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The Flock (A Maximum Ride RP) ~ PG-16


Tyler~♥~Amanda ~~~ Forever
  • 146
    First off, if you haven't read Maximum Ride, you should. It's a novel series of books, and there's even a manga series! I love the books. If you don't read them, at least get a gist of the story.

    Here's a few links.

    Maximum Ride Website


    It would help to read the plot on Wiki to get the full extent of this story.


    This will operate like a fanfiction story. We are in no way relevant to the characters in the book, this is like an alternate universe, where it is us running from Erasers and the men in white coats from the School. There is a PG-16 rating, this entails:

    Blood. Trust me, there will be blood.

    Romance. Kissy-face is okay, but if something happens under the covers, we'd rather not hear about it... XD


    There will be 5 Sign-Ups for our flock of avian kids. Anyone else want in may have the option of being a human, or an eraser, or a white-coat. Though, realize, the Flock are the main roles. So be active.


    Name: (Your name)
    Age: (7 to 19)
    Classification: (Are you a Flock member, an eraser, a human, a white-coat??)
    Appearance: (2-3 Paragraphs)
    History: (How did you get where you are? 3-5 Paragraphs)
    Personality: (How do you act? 2-3 Paragraphs)
    Other: (What else? For the Flock, you should post the powers and abilities you will start to gain. Additional details also.)​
    (gasp Maximum ride! I've been waiting for one of these....now we only need a Percy Jackson RP and this will be PERFECT! Maximum Ride fan here.)

    Daedalus Macintosh
    Age: 18
    Classification: White-coat

    Appearance: As a White-coat, he never takes his coat off, and wears it wherever he goes. Even though he's facing the computer 24/7, he doesn't have any short-sightedness or long-sightedness, which is lucky. He wears a green t-shirt and black sports trousers, all hidden inside his white, long lab coat down to his knees.

    He's rather skinny, since he doesn't each much in School. He's busy with his experiments. He has pure black hair with some brown in them, and strange, green emerald eyes. He's standing at 6'0", and has a little freckles on his face, not to mention dimples, which made him cuter when he was younger. He had a scar on his right cheek, though it wasn't too obvious, it can be seen in close range.

    Nobody knows why he has that scar though.

    His name was rather obvious that he was a scientist. Daedalus was an ancient greek craftsman and artisan, and Macintosh...well, you know Apple. Born with extraordinary computer programing potential, he learend and programmed softwares when he was in elementary school.
    When he was eleven, the School found him, and saw his potential. Just like the Flock, his parents sold him to the School, but fortunately, turning him into a bird-human hybrid was a waste, and the School decided to let him study, and eventually, become a great white-coat scientist.

    Being in the School not only made him even more interested in science. He was an outstanding white-coat to be, so the scientists granted his every wish, giving him everything he needed. In the 11-15 years old period, Daedalus learned quick, and he learned fast. He could create large scale 3D MMORPGS at the age of fifteen, which was extremely rare and hard to find. However, in this period, the School didn't tell him about the Angel Experiment yet, nor the Erasers.

    When he was sixteen, he was one of the elite students in the School, and a great budding white-coat scientist, which made him really proud. It was then when the elder white-coats decided to tell him about the Angel Experiment. At first he didn't really believe it, but after seeing the first Eraser ever, he had to. It was a failure of course, but it was hideous enough to make him believe in anything. Since that very day, he has changed.

    He pushed his science and physics books aside and focused on studying Mutations, Avians, DNA, Wolves, Werewolves anything related to the Erasers. He's interested in the Angel Experiment, and was eventually attracted and addicted. The Flock supposed be normal flying children, but it was Daedalus who injected them with a special enhancement fluid called EnhancementBeta (EB), which granted them special powers. Itex put him in charge when he was 18, and he was in charge of the Flock's movements. The Erasers, however, wasn't totally in his control.

    Personality: He's like Jeb Batchelder X Victor Frankenstein X Albert Einstein. He has Jeb's heart (sometimes, mind you), but he also has Victor's lust and stubborness (a lot of people thought that Frankenstein's the monster, but it's actually the name of the creator) to create and mess with life, and Einstein's brain power. He's absolutely NOT a Gary Stu, even though he had a great childhood. He's addicted to the Flock, and he can't forget about them. He dreams about the Flock, and when he's not, he's thinking about them.

