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[Released] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

After multiple game revamps, I have finally released the first version of the game, Enjoy! :)
[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

A preview of 3 new maps I've been working on for v2
Game updated to 1.2 with bug fixes and new features.
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There is an issue where when you go to register for the Pokemon league and speak to the guy in front of the clerk and then leave the Pokecenter before speaking to the Clerk, the guy moves back to his old spot, preventing you from being able to speak to the Clerk to move on with the story.

[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

What happened was, after speaking with him the first time, I went back outside to the forest to train. When I got back, I noticed he was back at his old spot, preventing me from being able to speak to the guy behind the desk.
There is an issue where when you go to register for the Pokemon league and speak to the guy in front of the clerk and then leave the Pokecenter before speaking to the Clerk, the guy moves back to his old spot, preventing you from being able to speak to the Clerk to move on with the story.

[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

What happened was, after speaking with him the first time, I went back outside to the forest to train. When I got back, I noticed he was back at his old spot, preventing me from being able to speak to the guy behind the desk.


Place the file in this folder into the games "data" folder. When it asks you if you want to replace the file, click yes. Should fix the issue
Definitely have enjoyed it so far, just finished the current version. I am rather enjoying the story so far, and I must say, I enjoyed the challenge the first Gym Leader had on the Experienced difficulty setting(the second one.) I ended up having to grind up a second electric and a second grass Pokemon for my team.

I certainly can't wait for the next version.

Ah right, I did notice another small bug, though unsure if you perhaps patched it since the time I noticed it. When you leave the house of that 'Difficulty Setter' NPC in Crosstown, well, you might end up stuck ontop of the house's door, rendering you being unable to move and having to reload an older save prior to entering the house.
Definitely have enjoyed it so far, just finished the current version. I am rather enjoying the story so far, and I must say, I enjoyed the challenge the first Gym Leader had on the Experienced difficulty setting(the second one.) I ended up having to grind up a second electric and a second grass Pokemon for my team.

I certainly can't wait for the next version.

Ah right, I did notice another small bug, though unsure if you perhaps patched it since the time I noticed it. When you leave the house of that 'Difficulty Setter' NPC in Crosstown, well, you might end up stuck ontop of the house's door, rendering you being unable to move and having to reload an older save prior to entering the house.

Thank you! I am certainly glad you enjoyed it. I did find that bug and I fixed it in the current version I am working on. I don't plan on releasing a patch for it considering the fact that the Second version is over 50% done so that will just come with it.
Hello everyone, I'm hoping anyone reading this is having a happy new year. I would like to thank everything who played through v1 as I'll admit looking back on it I could have done a lot better. In 2021 I hope to really bring the game to life and improve everyone's experience while playing. I am about 75% of the way done with v2 and I would like to share below a few things to be expected from it.
- A refined, universal tileset for the entire game.
- Updated maps
- Overworld item sprites (Everything won't just be item balls)
- Balance changes
- A region map for the first area of the game (It looks small but don't worry it's only meant for the first 3 badges/versions)
[PokeCommunity.com] Project Vanguard (Updated 5/24/24)

And last but not least I aim for the story in the next chapter to give players more of a feel for the theme of the game.
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Hey after touching the stone on mountain ,a guy name zeke appeared and after some dialogues i am struck in a wall of flames ,what to do have any idea?
I think a battle has to begin between me and that zeke guy but nothing is happing
This game is quite interesting and i quite like it, but i have come across an issue and i dont know if it's just me, but it seems like it, when i try to fight the first gym leader the first time i downloaded the game it gave an error, now in this newer version the error doesnt show but i still cant fight the gym leader, it just keeps repeating the same conversation, and i dont know what to do....
This game is quite interesting and i quite like it, but i have come across an issue and i dont know if it's just me, but it seems like it, when i try to fight the first gym leader the first time i downloaded the game it gave an error, now in this newer version the error doesnt show but i still cant fight the gym leader, it just keeps repeating the same conversation, and i dont know what to do....

I am aware of that issue. In the first version, there were no difficulty options, in the newer versions, there are 3 which can be selected only at the beginning of the game. You can however return to Crosstown and go to a place by the name of the "Fateseerers house" which allows you to normally change your difficulty (In your case it allows you to select it).
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EDIT: Patch 2.4 posted, fixes game-breaking issue.
Version 2.3 released with necessary map revisions, encounter changes and additions, a few sprite updates.
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Patch 2.6 posted! Fixes a few bugs! Once again I apologize for the number of bugs that came with this version.