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Chronicles of the Pokemorphs (Alpha) (PG-15) (Take 2)

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Follow your dream to the end ~
  • 1,360
    "Ghost, eh? Heh," Tei snarked, pressing her freezing claw harder against Absol's head. "You seem to suit that name. An' as I said, if you're not a human-lover, you got nothing to worry about, so cool it, huh?" She brandished her claw slightly to emphasise the point. The air surrounding it was chilled considerably by the force of her power, although she doubted that a person named Ghost, who was clearly some kind of Ghost-type morph, would even register the temperature. She returned the claw to Absol's head.

    Murkrow hopped forwards, now curious of this girl who seemed neither threat nor friend to his avian senses. He watched the twirling cap with a slow-witted interest.

    Absol growled in his slumber, and his eyes flickered open. A quick check showed they were still glassy and unfocussed, but at least he was concious. He struggled to pull himself upwards and stared straight at Ghost, attempting to psyche her out. "Is this someone come to show us into this city?" he asked.

    "No, she's just arrived, like us. We'll head into the city later, when you're stronger, 'kay?" Tei whispered in return. She was unsure if Ghost would be able to understand the Dark types as she could.

    Sweet Dreams

    [I]are made of these~[/I]
  • 703
    Although there was no outward change in her appearance, she did settle down. Sadly enough, their fear seemed to abate which meant that she couldn't feed on the energy. Tash didn't register the Murkrow's interest or his fascination with the cap she spun lazily around a finger.

    The Absol stirred, staring at her as he tried to stand. She stared back expressionlessly, not in the least bothered by his regard. He asked her a question in his Pokemon tongue which she vaguely understood. After all, Ghost and Dark Pokemon were always the closest among the different types of Pokemon. They were shadow-dwellers, fond of the night and unnerved other humans and Pokemon alike.

    The morph... Tei, wasn't it? The morph answered him under her breath, as though unsure what she would make of it. Tash caught the words at the end of the reply, "When you're stronger, 'kay?" and debated whether she should help them with that or not.

    Well, even with the Absol out of action, they could have already attacked and beaten her without breaking a sweat so it didn't seem as though they were too uncomfortable in her presence. This was a new experience for Tash - everyone was always uncomfortable in her presence. Besides, this Tei girl was a morph like her, the first she'd seen in a long time. And she seemed to be against humans which cemented her decision.

    Tash sighed and made herself comfortable, crossing her legs without lowering her torso. Floating above them all, she held her hands over Absol's form.

    "Don't worry," she said in case they thought she was going to do something to hurt him, "I'm trying to help." She was rather sure that her Pain Split would work on a Pokemon although she'd never tried. After all, all her other moves worked on Pokemon and human alike.

    Her eyes closed as she tried to concentrate. The red beads around her neck and wrists glowed brightly until she'd poured quite a bit of her health and energy into the ailing Pokemon. If she'd been anything but a Ghost-type or possibly an Ice-type, sweat would have broken out on her brow. Instead, her face turned slightly ashen and she felt suddenly very tired. The Absol must have been really quite close to death's door because boy that took a lot out of her. If she tried to walk like a human, she'd probably fall down after a while. As it was, she seemed to wobble a little in the air.

    It took effort for her to keep the cool, unruffled look on her face. "You should be able to walk without straining too much now," she judged. Absol were hardier creatures than both Misdreavus and humans, so she guessed that the Pokemon probably felt better than she did.

    "Man, what I wouldn't give for a dose of fear..." she muttered to herself, not realising she'd said it aloud.

    Gumshoe Satyr

    Clone 489024-9
  • 244
    "Idiots... Morons...," Ashley growled to herself when she was well out of earshot of the other morphs. "They might as well be the ones killing the humans themselves, if they're not doing anything about it... Cowards..." As far as she knew, the other morphs were as pathetic as the Raichu- hmph, she never did learn his name, not that it mattered at all to her-, and they just couldn't wait to scurry off down that tunnel with their tails between their legs. Furious, she slammed an Iron Tail into a parked car as she passed it, shattering the window and leaving a deep dent.