    EnhancementAlpha (EA) will grant them powers instantly, but Daedalus decided to give the Flock EnhancementBeta, which would give them powers as they grow, proving that Daedalus likes to see people grow and learn. He's not as mysterious as Jeb, though, and is rather straightfoward. He's not the father of anyone of the flock, of course (unlike Jeb), but he likes studying them as they fly, and treats them like treating his brother/sister. When he's younger, the young, bright computer wizard, he had a nice heart, but now he's a little....mad...due to the addition...

    Other: Fun Fact - When Daedalus first heard of Flying Erasers....let's just say he thought that he was going to make flying stationary. Rumor has it that that very scar on his cheek has something to with the Flock.
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    Accepted. Though I wish you were in the flock... :( Possibility you could make a flock member SU as well...?

    Flurry is reserved. I'm assuming we'll pair, so you may want to wait for my signup first.

    I'm going to be somewhat of a mix between Iggy and Angel. So, I'll be a little blind boy with psychic abilities and more... Just wait to see my signup...
    Maximum Ride? Me = impressed.

    Name: Apolla

    Age: 17

    Classification: Flock member

    Appearance: Apolla, like most of the flock, is tall for her age, and stands at 5'11''. Her hair is long and a dark red, her eyes a vibrant green. Her wings are the same dark red as her hair, resembling the plumage of a red hawk, and they reach a breadth of 6 feet. Her face is young, but her maturity is far beyond that, and it shows in her eyes.
    Apolla wears a pair of dark skinny jeans and red Converse shoes. She dons a red vest and a black leather jacket with slits for her wings.

    History: Apolla's parents were very poor when Apolla was born, and at a few weeks old, her mother died after complications at birth. Every time Apolla's father looked into his daughter's face he saw the face of his deceased wife, and so he found it almost impossible to bond with her. Still ridden with grief months later, Apolla's father gave up his only child and memory of his wife to the school, but refusing to accept payment. Apolla knows nothing of her arrival in the school, although she is keen to find out when things die down a little.
    In the school, the White-coats were keen to test Apolla, due to her being one of the eldest upon her point of arrival. They were keen to see how the Avian DNA affected children above a few months old, which caused Apolla much agony which she was old enough to remember.
    Apolla's earliest recollection of the school was being used as Eraser training practice after biting one of the White-coats. She outran them with ease.

    Personality: Apolla is much looked up to in the Flock, and is often trusted with making decisions. The younger members of the Flock in particular look to her for guidance, as Apolla is most able to keep calm and collected in the heat of the moment, and can take a step back to look at things more logically.
    Apolla feels a duty of care for the Flock and will always risk her life rather than see them get hurt, to the degree where it becomes foolish. She acts like an elder sister to the Flock as a whole, but there are times where she wishes she could pas this authority onto one of the others. She is light on her feet and protective, but her fierce battling skills make her the target for the more skilled Erasers.
    Outside the Flock, Apolla is much less confident. She feels that she cannot communicate with the outside world and becomes uncharacteristically shy. Due to her confinement in the School, she mistrusts anyone outside the Flock, which has trained her to become an excellent liar.
    Apolla usually handles everything coolly and with apparent ease, but on occasion she can lose her temper, very rarely snapping at the younger children. This is often fixed with a long solitary flight, or with a fight-induced adrenaline rush.

    Other: Apolla is so named due to a power to heal, although this is largely unrefined and can cause herself damage when used on a bigger scale. She will later discover the ability to conjure fire and wind, but again this is difficult to control and is extremely dangerous upon discovery.
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    Arcaray, Accepted. Are you gonna be like Max, the leader?

    Angel, reserved. :)

    Aura, reserved for Flock SU :3

    Okay, okay, here is mine. A mixture of myself, Iggy and Angel.


    Name: Silver "Knight" Tenshi
    Age: 7
    Classification: Flock Member

    Appearance: Silver is small, mainly because he is still a child. His eyes have no pupils, as he is blind. The oddity of it is, His left eye is a sapphire blue, and his right eye is amethyst purple. Though he is blind, he never had that much trouble getting around (Aside from tripping occasionally). He has medium-size royal blue colored wings, which work just fine, and are still maturing, as he is. He has a scar from one cheek to the other, across the bridge of his nose. He may be young for it, but he has a small cross earing on his left ear. It is made of onyx and dangles on a tiny silver chain from his earring. His hair is short and spiked forward. It's white, bright white, and the spiky tips are dyed light blue, matching his wings. The fangs on his teeth are abnormally sharp and long, making him look kind of like a vampire, or an eraser's fangs. He usually wears black shorts, that are long enough to cover his knees. And for shirts, he wears white, purple or blue shirts, always either T-shirts or sleeveless shirts. Over that, he wears a white hoodie jacket. Around his neck is a cross necklace, on a silver chain, and the center of the cross has a stone gem of amethyst that matches his right eye.

