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A Time of Turmoil

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I Never Asked For This.
  • 1,370
    All you need is love.
    But really, that's a lie. You need food and water, sustenance that is vital for maintaining energy. Also Oxygen is needed for the cells in your body so you need to breathe as well. As for love, you could function just as well without it.

    Name: Aderyn Montgomery
    Age: 17
    Gender: Femme
    Realm: Water
    Tribe: Ocean

    History: Aderyn is the daughter of one of the wealthier merchant families in the main port of the Ocean tribe. He deals in jewelry, gems and other fineries. He would receive the raw materials through trade from some of the sailors, then someone else would craft those into bracelets, buckles, brooches or other types of finery which he would sell all over the continent. This meant that he wasn't home very often. This, in turn, meant that there was no one but Aderyn's mother to try and keep her in check. Really though, Aderyn tend to do whatever she wanted. Her sisters always complained about her boyishness, but did Aderyn care? Not a chance.

    Her mother always tried to clothe her in dresses and get her to do her hair properly but Aderyn would never listen. The only time she ever used jewelry was when she used bracelets or clasps to keep her hair in check, anything to keep it out of her face. Aderyn had often been admired by the men for her beauty, but most were scared off by her frequent dress in boy's clothing and the remaining backed off when she sent them one of her icy looks.

    When she was 13 Aderyn was harassed by a few young men. It was her fault really, for walking alone while it was getting dark. She was very lucky that before anything serious could have happened someone stepped in. It was one of the nicer fisherman of the city that chased them away and since Aderyn felt indebted she started helping him with his fishing. She learnt how to tie knots, make nets, and throw them in the right way. The man never let her do any of the dirtier work so she usually simply tied or repaired nets and placed them in the water. Also, from that time on, Aderyn carried a dagger with her.

    Appearance: The first thing that you would notice while glancing at Aderyn would be her steely gray eyes. Her hair is very wavy, coming down to the small of her back and some shorter pieces frame her face, those locks go down about 10 cm below her shoulders and never want to stay in place. Her hair is straight black in colour and very shiny and thin. Though it can behave wildly at times, mostly it listens to its owned and stays in place. Her face is decorated by a small nose, full lips and it has an oval shape.

    Aderyn's skin is very pale despite the amount of time she spends in the sun; instead of tanning her body seems to simply make a multitude of tiny little freckles. Her light eyes in contrast with her dark hair usually give her a stunning appearance, especially when she uses them to give out a cold stare, which isn't too rare in her case. She stands at 1.72 meters, being quite tall for the times and also a slight bit intimidating when she wants to be. Her frame is delicate and thin, however there are some muscle hidden in those thin arms.

    Aderyn could have easily been as beautiful if she wouldn't so often dress very inappropriately for a girl. Aderyn often chooses to wear a tunic and breeches instead of a proper dress as her parents would prefer it. More than once had she gotten in trouble for wearing such boyish clothing but she had done so since her childhood and she doesn't like the constricting dresses and kirtles at all. Most often Aderyn would be seen in a blue tunic with golden-orange borders around the neckline, sleeves and on the bottom. The tunic is almost knee-length and fastened at the waist with a brown belt. Underneath she would wear a white under-shirt and solid black breeches. Last but not least are her brown boots, and snuggly hidden within is a small dagger. When dressing like this Aderyn would use a golden clip to keep her hair in a high ponytail.

    Personality: Aderyn is a strange character. Ever since she was younger she grew up with two sister who dreamed of meeting their prince from the point they could talk and who always dressed up even if they were to fetch water of bread. In the mean time Aderyn always dreamed of being a knight and of adventures. When her sisters complained that the war had kept them back in money and they didn't get the finery they were used to, Aderyn breathed a sigh of relief that she might escape being a living doll.

    Most of Aderyn's rebellious attitude came from her stubborn character. The more someone says 'no' the more Aderyn will be inclined to do 'yes'. The more her sisters would advocate their belief in a prince on a white horse, Aderyn would refute love. She thought that love was just a silly thing, something for ignorant girls and fools. To this day she has kept that philosophy with her. Aderyn didn't like being attached to anything or anyone, and she is deadly afraid of becoming dependant. Aderyn has this mortal fear for bonding with people, especially boys. She won't admit it to anyone, but she's actually afraid of love or lust or anything in between. She would much rather distance herself to the world and live completely independent. She has seen what settling down with a good husband has done to women, it has made them lapdogs and mothers and simply people whose only purpose is to keep the household and raise the kids. Whenever Aderyn would feel she would become committed to someone, or she might fall for someone, she would run, distance herself and hide.

    Aderyn is not only stubborn, but she has a temper as well. It's something that has gotten her into trouble more than once. She's not afraid to speak her mind in a time when speaking one's mind might very well get them killed. Aderyn often will depend on her sharp tongue and sharper dagger to help her out of situations. She has a very bitter quality about her, made even harsher by the war. Aderyn, from being a child and onwards, had learnt to dislike the people of the Sky. She naturally distrusts foreigners, but those are the ones she distrusts most.

    So in short Aderyn definitely has trust issues. She's afraid she might be forced to settle and at the same time she dreams to travel and see places. She's stubborn with a big mouth and temperamental actions often rule her being. She's a girl who wants to have fun but she's also a girl who can't hold the responsibilities of doing so and one that lives with almost her intuition and instinct alone.

    Pokémon: Vaporeon (Anapos)
    Personality: Anapos does what he wants or sees fit. He's extremely independent and has a neutral disposition toward humans. Anapos isn't even always with Aderyn, most of the time he is actually somewhere else, he only comes to her when he wants to or when he feels she needs him. Anapos will not hesitate to resort to violence if he must and he is very distrustful to strangers. Really, he doesn't listen to anybody. Aderyn could politely ask him what to do but if someone might order him... Let's just say they might find themselves wet, or covered in acid or something of that sort. Anapos is as stubborn as he is powerful and he has great pride, too much pride according to Aderyn. She once hurt his pride and she didn't see him for two months. He's temperamental, impulsive and can have a holier-than-thou attitude. He likes theatrics and will often come rising from the water or run on it.

    History: Anapos came to Aderyn when she was setting out nets for the fish. He majestically rose from the water like he usually does and approached her carefully. She was, of course, delighted with the show. Anapos was only there because he needed help and Aderyn was happy to comply to this 'god' as she then thought that he was. It appeared that one of their nets had caught a Mantine, one that Anapos seemed to want to protect. With his help Aderyn dived down and released the poor thing, who quickly escaped into nothingness. When she got up again Anapos was already gone.

    When she explained the phenomenon to the fisher he just laughed at her and told her that it was a Vaporeon she had seen, they were known to blend with the sea and it was most certainly not a sea god. Aderyn didn't see Anapos for a long time, but finally a few months later he came to her again and once again there was something caught in a net. This time it wasn't her net but someone else. Nevertheless Aderyn dove down to release a Lumineon who had been caught. She got into terrible trouble for it, for the fisherman to whom belonged the net wasn't to happy with her releasing his fish, but ever since Anapos would often come to Aderyn and they had been companions in a way ever since
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    Eggs Are Awesome!
  • 312
    All you need is love! (Reminds me of the Beatles...)

    Name: Raphael (Raph) Jackson

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Realm: Sky Realm

    Tribe: Jungle Tribe

    History: Raphael was born in a tree hollow high above the ground which served as his family's home. He went to the normal village school surrounded by thick, luscious green jungle with random colours everywhere. The other kids teased him because he was partially colorblind, having trouble distinguishing purple, dark blue, yellow and white. His Father was a fighter in the tribe's army, as a front line warrior. He was very proud of his father, who taught him to wield many weapons, of which his favorite was a scythe. When he was 12, his father presented him with his own personal scythe, fashioned from smooth river stones.

    Then the War started. His father went off to fight of course, and he was left with his mother. His father was gone for a few years and Raph was looking forward to seeing him again, but then, Raphael found out that his Father was murdered by fighters from the Water Realm. He developed a deep hatred for the Water people, and their gods. He decided to avenge his father, but was to busy with his mother, who was mentally retarded. Then one night, the village was ransacked by more Water Realm warriors. They burnt most of his possessions and in the chaos, his mother was killed. Since both his parents were dead, there was nothing holding him back. With his scythe and the clothes on his back, Raphael marched off to join the army.

