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[Poetry] Project Sekai Verse Song/Poems (Kaleidoscopic Stage)


Silence is Purple
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 8,215
    These are a collection of random song/poems I occasionally write for my Project Sekai Verse for my chimera ocs. They will be labelled by the group and characters that will sing it. I don't know how often I'll update this as writing for anything that isn't my Genshin Verse is very sporadic. That being said, some of these are from awhile ago. I am not well versed in song lyrics, but I am a poet. I usually do not do anything aside from acrostic, but these are not. They are <500 words to fit with the idea that they're supposed to be song lyrics for a vocaloid song, if you will.

    Swallowing Puppet Strings
    Written 11/8/2023
    As sung by The Silent Dolls (Siorc, Parisa, Hase, Yinlong and Hatsune Miku)

    Stare into this glass box,
    What do you see?
    I see a cracked shell, molting.

    But a butterfly is nowhere to be seen
    I am rotting away, underneath these daisies,
    Bleeding all over these lilies.

    I cannot see what is in front of me
    In this fragmented future of people screaming.
    If I were a doll, everything would be easy.


    I'll swallow these puppet strings,
    Bon appetit,
    It's time to eat,
    And become the doll I'm meant to be.

    Am I living?
    Am I breathing?
    Or am I suffocating?

    Flowers are burying me,
    But I am not pushing up daisies.
    I am drowning in these posies.

    I'll swallow these puppet strings.
    And become whole, and living
    I'll have everything leading, parading.

    Maybe everyone in my stressful,
    colorless, asphyxiated restricted egregious days
    Will help yield this blistered obnoxious tirade

    Hurling edelweiss reaching for these puppet strings,
    I'll become one with this dollhouse,
    And be removed from all these painful responsibilities.


    I'll swallow these puppet strings,
    Bon appetit,
    It's time to eat,
    And become the doll I'm meant to be.

    Am I living?
    Am I breathing?
    Or am I suffocating?

    The lilies are buying me,
    But I'm not pushing up daisies
    I'm falling down in these peonies.

    My metamorphosis is halting
    I'm stuck in this cocoon of seeds,
    I am trapped in the molting.

    I will never spread my wings
    As long as I am falling
    If only I were the doll I want to be.

    I'll swallow these puppet strings,
    And become whole, living, breathing,
    A doll amongst these anemones, singing.

    I'll break free from this glass box imprisoning me.
    Shed from this cocoon, and finally leave,
    Open the door to the dollhouse, and let out a scream.


    I'll swallow these puppet strings,
    Bon appetit,
    It's time to eat,
    And become the doll I'm meant to be.

    I'll finally start living,
    Begin breathing
    Instead of suffocating.

    Reverse all the odds, and grow my wings
    Push myself myself out of these daises imprisoning me.
    Transform myself into a porcelain being.

    It's now time for me to eat.
    Bon appetit.
    Raking in Da Dough
    Originally written 11/15/23
    Singing characters, Tegne Afstand of Sheep Eggs (Later Soapy Eggs)

    Money, money money,
    makes da world go 'round,
    And if you want some dough,
    listen here, listen now!

    Ya gotta make it till
    ya break it, get yer name
    out onto da floor
    and beat them rhymes
    'till you can rhyme no more.

    Take it from me, I'm a
    little rich boy, don't ya see?
    Call out my name, yo
    I'm MC SheEP.

    I'm gonna take this street
    And drop some insane beats,
    So throw out them memes
    'Cause I'm the last one you'll ever see.

    I'll tell ya how to get them bills
    so listen here, listen now
    It's 'bout making progress
    with yer passion,
    so get loud and proud!

    Money, money money,
    makes da world go round
    so, line up get some tips
    'cuz I'm the richest sheep around!

    I may be flaunting my cash flow,
    but listen here, listen now,
    ya can't get by life
    without raking in da dough.

    Let me show you how it's done,
    And then you'll finally get some,
    Yer 'bout to go from rags
    to riches, so here's step one.

    Cash rules da world,
    so give into the cash overlords
    But ya ain't gotta slave away
    at a nine to five,

    So listen to mc sheep
    I'mma tell ya how
    To get everything ya want
    and get yer pay.

    It's 'bout finding yer voice,
    the passion ya bleed
    Why work for those retail fiends
    When ya can have passion
    drop da riches seed?

    Money money money
    Makes da world go round,
    so join me on da crusade
    to crush 'dem corporate hounds.

    Us sheeps gonna make a killing
    From the street rapping scene
    So, listen up, here's
    how it's gonna go.

    Carve out the unnecessary,
    Make an example of the enemy
    Soon, ya'll be rainin' in money!
    It's easy as one, two, three!

    Rake in da dough with me.

    This is a rap song, obviously.
    Reversible Wind Up Key
    Originally written 1/11/24
    Singing characters: Siorc and Hatsune Miku

    The reversible wind up key spins, click.
    the reversible wind up key turns, clack.
    But, it breaks.
    It rusts, it might never work again.

    I don't know what is happening,
    but everything is starting to crack,
    I am shattering, like these unkempt zinnias.
    I am no longer brilliant.

    I have lost my sparkle,
    my color, radiance.
    The passiflora are dying,
    They have lost their ambience.

    Mother, father why did you leave?
    The sunflowers, they're rotting,
    Dandelions are wilting,
    Strings collapsing.

    If I were a doll, everything would just be easy,
    The teachers wouldn't expect anything of me,
    I'd be free, like lilies.

    The reversible wind up key cracks, click.
    The reversible wind up key falls, clack.
    It's gone, fallen.
    It's burned, it might never work again.

    Why can't everyone just let me be free?
    Spread my wings, like these swamp milkweeds?
    I can't become a butterfly, I'm suffocating.
    My wings are far too heavy, I'm bleeding.

    The world would be so much simpler,
    If I had a reversible wind up key,
    No heartbeat, nothing to breathe
    Just a doll on a shelf, with a little daisy.

    Yet, I am trapped beneath these unkempt posies,
    Expectations way too high of me.
    I am withering, unable to bloom.
    Cracking, pressure mounting.

    Decisions are paralyzing,
    Choices are immobilizing,
    Teacher, give me time, please,
    Everyone is pressuring.

    The reversible wind up key spins, click.
    the reversible wind up key turns, clack.
    But, it breaks.
    It rusts, it might never work again.

    Mother, father, why did you leave?
    The dahlias, they're burning,
    The lilacs are melting,
    Strings falling.

    If I were a doll, everything would just be easy.
    The teachers wouldn't expect anything of me,
    I'd be free, like rosies.

    I've lost my radiance,
    My brilliance,
    I am no longer sparkling.
    I am falling, like the autumn leaves.

    I'll insert this reversible wind up key,
    and become the doll I should be
    It goes in, click,
    it turns, clack.

    But, I don't start up.
    I might never again,
    I am a broken model,
    Lycoris Radiata.

    I am suffocating, I'll never be free.
    This reversible wind up key won't save me.

    I might draw something for this later.
    Welcome to the Lizard Circus
    Written 1/19/24

    Singing and talking characters: Soie, Velours, Isamu, Elenk and Hatsune Miku

    Come one, come all,
    to the lizard circus!
    I'll be your host today, Soie!
    Are you ready? Jubi okaay,
    I'm going to make this the best circus in the world!

    <Soie, that wasn't in the script!>
    <God, Velours, I know, jeez.>

    Watch our performance,
    Take a moment to see us perform,
    eeeh, I'm totally gonna explode!
    Here we go, one, two, three! ♭

    A ring trick here,
    A fiery performance there,
    I'm going to do them all!
    I'm the star of the show!

    But, I'm not alone in this show,
    Allow me to introduce,
    My brother, Velours!

    <Did you just say brother?!>
    <Jeez, sibling, sooooooory!>

    Ze is the ringmaster,
    The jack of all trades!
    Hehe, a little sour,
    But, that's okay!
    Together with him,
    I'm going to make the best circus in the world!

    Are you ready for me to introduce
    Member number three?
    Well, this is he!
    Aerial Dancer Isamu-nii!

    <Soie, I told you to not say that last part, it makes you look like a weeb.>
    <Geez, okay sooooooooooory!>

    He can be a bit high strung sometimes,
    but his tricks are top notch!
    Top of the line!
    I wouldn't have it any other way while on the harness,
    He's a ten out of nine!

    <Ten out of nine?! Did you forget how to math?!>
    <Math, who has time for math in the circus?!>

    He'll help make this the best circus in the world,
    so keep watching for what's in store!
    But, we have just one more member to introduce,
    Are you all ready?

    Well, here he is on the trapeze!
    Elenk, my snake pal, always swinging,
    Doesn't he look like he's flying?

    <Are you kidding me, Soie, did you have to make that noise?>
    <Yes, I did. Doesn't it give me some poise?>

    Now that I have introduced you all,
    Let's get this show on the road.
    Are you ready for the best performance you've ever seen?
    Right now, right here, all live!

    But, I have one last special member to introduce to you all!
    Here she comes, on the big projector!
    You all know her, but now that she's in view,
    Allow me to introduce you all to,
    Hatsune Miku!

    Come one, come all,
    To the lizard circus!
    I'll be your host today, Soie!
    Are you all ready?
    I'm going to make this the best circus in the world!

    A juggling trick here,
    A ball balance act there,
    But I have a special one, just for you all!
    Are you ready?
    Here we go, one, two, three! ♭

    I'm going to make a lizard tail appear!
    When I close my eyes,
    Zooooooooooooooooooooooooooom, crackle, crackle,
    There it is! Behold!
    Scales, and all!

    <Soie, are you kidding me? That one's supposed to wait!>
    <Well, too late!>

    Are you all captivated?
    Well, there's more where that came from!
    We'll be hosting shows once a week,
    Are you intrigued?

    We've got one more performance for you!
    A trick here,
    An act there,
    Together, coordinated.

    Come one, come all,
    To the Lizard Circus
    That's all we have time for today!
    But keep coming by!
    I'll make this the best circus in the world!
    We'd love to have you here for another show!

    Try not to take this one too seriously.
    Zip Zap Crackle Pop Tick Tock Cu Coo
    Written on 1/27/2024

    Sung by Siorc, Miku, with Hase, Yinlong and Parisa as the chorus vocals

    Ssss-static e-eeea-ting my bbbbb-rain,
    Everything is in ccc-haos today
    Is this r-r-rrrr-real
    W-w-ww-what is hhhh-happening?

    Aaa-am I short c-c-cccc-circuiting?
    The honeysuckles are conducting.

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, sparks flying.
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, lights flickering.
    Eeee-everything is overwhelming,
    The bellflowers are falling.

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, d-ddddon't you see what's happening?
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, I am short circuiting.
    The world is flipping,
    Rotating backwards, turning, reversing.

    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle, boom, the electrolytes consume me.
    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle, boom, the wires entangle me,
    Eeee-Everything is collapsing
    The petunias are burning.

    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle, boom, the electrolytes consume me.
    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle, boom, but I have no energy.
    Eeee-everything is collapsing.
    My cocoon is rotting.

    Zip, zzzz-zzzap, click, point, boom.

    I will never be able to bloom,
    The petals of these hydrangeas, intoxicate me,
    Zzzzzap, Tttt-there is nnn-nothing but doom and gloom.
    Is this life? Am I breathing?

    Zip, zzzz-zzzap, click, point, boom.

    I no longer have room
    For my cocoon,
    Zip, zzzz-zzzzap, kaboom.
    My metamorphosis, is now underneath a tomb.


    Ssss-static e-eeea-ting my bbbbb-rain,
    Everything is in ccc-haos today
    Is this r-r-rrrr-real
    W-w-ww-what is hhhh-happening?

    Aaa-am I short c-c-cccc-circuiting?
    The hollyhocks are bleeding.

    Zip, zap, crackle, pop, tick tock, cu coo,
    I am a caterpillar once more,
    Eating leaves, growing huge.
    Z-zzzz--zzip, regression of doom.

    Zip, zap, crackle, pop, tick tock, cu coo,
    I-I-Is ttttt-t-there anything left to lose?
    I am a tiny little larva,
    crawling on this foxglove.

    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle boom, the kindling doom
    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle boom, the static heirloom,
    I am falling, unfreely
    On top of these lilies-of-the-valley.

    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle boom, the kindling doom
    Ssssssssssssssss-sizzle boom, the static heirloom,
    I am reversing,

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, sparks flying.
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, lights flickering.
    Eeee-everything is overwhelming,
    The vincas are falling.

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, d-ddddon't you see what's happening?
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, I am short circuiting.
    The world is flipping,
    Rotating backwards, turning, reversing.

    B-bbbboooom, crick, crack, welt.
    I am locked out from becoming a butterfly,
    My transformation is shelved.
    Progress down.

    Ssss-static e-eeea-ting my bbbbb-rain,
    Everything is in ccc-haos today
    Is this r-r-rrrr-real
    W-w-ww-what is hhhh-happening?

    Aaa-am I short c-c-cccc-circuiting?
    The lobelias are dying.

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, sparks flying.
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, lights flickering.
    Eeee-everything is overwhelming,
    The poppies are imploding

    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, d-ddddon't you see what's happening?
    Zip zzzzz-zzzap, I am short circuiting.
    The power is cutting, blotting,

    -Emergency shutdown starting-.


    -Emergency shutdown initialized-.


    -Shutting down, power off-

    I will never be free,
    Please, just unplug me.

    Read the zaps and stutters in a beat as it's an electrocution/panic beat, if you will.
    A Happy Game Of Pretend

    Written on 2/2/24

    As sung by the Silent Dolls (Siorc, Hase, Yinlong, Parisa, Miku in the chorus) A color coded version will be in a spoiler below for those curious as to who's singing what.

    Ring, ring, ring,
    My alarm clock dings,
    It's morning, I'm awake.
    I look into my mirror, force a smile,

    Let the mask settle in,
    This tea to blend,
    ★Let's all play a happy game of pretend!★
    Act like everything's okay,

    Put on a brave face,
    Act like I'm fine,
    Set out like always,
    And bury everything underneath this grapevine.

    I set out today,
    mask glued in deep
    Keeping quiet,
    choosing not to speak.

    Going to class, putting on an act,
    Hiding my scars, burying the hatchet,
    Discarding the broken glass, keep the illusion going,
    Don't you see? I'm happy, happy, happy.

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm smiling, full of glee!
    How could I possibly be lying?

    Help me, help me, help me, help me!

    My mask has consumed me,
    But I must not tell anyone
    how I am feeling
    I keep these secrets hidden beneath these asters,

    The mask protects me,
    Wearing this smile
    No one will suspect a thing
    I'm not suffering? See? Do I not look happy?

    Every day is full of happiness,
    Sweet memories!
    A golden opportunity!
    The mask is tighter, consuming me!

    It's all just a ★happy game of pretend
    Don't you see?
    I'm smiling, full of glee!
    How could I possibly be lying?

    Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me help me, help me, help me.
    I'm suffocating.
    Just press in the wind up key already,
    Free me from my suffering.

    ★~★~★~★~★~★~ Intermission

    Peep, peep, peep
    My phone beeps,
    It's morning, I'm awake.
    I do my hair, force a grin,

    Get ready for school,
    Wait for my toast to stand,
    ★Let's all play a happy game of pretend!★
    Act like nothing's on my mind,

    Walk outside with my brother,
    Put on a happy face,
    Throw out my stress factors out to rot and waste,
    And keep the nail in the coffin today.

    I stroll on this road,
    pretending nothing's on my mind,
    Wear a smile,
    Choosing to hide.

    Going to class,
    Tuning everything else out
    Saying I don't know,
    Acting like a circus clown. Don't you see? I'm so happy.

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm smiling so happily!
    What could I possibly be hiding?

    Stop it, stop expecting so much of me, leave me be!

    This act protects me,
    But I know the adults see through me,
    They always expect everything of me,
    But I cannot say don't throw everything onto me,

    This clown act of mine saves me,
    Wearing this big grin,
    No one will suspect a thing.
    I'm not stressed out. Don't you see?

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm smiling so happily!
    What could I possibly be hiding?

    Stop it, stop expecting so much of me, leave me be!
    I'm not the parent,
    Stop making me stand in for everything.
    Mother, father, come back from your abroad trip, please.

    ★~★~★~★~★~★~ Intermission

    Clang, clang, clang, clong,
    The morning gong chimes,
    It's morning, I'm awake,
    I bow, get ready to say goodbye,

    Put on my fake happy look,
    Tune out my parent's yapping that never ends,
    ★Let's all play a happy game of pretend!★
    Act like I want to do what they expect of me,

    And leave, with this faux look of glee.
    I go off to school,
    Barely functioning,
    Trying to act engaged,

    Answering all the questions perfectly,
    Humbling myself while others are staring,
    Being at the top of my grade,
    Trying to continue to keep up this charade.

    I do as I am told,
    Keep playing this role,
    Of the perfect student,
    Always smiling.

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm the perfect, happy student, beaming.
    What could possibly be bothering me?

    Please stop pressuring me! I have no interest in attending medical school! Stop it, stop it, stop it, please!

    I have to keep this illusion going,
    Of this happy, perfect student,
    Aim for a valedictorian,
    Something that will be looked back on by historians.

    This illusion is breaking me,
    But I have to throw away how I'm feeling,
    Keep wearing this big happy grin,
    Why wouldn't I be focusing? I only got one ninety-five on a test, don't you see?

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm the perfect, happy student, beaming.
    What could possibly be bothering me?

    Please stop pressuring me! I have no interest in attending medical school! Stop it, stop it, stop it, please!

    I just want to sing, and dance for a living,
    That's a waste time? It won't make me any money?
    I don't care! Cut the chord, let me spread my wings!
    I'm not my cousins, I'm me! Stop pulling on the chains, set me free!

    ★~★~★~★~★~★~ Intermission

    Screams, screams, screams,
    My older brother yells at me,
    It is morning, I am awake,
    I give my apology,

    Bury everything underneath this grin.
    No cram school today. I tell my parents tonight, I'll be out with friends,
    I tell them a lie,
    Say it's not with 'that white boy' they despise,

    Leave for school,
    Secrets all buried,
    Killing all those intense feelings of envy
    Of the people around me,

    Try to look like I enjoy always studying,
    Plaster on this fake smile
    Keep going, every single day,
    Life planned out to the t.

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm going down the path my parents want from me.
    How could I possibly think of betraying their expectations of me?

    Enough, enough, enough, I don't want to get married once I turn twenty. Let me live the life I want, please!

    I have to keep going down the path they want of me,
    Pretend that I don't have anything to say,
    Glue on that smile, keep pressing on,

    Aim for a high paying job,
    The husband assigned to me,
    Pretend this is all I ever wanted,
    Act like this makes me happy. Don't you see?

    It's all a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see?
    I'm going down the path my parents want from me.
    How could I possibly think of betraying their expectations of me?

    Enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, please!
    Being a composer is not joke,
    I'm taking my future seriously!
    Stop being old school! I've stopped listening!


    That's right, that's it, it's all
    It's all just a ★happy game of pretend★
    Don't you see? We're so happy, filled with glee!
    Nothing is bothering us! We feel so free!

    Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me help me, help me, help me. Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me help me, help me, help me.

    Cut the chord,
    Put in the wind up key,
    Turn me into the doll I want to be.

    Put up the wall,
    Keep pretending!
    No one will suspect a thing!

    Color coded version


    Tbh, had this title in my head for years, and finally decided to actually...do something with it, so viola.
    There would be four individual short versions of this that'd be solos, btw, with the last verse being in all four iterations. But this is the "full cut" if you will.
    Noxious Azure Spikes
    Written on 2/8/24

    Sung by Spiked Blue Venom (Liath, Garran, Waiola, Regina and Hatsune Miku)

    We're Spiked Blue Venom, let our songs poison you all!

    Don't you know who we are?
    We are Spiked Blue Venom!
    Let our toxins destroy you!
    Upend you, arrest you, manifest in you!

    In this joint, we are the noxious kings and queens!
    Liath, Garran, Regina, Waiola,
    Our poisons will control you,
    So, sit down, shut up, look right at me!

    We're about to steal your eyes,
    Our venom will drench you tight!
    Lock down, loaded, ready to blow!
    So listen here, listen now, this joint's about to explode!


    You feeling that energy?
    That's just our poisonous synergy!
    Extend your hands to our emissary!
    You know her, world is hers!
    Hatsune Miku, god of rancour!

    Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi!
    Hatsune Miku guitar solo goooooo!

    [Epic Guitar Solo re re roo roo reeeeeeeeee].

    Are you listenin', or are you tripping!
    You shouldn't be we haven't laid down our toxins!
    Our poisons will control you,
    So sit down, shut up, look right at me!

    Do you see the noxious azure spikes right beside me?
    The trap is set!
    Your eyes now belong to me!
    Look here, look now, at your noxious kings and queens!

    Let our venom spike you!
    This is our blue regime!
    We are the masters in this world unseen!
    Let us bring you down into the beautiful world of toxicity!


    You feeling that energy?
    That's just our poisonous synergy!
    Bow down to us, and give us your attention, please!
    We are the kings and queens of this regime!

    We're about to steal your eyes!
    So, get intoxicated, one, two, three!
    Your eyes are mine; look at me!
    These noxious azure spikes run deep!

    It time's to get down and do the cha cha slide,
    World contaminated, it shall be mine, all mine!
    Let our toxins sink right in, one last time!
    Our noxious azure spikes will control you,
    With this final poisonous rhyme!

    Don't you know who we are?
    We are Spiked Blue Venom!
    Let our toxins destroy you!
    Upend you, arrest you, manifest in you!

    Are you listenin' or are you tripping?
    You should be, we have intoxicated you all!
    With our noxious azure spikes!
    So, sit down, shut up, look right at me!

    We're the noxious kings and queens!

    I almost named this once Toxic Azure Spikes, but "Toxic Spikes" is a Pokemon move, so I noped my way out of that one really fast.
    Kawaii Kandy Koaster

    Written on 2/15/24

    As sung by Incognito Princess, Elise, Leah, Loba and Susu + Hatsune Miku Will not be color coded for your convenience, idk.

    Some c words have been swapped with the letter k because song aesthetic. You've been warned.

    The Kawaii Kandy Koaster Rides the Tracks,
    Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, ree roo, ree, roo
    And gives the gift of femininity
    Wanna hop on the ride? Climb on,
    You're in for a grand surprise!

    Here it comes, comin' along chuggin'
    Choo-choo, choo-choo screeeeeeeeeech
    Dropping down, candy and sweets,
    Estrogen, aplenty!
    A girl in training's necessity!

    Sometimes the journey may be long,
    And hard, sometimes ugly,
    But the koaster will ride again and again,
    Letting go of that uncomfortable feeling,
    Becoming the kyoot girl one's destined to be!

    Kandy, and sugar, the forbidden fruit,
    The unthinkable strawberry shortcake,
    Would you like some pretty sweets?
    The secret to becoming a princess?
    Join the journey, incognito, and hop aboard onto,
    The Kawaii Kandy Koaster!

    The Kawaii Kandy Koaster Rides the Tracks,
    Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, ree roo, ree, roo
    And gives the gift of femininity
    Wanna hop on the ride? Climb on,
    You're in for a grand surprise!

    Here it comes, comin' along chuggin'
    Choo-choo, choo-choo screeeeeeeeeech
    Dropping down makeup tips aplenty,
    A girl in training's necessity.

    The journey has only just begun
    Want to hop on the ride,
    And become an Incognito Princess?
    There's tips inside! Entry fee? Absolutely free!
    There will never be any cost to you, guaranteed!

    Dab on some blush,
    The foundation, lip gloss, if you do so please,
    No makeup knowledge required,
    Let's go on this journey of girlhood together!
    Become a secret princess, hope on the koaster!

    A sea of ups and downs?
    Don't worry, been there!
    Some days will be pretty, some ugly,
    Or a mix in between,
    But, the road will be worth it.
    Would you like to
    Join us on this journey? Hop aboard incognito,
    onto the Kawaii Kandy Koaster!

    The Kawaii Kandy Koaster Rides the Tracks,
    Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, ree roo, ree, roo
    And gives the gift of femininity
    Wanna hop on the ride? Climb on,
    You're in for a grand surprise!

    Here it comes, comin' along chuggin'
    Choo-choo, choo-choo screeeeeeeeeech
    Dropping down, candy and sweets,
    Estrogen, aplenty!
    A girl in training's necessity!

