and try this kind of stuff :)
As I had said, I had no idea what the Meta of this would be xd, There are many Cards that have certain things to Compensate, such as Fossils, which as I see it The "Mysterious Fossil" is a Brick in the deck and to Compensate for that I Let Tyrunt to be more "aggressive".

Now for the Next Version I am going to make a Change to that and I suppose I can make Exclusive Changes to LC Mode but I don't like the idea, I prefer it to be simply a Restricted Version and that's it xd.
I really appreciate You taking the time to watch and try this kind of stuff :)
As I had said, I had no idea what the Meta of this would be xd, There are many Cards that have certain things to Compensate, such as Fossils, which as I see it The "Mysterious Fossil" is a Brick in the deck and to Compensate for that I Let Tyrunt to be more "aggressive".

Now for the Next Version I am going to make a Change to that and I suppose I can make Exclusive Changes to LC Mode but I don't like the idea, I prefer it to be simply a Restricted Version and that's it xd.

If we can do a single change to the LC version I would like to have different starter lists with only commons because as a player I didn't knew if I was meant to play with those uncommon and rares or not because all boosters are common only.
Besides that, I agree that having different balancing for standard and LC would just complicate the things without giving us something valuable in exchange.
If anything we could make Tyrunt an uncommon if that's an issue but I really think Tyrunt could steamroll the game even in the standard format.
If we can do a single change to the LC version I would like to have different starter lists with only commons because as a player I didn't knew if I was meant to play with those uncommon and rares or not because all boosters are common only.
Besides that, I agree that having different balancing for standard and LC would just complicate the things without giving us something valuable in exchange.
If anything we could make Tyrunt an uncommon if that's an issue but I really think Tyrunt could steamroll the game even in the standard format.

Well, what happens with the Starter Decks is that I thought of the Challenge as something more like this: You start with the Normal Deck but all you get are Commons so try to make the best of your situation now, that kind of thing.

But if You Guys want the Mode to only have Commons, I can do it if that is what you like the most.
Whoa, what a time to be alive, another wonderful tcg hack :) I love it, I'm just getting started, but noticed some bugs, quick list below:
1. Clawitzer's water pulse did 30 damage when I had 2 water and 1 fighting energy
2. Poton restores 20 hp for AI
3. I once used a 30 hp attack on a grass resisting Pokemon with Bayleef and did no damage (should be 10, right?)
4. Chikorita and friends deck starts with only Porygon 2 without Porygon. I assume that's an oversight.
5. Bayleaf should be Bayleef

Keep up the great work!
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Whoa, what a time to be alive, another wonderful tcg hack :) I love it, I'm just getting started, but noticed some bugs, quick list below:
1. Clawitzer's water pulse did 30 damage when I had 2 water and 1 fighting energy
2. Poton restores 20 hp for AI
3. I once used a 30 hp attack on a grass resisting Pokemon with Bayleef and did no damage (should be 10, right?)
4. Chikorita and friends deck starts with only Porygon 2 without Porygon. I assume that's an oversight.
5. Bayleaf should be Bayleef

Keep up the great work!

Thank you:
1: That's something I forgot to change (Basically in the Code you can designate how many Water Energies you need to Activate the Effect and how many Colorless, in the Case of Clawitzer he had Designated 1 Water and 1 Colorless)
2: Fixed for the Next Update.
3: That's Normal, at the beginning of the TCG the Resistance is 30.
4: Fixed for the Next Update.
5: Fixed for the Next Update.
Just checked out the Lc version of 1.2. While I do love the challenge, it would be nice to know how to obtain the non-common cards.
Just checked out the Lc version of 1.2. While I do love the challenge, it would be nice to know how to obtain the non-common cards.
What do you mean exactly? Not getting anything other than Commons is the point of that "Version".
Technically you can get the Legendary Cards and some Trades there, but you can't get anything other than Common in the Packs.
What do you mean exactly? Not getting anything other than Commons is the point of that "Version".
Technically you can get the Legendary Cards and some Trades there, but you can't get anything other than Common in the Packs.
Oh...I just thought, because the card count still shows the same amount as the normal version, that there would be a different method to obtain those other cards. But if that's the case, really glad I downloaded both versions then.
What do you mean exactly? Not getting anything other than Commons is the point of that "Version".
Technically you can get the Legendary Cards and some Trades there, but you can't get anything other than Common in the Packs.
Really glad I have both versions. That just means another addition to my TCG collection. Plus, the added challenge really makes you think outside the box.
I just thought of another version you could do. What if you did a version with no evolution cards? Basically, replace all the evolution cards with other base cards. You could even recycle old cards from older versions.

What better way to challenge a player than to see how good they are with just base Pokémon? It would be like the Petite Cup and Little Cup in Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2.
I just thought of another version you could do. What if you did a version with no evolution cards? Basically, replace all the evolution cards with other base cards. You could even recycle old cards from older versions.

What better way to challenge a player than to see how good they are with just base Pokémon? It would be like the Petite Cup and Little Cup in Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2.
Hmm I guess? I wouldn't say that it would be something especially Challenging but it would be Interesting to Do, Although that would require a lot of time to do, Mainly the Sprites and Thinking Well about the Metagame and how to focus the Cards. Basically I would have to do the Game from "0".