    Since he was too young to actually join, he faked his age and was immediately transferred to the front lines. After a few weeks, Raphael began to regret it. He saw too many acquaintances die around him, and looked for any way to escape. Then he received the telepathic message from the god Arceus. He decided to bail out of the army and avenge his parents in a different way. So he grabbed his few possessions and stole away into the night. That same night, he met his first Pokemon, Swablu. He was running through the thick jungle and came across a nest. The only thing remaining in the nest was an egg and a few bloodstains. Raphael came to the conclusion that the mother had been killed and took the egg as his own. A few hours later, it hatched in his bare hands, and his new friend emerged.

    Appearance: Raphael is about 5"9 and is 106 pounds. His hair is shaved close to his head and is brown in colour. Since Raphael recently escaped from the war, he hasn't had time to buy new clothing, so he has stayed in his army uniform, which he sees as a symbol of his pride of his father. The clothing consists of simple black pants with no pockets and a no-sleeved shirt, which is indigo in color, and a belt with a silver buckle. Raphael also wears tall brown boots. He wears a symbolic green and white bandanna around his neck as a sign of loyalty to his tribe.

    Personality: As a child, Raphael was quite reckless. He always went hunting for Pokemon with his homemade wooden sword, but they always ran away before he could catch them. But the one time he caught a stray Caterpie, he felt guilty and let the poor Pokemon keep living it's life. He had a lot of friends who were close to him, but was regularly teased because of his colour blindness. This got him into fights, as he was seen as abnormal by some people from the tribe. He wanted to go and be a great fighter, like his dad, and practiced regularly. He didn't see why the realms had to be separate, and why they couldn't get along. The war changed all that.

    In the end, Raphael turned out to be a quiet bloke. He is reflective and idealistic, and interested in serving his realm well. He has a well developed value system, which he strives to live in accordance with. He is extremely loyal to the people he knows and trusts. Raphael is adaptable and laid back unless a strongly held value is threatened. He is mentally quick and able to see possibilities. He is always interested in understanding and helping people and Pokemon, unless they are part of the Water Realm, which he loathes plenty.

    Pokémon: Swablu

    Personality: Because Swablu is a baby, she is very dependent on Raphael and has no battling experience. She is a fast learner, though, and is constantly becoming more independent every day. She sees Raphael as a mother figure, and always tries her best to fulfill his commands. She actually loves Raphael like a normal infant would their mother. She is surprisingly brave for her size, but despite this, she is reluctant to enter dark or confined spaces, and is afraid of the darkness, so at night she curls up close to Raphael. Swablu loves to fly as she is a natural, and can often be seen swooping and gliding beneath the clouds. Her favorite fruit is Spelon berries straight off the tree.

    History: When Swablu was an egg, his mother also had 3 others in the nest. She was considered the runt because her brothers and sister had already hatched before her. Then, one night the nest was attacked by a Gabite looking for food. The mother tried to protect her children when they were dragged off and eaten. The tiny blue and white egg went unnoticed. Later the egg was found by Raphael, and she hatched a few hours later, to the surprise of Raphael. Then she decided to stick with him as a substitute mother.
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    You are now breathing manually
  • 479
    @perfectmonster: Oh boy that history made me really want to cry... even if a bit cliched haha.

    As of now, you status is Pending.

    There are a couple of things I would like to point out:
    perfectmonster said:
    and is average weight for his age.
    Which would be? Please specify on details and avoid using abstract terminology like "average".
    perfectmonster said:
    (He looks kind of like Cloud Strife off Final Fantasy VII)
    Big no-no... What if (God forbid) I had never played Final Fantasy VII before? I wouldn't have a clue in the world as to what you are talking about, so make sure you don't use comparisions to other characters when trying to describe something. The main reason I point these two out is that I can see this becoming an issue in the RP. Don't be afraid to go crazy with the detail in that sign up!

    You also need to beef up Raph's personality by a paragraph, and add a few more sentences to the others to paint a better picture (Though the history has plenty lol). The 4 sentence personality of Swablu left much to be desired after that mammoth backstory :p

    So fix those few things up and I will let you know if you have made it in!


    @Swan: I see promise in this post! Maybe you could contact Zimvee and school him on a proper SU. :laugh:
    ...Just kidding Old Lace... Again...


    Ready to explode
  • 4
    • Seen Feb 4, 2010

    This is my second try... I hope I get in this time.

    All you need is love
    Name: Marv Tyson

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Realm: Sky Realm

    Tribe: Jungle Tribe

    History: Marv is from a respected and treasured family within the jungle tribe. His father was a Great and respected hunter who would go and retrieve massive amounts of food for the tribe to feast on. Marv's mother, on the other hand, was a dedicated nurse helping those in need to recover back to their normal states. His family live in a giant sitrus berry tree to show their importance amongst the tribe, also so Marv's mother could get some good use out of those sitrus berries. Also, because of his family's reputation, the tribe expect a lot out of Marv, putting a lot of pressure on him to serve the tribe well.

    The Great War started when Marv was 14. It was no surprise his parents had been called to serve their tribe. His father was put on the front line as his mother was put in the mobile hospitals to help injured soldiers and the pokemon. Meanwhile, Marv was put under the care of his elderly aunty. Marv tried out to be a fighter and help his tribe to fight through this war, but he was unsuccessful and was tossed to the side as 'too young' and 'worthless'. But this didn't stop his ambition of helping his tribe, Marv defended his people when attacks came from the other side and helped those injured away to safety.

    However, when the war ended his parents didn't return. Instead news of their tragic but heroic deaths of how they tried to save each other. An enemy attack set the mobile hospital on fire, and while his father was trying to rescue his mother the place caved in. Marv was devastated upon hearing this; the shock was so big he immediately burst into tears from the fact he will never see his mother and father again, maybe only in his memories and dreams.

    At the age of 16, Marv decided that he could no longer go on as a burden to his elderly aunt, so he moved back in to his parents' house. He now lives in the once great tree bearing sitrus fruit owned by the Tyson's, once more.

    Appearance: Marv has deep tanned skin and has a slight muscular build. He has brown long hair down to his neck with white tips. Marv has light green eyes and a clean shave on his chin. He wears a green flowery shirt open with nothing underneath and brown ¾ shorts. He wears red sandals, because they're 'easier to climb with'. His height is 5'9'' and he weighs 178lbs.

    Personality: Marv is very curious and seems to be very picky. If there is something he doesn't know, he won't cease till he finds out what it is. He also likes to be informed about everything, eager to learn if someone will teach him. But, Marv has a very short temper, letting he go wild if something goes wrong. He can't keep a secret at all; he seems to think that any information on anything must be available to anybody, well that's his excuse when he blurts a secret. However, Marv seems to have a deep connection with nature and hates those who harm it.

    Pokémon: Heracross (male)

    Personality: Heracross is very clumsy and naive, he seems to knock everything down when not meant to and annoys people and fellow pokemon because of his need to 'play'. Heracross seems to have no temper at all, but is very protective over his food and friends (cliché, I know). He loves food, charging in to trees and 'playing', Flinging things in the air with its giant horn. Heracross is very energetic and can't sit still.

    History: Marv was sat on the ledge of his tree top house, with his legs hanging down.
    Suddenly, a shaking of some kind started surging up the giant tree, shaking the tree mounted house wildly knock Marv back in to the house. "WOAH, what the… was that an earthquake?" Marv had no time to think since another surge of power went through the tree, knocking Marv around once more. This time Marv happened to see some of the sitrus berries flying past the window of the house, descending to the ground. A distant cry of glee could also be heard. "Huh, what the heck is going on?" Marv then proceeded by peering down to the ground from the open door of his home. He could see a blurry blue figure about to charge at the tree once more, "Oh no, wait". It was too late, another shaking experience happened at the treetop only this time knocking Marv out of the door.

    "AAAAAHHH!" screamed Marv as he flew to the ground beside some airborne sitrus berries but before hitting the ground Marv was caught by some thing. "Hera?", Marv turned his head to see what had caught him, he could see the face of a young but strong Heracross. He was shocked and paused for a second as the heracross stood him on his feet. Marv look up at his tree and looked back at the heracross and the pile of sitrus berries behind it, Marv then chuckled. "You could have asked", the Heracross seeing Marv laugh started to laugh also. From that day, heracross seems to act as alarm clock for Marv when it his morning feast time.

    (Let me know if there is any thing wrong with this)


    You are now breathing manually
  • 479
    @perfectmonster: Thanks for fixing that stuff! You are now Accepted.

    @Camperuption: I will get to reading your post after dinner tonight.


