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[Pokémon] The Land's Wrath: Ground Type and Rock Type Pokemon Club !!

Alpha Behemoth Blade

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  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
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    Can you feel the Trembling of the Ground, or can hear the crashing rocks ?

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Land's Wrath: Ground Type and Rock Type Pokemon Club !! [PokeCommunity.com] The Land's Wrath: Ground Type and Rock Type Pokemon Club !!

    Hello everyone, I am Delta Crowned Sword, and I am here to present the new Pokemon Club based on Ground and Rock Type.

    The reason for making this club is due to the fact that Ground Type attacks are most offensive type in the game with capability of hitting 5 types super-effectively ( Fire, Rock, Steel, Electric, Poison) and this superior coverage is only rivaled by Fighting type, which can also hit 5 types super-effectively. Yet, the Ground Type Pokemon generally tend to go under the radar, due to the popularity of Fire type, which is believed to be better offensively. And unavailability of the club for these wonderful type made me to think and go ahead.

    And inclusion of Rock type is also considered because most Ground Type Pokemon are capable of learning staple and generalist Rock moves, making this type a favorable ally, and not to forget, Rock Type can also hit 4 types super-effectively ( Bug, Flying, Fire, Ice ) !!

    Though the shortcomings also exists, making them dramatically weak against Grass and Water.

    Yet, we should remove those shortcomings from mind !!


    And as usual, like in other clubs, I had prepared a questionnaire for all of us !!

    1. What is your favorite Landscape/scenery/natural landforms which you enjoy the most looking/going at ?

    For me, it is being in rough terrain with green covers, as in mountainous Forests. Because they offer lush greenery feel, yet are challenging to move into, but are exhilarating as well due to trenches and occasional caves which make them entertaining, and not to forget that we can feel the wind when we are height !!

    2. What is your favorite gemstone ?

    I like Diamond, because they are colorless and can blend according to direction from where light is coming, and are strongest naturally occurring substance on Earth. Don't confuse with Emerald because it's related to Rayquaza !!

    3. What are your favorite Ground Type Pokemon ?

    Hippowdon, Groudon, Garchomp, Ursaluna, Rhyperior, Swampert, Iron Treads, Mudsdale, Golurk, Runerigus.

    4. Which Ground Type moves are your favorites ?

    Earthquake, Earth Power, Precipice Blades, High Horsepower, Drill Run, Scorching Sands, Sand Attack !

    5. What are your favorite Rock Type Pokemon ?

    Tyranitar, Diancie, Rhyperior, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Coalossal, Cradily.

    6. Which Rock Type moves are your favorites ?

    Stone Edge, Meteor Beam, Rock Slide, Salt Cure, Rock Tomb, Stealth Rock, Tar Shot.

    7. Which Ground Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Toedscruel and Runerigus; They don't look as amazing, but they can do some nice work if played properly, especially Runerigus.

    8. Which Rock Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Stakataka and Archeops; the later is affected by Ability, and the former is affected by looks. But if we somehow manage to work around that, we can use them quite decently.

    Thanks for answering the questions above, and hence getting the Tag of The Explorer !!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Land's Wrath: Ground Type and Rock Type Pokemon Club !!
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Land's Wrath: Ground Type and Rock Type Pokemon Club !!

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    1. What is your favorite Landscape/scenery/natural landforms which you enjoy the most looking/going at ?
    I enjoy Giant waterfalls, there stunning!

    2. What is your favorite gemstone ?

    Aquamarine, it's so pretty!

    3. What are your favorite Ground Type Pokemon ?
    Sandslash, Sandy shocks, Nincada, and Garchomp!

    4. Which Ground Type moves are your favorites ?

    Earthquake and stomping tantrum!

    5. What are your favorite Rock Type Pokemon ?

    Stakataka, Diancie, and Kleavor.

    6. Which Rock Type moves are your favorites ?

    Diamond storm and ancient power

    7. Which Ground Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Sandy shocks is quite cool, he needs more love. he's awesome!

    8. Which Rock Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Stakataka, is an amazing pokemon, he's fun competitively too!
    I love the idea of this club, signing up now! Great questions too!

    1. What is your favorite Landscape/scenery/natural landforms which you enjoy the most looking/going at ?

    I love the sea, the smell of salt, the relaxing sound of the waves, the sea birds calling and rustle of palm trees in a breeze, the coolness of the water and wet sand against skin, and glitter of the ocean waters under the sun. A lot of good memories of walking along the beach, collecting sea shells.

