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Tales of Symphonia: Aftershock (Part 1- Darkness Returns)

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?What the? my head hurt immensely, but the funny thing was, I didn?t remember what I had done to deserve such a painful burden. I couldn?t remember being hit and defiantly couldn?t remember getting drunk. So where exactly had I ended up?

I opened my eyes slowly and cautiously, afraid of where I may find myself to be, or in what condition. But what I saw surprised me, it defiantly was not my house and I felt my heart rush to my throat at this realisation. Was I kidnapped!

I staggered to my feet and gave myself a quick once over, to make sure I had not been harmed in any way and thankfully I was not. The only thing that startled me was my surroundings, which?if my memory served my correctly, looked like a traditional Japanese style room.

Taking a cautious few steps, I opened the wooden door and glanced out. My eyes were immediately abused by the strong sun light that shone through and I quickly clenched my eyes shut, now and again peeking through so that they would become use to the light.

When this was successfully acquired, I gave a light, involuntary gasp upon seeing that the place was defiantly Japanese like in style and the people were dressed in?Kimonos?!

This was crazy, I must be still dreaming?or other wise knocked out. It just wasn?t possible. I found myself unable to move as a gazed upon the unfamiliar scenery and I cared nothing for the questioning looks of the villagers and continued to glance around.

My heart gave a pang of hope as my eyes came across a boy who was dressed in somewhat of a normal manner?well; he stood out from the rest, that?s all I could say.

I stepped out? ?Hey!?
?before tripping and landing on my backside, there were a few snickers from the villagers, but I was more concentrated on the aching sensation in my legs ?Oww??
Tripping over what felt like a rather large stone as Jeremy raced out of the alleyway with the loaf of bread still in his arms, he hit the ground and he immediately blacked out, and felt a dropping sensation. Then he felt himself hit the ground head first and then his thoughts slipped slowly away from him.

"Wha-?" Jeremy moaned to himself as his eyelids slid open halfway and his vision slowly returned to him. His loaf of breed had somehow disappeared and he was now sitting up and rubbing the pain out of his head before he could stop himself. When his vision returned to normal, Jeremy found himself in a dark room with other around him, feeling increasingly curious, Jeremy's first instinct was to pick pocket whatever he could from the strangers.

However, before he could get his thoughts together enough to get to his feet he noticed that two other people were about. Propping himself up with both his hands, he felt cold metal against his hands. Screaming out in surprise Jeremy jumped to his feet and turned around to see what he had touched. There, sitting where the loaf of breed would have been, was a jeweled sheath. "What's going on?" Jeremy gasped as he looked over to see what the others were doing, trying not to look terribly worried, but failing miserably.
"Ugh..." Lauren rubbed her head, uncertain of the whereabouts of where she was. I feel like I just fell from one-hundred feet from the air...what is going here? And what is that weird smell?

The girl brought herself to sit up, ignoring the pain in her head for the moment. Around her there were six people, looking as confused as Lauren did. Well, I'm not going to accomplish much just sitting here, am I? She got up, and felt something drop to the ground as she did. A staff...okay, I can deal with that. Staves are cool...I guess...

Lauren walked out the door and into the street. Her surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar. There were woman in kimonos, and men in baggy clothing. What the heck? Why does this seem familiar? A dog came up to her and sniffed Lauren's pants.

"Hi puppy. I feel like you're the only thing that hasn't changed here..." Lauren stroked the small dog's black fur. It was coarse, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was get back home, and this was as close as she was going to get for the time being...

"Um, lady, can I have my dog back now?" A young boy with black hair squatted down and looked at her. He must have been about four.

Lauren blinked. "Uh, okay...nice dog you have there." After she let go of the puppy, Lauren stood up, a bit woozy. Unbeknownst to her, a tall, muscular man stood behind her.

"Just what do you think you're doing to my son?"

"AH!" Startled by this sudden change of events, Lauren scrambled back to the hut she woke up in. Stopping at the door, she panicked. Panting, she turned to the other people in the hut.

"What the heck is going on?!"
"What the heck is going on?!"

"Brother, why are you shouting so early in the morning?" Sayuri whined, groggily sitting up. Her head was throbbing, too, somehow. Did something happen? She didn't remember tripping or hitting her head, so why does it hurt so much? She rubbed her eyes and blinked back her drowsiness, maybe she was just feeling sleepy, that's all.