  • 788
    4 Years Ago

    Arceus was not pleased. This silly humans were hoplessly fighting over who was right when it came to religon! Did they not know all the Gods needed to be worshiped? Did they forget that the Renegade One would appear again, less they forget the Gods? Worried that such a thing would come to pass, Arceus called a meeting of the Gods. "Friends!" Arceus called over the chatter. "What must we do about the humans war? They have lost the locations to the Temple's of the Gods long ago! If they continue on this path, the Renegade One will be released once again." At this the conversation started up again.

    "I say, we go down there and show the humans whose in control!" Groudon suggested with a wicked grin.​

    "Of course." Kyogre, Groudon's rival, said scornfully. "The King of Fire wishes to start even more conflict!"​

    "Whats that you say fish?!"​

    "QUIET!" The Lord of the Sky, Rayquaza, shouted over the two. "Do not blame yourselves my brothers! Blame the Light Tribe for their foolishness brought this apon us all!"​

    "What?! My tribe has done nothing of this sort! If anything it was your silly Plains Tribe!" Dialga cried out in anger. "Resisting progression to keep playing in the trees. What fools!"​

    As Rayquaza opened his mouth to retort, Arceus brought his mighty hoof down with a thunder clap. "SILCENCE! THIS IS GETTING US NOWHERE."​

    "I have a suggestion." a quiet voice said. The speaker was Shaymin, Lord of the Flowers. Groudon sniggered at the site of the small God.​

    "What does the mighty Shaymin have to say on the subject?" He said mockingly.​

    Shaymin ignored him and continued on. "Why don't find the most faithful to the Gods and send them on a mission to find the True Temples of the land? They would recieve proof of their efforts and then would have to travel to to their Realm's opposite land, find that true temple, and show the Gods of that Realm that they are doing what it takes to fix Buhar."​

    The Gods were silent. It was a good plan. Even Groudon was quiet. Finally Arceus spoke. "It is a good plan little Flower. All in favor?" One by one all the Gods raised their arms. Even Groudon. "Good. The vote is unanimous. As soon as their silly war is over, we shall begin...​


    "Hey Jason!" a voice cried out. Jason turned and saw it was his friend Abraham. "Give a friend a hand?" Abraham asked. He was carrying a large crate that was obviously too large for him. With a chuckle Jason ran over and they both began to carry it up the main road.​

    "Where is this going?" Jason wheezed out.​

    "The Govener's house. Apparently his daughters new husband is moving his stuff in. I was unlucky enough to be passing by."​

    "You mean they're not moving into his mansion?" Jason asked confused.​

    "No, thanks to your little escapade last week." Abraham said with a snort. Jason contented himself to look innocent.​

    "I don't know what your talking about."​

    "Yeah. RIGHT." Abraham laughed. They finally made it to the Govener's house with the big man himself standing on the front steps. A rather shrewed looking man, he had small watery eyes and a pointed nose that gave you the impression of a rat.​

    "Where do you what this sir?" Jason asked trying to keep his face straight. The Govener merely pointed them to a window on the second floor. Abraham shrugged and the duo began to walk up the steps and into the manner. After finding the actual room the two dropped the crate rather uncermounisly to the ground. "You couldn't carry this thing all by yourself?" he asked with a grin even though he was sweating just as hard as his friend.​

    "Oh shut up." Abraham said with a laugh and shoved Jason.​

    "Whoa..." Jason said. He couldn't regain his balance! His head felt woozy and light. Suddenly Jason fell face first onto the floor! "Jason..." he heard Abraham say as he slipped into uncoucnsess.

    "GUH!" Jason gasped as he came to. He rubbed his eyes and saw where he was. He was in a white space of sorts where ten or eleven dark shapes stood in a circle. He realized he was part of the circle even though he couldn't see the shapes next to him.​

    "MY CHILDREN..." A deep voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere said. "I HAVE CALLED YOU HERE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAD A COMMON TRAIGHT. YOU ALL HAVE HAD A FEELING THAT YOU WERE DESTINED TO DO SOMETHING MORE." Jason had to agree. While he did some good for his little community, he felt like he could do so much more helping out all of Buhar.​


    Suddenly Jason's mind was flooded with images. A building inside of a volcano came into view. "A VOLCANO ON THE COAST OF THE FIRE REALM HOLDS HEATRAN'S PROOF." Next came a cave deep in the desert. "DEEP BENEATH THE TREACHEROUS QUICKSAND LIES GROUDON'S PROOF." High on top of the mountains a collosus. "HIGHER THAN YOU CAN GO, REGIGIGAS PROOF." A temple deep beneth the ocean. "KYOGRE'S PROOF LIES DEEP ON THE OCEAN FLOOR." A building made of roots and mud. "PALKIA'S MARHSH KINGDOM HOLDS HIS PROOF." A place of darkness and vines. "SHAYMINS'S TREACHEROUS LAIR HOLDS THE PROOF OF HIS." The highest platue on a vast grassy plain. "RAYQUAZA'S PROOF IS LOCATED DEEP WITHIN THE PLAINS OF THE SKY REALM." Finally, in the abanded city of Twilight there was purple portal. "THE PLACE OF FEAR FOR THOSE OF THE REALM OF LIGHT, THERE LIES DIALGA'S PROOF."​


    As Arceus's voice faded, Abraham's voice became more pronouced as he shook Jason out of his dream. Or was it more then a dream?​

    (OOC: Ok thats the first step. This is just the prolouge remember. So NO GOING OFF TO THE TEMPLE'S JUST YET. If you have any questions VM me as the OOC thread is not up yet.)​


  • 10
    All you need is love (and monetary status!)

    Name: Takamine, Kaito
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Realm: Sky
    Tribe: Plains
    History: Kaito Takamine was born to the Plains Tribe, a friendly, nature-loving tribe of people that welcomed any and all. Kaito was different than his fellow tribesmen; Kaito longed for more than his surroundings could offer. Of course he loved the land and his people, but an imagination as large as the one Kaito possessed was more than his simple tribe could contain. This was something he shared with his mother. She too was a dreamer and always entertained the young boy with stories until she passed away on his eighth birthday.

    On the eve of his sixteenth birthday, the young and hopeful Kaito would experience a dream like no other dream he has had before. The Pokemon God Arceus came to him and told him of a task; this task must be undertaken or everything Kaito loved would soon be gone. He awoke from this dream, covered in sweat, to rush to his father and tell him of this grand adventure.

    And so the young boy set out on his adventure, faithful Bagon at his side..\

    Appearance: Kaito was an average-sized person at 5'9, 130lbs, so he wasn't much unlike many other boys his age among his tribe. His hair was kept long and pulled back in a ponytail that stopped at the middle of his back. His clothing wasn't much in the way of fancy or elegant; simple tan pants that were ever-so-slighty too big on him that were held up by a simple leather belt. His boots were a dark brown cloth-like material that did no more than protect his feet from the elements. A shirt that matched his pants in material and color, with long sleeves that he had a tendency to roll up. For the colder weather, a hooded cloak was worn to shield him from the elements. His green pack was slung over his shoulder, containing everything he needed.

    Personality: Kaito was, of course, raised to be gentle and in-tune with nature. So he was. However, Kaito was an individual and all individuals have individualistic traits. He was smart and he was cunning. Extremely cunning. He had a tendency to be somewhat of a troublemaker as a young boy. Finding new ways to outsmart the adults or play tricks on the kids. As he grew older, his tendency to hoodwink his people turned to a more useful trait: Solving problems. A trait such as this is why his tribesmen always referred to Kaito as, "the plains' brain."

    Kaito could almost always find a use for everything. He is also a dreamer. He would tell stories to the younger kids of fantastic tales of Pokemon and perilous adventures of lone trainers.

    Pokémon: Bagon. (Male)

    Personality: Stubborn is an adjective that properly fits this Pokemon. There's more to him than just that, however. Kaito's Bagon is never one to say no to food nor is he never one to say no to hard tasks. But this little guy doesn't take defeat very well, having been known to try and smash anything that doesn't breathe to oblivion with his hard head after one could only assume was a crushing defeat. Still, Bagon is loyal and friendly, and always tries to enact out Kaito's stories as they're being told. He too is fond of them, as he is fond of the children (mainly because they think he's so cool and strong).