    2. What is your favorite gemstone ?

    I think rose quartz is pretty and delicate color, and I like the symbolism associated with it, representing love, and tranquility, I like morganite for similar reasons. The color of amber beautiful too, reminds me of honey, and it's fascinating to see life forms like insects and plants fossilized within the resin. Normally I like the semiprecious stones, but I have a soft spot for sapphires because it's my birth month stone, and it's pretty cool that it can appear in some many different colors, not just blues, but white, yellow, pink, orange, green, purple, you name it.

    3. What are your favorite Ground Type Pokemon ?

    Nidoqueen, Gastrodon, Quagsire, Zygarde, Steelix, Groudon

    [/b]4. Which Ground Type moves are your favorites ?[/b]

    Earthquake, Earth Power, Thousand arrows

    5. What are your favorite Rock Type Pokemon ?

    Tyranitar, Diancie, Onix, Hisuian Arcanine/ Growlithe, Auroras, Aerodactyl, Gigalith

    6. Which Rock Type moves are your favorites ?

    Diamond storm, accelerock, roll out, ancient power, power gem

    7. Which Ground Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Whiscash. I like it's silly design, role as a wise storyteller in the red and blue mystery dungeon games, the inspiration this pokemon takes from the Japanese mythological figure Nomazu, giant catfish who lives underground and causes earthquakes, and I enjoyed Nero the master ball-munching whishcash from the the Ruby and Sapphire anime series.

    There are some fair points about this pokemon I think from a mechanical standpoint too though, It's got the lovely water grpund typing, being immune, resistant to or hit neutrally by everything except grass, and since Swampert was OU and Quagsire UU, it was the only pokemon this could be said for in gen 3 NU. It could be a fine defensive pokemon in it's tier, with great hp stat to make bulky substitutes to hide behind and poison foes on stall teams, and even it's 4x grass weakness could be compensated for with an amnesia set.

    When Gastrodon came along there was less reason to use Whiscash this way, but there is some untapped potential in it as a physical sweeper with moves like dragon dance stone edge waterfall and earthquake. It's below average attack and speed requires a lot of set up, but in certain situations like being able to get off rest hydration on a rain team it could be done, similar to using Lapras. In general Lapras is the better option because of it's higher stats and wider movepool, but that typing of Whiscash could fit a particular team better.

    This is a good video about how this strategy had success in gen 5 ou tournament.

    8. Which Rock Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    I have always had a soft soft for Onix, it belongs to Brock, and looks majestic because of it's towering size. I loved seeing folks ride around on it in the anime, and doing it myself in Let's Go. It has had some amusing variations too like the Crystal Onix, and getting scaled down to mini size in Imitation Confrontation.

    A lot of people hate this pokemon and talk about how funny it's stats are, only having a giant defense, and everything else being low, but what needs to be kept in mind is that it is an early game pokemon, your first gym leader's ace, and was built the way it was to teach new players about the mechanics of the game in generation 1. Your starter pokemon will have moves like scratch and tackle initially and so will the bug and flying pokemon you encounter in the Viridian Forest, and by giving Onix a defense that is going to be almost impervious to physical damage, developers are nudging you to explore your newly learned special attacks like bubble and vine whip, which Onix can't defend against, even moves that are not super effective like confusion from butterfree could get you through. So I think it's pretty cool that this pokemon is a walking tutorial, and because it was not meant to be more than that, and later given an epic evolution in Steelix and mega to reach it's full potential, Onix ended up becoming good in it's own right as a nfe.

    It's faster than most not fully evolved pokemon, and can be made faster with weak armor or on a dragon dance or rock polish set. Even though it's attack is normally very low, with boosts and being able to abuse powerful stab moves like head smash with impunity if it's rock head, there is a way to sweep. It's sky high defense are even more impenetrable holding eviolite, and it can have sturdy to prevent one hit k.o. It has lot's of good utility support moves like stealth rock, taunt, phasing with dragon tail. In the Little Cup format it has always been able to shine.
    I would like to sign up too!

    1. What is your favorite Landscape/scenery/natural landforms which you enjoy the most looking/going at ?

    top of a peak I guess cause I never thought of this topic

    2. What is your favorite gemstone ?

    3. What are your favorite Ground Type Pokemon ?

    Garchomp , gastrodon(east) ,Sandslash ,Excadrill ,Quagsire and zygarde

    4. Which Ground Type moves are your favorites ?
    dig , bulldoze , magnitude and earthquake

    5. What are your favorite Rock Type Pokemon ?
    dewble ,lycanrocs (all the three), diancie and aurorus

    6. Which Rock Type moves are your favorites ?
    rock slide , stone edge

    7. Which Ground Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?


    Cause I have almost never seen anyone using it

    But a rhyperior with the moves rock wrecker and mud slap and with a specific ability is broken

    8. Which Rock Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

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    Hey, Sorry im late guys. Im Tera Ground Incineroar :coolrim::coolrim::coolrim:

    (Real comment coming later, all I have time for right now before school Is that I like spamming Rock Slide in VGC because its funny to see my opponent flinch and make an Emergency Exit out of the Tournament Building)
    1. What is your favorite Landscape/scenery/natural landforms which you enjoy the most looking/going at ?