It took her about five seconds and a half to realize she wasn't at home. Instead, she was in a room. She couldn't distinguish the other details since it was really dark. She spotted a few people in the room as well. There was a girl, standing right behind the door, looking rather panicked. It would appear that the girl was the one who had yelled moments ago. She picked herself up and walked up to the older girl, smiling brightly.

"Is something wrong?" She asked in a tone that screamed 'oblivious'. "If there is, then I'll try to help you!" She was worried as well, but she wasn't easily frightened. She always tried to be optimistic at situations like these, especially when there are others involved. Especially when she can see fright or worry in their faces.
Yoshiko sat up slowly, rubbing the throbbing sensation in her temple.

"Oww... What just happened?" she said aloud, a confused expression materializing on her face. Blinking her eyes a few times, her eyes adjusted to the light around - she was in a strange village. The houses seen were straw huts - and all around her, people were wearing kimonos.

"Wow - this feels like Kyoto..." Yoshiko said aloud. Just more older... But thinking back, she was puzzled - How did she get here anyways?

Looking around - there were 6 more people - more normal looking people who were just as confused as she was. Sighing, Yoshiko got up, glancing around.

"Who sent us here?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly. She hoped that they weren't going to demand a huge ransom for their kidnapping...
Lauren sighed. "Well, at least I'm not the only one that feels confused about this."

Examining her surroundings again, Lauren spotted a young girl standing about 10 feet from her, and a teenager about 7 feet from her. Wow. That one is really young. And the other one can't be any older than me. Who would try to kidnap kids like us? The fact being that she wasn't going to get anywhere by just standing there, she jogged over to the teenager.

Trying to hide the fear inside her, she spoke to the girl. "I take it you have no idea what's going on either? Oh, I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Lauren. Heh, not that it matters..."
OOC: *Posts to see what the next post is* I hate it when PC does that. I'll edit my next post in once I can see the post on the next page >>

IC: "This isn't a kidnapping. Don't you think there'd be guards or something if that was true?" I replied after hearing the comments of the group of girls. I was standing against the south well, despite how weak the walls were, and I was facing the doorway. "Also, this place doesn't feel familiar at all, everything feels native. I don't even think this is our world."

"Well, you're right." I female voice announced as she entered the room. She was dressed in a red get-up similar to those of chiefs way back in the day. When I saw her face however, I noticed it appeared oddly familiar, and her voice also. "I summoned you here. And I know I shouldn't be asking this of you, and I shouldn't have brought you here against your will. We need your help."
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Jeremy moved into a dark corner, as the others awoke, and started questioning the same exact things that were running through his mind. Then he noticed that a boy near the entrance who was saying that this wasn't a kidnapping. 'Of course it isn't who would kidnap me?' Jeremy asked himself bitterly as he held the hilt he found tightly and looking for a way out before any of them took notice of him.

"I summoned you here. And I know I shouldn't be asking this of you, and I shouldn't have brought you here against your will. We need your help."

"What?" Jeremy whispered, from behind the group, low enough that none of them could possibly notice him. 'Why was I summoned out of all the people in the world and who is this?' Jeremy said as he unsheathed half of the hidden blade to see a perfectly curved blade shining back at him, then sheathed it before anyone could notice. He prefered to be secretive and unnoticed than rather people looking at him.
"This isn't a kidnapping. Don't you think there'd be guards or something if that was true?" After hearing the words of the boy, Yoshiko started to feel slightly relieved. But still she was worried - and the rest of the boy's comment didn't help either.

"I summoned you here. And I know I shouldn't be asking this of you, and I shouldn't have brought you here against your will. We need your help."The female chieftain announced.

Yoshiko glanced up, her face scrunched up in a concerned expression. "What do you need that'll need my -" she paused as she surveyed around the room, taking notice of the other people. "Our help?" she corrected herself. "I'm just a powerless normal student..." she added, more to herself than to anyone else.
OOC: I decided to post these without color. Yay. o_o;

IC: "I summoned you here. And I know I shouldn't be asking this of you, and I shouldn't have brought you here against your will. We need your help." The chief stood and waited, as if she thought we'd explode any minute. Well, she wouldn't be wrong. But I have to look good in front of these strangers. Blargh.

