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Red hack: Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/JP builds (Bugfix, AI, and QoL patch)

I found low encounter rate Pokemon to be persistently frustrating, even with emulator speedup. Unless it's meant to be a super-secret easter egg, I don't think any encounter should be rarer than a 1 in 10 chance. I also don't understand why a quality of life feature like buying bulk coins is locked to the post game. It makes buying copies of the important Thunderbold TM disproportionally frustrating.

most of those "frustrating" rare encounter issues were addressed in the newest version released a few days ago, so obtain & use the updated version

edit - I have to admit that I'm still using the old 1.24.0 release of the shin pokemon games from late Sept. 2023 but all having completed game saves (meaning E4 & rival champion beaten, cerulean cave access, 100% pokedex completion, etc.). now I just need to find some of the new areas with new hidden items to find using the itemfinder :smile:

maybe when it reaches halfway to 1.25.x (maybe 1.24.5 perhaps), I will update on my end

and maybe someday - add this key item from the cramorant game - the "cd player" that allows listening to the bg music tracks
Added CD Player key item. Is used to listen to every music track in the game

that cd player item is obtained post-game in the cramorant game
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Had to quickly release v1.24.5 to hotfix a couple things.
  • Minor text edit for SS Anne npc in post-game.
  • Minor fix for Itemfinder when there are multiple hidden items on screen.
  • Fix Psywave symmetry
That last bullet was kind of a problem since it would make psywave desync again unless fixed.
If this is the place to ask, I have a suggestion.
Another hack called Pokémon PureRGB says that they found unused ice-looking tiles in the cave tileset, and used them for the Seafoam Island caves.
[PokeCommunity.com] Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/JP builds (Bugfix, AI, and QoL patch)

To me, this makes more sense to use instead of the brown rocky tiles that the other caves use since this cave is populated by ice-types, and later remakes make the cave frozen. If it's not too much trouble or beyond the goals of this hack, maybe you could try these changes to the Seafoam Island cave on a future version.
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If this is the place to ask, I have a suggestion.
Another hack called Pokémon PureRGB says that they found unused ice-looking tiles in the cave tileset, and used them for the Seafoam Island caves.
View attachment 155705

To me, this makes more sense to use instead of the brown rocky tiles that the other caves use since this cave is populated by ice-types, and later remakes make the cave frozen. If it's not too much trouble or beyond the goals of this hack, maybe you could try these changes to the Seafoam Island cave on a future version.

While a nice idea, the internal debate circle never agreed with the notion that the Seafoam Islands should be an ice cavern. While it may have been an early idea, ultimately this location is based on Enoshima and specifically the Iwaya Caves. These are ocean-worn caves that remain a few degrees below room temperature all days of the year, so thematically it follows to be a watery dungeon that gets tourists in the summer.

Contrast this to the Ice Path in Johto which is inspired by the Narusawa Ice Cave. It's an old lava tube located in the Aokigahara Forest next to Mt. Fuji that hovers close the freezing point year-round and contains some really pretty ice formations.
Hmm, I didn't know that it was based on a specific place. I played FireRed a few years ago and just assumed the cave was frozen over because of the presence of Articuno and the other ice types.
- Vanilla progression suggestion: the Water Gun TM should be placed in Pewter City (e.g., the museum) instead of Mt. Moon. That would finally give it utility while still giving a hard time to players who try to solo Brock using Charmander. It would also make a lot more Pokemon viable with randomization.
Second this! It is crazy how many water pokemon don't get a water move until level 20+
Hmm, I didn't know that it was based on a specific place. I played FireRed a few years ago and just assumed the cave was frozen over because of the presence of Articuno and the other ice types.
I added it to pureRGB as I thought it would make the area a bit more unique and allowed usage of some unused stuff such as the unused purplish palette and the unused tiles. Also the articuno thing. However jojobear is right with regards to being more accurate to the area in Japan if it didnt look all icy.
I made a thing.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/JP builds (Bugfix, AI, and QoL patch)
    314.2 KB · Views: 13
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/JP builds (Bugfix, AI, and QoL patch)
    328.2 KB · Views: 12
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/JP builds (Bugfix, AI, and QoL patch)
    274.9 KB · Views: 15
Came across this via RHDN. Would it possible for the move relearner to teach unique moves to certain Pokémon as well? As a way to replicate old events like Amnesia Psyduck, Pay Day Fearow/Rapidash, or Dragon Rage Magikarp, etc.. Would be fit in with the lite variant of the project too, I think.
Came across this via RHDN. Would it possible for the move relearner to teach unique moves to certain Pokémon as well? As a way to replicate old events like Amnesia Psyduck, Pay Day Fearow/Rapidash, or Dragon Rage Magikarp, etc.. Would be fit in with the lite variant of the project too, I think.

Inappropriate for the lite branch since that is supposed to be rather bare-bones, but appropriate for the master branch. I did think of a good way to implement these event moves. If I'm correct, the following event moves would need to be implemented.

Amnesia Psyduck
Pay Day Rapidash
Pay Day Fearow
Fly Pikachu
Dragon Rage Magikarp
Inappropriate for the lite branch since that is supposed to be rather bare-bones, but appropriate for the master branch. I did think of a good way to implement these event moves. If I'm correct, the following event moves would need to be implemented.

Amnesia Psyduck
Pay Day Rapidash
Pay Day Fearow
Fly Pikachu
Dragon Rage Magikarp
And Surfing Pikachu, of course. But yeah, I think that's all of them. For some reason, I have a vague memory of there being a Flying Gyarados, but I can't find anything documented about that - so probably not.

Fair enough on the lite branch.
Hello, I have a problem that appears to only take effect on my current save file. Basically, there's this bug where the music will not change when it is supposed to. For example, after picking "Continue" at the beginning, the intro theme keeps going. It will change if one goes into a different route or enters a city, but that city theme will keep going if you enter a Pokemon Center. This also happens with the battle victory theme after the battle is over, it will keep going unless I walk to a different area. Toggling with the audio in the settings doesn't help, but I tried to test the problem in a new file and the battle victory theme didn't keep going, so that's what I mean with the bug being in the save file itself, which I think only began around the time I beat the Elite 4. Do you have any idea of what I could do to fix this or should I just bear with it?
Hello, I have a problem that appears to only take effect on my current save file. Basically, there's this bug where the music will not change when it is supposed to. For example, after picking "Continue" at the beginning, the intro theme keeps going. It will change if one goes into a different route or enters a city, but that city theme will keep going if you enter a Pokemon Center. This also happens with the battle victory theme after the battle is over, it will keep going unless I walk to a different area. Toggling with the audio in the settings doesn't help, but I tried to test the problem in a new file and the battle victory theme didn't keep going, so that's what I mean with the bug being in the save file itself, which I think only began around the time I beat the Elite 4. Do you have any idea of what I could do to fix this or should I just bear with it?

This sounds like rom corruption. There isn't really anything in the save data that affects the audio engine.

I can't really do anything without more information. Ideally you should visit the GitHub page, fill out an issue ticket, then attach a zip file to the ticket containing your rom file and save file.