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tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=

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Very, very, very lazy spriter.
  • 311
    So I've been spriting for a while now and well, it's fun I geuss. Lemme know what you think.
    C&C is welcome.

    EDIT: All sprites in the Fakedex are public, except for Cublitz, Thundrar, starters, Frostel and Blaziel

    If you want to use sprites which are not designed by me, you'll need the original designer's consent, so pm/vm them and get their permission first!

    You MAY NOT use sprites which are for Pokemon Iron and Stone, as well as the backsprites! Also sprites with the "DO NOT USE" tag are not for public use.

    Tiarra Region FakeDex
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=

    My Fakemon Sprites

    My Fakemon sprites - not my designs

    Pokemon Iron and Stone Fakemon

    Back Sprites

    Trainer Sprites


    Spriting Tutorial
    Hmm I also made a quick tut for those who wanna learn spriting:
    NOTE: You should save the image so that you can zoom in on the tut as everything's really small... xD

    Well, lemme know what you think. C&C appreciated.
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    WOW! These are really, REALLY good! I really like the fire and ice rabbits. I can see them being version exclusives!

    So do you take requests? Check my sig for my fakemon showcase thread. I would really like to see a sprite of Tanichi. I should be finishing the vector art for him today.
    You are definitely talented at this. (;
    Though I do think the names are a bit generic. Keep up the good work! :'D
    First thing I noticed was that you picked great colors for your dragons. And the fire is nicely done as well as the fire-like patterns. Very smooth. Your sprites all have nice balance in terms of color and poses, except perhaps the ice rabbits since they are so pale. Still, it's really pleasing to look at them.
    Heya, thanks for the comments and criticism! ^_^

    The outlines going straight from lightly coloured to black as the shadow hits is rather extreme, don't you think?
    Yeah I agree, the outline however was meant to be the "dark green", not the "Light green" though, never put in the highlight outline, cause I was too lazy. xD
    But yeah I see what ya mean.

    First thing I noticed was that you picked great colors for your dragons. And the fire is nicely done as well as the fire-like patterns. Very smooth. Your sprites all have nice balance in terms of color and poses, except perhaps the ice rabbits since they are so pale. Still, it's really pleasing to look at them.
    Thanks for the comment. ^^
    The ice bunnies were one of my first sprites which I practised - that's why they're kinda off, I tried to make them R/S/E style rather than P/D/P - hell the size is even wrong - 70x70 pixels... ^^"

    WOW! These are really, REALLY good! I really like the fire and ice rabbits. I can see them being version exclusives!

    So do you take requests? Check my sig for my fakemon showcase thread. I would really like to see a sprite of Tanichi. I should be finishing the vector art for him today.
    Hi, I don't really take requests but if I feel like it then sometimes I just accept the requests. xD

    Well, here're the Tanichi sprites, hope ya like em! ^_^

    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=

    EDIT: Tanichi Concept by BleuVII
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    Really like the Tanichi sprites : D

    Kinda of a weird name but the concept it's really cool.
    Well, here're the Tanichi sprites, hope ya like em! ^_^

    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=

    EDIT: Tanichi Concept by BleuVII


    Thank you so much! I'm going to post them over in my thread with a link back here. You truly did a great job!

    For those wondering what Tanichi is, or where its name came from, hop over to my showcase thread (link in the sig), or click the spoiler button below:


    The dragon and parrot pokemon are definately my favorites. Your legendary pokemon, as you noted as difficult to make, looks good except for the eye and mouth expression. I think if you lengthened the face outward those facial features will fall into place.
    @ -ty-
    Thanks, and yeah I wanted to make the face longer, it's just that I ran out of space... ^_^
    I'd have to change his pose or chop off his tail if I were to lengthen his face, but I was too lazy. xD

    Anyways, here's my most recent sprite submitted to the Communitydex.

    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    The best ones are definitely Draezor and Drovum. Nice poses, great pallets, good shading, and the contours are nice and tight. I really like Ormole as well, he looks totally legit.

    Some of them could use work, though, They look wobbly and kind of sloppy. I'd say just keep practicing on the line art and watch how you handle the curves.
    Thanks for the feedback!
    It's pretty difficult to do lineart imo but yeh practice makes perfect.

    Anyways, update.
    [PokeCommunity.com] tnguye3's fakemon sprites! =^.^=
    Well, I saw your sprites at the Communitydex, so I headed over to your gallery, and I'm like, whoa this guy is great. I started spriting just a few months ago, and my sprites are kinda baddish. My best sprite so far is my wimpike sprite for the Communitydex -_-.

    Alright, I love your color choice. I'll focus on my fav for this one:

    This looks awesome. So striking. The reason is because of your claws- The way they're angled, and the way you distribute the blackish colors. And the red and tan are perfect highlights. But onto the critique, your right leg (Or left leg for the sprite o.0) is bent at an akward angle. It looks like he's lifting his leg up a fraction of an inch, though why I don't know. If I were spriting, I would put his left/right leg at the same angle and direction as the other foot-- flat. Then I would bend his back a bit. The reason I say this is because of the way his claws are angled. The flow would look great that way. Now, the flow is jabby in places. The spikes on his head should go backwards, just like the red ear/feather thing. For the flow. Also, the other ear/feather should be angled backwards as well for flow reasons. And the stomach should be pushed out front. For flow, again.But still, this sprite is my fav.

    Also, some of your sprites are a bit on the large side. For example:

    These are all basic stages, and Draezor is a Baby Dragon Pokemon. Look at this, a bit large? I think so. Same with Harepyro, he's around the same size of Draezor. Also, Harepyro is having flow problems :S.

    In other words, your sprites are awesome. I find the only flaw in your work the flow, but again, this is IMO.

    Good job man.
    I personally think that harepyro needs a pre-evolved form to match the other bunny. Or possibly even better might be to take bunnice out of the picture because it's very simple and rabbifrost just doesn't look like a stage 2 pokemon to me

    I really love your art though
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