Lauren chose her next words carefully. "So, what your saying is that you called us here? And how exactly did you do that? And why did you do this?" She stole a backwards glance towards the - or is it hers? - staff. And why do I have this thing?
"Well, first off, my name is Sheena Fujibayashi." the women stated before looking over our group, expecting us to know who she was... Wait, wasn't that the name of a character in Tales of Symphonia?

"Hmm, well, I don't really know how I'm going to explain this, but here I go." Sheena continued, "2 years ago, I, along with a group of others, fought against a being known as Mithos, who had split the two worlds of Sylvarant, and Tethe'alla apart. We won, and brought the two worlds back together once more. I'm sorry this description is vague, but we're short on time. Anyways, a week ago, the worlds somehow split apart once more, and the reason is unknown. My friends went to check it out, but they haven't returned yet."
"Well, first off, my name is Sheena Fujibayashi." Lauren stared at the young girl in the baggy red outfit. Why did I know that name? Why?!

While Lauren was busy searching her head for answers, Sheena continued her little speech. "Hmm, well, I don't really know how I'm going to explain this, but here I go. 2 years ago, I, along with a group of others, fought against a being known as Mithos, who had split the two worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla apart." Lauren's eyes glazed over, as if she really had something else on her mind; which would be extremely true. Ah, no, you're kidding me...I've got to be wrong...We're not inside the game, are we? It finally dawned on Lauren. They were inside Sylvarant, from the game Tales of Symphonia. But, it was still a mystery to her how they got in there.

"We won, and brought the two worlds back together once more. I'm sorry this description is vague, but we're short on time. Anyways, a week ago, the worlds somehow split apart once more, and the reason is unknown. My friends went to check it out, but they haven't returned yet." The chief concluded her speech, and waited for the enslaughter of questions that were bound to follow.

Lauren sorted through the things in her brain right now, and attempted to make some understandle questions with them. "Okay. Let me get this straight. What you're saying is that you brought us here to help you with something you don't know about? And why do we have these...well, weapons?" Again, she stole a glance to the neglected staff. There it was, with the sapphire shining brightly from the sunlight streaming down through the roof. Y'know, it's kind of pretty like that...
Rei was seated on the ground with her back against the wall of the hut, staring up at the one named, Sheena Fujibayashi. The name rang a bell straight away and Rei?s eyes narrowed into slits as she caught herself in deep thought of the events at hand ?So?were stuck in the game, basically. This is new, but why us? There must be many out there that have played this game in particular?

She was interrupted from her thoughts by the story Sheena had been telling them. So it was true that this was exactly the games History. A group of peculiar people who travelled the two worlds of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla, purely to seek a way of saving their friend, and putting a stop to the battle for Mana between the two worlds, so that all could live in peace.

?This is extraordinary? Rei thought whilst brining a thoughtful finger to her chin ?So this is the new Village of Mizuho, situated in Sylvarant after they moved from Tethe?alla? She let a chuckle escape her lips and thought of the complete irony that she had been thinking of existing in such a world before she passed out unexpectedly.

We won, and brought the two worlds back together once more. I'm sorry this description is vague, but we're short on time. Anyways, a week ago, the worlds somehow split apart once more, and the reason is unknown. My friends went to check it out, but they haven't returned yet." Sheena explained her expression one of sorrow and worry for her friends.

It was then Rei stood from her sitting position up against the wall of the hut and brushed herself off. She placed her slender fingers upon her hips and tilted herself to the side ?Uh huh?.right?so why exactly have we been called here? And by ?Why have WE? I literally mean why have WE been called here and not others that have also played this game?what?s so special about us??
'Game?' Jeremy asked himself, he didn't comprehend the situation at all. First he was a street rat stealing back the breed he worked hard to steal, and then he tripped and found himself in a weird village that the others are calling a game? Well it wasn't a game he ever played that's for sure.

Then he remembered the name, Sheena, the last name didn't help much, but there was something particular about the first name. He could vaguely remember playing the game somewhere, but his memory, and his world had just been flipped upside down from this turn of events, there was no time to think!

Jeremy coughed loudly, making his presence known to the room. He had planned to stay hidden and hopefully be forgotten. But if this girl summoned them there, she already knew that he was here, and hiding in the corner. "What's with this we stuff, huh? Who said that any of us was going to do this willingly?" Jeremy blurted as he stepped out of the shadows that were concealling him until now.