    History: Bagon and Kaito met when Kaito was around eight. The young boy and his father were spending some quality time together (largely due to Kaito's depression since losing his mother). The two were hiking and camping for a few days, trying to enjoy the beauty of their land. It was a particularly beautiful day when the young Kaito came to a nest with several hatched eggshells and one single unhatched one.

    Kaito's father was explaining to the young boy that they had discovered a Pokemon's next, and from the look and size of the egg, his father could ascertain it was a Bagon's next. Kaito asked why the one egg had not hatched like the other. The boy's dad looked at him and simply said, "Sometimes nature has no answers for man that can be understood by man."
    And at that moment, the egg began to hatch. The two watched as the small Pokemon began coming out of its shell. The first thing Bagon saw when coming from his shell was Kaito. Since that day Bagon began following the young boy around and the two became inseperable.


    You are now breathing manually
  • 479
    @LordApex: Good job on the sign up! You are Accepted (if its not too late for sign up's to be accepted, Zimvee?). Kaito seems like a nice enough fellow, but I'm glad you didn't make him too joyful lol... His cunning personality reminds me of my characters 0_0 Possibly some rivalry or friendship forming? Haha


  • 10
    I hope it's not too late. Looks fun! But if it is, I understand completely. I'll be watching the RP regardless.


  • 10
    To whatever end..

    This was fantastic; words couldn't come to Kaito's mind fast enough to give life to the feelings this journey was building up inside the young boy. He was floating on air---well, not really, but that's not the point. He was inching further away from home than he had ever been before. With each footstep, his heart raced faster than his mind. There were, however, questions that arose within the constraints of his thoughts. Why him? Such an awesome undertaking could only be trusted with the strongest of the strongest, right? This wasn't just a task given to him by someone important; this was a task given to him from Arceus himself! He was on a mission to... save humanity.

    The boy stopped in his tracks, causing the absent-minded Bagon trailing just behind him to bump into the back of Kaito's legs, knocking the boy off balance. He rolled over until he was firmly seated on the ground and looked at the Pokemon before him.

    "Sorry about that, Bagon. I guess I had a revelation and it took me by surprise. I mean, I'm leaving home for the first time by myself on a mission appointed to me by a god. A god, Bagon! The magnitude of this revelation is confounding! There I was, a simple teenage plainsmen, living a simple life and then suddenly I am on this noble quest to save Humanity from itself. And not just me, my friend, but there are others apparently! Why me? Why us? What redeeming quality does a simple person like me have that a god can look at and say, 'That's who I want to save the world.'"

    Kaito had a tendency to flail his arms about when ranting about something like this. So, from afar, his movements would look rather silly. The little Pokemon at his master's side was listening intently, nodding and adding the occasional "Gon!" when appropriate. After a moments pause, Kaito would stand to his feet and look down at his friend, giving a smile.

    "Well, then.. Arceus said something about the Temple in the deepest parts of the Plains. Gosh, there must be a lot of wild Pokemon there that could stand in our way. On top of that, we have to watch our for Giratina's minions. This sure is going to be dangerous, pal. You ready to do this to whatever end?"

    To whatever end? The small Pokemon staring up at the taller teenager pondered this for a moment. To whatever end. Bagon could never let his friend and master go through such peril alone! He would see this to whatever end befalls the duo as they traverse through the plains. His face showed determination as he nodded his head up at Kaito and gave his most enthusiastic "Gon!" as if he were saying...

    "You have my axe!"


    You are now breathing manually
  • 479
    Prologue- The Revelation

    The warm sun beat down upon a small hut along the plains of Buhar. It was a quaint shack nestled along a hillside, barley big enough for a party of five. Yet it held its own against the elements, with only a few minor wind damages to be noticed. A steady stream of smoke rose from an opening in its grassy roof, along with the smell of a fresh cup of tea. The aroma and smoke drifted up above the distant forests and canyons, reaching the crystal clear blue sky where it slowly withered into nothing. And sitting in the small hut observing the smoke laid a peaceful Corey Spring.

    He took the moment away from his reading to observe the fading smoke, pondering the location of its final destination. Days he had spend debating if the smoke found its way up into the heavens, or merely spread itself out among the plains of Buhar. Either way, this musing was not getting him anywhere on his studies. Corey lowered his head from the skylight to the leather-bound volume sitting on his desk. He opened the brittle pages of On the Great Schism's Tactical Warfare and gazed at the finely scrawled runes. While a dry read, the book provided much insight into the strategies utilized often during the frequent religious wars. The particular chapter Spring was on contained information about the Siege of the Serdian Marsh. Corey knew that his primitive tribe could not withstand much of a siege, but paid attention to the defense's use of decoys- something Spring thought the Plains army needed more of. He always admired the smaller army putting up a fight to the end, whether it bitter, sweet, or both. The use of ingenious tactics to defeat the enemy always impressed Spring more than a show of brute force. Still, the heavy reading was not Corey's favorite. Normally he would not be even glancing at the volume, were it not for the mounting tensions with the peoples of the oceans. The failed return of a caravan sent through the water realm ingrained doubt deep into Spring's mind. Either the Marsh Tribe was becoming more hostile or… He did not want to think about that at the moment, and decided it was time for a break.

    Slowly, Corey pushed himself out of his ornately carved oak chair, and glanced around the room. Everything looked normal; his library was filled with books, his tea kettle was ever brewing over the fire, and his desk stayed disorganized and cluttered as it should be. With a sigh and a stretch, Corey trudged over to the red-painted door, floorboards creaking quietly with every step. Before heading out of his small abode he grabbed a moderately thick cloak, as the morning air was cool even with the sun out.

    "Bulbasaur!" Corey's voice boomed into the empty fields. "Come out, let's go for a walk!" It did not take the plant Pokémon long to come bounding out of the plains, for he was quite fond of walks and exercise. The Bulbasaur jumped into Spring's arms, and shouted in happiness. While Corey though the Pokémon was a tad overzealous, he was glad his partner was around to always keep his somewhat dark mood in check. "Want to go to the pond, buddy?" A resounding "Saur!" came as an answer, and the two began to run off into the nearby town.

    Corey did prefer living in his hut away from the main town, as it provided a more peaceful atmosphere for his studies. Although his acquaintances lived in there, he did not ever find much use for talking to other people, except possibly a book recommendation or news of what was occurring in the outside world. He did visit the town daily, even if it was just a passing by to the old forest on the outskirts, like today. And like his everyday walks, Bulbasaur and Spring would greet passerby who waved hello as they sped past. It was a good way to be friendly while avoiding the chance to start a conversation. Corey and his Pokémon flew by the general store, town hall, and park with ease, as the everyday exercise helped keep them in fighting condition. But towards the south gate, one of the guards began to walk up to the two and stopped them.

    "Corey! Are you on your way to the pond?" asked the guard.

    "Yes sir, I thought I might get some exercise in before going back to my book," replied Corey.

    "Oh you, always with your books…" The guard then adopted a more solemn tone. "Corey, I just think today may not be a good day to be out running. Word from the soothsayer is that of a terrible storm brewing. As usual, we don't really understand her cryptic talk, but we got the warning clear enough. It's best you stay inside your house or the town." Corey did not really consider going back into his home; he had been cooped up far too long and needed some fresh air to keep his mind going.

    "Thank you, but Bulbasaur and I will make it quick," Spring said in a firm voice. And with that he left, not giving the guard another chance to speak. Yet, he did feel a strange peace about today. While usually obedient of these supernatural warnings, Spring was determined to run for a good couple miles at least. As he thought, the two neared a creaky wooden gate on the outside of a forest. A cart path paved the way through the entrance, but it would soon- along with most of the light- be lost in deep bramble and brush.


    The sun had mostly sunk behind the endless fields when Corey and Bulbasaur returned from their run. At a slower pace then when they entered the forest, the two emerged from the wooden gate dirty and quite tired. They literally went the "extra mile". Jogging, Corey found himself in a near deserted town. Only a few citizens roamed the streets, while the rest sought a warm fire and good book in their beds. The same thought crossed Spring's mind, but he knew it was to early to turn in just yet.

    Back at the hut, Corey dug up his long pipe and lit it, taking a few long puffs before re-opening the strategy book. He then let in Bulbasaur, who hopped on Spring's bed, thoroughly exhausted from the extra long run. And after a few candles were lit, and the door tightly locked, Spring sat down at his desk with the large volume. With a more focused mind, Spring was able to understand the more of the somewhat vague concepts in the book. He began devouring it, page after page after page, and finally admitted that some sleep would be good. Though dark had fallen long ago, he could not yet convince himself to fall asleep, and decided to try out a flanking tactic he read about on his miniature stone battlefield. Corey kept this collection of small stone trees, hills, rivers, and castles on a different table, all organized with ten or so figurines of tiny soldiers. It was used for enacting battles to better grasp a formation or two he had planned out. Other times, he merely used it to help refresh his memory on some of the ancient battles; analysis of the strategies back then could still be proven useful now.