    Any place with lots of green tbh. Forests, grasslands, etc.

    2. What is your favorite gemstone ?

    Aquamarine =3

    3. What are your favorite Ground Type Pokemon ?

    Nidoqueen, Golem, Swampert, Camerupt, Flygon, Groudon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Krookodile, Golurk, Mudsdale, Ursaluna, Great Tusk

    4. Which Ground Type moves are your favorites ?

    Earthquake, High Horsepower, Earth Power

    5. What are your favorite Rock Type Pokemon ?

    Golem (both forms), Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Aggron, Armaldo, Gigalith, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Diancie, Lycanroc, Drednaw, Coalossal, Iron Boulder

    6. Which Rock Type moves are your favorites ?

    Ancient Power, Power Gem, Rock Tomb

    7. Which Ground Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Dunno. I don't really keep up with what's popular so idk which ones could potentially be underrated.
    If I had to guess I'd pick Camerupt. It's actually a strong Pokemon, but unfortunately x4 weak to water and slow as a brick. It's pretty good if you got Trick Room though.

    8. Which Rock Type Pokemon, according to you is underrated, but is better than what people think ?

    Dunno. Aggron maybe? x 4 weak to Ground and Fighting and pretty slow, but it packs a punch.
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    Hello @Lavender , @ReKoil , @~Cinderace~ , @VisionofMilotic , and @SableyePog !!


    Welcome to the Land's Wrath !!

    Since this club is made for people like us, hence don't hesitate to put up anything you want to ask/share with people !!

    (Plus I will also be learning by observing how other clubs here run, in order to keep the tectonic rage in action !! )
    Pinging the members:
    Spoiler: ping! ping! ping! ping!

    I was browsing through all the gym leaders so far, and found that only Driftveil City Leader Clay and Giovanni are the only Ground type Pokemon Gym Leaders. Although Giovanni is only there till FRLG, and HGSS Gary takes that place with his custom team.


    1. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Ground Type Gym Leader ?
    2. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Rock Type Gym Leader ?
    3. Which Ground Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Ground Type Gym ?
    4. Which Rock Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Rock Type Gym ?
    Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Ground Type Gym Leader ?
    First off, i'll have 5 pokemon as gym teams never really have 6. But for my team: Sandslash, Palossand, Diggersby, Wormadam sand, and my ace, sandy shocks.

    Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Rock Type Gym Leader ?

    Minior, Kleavor, Crustle, stakataka, and my ace, diancie

    Which Ground Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Ground Type Gym ?

    Sandy Shocks!

    Which Rock Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Rock Type Gym ?

    Gym leader rematches usually have a full team of 6 Pokemon so I just made a team of 6 :cool:

    1. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Ground Type Gym Leader ?

    Nidoqueen, Gliscor, Excadrill, Krookodile, Mamoswine, Ursaluna

    2. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Rock Type Gym Leader ?

    Aurorus, Alolan Golem, Aggron, Tyrantrum, Gigalith, Armaldo

    3. Which Ground Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Ground Type Gym ?

    Mamoswine, of course!

    4. Which Rock Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Rock Type Gym ?

    Multiple candidates, but I think I'm going with Alolan Golem

    As for Ground type Gym Leaders, Hapu comes to mind as well. One of those technically not a 'gym leader' things, but functionally the Kahunas (and possibly the Trial Captains) are pretty much the same imo =P
    Pinging the members:
    Spoiler: ping! ping! ping! ping!

    I was browsing through all the gym leaders so far, and found that only Driftveil City Leader Clay and Giovanni are the only Ground type Pokemon Gym Leaders. Although Giovanni is only there till FRLG, and HGSS Gary takes that place with his custom team.


    1. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Ground Type Gym Leader ?
    2. Which Pokemon you will keep in team of Rock Type Gym Leader ?
    3. Which Ground Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Ground Type Gym ?
    4. Which Rock Type Pokemon you want to be the mascot of your Rock Type Gym ?
    1. (Order I'd use then In) Landorus-T, Clodsire, Great Tusk, Ting-Lu, Ursaluna Blood Moon, Groudon
    2. (Order I'd use then In) Tyranitar, Iron Boulder, Garganacl, Glimmora, Arcanine-Hisui, Lycanroc-Midnight forme
    3. Blood Moon Ursaluna
    4. Lycanroc Midnight-Forme