"I'm sure I ain't the only one here who feels the same way. What about our homes? I had just...er..." Jeremy said, stopping short, not knowing how to phrase the word "stealing" without saying it. "retrieved a loaf of breed and was about to eat lunch! And quite frankly I don't see the point in rescuing a video game world. I mean if it was really that important...why can't they must publish the sequel and let every gamer on the face of the Earth beat the stupid game?" Jeremy said, rather bluntly, but not as blunt as he had hoped. Obviously he had no comprehension of what was happening, but he wanted some proof that this wasn't a bad dream. This all seemed surreal to him, and he never did anything without proper reason.
OOC: Sorry Mitch. ;o;

BIC: Lauren stared at the ragged boy as if she had never seen him properly before. He does have a point. Although, I don't even know if he has a home, the way he dresses...Just go talk to him, silly. As if the latter had won the inside battle, Lauren almost automatically walked over to the boy.

"Do you think any of us volunteered to be here? I don't even know any of your names. Hey, I don't even know why she chose us out of the millions of people out there. But, I really don't think that we're in the game. I believe that the game has somehow become our reality. If I knew how to get out of here, trust me, I would have by now. As long as Sheena is here," -at this part of her speech, Lauren threw a death glare at her- "we have no choice but to go along with this. Life's tough that way. Sucks, doesn't it?" Having finished her little piece of dialouge, Lauren leaned against the sod wall, but remembered something; a little something nagging at the back of her brain.

You aren't going to get along with him unless you at least tell him your name! In fact, you aren't going to get along with anyone if you don't tell them your name!

She stood back up. "Hey, listen everybody. As long as we're stuck in this...place, we should at least get to know everyone's names. Sooner we get to know each other, the faster we're transported out of here. I'm Lauren." Having got this off her chest, the teenager sat back down against the wall.
Yoshiko stared at Sheena in disbelief.

They were inside Tales of Symphonia. The Game. This explanation seemed so absurd to her, that she just started laughing softly. But still it was cool - in a freaky way. After finishing her laughing fit. She coughed a few times, choking alittle.

"I find it a bit strange also - why us?" she inquired. "Oh - and my name is Yoshiko Fuyukawa." she said, smiling shyly.
The boy did have a point, if it was only a game, then what exactly was the point of saving it? It would only be a game when they succeeded anyway. This also meant that the Sheena they saw before them at this very minute was also apart of the game and therefore not real?but it felt real. If they were here now, then anything that happened to them would surly happen for real, that?s how it usually worked?if they were to die here, they would die all together.

Take a deep breath, Rei ran a hand through her hair and lowered her gaze to the ground, in deep thought she ran the events through her head only to come up with nothing. She was all up for helping them, but her chances of dying here were very high?she wasn?t ready to depart from the world yet; she still had so much she wished to do.

But then?who ever got the chance to live an adventure such as this? This was a once in a life time opportunity and she had always dreamed of living a life as exciting as this one. Raising her head again to look at the worried faces about her, she replied ?Look at it this way?were in a game?I don?t know about you, but this has always been a dream of mine?to live such an adventurous life?

She looked towards the girl who had tried to make the best of the situation by asking everyone?s names, and smiled ?I?m Rei? She answered cheerfully ?Nice to meet you all? She then looked back at Sheena ?So what are we waiting for? What do we have to do to help??
The sixteen-year-old snorted and then said, rather gruffly, "If I'm going to risk my life saving some game, at least tell me the consequences to the real world. I mean, come on, do you really expect any of us to save this world with the vigor, the heart, and the determination that any other hero saving their world would have? Quite frankly, this isn't my world, I could careless. Let them make a video game out of it or something. What's the consequence to our world, that obviously runs parallel to this one if we were so easily able to be trapped here?"

What he said was most certainly true, he could careless if this world was wiped off the face of the universe...but if it had some means to corrupt or distroy his own world, then he would have no choice but to stay and fight. "Besides, we're kids! We don't even know how to fight with a weapon! At least give us some training!" Jeremy blurted, as he unsheathed his scimitar. It felt light and completely balanced in his hand, like it truly belong there, yet he had no clue how to use it and would likely kill himself accidentally before even touching the enemy.

Jeremy took it that everyone understood that he finally gave in with the comment he made about the training and continued once more. "Just call me Jeremy."
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