    As soon as Corey pulled out the chair in front of his stone playground, the wind suddenly began to rise. Not yet did he remember the words of the guard, and shrugged it off as a gust. He then when through the motions, playing out his strategy day by day, though the wind still howled outside his hut. Within five minutes, a light drizzle began to start tapping on Spring's roof. It did not take long for Corey to realize this, get out of his chair, and cover up the skylight with a bit of canvas. Corey looked down to notice an awakened and somewhat worried Bulbasaur. He decided to then fortify the door with two large planks he had collected from the forest. A chill still seeped through his home, one that Corey thought was strangely too cold. Grabbing a match, he then lit the fireplace. The burning pine logs filled the room as the wind and rain began to increase their velocity. Of in the distance Corey heard some a distant thunderstorm, but thought little of it. One step back towards his chair, and a mighty crack of thunder shook the ground where Spring stood, quickly toppling him over. He did not notice the pain, for as soon as his body hit the floor, he was gone.


    After what felt like hours of a restless sleep, Spring awoke dazed, and no longer in his cozy hut. Slowly he picked his head up, and saw quite an unusual sight. White. Nothing. Nothing but himself in an abysmal realm. Corey jumped to his feet and with a look around noticed that he was not entirely alone. Eleven black figures surrounded him, silhouettes of what almost looked like humans. Confused rocked Corey's brain, befuddled at the sudden loss of wind, rain, and the earth he knew. The eleven figures seemed immobile, all stuck in a circle, circled around something which he could not see. He stumbled towards the center of their circle, only to find more of the same emptiness that surrounded him. Just as sudden as the thunder came at his house, a voice boomed from the depths of nothingness:

    "MY CHILDREN…" The sheer velocity of the voice exploded inside Corey's ears, a voice that commanded respect and power. "I HAVE CALLED YOU HERE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAD A COMMON TRAIGHT. YOU ALL HAVE HAD A FEELING THAT YOU WERE DESTINED TO DO SOMETHING MORE," the voice said. "I AM ARCEUS, THE ALPHA ONE." Corey could not believe it. He was either in hell or heaven, and with a god. Not just a god, THE all powerful Arceus. Spring deftly bowed, along with the other figures in the circle.


    Corey had difficulty grasping the sheer greatness of the condemnation; the human race- himself included- was an entire bunch of heretics? It did not seem right. All his life, Corey had been taught that only Rayquaza and Shaymin were true gods. The rest were just false idols worshiped by the mistaken peoples of Buhar. His revelation was soon interrupted by a sudden flurry of mental images, each showing a magnificent lair. The first was a steel building in a volcano. "A VOLCANO ON THE COAST OF THE FIRE REALM HOLDS HEATRAN'S PROOF." Then a massive desert cave came into view. "DEEP BENEATH THE TREACHEROUS QUICKSAND LIES GROUDON'S PROOF." A colossal mountain temple. "HIGHER THAN YOU CAN GO, REGIGIGAS PROOF."A shrine underwater. "KYOGRE'S PROOF LIES DEEP ON THE OCEAN FLOOR." A primitive structure carved out of brush, roots, and swamp. "PALKIA'S MARSH KINGDOM HOLDS HIS PROOF." A pitch-black jungle. "SHAYMINS'S TREACHEROUS LAIR HOLDS THE PROOF OF HIS." A gorgeous plateau on the plains he had grown accustomed to. "RAYQUAZA'S PROOF IS LOCATED DEEP WITHIN THE PLAINS OF THE SKY REALM." And last there shone a deep purple portal, surrounded by machines and black steel of which Corey had no knowledge of. "THE PLACE OF FEAR FOR THOSE OF THE REALM OF LIGHT, THERE LIES DIALGA'S PROOF."

    The images then ceased, though the voice did not. "THERE ARE OTHERS LIKE YOU IN YOUR REALM. YOU CAN TRAVEL WITH THEM OR AWAY FROM THEM IF YOU WISH FOR NOW. FIND THE TEMPLE'S AND RECOVER THEIR PROOF. BE WARNED HOWEVER AS GIRATINA'S MINONS ALSO HAUNT THE TEMPLE'S NOW WITH THEIR DARK POKEMON AT THEIR SIDE. THEY WILL KILL YOU IF THEY GET THE CHANCE. ONE LAST THING MY CHILDREN. TRUST NO ONE OF YOUR TRUE MISSION. THIS IS FOR YOU, AND YOU ALONE." A sudden swirling enveloped the white plain, and Corey's very soul felt as if it were being ripped apart. The burning pain only augmented in the time his distorted vision became more and more obscured. One by one the black figures melded together and disappeared into the white, which shattered, sending Corey screaming to the nonexistent black below.

    And just like that, Corey found himself face first in his familiar home. Slowly the pain stopped, and he gazed at the fresh dawn that shone through the twigs of his roof. Still sore, he got to his feet and gave a good look at Bulbasaur, sound asleep on his bed. His fire had long burned out, and there was not a trace of evidence of the storm the previous night. While it struck him as odd, he knew there was no time to ponder what his "vision" had meant- all that Spring knew was that his future lay beyond the grassy plains of the Sky Realm.

    (OOC: Phew that was fun. But it took forever! Haha)
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    ♫Mysterious Melody♪
  • 189
    Brooke squinted her eyes as she took one last look at the Sitrus berry hanging above in the tree. She tighten her grip on the string, measuring her distance to make sure she was right. Her tongue slid out of the corner of her mouth in concentration. Finally, she let loose her arrow, watching it sore through the sky. It sizzled just an inch passed the berry landing into the ground with a thud.

    "Not a again," she sighed lowering her limbs in defeat. Her blue eyes watched as her father walked over to the arrow, picked it up, and studied it in his hands.

    "This isn't like you, Brooke," he said, handing her the arrow back. "You use to have more concentration than this. Why, just last week you would have had a pile of leaves ready for us to take home."

    Yes but we don't eat leaves Father...She rolled her eyes at her father's silly antics. Ever since she had had an unlucky encounter with a group of Fire Tribe tyrants, her father had been training her to learn the ways of archery. Of course, she was positive she didn't need this now that she had Caspian as her fateful partner. She looked over towards her Buizel who was now dozing beneath the berry tree along with her father's Swampert, Marshall.

    She knew her mind would be in the right place if she hadn't received the news that she had. The Great Arceus had spoken to her! This was like a dream come true, she just couldn't believe it. The moment still circled through her mind as she had been in the space with the many other figures that she had been unable to make out. She wondered could they possibly by children, well teens, just like her. Could they also be from the other tribes?


    "Sorry Father," she replied, blushing in embarrassment. Once again she had been caught thinking, or as her father believed, daydreaming about the other tribes. She finally took notice of him, the scowl upon his face and his arms folded across his well muscled chest. The sun reflected off his bright fiery red hair making her think his head was ablaze. If he wasn't her father, she was positive the sight would have frighten her.

    Mr. Devereux sighed. "Let's try this, again. Now, hold your head up, chin high. Make sure the string doesn't slip through your fingers..."

    Brooke began to go over the instructions in her head like she always did. Only this time, she didn't wait for her father to finish. Just when he was on about how to keep the bow steady she let the arrow fly. They both watched as it hit its mark, toppling the berry from the tree. Caspian awoke just in time and leaped to catch the falling target. He smiled in delight and bit into it. Marshall opened one of his eyes to watch the younger Pokemon, letting out a yawn.

    "Well done," Mr. Devereux exclaimed.

    "Bui Bui Buizel! <That was delicious!>" Caspian added.

    Brooke smiled, she wondered why life couldn't always be this way. Here her family was going well, their life now seemed to be going good after the war. Her father had easily regained his strength. She now followed behind him as they headed home. Instead of going inside the house, she ran out to the back, stopping at the pond that her mother's Lanturn rested in. She peered into the water, her reflection moving in ripples as the Pokemon approached.

    "Baaaaa, <Hello Brooke.>" Meena chimed.