    Sometimes the journey may be long,
    And hard, sometimes ugly,
    But, the koaster will ride again, and again,
    We'll be your guides on this journey,
    to become to kyoot girl one's destined to be!

    Hop onto the koaster!
    Join the road to femininity!
    Tickets will never sell out,
    Come aboard whenever you're ready!

    This song/poem might be a little cringe, but irdc lol.
    Crystal Bird Street

    Written 2/22/24

    Rapping characters: Robin, Raven (MC Hawk, MC Falcon), Krysi, Rys, (MC Rat, MC Bobcat), and Miku (would overlap with some of the other characters solo parts).

    Boom boom, tick, boom boom click,
    Listen up, listen here, I'mma make this real quick,
    Us Poached Birds gonna make a scene,
    So bring down this street,
    We wanna hear ya scream,

    Feathers breakin' loose
    Sanctuary cuttin' through,
    Welcome to da house
    Can I getcha a cold brew?
    We gonna tell ya what's up
    In da new hip hop scene.

    Slam your feet,
    Open ma beak,
    Give ya a caw, caw, bawk.
    That's right, it's me, Mc Hawk.
    Can you keep up with the rest of the da block?

    Poached Birds gonna show ya how it's done.

    ~srch, scrch, scrch~

    Tag I'm it, it's my turn now, hon
    Ya think you've heard everythin'?
    Well, yer wrong,
    It's time for some fun
    Break dance, talons out
    Can you copy my moves,
    Or are you down for da count?

    Spinnin' round and round'
    'Pon these glowing streets
    Can ya pick up the pace,
    Or are ya losin' steam?
    Mc Falcon's soarin high,
    Follow along if ya wanna try.

    Move free like a bird,
    Ya haven't misheard,
    Hit the streets,
    Or take a seat,
    Everyone's welcome here
    So as long as they got beat.

    So, what'cha waitin' for? Join us on da streets.

    ~scrch, scrch, scrch, scrch~

    Crystal Butterfly represent,
    Would you like some dust
    Or are ya spent?
    We're gonna show ya how it's done,
    So, follow MC Rat.

    Can't sing? Can't think?
    Here's some advice,
    Eat them tunes,
    Bon Appetit,
    Gobble them up, toot de suite.
    They're in ya now, swimming,

    Can ya feel 'dem moving?
    Yer soon gonna be flying.
    Spread yer wings
    Become a butterfly,
    Yer gonna find da crystal lining.
    Come with me on 'dis street journey,
    And da beat will come naturally.

    Crystal Butterfly will help ya get it done,
    So join us on Crystal Bird Street.

    ~scrch~ ~scrch~ ~scrch~ ~scrch~

    Boom, boom, 'dis thing on?
    It is well, look where time's gone,
    I'm MC Bobcat, and I'm gonna make a scene,
    So follow along, I'm about to let outta scream.

    Been a long journey here
    Feelin' open, but I know yer all listenin'
    I've flown the coop,
    No longer a pupa,
    I've hatched from my pod
    No longer a larva.

    I may not be as good as da rest,
    But I'mma keep learning,
    And gonna keep tryin' my best,
    I'll eat these rhymes,
    Bring out da grind,
    And show everyone what I'm made of,
    So drop 'dat line.

    I've come outta my shell,
    So I'll help ya break outta yours
    Join Crystal Bird Street,
    Da Floor is Yours.

    ~scrch~ ~scrch~ ~scrch~ ~scrch~

    Boom boom, tick, boom boom click,
    Listen up, listen here, we're makin this real quick,
    Crystal Poached Butterfly gonna make a scene,
    So bring down this street,
    We wanna hear ya scream,

    Are ya ready
    Are ya here?
    Welcome to da house.
    Can ya keep up?
    Everyone's welcome here,
    So drop down da block.

    Young, old, and new,
    's long ya respect us
    You can drop down yer dust.
    Make a scene, come and scream.

    Enjoy Crystal Bird Street.

    With this one, I have to make a song for Lynx Troupe, Soapy Eggs as a group, and I think that'll be everyone. But, that doesn't mean we're done here. I still have ideas for The Silent Dolls and my other groups, too, so stay tuned.
    Last edited:
    Black Hole Aster

    Written on 2/29/2024, a leap day!

    As sung by Siorc, with Miku in the chorus CONTENT WARNING ZALGO GLITCH TEXT AND WINGDING FONT.

    Do I belong in this world?
    I do not believe I am
    Truth be told.
    I belong in space
    Floating, I belong in space, rotating.

    I am,

    Intergalactic, foreign
    Belonging in space
    A Black Hole Aster,
    Sucking everything away.

    I do not belong here
    I am not wanted anywhere
    Nowhere, on this plane.
    I should just wither away.

    I am,

    Extraterrestrial, unknown,
    Human in disguise
    An alien amongst the people,
    Blending in my surroundings on the outside.

    No one can hear me
    I am better off disappearing,
    Without ever communicating
    I am nobody worth missing
    Nothing worth seeing
    I should fade away into space
    Take the intergalactic journey.

    I am

    Intergalactic, foreign
    A grandfather clock in space
    A Black hole aster,
    Breaking matter away.

    I do not belong here,
    I am not wanted anywhere
    Nowhere on this plane
    I should just pass the torch
    And fade away.

    I am trick to the eyes,
    A monster in disguise
    An alien amongst the people,
    Blending in with my surroundings with the outside.

    Collecting victorian dolls, wearing dresses,
    Everyone looks at me
    Like I'm some sort of alien
    Why do they look?
    Can't they look away?
    Tired of people staring,
    Look the other way.

    I do not belong here
    I am no one worth remembering
    I want to disappear somewhere far away
    Go on a journey through space for all time.

    I am,

    Intergalactic, foreign
    A flower exploded in space,
    A black hole aster,
    Drifting Away.

    Collecting victorian dolls, enjoying flowers,
    Everyone looks at me
    Like I'm some kind of alien,
    Why do they look?
    Why can't they look away?
    Tired of people staring

    C̴̨͕̭̟̯̙̺̱̗̻͉̘͔̖̼̈́͒́̓ͅa̶̧̛̱͚̮̭͖̘̭͇̮̗͉̜̱̠̩̫͓̫̙̬̯̠̘͙͇̤̼̗̹̔̉̾͐͆̿̓̒̂͋͒͘ͅͅͅn̷̛̛̛̥̱̘̻̫̮̟͈͇̠̆̈̈́̀̉̽̀͒̾̒̀̒͛͑̿̍̑̀̈́̅͑̕͘̚'̶̟̜͍͙͖̦͓̪̖͓͈͓̗̪̗̩̣̙̙̱̼͚̖̩̈́̆̑͂͊̿̅̚͠͠t̷̺͈͈͉̮͗̀̀̀́͛̄̄̍͊̏̑̂̀̆̈̊͊͆͒͊̊̕͠͝ ̴̨̢̡͇̣̞͓̦̬̦͚̩̣̹͚̦̲͈̩͕̟͕̠͙̯̭̝͎̰̙̎̏̎̐͆̋͋͗̈͑͂̓̌͛͋̉̽͆͑̆́̒̆̄͋̿͜͝ͅͅẗ̸̢̡̢̡̠̻͍̞̟̣̬̺̤̲̭͎͕̘̖̗̻̦͓̤́̋̑͌̇̆̑̏̇͂̃̈́̆̋͂͐̌́̆̀̂̀͛̈̎̃́̇̄̕̕͘̚͝ͅĥ̵̛̳̟̫͖̭̮͍̘͔͂̾̎͋͂̃͛͑͂͒̀͑̓̒͂̔̃̌͘͝͝͝ͅę̷̧̨͓̦̣̦̲͈͖̟̣̳̜̲̹̰̼̗̭̠͖͔̳͎̩͈͔̫̥̩̪̠͙͐̂̓̎̌͌̔̐̋͌̎͐̃͆̑̈̍̍̑͛̎́͂̐̅̅͊͋̇̓̾̋̀̚̚͘̕͜͠ͅy̶̢̱̭̰͚͉̫̺̟͈͈͇̗̣̖̭̟̖̭͉̬̭̱̻̔̔̇̾̂̔͗̽͆͂̈́̈́̀̐́̉̌̀̓̃̕̚͘͜͠ ̶̧̢̢̡̛̯̠͉̠͇͔̖̹̲͖͕̝̲̟̪̻̥͔̗̗̝͖̘̭̩̘͚̬͎̮̣͙̉̈́͛̄̿̈́̆̒͋̐̊̃̀́̂͊͑̉̾̌̅͗́͛͜͜͠͠͝͝͠ͅl̴̢̩̪͕̥͍͚͈͈̦̠̝̟̹͉̠͍͕̬͔͍̣͙̪̟̬̘̤̦̉͂̄̐̇͒̕͜͠ͅo̸̧̧̤̰̬̹͍͚͍̠͉̰̠̗̯̬̩͉̬̲͚̜̯͙̹͈͆̀̆̅̈́̇̅̂̆͗̄͂́͝ỏ̴̢̨͍̤̮̟͇͙̥̦̘̖̋̎̐̐̐̍͌͗̒̎̆̍̓̚͠͠͝͠k̷̢̡̢̨͉̣̞͉̝͈̱̫̥̫̖͈̈̊͊̓̔̓̃̚ ̶̧̡̦̩͇͚̞̥̗͚̰͈̣̮̮͙̾́̿̿͆͜͝a̸͎̠͚͙̋̂͗͋̃́̌̀̌̈͋͊̓̀̆͌̒̄͌͑̀̀̉͗͋̀̈́̓͘̚̚͝͝ẅ̶̨̛̛͕̣̳̳̼̖̝̼̝̠͉̩̘͙͖̠͚͍͖̞̺̥̘͈́̋̋̐̀́̍̂̈́́̏͆́̔̿̓͗̈́̊̉͌͆͛̆̌̂̈̚͘͝͝͠͝͝͠à̶̡̛̦͇͎̭̼̻̲̯̥̗̞̖͉̰̗̿͒͆̒͑͗̽̊̃̓̌̔́̍͝͝͝ẙ̶̨̛̖͎̣̤̫̪͈͎̂͆̊͌̓͋̎̌͋́͗͊̅͑̈́̔͑̀̑̍̈̎͛̇͐̆̊̀̕͘̚͜͜͜͝?̸̧̩̪͎͖͖͉̜͎̪̼̣͎̤͕̭̞̪̹͚̠̘̉̍̂̃̆̾́́̉̃͂̇̀̂̕̚͝

    C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘C̴̡̟̰̲̰͈̮̤̣̪͍̞̙͓̣͆͋a̵̢̢̧̭̖̜̝̲̺̞̬̘͈͈̎̌̋̔́͋͌̔̾̊ń̵̢̜̝̖̥̖̝̘̥̠̳̃'̶̢̰̺̥͓̫̗͆̄̏̎̕̚t̴̢̪̥͇̞̗̓ ̵̧̛̱̣͖͍͚̩̜̲̥̤͓̜̭̠̉̈́̿̂̈́̔͛̎̔̃͝͝t̶̛̝̝̣̯͉͇̝͋̑̚͠h̷̨̛̳̰̺͇̗͕̠͌̾̊̔̌̀̆̓͌̂̔̈́̀͠ͅè̸̜̪̦̗͔͝y̷̡̡̱̦̙͌̑ ̸̥͗l̴̬͇̱̟̰̰͉̰̱͋̑̓́̾͌̀̔̌͝ọ̶͙̖̆̏̋̀͆̈́͆̈̈́̑̚͘͝͝͝ͅo̸̜̞̺̝̼̩̰͇̭̫̣̤̘͉̖͐͋̎̐̐́͘ͅķ̷̧̧̯̲͍͕͔͕̫̺̯̗̼̝̲̱͠ ̵̧̜̼̫̳͕͆͒͝ạ̸̛̤͔̫͉̜̌̈̾̔́͆̓͊̈́͊́͝w̸̹͖̦̫̱͍̞̾̍̎͒͠á̵̺͎͉͕̳̤͂̒͌͛̆̊̓̾̌͗́̚͝ȳ̷̢̡̙͕̳̟̱͓͉̯̜͋̏̍͜?̸̹̫̤̙̲͕͑̓̚͘

    I am alien, a nobody,
    Nothing worth to anybody,
    I am a monster amongst people,
    Always in disguise
    Blending in with my surroundings from the outside.

    No one can hear me,
    Everyone has turned a blind eye
    I am foreign, nobody,
    The world has gone to the other side.
    I am a black hole aster
    Sucking everything away...

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    ̶̨̡̨̢̡̡̨̡̨̡̡̛̮̮͓͇̪̬̮̪̺̫̯̦̺̰͇̥͉͈̞̫̱̥̙̺̻͓͇̲̮͇̱̱̗̺͉̜͓̱̳͔͉̟̩̭̗̤̲̥͈̦̯̱͓̭̠͇̼̥̞̪̻̗̞̞͉̲͍͎̯̥̜̼͖͍͚͙̩̩̞̋̽̽̑̂͗͆́̌̾̒̐͐̈́͑͐̎̊̆͛́͋̅̃̆̽͑̋͐̓͊̂̈́̈̅̿͆͛̈́̌̏͐̋͂̇͂̈́͂͑̀͒̅̆̊͂̆̅͑̌̏̈́͌͂̆́̎͋́͒̉̂͛̂̏̽̔͊̊̈́̉̂͌̐̀͐͆̄̽̽̀͌͑̍̃̓̄̾̍̂͌̀̅̀̂͂̆̑͐̀͂̔́͐͑̇̓̅̈̽̕̕̕̕͘̚͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝I̷̧̧̨̛̫͔̘̭͍̣͖̜͇̭̰̘̱̗̝̖͚͉̠͉̗̗͕̓̌̉̋̔̃̀̈́̌̐̍̒̊͋́̂͊̌̀̽͐̊̀͑͂̽̽̈́͐̾̈́̐͗͊̂͊͆̿̃̈́̎́̆̃̕͝͠͝ ̷̢̨̨̡̧̨̡̛̛̛̛̛͚̠͇̹̠͇̼͙̰͉̩̟̦͍͖̝̭̻͈͙̦̝͉̬̞̲̤͎͙̩͙̱̘̜̱̪̠̝̥̙̪̘͍̗̯͇̘͔͔̙͍̠̖̫͕̺̼̺̺̥̗̲͔̯̹̗̺̱̗̖̯̩͉̝̠̙͍̜͈͉̣̰̰̻̘̋͑̏̊̈̓̋͛̃͐̈́̌̃̀̓͋͌̏͊͑̀̋̈́͊̆̈́͂̔̾͋̐̉̈́̽͋̂͆͊̋̈́́͂͗̀̑̅̄̏̌̈̌̿͂͐̑͑̎͌̓̒͂̿̔́̿̈́̾͗̌̍̃̒́̉̿́̒̓̅͑̉̿͐͐̅̓̆͊̏̅̈́͊̑̍́̐̇̂̾͋͑̋͘͘͘̕͘̕̕̚͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅC̷̨̧̧̢̛̛̫̭͍̩̲͖͖̝͍͎̤̮̪̟̳͚͈͚̫̹̯̰̗͉͔̤̙͚̳͚̪̫͕̜̳͔̗̯͓͉̰̗̠̻̫̭̳̘̣̜̱̟̫̖͚̜̆̄̉͋͐͋̃͋̓͛̄͌̔̃̀̈́̎̾̀́̎͛̂͌̀̈́̎̃̉͒͋̍̈́͐̔͒̾̄̎͘̚͘͜͜͜͜͝ͅȂ̵̧̡̡̡̧̢̧̢̢̛̯̪̹̙̭͍̜̪͕͖̣͍͚͇̤̝͎̬͓̟͙̥̜̤̰͖͕̪͚̺̟͚͈̦̹͚͍͖̖̳̭̠͇̤̫͈̹̬̮̠̻̗̟̣͎̣̻̙̮͖̥̜̪̜̖͈̻̳̬͈̫̭̞̘͍̱̯͎̼͉̦̭̮̼̭̝̮̯͚̹̼̤̗̘̺̬͎͓̬̯͖͓͉̟̳͚͓̖̉͑̈́̎͆̇̓͊̍̎̑̋͋́͋̒́̓̔̇̿̎͛͐͒̆͋̀̂̂͒̏͌̈̓͂̓̇̀̋͆̓̑̈̇͐̏̒̓̉̏̈̂̌̒̂̓̄̒̆̅͋͑̊̀́͋̈́͑̏̄̋̀́͊͆̽̑̀̇̓͛̏̃̓̕͘͘̚̚̕̕̕͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅŅ̵̡̡̧̡̨̡̧̨̡̢̢̨̛̛̛̙̼͉̣̘͇̲̱̩̱̻͎͓̪̭̲̲̳̠̜̙͕̖̦̲͙͎̞͙̳̗͙̮̘̞̭͇̗̞̟̳̥͔͚̬̺̗̳̞̮̻̯̝̰̳̳͔̝͓͖͕͊̂̌͊̇̀̈͐̑͑̑͋̔̊͛̓̀̿͐̒̐͂̊̌́̂̽̃̇͆̋̏̔̒͛̏͒̈́͂̿̑̾͆̊̅̄̀̋̈̑́̍̈́̈͑͛͋̎͗̆͛̓̀̒̈͌̒̊̕͘͜͠͠͝͠͝͝͠͠͝ͅͅ'̷̨̡̧̢̢̨̢̢̨̧̨̨̧̛̣̬̭͖̗̪͇͔̪̱̼͚̙̻̩̭͙̯͉͎̥̺̥̖͙̭̰̞̞͉̮̥͈̝̻̦̮̜̬̲͓̼͉̫̙̺̼͎̯̹͓̪̝̮̱̤͓̺̻̩̰̙͉̝̠͕̹̹̜̱̖̣̤̺̤̘͉̳͙̦̫̘̮͖͙̙͍̘͇̦̝̫͉̥̹̼̯̯̻͍͚̹̖̮̻͔̘̯͙̼͖̣̯͓̱͈͖́̈͒̀͂͂̈́̈́̏̅̔̓̎͒̅̽̐̌͆̓̾̈́̍̿́̋̋̆̀̊̐̀̚̕͘̕͘̚͜͜͜͠͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅŢ̴̨̢̨̢̡̨̡̢̧̧̛̛̛̩̱͍͇̬͉̥͍͈̖͕̙̲̣̥̹̯̪̣̰̲̻̠̞͕͚͖̮̯̗͎̰̻̰̠̹͎̞̥̭͙̮̱̠̺̻͍̤̥͓̱̮̣̦̱̩̼̯̦̘̩̗̼͚̭̖̥̠̗̤̯̟̭̮̳̱̹̙̦͉̜̳̪̫̹̘̮͔̝̗̝͇̟̫̯͈̳̠̠̬̗̦̼̻͓̟̰̲̓̽̋̄̓̈́̈́̎͐͑̃̑͂̎̀͊͛̎̍̆̓̀̈̊̓̍̈́̎̍̍̄̄̈́̆̊̃̔͌̃̽̌̎̂̈́̍̓̆͘̕̚͜͜͠͠ͅͅ ̵̧̨̧̨̡̢̢̧̧̧̢̢̧̧̢̗͈̼͈̱̣͔̬̼͇̱̞̬̯͕̭̭̜̮̮͈͖͎̺͍̝̖̬̙͔̲̦̻̗͕̹͔̗͔̙̘̖̫̣̻̼̹͍͚̠̖̳̥̮͕̭̤͎͎̫͍͚͇̜̳̲̤̝̰̲̳͍͈̠̬̫̺̭̗̖͎͔̲͊̽̈́͑̈́̊̿̽̋̋̉̏̊͋̒́̂͑͒͊̽̐̉̎͋̀̽̆͌̔͂̒̐͌̅͂̈́͗̏̈́̆͂̄͒̅̿͒̆̊͊̑̑̑͒̌̂̓͂́̃̑̋̏̃̈́̃͂͂̓̇̄̉͆̂̒̑͑̀̉̇̐̋̈́́̇̉̃̋̈́͌̑̑̎̕̕͘̚̚̕͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅB̵̡̛̲͓̝̖͈̣͚̦̖̖̹̖̼͓̫̮̳͗͐͋̽̎͛͊̿̊̆̄̄̒̈́̏́͊̉̊̑̓͂̊̀̉̎͆͒̽̿̔͋̿̀͊̈̋̓̈́͒͐̎̉̎̎͆͌̌̊͗͋͐̈́͊͊̈́̍̃̽̎͑̈́́̈́̎̈́̆̉͒̏̐̿̄͛̿̉͘̕͘̕͘͜͠͝͝Ŗ̴̛̠̭̻̼̹͖̣͙̠̲̠͈̀̓͋̈́͐͌̈́͂̽̎̃̎͊̈́̽̈̇̌͌̈́͑̍̉͐̆̄̈̀̊͐̎̍́͗̄́̌̏̈́͌̾̃͋̓̈́́͑̾̋͐̋̈́̆̍̾̉̔͋́̽́̆́̂̓͆̈́̍̂́̑͘͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝Ȩ̵̧̡̧̧̨̡̧̛̛͍͙̘̩̫̼͈͙̙͙̣̠̥̱͖̻̜̗͓̰͉͙͙̗̦͔̦̦̝̭̖͈͔̯̥̰̳͎̞̘͔͓̺̜̲̭̻͕̰̻̘͕͕͍͙̙̘̙̰̱̱͖̟̘̮̹̘͔̭̺͙̞̣͈̞̭̩̖̳͔͉̠̖̞̞̙̬̙͚̝̲̜͎͓͉͖̗̦͚̼̳͎̻͎͖̘̠͉̲͔̹̪̫͕̼̜̭̱͚̞̓͋́̑̿̈́̒̽̉̅̾͌̔͋̿͐́͗̈̒͋͌͐̂̈́̈́͐̏̐̑̽̒͑̃̄̉́̽͛̎̌̍̊̈͗̇͐̀̽͒̔̾̑̑̀̂͂̓̌̂̔́̂̈́͛̈́̉̑̾̾͊̽̂̈̒̊̃͊͊͂̍̇͂̎̔̆́͑́̈́̅̄͆̒̉̍̂̎́̽̓̽͌͐̄̓̓͂̕̚̚̕̚̕̚͘̕͘͘͘͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅA̴̧̡̧̨̡̢̡̛̛̰͉̠̹̼̺͈͉̥̠̪̜̥͙̺̰̪͈̰̻͉̭̲̱̭͓͙̳͚͉̬̤̥̻̙̣͙̫̺͎͈͓̮̝̤̰̥͉̫̲̖͕̰̱̙̭͉̗̙̤̥̟͔̥̙̺̍̋͆̀̏̊͌̂͗́͂̐̄͗̔̎́̄̐̽͒͌̂̓̔͋̍̒̉̽̃́̈́̉͂̐̒̑͒̆͌̑͆̎̆̎́̌̔̑̕̕̚͘̚͜͠͝͝ͅͅͅT̶̨̨̨̢̢̧̧̡̧̧͙͚̫̻̟̖̻̺̳̤̗̪̝̣̥̘͕̬̟̳̟̩̦̤͉̮͉̖͔̭̝͔̣͙̟̮̬̭͔̣͇͈̫̯͚͙̼͉̞̗̘͋̌́͗̓̐̽̏̄̈́̅̊̂̋͐̓̃̄̑͛̈́̽̓̊̓͑̽͌̂͒͂̕͘̕̚̚͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝ͅH̵̡̢̢̡̡̛̘͖̯̠͙̺̰͎̫̻̜̩̹̯͍̘͓̮͔̫̤̗̠̹͎̼̯̳͍̠͚͇̹̲̘̥̯̭̼̱̭̩͍̩̱̪̅͌͒̉̇̂͂̋͋̎̀͂̎͑͂̓̒͆̃̓͗̓͂̅̂̎̏̊̀͂̾̾́͌͋̈́̅̃́̓̀̂̀̈́͐͂̄͊̒͋͐͊̃̓͂̎̓̏̒̓̊́̾́̒͑̌͆̀̀̽̊̍̔̈̋͛̆̄̇́̈̃̄̋̈̑̓̌̐̈́͂̂̓̔͘̕̚̚̕͜͜͝͠͝ͅͅĘ̴̨̠̩͓̫̼̲͙̺̣͖̰̲̪̱͖̜̱̤̻͇̲͎̣̃̒̀̀͌̃̋̐͌̊̈́̓̍̓͗͑̆̌͂̅̏͛̒̉̃̾̀͂̀̽̎̐̃̈́̇̐̐̈́̒͐̒͑͆̄̆͂͒̇͑̆͗̔̏͗̚͘͘̚͝ͅ

    I'm a black hole aster
    Sucking everything away

    An alien floating in space


    ☟︎♏︎☹︎🏱︎ ❍︎☜︎ 🏱︎☹︎♏︎✌︎💧︎☜︎
    ✋︎🕯︎💣︎ 💧︎🕆︎☞︎☞︎⚐︎👍︎✌︎❄︎✋︎☠︎☝︎

    Send me on an intergalactic journey
    Take me away from this misery.




