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Misadventures Of Misfits (Pg-15)

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For a second AJ thought she meant about their encounter just a few moments ago and froze up but then remembered that they had met at the fountain as well. AJ smiled and replied to her " Oh, AJ Valentine." He said to her and then he felt something dribble down his face, his scratch was slightly bleeding, " Oops" He muttered as he grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood away, such and inconvience. " What is your name, little girl?" He asked her, he always called people younger then him little and sometimes that leaked into his regression which wasn't good.
"My name's Lindsey, I just told you." A chansey arrived that moment with two cups of cocoa. Lindsey thanked it and looked back at AJ. She could sense his nervousness, but didn't say anything about it. "What happened to your cheek?" She asked, she knew but didn't want to let AJ know what she knew. "Did you get hit with a branch or something?" She sipped her cocoa.
AJ tensed up again but attempted to play it cool and calm, he took his drink and replied " Um... it happened while shaving this morning" AJ knew this sounded pathetic but as said before he relaxed knowing that this girl probably wasn't to bright. AJ sipped his drink and almost burnt his tongue it being so hot, he put down the drink and tried to relax. " So, what grade are you in. Sixth, Seventh?" he asked her trying to stay at ease. He was relaxed with the fact that since he just had an attack he wouldn't have another one for a while, unless... a quick instant regression attack could be triggered by embarrassment which usually never happened to him, considering he wasn't a klutz and the only other instant way was tea or alcohol, so he was fine.
Lindsey gave him a sort of glare. "I am 15." She sipped her cocoa again. "I don't look THAT young, do I?" She could tell he didn't think she was smart either. But to say that would give a few things away. "So. Where are you from?" She asked. "I'm from Cerulean City. I left just a few days ago."
AJ chuckled to himself, " Fifthteen? You don't look a day older then thirteen" AJ said almost tauntingly. " I'm about Seven" He mumbled and then noticed his mistake after a few moments and frantically added " Teen, seventeen" AJ was obivously distressed. He then answered her question, " I'm from Blackthorn" he said to her and then continued on " Before going to college I have to complete one year of pokemon activity, and then I'm in which is good since I'm already a year ahead of my freinds, this way we'll be together. And then after college me and my fiance will finnaly get married, how happy" He said playing with his engagment ring.
OOC: My first post. Sorry if i'm not as good at posting as I am with sign-ups

Vicki Termia – Viridian Pokemon Centre

I sat down inside the Viridian City pokemon centre, watching from my seat the rain falling outside the glass doors of the pokemon centre. A few other people entered the centre as I watch, but I ignored them, too eager to leave. My mother had dropped over here, she had had kindly shown me around the public area, telling me about the centre and its many services. Too bad for her, I already knew all that. My mother was sometimes a little too motherly for her own good, but she had supported my decision to become a trainer, unlike my father who I had overheard one night, voicing his displeasure over the decision. But now that was all behind me, all I needed to focus on was the future.

I rejoiced as I noticed that the rain had almost died down. Now was now time to leave. I picked up my backpack, which I had sat beside my seat, slung it onto my back and exited the centre. I ran as fast as I could down the street, heading towards the Viridian Forest. I knew Pikachu lived in the Viridian Forest and I wasn't going to waste any time in getting one, even if it meant facing some icky bugs.
"congrats on your engagement!" Lindsey said, smiling. "You look really nervous, though. Sit down before you have an anxiety attack or something." Lindsey felt sorry for the man, but had to take another sip of cocoa to keep herself from laughing at all the irony. She then looked through one of the large windows behind her. The clouds still lingered but the rain had stopped. The rest of the day would be warm and sunny, Lindsey could feel it, although the clouds would not be gone until about an hour from now, at one in the afternoon.
AJ smiled at her words, " Thanks, I can't wait til that day, she's a lovely woman, maybe you'll find love one day, when your older." AJ said to Lindsey. " I'm not nervous, I'm just a little out of it, you wouldn't understand" AJ said falsly chuckling as a nurse showed up with a cup. " Hello sir, did you order this?" she asked AJ holding up the cup, " What is it?" AJ asked the nurse examining the cup. " Oh it's um... Tea! Yes that's what it is" She giggled, AJ paled and nervously said to the nurse " no, I didn't" He pushed the cup away.