    "Hello Meena," She stopped seeing Marshall walk over towards the pond. Marshall was known to be a very solitary Pokemon, only acknowledging the others when necessary. He sat under the shade of the tree, watching her attentively. Caspian dash passed him, stopping at his master's side and stared up at her in confusion. "You know something is wrong, huh?"

    Bui, <Yes.>" Caspian replied. He cocked his head to the side. "Buizel Bui? <What's wrong?>"

    "Too many things."

    Brooke hated that she couldn't tell Caspian about any of this just yet. She loved her Pokemon dearly, but she knew telling him would only worry him and push him into the urge to train harder. She watched as the Buizel shrugged and tottled off over to Marshall. To two quickly exchanged words and Marshall got to his feet, walking towards the stream that ran into their backyard and followed it out to the beach. Caspian leaped in after him. Meena glanced back at Brooke before following.

    The young Ocean Tribe girl watched as the three Pokemon swam off to the beach. She quickly took off into the house, placing her bow and arrow on the table. She didn't say a word to her parents as she dash out the door. They both exchanged a glance and left to follow after her, but at a slower pace. Brooke came to the streams end as it flowed out into a river then finally the mouth of the river as the water dumped into the ocean. The Pokemon were already there as she approached, sitting on deltas. Caspian turned to wave at her in greeting.

    Her parents appeared behind her. Marshall crossed over and let them all crawl onto his back as he took them to the largest piece of sediment. The family then sat down to stare out into the ocean seeing the sun beginning to set, dropping into the ocean for another day's rest. Brooke looked at her father as he let out a content sigh, holding his head up.

    "It seems that Lugia is very pleased with us all today," he said.

    His wife nodded in agreement. "The winds have brought us clouds with rain that have helped the crops. All is well I must say."

    Brooke didn't add onto this. Before, she would have loved to add on to the conversation about the gods, but now...

    "Swampert! <A storm!>" Marshall called. He looked out the corner of his eye at his master.

    "So much for the gods to be pleased with us,"
    Brooke sighed.

    "Buizel! <This sucks!>"

    "It's best if we get going then,"
    Mrs. Devereux said getting up. "If its bad, we'll be safe back at home. Good thing we don't live far from the beach."

    They jumped onto the back of the Mud Fish Pokemon and crossed back over safely. Brooke turned to say thanks to him, but Marshall had already disappeared into the murky depths. Meena began to swim close to the water's edge as the family made the journey home. Caspian leaped out of the water onto the bank, shaking his fur and spraying water onto Brooke. He quickly apologized, realizing what he had done. She giggled.

    "It's alright," she replied.

    "Bui...Buizel Buibui, <Yeah...I just want you to be happy.>"

    "I am. All this in my mind isn't going to get to me. I promise."

    Buizel! <That's the spirit!>"

    A rumble above caught their attention. This time the two took notice to the now darken sky. The Devereuxs were farther up ahead than what they remembered. Thunder crashed above them again and the two took off quickly to catch up with the adults. Brooke could hardly understand the weather change. She hadn't even seen the sun dip into their beautiful ocean. Could the gods possibly be mad at her for not focusing on what they had told her?


    Ghost Type Lover
  • 73
    "I'm sorry Papa!" sounded a small voice. It sounded as though it was on the verge of tears.

    "Sorry won't fix that vase, now will it?"
    a man shouted furiously. A large smack sounded through the small house, followed by a small yelp and quiet sobs. "Boy, you better stop that crying right now!" He yelled again.The sobbing continued. Another smack radiated through the house.

    Sunalli was in her and her brother's small room, wincing every time she heard her dad's hand make contact with Michael's bare skin. The room was under the house in what was originally the pantry space under the house, but their father turned it into their room and used their old small rooms for his own wants and needs. As she heard another loud smack radiate through the floor she started to cough harshly. Tenma was floating beside her, staring at her with a look of worry in his eyes. "Ghast?" He questioned her. She looked up at him and smiled, coughing only a few more times. She gasped in air and sighed, clearing her throat. "I'm fine, Tenma. It was just a little cough, nothing to get worried about." She reassured her companion. She laughed, patting the Ghastly lightly on top of it. He smiled up at her.

    Sunalli looked up quickly as she heard a crash above her. She figured her father was finished with Michael. Throwing them at the wall was always his way of saying, "Get the hell out of my sight before I hurt you even more!" Michael's soft footsteps frantically escaped down into their room. He quickly but silently closed the door into the downstairs as he ran and collapsed on the spot on the floor where his straw-stuffed mattress was. Sunalli frowned, walking over to him. He had sat up, hugging his knees to his chest. She noticed his shirt and been torn and that his eye was swollen. His eyes were red from crying, and he was shaking.

    "This has gone on for too long..." She said under her breath. She coughed a few times then looked up to the small window from where the ground was lower on the side of the house. She bent down and rubbed her hand through his hair softly as she spoke quietly. "Michael, we're getting you out of this house, right now. You won't have to worry about him anymore." He looked up at her and smiled weakly. She looked back to Tenma. "Tenma, I need you to go to where your friends are and tell them we're going to stay there for now. Will you do the for me?" She asked him. He smiled widely, nodding. "Gastly gast!" and with that he exited through the window.

    Sunalli set a stool up in front of the window and then put some sheets on top of that. She helped Michael to his feet and over to the stool. After helping him through the window, Sunalli started to get onto the stool. She suddenly stopped, frozen in fear and shock when she heard a deep and angry voice behind her.

    Her father was standing at the door of their room. His face was distorted in a look of fury as he spoke, "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Sunalli turned to look at him, eyes wide in her sudden fear. It became hard for her to breath all of the sudden. "I... I... I..." Was all she could manage to stutter in between breaths. He let out a frustrated grunt as he came towards her, hand raised in preparation to hit her. Without thinking, she stepped off the stool and quickly threw it at him. He let shouted, growing angrier. She rushed up the stairs to the main room, tripping and falling. The sleeve of her dark purple dress caught on the wooden railing, tearing down the side. She quickly got back up to her feet.

    She ran as quickly as her little feet could possible carry her. She was almost to the door when an old scythe used for cutting grass caught her eye. She grabbed it and looked back to see her father almost caught up to her. Letting out a small yell as he lunged for her, she ran out the door. Michael has already gone to the small abandoned hut ahead of her, and she followed in close pursuit. Their father was left at the door, screaming and shouting after her.


    When she reached the small ruin like hut, she stopped at the doorway panting. Tenma was looking at her, worried. Two other Gastly, two Haunter, and a single Gengar were there, along with her brother. She grasped the Scythe tightly in her hand as she panted, starting to wheeze and cough. The coughing grew and grew as she collapsed to the floor, coughing up a small amount of blood. The coughing stopped as everything in front of her went black.

    Sunalli opened her eyes and stared in wonder. Where... What... What is this? She wondered in her mind. Around her was nothing but white. The vast emptiness oppressed in on her, causing her head to start to hurt. Eleven or so dark figures stood in a circle along with her.

    "MY CHILDREN..." A voice bellowed, coming from no where. Sunalli gasped at the sheer power and might that was in the voice. "I HAVE CALLED YOU HERE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAD A COMMON TRAIT. YOU ALL HAVE HAD A FEELING THAT YOU WERE DESTINED TO DO SOMETHING MORE." Sunalli looked down at her feet, staring at the white. She always felt there had to be something more to her life. Of course, she just meant something more than being beaten half way to death.

    "I AM ARCEUS, THE ALPHA ONE." Sunalli gasped in shock, immediately bowing like the other figures in the circle did. She shook in amazement. Her, in the presence of a god? Not just any god... But the most powerful of them all, the mighty and divine Arceus?


    Sunalli's mind was filled of different and awe invoking images. The first was a large building inside of a volcano. "A VOLCANO ON THE COAST OF THE FIRE REALM HOLDS HEATRAN'S PROOF." The next picture was a cave hidden deep in a desert. "DEEP BENEATH THE TREACHEROUS QUICKSAND LIES GROUDON'S PROOF." A picture high up filled her thoughts. "HIGHER THAN YOU CAN GO, REGIGIGAS PROOF." Under water, she saw a temple. "KYOGRE'S PROOF LIES DEEP ON THE OCEAN FLOOR." A treacherous building in the marshes. "PALKIA'S MARHSH KINGDOM HOLDS HIS PROOF." A dark image deep inside a forest.. "SHAYMINS'S TREACHEROUS LAIR HOLDS THE PROOF OF HIS." A high plateau in the plains. "RAYQUAZA'S PROOF IS LOCATED DEEP WITHIN THE PLAINS OF THE SKY REALM." Next came the place that had always struck fear in her heart. How could there be something in that... That... That evil place? "THE PLACE OF FEAR FOR THOSE OF THE REALM OF LIGHT, THERE LIES DIALGA'S PROOF."