    A black hole aster
    Drifting away

    This one is repetitive for a reason.
    What Color is Silence?

    Written on 3/7/24

    As sung by The Silence Dolls (Siorc, Hase, Yinlong, Parisa, Miku in this exact order). WARNING ZALGO TEXT

    The tvs Are On
    The static clings
    I make myself comfortable
    Let the buzzing ring

    Sitting here in this junkyard,
    The Q and A is in session
    I sit here, ready to answer
    I sit here, ready for anger.

    Testing, testing, one two.
    I'm asking the questions here.
    Are you ready? Three, four,
    Counting heads, counting spores.

    So, here's a question, for you all.
    What color is silence?
    It's purple.
    Silence is Purple.

    You don't get it? Of course you don't.
    Silence is Purple.
    That's a fact.
    Silence is Purple.
    Make yourself comfortable
    In learning that.

    Move onto the next member,
    The tvs buzz,
    The static clings
    I make presence known,
    Let the audience scream.

    Sitting here in this junkyard,
    The Q and A is in session
    I sit here, ready to answer
    I sit here, ready for anger.

    Testing, one, two,
    I'm ready for the questioning.
    Are you ready? Three, four,
    Hearing screams asking for more.

    So, here's a question for you all,
    What does silence look like?
    Broken Glass
    Silence is broken glass.
    You choose to look away!

    You all cover your ears,
    I see, I see,
    So you're not listening.
    I'll tell you how it is, again,
    silence is broken glass
    You choose to look away!

    No one's with me,
    You're all trash
    trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash,
    Rot away!

    Move onto the next member,
    The tvs buzz,
    The static screams,
    I tap the microphone
    Let the chaos unleash.

    Sitting here in this junkyard,
    The Q and A is in session
    I sit here, ready to answer
    I sit here, ready for anger.

    Testing, one two,
    I'm ready to answer anything.
    Are you ready? Three, four.
    Everyone looks ready to run for the door.

    Better hurry, so I ask you all.
    What does silence taste like?
    Silence is blood, hurting, and decay.

    You're all hiding the skeletons in your closet,
    I see, I see,
    No one believes me.
    So, I'll say it again! One, two, three!
    Silence is blood!
    Blood, hurting, and decay!

    No one is listening,
    I see, I see, I see,
    You're all trash,
    trash, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash.
    Rot away!

    Move onto the next member,
    The tvs buzz,
    The static bleeds
    I present myself to the crowd,
    Let the demons off their leash.

    Sitting here in this junkyard,
    The Q and A is in session
    I sit here, ready to answer
    I sit here, ready for anger.

    Testing, one two,
    I'm ready to for the question and answering.
    Are you ready? Three, four.
    Everyone breaks into tears, fearing.

    Better hasten the questioneering. So, I ask you all.
    What does silence feel like?
    Silence is rotting.
    Just leave me to die.

    R̴̡̪̼͈̰̺̱̤̠̘̳͒̔̌̐͐̐̅̈́͊͊̀͗̕͠ŏ̸̢͇͓͚̠͝t̵̨̢̰̟͇͙̖̤̺̜̘͉͖̼̘̆͑̓̈́̀͂̀̅͛̂̈́̕̕̕t̵̛̲̭̖͔͂̄̉̌͐̕i̸͍̲̗̮̤̪̼̖̮̩̲̯̝͓̽̊̐͋̍̆͂̀̕n̷̡͓̭̦̜̗̣͉̪͎̥̺̊̓́͐̓̒͛̓͗̿̚ͅg̶̡̧̡͓̟̓͊ͅ,̶̰͔̖͍̣̠̠̱͎̠̩̰̰̤̭̝̅̆̀̕ ̶̨͎̻͖̲̙͖̤̼̳͎͇̻̉̂͒͑͆̓̑̆̔͗̾͛̃͝͝ŗ̶̢̢̧̺͖̝̩̮͈̺̫̖͈͇̦͙̐͑ó̶̲̈́̀̾̏̂̀͂͑̓̏ͅt̴̛̥̦͚̥̫̦͓͔̿͆͛̄͛̈́̾̀̅́͠t̸͎̭̮͈̱͎̩̬͈͚̬̓̃̾́̎͝į̵̛͈͓̯̙̓͂̓́́̀n̴̩̜̳̘̣̮̩̟̗̝̺̗̽̌̓͗̈́̎̔̎̏̈́̐̿g̷̘̩̦̦̬̺̤͚̼̦͚̻͆͊̉͂͗̈́͒͋͆͂͘͜͝,̵͖͖̩̠̱̗͛̋̄̌́͋̚͜ ̶̧̨̮̗͎̦̜̲͓͂̀̀̚͜ͅr̸̞̀̽̆͗͑͗͋͊̓̆̒̄͒ơ̸̧̖̙̟͕̗̺͉͇͇̱͈̌́̿̑̀̓͌͂̓̒̅̈́̈́͆͝ͅț̸̆͆͋͌͋̒̏͌̀͝͝ţ̶̢̡̧͙͖͖̮̻͇̭͙̤̀̌̒́͗̾͑̍͑̆̈́̕͝ͅͅi̴̡̞̺͕̙̻͕̳͙̽̐̈́ͅǹ̶̹̺̜̮̣̹̻̹̀̈́͑͛͂̆̈͋͆̉͌̉̌̄̌̈́ģ̵͔̞̗͈̝̓̓̿̍̋͑̄̓̆̎̿̈́͑̃͜͜͝ͅ,̴̨̧̬̞̖̼͖̭̞̜̹̼̰̖̘̳̰̇͗͒̇͐̈̆͋̓̾̓͋ ̵̧̭̤̬̳̤͎̥̼̝̯͙͑̄̚ͅͅr̵̡̢̧͓͓̦̪͓͎͈̬͙͓̪͈͖̊͋̓̈́̇̌̊͂̊̀͝͝ǫ̷͓̅t̵̢̛̼̬̰̺͓̙̦͛͋͂̔̊͊̈́̅̾̚ţ̸̡̮̻͒̔̑i̵̳͋̅̇͒͛̈́̂̚͝ņ̷̟̟̰̬̘̻͇̞͈̦̹̼͋͂͛̃͋̾̀̐̓̂̾̔͠g̸̢̙͉̘̫͚̟͇͉͚͓͙͍̼͚͆͛̓̐̔̕͜͝,̵̢̧̛̪̞̟͚͙̟̩̜͇͈͊͗̃̈́ ̶͖͕͓͍͛͊͗̈̄̕͝ͅr̸̟̺̬̓́͘͝ó̵̠̥̝̬̺̝̳͇̩͎̩̞̖͛̈͒͘͠͝t̸̤̫͙̮̜͚̙̫͙͒̈́̈́̓̾͝͠t̷̨̞͔̪̣̹͉̳̥̩̃̈̏̑̃̀͂͝í̴̟̜̣͋͐̂̅́̿͌̆̈́͛͑͒̈́͝ǹ̵̢̹̠̳̯̻͍̳̘̳̥͙͈̮̾̍̉́͌̉͆̂́͐̇̎͝͝ͅg̴̛̰̳̜̦̭̰̰͈͋͒̓̇̆̏̆́̍͠͝,̸̡̥̮͚̯͚̙̀̈́̅́̇̿̃̍́͂̔͗̽͂̚̚͜ ̷̢̡̙̺͇̣̫̼͐̀̋r̵̡̧̤̫͉͈͈̙̩̜͉̹̹̮͇̳̊͒̇̓͑͌͋̽͛̿͌͆͜͝͝͝ó̷̜͚̭̜͙̖͎͉̤̜̘̘͙͕̦͘ț̵̨̛̞͓͓̰̞̫̺̖̳̝̰͙͆̾̓͗̀̔̊̃̀̽͂̐́͘ţ̴̤͔͚̜̲̫̹̾̏̄̅̔̑̾̈́́̂̑͌̂̋̚͝ͅi̶̛͙͂́̄͌̀͂́̂̇̋̌͋n̴̢̻͇̤͙̲̙͓̣͊̀̇̓̕͘̚ġ̴̢̨͎̩̣̟̘̠͍̭,̵̮̣͉̆͐̐̅͜ ̴̨̱̦̤͉͔̮̀̈̽̇̈́̓̆̀͐̄̄̓̀ͅr̴̨̩̜̼̜̯̯͕͓̗͙̜͎̽̐͐̅̋̚ǫ̷̧̥̜̻̜̱̦͇͙͈̪͚̮̥̺̓̾̓̐̋̔̊̀̇̍́̚ͅt̵̡̖͓̫̰̞͎̺̖̞͇̼̀̾̂͊͒͌̾̀̈́̐̃͊̑͝͝t̴̳̭̯̤̭͈̾̎̑į̴͔̖̭͈͔̹̺̱̘͎̼̠̤̗̙́̀̿̆̑͐̈́͑̆̆̅̿̍͋͊͜͝n̷̡̛̼̳̳͍͍̦͚̘͎̥̰̲̬͕̤̖̄͗͌͘͘͝͝g̸̰͉̙̽̂̆͐̔̓̆̒̀̄̂̕͠,̴̢̢̛̹͚̪̘̤͉̞̓̀̂͌͒̔́́̐̊͜͠ ̶̢̭͍̩̳̮̘͓̪̮̗̲̓̒́̈̽̾̓͝͝r̸̪̯̒̄̂̊̇̇̊͝o̵̢̢̗̙̲͙͖͂̊͜͜͝t̷̟͍̱̻̜̰̮̾͛͂͐͒̅̂͗̓̀̉͝͝ţ̸̨̻͕͍̦̟̪͍̟͇͈̘̘̳̌͋i̶̧̧̳͉̰̙͊̂͋̄͑̍͊̔̕͝͝n̶̡̫̹̝̲̤̙̩̤̰̺͓͙͗͛͊͛̃̎̅̈́̊̍͊̑̈̎̕͝͠ͅģ̵̯̹̦̙̊̏̓̀̃̓͗̕,̴̞͖̪̣̥̬̜̝̫̟̲̙̜̔͌̈̀͝ ̶̛̻̣̗̉͌̃̌̍͊̽̚͠͠ŗ̷̛̮͕̱̺̥͈̯̣̊͛̓͘ͅo̷̧̭̠͕̺̮͈̠̰̯̣͊̌͂̆͐ẗ̶̢̡͍̫̭̤̤̰̯̻̪͓̝͇̬́̐̓̃͗̊̇͑̈́͂͝ͅͅţ̸̘̩̝̤̗̤͖̯̾̇̀̈̉̅̈́͛̐į̸̧̢̧̛̥͍̗̤̯̟̖͉̣̜͔̉͐͒͛͌̓̓̒͊̕̚͝͝n̸̢̠͔̩̦͕̺̫͔̻̳̻̹̆g̸̨̧̳̩̰̜̘͕̮̠͚̦̪̥̤̣̪̃̇̔̈́̃͊̋͗,̵̨̛̹̠͓̮́̿̃̒̈́͒͊̍͋͊͗̇̓̕̚͝ ̷͉͙͆̿̀̆̿̈̉̅̌͊́̓̏͂̕͜r̸̡̡̲̼͉͍̪̈́̎̍͒͊ǒ̸̡̧̝͎͉̭͎̻̻̹͚̎͑̋̇̉̑̏̌̚ͅţ̸̜͇͕͚̹̥̻͍̄͗̓̀͜͠t̶̢̰̮̪̎̓̔͒̋͗̀͛͘̕ǐ̸̢̧̨̜̘̣̯̱̪͇̩̮̦̪̘̝͋̄̓̄̑̇͠ͅñ̴̨̧̞͔͚̦̮͉̠̹̽͑̑̋̽͆̆̈́͜g̴̢̢͖͕͕̯̰̩̰̹̻͕̼̤̰̖̈́̈̄,̵͖̮̎̋̋̓̆͐̒̃͊̃̇̄͝ ̸͔̪̟͉̤̖̤͙͉̹̜͈͗̃r̶̛̖͙̤̤͔̣̠̹̖̆̈́̀͠ờ̵̢̯͙͔̦̙̫̥͈͇̭͙̪̹͌̃̀̊̈́̀̑̇̇͘̚ṱ̷̢̛̥̗̪͉̭̬͔̹̟͙̠͈͈̑ͅţ̷̨͈͉̙̥͖͔͊̎͛͆̂̕̚͠i̵̡̧̢͕̣̗̗͂n̸̡͖̝̤̦̲̠̩͇̠͓̰̣̜̈́̿͊͊̔͜͠͝g̷̛̣͈̹̪̝̘͎̻̾̿̓̆̑̽̉ͅ,̷̪͙͛̀̿̓̔͜ ̸̗̩͌̀̒ŗ̵̨̩͖̹̞̭̺̲̝̺̞̹̞̺̹̭̄͆͑̂̊̑̅͑̐͝͝õ̴̡͎̣͔̬͔̠͙̯͈̦t̸̢͌̆͒̾̓̇͐̀͗t̷̛̮͌̄͋͒̔̏̽̓̓i̷̧̡̢̧̛̬͉̱͔̭͚̪̹̘̮͉̖̿́͂͛͊͐͑̐̐̄͘ͅn̶̨̢̡̡̟̳͈͓̖̠̻͎̣͚̫̗͑̃͆́͜g̵̣̙͓͔͕͚̽,̸̢̘̬̹͙͇͔͔͚̱̭̭̑̿͑͋̈́́̀̏̓̏̈́̍̂̚̕


    No one understands anything.
    The static clings
    The tvs ring
    The buzzing let's itself in.

    Move on to the final member,
    Click, click, click, click, ding
    No Input

    n̴͚͕̹͉̾̐̊̄͑̕o̸̞͉̖̪͚̬̰̻͙͇͕̘̅̆̄̇̓̈́̏̃̐́̆͛͒̏͠ ̶̭͈̟͚͕̤̓̓̂̆̄͐́̿̇̏͘͝͝͝i̴͉̪̟̪͚̙̠͕͛͋͗̄͂͑̾̍̀̚͠ņ̶̹̲͈̽͜ṕ̷̨̼͓͍̠̬͔̲͊́͐̈́̋̍̓̉̿̈́̚͠͝ư̷̡̧̛̥̜͔̩͓̜̥̝̖̹͙̈́͐̀̓̆̑̀͊̃̉̚̚̕̚t̵̥̜̗̘̦̰̳̗͍͉̦̫͉̫͓̳͂ ̷̡̨̜̠̱͙̺̘̻͕̮̆̂͌̆͝n̷̖͈̖̯͕̟͚̽̒́̒̈́̂̎͛͐͂̃͘ö̴̖̟̪̯̤͕̯͖̙̗̜͚̼́̾̌͌̈̓̐͘͜͝͝ͅ ̴̡̱͉͎̩̠͊̂́į̵̩̄͑ņ̵̠̰͓̞͎̓͒̅p̷̢͖͕̱̫̯̪̬̲̠̅̽̾̒͂̽̐̋̄́͒͒͊͝͝͝u̸̹̘̠̣̘̞̐͂̔̒̿̅͠t̶͇̝̩̙̘̲̮̦͈̒̌̃̀͛͋͂̀̑̍͆̆̈̄͜͝͝ ̵̱̯̜̿̑̓̈́͂̏̚̕n̷̨̧̒̒̇ǫ̴͈̠̳͒͒͌́̏̂̐̆̋̒̇̍̆͠ ̴̢̡͖͉̯̼͓̘͖͓͕͛̒̉̈̋̈́̒̀͆́͜i̵̡͉̫̥̣̻̬͈͉͚͔̭̱̽̆̓̏̊̎̽̓̓̽̔͗͗̕͜͠͝n̷͕͕̺̭̟̩̯͉̟̖͉̟͕̞͂̃̓͗̍̽͊̋̓̉̇̓̓͘͘p̴̡̢̥͉̞̘̝̱͓̠̺̫͉̪̱̖̘̓͗̑̇̂͊̍̈́͑̐͠͠͝u̴̡̮͛̓̑̔́̏̓̈̚̚͘͝͝ț̶͉̗̤̤̩̌̈́͒͌̈́́͗̂̔ ̷̳͈͙̠͔̜̈́͑̚͘͝n̷̛̘̰͇̻̙͙̻̄̅̎̉͋̓̈́̎͛̓̚̚ơ̶̜͇̲̥͙͈̣̥͋̐͗͐̽̒̔͛̐̓͘͘̚͝͝͝ ̷̤̭͔̫͎̼̱͇̗̬̯͍̠̝͂̀͐į̶̢̙̟̜̣̝͖̝̞͓̭̱̥͉́͊̐̍͜͝͠͠ͅn̵̨̧̜͖͔̗̰̣̣͕̗̱̜̎͜p̵̢͓̦̝̟̺̦̤̥̝̎͒̐̎́̈̈͛͗̂͗̂̃̚̚̚͘u̸̢̡̢̨̨̨͎͖͚̘͇̺̬̤͙̜̻̅͊̉̈́͆̓t̵̯͍̹̣̭̯̫̰͖̗̹̘̤͛͑ ̸̢̧̝̤͈̪̗͖̦͖̝̊̄̀̓n̴̡̢̢̜̤̤̳͔̺̬͛o̴̖͓̭̰̻̣̎̓̏̊̌̍ ̶̖̗̞̮̱̖͉̠͇̻͂ͅì̶̢̨̧̼̣͇̥̗͔̭̠̙͙̘̙͔̓̂̈͌̐́͘͘n̴̡̤͉̮͕̣̯̤͓̪͓̲̩̪̗̽̍̆̆͌̌̈́́͋̎̀͌̈̇̋́̆ͅp̷̟̗͎̰͗́͆͆̈̒̅̓̔̕͘u̵͉̫̥͙͙͕̩͕͙̾̈͆̈́̈́̀̆͜t̸̗̻̙̘͕͉̙̺͑́̈̒ ̷̡̑̄͂̓̾͒̔́̎̋̏̒̊̈́̚͘͘ņ̸̡͚͎͖̜͈̞̤̩̙̗̔̓͒͑̍͒̚̕͜͜ͅô̵̧̧͔̞̪̯̟͈̣̟͑̓̈̄͋ͅ ̸̧̰̻̘̟͓̆͒i̵̛̖̱̥̣̇͑̍͌̾͛̾̅̈́͂̂̎͗̑̚ͅn̷̘̮̣͍̦͕̖̈͒̑p̷̘̈́͒͑͘͝u̴̼͔͇̟̼̭̹͈̹̰̻̓̀̔t̵̡̬̗̖̜̗͚͖̖̬͖͉͋̇̇͌̿̌̓̄̆͂͝ ̷̧̧͉̞̻̭̝̘͕̳̘́͐͆́͐͛̏͐̌̿̕ņ̸͈͚̣̪̜̍͂͛͐̈̀̔̄̏͌̚̚͘ǫ̵̡̡̰̲̪͓̌̂̅̌́̎̿ ̸̛͖͓͒̏̆̉́̈́͆͘ĭ̶̳͎̝͖̙̙̱̯͚̰͙̩̞́͆̿͗́͆̀͐̂̆̕̚̕̚͜͝n̵̨̨̛̙̱̻̳̰̟̲̊̊̋͂̆͂̈́́p̴̛̛̛̹̍̇̿̋̽̔̄̉͂̎u̸͓̳̞̱̲͖͙̻̟̎̂͆͜t̴̡̝̬̯̗̑̀̽̓̋

    Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ding

    I'm asking the questions now
    What is silence?
    Silence is a Way of Life.

