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I'm glad to see this game getting some love! I've always looked around every year or soo for a rom hack of this game and couldn't find one.

If you could do this, I'd be stoked! Could you make a hacked rom or just a patch that removes the ban from the god cards to make them usable? Everything else I would want to be vanilla. That would be awesome!

Actually unbanning every banned card would be better, but I've always thought that the god cards were the only ones that were unusable in the game. How to you get the other ones that are in your picture?
So after research, I've learned that the monarchy, set sail for the kingdom, and glory of the kings hand are ticket cards. Yugipedia says they play the same roll as another game and that game says you temporarily possess them during tournaments, and can permanently own them by getting them by beating Simon. Are you able to verify if beating Simon has the ability to get these cards in some way?

I can't find anything relating to the cards that say none~111x
Do these cards have any type of images or roll or way to possess them in game?

Last question for you, if you can't get the ticket cards from Simon. Is it possible to make them be obtainable by Simon in some way? These cards would be okay to leave banned since they can't do anything in play anyways.
Wow, never thought I'd see a tool for romhacking EDS, much less one with this many features. Thanks for your work!
Wow, never thought I'd see a tool for romhacking EDS, much less one with this many features. Thanks for your work!
Okay so I feel stupid now.... when I read this post, I understood it as they were making a romhack. Not making tools to hack roms with.

So with these tools, do you think I would be able to make a simple hack to enable the god cards for play in game?

I'm pretty sure that even though they are illegal by default, that their effects are still in game as there's a gameshark (code breaker?) Code to add all 3 on the field. I just want to be able to add them into my deck by default when acquired like any other card.

I cant code, but by the picture in the post, it looks to be a simple change a 0 to a allow 1 on the 3 cards. If there's more to it than that then it's beyond my comprehension.
Not ignoring you guys, I'll answer when I find time, but ADDING NEW CARDS (with new effects) IS NOW POSSIBLE

I am working on a hacking document, too. I will update the post when it is ready.
I cant code, but by the picture in the post, it looks to be a simple change a 0 to a allow 1 on the 3 cards. If there's more to it than that then it's beyond my comprehension.

Yeah I'm also guessing the ban list is as straightforward as it looks, just change the 0 to 1. I haven't yet tried it, but as soon as I finish working on another game I will try it myself and see.
Yeah I'm also guessing the ban list is as straightforward as it looks, just change the 0 to 1. I haven't yet tried it, but as soon as I finish working on another game I will try it myself and see.
Yes, it's as easy as changing the 0 to another number. If you want to expand the list, HMA can repoint and expand for you. It doesn't have anything tied to a specific length that I know of.
as soon as I finish working on another game I will try it myself and see.
Read edit 3 as that's the most important part now, but I left this whole book juuust in case you wanted to see what I wanted to say.

Awesome thanks! You know what though? I opened this game in hma and changed the address in the ban list of the cards as shown in the picture from 0 to 1 and the game allows me to add 1 of each card to the deck, but when in dual, if a card is drawn in hand or sent to the graveyard, the game still does not allow any way to summon them. If in the graveyard, I've tested monster reborn and call of the haunted, they don't show up in the list of monsters. I've also completely filled the field with monsters to see if it was a summoning requirement, and no. When you look at the cards it still shows them as being banned and unable to be played.

I'm thinking that in another address somewhere another digit has to be flipped. I don't think it's going to be a difficult procedure to get the cards to work. I think the most difficult part will be finding the address associated with summoning these cards in game. Idk I don't understand the hex and rom hacking from a coding point of view yet. I wouldn't mind learning though, I just don't know where to even start.

Edit: upon further thought, I'm thinking that the problem could be in the effect part of each card. For example the effect is all there but there could be either a no summoning ability there also, or the summoning requirement could be something too high (ie 6 cards to summon when the field only has 5 slots) I'm unsure if this could be something that would be possible to fix, if my thought is correct could this even be fixed? because what yak attack was saying about effects requires extensive knowledge. I hope that this isn't actually the case and there's just an area that needs to change the ban part of these cards.

Edit 2: after relearning of the effects of the god cards, they must be normal summoned and can not be special summoned. This answers why monster reborn and call of the haunted dont work. But doesn't answer why 3 monsters on the field don't allow the card to be summoned when in hand.

Edit 3: So last night I decided to hop onto my PC and try to use the god cards in game via a cheat code and learned a few things. The god cards actually all have a dedicated 4000 atk and def and they act as normal monsters. They don't seem to have any effects to them as I previously thought. This means that while using them, ive had them returned to hand by monster effects, had them destroyed with traps and magics. And ra and slifer can't gain atk and def points in the manner that they should.

This changes my goal now. Now I want to be able to remove these cards from the game, and add in the ones from The Sacred Cards as those ones do have their effects in place which means that they would be a perfect replacement for these! It may take some time, but I believe this is completely doable.

I plan on trying my hand at it when yak attack makes his document explaining everything. I'll be checking in probably every few days to a week or so to see what's going on, but believe it or not, I feel a relief that this went the way it did. This means that adding in fresh cards with working effects will definitely not be banned and we don't have to worry about fixing something that we don't need to, and most of all, gain an understanding of the games mechanics.
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Not ignoring you guys, I'll answer when I find time, but ADDING NEW CARDS (with new effects) IS NOW POSSIBLE

I am working on a hacking document, too. I will update the post when it is ready.
Never even crossed my mind buddy, we all have a life we have to live and this is a passion project more than anything.

The document sound amazing! Thanks for making these things possible! Like I said I would check every now and again for rom hacks of this game for years so now that the time is almost here, I can wait a little longer.
A partial Ultimate Masters TOML has been added. The effects table has been found, and card addition is underway. They are able to be added, but not used in a duel.