    Arceus' voice faded into nothing, while everything started to fade back to black. Sunalli felt someone moving her body, and she slowly opened her eyes again.Tenma, Michael, and all of the other ghost Pokemon were gathered around her. Tenma's face lit up in relief. He licked her face, causing her to laugh weakly. "I'm fine, I'm fine! I just lost my breath."

    Her mind was elsewhere from the worry she had caused them, though. Was that just a dream? Or was it really Arceus speaking to her? Who could be the other person in her tribe? Question bubbled in her mind one after the other. One was the most prominent through them all... Why would Arceus want her?

    ((OOC: Ugh, sorry for such a long post! I got carried away when writing it xD;))
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    Zeta Sukuna

    Descendant of the Inchlings
  • 1,728
    @Zimvee: Sorry it's taking so long with my SU, but I hit intense WB, as well as doing other things irl, and that's not helping. I'm working on it bit by bit, but for right now, I can only get in one sentence a day. It's that bad.
  • 1,788
    Sabir stood motionless. He was leaning against a leafless tree, arms crossed as he simply surveyed his surroundings. The sun had barely come up and already his tunic was growing warm, but it didn't bother him anymore. His father had dressed him in dark clothes since he was a baby. Heat was his friend, not his enemy. His little Charmander was asleep in the dull shade a rock provided. Sabir didn't feel like waking his Pokémon just yet—there was no need to. They needed to keep moving. Where, Sabir wasn't sure, but he just knew that he didn't want to hang around and wait for something weird to happen.

    Soon Sabir's thoughts drifted to his absent father. The very father that had left him months before with a promise to keep in touch, but Sabir had seen nor heard from him since. It wasn't like he had really expected to, but a part of him still hoped. Sabir snorted; hope was nothing anymore. He shook his head with a soft sigh, and glanced at Charmander. He was still sleeping, practically sprawled out on the dirty ground. Sabir debated for a moment, but then finally shifted away from the tree and nudged his Pokémon with the end of his boot. Charmander stirred, blinking up at Sabir blearily.

    "Time to go." It was all Sabir said, but it was all he had to. Charmander yawned, then picked himself up and walked up to Sabir. Sabir crouched and waited. Charmander hopped on Sabir's shoulder, clinging to his hair until he finally managed it. Charmander carefully held his tail out in front of him, because he didn't want to set Sabir on fire. "Nice."

    They set off, Sabir not really sure where they were going. He figured they would just wander around a bit, stopping only when they needed to. He flipped the hood of his tunic up over his head just incase, and then turned away from their former resting spot. It was good for him that his tunic was light, otherwise he probably would've overheated. He had his warmer "jacket" in his leather bag that his father had given him. Sabir glanced at Charmander.

    "Char," Charmander said quietly, observing the plain.

    Sabir glanced away then back to his Pokémon. "Yeah. Not much to look at," he agreed. Sabir sighed and began to walk once more. He was sort of hoping to meet a random traveler. They would be easy to steal from, and sometimes he got lucky and the traveler would have food. That was one thing Sabir missed the most with his father being gone; the food. His father knew how to magically find food, but he had accidentally forgotten to teach his son how to pull of that one. Most of the time Sabir would end up eating small rodents that Charmander would catch of an evening, but that wasn't much of a meal.

    Today seemed to be his lucky day. There was a small caravan coming towards them. He glanced at Charmander, and the Pokémon nodded. Charmander hopped off of Sabir's shoulder and went to lie down in the center of the road, looking completely exhausted and practically dying. Sabir smirked and crouched near a cluster of boulders. He grabbed the small knife that was at his waist and pressed himself even closer to the rock, just to insure he wouldn't be seen. Just as they were about to get there, Sabir suddenly began to feel off. Charmander glanced over at him, but suddenly Sabir was somewhere else.

    "My children…" A deep voice spoke, and Sabir began to wonder where it was coming from. He began to get a dull throb in his head. "I have called you here because you all had a common trait. You all have had a feeling that you were destined to do something more." Sabir guessed that was true, but really he wasn't sure. He had never really thought about his feelings much. He took a quick glance around, and found that there were a few other silhouettes surrounding the thing that was speaking.

    "I am Arceus, the alpha one." Sabir resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but gave a teensy bow instead. Ah, good old religion and belief once more. "Do not fear me little ones. I come bringing a mission." Oh joy, a mission. "My evil brother, Giratina, is once again trying to bring havoc to my domain. His portal is disintegrating as we speak. His minions have been unleashed upon this world, wreaking havoc wherever they go. While we could solve this problem ourselves, we do not see your lives as meaningful anymore." Sabir got a bit angry at this. They were supposed to be gods, and here they were being lazy jerks? "You only worship the gods you chose instead of all of us." Or maybe even none of you, Sabir thought bitterly. "To prove you do still worship us you must find the true god temples of your land and find the proof that exists there."

    Then it went from darkness to images. There was a large volcano with a building located inside, and Sabir figured he should probably listen up. "A volcano on the coast of the fire realm holds Heatran's proof." Sabir practically zoned out after that, thinking about the possible ways he could get there. Soon the images were gone. Sabir could see the small group again, but he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Probably neither.

    "There are others like you in your realm. You can travel with them or away from them if you wish for now. Find the temples and recover their proof. Be warned however as Giratina's minions also haunt the temples now with their dark Pokémon at their side. They will kill you if they get the chance. One last thing, my children. Trust no one of your true mission. This is for you, and you alone."

    Then he was back again. Sabir blinked sharply, and snarled when he found that the caravan was nowhere in sight. There had just went his opportunity for lunch and dinner, and maybe even breakfast the next day. Or maybe more than that. Charmander was looking at him sadly. Sabir sighed heavily and patted his Pokémon on the head. He glanced at the sky in annoyance, but didn't make a snide remark. He figured it would only rotten his luck further, thus destroying his plans on surviving.

    "We'll just have to go without today," he whispered. "Sorry, buddy."

    "Char," Charmander said quietly, still looking rather sad.


    "I AM A MAN!"
  • 17
    It was early morning in Buhar, the sun just beginning to break through over the horizon and above the sea. Haven woken at dawn as he always did, Noah walked along the familiar path into town and towards the shipping docks, carrying with him all he would need for another day of toiling at sea. While he brushed away specs of dust from his eyes, and stumbled in his pace, he was prepared as always for what he would expect to be productive bit of fishing, and of course a chance to set out on the ocean blue.

    Of course, his mind was not solely focused on that of his obligations to work and family. While he did only wish to help his father, following his terrible injury during the war, it had been an abrupt change for him. And while he showed very little apprehension towards his parents, he had always wanted more. His passion was to exploration, travel across the great blue and its many coasts. But that was not to be, at least not for some time.

    As he came into the docks, he approached the lane where his boat was anchored. While he walked down the path, a large form in the water seemed to follow him very closely. As he drew closer and closer to his vessel, it too bobbed and weaved under the shimmering blue. As Noah then started to place his items inside, the creature broke the surface and a let loose a stream of water at him, knocking him off the dock with a great splash!

    "Wailmer!" Cried out the small, aquatic mammal Pokémon, in what was a jovial tone.

    As Noah's head came to the surface, he also let out a great laugh, "Waor, you fool! I see someone had a good rest!"

    "Wail," Waor answered, a spout of water released from atop his head.

    "It is a good thing," Noah said as he climbed into the boat, "we'll need that if we want to make a large catch! Are you prepared?"

    Waor jumped up and down in the water in excitement, "Wail, Wailmer!"

    "Then let's be off! Hoist the sail, raise anchor, we're off!" Noah shouted, as he proceeded to do all as he had commanded, his small boat's sail unfurling and catching a current of wind. Kicking himself off the docks, he headed out of the harbor and straight out to sea, his companion Waor with him as fast as he could swim.


    The morning came and went, and as the day went on, Noah and Waor saw moderate success in their venture. They had caught a number of fish early on, close to a coastline of the area, but moved on as the dawn soon left them and more fishermen arrived. They found themselves drifting for a time, and began to skim through the ocean waters far from the mainland.

    "Wailmer," Waor spoke to Noah.