    C̸̨̢̢̛̛̪̻̰͎̗̬̥̳̠̜̫̭̰͕̱͖̦̩̖͔̼̼͎͕̼͕̰͇͐͊̐̓̅̈́̐̌̔͋̂͗͋̓̊̇̈́͋̈̍̌̎̊͋͐̚͘͜͜͜͜͝ơ̵̯̭̯͕̰̖͍̥͈̼̬̩͚̮̼̰̣̬̟̔̔̾͋͆͆͛̐̀̿̊́̈́͑͂̽̿̎̂̽̉̑̓̃͐̀̕͘̕ͅṇ̸̛͍̟̠̍̈̈́̈́͐͊͌͌̊̅̇͋͒͒̈́̀̐͐̾̓̿̂̕̚͠ḟ̴̢̡̛̘̝͉̜̟̹̰̰̮̖̝͉̟͇̳̯͍̬͍̞̥͈̦͕͕͇̼͕̽͛̆͛̓̀̾̈́̿̊͋̃̀̐̈́̃̄̆͘̚ͅö̸̢̻̗̭̺͍͈̩̖̲̥̠͙͓̩̼͔͍́̐̐͌͂̀̃̄͛̈́̆̎͋̃́̈́̊́͗̿͑̽̿͊̇͋̀͗̍͘̕͜͠͝ŕ̴̨̡̡̳̥̹̖̥̳̭͎̮̙̤͙̗͔̬̠̥̞̥̙̮̫̲͎̩̝̟̰̭̈́̀̒͛̇̓͛́͂̄̉̂͐̒̅͗͂̄͘̚̕̚̚͝͠m̶͎̮͚̑̈́̑̔̊̆͛͆̋̋̀̔̏͂̈́͛̒̒͗̑̀̒̈́̌̌͋̕͘͝͝͝ ̷̢̗̼̯̤̓̊̀̀̾͊̔̂́̿̍͐̔̆̐͐͂̌̏̉̊͗͊̚͘͠͠ỵ̷̨̦͉͕͙̭̭̤̲̮̬̫͚̹͓̺̬̬͓̬̠̦̞̬̣̅͋͛̄̈́̚ȯ̷̧̡̧̰͔̤͔̖̩͕͉̞̩̞̱͈̯̥͖̯̳̰̭̹̰̆̐̈́̒͐͊̊̂̊͗͝ͅư̶̢̢̧̧̢͖̤͖̻̺̘̣̥̬̫̫̤͚̞̠̣͇̰̮͎̲̲̟̫̲̤͉̓̓͑̾̀́̈́̏̅̿̊̔̊͌͒͌̀̀͘͝ŗ̶̦̳͔͚̪͖̝̺̤͚͉̝̻͇̥̙̹̹̖̝͙͍͚͈̗̯͕͓͔̤̘̜̜̈̓̍͋̈́̔̽̀̒̑̏͛̃̎́̀͌͘̕͜͝͠͝s̸̡̡̛̺̟̟͎̞̰̤̭̳̰̮͇̦̩̝̯̠̲̗͈̙͕̫̅̂́̿̊̃̉́̐̒̽̎͋̔̅̅̇̈́͑͛̈́̆̓̅̈̎̆̚͝͝e̶̡̢̛͓͚̺͖͇̹̩͖͔̻̙̪̞̭̣̦̞͇̳̯̼̫̩̮̺̣̪͕̻̫̦͑̌́̀̽͐͒͒̔͒̃̆̆̍̍̋́̈́̓͜l̵̨̨̡̢̼͇̞͈͙̮̳̮͓̙̥̺͔̮̯̳͎̙͖͉̥͙̬͕̱̼̬̠͂͐̀̈́̿̔́̾̌̉̒͜͜͜͝f̴̡̢̨̧̢̛̱̬̩̞̫͙̗̯͉̪̳̝̘̪̲͈͍͍̥̀͛̿͋͊̿͊̄͆̚͜͝͝ ̷̡̛̛̛̛̺̻̥̳̯̘̙̪͐͑̋͑̔̑̊̾͆̈́̍́̑̔͗̈́́͘̕̚͘ͅt̸̢̧̡͔̰̻͔̬͉̖̺̠͔̣̾̍͂̿͒̐́̑̀̋̽͂̇̇́̉̽͊̓̿͐̆̈́̌̌̈́̀̕͠͝͝o̷̢̡̧̡̨̱̖̝̼̠̰̟̜͕̪͍̟̖̩͈̙͉̖͍͚̭̪̔̊͜ ̷̧̨̢̲͓̼̝͎̟̟͈̩͔͇̻͔͍̪̺̼͖͚̙̖̃̅́̽̍̇̋̕͘͠͠n̵̢̽͝ȍ̵̡̡̗̰̩̜̟͇͍͓̻͉̭̠̹͔̟̮̝͖͈̦̭̻̲͔̭̻̭̭͓ͅẗ̵͉͚̰̹̬͔̬̘̤͚̙̫͎̼̠͓͍̥̰̥̥̲̥́̂̀̃̐̄̈́̑̈́̂͊͋́͗̈́̃̋̅̈̊͛͊̊͗̄̈́̓̊͘̚͜͝͠͝͠͠ ̴̞̒̐̈̅̾̕s̴̬̞̓͊̔͛̓͑͗̌̇̅̄̍̽͂͆̈́̃̓͗̋́͗̇̅̀̌͒͐̕a̸̢̧̢̨̯̥̺̻̱̬̹̙͙̜̱̓̈́̋̓͋̿͐͗̈́́̇͐̋͑̆͋̂̃̊́͊͑̒̓̆̃̍̅͘͝͝͝y̸̗̭̣͎͉̮̗͖͕̞̳̻̻̹͎͈̬͚̱̹͖̿͂͑̑͜į̴̡̨̡̢͇͍̗͔̦͕͓̞̩̦̳͕̘̪̲̝̦̩̺͍̘̘̹̦̰̓͑̈́̿͂͊́̈́̂͜͠ͅn̵̛͉̗͉̳̳̤̤̄̈́̃͑͐͂͗̅̊͊̈́͗͜͝ģ̸̛̛̫̠͙͇̹͓̼͇̤͎̬̞̰̦̞̱͔̲͇̻̖̯̽͆̊̽̌̀͜͜ͅ ̴̢̡̘̬͉͖̳̘̺̲̝̟̬̘̭͙̥̦͔̠͇̺̝̱̞̭̠͔̂̆͑̋̍̇̆͠ͅa̵̧̢̙̼̖̻̪̥͖̫̖̭̻̐̆̾̾͒̈̌̒͜͝͠ņ̷̡̢̛̮̖͔͎̘̳̭̬̞̖̪͉̦̦̻̯̤͓̗̼̤͈̜̖̳̀̑̒̌͒̽̚y̴͖̠͌͒̑͜t̸̢̛̮̪̝̬̟̖̮͈͇̰͖̭͚͎̮̭̻̪͉̭̬͍̔̄͒̃̆̉̿̕͝ͅh̷̛̻̝̮̞̰̞̞̣͎͚̒̑̓̌̔̓̏͂̽̂̂͆͛̈̀̈͂̅̀̋̽̈̊̑̈́̅̂̋̈́̐̇̂̅̕̚͠í̶̛̬̰̣̜͇̙̟̩͉̺̞̪̜̺̯̤͙̩̰̮̻͍͈̮̬͕̟̠͉̻̬̱̪͎͉͗̿̎̌̔̾̾̑͑̊̆̿̆͐̾͌̽͐̊̈̚̚͜n̵̛͈̻̩̮͕̳͇̘̟͍̖͎̻̬̭͖̘̬͔̝͚̻̽͐̈́̀͒̋̅͆́̈́̓͒͜͠g̸̨̢̛̹̣̦̣̤̼̯̭͕͍͚̖̿͋͗̆̊̔͑͌̇̒̌̎̒̽̀͒͛̊̀̋́͂̓͜͝ͅͅͅ
    I̶̪͈̤͗͐͂̒̉̏͆̒͌̀̉͑͠͝͝ṱ̴̻͚̖̖͍̻͔͕͍̒͛͌̎̿̆̀̂͆̓̉͌̃̉̾͜͜͜'̷̧̙͇͎͓̘̻͍̘̻̒̔̎̊̑͆̀̓́̚ͅͅs̵̈ͅ ̶̼̰̺͉͖̀́̈́͝b̶̧̢͔̮̩͇̺̠̯͕͍̗͎̐̿̑̆̂̓̉̓́̒͜͝ͅē̸̢̛̲̥̳͉͙͉̦̍͛͋͊̽̋́́́̓͝t̶̛͍͍̮͍͎͕͚̣͇̘̦̭͖̎͌͛̈͌̊͊̋͘ͅţ̵̘̫͉̺̈̓̔͛̉̋̉̈́̒̈́͘͝ȩ̵̝̘̩̤̣̗̜̼̫̓͊̀͊̓̇͗̐̈̔͑̚̕̕͘ŗ̶̢̞̝͎̞̫̖̦̖͚̲̻̗͇̿́̉͆͒̎̀̈̚͝ ̵̧̡̳̩̳̫̫̩͔̘̠̙̼̖̆̀̆̒͊͌̂̓̂́̍̑̋͆̕t̷̨̗͙̻͙̙̫̝̜̺̫̊͐̌́̀̀̕͜ͅh̶̞̥͍̀̐̽͒̒̈́͗͊͑͠ą̷̞̣̰̤̦̲̠͐̑͗ť̵̢̡̛̛̮͍͇͍̾̊́͛͛̎̑̿̈́̊̎͒͝ ̵̢̡̛͕͉͇̹̼̤̭̺̜͉͚̦̼̤̖̇̀̓́̆́͐̿̃ŵ̵̢̙͖̪̰̘͍̲͙̞͂́̇̍̑̊̀̆͘͝͝a̷̡̛̯̻̺̼͍̭͉͛̌̇͌̑̽̍̍͌̽̅̎̇͘y̸̛̛̝̹͛̍̀̄̀̃̽̈́̀͜͠͝͝,̷͚͓͎̝̬͎̖̞̩̣͖̫͌̀̄̄̓̃͊͌̿̚ ̸̡̛͍̖͍̟̪̟̠͕̘͕̲͔͂̏͊͌̽͒̿̂̕͜͠͝d̶̮͚̞̜̙̥̣̥̘͇̣̖̺̳̮̉̒̅̐͊̈́̌̋̆̉̚͘ơ̵̧̜̞͇͕͋̆̍͑̈́̾͑́͠n̸̳̦͇͙̮̠̹̔̈́̈̄͛̍̊͜'̴̢̥͍̹̤̰͔̫͉̠̤̝̩̉̌̉͂̈̇̀͂̽͝ͅt̶̖̣͉̰͑͐͂̓̈͐͒̇̌̽͘͘̕̕͜ ̷̨̛͇͎͙̀̅̊̒̀͑͛̎́̕͝͝ẏ̸̠͙̼̼͕̲͇̝͔̜͔̃̈́̒̔̋̈́͋͌́̚͜͝ǫ̷͈̝̲͙͔͍̜̰̤̿͊͂̅͋̇̈́͗́͐̄̊́̓̈́͜͠û̴̧͚͔͎͈͎̙̱̂̋́̈́̈̾̃̎̀̃̐̽͒̃͝͝ ̴̧̭̞̻̤̌̽̑s̶̳̙̱̠̦͈̠͙̜̫͈̭̽́̇̈́̔̕͜è̷̝̼̤͑̈́̀͒̃̎͌̕͜͝͠ě̶͚͒͆̈́̈̉͝?̷̧̝͕͓̙̹̖̺̦̗̤̻̲̳́̌͋̑̓͗͘
    Ș̴̡̛̛̛͕̟͍̖͇͇͙̥̻̩̮̖̂̊͋̒̌̂͝ị̶̡͇̜͎̥͕̪̄̽̃̆͜͠͝ͅͅl̵̲͎͈̘̓͐̔͒̈́́͋̉͠͝e̴͉͍͔̲͖̝͊͋͒̎̅̉͘n̷̛̛̺͔̰̓͛̽̑͗͂͐͌̐̈́̽̃͝c̸̡͕̻̙̣̲͎̲̹͚̬͔̲̞̎̿́̕e̶̢͍̯̙̣̖̹̹̞̯͎͙͑̾̆ͅ ̴̡̢̙͓͖̹͍̙̭̱͚̱̝̍̀͋͐̊͂̕͠ị̵̙̠̩̬̝͔̹̋̚s̵̖̙̳̩̹̈́͑͆͒̽̅̎̑ ̶̨̘̮̖̖͍͖̫̹̳̯̠̤͑̔̓̈́͆̚a̷̡̳͈͙̝͙̻̻̬̿ ̵̨̧̨̧̨̼̜̭̮͙̺̯̘̱̯̝̙̅͋͋̀̂̈́́͑̃̍̉̊͠w̵̧̡̛̛̭̗͚͙̮̗͉͙̺͕͉͔̙̣͇̒̿̏̓̈́̀̀͂͂̊͆̓̚͝͝a̶̢͎͚̭̥̥͔͚͍͕̭̬̍́̍y̸̙͙̹̩̦͔͙̲̍͒̑̈́͗̑̊͒͝͝ ̶̡̢̢̢̛̝͎̱̙̥͕̻̩͕̖͐̈́̇̂̇̽̏͗͋̕ơ̸͔̙̩̺̪̓̍̉̉́̑̑͘͘͜͝f̵̛̛͔͓̟͚̭͑̑̇̉͌̚͝ ̴̧͚̞̣̘̮̆̎̽̀̆͛̔̌̋͒̌̃͆̌̕͠ͅl̷̨̢̢̖̙̠̺̖̩̹̗̤̗͖̮͉̳̓̽̆̽͒̋̊͋̀̆̏͘i̶͕̟̩͙̊̅̽̀͋̽̓͐̽͘͠͠͝͝f̷̧̨̺̭͓̩̦͓̲̞̑̚͜e̴̢̢̧̢̛̺̮͉̹͓̙̯̰͈̹̊̇̈͆̽́̈́̐͌̍̈͘͝͝
    C̵̹͚̖̹̪̟͈̹͖͙̠̻͆͗̽̀͑̋̐̎̓̊͛͜ő̴̙̻̰̰̫̼͚̈́͐̈́̅̐̉̆̒̈̕ǹ̸̢̹̖͖̞̫̽͗f̸̧̢̛͉͉̙̘͓͇͖̥̬͙̣̯͒͑̑̀͌̅͛̅̀ǭ̵̬̫̻͎͓̲̹͖̩͖̼̅͜r̵̢̰̘͓̟̩̦̤͎̰̦̖͖̅̎͌͛́̊̚͜m̷̢̛̦̻̯̫͇͍͙̘̱͆̈́̑̄̈́̄͌̉́̆̚̚͜͜͠ ̶̘͎̗͎̩̺̪͔̠̿̋̊͗͆̽̌͋͘͘͝ͅy̸̝̻̳̯̟̤̺͔̱̘̓̒͗̀̅̽́̃̏̚̚̚̕̕ọ̵̧̖̰̦̥͇̹̠̣̙͙̫̳̟̐̎̇͛ự̴̛̼̹̜͓̆̓͋̾̓͐͆͒̃̑͊̀ŕ̸̥̥̲͓͍̦̔͂̇͒̅́͒̀́͠͝͠͝ͅs̴̯͈̱̹̘͙͔̞͔̮̋̃̌̈́̏̒̽̎̾̓́̋̅ͅe̸̫̊̿̐͊̇̋́͗́̉́̓͝͝l̶͇͚̙͇͖͑̐͌̑͂̋̏̒͑̋̃̀̈́̋̆͘͜͠f̷̻̄̋͂̈̅̑͒͂͝,̸̨̛̦̫͆͆͆̚͝͝ ̴̧̦̫̣̣̓͑̒̅̋́͘ͅo̵̢̢̫͚̲̦̣̖̼͐́̈́͂͒̉̎̔̂r̸̹̩͇̞̲͉͙̣͔̬̬̖͙̝͗́̋͑̊͗͑ ̴̧̢͓̟͓̪̺̪̥̙̪̮̠̫̤͑̎̈́͛̓l̴̨͖̫̱͎̞̯̬͕̲͔̝̇̄̒͂̓͂̾̕̚͜͠͝ͅë̵̥̺̭̙̠̩̯̯̟̠̮̣̳͚͇̾͛̒̄̂͑̈̅̐͘͜͝ȧ̵̧̧̢̛̘̱̩̮͖̩̃̇̾̉̓͒̋́̈́͐̆͐̄͘v̷̡̢̨͍̫̟̮̭̂͊͆͋͋̓̿̐͜͝é̴̹͔̼͗̐ͅ.̸̰͛̇̆̓͠

    No Input

    No more
    No more
    No more
    Rip apart my cocoon
    Destroy my transformation
    Eat these flower petals
    End this sensation
    I despise everything.



    Silence is purple.

    C̴̮̙̑̈̋́͆̏̈̌̔̔́̈́̚̕ò̸̧̢̲͓̦̟̖̥̞̮̰̠̲͈̝̠͗̐̏̅͌̕͝ń̶̝͂͋̕͠f̶̡̡͈̫̰̹̫̘̺̥͓͈͔̳̹̼̾o̷̡̨̲̱̪͍̙̼̱͉̮͑̓̒͆̾̄͗̾͋̕̕͜͝ͅr̸̥̮̹͍̰͇̈́̔̏͌̒̏̾̃̏m̶̘̫̼͖̹͖̮͎̞͙̌͒͛̐͑͆̎̉̑͠ ̷̦͎̺̦͚̘̹̿̍̕t̸̘̼̐̈́̃́̂̂̂̔̈̓̋͝ó̸͇̺͈͕͚͍͇̫̘̖̱̰̖̜̗̘͕͂̄̃̊̏̾̀ ̴̩̎̈̕s̴̡̧̫͖͍̥̯̼̰͙͍̺̣̠̦̽̂͜a̴̰͐͑͒͘y̷̡̧̢̢̹̩̞͈̖̝͓̱̗̺̞̟͆͊̄ỉ̴̡̢̠̜̻̮̪̦̪̩̦̪̥̥͎͈̟̀̎́̓̑̇̍̒̐̀͊̕̚n̵̛̰̗̜͊̆̓̉̉͌̎̒́̊́̔ͅǧ̷̟̹̝̪̟̐̆̾́̔̎̋͂́͘͝ ̵̨̛̖͍̥͚̫͉̯̖̹̦̼̭͓̀̍̈́̏͌̀̃͋̊̈́͆̑̿̿̂͜ͅn̸̪̼͎͖̠̉̈̎̒̊͊ǒ̶̮̪͍̘̊͘͘̚t̸̢̧̡̜̹̘̯̞͍͆͐͂̆̈́̇͋̓̈̐̽̆̀́̕̚h̷̯͓̮̹͎̗̜͙̗̘̝̘̟͙̥̲̓̽̑͊̌͜ḯ̷͚͕̥̤̠͚͖͎͙̜̹̟̲̚n̷̞͛͂͑͌̍̌̈́͗̑͊͊̕g̵̗͚̳̝͔͚͘!̶̡̞̱̘͖̩̿̈́̍̓͆̔͐͌̄͗͂̑̾͌̓̏

    Silence is purple.
    Conform to sayin nothing.

    This one is pretty chaotic, sorry.
    Rules of the Theater

    Written on 3/14/24

    A sprechgesang sung and spoken by Naofa, Gris, Eau, Aega, and Miku on backup vocals

    Welcome to the Lynx Troupe, newcomers!
    We are just getting started
    As a musical theater group,
    So let me explain the rules of the troupe!

    <The Lynx Troupe? Lame.>

    Shut up, Frenchy!
    Or, I'll blacklist you from getting any lead!
    I make the rule around here!
    So, here's how things work!

    Rule one, be here at
    Nine o-clock sharp!
    Wake up early!
    Or lose your spot!

    Wake up early?
    Nine o-clock sharp?!

    Shup up, Frenchy!
    Get here on time,
    Or you'll be blacklisted from getting the lead!
    Are we clear? Or, should I drop you
    From the cast while
    We're in the prime?

    Ah, no, no
    I'll come here on time.

    You'd better!
    Don't waste my time, Frenchy!
    Or you'll lose your spot in the Lynx Troupe,
    Very, very, swiftly!

    I'm the leader,
    Do As I Say
    Or you will never get the lead role in this troupe!
    Have I made myself clear, okay?

    Good, my little fleas!
    Now, onto the next code of conduct,

    Good, my little fleas!

    Rule two, practice singing
    Pitch perfectly!
    Or, I'll have Miku dub over you!
    Don't expect to get the lead role
    If you sound ugly!

    Naofa? I can't sing.
    This is musical theater, are you kidding?

    Shut up, mermaid!
    Such a baby!
    Attitude like that
    Will never get you the lead role!
    Learn to sing, or get out, okay?

    Ugh, mermaid. I'm not a--

    Did I say you could speak?
    I'm the one talking here!
    Shut up, Frenchy!
    Listen to the rules,
    Or I'll kick you out, personally!
    Are we clear, Frenchy?

    Fine, I will learn to sing.

    Good, my little fleas!
    Now, onto the speedy breakthrough,
    The rest of the rules are as follows.

    Rule three, the audience is your puppets,
    Every single viewer, held together
    At the tip of your fingers,
    Manipulate their emotions,
    Cease the opportunity!

    Rule four, expect changes constantly!
    Complain, and you'll be blacklisted
    From getting the lead!
    Are we clear?
    I'm in control of the script,
    The direction, everything!
    Have a problem with that and you're gonezo!
    Never seen in the business againzo!

    Sacre bleu!
    You're in charge of everything,

    Shut up, Frenchy!
    Shut up, little jackal freak!
    I make the rules here,
    Not you, me!

    I'm the leader,
    Do As I Say
    Or you will never get the lead role in this troupe!
    Have I made myself clear, okay?

    Here's the final rule for you all to see!
    Expect to make all your costumes!
    Don't think you're getting them for free!
    If you don't let them, get out,
    Because you won't get the lead!

    If you're clear on the rules,
    You're welcome here, with open arms!
    Compete for the lead!
    Reach stardom!
    So, once again, I'd like to say!

    Welcome to the Lynx Troupe, newcomers!
    We are just getting started
    As a musical theater group,
    So, get comfortable,
    I make the rules here.

    This theater is mine.
    All mine, and
    I'll make the audience my little puppets,
    Watch and see!

    I can just imagine how mean Naofa would sound in this omg.
    Rappin' Crash Course

    Written 3/21/24

    As rapped by Soapy Eggs (Tegne, {MC Sheep}, Rede, {MC Goat}, Dove {MC Bird}, Kali {MC Mermaid}, and Miku (in a majority of the repetition lines as part of the chorus)

    Are ya ready?
    Clap your hands,
    Clap, clap, clap, clap,
    Have some Soapy Eggs,
    We're gonna give you a crash course on the rap.

    MC Sheep, reportin'.
    Here's some tips and tricks for ya,
    I'm going to go pretty fast, so
    Follow along, stick around for the show!

    Want to know how to the plan for survival?
    On Crystal Bird Street,
    You'll need a rival,
    So drop 'dem beats,
    One, two three.
    Find someone to compete,
    No time t' flee!

    Here in the rap scene,
    It's about finding someone to battle,
    Don't ya see?
    It ain't bout da money!
    So, take a seat
    Drop dat beat,
    And join Crystal Bird Street.

    /Track Switching in Progress\.

    Are ya ready?
    'Cause listen up
    Listen up, listen up
    Hop in my nest
    I'll give you a plan.

    MC Goat, represent.
    Here's a goal post for ya
    I'll try to go slow
    So, ride along da tracks with me,

    Want to know a plan for making it big?
    On Crystal Bird Street,
    You'll need a partner,
    Or team, to drop those beats,
    One, two, or three.
    Maximum of five people,
    Are you following along with me?
    Find someone to mix 'dem beats freely,
    Think about that if you're considering joining.

    Here in the rap scene,
    It's about working, and competing,
    Are ya getting it?
    It ain't about soloing,
    So find a partner,
    And join the street scene!

    ~Track switching in progress.~

    Are ya ready for round three?
    Raise your class,
    Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers!
    Have some soapy eggs,
    We're going to instruct you on how things work around here.

    MC Bird, tootin.
    I have some advice for you,
    I'll be quick,
    So, follow along,
    Don't be fear strick.

    Want to know the first thing about rapping?
    It's all about da rhyming.
    Find a rhyme scheme,
    Follow da beat
    Words are poetry,
    Are ya following along with me?
    Skill can be crafted,
    Don't worry about it
    Comin' out shafted.
    Practice makes perfect
    Keep going.
    Respect da process.

    Here in da rap scene,
    It's all about perfecting,
    But havin fun experimenting.
    Are ya following?
    Keep dropping out dem rhymes
    On Crystal Bird Street.

    {Track Switching in Process}

    Are ya ready for da last lesson?
    Well, then listen.
    Listen, listen, listen!
    Class is in,
    I'll give ya the ho down,

    MC Mermaid, ready for a showdown!
    I ain't got nothin' to say
    Just challenge me,
    To a rap battle,
    They're open all day.

    Want to know the first thing about battlin?
    Ya gotta follow da beat of your opponent,
    And take it, own it.
    Follow da flow,
    Steal it if you must,
    We da rap battlin queens,
    So if ya wanna take our crown,
    Challenge us.

    Here on da street scene,
    It's all about competin'
    Don't be scared,
    Everyone is fightin'
    Rhyming and scheming.
    Tourneys held once a month,
    We wanna hear ya scream.


    Are ya ready?
    Clap your hands,
    Clap, clap, clap, clap,
    This has been a crash course on rap.

    Take a rhyme, join us in three,
    Come down onto Crystal Bird Street.

    And with that, I have now written one song for every single group. From here on, I'll write songs for whichever group I feel most gravitated towards during that point in the week.
    Toxic Shock Syndrome
    Written 3/28/24.
    As sung by Spiked Blue Venom, Garran on lead vocals, Liath on backup vocals, and Regina, Waiola, and Miku in the chorus.

    We are Spiked Blue Venom,
    And we're about to give you
    Toxic Shock Syndrome!
    Are ya ready?
    Give us a scream,
    One, two, three.


    Does that feel better?
    You've been seen,
    So let out a scream,
    Make a scene!
    On this poisonous bed where you'll all bleed!
    In the land of the forbidden
    Throwing away your needs!

    Break All the rules,
    Let out a deep scream!
    Do you wanna be seen?
    Do yOu wANnA bE sEEn?

    Come on over!
    Belt out your most toxic screech!
    Noxious and deep!
    We'll give you
    Toxic Shock Syndrome,
    So give us a scream,
    One, two, three.


    Toxic Shock Syndrome,
    Strum a chord force yourself to break free?
    Are you with me?
    Are you with me?
    Forget everything in this worthless scene!
    Set yourself loose, upend the unseen!
    Break out loose, let out a scream!


    Feel it, feel it deep inside you,
    That venom coursing through you?
    Don't you see now? I own you!
    This toxic bed beneath you,
    All mine! Tried and true!
    Bow down to your poison king and queens,
    This venom is spiked blue?

    Break All the rules,
    Let out a deep scream!
    Do you wanna be seen?
    Do yOu wANnA bE sEEn?

    Come on over!
    Belt out your most venomous screech!
    Noxious and deep!
    We'll give you
    Toxic Shock Syndrome,
    So give us a scream,
    One, two, three.


    Are you feeling it?
    Are you feeling it now?
    That's the poison deep in you
    Taking you around!
    Breathe it, live it,
    Let it consume you deep,
    Toxic Shock Syndrome gonna take you away,
    Before you can even speak!
    Break away from this fragmented dream!

    Are ya ready?
    Give us a scream,
    One, two, three.


    Does that feel better?
    You've been seen,
    So let out a scream,
    Make a scene!
    On this poisonous bed where you'll all bleed!
    In the land of the forbidden
    Throwing away your needs!

    Stop thinking so deep
    And give into the venom underneath!
    We'll upend you from this dream!
    Come along on this toxic journey!
    Let out a scream,
    lEt oUT a sCrEAm,
    One, two, three.


    That blue venom spiked so deep will control you,
    So keep screaming,
    For the kings and queens!

    You'll always be heard
    In this venomous dream!