    Feeling a tiny bit better, she listened carefully for any sounds like the one she'd heard earlier, ears twitching slightly. She had an inkling that the sound had come from a roof or something crashing through it by where it seemed to come from, but she wasn't sure which roof. Unfortunately, that meant going inside buildings to take a look around, which, of course, she wasn't pleased with doing at all.

    The fur on the back of her neck bristling, she stuck her head into an old warehouse, the fourth building on her quick survey, and she stiffened as she caught the scent of an unknown pokemorph drifting over the musty smell of the warehouse. Lowering herself into a defensive half crouch, she glided across the cool floor, her pads making her approach nearly soundless, as she followed the scent.

    Several feet away, she spotted someone through the darkness of the building- a bird pokemorph by the wings- lying motionless, but rather than relaxing,she slowed her pace so that she could assess the situation from a safe distance. Not noticing any movement, she approached in a circular path, watching cautiously for any threatening behavior, but after a few moments, she was certain that he was probably unconscious. Above her, she could see the crescent moon through a large hole in the roof, which provided a little lighting. She was tempted to just leave him there, but she wasn't that heartless,... was she?

    Rolling her eyes with irritation, she kicked him in the shoulder with her paw hard enough to hurt but not to injure him. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, this isn't a good place to nap," she grumbled, kicking him again. "If you don't want to fight five hundred of those rebel pokemorphs, you'd better pick your tail feathers up and get the heck oughta here like those other wimps..." Just then a scream tore through the night, followed by an explosion that knocked a large hole in the far side of the warehouse.. "Oh, no. It's starting...," she whispered as a rarely felt feeling tightened in her chest. Fear.
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    I don't know who I am either.
  • 4,582
    OOC: I'm not really understanding the government in place in this world right now... Wouldn't there be envoys and such at those sort of meetings, and wouldn't alliances be formed behind closed doors rather than in front of the 'enemy'? o.o I'm just going to go that the protocols for governance were set up by those who didn't understand government very well...

    The office building burned beautifully. Terror had been afraid that the documents strewn about the floor of the central office wouldn't be enough. Watching the flames stretching from the roof and hammering at the night sky put all of his fears at rest, however. As the first humans began spilling out into the street to gawk at the wreckage Terror began the mantra that had become second nature, "I am become death..." he whispered, "Destroyer of-"


    Terror glanced down and saw that one of the pitiful fools on the street had spotted his perch on the half-finished skeleton of a human travesty-to-be. Cutting his mantra short, Terror stood abruptly on the girder, pulled his tattered cloak around him, and leaned backwards until gravity kicked in.

    To those on the ground it would appear as if Terror had fallen to his doom, and that reaction was exactly what Terror hoped for. Using his blades to balance on the girder below the one on which he had previously stood, he began the laborious process of settling his entire body on the girder while those on the ground were still preoccupied searching for his 'body'. When he had finally maneuvered his body into such a configuration that it would be possible for him to set his feet onto the girder he did so.

    Before he made his getaway Terror glanced down to the ground and smirked as the humans scrambled about, not understanding what exactly was going on. "Pitiful fools," he muttered. And, after taking one last glance at the building - which was still burning brightly -, Terror scurried off, proud of his work this night.

    The home was horribly run-down, meaning it blended in perfectly with the other buildings located in 'Morphs Corner, the poor quarter of Mahogany. Despite the name, Terror doubted that there were more than a couple dozen 'morph families in the entire quarter. "Typical human behavior, tacking our name onto anything undesirable..." he spat, suppressing his more violent impulses. "I cannot be seen..." he reminded himself, as always. "If I am seen I risk the future of the Empire... of all 'morphs..."

    Letting his cloak fall loose about him, not noticing the chill, Terror peered closely at the building. 217, it read - this was definitely the place. Stepping up to the door - which seemed to be held in place by sheer stubbornness than any sort of mechanical mechanism - Terror knocked three times loudly, twice softly, and five times loudly again, as prescribed by David's communique.