" Oh that's strange.. it's no one elses." The nurse then turned to Lindsey, " Would you like it? It's already paid for, and no one else wanted it." She murmered extending her hand with the glass in it. AJ piped up, " I don't think she would want it"
The nurse ignored AJ and asked again if Lindsey wanted the drink. Absol growled and lunged at the nurse, sending the cup flying and it landed on the floor about five feet away. "Absol stop!" Lindsey shouted, running toward her agitated pokemon and picking her up off of the bewildered looking nurse. What did absol know? Why didn't Lindsey feel a problem with whatever that was? Absol calmed down as Lindsey held her in her arms. "Sorry ma'am." she said to the Nurse, who walked into another room, looking frustrated.

"that was weird..." Lindsey said.
Nicolas just laughed manically as the storm started to get rough. Even Singe, who is a fire type, couldn't get enough of the gloomy weather. He just howled very content-like. Nicolas pulled out his electric guitar, and asked Singe if he was ready. Singe nodded and let out a huge howl. "Good" Said Nicolas, cause I'm in the mood...... for metal! He started to play a demonic tune, with many fuzz-wah riffs and disoriented riffs, while Singe threw in a few Howls here and there, to make a disturbing, yet harmonic tune. And the thunder really helped with the musics overall creepiness, too. Nicolas diddn't care what the others thought of his music or him and Singe, as long as his music sounded good, and he was certain Singe agreed. He knew he could take the lot of them out if they tried anything funny, so he kept on playing, and Singe kept on howling...
AJ heard some heavy metal outside and sighed, it was demonic and he was a preist. This was disturbing in a way, But your not going to go insane like last time, that gun is staying in your glove department he thought silently to himself. At the same time he was also praising the absol, having that tea around was dangrous, he didn't want to be a little kid again, so soon. He looked at Lindsey again and thought of something, " You've been looking at me almost strangly this whole time. Care to fill me in?" He asked the girl.
" Come on little girl, whats so... Amusing?" He continued, did she know or not? That was the question.
Chase slipped his still-wet shirt over his head, and said in a muffled voice 'Remind me again why we went on a wild goose chase into Viridian Forest.'

No-Name answered {Because we thought we saw a strangely familiar Pokemon, but it ran too fast for us too keep up. We'd run so far we got lost, and just to top it off it started raining on us.} Chase groaned as his memory came back to him, and shook his head. Then No-Name gave out out a large sneeze, which caused him to breathe a few balls of an Ember. They almost hit a nearby Absol, which wasn't impressed.

'Shoot! Watch where you're aiming that No-Name.'

{I could... couldn't... at... atch... ATCHOO!} No-Name sneezed again, with more Embers coming out of his mouth. This time he hit the back of a chair that a guy was sitting in.
Now Lindsey was nervous. "I have? Well, you seemed really stressed. I was just wondering what could be wrong, because you wouldn't tell me. That's all." She looked over at the 'tea' on the ground. "What's that?" She asked. "Why'd you freak about it and why did absol attack the nurse? Do you know?" She was wondering what the stuff was, as well as whether to tell AJ what she knew or not.
" Yes you have been, and there is nothing wrong with me. I'm just a little nervous about... the weather" AJ sleekly lied to lindsey. " As for the Tea, it makes me little." AJ said and then catching his mistake again continued " sick, little sick. Tea doesnt go in right." AJ said now reaching for his drink again, sipping it. It felt warm against the back of his throat, soothing, AJ put the drink down and started to answer the other question. " I don't know why your absol reacted like that, maybe it's a tad slow" AJ said choosing his words carefully. He felt a hot sensation at his waist and looked at it, the chair had burnt but he was okay, he looked at the culprit and scowled. He then felt the drink take it's effect and he got up, " Be right back, need to use the washroom" He said walking over into the bathroom.

AJ thought to himself. She's on to me, even if she's just curious. if she dropped one droplet of tea in that drink, I'll be reduced to a mere seven year old, a toddler!
Chase watched as the guy headed towards the washroom in the Pokemon Center, and shouted 'Hey! Sorry about that! It was an accident!'