    "Yes, we seem to have made some progress," He answered, "I would like to be able to do better than last, but I fear we may be too far from home. We'll have to change course soon if we want to make it back before dark." He wiped a bit of sweat from his brow and exhaled a deep breath.

    "Mer?" His Pokémon partner asked in concern.

    "N-no, I'm fine… bit of dizziness… th-the sun is rather…" Noah tried to respond, but felt himself overcome with a great bit of delirium. His vision became distorted and control of his body was lucid. And then…

    "MY CHILDREN…" Noah heard a booming voice inside his head and lost his sight. As he collapsed to a side of the boat, his phantom companion continued on. "I HAVE CALLED YOU HERE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAD A COMMON TRAIT. YOU ALL HAVE HAD A FEELING YOU WERE DESTINED TO DO SOMETHING MORE." While frightened, Noah had to agree. If it had meant his want, his need to sail the ocean waves and travel across the world, his was a personal destiny that was yet to be manifest.

    "I AM ARCEUS, THE ALPHA ONE." At first he was close to denial, but then could there be any other answer for this happening? "DO NOT FEAR ME LITTLE ONES. I COME BRINGING A MISSION. MY EVIL BROTHER, GIRATINA, IS ONCE AGAIN TYRING TO BRING HAVOC TO MY DOMAIN. HIS PORTAL IS DISINTEGRATING AS WE SPEAK. HIS MINIONS HAVE BEEN UNLEASHED UPON THIS WORLD, WERAKING HAVOC WHEREVER THEY GO. WHILE WE COULD SOLVE THIS PROBLEM OURSELVES, WE DO NOT SEE YOUR LIVES AS MEANINGFUL ANYMORE." All of this was very disturbing to Noah; a message from Arceus? Warnings of the power of a dark deity? Humanity had fallen out of favor with their gods? Could this be the explanation for the terrible strife and suffering, responsible for the outbreak of war?

    "YOU ONLY WORSHIP THE GODS YOU CHOSE INSTEAD OF ALL OF US." It was true, while he was not an active participant, he did show a devotion to the great Kyogre and few others beyond him, but what did the alpha one wish of him? "TO PROVE YOU DO STILL WORSHIP US YOU MUST FIND THE TRUE GOD TEMPLES OF YOUR LAND AND FIND THE PROOF THAT EXISTS THERE."

    At first he believed his sight to be restored but was sadly mistaken, as Noah's eyes were filled with a myriad of visions. First, there was a building inside of a volcano. "A VOLCANO ON THE COAST OF THE FIRE REALM HOLDS HEATRAN'S PROOF." The world seemed to suddenly shift as a desert was brought into view and beheld a lone cave. "DEEP BENEATH THE TREACHOROUS QUICKSAND LIES GROUDON'S PROOF." His gaze was cast skyward and came to rest atop a mountain peak and the sight of a great colossus. "HIGHER THAN YOU CAN GO, REGIGIGAS' PROOF." Then he was plunged into the ocean depths and beheld a temple. "KYOGRE'S PROOF LIES DEEP ON THE OCEAN FLOOR." From out of the water and to the marshlands was a building of the swamp. "PALKIA'S MARSH KINGDOM HOLDS HIS PROOF." And then he was drawn to an Amazon forest of vines and darkness. "SHAYMIN'S TREACHEROUS LAIR HOLDS THE PROOF OF HIS." From out of the darkness, he was brought across the plains and looked to a high plateau. "RAYQUAZA'S PROOF IS LOCATED DEEP WITHIN THE PLAINS OF THE SKY REALM" Finally, after all these travels across and through creation, he came to see a great, desolate city of ruined machinery and without life. "THE PLACE OF FEAR FOR THOSE OF THE REALM OF LIGHT, THERE LIES DIALGA'S PROOF."

    Then, there was a bright flash and Noah's sight was returned to him. Waor was close to his side, as he had almost fallen into the water. While he stared at his reflection in the shimmering blue, the voice spoke again.

    "THERE ARE OTHERS LIKE YOU IN YOUR REALM. YOU CAN TRAVEL WITH THEM OR AWAY FROM THEM IF YOU WISH FOR NOW. FIND THE TEMPLES AND RECOVER THE PROOF. BE WARNED HOWEVER AS GIRATINA'S MINIONS ALSO HAUNT THE TEMPLES NOW WITH THEIR DARK POKÉMON AT THEIR SIDE. THEY WILL KILL YOU IF THEY GET THE CHANCE. ONE LAST THING MY CHILDREN. TRUST NO ONE WITH YOUR TRUE MISSION. THIS IS FOR YOU, AND YOU ALONE." With that, the voice of Arceus faded and Noah was left hearing his thoughts alone, the sound of the ocean, and the panicked cries of his aquatic companion. Obviously shaken, he tried to comfort the Wailmer, assuring him all was well, but felt that was merely lying, to both Waor and himself.


  • 788
    (OOC: Sorry guys I haven't been taking care of the RP! I've recently been dealing with Writer's Block and a little dash of Deppression, but I'm just going to work through it so heres Act I for those who have already posted.)

    Act I
    Ok so basically you guys need to head to the temple closest to you or team up with someone from your Realm. Deal with some hardship as you make your way to the Temple's (remember these are Lost Temples! You won't be able to find them within one or two posts!) Along the way wild Pokemon will attack you as the occasional Giratina minon. Once you get in the temple its a different story. The Pokemon there will not hesitat to attack you. They have become corrupted by Giratina and are now activly seeking to hurt you unlike the Pokemon outside the temples. Giratina's henchfolk also inhabit the temples and you will encounter them more often.

    Fire Realm Temples
    Fire Temple: A Temple dedicated to Heatran, it is located within a volcano, not unlike the Fire Temple from Ocarina of Time. It is located on the East Coast of the Fire Realm Fire types of all types exist here as well as Moltres who will attack you to defend its territory. The Proof of Heatran is a fire red disk with a symbol of flames on it.
    Desert Temple: A Temple dedicated to Groudon, it lies beneth the biggest quicksand pit in the deepest part of the desert. Ground Types live here as well as the occasional Rock Type. The Proof of Groudon is a bright orange disk with a symbol of a cactus on it.
    Mountain Temple: A Temple dedicated to Regigigas, it is located in a cave at the top of Timber Mountain which borders the Sky Realm. Rock, Fighting, and the occasional Steel Type call this place home. Ho-Oh is also spotted here more often then anywhere else. The Proof of Regigigas is a brown disk with a symbol of a boulder on it.

    Water Realm Temples
    Water Temple: A Temple dedicated to Kyogre, it is located beneth the waves of the ocean, deep on the ocean floor. Water Types of course and Ice Types live here as well as Lugia. The Proof of Kyogre is a deep cobalt blue disk with a wave for a symbol.
    Marsh Temple: A Temple dedicated to Palkia, it is located deep within the marsh surrounded by vines and roots. Electric and Poison Pokemon live call this grim place home as well as Articuno who will attack if you invade its home. The Proof of Kyogre is a pink disk with a planet as a symbol.

    Sky Realm Temples
    Sky Temple: A Temple dedicated to Rayquaza, its location is said to been on a high platue. Why is it said? Well the platue isn't always there. It moves from place to place. Flying and Dragon Pokemon call this place of high altitudes home. The Proof of Rayquaza is a bright green disk with blowing winds as a symbol.
    Jungle Temple: A Temple dedicated to Shaymin, it is located deep within the dark heart of the jungle. Vines and roots block it from view. But as soon as you enter, its a field of flowers! Shaymin sure has a strange sense of humor. Grass and Bug feel at home here as well as the occasional visit from Celebi. The Proof of Shaymin a dark green disk with a flower for a symbol.

    Light Realm Temples
    Light Temple: A Temple dedicated to Dialga, its location is at the north end of the City of Twilight. Long ago the people of the Light Realm tried to bridge the two worlds of humans and gods in this city and Dialga's wrath was great. The city is now said to be haunted. The Temple itself has little in the way of enemies though Ghost and Psychic Pokemon still live here. However the biggest challange is the fact that you will be tempted by the good and bad in your heart. WHATEVER YOU DO STAY WITHIN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIGHTS! There is gold light on every side of the path and it will tempt you to come into it. You must resist because it will suck your soul out! The Proof of Dialga is a steel blue disk with an Hourglass for a symbol.

    Remember, if you have a question don't hesitate to VM me! (Or use the OOC thread I'll put up when I stop being lazy...)​
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