    Within seconds the door was wide open, and Terror was ushered in by a 'morph with vague features hidden by the shadows of the unlit entrance area. The moment the door was closed the 'morph spun about quickly and struck Terror in the face with a force that would have knocked most people on the floor, but Terror was used to such treatment and only staggered backwards for a few moments before regaining his composure.

    "How many?" the dark figure asked.

    "Why, Fury, I haven't a clue as to what you're referring," said Terror, acting as nonchalant as possible with a bloody nose.

    "You punk, you know damned well what I am referring to. How many of the humans were 'working late' this time, Terror?"


    The 'morph, Fury, stepped out of the shadows, revealing the Gyarados features that made it difficult for him to hide what he was, and made as if to strike Terror again. "If you lie to me, punk, word will reach David, I can't keep covering your ass."

    "Six," stated Terror plainly. "Two were *DRP agents, three were sympathizers, and one was the security guard who was guarding the room containing the document." The reason for the emphasis on the word 'document' was apparent when Terror pulled a crumpled piece of paper from under his cloak.

    Fury relaxed slightly, the DRP had far too much influence in Mahogany as it was, and two members less made the agents' work for the Empire that much easier. "Are you sure it's the right document?" he asked, dubiously.

    "Quite sure," Terror replied vehemently, "the deployment of troops along the border is quite obviously written, and it even has Dusty's signature," he added for emphasis, utilizing the derogatory name used for Ash Ketchum.

    "Well, we'll see what David has to say about this," muttered Fury, taking the document from Terror's hand.

    Before anything else could be said, Terror had the door open and was out and about in 'Morph's Corner. Stepping cautiously into a nearby alleyway, one could never be sure whether the DRP knew of the Empire's meeting places, Terror glanced about him before scrambling up the fire escape for a small apartment building.

    "Fury knows that the document's not fraudulent," Terror muttered, "Dusty's signature isn't allowed on anything but the real thing..." And Terror was quite sure that David would find the document immensely useful in the upcoming invasion. Mahogany was well known for having the greatest military presence in Johto, and with the Empire being only a handful of kilometers away, they had become a form of border guard. This document would ensure that David would know the best possible moment to attack the city, and Terror hoped that David would entrust the destruction of the other DRP office in Mahogany to him. The events tonight hadn't quite quenched his thirst...

    *DRP - Department for the Relocation of Pokemorphs


    Follow your dream to the end ~
  • 1,360
    Tei stared from Absol to Ghost in astonishment.

    "I don't know what you just did, but thank you. How do you feel, Absol?" she addressed first the girl and then the Pokemon.

    "I... still a little weak, but I can go on," Absol reassured her. Murkrow fluttered over and rubbed his beak against his leader's foreleg in a clear display of affection and relief.

    "Listen... Ghost. I don't know you, so I can't predict what you could be planning, but if both of our intentions lie with the rebellion, what say you that we go into that city together?" Tei extended her claw in the offer of companionship. "I'm not used to travelling with other people, but I put up with Murkrow, and Absol," And Lapras, she added silently, "so I reckon I could put up with you."


    Passerby Boy
  • 20
    Free woke to a dull pain in the side of his head. He opened his eyes to see a morph with short black fur kicking him. Charming. She was saying something about some rebels...
    Suddenly Free's mind cleared, the events of the previous weeks flooding into his head - he had to get to Goldenrod and join the humans, there was a war starting... and then that music. He couldn't remember exactly how it went, which was unusual for him, but it was so sad... just what had been happening here? Was he too late? Had the rebels taken over? Was it just another fight that he couldn't win...?
    He stood up, slowly and gingerly, checking his limbs - arms, legs and wings - but thankfully nothing was broken.
    Then an explosion lit up the night. It wasn't too close, but he could still feel the shockwave thud through his bones. The morph that had so rudely awakened him spoke.
    "Oh, no. It's starting."
    Well, that was something. He wasn't late. In fact, it sounded like he was just in time. He decided to ask for help.
    "Sorry, I, err... just dropped in, so to speak - d'you know what's goin' on here? I was told to look for a Raichu morph - you dunno where he is by any chance?"
    For some reason, he spoke with his normal voice; well, if this person was against the same people he was against they were effectively allies, and he had no need to disguise himself.
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