He sighed, then looked down at his arms where he heard a little {At... atch...} and spun towards a blank wall, where No-Name coughed up more Embers from a sneeze. {ATCHOO! Man, maybe chasing after that Pokemon wasn't such a good idea after all.}

Chase replied 'Well, it was your idea in the first place.' He then realized he was still in the presence of another person, thinking he was busted for sure. He quickly covered up his tracks by saying 'Good on ya, Chase. Shouldn't have been playing in the rain like that. Brilliant idea.' as he slowly backed away, making it look like he was talking to himself. The Absol was glaring at him, making him feel a bit uneasy. No-Name coughed up a couple more Embers, which hit the same spot on the wall as it did before.
I sighed with relief as I enterred the Pokemon center. There were some advantages to this though, no one would recognize me. I had very pale brown hair, bordering on blonde, kept into a short and spiky sideways ponytail by a small hairband with light blue and red orbs on it. My black coat and Tee shirt had warped somehow, into a teal shirt that hugged the small, but noticeable chest a bit too tightly, right above a pair of similarly tight shorts, with a large studded belt. At least I was wearing regular sneakers still. I sighed as I walked into the pokemon center, drenched. "I need to find some hot water to change back. I'm sure Arcanine can help with that." I thought, being careful not to let my now cyan eyes meet the gaze of anyone else as I passed them by...

OOC: A visual representation, to help your concentration. https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/AIVAS/mistytest.png
Lindsey felt the boy from before enter the Pokemon center, but when she turned around, what was going to be a 'hello' came out as 'HOLY CRAP..Ahem..hemhem...hm.' What a day. This must have been why the kid was afraid of water. The energy he gave out wasn't at all different, but he looked, obviously, like a different person. Lindsey looked away and tried not to be noticed after her loud outburst, even though almost everyone was now staring at her. After seeing this guy, er, girl, she forgot about AJ almost completely. Absol just lay asleep on AJ's chair.
Vicki Termia – On the street, halfway between the Pokemon Centre and the edge of Viridian City

Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the weather long enough before I ran out towards Viridian Forest. As I slowly got to the edge of town, the rain began to fall harder and I heard thunder nearby. And something else… sounded like heavy metal? Very freaky and odd. It sort of scared me Now I was stuck between two choices, both of which I didn't like. Head back to the pokemon centre until it passed? Or head out to the forest, even though the weather could get worse and the trees might not protect him totally from the rain? I pulled an umbella from my backpack and opened it up as I thought about my choices. Eventually I decided that I'd be best returning to the Pokemon centre.

I walked back slowly, feeling like a fool for a while. When I caught sight of the Pokemon Centre however, my mood brightened. 'Now this time' I thought, 'I will wait until the storm is over.' As I quickly made my way up to the entrance and closed my umbrella. As I entered the pokemon centre I noticed that there more people here then I last checked. I sighed as I sat down in a nearby seat. This was going to be a long day, but hopefully the storm would pass soon.
AJ came out with more releif and saw a girl that had just came in, she was actully pretty beutiful, she reminded him of Misty, in a way. AJ was suprised that he didn't just melt into a seven year old right then, but acting cool, calm and collective he sat down with Lindsey. In a diffrent chair obviously considering the little pest of an Absol had taken his seat. Without even considering the consequences he started to sip his drink, no one was gasping so that must have meant it was tea free. And I worried He thought silently still watching the girl, she was familiar. in some way, and then she left. AJ felt almost sorry for her in some way so swallowing his fears he bought a cup of tea for her and grabbed his drink, he carfully brought them outside to her. " Here, Have some tea" AJ said to the girl, she still looked depressed and then thoughtlessly yelled "Cheers" banging his glass against the tea he had putten in her hands, little did he know that a few drops had clashed into his drink.
How strange. So much going on...Maybe Lindsey was going insane. Maybe it was a dream. Then again, she had an odd ability too, although not so...Odd. But then again, nobody else that she knew of could sense things like she could, other than absol, but absol was a pokemon..So she was strange, but was it okay to say she was strange in a different way? But how was it different? Lindsey sighed. If this kept going on she'd panic. She didn't want that...Not again. She took a few deep breaths. Usually things like these got to her much quicker...But she'd somehow been able to keep calm and cool when she met AJ. Maybe she had not really believed it. So many thoughts...Augh.
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