    Idk I just threw this together in like idk what...fifteen minutes?
    Happiness Stream
    Written 4/4/24.
    As sung by Incognito Princess (Elise, Loba, Leah, Susu) and Hatsune Miku.

    Candy, candy, candy, candy,
    Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar
    Let's brew a honey iced tea!
    In this castle of dreams,
    Coming right up, tout de suite!

    How do you like your tea?
    Bitter? Served with mint leaves?
    Savory? Served with fishies?
    Sour? Served with wedges, lemony?
    We like ours with sugar!
    Honey so sweet!

    We're all so cute,
    Pretty and petit,
    Cute, pretty, petit, and sweet!
    Sugar, and sprinkles, cookies and cream?
    What more could a budding girl ask for,
    From this happiness stream?

    Honey, honey, honey, honey,
    Biscuits, biscuits, biscuits, biscuits,
    Let's bake some tasty cookies!
    In this kitchen of dreams,
    We'll get to it tout de suite!

    How do you like your treats?
    Bitter? Coated with mint chocolate?
    Savory? Mixed with crackers?
    Sour? Mixed with lime drops?
    We like ours with cocoa!
    Delivered straight from Muskoka!

    Come on, let's serve the tea!
    Sip, sip, sip, sip, sip,
    It's so delicious, scrumptious and sweet!
    Everything is better
    With just a little sugar!
    Or sweeteners, whichever you prefer, really!

    We're all so cute,
    Pretty and petit,
    Cute, pretty, petit, and sweet!
    Sugar, and sprinkles, cookies and cream?
    What more could a budding girl ask for,
    From this happiness stream?

    Ding, ding, ding, ding,
    The cookies are done!
    Time to let them cool!
    If you wanna eat them now
    You're a silly fool!

    Count to three-hundred fifty cutely
    And they'll be done!
    One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, one two.
    Three hundred fifty!
    Eh? Skipped a few hundred numbers?
    That's okay! Because they're all cooled!
    Cocoa cookies, served to you!

    Cocoa, cocoa, cocoa, coca,
    Cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies,
    I'm feeling a sugar rush!
    Let's break out into a dance!
    In this hall of dreams,
    The secret princess takes the lead!

    One, two, one, two
    The honey flows trough me
    The adrenaline flows through me!
    Step a little faster,
    Like it's a princess you're after!
    Raise a glass to all things pretty,
    And all things sweet!
    Like honey tea!

    We're all so cute,
    Pretty and petit,
    Cute, pretty, petit, and sweet!
    Sugar, and sprinkles, cookies and cream?
    What more could a budding girl ask for,
    From this happiness stream?

    We're all so cute,
    Pretty and petit,
    Like honey tea!
    Take a sip, come with me!
    Down this happiness stream!

    I will probably draw the mv for this one in the future!
    Crystal Metamorphosis.

    Written on 4/11/24.

    As sung by Crystal Butterfly (Krysi, Rys, and Miku).

    Monarch, swallowtail, nymphalidae, lacewing
    Brimstone, comma, grayling, ringlet.
    Annulet, Little thorn, magpie, raspberry clearwing,
    We are Crystal Butterfly
    We gonna spread our wings!

    Butterfly, butterfly, fly away
    Spread your wings
    And take to the streets today
    Breakdance, spin your head!
    Circle like a boss, like its yer butter and bread!

    Drop a line, take a spin,
    We breathe in perfect unison.
    Laws of nature ain't apply,
    We got no time for 'dem side eyes.

    Rat and cat teaming up
    Breaking the laws of nature?
    So, what?
    Predator, prey? So, what?
    That trash don't apply.
    We're inseparable
    Bond unbreakable,
    Who cares what nature gotta say?

    Red Admiral Orange-tip, Clouded Yellow, Green Hairstreak
    Adonis Blue, Wild Indigo Dusky Wing, Purple Emperor!
    We gay, keep scrollin'.
    Or come down to da street, and get rollin'.
    Keep up with da beat
    On Crystal Bird Street.
    It's fast paced, can ya compete?

    Spread yer wings,
    Take a spin
    We'll give ya a lesson
    On 'dem 'dem fast paced turns, and twists.

    So, what do ya say?
    would ya like to join us today?
    You can try,
    But we'll always win
    Crystal Butterfly is at the top dat board
    Ya see dat pin?
    Try as ya like.
    You can still take da spin!

    Monarch, swallowtail, nymphalidae, lacewing
    Brimstone, comma, grayling, ringlet.
    Annulet, Little thorn, magpie, raspberry clearwing,
    We are Crystal Butterfly
    We gonna spread our wings!

    Rat and cat teaming up
    Breaking the laws of nature?
    So, what?
    Predator, prey? So, what?
    That trash don't apply.
    We're inseparable
    Bond unbreakable,
    Who cares what nature gotta say?

    Come down da street
    And spread yer wings
    Shed yer cocoon
    Take some rhymes for a spin,
    Drop dem verses,
    Pop dem urges.
    Become one with yer inner crystal forces.

    Annulet, Blackneck, Chalk Carpet, Drinker,
    Early Grey, Feathered Thorn, Garden Tiger, Heath Rivulet,
    July Belle, Kentish Glory, Lace Border, Magpie,
    Suck on some pollen, start yer metamorphosis,
    On 'dis street there ain't no ordinance.
    Drop a line,
    Come at five,
    When Crystal Bird Street most shines!

    Butterfly, butterfly, fly away
    Spread your wings
    And take to the streets today
    Breakdance, spin your head!
    Circle like a boss, like its yer butter and bread!

    We are Crystal Butterfly
    We gonna spread our wings!

    This one was fun bc I had to look up butterfly and moth species.
    Last edited:
    Tragic Cinderella

    Written 4/18/24.

    As performed by the Lynx Troupe (Starring: Eau, and back up vocals of Gris, Aega, Naofa and Miku).


    Tick Tock,
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock






    It's the night of the ball
    All dressed up and ready to go!
    It's every girl's dream,
    To find that special someone
    To Be swept off their feet!

    Tick Tock,
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock

    Clock is ticking,
    Clock is ticking!
    I'm about to meet my prince/ss charming!
    The pumpkin chariot is coming
    Trot trot,
    Trot trot,
    Trot trot.

    The party of my life,
    Honored to be invited
    Pulled into the wagon,
    Feeling exhilarated!

    Tick Tock,
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock

    I have arrived
    Dress all pretty
    Shimmering, and lovely,
    Shoes all polished and ready!

    Escorted down the red carpet,
    Spotlight on me,
    My makeup is a facet
    Everyone compliments me,






    Eight o clock,
    The party's started
    A poor girl like me,
    Looks like a million dollars,
    Pretty, and sacred,
    Charming and delicate.

    I have arrived inside,
    A masked man takes
    My hand. Feels like
    I'm like a rich little bride!
    He spins me around,
    I'm taking the stride!
    Hehehe, I am the
    Happiest girl alive!

    B̸̨̨̧̢̧̛̭̻̮̟̗̗̰̘̦̱̮̙̝̻͇̤̠͔̞̖̩̝̳̝̣̞̬̯̱̖͓̹̘̟̺̻̖͎̫̣͓̫̪̠̙̩͖̠͚͙͉͚̹̦͖͕̪͕̲͇̺͎̳̖̮̤̺͚̝̪͎̖̜̍͐̓́̿̿̔̄̓͒̋̽͛̈́̓̉͑͑̈́́͂̀̂̓͑̓̃̓̌̓͛́̔̏̔̑͐͛̓͛̊̀͑̎̍̀͋̾͗͒̀͛̕̚͘͘͜͜͠͝ͅợ̵̼̌̒̈́̐͆̉̈́̎̉̽̈́͑͑̈́̌̈́̽̍̽̽̊͑̑̎̆͂̆̀͋̌̈̈́̆̾̔̅͒͊̋̐͑̌̔̋͘̕̕͝͝͠ō̸̧̨̡̧̡̢̡̨̧̖̪̭͙̲̮͎̤̬̗̺̜̭̙͈̜̲͙̲̗̻͚̫̊̿̾̋̈́m̶̡̧̧̧̢̡̛̟̙̪̱͙̳̪̮̖̳̳̯̬̭̥̙̫̩̬̘̲̜̩̟̳̥̺̘̳̹̬̞̪̯̙̼̦̹̬̰̞͔̰͎̱͔̙̺̫̯̦̤̗̈́̏͌͗̋̑̈͒̌͛͊͋̐̄̅̐̈̇̔̐̋̿̕͘͜ͅͅͅͅ ̸͓̤͖͉̭̘͍̤̠̖͉͖̻̖̲̙̗̃̏̐̅̊̾̀̉͑̔́͋̃͋̓̍̂̉͒̽̏͊̑̿͊̌́̄̆̑̓̃͆̇̅́̄͂̌͋̈́̾̍́̀̈́̍̏̀͒͐͋̈́̊́̂̈́͘̕͘̚͘̚̕͠͝͝͠ͅ

    ̸̨̧̡̢̨̥̣̯̗̬͍̬̜͎̪̪̮͇̜͓̟͓̖̰̥̭̗̱̰̠͉̗̟̘̪̰̹̬͍̯̗̳̖̩̜̜̗͍̝̟͓̙͖̗͓̮̱̘̟͚̟͍̟͔̘̮͈̰̉̒̓͌̾̈́͗͜͜͝ͅͅͅT̵̢̛͔̩͇̗̖̤̫͉̼̻͔̗̪͖̝̭̀̈́̄͆̐͛̋͐̃̎͋͑̈́͒͂̌̈́͂̌̏̂̂́̀̊͂̊͗̓̉͆͑̈́͐̃̓̊̿͌͌̉͋̍̾͛̍̑̉́̓͊͛̽͑̒̄̕̕͘͘̕̚͜͠͠͝͝ͅh̴̛̛̳̗̘̙́̒̐͆͊̈́̀͂̓̂̽̑̀̄̂̽̈̍͋̓͗͗͐́̔͗̅̀̐̈̐͑͒̌̈́̽͛̈̈́̊͐͛̄͑͐͒̓͗̈́̍̔̏̿̀̉͐̈͂̌̏́͑̊́́̂́̊̽̑̚̕̕͝͝͠͠e̴̡̡̨̨̢̡̛̺̱͍̤̞̹̙͕͚̥̜͓͍̻͓̗͇̙̥̙̼̪̬̙͓̱̤̖̞͍̱̜͕̗̘̣͈̟͉̥̦̭̹̥̯͕̯͈̪̻̞̠̦̤̠͚̣͊̓́̈̎̍̃̌͊͛͆̓̈́͊̊̽̈͛̉͆̃̓͒̈́̃͆̎̈́͛͌̄̏̀̉̄̔́̉́͛̏́̇̏̀̅̓̓͐̈̓̋͋̇̂̒͐̑̅̆͊͌̎̎̍͌̃̀̃̈͗̕̕͘͜͜͠͠͝ͅͅͅ ̸̨̨̢̢̧̛̛̯̙͖̱͉̳̯̟̭̗̭̜̳̮͍̙̗̦͚̠̝̩̗͇̹̳̬̪̱͙̩̣͇͕͖̩̲̻̩̟̘̟͈̖͔̘̝͙̙͖̱̻̯̺͍̼̯͗͋̃̈́͆̔̒̈́͛̑̏͗͗̐͛̽͐̉̀̈̍̾̌̿͆͒̌̒͂̊̈́̀͑̅͐̇͑͐͆͐̽͛́̿͗͛̒͆̓̀̍̂́̇̍̈̿̈́́͊͑̽͛̍̿́͐̿́̑̎̋͘̚̚̕̕͜͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅp̸̢̡̧̻͓̲̦͖̲̗̲͕̮̙̞̱̺͖̥̗̍̉̌̌̒̓̉̅̐͗̑̀̒̓̾̾̽̿̏͊̓̍̇̌̈́̃̽͂̐͒͑̀̌͑̿̈́̂̎̌͒̿̿͐͗̀̎̐̍̈́͒̀́̈̚̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠ŗ̴̬̘͍̗̗̏̅̇̉̀́̂̔̈̐͂̄́̎̄̾̔̆̆̏͊͗̓̃͛͋̈̀͆͛̇̈́͌̋͒̀̒͝͝i̸̢̢̢͖̞̪͍̦̠̺̦̤̰̖͖̤̳̺̭̟͍̖̝̩͙̳̽̎̉̀̒͆̇͌̄́͋͂̇͋̀̽͒̔͆̅̓̏́̎̐̍͗̽͊́̃͛̔̀̆̓͆͗̄̓͆̓͋̚͘͘̚̕͝n̷̢̢̨̢̻̫͔̺̳͍͎̟͈̥͚̬͇̖̥̥̗̹͎̠̥̜̠̞̻̘̪͚͍̞̳̥̞̳̙̭̙͍̯͙̗̙̰̰̝̱͎̮̯̞̬̘͇͈͎͕͍͗̀̿̿͒͋͑̄̂̈́͆́̋͛̾̊͘͜c̵̢̧̨̛̛̹̘̜̟̜͍͙͍͎̼͙̟̺̱̳̣̥̫̭͍̖̟͍̱̟͓͉̮͖̼̱̯̟̳̳̘͈͔̯̱̒̀̌͂̍͌̇͑͆̈́̓̈́̉̀̑̓̑̐̍͂͐̌̈́̓̔͊̋̈̿̋̍̓̈́̇̄̎̈̏͋͑̆̉͐̄͛̀̊̊͆̔̀͐͗̈́̑͌̚̚̕͘͜͠͝͠͠ͅē̶̡̧̢̢̧͖͉̦̯̰̘̹̱̭͖̖̜̮̱͈͔̙̜̘͚͔̪̠͙͕͖̲̟͚̣͎̣͈̩̫̠̠̹̬̭͍̯̥̠̮̤̭̭̞̗͇͉̫̩̩̤̙̪̖̽̽̓͑͛͑̀́́̾͑͆̃̈͑̇̕̕ͅ ̸̢̢̢̡̨̨̡̨̡̯̮̬͙̼̱̞͍̪̻͇̪͍̪̪̯̖̣͉̼͍̝̻̣̤̱͍̞̞͍̝͎͚͇̗̥̳͚̫̺͎̩̜̹̦̞̹̝̭̻̗͂̂͑̇́̈́͑͌͜͜ͅͅͅi̴̢̡̨͔̜̦̦̤̳͚̞̣̥̘͖̥̗̮̣̝͉̣̞͕͖̼͖̞͓͙̰̫̺̣̗͍̙̲̘͇̠̖̖̩͚̙͓̝͈̥̜̬̥̰̻̱̼͕̥͚͍͍̻͓̪̻̙̪̭͎̺͑͂͛̍̐̓͌̄̌͌̅̄̒̔͂͊̍̈̊̓͆̋͌͒̉͆͒̐̔̋̇́̃̉̀́͂̄̊̎̇̇̽̾͛͑̌̽̀̉͐̅́̂̓̋̄͘̕͘̕͘͘̚͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅş̸̨̡̨̨̨͈̯̹̳̪̙̫͕̜͙͖̺͕̖̗͔̬͇̮͎̥̪̣̜̯̺̼̳̭̹̙̹̤̥̲̯̺̠̗̖͖͇̱̌̈̈̋̌̋̉́̓̊̋̑͐͌̒̏́̾͊̿̔̔̆̓͛̾̄͑͋͛̉̆̔́̎̌̈̃̀̿̐̊̀̾̈́̐̉͛͌͆̎͌̅̐̚ͅ ̸̡̻͚̙͔̗̜͖̪͝d̷̢̨̨̡̨̢̡̛͚̠͇͖̱̮̥̘̞͈̞͍̟̱̪͕͙̬̳̼̭̻̳̙͍͖͕̼̲̞̃́̍̅͜͝ͅͅͅe̷̡̡̨̡̢̡̨̧̛͎̰̺̩̤͈̪͙̖͚̜̩͇̥͍̞͈̘̘̗̩̞̹̥͍̲̜͔̙̗͕̱̳̹̩͙̞̣̞̪̥̫͉̫̟̻͈͇̠̰͈͕̻̖͍͚̰͔̞̙̣͇̳̥̖͉̾̈͆͆͋̓̎͌͐̾̉̒̑͗̄̓̂̃̏̒́̀̐̂͜͝͝͠ͅa̶̢̧̧̨̨̧̛̛̲̗͖͇̪̳̫̟̻͓̰̼̯̙̜̟̪͚͍̻̫̰̺̲͚͈̫̘͔͓̗̟̰̤̻̩̗͐̑̎̃͌̀̇̑͗̌͆̽̈̂͆͆̑͆̑̆͋̄͆̿̈́̇̏͑̍̑̈́̈́̎́́̔̋̌̆̀͛̅̂̏͗͑͒̐͋͐̍̾͊́̍̍̿̎̈̒̓̽͋̀͆̊̆͋̚̕͜͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝ͅd̸̡̢̡̨̡̡̛̺͚̺̹͚̫̻̻̳͚̫̖̞̙̤̼̮͎͉̠̞͇̱͙̠̤̭̭̜̦̗̭̹͉̞͙͇͚̠̲͎̰̹͕̟͈̘̙͎̜͚̘̯̠̤̫̜̬͖̩̗̯̕ͅͅ?̷̨̨̧̢̢͇̟̥̺͔̺͓̩̜͇̪̞͔̮̭͍̥̺̮̹͇̥͍̹̩̭̹̭͓͍̲̺̥͎͈̫̰͙̦͇̩̫̜͓̫͓̻̃͗̏̌̉͌̐̌̍̂̆̀̽̔͐̎̀̽́̇̎̉̈́͊̃̋̓̇́͌̊̌̆͆̑̐̈́̔̋̀̄̍̃̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅ!̵̨̧̨̡̡̢̛̲̤̣͈͚̫̪̠̫̪͙̞̤̦̦͖̪̝͉͍͍͇͙̫͇̪̜̖̞̲͇̟̫̲̘͓̯̰̟͈̥̩̼̥̻̻̘̲̮̭̼̱̜̞̰̟͉̫͍͙́̇̾́̂̂̿̎͆̇̈́̏͋͐̅͐̉̊̈́̎̐͌̚͘͜͜͜͜͝͠͝ͅ?̵̨̹̺̜̗̠̹̼̹̲͖̩̝̠̰͓̄̃͒̅̌̾̓̂̽̿͆͒͑̉͐̎̄͐͂̈́͗͊͊̑̐̚͝͝ͅ!̶̨̧̢̢̧̧̢̢͕̜͚͔̹͉̩͎̫̠͕̩̭̙̫̣̞̻̟̘̯͙̯͉̝̫͉̝̗͍̼͉̞͕͚͙͓̝̱̩̮̊͋͛͂͆́̒͌̚͜ͅͅ
    ̶̢̢̡̨̡̛̛̛̝̣̖͚͍̼̮͖͚̯̬̹͙͖͇͎͕͙̳͈̯̟̝̟̗̤̞͖͚͖̞̫̤͈̜͔̬͔͈̹̞̟̖̼̤̭̹̘͚̖̀̀̈́̑̓͆̔̈́̂̍́̔̇͗̽̂̐͒͋͂͛̈́̔͛̀̿̾̈́̔̓͛̏̽͑͌̅̓̒̀̂͂͊͘̚̚̕͜͝ͅͅͅW̷̢̧̧̡̡̧̟̪͍̥̖̣̖̪̰̬̪̭͈͙̫̖̰̫̬̯̱̣̲͍̣͍̬̘͙͕͉̘͍̮̜̱͉̖̠̣͎͎̫̤̄̈́͌̀̓̑͊̅͜͠ͅh̴̡̢̢̡̛̠͈̲̬͚̪͈̳̭̞͍̲̼͖̩̪̭̻̣̝̲̲̖͚̗̘̮̦̮͇̞̻̰̯̻͍̱̦͉̯̺̳̱̹͈̟̝̮̩͍̲̬͉̦̪̩͓̳̭͉̮̱̫̥͔͋̐̃̄̈́̓̍͊̑̓͐͛́̋̅̿̉̆̽̌͛͗͆̾̍́̈́̏̓͆̈̽̈́́̓̃̑́̈́̈́̇̆̍̃̐̀̊͆̂̎̈̑͊̾̂̓̚̚͘̚̚͝͝͝͝à̷̧̧̧̛̛͓̳̼̰͙̫͖̙͇̮̟̖͚͕̜̤͈̼̯͍̹͍̺͇̗̝̗̙͓̗̰̼̝̭̹̫̝̠̘̮̗͓̻̜͓̙͙̗̦̥̤̎̂́̈̃͐͒̐̐̆̂̀̊̑͌̈͆̀̈́́͐͊̈̍͌͂̍̽͌̽̌̊̒̈́̔̈͛̓̏̿̑͂͆̈́̎̋́̎̇͋̇͒̅̆̌̐́̇̈́͐̅̓̊̓̈́̚̕͘̕̚̕̚͘̚͜͜͝͠͝͠͝t̴̨̨̨̨̢̛̰̙̥̞͎̞̘̺̹̯̙̺̭̺̫̠̦̹͇͕͈̝̣̰̳͖̺͖͙͎͈̔͆̂͂́̏̋͌̈́̿̈̋̒͐́̂̌̎̋̄̐̑̋̽̂̏͒̑͌̏́̑͑̈͗̋͑͗̓́̿́̽̉̒͆̈́͑̆̉̎̾̔̅̓́̕͘͜͠͝͝͠'̸̧̡̛̛̻̗͇̤̥̰̦͚̠͎͓̫̳̺͍̹͙̖͍̙̈́́̉͆̎̔̔͋̈́̊́̊̆̎̂͗̓̋͆̓̈́̌̋͂͘͘͘͠s̵̨̧̨̧̢̨̨̠͖̟̻͉̰̪͕̬͍͓͙̱̳̠̭̣͈̲̞̤͉̳̯̦̮̺̯̝͉̺͕̦̥̼̹̭͔͙̟͎̞̺̲̞̩͉͓͈͚̥̬̻̾̊̒̄͆̍̌͑͒̔̓̓̆̉̅̂͜ͅͅͅ ̶̛̛̯̀̊͂͆̾̍̅̈́͛̏̑͆̔̃̎̓̄̓̈̇̓̈̎̏̀͆̕̚͝h̶̢̧̧̪̼͔͔̙͈̭̳̬̙͔͓̱̼͕̦̞̫̫̖͂͊͊̾̒̑͑̐̌̈́́͛̕͜ą̷̨̢̢̨̡̛̛̣͉̮̬̮̬̘͎͓̘̠̫̱͖̫̦̟̗̯͇̹͖͇̼̣̖̤̱͓͙͇̱̱̼̝̮̞̟̩̳̳͓̰̤̝̯͔̫̣̞̮̝͚̥̪̻̞̗̞̫̤̝͙͕̯̪̖͔̓̏̌̓̈̂̂̀̓̅͌̈́̍̀̅̽̊̃̄̄̓̀̂̃́͌̍̊̾͋̈́͑̊͆̊̇͋̈́̐̀̆͗̈́̓̅̚͜͜͠͝͝ͅͅp̴̧̛̛̬̹̪̜̬̗̙̞̯͖͑͋͆̌̐̈̈́͛̓̉̎̇͐̈́̈́̍̂͗͊̇̀͊̆͐̈́̓̈́̄̿͌̈́͒̄̅̂́̈́̎̀͛̏̿̔̂̄̇̈̍̌͐̅̾̎̏́̃̌̏̽͒̔͑͑̍͑̚͘̚̚͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ṕ̵̙̻̻͆̆̽̏́̃̆̑̍͠͝͝ͅę̶̡̨̧̨̧̪̜̱͉͚̼̠̤͖͈̟̟̳͖̟̭͍̮̲̟̤̤͍̮͓͔̯̘̦̟̮̗̼͓̠̟̪͚̺͖͎̮̘͕̌́͂͒͒̿̅̈̔̾̈͗̄͊͗͌͋͑̂͑̊̓͊̂̂́̎̈́͐͑͒̏̏̅̈́̐̓̋̓̈́̀̔̏̃̉̌̊̈́͆͘̕͝͠ņ̷̛̼̜̬̙̼̗͈͖̞̳̟͎̺̬̘̱̫̄́̑̏̈́̈̒̔̏̀̓i̵̧̢̨̢̡̧̛̛͇͔͓̬̺͇͈̠̠̱͙̬͍͎̥̣̩̦̦̞̻̪̱̩̬͎͕͍̳̟̩̫̝͍͙̝͔̣̦̺̲̺̠͍̞̞̞̙̳̗̋́͂̃̎͐̈̏̂̔̊̇̒̈́̋̑̾͐̌̔̉̀̆̀̽̇̈́̓̂̈́͊̏̌̐͋̈́̏̓͒̈́̊͂͌͐̽͒̓̍͌̇͐͌̇̆̔̏͂͋́̉̽̚͘̕̕͝͝͝͝ͅn̴̨̨̨̡̛͚̝̼͕͓̣̞̬̖̗̳̟̳͇̻̯͎̮̟͈̣͇̞͔̪̯͓͉̳̺̞̙͖̺̭̣̗͇͉̟̝͔͕̹̻͕̭̯̯̭̮͚̖̖̗̰̻̲͚͖̊͋͌́̎͜ͅͅͅġ̵̢̡̡̡̨̛̱͔̹͖͉̼̭̹̼̠̭̟͖̠͎͉̳̦͍̭̥̟̣̘̱͓͇̼͓͉̝͓͖̝̦͇̫͈̙̗̳͍̪̝͚͚̥̯̳͙̭͖̟̲̼̤͕͖̭̯̙̟̠̻̿͊̀̐̎͗̒́̀̅̾́̌̆̄̆́́͛̇̒̍̍͗͋́̈̆̽̎̌̇̏̉͑̒̀̄̓̑͆̊̈́͐̏͊͐̋̑́̋͛̍̉͑̅͆̉͋͆͆̏͗̈́́̊̊̚̚͘̚͘͘̚͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅ!̷̨̧̧̢̧̡̡̧̧̨̛̛̫̣̗̞̥̪̩͔͙̩̥͙͎̼͇͚͔̮͇̟̠̙͚̠̤̖̺͇͚̪͉̘̹̥̜̝͇̬̣̩̪̞̰̭̹̥͚̟̙͕͎̣͖͉̱̦͖̥̆̃̒͊͛̑̏̿̉̂͋̀̽̓̓̍̑̉̊͐̀́̍̉̈́̿̐̂̏͋̏̎̌͒̔̀̏̓͐̊͒̀͌̍̔̏͛̀͛͗́͗͑͐͑̔̐̆͐̈́͋͘͘̚̚͝͠͝͝͝͝?̴̨̨̨̧̨̛̛͇̹̭͎̠̻͍̩͔̯̫͔̬͎̯̟͚̟͓̫̬͖̙̩̻̟͍͕̺̬̻̩͖͉̫̙̩̙̜̦͎̰̳̙̳̗̣̻͓̗̦̲̠̤͙͔̄̀́̈͊̀̇͆̈́̀̃̀͒̐͊̾͗͆̽̅͗̈́̀͋̔͐͜͠ͅ?̸̧̢̨̧̧̡̧̳̘̜̜̜̳̝̫̦̬̹̳̲͖̯̟̰̹̝̟̯̻̫̞̱͔̟̗̪̙̪̜͉͕̖͙̣͙̣̩̻͕̪̹̯̖̩̣̥̫͖͓͖̣̻̣̹͖̬̳̮̟͖̥̱͕̳̼̣̭͚͖̮̻̓͋̾͛͆̓͆̽̊̈́̿̈͌̊̌͆̕̚͜͠͝ͅͅͅ

    Tragic Cinderella,
    Oh my god, what's happening?
    Tragic Cinderella,
    The prince is dying!