I may do it in the future, maybe for 1.4 (I'm already finishing with 1.3).
Hmm I guess? I wouldn't say that it would be something especially Challenging but it would be Interesting to Do, Although that would require a lot of time to do, Mainly the Sprites and Thinking Well about the Metagame and how to focus the Cards. Basically I would have to do the Game from "0".

I may do it in the future, maybe for 1.4 (I'm already finishing with 1.3).
Well I can't wait to see what 1.3 will offer. But I'm glad I gave you an idea for a future project.
Well, I'd Like to Announce the Third Big Update of the Hack: 1.3 "The Fire Expansion" Update!
Adding 4 new Cards and Some Fixes.


Well, it's very likely that this will be the last "Big" Update that I make, at least for the moment. This is because I can no longer add more cards to the game (you can only add up to 26 more cards in addition to those already in the game), so for the moment there will only be updates that fix things or certain changes to the cards.
Do you need to restart the whole game to get the updates? I patched the version 1.3 onto a clean version of the room and tried to use my old 1.2 sav file, and none of the changes seem to have been implemented. Thanks!
Do you need to restart the whole game to get the updates? I patched the version 1.3 onto a clean version of the room and tried to use my old 1.2 sav file, and none of the changes seem to have been implemented. Thanks!
That could be due to 2 things:

1): You Have to Change the Name of the Save File for it to Work, For Example, if Your Game is Called "Pokemon TCG Generations 1.3" the Save File has to have exactly that Name.

2): I don't know what you are playing on but sometimes on Android it has happened to me that the Program does not update The Rom and uses a previous version of the Game that you already used, this is solved by deleting the Cache from The App that You use to Patch The Game or so At least that was my solution when that problem occurred to me.
Do you need to restart the whole game to get the updates? I patched the version 1.3 onto a clean version of the room and tried to use my old 1.2 sav file, and none of the changes seem to have been implemented. Thanks!
I don't really see a problem with starting from scratch. I do that every time I beat it. It's not like the main series where when you get a traded pokemon or a mystery gift, you contemplate on if it's worth resetting. Just saying.
That could be due to 2 things:

1): You Have to Change the Name of the Save File for it to Work, For Example, if Your Game is Called "Pokemon TCG Generations 1.3" the Save File has to have exactly that Name.

2): I don't know what you are playing on but sometimes on Android it has happened to me that the Program does not update The Rom and uses a previous version of the Game that you already used, this is solved by deleting the Cache from The App that You use to Patch The Game or so At least that was my solution when that problem occurred to me.

I'm using mGBA. I tried restarting my game and noticed that Shelmet's description for Leech Life still says "Zubat," so maybe the problem doesn't have to do with the save file. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong; I downloaded the patch for the "normal" version in the first post on this thread and patched it onto a clean rom using lunar IPS.
Ok first of all I want to apologize because this is basically my mistake. In my folder where I have the Game I have 2 Files, "Poketcg.gbc" which is what is generated when Compiling the Game and "Pokemon TCG Generations.gbc" which is basically the Previous Version to the one I should have uploaded (Because I always have to Change the Name of the Poketcg to Pokemon TCG Generations to Create the Patch) and Basically I got Confused and used the wrong Version.
The Correct Version should already be Uploaded and Sorry for the Inconvenience.
Ok first of all I want to apologize because this is basically my mistake. In my folder where I have the Game I have 2 Files, "Poketcg.gbc" which is what is generated when Compiling the Game and "Pokemon TCG Generations.gbc" which is basically the Previous Version to the one I should have uploaded (Because I always have to Change the Name of the Poketcg to Pokemon TCG Generations to Create the Patch) and Basically I got Confused and used the wrong Version.
The Correct Version should already be Uploaded and Sorry for the Inconvenience.

Haha I thought that might be the case. It's all good! The patch changes seem to be reflected in my save file now. (Btw, I think there is still a reference to Zubat in the last sentence of Shelmet's Leech Life.)
Great hack. Not sure how much of this has already been said but these are bugs/things I noticed:

  1. Flygon's Retreat Aid doesn't work
  2. Greninja's Rain Dance doesn't work (one time it did work, it works for Amy)
  3. Malamar's Flail says 10+ but should be 10x since its 10x the number of damage counters
  4. The legendary cards aren't powerful and Jack isn't the same without his articunos… all he plays are seel and abomasnow and he's bad. Same with Murray without an alakazam, his team doesn't work at all and all his gym grunts are better than him
  5. Heather's Yanmega (transformed ditto) is fully powered with energy yet doesn't attack the relicanth with a super effective attack, is she supposed to be this bad?
  6. Some names don't show up right
    1. Tailow's Peck shows up as Agility, Mirror move shows up as Brave Bird
    2. Toxel's Acid shows up as Sludge Bomb, Thunder wave shows up as energy boost
    3. Togepi's Sing shows up as Agility
    4. Heliolisk's parabolic charge shows up as volt switch
    5. Bidoof's bite shows up as conversion 2

All in all really fun playthrough