    There's blood on the floor
    I don't know what's happening anymore!
    Was I too pretty?
    Is this 'cause of me?

    The dance is continuing,
    A pretty girl
    Comes up to me,
    I extend my hand,
    We begin dancing!

    She lets me take the lead,
    I'm trying to keep a slow speed!
    We are dancing together,
    I'm feeling my
    Happiness start to exceed!
    I'm full of glee!

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    ̸̨̧̡̢̨̥̣̯̗̬͍̬̜͎̪̪̮͇̜͓̟͓̖̰̥̭̗̱̰̠͉̗̟̘̪̰̹̬͍̯̗̳̖̩̜̜̗͍̝̟͓̙͖̗͓̮̱̘̟͚̟͍̟͔̘̮͈̰̉̒̓͌̾̈́͗͜͜͝ͅͅͅT̵̢̛͔̩͇̗̖̤̫͉̼̻͔̗̪͖̝̭̀̈́̄͆̐͛̋͐̃̎͋͑̈́͒͂̌̈́͂̌̏̂̂́̀̊͂̊͗̓̉͆͑̈́͐̃̓̊̿͌͌̉͋̍̾͛̍̑̉́̓͊͛̽͑̒̄̕̕͘͘̕̚͜͠͠͝͝ͅh̴̛̛̳̗̘̙́̒̐͆͊̈́̀͂̓̂̽̑̀̄̂̽̈̍͋̓͗͗͐́̔͗̅̀̐̈̐͑͒̌̈́̽͛̈̈́̊͐͛̄͑͐͒̓͗̈́̍̔̏̿̀̉͐̈͂̌̏́͑̊́́̂́̊̽̑̚̕̕͝͝͠͠e̴̡̡̨̨̢̡̛̺̱͍̤̞̹̙͕͚̥̜͓͍̻͓̗͇̙̥̙̼̪̬̙͓̱̤̖̞͍̱̜͕̗̘̣͈̟͉̥̦̭̹̥̯͕̯͈̪̻̞̠̦̤̠͚̣͊̓́̈̎̍̃̌͊͛͆̓̈́͊̊̽̈͛̉͆̃̓͒̈́̃͆̎̈́͛͌̄̏̀̉̄̔́̉́͛̏́̇̏̀̅̓̓͐̈̓̋͋̇̂̒͐̑̅̆͊͌̎̎̍͌̃̀̃̈͗̕̕͘͜͜͠͠͝ͅͅͅ ̸̨̨̢̢̧̛̛̯̙͖̱͉̳̯̟̭̗̭̜̳̮͍̙̗̦͚̠̝̩̗͇̹̳̬̪̱͙̩̣͇͕͖̩̲̻̩̟̘̟͈̖͔̘̝͙̙͖̱̻̯̺͍̼̯͗͋̃̈́͆̔̒̈́͛̑̏͗͗̐͛̽͐̉̀̈̍̾̌̿͆͒̌̒͂̊̈́̀͑̅͐̇͑͐͆͐̽͛́̿͗͛̒͆̓̀̍̂́̇̍̈̿̈́́͊͑̽͛̍̿́͐̿́̑̎̋͘̚̚̕̕͜͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅp̸̢̡̧̻͓̲̦͖̲̗̲͕̮̙̞̱̺͖̥̗̍̉̌̌̒̓̉̅̐͗̑̀̒̓̾̾̽̿̏͊̓̍̇̌̈́̃̽͂̐͒͑̀̌͑̿̈́̂̎̌͒̿̿͐͗̀̎̐̍̈́͒̀́̈̚̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠ŗ̴̬̘͍̗̗̏̅̇̉̀́̂̔̈̐͂̄́̎̄̾̔̆̆̏͊͗̓̃͛͋̈̀͆͛̇̈́͌̋͒̀̒͝͝i̸̢̢̢͖̞̪͍̦̠̺̦̤̰̖͖̤̳̺̭̟͍̖̝̩͙̳̽̎̉̀̒͆̇͌̄́͋͂̇͋̀̽͒̔͆̅̓̏́̎̐̍͗̽͊́̃͛̔̀̆̓͆͗̄̓͆̓͋̚͘͘̚̕͝n̷̢̢̨̢̻̫͔̺̳͍͎̟͈̥͚̬͇̖̥̥̗̹͎̠̥̜̠̞̻̘̪͚͍̞̳̥̞̳̙̭̙͍̯͙̗̙̰̰̝̱͎̮̯̞̬̘͇͈͎͕͍͗̀̿̿͒͋͑̄̂̈́͆́̋͛̾̊͘͜c̵̢̧̨̛̛̹̘̜̟̜͍͙͍͎̼͙̟̺̱̳̣̥̫̭͍̖̟͍̱̟͓͉̮͖̼̱̯̟̳̳̘͈͔̯̱̒̀̌͂̍͌̇͑͆̈́̓̈́̉̀̑̓̑̐̍͂͐̌̈́̓̔͊̋̈̿̋̍̓̈́̇̄̎̈̏͋͑̆̉͐̄͛̀̊̊͆̔̀͐͗̈́̑͌̚̚̕͘͜͠͝͠͠ͅē̶̡̧̢̢̧͖͉̦̯̰̘̹̱̭͖̖̜̮̱͈͔̙̜̘͚͔̪̠͙͕͖̲̟͚̣͎̣͈̩̫̠̠̹̬̭͍̯̥̠̮̤̭̭̞̗͇͉̫̩̩̤̙̪̖̽̽̓͑͛͑̀́́̾͑͆̃̈͑̇̕̕ͅ ̸̢̢̢̡̨̨̡̨̡̯̮̬͙̼̱̞͍̪̻͇̪͍̪̪̯̖̣͉̼͍̝̻̣̤̱͍̞̞͍̝͎͚͇̗̥̳͚̫̺͎̩̜̹̦̞̹̝̭̻̗͂̂͑̇́̈́͑͌͜͜ͅͅͅi̴̢̡̨͔̜̦̦̤̳͚̞̣̥̘͖̥̗̮̣̝͉̣̞͕͖̼͖̞͓͙̰̫̺̣̗͍̙̲̘͇̠̖̖̩͚̙͓̝͈̥̜̬̥̰̻̱̼͕̥͚͍͍̻͓̪̻̙̪̭͎̺͑͂͛̍̐̓͌̄̌͌̅̄̒̔͂͊̍̈̊̓͆̋͌͒̉͆͒̐̔̋̇́̃̉̀́͂̄̊̎̇̇̽̾͛͑̌̽̀̉͐̅́̂̓̋̄͘̕͘̕͘͘̚͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅş̸̨̡̨̨̨͈̯̹̳̪̙̫͕̜͙͖̺͕̖̗͔̬͇̮͎̥̪̣̜̯̺̼̳̭̹̙̹̤̥̲̯̺̠̗̖͖͇̱̌̈̈̋̌̋̉́̓̊̋̑͐͌̒̏́̾͊̿̔̔̆̓͛̾̄͑͋͛̉̆̔́̎̌̈̃̀̿̐̊̀̾̈́̐̉͛͌͆̎͌̅̐̚ͅ ̸̡̻͚̙͔̗̜͖̪͝d̷̢̨̨̡̨̢̡̛͚̠͇͖̱̮̥̘̞͈̞͍̟̱̪͕͙̬̳̼̭̻̳̙͍͖͕̼̲̞̃́̍̅͜͝ͅͅͅe̷̡̡̨̡̢̡̨̧̛͎̰̺̩̤͈̪͙̖͚̜̩͇̥͍̞͈̘̘̗̩̞̹̥͍̲̜͔̙̗͕̱̳̹̩͙̞̣̞̪̥̫͉̫̟̻͈͇̠̰͈͕̻̖͍͚̰͔̞̙̣͇̳̥̖͉̾̈͆͆͋̓̎͌͐̾̉̒̑͗̄̓̂̃̏̒́̀̐̂͜͝͝͠ͅa̶̢̧̧̨̨̧̛̛̲̗͖͇̪̳̫̟̻͓̰̼̯̙̜̟̪͚͍̻̫̰̺̲͚͈̫̘͔͓̗̟̰̤̻̩̗͐̑̎̃͌̀̇̑͗̌͆̽̈̂͆͆̑͆̑̆͋̄͆̿̈́̇̏͑̍̑̈́̈́̎́́̔̋̌̆̀͛̅̂̏͗͑͒̐͋͐̍̾͊́̍̍̿̎̈̒̓̽͋̀͆̊̆͋̚̕͜͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝ͅd̸̡̢̡̨̡̡̛̺͚̺̹͚̫̻̻̳͚̫̖̞̙̤̼̮͎͉̠̞͇̱͙̠̤̭̭̜̦̗̭̹͉̞͙͇͚̠̲͎̰̹͕̟͈̘̙͎̜͚̘̯̠̤̫̜̬͖̩̗̯̕ͅͅ?̷̨̨̧̢̢͇̟̥̺͔̺͓̩̜͇̪̞͔̮̭͍̥̺̮̹͇̥͍̹̩̭̹̭͓͍̲̺̥͎͈̫̰͙̦͇̩̫̜͓̫͓̻̃͗̏̌̉͌̐̌̍̂̆̀̽̔͐̎̀̽́̇̎̉̈́͊̃̋̓̇́͌̊̌̆͆̑̐̈́̔̋̀̄̍̃̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅ!̵̨̧̨̡̡̢̛̲̤̣͈͚̫̪̠̫̪͙̞̤̦̦͖̪̝͉͍͍͇͙̫͇̪̜̖̞̲͇̟̫̲̘͓̯̰̟͈̥̩̼̥̻̻̘̲̮̭̼̱̜̞̰̟͉̫͍͙́̇̾́̂̂̿̎͆̇̈́̏͋͐̅͐̉̊̈́̎̐͌̚͘͜͜͜͜͝͠͝ͅ?̵̨̹̺̜̗̠̹̼̹̲͖̩̝̠̰͓̄̃͒̅̌̾̓̂̽̿͆͒͑̉͐̎̄͐͂̈́͗͊͊̑̐̚͝͝ͅ!̶̨̧̢̢̧̧̢̢͕̜͚͔̹͉̩͎̫̠͕̩̭̙̫̣̞̻̟̘̯͙̯͉̝̫͉̝̗͍̼͉̞͕͚͙͓̝̱̩̮̊͋͛͂͆́̒͌̚͜ͅͅ
    ̶̢̢̡̨̡̛̛̛̝̣̖͚͍̼̮͖͚̯̬̹͙͖͇͎͕͙̳͈̯̟̝̟̗̤̞͖͚͖̞̫̤͈̜͔̬͔͈̹̞̟̖̼̤̭̹̘͚̖̀̀̈́̑̓͆̔̈́̂̍́̔̇͗̽̂̐͒͋͂͛̈́̔͛̀̿̾̈́̔̓͛̏̽͑͌̅̓̒̀̂͂͊͘̚̚̕͜͝ͅͅͅW̷̢̧̧̡̡̧̟̪͍̥̖̣̖̪̰̬̪̭͈͙̫̖̰̫̬̯̱̣̲͍̣͍̬̘͙͕͉̘͍̮̜̱͉̖̠̣͎͎̫̤̄̈́͌̀̓̑͊̅͜͠ͅh̴̡̢̢̡̛̠͈̲̬͚̪͈̳̭̞͍̲̼͖̩̪̭̻̣̝̲̲̖͚̗̘̮̦̮͇̞̻̰̯̻͍̱̦͉̯̺̳̱̹͈̟̝̮̩͍̲̬͉̦̪̩͓̳̭͉̮̱̫̥͔͋̐̃̄̈́̓̍͊̑̓͐͛́̋̅̿̉̆̽̌͛͗͆̾̍́̈́̏̓͆̈̽̈́́̓̃̑́̈́̈́̇̆̍̃̐̀̊͆̂̎̈̑͊̾̂̓̚̚͘̚̚͝͝͝͝à̷̧̧̧̛̛͓̳̼̰͙̫͖̙͇̮̟̖͚͕̜̤͈̼̯͍̹͍̺͇̗̝̗̙͓̗̰̼̝̭̹̫̝̠̘̮̗͓̻̜͓̙͙̗̦̥̤̎̂́̈̃͐͒̐̐̆̂̀̊̑͌̈͆̀̈́́͐͊̈̍͌͂̍̽͌̽̌̊̒̈́̔̈͛̓̏̿̑͂͆̈́̎̋́̎̇͋̇͒̅̆̌̐́̇̈́͐̅̓̊̓̈́̚̕͘̕̚̕̚͘̚͜͜͝͠͝͠͝t̴̨̨̨̨̢̛̰̙̥̞͎̞̘̺̹̯̙̺̭̺̫̠̦̹͇͕͈̝̣̰̳͖̺͖͙͎͈̔͆̂͂́̏̋͌̈́̿̈̋̒͐́̂̌̎̋̄̐̑̋̽̂̏͒̑͌̏́̑͑̈͗̋͑͗̓́̿́̽̉̒͆̈́͑̆̉̎̾̔̅̓́̕͘͜͠͝͝͠'̸̧̡̛̛̻̗͇̤̥̰̦͚̠͎͓̫̳̺͍̹͙̖͍̙̈́́̉͆̎̔̔͋̈́̊́̊̆̎̂͗̓̋͆̓̈́̌̋͂͘͘͘͠s̵̨̧̨̧̢̨̨̠͖̟̻͉̰̪͕̬͍͓͙̱̳̠̭̣͈̲̞̤͉̳̯̦̮̺̯̝͉̺͕̦̥̼̹̭͔͙̟͎̞̺̲̞̩͉͓͈͚̥̬̻̾̊̒̄͆̍̌͑͒̔̓̓̆̉̅̂͜ͅͅͅ ̶̛̛̯̀̊͂͆̾̍̅̈́͛̏̑͆̔̃̎̓̄̓̈̇̓̈̎̏̀͆̕̚͝h̶̢̧̧̪̼͔͔̙͈̭̳̬̙͔͓̱̼͕̦̞̫̫̖͂͊͊̾̒̑͑̐̌̈́́͛̕͜ą̷̨̢̢̨̡̛̛̣͉̮̬̮̬̘͎͓̘̠̫̱͖̫̦̟̗̯͇̹͖͇̼̣̖̤̱͓͙͇̱̱̼̝̮̞̟̩̳̳͓̰̤̝̯͔̫̣̞̮̝͚̥̪̻̞̗̞̫̤̝͙͕̯̪̖͔̓̏̌̓̈̂̂̀̓̅͌̈́̍̀̅̽̊̃̄̄̓̀̂̃́͌̍̊̾͋̈́͑̊͆̊̇͋̈́̐̀̆͗̈́̓̅̚͜͜͠͝͝ͅͅp̴̧̛̛̬̹̪̜̬̗̙̞̯͖͑͋͆̌̐̈̈́͛̓̉̎̇͐̈́̈́̍̂͗͊̇̀͊̆͐̈́̓̈́̄̿͌̈́͒̄̅̂́̈́̎̀͛̏̿̔̂̄̇̈̍̌͐̅̾̎̏́̃̌̏̽͒̔͑͑̍͑̚͘̚̚͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ṕ̵̙̻̻͆̆̽̏́̃̆̑̍͠͝͝ͅę̶̡̨̧̨̧̪̜̱͉͚̼̠̤͖͈̟̟̳͖̟̭͍̮̲̟̤̤͍̮͓͔̯̘̦̟̮̗̼͓̠̟̪͚̺͖͎̮̘͕̌́͂͒͒̿̅̈̔̾̈͗̄͊͗͌͋͑̂͑̊̓͊̂̂́̎̈́͐͑͒̏̏̅̈́̐̓̋̓̈́̀̔̏̃̉̌̊̈́͆͘̕͝͠ņ̷̛̼̜̬̙̼̗͈͖̞̳̟͎̺̬̘̱̫̄́̑̏̈́̈̒̔̏̀̓i̵̧̢̨̢̡̧̛̛͇͔͓̬̺͇͈̠̠̱͙̬͍͎̥̣̩̦̦̞̻̪̱̩̬͎͕͍̳̟̩̫̝͍͙̝͔̣̦̺̲̺̠͍̞̞̞̙̳̗̋́͂̃̎͐̈̏̂̔̊̇̒̈́̋̑̾͐̌̔̉̀̆̀̽̇̈́̓̂̈́͊̏̌̐͋̈́̏̓͒̈́̊͂͌͐̽͒̓̍͌̇͐͌̇̆̔̏͂͋́̉̽̚͘̕̕͝͝͝͝ͅn̴̨̨̨̡̛͚̝̼͕͓̣̞̬̖̗̳̟̳͇̻̯͎̮̟͈̣͇̞͔̪̯͓͉̳̺̞̙͖̺̭̣̗͇͉̟̝͔͕̹̻͕̭̯̯̭̮͚̖̖̗̰̻̲͚͖̊͋͌́̎͜ͅͅͅġ̵̢̡̡̡̨̛̱͔̹͖͉̼̭̹̼̠̭̟͖̠͎͉̳̦͍̭̥̟̣̘̱͓͇̼͓͉̝͓͖̝̦͇̫͈̙̗̳͍̪̝͚͚̥̯̳͙̭͖̟̲̼̤͕͖̭̯̙̟̠̻̿͊̀̐̎͗̒́̀̅̾́̌̆̄̆́́͛̇̒̍̍͗͋́̈̆̽̎̌̇̏̉͑̒̀̄̓̑͆̊̈́͐̏͊͐̋̑́̋͛̍̉͑̅͆̉͋͆͆̏͗̈́́̊̊̚̚͘̚͘͘̚͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅ!̷̨̧̧̢̧̡̡̧̧̨̛̛̫̣̗̞̥̪̩͔͙̩̥͙͎̼͇͚͔̮͇̟̠̙͚̠̤̖̺͇͚̪͉̘̹̥̜̝͇̬̣̩̪̞̰̭̹̥͚̟̙͕͎̣͖͉̱̦͖̥̆̃̒͊͛̑̏̿̉̂͋̀̽̓̓̍̑̉̊͐̀́̍̉̈́̿̐̂̏͋̏̎̌͒̔̀̏̓͐̊͒̀͌̍̔̏͛̀͛͗́͗͑͐͑̔̐̆͐̈́͋͘͘̚̚͝͠͝͝͝͝?̴̨̨̨̧̨̛̛͇̹̭͎̠̻͍̩͔̯̫͔̬͎̯̟͚̟͓̫̬͖̙̩̻̟͍͕̺̬̻̩͖͉̫̙̩̙̜̦͎̰̳̙̳̗̣̻͓̗̦̲̠̤͙͔̄̀́̈͊̀̇͆̈́̀̃̀͒̐͊̾͗͆̽̅͗̈́̀͋̔͐͜͠ͅ?̸̧̢̨̧̧̡̧̳̘̜̜̜̳̝̫̦̬̹̳̲͖̯̟̰̹̝̟̯̻̫̞̱͔̟̗̪̙̪̜͉͕̖͙̣͙̣̩̻͕̪̹̯̖̩̣̥̫͖͓͖̣̻̣̹͖̬̳̮̟͖̥̱͕̳̼̣̭͚͖̮̻̓͋̾͛͆̓͆̽̊̈́̿̈͌̊̌͆̕̚͜͠͝ͅͅͅ

    Tragic Cinderella,
    Oh my god, what's happening?
    Tragic Cinderella,
    The mistress is dying!

    There's blood on the floor
    I don't know what's happening anymore!
    Is being so pretty
    A contagious disease?
    Everyone is dying as if they're fleas!




    Tragic Cinderella,
    Everyone is falling
    Tragic Cinderella,
    The dance floor is dying!

    There's a stench in the air,
    I feel nothing but despair,
    Are looks contagious?
    Everyone at the ball
    Is beyond repair!

    Tick Tock,
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock

    It's midnight, I'm running
    More people start falling!
    I'm just a tragic Cinderella,
    Everyone around me dying!

    Tick Tock,
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock
    Tick Tock

    My transformation is ending.
    Tragic Cinderella,
    Looks are killing.

    Tragic Cinderella

    L̸̡̨̨͇̯̻̞̪̰̩͕̝̯̙̙͙̹̞̟̜͎̱̱͗͆̐̚͜ͅơ̴̧̨̢̡̢̛̲͚̹͚͓̞̤̳̗̰̣̙͖̹̹̖͕͈̩̟̞͓̼̜̠̖͎̟͇͉͚͇̞͖̬̪͙̗̱̼̣̱͔̬̭͓̯̯̻͍̞̦͕̥̰̥͈͖̩̝̗͍͌̎̎̒̉̉́̆͑͑̂̃̿̐̇͌̋̉̾̂͒̉͊̊̐͑̍́̿̆͒̈̈́͂̀̂̆̏̊͊͗̀̓͆̈́̒́̆͂̾͒̃̉̃̄̀̇͘͘̕̕͜͜͝͝ͅͅở̶̡̻̻͈̳͉̤̺̗̻̻̦̮̣̭͇͇̉̏͌̿͋͛̽́̊̈́̀̓͐̔̋͆̃͛̅́̓̓͑͋̄͘͘͘͘̚̕͝͠ͅḳ̸̡̨̡͉̰̹̝̹͎̼̤̲̙̭̲̟͎͇͇̹̙͙͌̃̇̑͛̓͋̔̑̊̅̾͊̓̏͊̈̒͂̈́̀́̏̍̅͋̒̾́̉̆͌̀̔̈́̒̈́̄̔̎̋̾͌̓̓̈́̍͘͘͘͘͜ͅs̴̢̧̢̨̧̨̥̘̖̝͍̳̗̪͈̯̱̳͚̼̭̟̩̹̜̪̥̜̯̥̬̹͕̣̬̹̭̅̒́̋̂͂̀̍̈́̃̆͌͂̂̍̿̎͌̑̇̀̆̉̃̅͊̑͑̾͐̓̎́̇́͗̑̓̓̚͜͜͠ͅ ̴̧̢̥̪͓̰̜̩̩̘̖̮̲̝̝͉̺̗̬͔̙̼̻̮̤̭̞̼̹̻̯͐̋̊̊̈̾̀̇̓͜͠͝ä̸̛̮͇̙̘́̑̉͌̉̀͊̅͂̇͑̒̄̀̈́͊̒̇͑̽͆̃̌̍̽̓͐̌̎̃̊̅͆̆̐̄̐̆̏͘͘̚̕̚̕͝͠͠͝͝͝͝r̵̢̢̪̲͈͔͍̙̞̤͓͖̲̜̼͉͓̣̦̪͖̣̫̲̜̰̮͔͒́̏͛͑ͅe̸̡̧̢͍̰̲̥͙̦̦͍͓̹͂̽̇́͑͒͂̊̑̃̎́͋̓͂̋̏̉̓̈́̈́͑̑̈́̊̄̀̾̄̇̀̊͘̚͘̚̚̚͝͝͠͝ ̸̧̡̛̛͚͖͚͇͇̝̺̮͍̻̺̞͍̜̟̰̘̖̹̮̹͎̙̤̟̝̠͙̟̠͈̳͇̻͙̫̈́́̾̈͛̃͋́̋̌̋̍̋͒̔̊̎̈͊͘͜͜͠ͅk̴̨̢̡̛̛̳̻̤̫͚̲̦̲̙̳̬̩̣̲̻͂̔́́͗͆̓͐̊̔͐̽̒͛́̀̔́̐̿͋̐͋̅͂̅̏̾̑̽̈́͌̆̈́̂́̎͑̊̋̃̏̂̑̐͆͛̌̍̂͂̉̓̐̚͘̚̚̚̚̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͝i̴̛̛͎̠̰̤͍̩͉̅̽̓̓̾͛͌̎̎̍̎̿̿̓̾̽́͒͒̀̊̌̄̇͘͝͝͝ļ̵̧̨̛̛̘̗͓̥͚͈̩͕͓̱̭͚̰͖̮̜͕͉͓̯̩̣̩̰̝̟̟͓̻̟͎̞̜̗̝̜̮͍͓̗̜̩̟͍̟̳͆̋̏͋̂̈̿͋̾̒̄͐̂͗͊̄̑̎̏̈́̒̍̓͗̑̑̋̂̕̕͜͠ͅl̷̢̡̡̨̛͍̮̠̮̬̰̞̲͔͚͈͈̻͖̠̠̘͚͓̜̯̯̖̳͙̳͈̳͖͓̗̭͚̜̼̤̩͕̙̩̙̹̗̲̰͔̜̜͖͍̩̼͍̟̠̘̬̲̳̺̮̦̬̟̣͋̽̾͗̇̀͐̊͒̆̍͗̽͆̍͑̿̑̊͆̅̍̏́́̚͜͝͠ͅį̵̩̺̰̣̣̰̼̭̭̇̀͊̈́̓̅̊̽̕ņ̶̨̛̛̛̛̫̘̲̪̮̫̬͙̠̟͓͔͇̼̩̝̬̙̰͓̦̈́̅͒͗̂̎̉͆̊̃͆̂̎͒̀͛̽̂͊̓͆́̀́̐̐̈͂͋̉͌̋̈͆̐̋̐̇͒̃͂̒̓̔̒́̓̔̑̕̚͘͝͝͝͝͝͠͠ͅg̶̳̉̑̀̍͂̇̎̇̌͊̓̅͋͗̏̅̌͆͌͆͐̐̏́́͐̈́̿̿̒́̾̔̓̐̀̈́́͂͐̉̈͋̕͘̕͘̕͝͠ͅ.̶̢̡̛͚͍̤̱̖͕̗̠͙͚͓̫͈̻̝̙͈͇͉̖̳͂͗̌́́͆͆́͋̈̅̀͒͊̃̔͑̔̊͐̽̈̔̊͒̆̂͂̄͋̋͐̅́̽͐̆̀̎̈́̄̏̋͆̽̓͑̐̇͌̉͐̀̏͐̕͘̕͘̚̚͘͘̕͠͝͠͝ͅͅ

    Tragic Cinderella
    Looks are killing.

    The Fairy in the Forest Has Gone Away
    Written on 4/25/24.
    As sung by the Silent Dolls (Siorc, Hase, Yinlong, Parisa) + Miku who sings all the las.

    The fairy in the forest is here today
    The fairy in the forest is here today
    The fairy in the forest is here today
    The fairy in the forest is here today.

    In this lovely woods
    Lives a beautiful fairy
    Butterfly wings,
    Translucent little things

    Humming a tune,
    The fairy sings
    la la la la la la la la
    la la la la.

    Peaceful days
    Fairyland is happy
    Peaceful days,
    Fairyland is sappy.

    The water is clean
    It is perfect and pristine,
    All is right,
    The bluebells can be seen.
    Miles and miles across the stream.

    Fairyland is blissful, and free.
    The sprites are happy
    Everyone is singing,
    la la la la la la la la
    la la la la la la la!
    A magical world
    No human has seen.

    ̴̡̢̤̤͕̹̭͕͔̦̗͎̜͎̜͖͈͍͙̯͍̼͕̣͍̲̦̭̪̬͇̩̄̋̍̀̌͗͐̍̍̋̏̇̿̈́̍̕̚͜͠͝͝͝͝B̴̧̡̢̙̤̞̝̙͓̪̮̫̜̦͓̦̝͋͊͑̂͑Ḛ̴̢̡̨̛͓͙̪̠̠̟̪̩̦̪̝̣͕̼̥͎͔̹͍̝̖̞͚͍̫̣͖̺͉̥͇̩̰͖̥̠̳̪̬̓͛͋͒̈́͊̈́̿͜ͅÈ̶̡̢̛̛̛̩̪̟͙͚̼̻̖̈͐̿̄̈́̾̎͗̎̓͋́́̅̿̔̄͗͌͋̓͆̔̒̊̌̍͗̍͂̐̒̄̍́̃̅͆̀̋̃̄͑͘̚̚͝P̵̢̜̯͓̣̞͉̹̹̟̞͇̦̼̘̪͈̘͚̀̋ͅ ̷̢̨̡̞̼̬̬̪̠̻̻͍͔̣̖͖͍̹̩͈͓̲͖̞̞̣̳̞̲̦̺͙̆̐͌̀̐̓̉̀̃̈̂̈́̔̏́̄̾̀͐̀̋̌̔̋̃̍̿̌̓͒͆͂̓̃̔̀͌̈́̈̈́͛̎̈́̆̒̏̇̕̚͘̚͜͝͠ͅͅ

    There was a noise just now
    I dip my feet in the water
    Sing a little tune
    La la la la la la la
    la la la la la la la la.

    ̴̡̢̤̤͕̹̭͕͔̦̗͎̜͎̜͖͈͍͙̯͍̼͕̣͍̲̦̭̪̬͇̩̄̋̍̀̌͗͐̍̍̋̏̇̿̈́̍̕̚͜͠͝͝͝͝B̴̧̡̢̙̤̞̝̙͓̪̮̫̜̦͓̦̝͋͊͑̂͑Ḛ̴̢̡̨̛͓͙̪̠̠̟̪̩̦̪̝̣͕̼̥͎͔̹͍̝̖̞͚͍̫̣͖̺͉̥͇̩̰͖̥̠̳̪̬̓͛͋͒̈́͊̈́̿͜ͅÈ̶̡̢̛̛̛̩̪̟͙͚̼̻̖̈͐̿̄̈́̾̎͗̎̓͋́́̅̿̔̄͗͌͋̓͆̔̒̊̌̍͗̍͂̐̒̄̍́̃̅͆̀̋̃̄͑͘̚̚͝P̵̢̜̯͓̣̞͉̹̹̟̞͇̦̼̘̪͈̘͚̀̋ͅ ̷̢̨̡̞̼̬̬̪̠̻̻͍͔̣̖͖͍̹̩͈͓̲͖̞̞̣̳̞̲̦̺͙̆̐͌̀̐̓̉̀̃̈̂̈́̔̏́̄̾̀͐̀̋̌̔̋̃̍̿̌̓͒͆͂̓̃̔̀͌̈́̈̈́͛̎̈́̆̒̏̇̕̚͘̚͜͝͠ͅͅ

    There's destruction around me
    The trees screaming
    The forest is bleeding
    Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.

    B̸̧̨̡̡̡̺̜̤͙̱̭̘̪͚̭͇͈̻̹̜͕̻̯̰͇̗͓͓̯̫͚̥͍͈̩͉̘̏̓̌͂̍̎̆̓̔̆̽̒̍͋͗͒̈͗̀̀͗̅͘̚̚͘̚͜͝͝͝͝͝ͅļ̸̨̨̧̧̢̧̡̨̡̨̛̛̤͕͓̼̼̺̣̟̲̱̮̟̭̜͈͙͙̝̬̩̞̖̫̭̤̝̙̩̩͈̹̙̟̺̤̜͖̫̬̣̼̙̠͚͕͎̝̲͙̙̗̮͕̻͔̼̬̥̗͎̟̪̹͉̘̤̟͍̬̫̖͎̺̼̥͔͍͔͖͓͈̦̞̱͕̲͓̪͇͚̙̳̖͕̞͎̝̹̗͕̻̭͎̽͆̇̃̅̏̃̓͛̄̈́̔̋̎͆͛̄̈́̊̑̑̓͊̓̇͂̃̓̒̀̀̈́̌͊̀̑̈͂͑̊̐̓͑̆̊̍̂̈́̓̓͒̄͌͒͌̈́̌̀̕͘͘̕̚̕͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ȩ̷̨̡̧̡̨̡̨̡͎͍̗͉̦̩͔̟̹̫͕̬͎̲̟̣̠̰͎̜̻̤̼̦̮͇̪̫̻̟̫͎͓̫͚̘̰̰̩̤̼̞̼̯̥͙͕̥̼͚̲̫̺̯̭̙͍̭̖̳̖̼̗̹͎͙̻͇̯̜̱̻͍͚̩̘͒̀͋̑̈̿̒̃̿͗̈́̒͑̅̽̉͌̌̉̈́̀̒̉̈́͌͑͗́̎̂͐̎̑͛̐͐̄̔̾̓̒̃̎͐̄̉̑́͛̎̔̿̉͊̏̒̾̌̇̑̉͆͊̅͛̃͐̓͐́̊̔̏̊̔̍̑͑͗̒́̀͂̈́̀̂̑̈̔̓̾̐͒̃̂̂̀̔͐͊́̂̈́̊̂͌̈̓̆͘̕͘̕͘͘͘̕̕̚͘̕̚̚̚͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅę̴̢̡̧̢̧̧̛̛̛̞͚̣̠̳̞͙̞̬̱͚̠̫̦̙̞̮̖͙̙̰̳̭͕̠̬̲̺͖̘͕̜̼̜̗̹͈̯̺̙̍̑̄̃̑͆̀̿̎̃̀̐̓̓̏́̓̎͗̉̇̂̽̀͗̅̀̿̎͊̂̈́̓͛́͛̀̂͒͛̉̔̆̇̓̔̔̂̈́̔̈́͛́̈́̔̃̔̌͒̔͌͋̌̉̒̈́͑̉̆̀̐̓̀͌̂̚͘̕̕̕͘̕̚̕͜͝͠͠͠͝͝͝ͅḑ̷̢̢̨̛̛̛̛̦̣̫̗̟̖̪̖̥͔̩̟̘͈̠͈̥͉̫̖̰͓͖̩͇̳̬̰̳̘͍̱̝͎͙̼̼̯͎̘͓̼̋̀̊̄̇̂̓̑̒̋̇̃̿̋̋́͛̄̊̇̂͐́͐́̇̏̎͂̈́̈͒͒̓̉͂̿̽̌̂̅̅̈̂̀͒̌̄͌͛͑̈̈͐̅̒́̄̑̋̄̐̾̃͆̂̈́͒́̇̊̔̆̈̂̽̀͋͒̊͋͌̂̓͌̈̊̎͒̈́̅̌̑̓́͐̊̇̃̌̊̉̒͛̍̄͋̀̇̐͛͗̏̾̎̚͘̚̚̕͘̚͘̚͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅį̷̩̘̼͙̬͚̱͕͔̗͕̭̱̖̞̫̳̹͇̥̂͆͑̆̋̀͂͐̒̃̊̇͌͋̕͘͘ñ̸̢̧͚͖̳͚͇̦̯͈̮̦̘͔͓̙̪̟̺̳̘͙́̑̂͛̾̐͒́͐͗̏̂̆̇̄͠͝͝g̷̨̢̢̛̛̖̣̯̟͓͔̣̼̖̟̹̦̺̯̞͙̤͉̫͉̰̣̦͓̻̬̤͑͊̏͗̄͛͐̈́̄̾̊̃͋̂͊͌̽́͂́̀̎̀̂̔͗̈́̅̃̋̈͊̿̏̽͛͊̌̎͆̾́̃̆̒͌́̊̈̐̊́̈́̓͂͊̈́̄́̉̆̈̿̏̓͐̆̒̈́̆̊̔̎̇̄̆͗̉͑̆͐̾͌̔̏̃͐́͌̆̇̇́͒̏̃̓̓̂̔̄̾̿̆͛͘̚̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅ,̸̡̨͖͉̥͊̉̾̌̅̉̊͌̓̌̈͆̉̓̊́̌́̂̂̈́̌̒̿͑͒͊͛̋̔̆́͘͘̕͜͝͠ͅ 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    ̶̡̨̨̧̨̢̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̱̘͇͈͕̗͖̦̼̲̰͈͔̬̳̱͓̙̝̟͍̠̼̱̲̗̙̦̖͚̲̖̗͖̰̙̩̜̬̖̯̦̺͕͔̪͓̻̰̪̳̫̩̇̿͒̂͒͛̎̈̈́̓̇̃̓̓͊̈́͗̓͐̑̅͋̏͂̽͌̑̒̀̈́͒̉̐͊͂̀̒̈́̑̐̀̑̔͒́̔̍̇̑͐͗̔̅́̈́̌̍̃̓̀͒̀̽͋̀̈͊͊̈́̔̌̈́̄̌̈̀̌̌͘̕̚̕̕̕͘͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͠Ţ̸̨̧̨̧̨̡̨̡̡̨̡̡̧̨̛̘͔͍̱̘͈͇̻̪̜͇̰̳͍̻̤̺̪̮̟͚̘̦̳̰̲̲̯̬͕͕̗̹͖̫͍̯̫̙̜͍̪̫͇̣̥̳̻͔̝̹͕̺̼͚̲̟̣̣̰͙͓͙̠̘̤͔͇̣̖͉͕̝̰͉͚͔̖͇̬̱̠͉̩̥̥͍̜̫̰̟͙̓̈̎̆͆͐̌̃̈́͋́̾̄͊͂͋͛͋͛͛̏͌̃͋̀̾̽̉̈́͐̇̏̏͊͑́́̈̕͜͜͠ͅͅh̸̡̡̛̛̛̛̖̱̭̙̮̪̖̬̲͕̳̮̙̫͇͓̬̙̺̺̞̝̺̳̭̮̰͚͚̼͕̫͇̮͇͓͉͍̳̤̱͙̞͋̃̂̉̽̄̉̎̄̃͊͑̓̈́̅́̀̽̓̒̇̑͗̒̿̄̓͆͌͂̂̈́̾͐́̌̏̍͆͆̔͊̈́͋͋̈́́̃̾̈́͛͂͊̋̉͆͗͐̿̇͒͂́͛̋̃͊̔͂̃̄̋́͛̌̅̀̇͆̀̓͑̔͊͛̓̍̆̀̅̕̚̕̚̚̕͘͘̕̚͜͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅẹ̸̢̨̧̨̡̨̢̨̡̢̢̧̧̡̡̢̛̛̺̳͍̘̺̪̖̙͙͍̪͖̜̳͈̻̘̟̩̳̠͍̻̘̭͈̻̼̜̳̱̺̙̝͍̰̜̘͖̻̙̫͈̥͎̮̺̞̮̣̺̹̰̩̗̙̟̱̮̞̘̠͙͎͎͖̺̰͚͚̠̦̦̤̣̰̫͕̞͇̰̮̬͕̙͎̥͕̥͉̺͚̺͚̺̦̳̠͈̱͔͎̰̜̘̫̞̠̙̀̈̈́͊͗͂͆͗́̃͗̂̈́͂͒̀͋̉͛͋̓̀̍̓̀̈́͛̀̃̂̾̿̃͆͛̽̈́̌̐̌͛̆̐̓̈́̈́̽̇̈́͘̕̚̚͜͜͝͝͠͠͠͝ͅͅ ̵̡̡̢̡̡̨̡̧̢̢̛̫͎͈̣̲̹̯̺͙̭̞̱͇͖͓̻͓̩̲̰͈͔͓̻̩̖̭̙͚͎̖̲͚̬̲̙͈̪̩̱̩̭̙̰̲̝̲̙̤̩̜͙͖̞̗͇͈̺͓͖̲̟͚̜̖̩͔̳̯̯̟̱̹̫̻̗̠̣͈͙͔̘̳͕̯͕͚͈̖̰̮̣̻̩̳͉̦͖̥̰̼̥̺̗͉̔͑͛̓̅̌̀̎̀͗́͛͊̽͂̆̈́̽́̆͒̈́̅͆͒́̈̿̄̃̀̾̌̈́̓̍͛̈̾̀͊̾̏̽́͛͌̓̆́̕͜͠ͅͅf̷̨̧̧̧̛̛̛̛̛̫̠̼͈̮̙̗͍̗̻̼̻̼̹̮͎̞̲̦̠̲͚͉̖͈̲̳̖͓̖̝͖͇̣̹̗̗̟̦̪͉͚̙̬̦̩̖̳̟̗̦̜̭͉̹̗̫̼̩̜͔̻̜̖̞͇̺̳͖͍̙̞̖̀̏̅̅̏́̅͗͌̽̌̃̐͊͋̌̾͑͛̓́͗̒̃̀̍̓̑̔̍̏̏̐́̒̆͋̆̉̂̀̂̎̊̈́̊̈́̓̂̿̆͛̔̏̌̐̎̋͑̃̓̋̾̓͑̍̎́̈̒̉͐̽́͑̊͌͐̇̽̊̓̆̄̊̚͘͘̚͘̚̚͜͜͝͝͝͠͠͠ͅͅő̷̡̧̡̧̢̫̙̮͓̫͓͔̝̰͇̩̫͓̼̞̖̹͉͍͈̪̤̭͖̼͇̝͍̞͓̬̻̟̝͍͙̇̔̋̏͑͒͌̿͊̈́̀͛̍͑̊͒̈̅̿̔̈́̂̋͗̓̈͆͂͋̑̿̏̏̎̓̒̒͊̔̐̌̈̎̓̍͒̒͊̓̐́͘̚̚͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅr̸̟̟͎̱͈͚̣̬̯̞̜̜͉̄̀̀̀͒͂͛̀̑̐̍̽̆̔̿̉́̃̔̂̓̑̍̊̅̒̇͋̾̋̒͌̈́̈́̂͋̃͌͒͋͂̔̌̅̌͐̚͘̚̕͠͝͝ͅe̵̢̡̡̧̧̧̧̧̨̧̨̢̢̨̛̛̞̦̯̺̪̹̲͇̲̳̯͉̼̰̹̠͍̲̳̼̖̻͍̱̲̝͙̲̩̟̬͖͍̦̩̖͉̖̭̲͉̦̣͓̝̣̻͈̙͕̰̹̳̬̮̞̻̭̙̯̥͙̠̫͉̝̤̺͍͙̜̻̤͎̰̝͖̻͍̋̋̎̉̎̂̒͌̽̓͆̆͐͐͆̈́̊̈́͗́͑͋̓̌͊̆͊̎̍̌̈́̈́̿͊̊̈́̔́͛̈́̅̀͂̎̽͒͂̈́͂̇̏̀̓͂̔̾̈́̆͒̄̀̍́̋̔̔̓̍͋͌̊͋͆̓͑̏͗̾̽̄̊̎̐̇̃̋͋͋̀̇́̀̔͑̇̊͆̉̑̀̎̾̇̾̈́̒̎͐̚̕͘̚͘̕̕͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝ͅș̴̨̡̢̢̛̣̠̬̹̫͓͈̺̖̠̩̜͔̣̤͐̀̂̇͑̌͛͒̇̈̔̀̾̓͌͌͊̐̓͐̌̅̾̄̑̓̇͒̈́̈́̊̎̉͊̌̊̚͘̚͘̕͘͝͠͠͝ͅṱ̶̢̢̢̡̛̛̛̬̞͈͙̫̥̪̼̮̟̼̥̤̼͔̻̯͇̹̙̘̝͎̩͉͉̘̫̝͕͈̱̣̺̜̦͈̹̦̳̟͉̲̫̟͈̼̟̺̘̝͚̄̿͊̐͊̒̿͒̄͒́͐̓̌̉̃̽͊̑̄͑̔͆͗̈́̇̆̒̏̈́̿̚͘͘̚̕̚͘͜͝ͅͅͅ ̶̧̡̧̢̨̢̧̢̛̲̹̮̺̥̖̦̝̼͇̠͖̠̼̭̼̹͎͉̘̰͍͓͎̗̞̪̲̰̗̘̙̭̫̘̩̣̼̗͓̝̙̮̯͎͉̦̜͖͈̻̟̝̰͖͍̩̳͕̳̬͍͚̫̜̺͕̘̦͕͕̺͉̞̗͙̻̙͇̫̺̟̬̺̯̙̝̃̅͐̋̈́̓̐̆̀̾̎͑́̆͒̅̃͂̈́̆͂̋͒͐̈̊̈́̄̓̎̒̏̆̎̅͜͝͠͠͝͝ͅͅį̴̨̧̛̛̳̝͉̝̮͙̱̹͈̹̠͔̮̩̬̹̝̱͍̘̹̱͖͍̫̲̫͈̝̠̰̥͇̘͍͎̣̦̹̻̥͇̫͚͎̣͓̜͚̯̱̩̖̟̫̪͎̯̪̭͇̲̫̙͇͎̯̤̣̫̖̦̬̫͍̺͍̠͍̹̱̥̰̞̠̰̙͍̭̥̫͓̘̤̖̞͖̘̲͕͙͕̜̂̋͊̒̒̑̈́̔̿͊̇̓͛̋́̈́̓̃̂̔̀̊̄̅͑͋͑͐͗̇̈̾̋̆̈́̊͌̆̐̔͒̀̓͊͆̑͊͋̈́̂̀̍͐̋̊̿̓͒̀̌͂̎́̏͗̿́͊̋̂͒͘͘̚̚̚͜͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅş̶̢̧̢̨̧̡̢̨̡̨̡̨̛̛͈̣̪̬̤̗̣̰͙̝̺̝͉̼͔̦̤̫̤̙̳̼̺̩̯̩̙͉̱͇͖͇̭̻̱̙̖͈̖̤͈̭̗̳̹̬͙͈͍̭͔̫̼͙͍̱̻̬̹̩̺͚͍̣̦̪̲̥̖͎͓͚͎̥̲͚̟̜͖͍͓̙̗̺͚͎̦͎̺̬͍̟͕͎̜̟͎̼͕̲͍̝̭̩̺̙͔̦͍͙̥͎̗̩̼͈̮̱̻̇̈́̋̍̌̓̈́̈͋̈́̔̂͆́͗̍̂́̈́̑̂̈́͗͗̐̐͊̎̀̌̋̈́͊̊̽͑͒̃̏̋͛̉͛̉̄͌̌̈́̓͂̿̋̅̋̔̓̐̇́̔̏͌̾̒͊̀̒̋͑͆͒͋́̄̈̀̿̚̚̕͘͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͠ͅͅͅͅͅ ̵̨̡̛̛̤̭͍̥͍͕͚̱̦̮̖̟̻̖̖͔̻̺̥͓̪̪̼͙̲̥͍̞̣̝̳͚̤͖̹͚͓̟̟̾͌̒̈̐̐̂̂̊̌͗̋́̂̓͛͒̈́̂̊̆͌̂͌͐͒̄̌̽͆͑̅́͋̉͒̂͑̎̉̈̉͒͗̀̽̐́̍͆̉̾́̾̽̇̀̔̊̄̅͌́̀̾̿̂̽̎̒͊̒̐͂̔̐͐͊̓̇̿́́͗̎̑̂́̒͋̓̊͐͐̈́͑̀͊͂̓̃̈́̓̍̋̈́̈́̀̓̚̕̕̕͘͘̚̕͘͜͜͜͠͠͝͝͠͠ͅb̸͇͇̟͇͔̟̫̏̀̎͐̌͋̽̎̎̊̑̓͠l̵̨̧̨̨̡̢̧̡̫͙̰̭͖̳̖͎̹͍̖͓̙̫̳̥̭̬̣͍͕͈͙͎̳͖͓̹̥͎̹̱͖̦̩̗͙͚̫͚̣͉͍̞̻̠̖̫̖̼̟̮̰͍̰͓̲͚͖͕͓̔̒̄̈̅͛̇̑̈́̀̀̓̓̆̏̈̐̀̉͌͂̌̌͑̑̌͒̍̚͝ͅê̸̢̧̡̨̲̻̠̪͉̼̲̹͕͉̪̮̬̫̮͖̭̹̟̦̪̦̭͈̰͙͍̰̳̤̰̼̗͖̜͓͕̲̬̼̙͕̯̝͖͚͎̩͕̳̫̖̼̖̻̫̩͓͚͓̟͖̞̭̗̩̦̩̝̼̺̻̺̫͙̞̭̞̻̌̐͒̇̒͒̚͠ͅͅͅͅȩ̷̛̥̲̗̮͓̪͖̗̖̣͎̼̙̺̖̼͙͚̣̥͔̺̭̝̠̼͕̪̰̓͂̓́̋̎̀̔́̅̈́͊̉͋̐̈́́͑̀̀̈́̓̌͑̿̌͌͛̃̈̓͋̄̑́̈͒͊̉̋̀̍̇̇͛̓̽̏̉̾̄̋̿̆͑̇̉̌̋̓̆̀̇̍̐̂̾͛͊̎̊̉́̄̿̍̈́́̾̃͒̊͆̌́̽̃̌̅̚̕̚̕̚͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͠d̸͕̝͇͉̯̮̲̣̤̟̱̫̹̞̲̜̦̲̦̬̯̞̗͚̺̭̩̱̤̟͓̥̲̜̝̪͌̂̎͛́͑̑̑̿̈́̋̽̋͜͜͝͠͝͝ͅͅį̵̡̨̢̨̡̡̮͚̲̙̖̯̣͉͇̖̗̹̞̯̼̮̲̬̥̘̹͚̯̬̻̬̫̜͎̟̥̖̘̣̼͚͉̮̖̯̤̲́̌̈̍̈́̎̊́̀͒̂̏̆̏̈́͋͐̈́̍͗͗͛͑̒̉̒͂̍̄̄͗́̀̀̄̈́̍̓̉̐́͒̎͗͂̆͑̾̀̑̒̀̆̃̃̀̉̈́̈́͌͒̀͘̕̚̚̚͘͘͜͝͠͝͝͝͝n̶̡̢̩̲͎̦̙͎͇̜͍͇̱͙̍̒͒̀̌ͅg̶̛̛̛̫̙̝̤̖̺̊̀̈́͐͋́̔̒̐͑̆̂̃̔̑̅͋̀͂͂̌̾͛̌̈́̎̊͆̈͛̿̆͐̇́͋̓̍̀̃̓̈́̈́̿̓͑̽̍̈́̈́̿̏̽͋͋̐̃͌̉̍͗̃̆̓̽̀̅͋͆̆̋̈́͑̑̔͆͒̀̃̑͂̆̂̏͛́̈́͗̓́̀̊̄̈́̃̊̈́̇͋̉̐͛͊̀̈̇͊̉̆̈́̎͘̚̚̚̕̚̚̕̕̕͘͜͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͠.̵̢̢̨̢̢̨̢̢̧̡̧̢̛̛̛̼͍̭̻̳̳̜̙͉͍̻̪̤̬̙̩̮͓̘̟̰̳͎͇͚̝̞̝̱̺̮̺̖̭͉̞̟̼̝̯͚̜̬͍̱̩͔̥̫̺͈̳̙̩̺̫͎͇̞̬̻̖̖̞̥͎̞̮̼̪̝̹̻̜͔̘̜̫̙͈͖̘͉̝̹̺̯̩̦̩͎͋͋̀̓̂̆͊̈́́̎̀̊̎͋̓͋̒̓̂͗̈́̇̋͗̐̏̑͊̇̄̄̈́̐̍̾̇̓͌͛̇̾͐̈̿͗͆̈̕̚̕͘͜͜͜͜͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅ

    It keeps going
    And going
    That mechanical fiend
    The trees scream
    The forests bleeds.

    My home was sieged
    Deforestation, manipulation
    Stop destroying my home!
    Go away!
    How could humanity do this?
    Heads shall fall today!

    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!

    The trees are melting
    The forest is dying
    The fairies run
    They hide away.

    The fairy in the forest has gone away!
    The fairy in the forest has gone away!
    The fairy in the forest has gone away!
    The fairy in the forest has gone away!

    Deforestation, manipulation
    Stop destroying my home!
    Go away!
    How could humanity do this?
    Heads shall fall today!

    Humanity is cruel,
    Sick at bay,
    How could they do this?
    Go away!

    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!

    Ģ̵̡̨̨̡̨̡̡̧̨̧̡̛͚̦̭̺̲̬͓̬̺̤̖͍̰͔̬̬̤͓̭̣̠͈̟͓̲͚͍̗̤̱̩̟̼̬̖͎̗̖̜̬̤̱̣̼͇͕̯̗̺͙̹̳̱̬̞̲̮̤̱͍̯̗̰̳̞̘͓͚͍̣̹͎̖̦̥̱̟̠̦̤̙̥̪̘̬̲̟͔̠͓̩̹̙̭̮͕̯̪͇̦̹͔̞̗͓͍̮͓̜̝̣̝͙͍͉̫͇̫̲̳͉̯̳̳̲͉̙͉̜͉͚͕̩̹̹͙̩̭͖̥̪͓̰͕͈͚̝̗͇͔̪͙͈̞̮̜̱̩͕͍͓̩̮̀̽̃̍̔̏͐͑̐̅̉̄̌͛̔̂͛́̈́͆͐́̈͂͂̍̒́̊̆͐̅͆̈́͗̇̈́̃̋͋̍͒̇͆̓̀̈́̈̈́̌̅̍͐̀̽͋̔͂̽̐͆̄͐̍́͘͘͜͜͜͜͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅǫ̴̢̧̧̡̡̢̨̨̨̢̨̨̧̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̦̘͕̲̹̺̙̦̖̱͚̘̖͎͉̰͉̥͚̠̥̯͇̫̭͇͍̖̺̺̰̹̝̘̞͚̱͖̙̟̝̭̲̫̳̺̝̙͉̼̰̼̬̫̣̮̯̤͕̯̳̱̭̠͖̥̮̤͎̰̺̥̫̗͕̥̱͍̠̖͉̖̩̭͈̥̙̜̞̻̫̩̥͕̖͈̝̬̫͎̫̙̣̪̙͙̼͍̻̩̗͕̯̖̯̪̙͖̤̝͖͈̣̤̼̮̤̬̻͓̼̯͙̫̼͚̳̤͖͓̻̰̩̞̲̦̤͚̩̘͖̠̘̹̪̥͔̝̗̱͉̺̼̖̦͙̩̙͔̹͉͓̲͙̞͔̮͙̞̩̙̒͊͊̑̍̐̀͗̎̓͛̾͆̆͋̏͂͐́̂̆͐̽̊̅̿͊̈́͂̃̀̄͛̇͑̇͛̎̍̄̈́̑̊́͗̐͐̇̌͆̇͒̒̓́̈͑͒͋̍̃̐̏̌̾͂͊̀͋́̑͛̓̏̈́̽̑͑̿̈́̑̔̎̎̓́́́͌̓͆̄̍̈́̇̽͒́̑̀̋͑̋͊͋̈̿̽̌͂͛̋̃͛̑̐͛̈́̈̇̂̓̈́̌͗̒͊̐͊̿̅̈̅̔̌́̄̆̿͊̃́̅́̎͆̃̈́̓́̏̅̀̿̆̈́͋͘̕̕͘͘̚̕̕̚̕͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅ ̵̨̢̡̡̢̨̢̧̧̡̢̧̨̛̛̛̛̣̦̬̺̱̣͚̼̞̞̗̺͕̯͇̯̖̤̻̹͖̪̯̺̦̲̤̤͔̞̗̘͚̹͚̪̮̙̖̳̠͇͉͖͔͓̯̜̩̰̗̘̟̪̘̯͉̙̌͗̿̽̿̋̀͊́̇̑̈́̓̉̽̀̈́̀̇̄̎͛͛͌̉̆̔͋̇͌͊͂̈̿̈̇́́́̈́͋̋̄̆͊̋̑̂̋̇̀̄̎͒̎͊̈́̈́̌̂̂̉̈͒́̿̆̋͋̽̉͗̔̃͛̐͛̅͂̅̂̈̐̀̐̊͐̂͊̃̋̔͛̑̏̈́̏̀̒͂̊̈́̊̔̍̅̈́̎̇̅̐̈̉̈́͒̀̍͊̄͆̔̐̿́͒̽͊͂̉͆̍͛̌̇́̓̈́̾̄́̏͒̆̇̔͛̈́̂͗̽̒̈́̇́̽͛̆̉͗̂̑̿̎͋̇̍͊͛̔̏̆̏̅̒̓͐̊̃̏́̂͒͛̇̀̂͆̌͌͐͊͆̑̀͒̓̑̑͊̈̾͆̇́̓̏͐̑̄͗̏̐͌̒̒͛̀̓̌̄̕͘̚̚̕̚̕̕̚͘̚͘͜͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅḁ̸̢̧̨̢̢̡̧̡̧̡̡̨̢͓̗͙̤̥̣̤͎͕͓̮̙̖̫̰̲̼͖͔̩͖͇̲͕̞̞͉̬̳̘̪̯̤̣̞̱̜͓͙̤̠̼̺̦̺̥̺̯͙̲̼͙͇͉͓̙̯͉͉͇̜̗̟̻͓̮̲̮̺̝͖̲̝̩͚̘͈̱͓͙̼̼̯͎̯̬̘̟͚̻̻̤̮͖̱̳̦̳͍̺̠͇̜̱̣̬͈̰̞̼̹͚̣̥̥͉̼͓̻̜̤͉̜̳̲̝̭̭̱̞̙̠̹̣͍̮̗̭̙̟̯̪͓͙̤̜̩̟̮̞̖̹̪̞̱̫̫͎̟̺̫͖̳̟̭͖̯̼̙͈͙͓͈̼̖̣͔̬̖̣̮̣̻̹͙̬͍̺̝̲̮̼͎͎̥̹͉̗͚͕̬͓̗͖͍̺̱̻̰̙͇͉͍̪̝̝̲̪͚̘̭̗͚̝͚͙͎̤̮̹̃̌̿͑̂̋̍́̐̀̔́̎͌͐̀͋̏̈̓̆̈́̎̒̏̓͊̾́̅̍̈́̐̏̂͂͋̾́͒́̈̄̂̆̏̃͗͋̐̊̍̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅw̸̢̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̱̺̹͓̩͖͔̦̯͚͓̖̘̼̜̬͔̬͇̪̺̹̮͖̯͓͖̣̜̝̤͎̥̲̲͔͖̱͙͈̥͙͑̐̃͊͋̈́̎́̂̾́̂͆̈́̋̍̃̑̿̓̈́̌͒̐͊̐̃͂̏̀̋̔̇̌̏̐́̃͗̈̂̀̄̋̉́̒̀̈́̅̆̐͊͌̅͊͛̔̊̃̔͆͂̆̇͊̿̈́́͂̈̽̊́̔͒̌͐̑͗͌̈́́͗͋̓̌́̃̌̏͆̑̈̄̃̌̽͌͑̈̀̈́̏̎̄̒̌̑̓̐̋́́͛̂͐̂͒͋̀̏̋̃͒̏͑̀͑̉̂̂̄̔̀̋̃̓̑̉͑̍͆̀͑̿̕͘͘̚̚̚̕͘͜͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͠͝͠ͅa̸̡̧̧̡̨̡̡̨̢̢̡̨̡̧̡̨̢̢̡̧̧̛̟͓̹̠̺̭͓͙̤͉̻̥̳̪̞̲̥̖̙͙̪̩̲͍͇͕̟̫̣̤̙̙̱͍̮̦͓̘͉͍͔̘̙̼͇̟̺̠͎̭͎̹̣̹̤̗̘͎̜̙̦͎̪͖̫̖͖̳̻̙̖̤͍̬̦̺͉̝̩̞͖̫̼̦͔̦̰̖̲̭̲̹̗̯͎͖̯̖̱̞̬̞̦̭̼͈̣͇̦͖̫̖͖̞͍̙̖̻͎͖͓̣̖̼̣̥̙̝̟͔̰͉̳̹̙̥̦̭̪͓͕͍̦̗̖̪͕̠̥̞̱͈̟̫̦̫̥̦͚̗̤̰̭̲͉͇̻̫̙͍͙̦̰̘̭̥̖͙̪̯̲̖̰̳͉̟̘͓̖͇̭̭͎̦̲͖̼͖̽̈̔͌̂̈́̅͑͑̒̎͐̓̏̆͑̓̔̀͆̾͂̄͂̊̎̑̊͆́̉̐͗̓̋̿͊͛̇̈͛͑̈́̏̎̎̅̈́͗̈͌̒͋̌̀̎̂̀̾͒͊̈́͆͒̉͒̊͐̾̈́̈́̊̾͆͊̋̔̃̏̐̉́̑̎̂͑̍̌̋͐̀̉̀̊̍̈́̅̓̐̇̑̋́̉͊̓͑̿͊̈̌͋̅̋̽̈́͆͆̍̓̋͂̅͊͊̈́̆̏͊̌̂̊̐͗̿̉̑̂̇̽͌̅͗͊̈̈̂̽̊̓̈̉̅̑̉̄̇͂͗̀͑̋̿͑̇͌͗̊̎́̅̌͊͒̀͗̀̀̍̂̌̈́̽̉̐̈́̔̓́̽͑̇̌̅͋̀͆̅͑̂͋̆̌̄̒̎͛̅̾͂͋̀͋̈̑̍̿̉͆̐̈́́̀͑͒͛̂͘̕͘̕̚̕͘̕͘̚͘̚͘̕̚̚͜͜͠͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅy̵̡̢̨̢̧̡̢̧̢̧̨̡̨̡̜̥̥̫͖͕͖̻̻̦̘̪̣̺͚͖̻̪̫̩͍̠͍̱͎̥̼͎̳̙̖̯͉͈̜̣͎̬̭̫̻͇̜͚͇̩͖͈͇̗̼̫̺̗̲̬̻̜̯̰̦̝̫͉̩̠̬̯͚̗̦̤̟̺̳̩͉̦̱̰̱͕̭͉̟̙̹̩̗̝̖͔͚̥̥̫̪̬̳͖͙̦̯̫̳̗͔̝̙̲̼͔̰̙͍͇̩̦̮̞̠͉̙̰͓̤̰̖̤̖̻͙͕͔̬̼̬̳̖̺͇̺̙̤̫̲͉͖̳̻̘̻͉͓̲̟͕̥͖̖̿̔̐͊͜ͅͅͅͅ

    Deforestation, manipulation.
    Humanity is cruel,
    Go away.
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    The fairy in the forest has gone away!

    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!
    Go away!

    Ģ̴̮̭̩̱̗̺͍͔̠̹̭͊̒̀̽̀͑̍̿̇̅̉͌͋̔̒̔͋̽̈̾̃̋͆̀̔̓̑͘͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝ơ̸̢̡̢̨̛̘͓̫̯̗̹̜͖͇̙͓̘͎̠̙͉̝͚͖̝̱̠̻̭̭͎͓͓͕̝̼̭̈͒͒̋̆̀̉͋͂́͂͐͊̇͌̃̄͌́̄͑̍̀̔͒̕͜͝͠ ̷̟̘͎̈́̓̋̽̐̍͐͠ȁ̷̧̨̨̨̢̨̛̛̰̩̤̭͈̜̪̤̤̹͓̣̻̺̠͎̦̲̼͋͛́̔͒͐́̀͋͐̌́̀͒̈́͑̈́́͐̋̔͑̓̐̀͆́͛̕̕̚͜w̸̡̢̨̛̛̯̯̜̠̯͕̙̰̭̹͙͉͚̥̙͈̺̘̬̣̜̤͇̗̾̿̓̐̄̅͐̾̄̊̒͐͂̓̾̓͐͊͂̓̈͌̀͌͂͊̌͌̈́̄̈́̃̕͜a̷͈͎͙͎͓͕̟̞͍̫̪̺̠̮̦͉͌̇͆͂̈́̆̅̐̓͆̀͒́̈́̄̎́̌͋͗̿͒̆͛͐̉̓̔̒͐̾͒̕͘̕͘͜͝͠ͅỵ̶̢̧̧̡̱͈̩̼̫̰̟̭͍̫͇͕̜͕͉̤̹͓̖̝̃̓̃͐̏̾̉̆̊̌̆̀̿̿̾͂̄̽̂͗̈́́́̿̊̅̚̕͜͜͝ͅͅ.̶̡̢̡̨̨̧̢̧̡̢̢̛̰͚̝̲̥̞̗͙̘͈͕̦͔̗̼͉̬͇̝̫̜̯̤̖̼̞̝̗͕̥͖̙͕̥̞͕̂̔͜͜͠ͅ.̵̱̺̱̣͎͎͙̫̝̣̖̘̠͚̬̳̤̖̯̳̰̽͒̈́̄̊̍̌͂̀́͛̈͝.̴̢̡̧̢̨̧̞̖̹̦͎̣͙̪̻̝̣̳̳͖̹̘̗̳̖̬̭̗̟̪̰͎͉̺̻̙̫̪̜̬̳͕̦̣̤͔̪̰̰̠̘̇̈̅̎̄͆́́̓̀̄͛̈́̎̋̑̽̊̾̓̐̌̉͠͝͝ͅ

    Happy early birthday, Siorc!
    A Doll on Amethyst Street
    Written on 5/2/2024, happy 1,000 days of existence anniversary, Siorc!
    As sung by The Silent Dolls (Siorc, Hase, Yinlong, Parisa and KAITO.)


    My windowsill drips,
    It's raining today
    Or is that just my tears
    Falling down in disarray?

    I wish I could go back into time
    Before my birth
    Erase that happening
    Drop myself into a little doll
    That's how the world is supposed to work

    Pitter patter, pitter patter,

    The despair turns
    Guru guru guru guru
    I've fallen apart
    I've been burned
    Just put in a box already
    Discard me from this world.

    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street
    Spotlights on me
    With bells beneath
    My feet.


    My window is drenched
    It's pouring
    A typhoon is coming,
    Or it that just my tears
    Disrupting everything?


    I wish I could place my soul
    Into a little doll
    No one would have
    Any expectations of me
    Just wind up a key
    And I'm dancing, happily.

    The despair turns
    Guru guru guru guru
    I've fallen apart
    I've been cracked
    Just throw me out already,
    Get rid of me, please.


    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street
    Dancing to the beat
    With butterfly wings behind me

    But, that'll never be me,
    I'm stuck in my cocoon
    In a glass box,
    Don't you see?
    I'm stuck this way,
    Yet I'm still breathing.


    My heart is beating
    Ba bump ba bump ba bump ba bump
    Too fast, someone end my suffering
    I wish I were a doll
    Who didn't have to feel this never ending
    Everything's spinning.
    Guru guru guru guru
    Turning, twisting, erupting.


    Time's running out,
    I'm suffocating.

    The despair is consuming
    Munch munch, munch munch,
    I've fallen apart
    I've been eaten
    Just put in a toss me already
    Discard me from this world.

    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street
    Singing with whimsy,
    No one would have any expectations of me


    Time's running out,
    I'm suffocating.

    I'd go back in time
    To before my birth,
    Put myself in a mechanical doll
    Like how the world's supposed to work.


    Time's up

    My windowsill drowned,
    The typhoon is crying,
    Or is that just my tears
    Making my vision blurry?

    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street
    Spotlights on me
    With bells beneath
    My feet.
    No one having any expectations of me!

    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street
    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst street.
    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street.

    Press in the key
    Free me from my suffering, please

    I wish I were a doll
    On Amethyst Street.

    Yay! Happy 1,000 days of existing, Siorc!
    No Clean Bone In Your Body
    Written on 5/9/24.
    As rapped by Soapy Birdmaid (Dove {Mc Bird}, Kali {Mc Mermaid} & Kagamine Rin).

    Tap tap tap tap tap tap
    Tap to the beat
    Can you keep up with this heat?
    On Crystal Bird Street,
    Ya'll can't be discreet!
    About yer passion.
    It should be unmatched and unbeat!

    Spin spin spin spin spin spin
    Spin, spread your wings!
    Mc Bird's getting ready to teach!
    How high you can soar
    With a goal
    That's within yer reach!

    Ya gotta
    Bring yer choreography
    Put it down like dirty laundry
    Flip yer legs feel da scene,
    But yer moves ain't gotta be clean.

    Gotta get back up 'gain if ya fall
    Choreography's all 'bout trial and error.
    Don't ya see
    Soar high, fall even higher,
    Take a leap
    An' give 'em a mile!
    Are ya still with me?
    It's about 'dem

    Moves and style!
    Put yer own spin on it
    Give them yer biggest roar
    Like a Rottweiler!

    Bring, bring, bring, bring, bring
    Bring it on,
    Give it yer best shot
    Remember we're all competin'
    Upon 'dis street.
    Drop a rhyme,
    Give it some time,
    A yer gonna shine.

    ~scrch scrch scrch scrch~

    Clap clap clap clap clap
    Can you keep up with the beat,
    Clap clap clap clap clap
    On this street?
    Well, mc mermaid gonna teach ya
    How to get down and dirty!

    Rap rap rap rap rap rap
    Rap your heart out
    Upon these streets
    It's all about 'dem rap battles
    Ya gotta serve them
    Full course!

    What what what what what
    What are you afraid of?
    Throw down 'dem lines
    Like yesterday's dirty laundry,
    Smack dat bin
    Scream bout yer next entry!

    Yer worryin' bout da heat?
    Don't be!
    Dat's just the competition
    Kickin' in full swing!
    It's always heated here on Crystal Bird Street,
    Take one for da team!

    Ya scared?
    Shouldn't be!
    Bring yerself to da forefront
    Of da streets!

    Drop down 'dat soap
    'Cause yer bout to get dirty!
    Soapy Birdmaid's gonna show you da ropes,
    Ya ain't about to have
    A clean bone in yer body!

    Clap clap clap clap clap
    Can you keep to da beat
    Clap clap clap clap
    On this street?
    Soapy Birdmaid's gonna
    Teach you how to get down and dirty!

    Drop down 'dat soap
    We'll show you da rope!

    You ain't bout to have
    A clean bone in yer body!

    Clap clap clap clap clap
    Clap clap clap clap clap


    I don't even know with this one hahaha, I just pantsed it.