    History: Silver does not know anything about his past. Only his older brother (Who Aura will create) knows much about him. Even that is not very much though. His parents had seen his blindness as a problem, and sold him as a newborn, to the school. He escaped with his brother and the rest of the flock. He loves them all like his family, and (Aura) being his actual brother. (Yeah, history doesn't need to be that long, I'm sorry >.<)

    Personality: Silver is quiet usually. He loves when people pay attention to him. He hates it when peole say 'I love that color', 'ooh look at that'. and 'did you see that', because he can't. He thinks of his blindness as a good thing, rather than a bad one. He overall loves being cared for, and hates the school and anyone who tries to hurt him or the Flock. He is childish sometimes (being a child) and is overall 'precious'...

    Other: Silver can read thoughts. Along with that, his senses (other than sight, of course, because he has no vision) are extremely heightened. He will gain telekinetic powers over time, meaning controlling things with his mind. On top of that, he will gain the ability to 'brainwash' people into doing things (other than the Flock, of course) (Think of when Angel begs the lady at the store for the bear, and gets it XD So gonna do something like that in the story, lol). And finally, he will gain the ability to shapeshift. His scar and blindness were both things he was assumed to be born with, but the scar actually came from an experiment in the School...​
    Yeah, I can definitely be Max-like!
    In that case, I might make a few minor changes to my Personality in the SU if that's alright? I didn't want to give myself a Leader status until I knew where exactly you wanted to be in the Flock.

    If the changes I make are a little too drastic, don't hesitate to tell me, and I'll change it back.
    Name: Flurry
    Age: 7
    Classification: Flock Member
    Appearance: Flurry is short for her age. She has bright emerald green eyes and short platinum blonde hair. Her medium colored wings are an icy color that just so happens to be her favorite. Her skin is naturally very pale and it's nearly impossible for her to tan. She dresses in a light blue dress covered in diamond shapes that are a slightly darker blue. On her head she wears a headband that looks to be made of snowflakes and with one of her powers it's possible it is. Flurry always wears a blue bracelet with a small cross on it and on her feet are light blue flats. Usually hidden by the way her hair is styled is a scar on her head that she has told no one about.
    History: Flurry has no idea how she got to the school or what her real name is. Shortly after she was born before her parents could even name her she was taken from them and given to the school. She was referred to at first as baby x until one of her powers were discovered and they started calling her Flurry. As time went on Flurry was mainly used for Eraser Training practice and upon lashing back at a scientist she was slashed with a blade and given her only scar the one she has hidden from the others in the flock.
    Personality: Flurry is very sensitive and easily scared of things. Because of what happened at the school she was constantly plagued with nightmares that have ended up giving her a slight case of insomnia. She seems to bond easier with the members of the flock that are around her age and it will usually take a lot of coaxing to get her to tell her worries or fears to an older member of the flock. She's never had the chance to act like a real kid until now and will have no problems sparking up a childish game with any member of the flock.
    Other: The only power Flurry has discovered is her ability to be able to create and control snow and ice. On top of that she's also learned how to stop a wounds bleeding by creating ice around the wound, a fact that was tested through an experiment that gave her the scar she has. Another power she will later discover is the power to create illusions of herself to trick her enemies.

    Seto Kimishina
    Age: 18
    Classification: Flock
    Appearance: Seto's hair is a light brownish color, messy enough that it covers the top half of his face. His eye's are colored a shining silver, people often comment that he looks like he has two mini moons for his eyes. He is slightly tanned, no scars or tattoos. He would wear a white trimmed black jacket, with a black shirt and black jeans. His shoes, or rather boots are colored gray trimed black. He wears one red glove on his right hand.


    Personality: Seto can come across as a shady person, and is often called "cold as ice." This attutude however does not interfere with his pokemon. He shares a strong bond with each of them, and feels as though they are the only ones that truly understand him. Because of this personality, he has no friends, and does not open up to people easily, as it is hard just to get past his "Go away" appearance. He tends to anger easily, and is not quick to forgive. He will come across as a "loner" and hard hearted.

    Other: Seto found that he was able to call forth and control electricity in large quantities to use for firing bolts of electricity at people, to bringing in his own personal intense thunderstorm. Due to certain experiments conducted on him at the School, Seto has gained a more vicious, powerful, and somewhat insane alter ego, who he names Raike. When Raike is in control, Seto's hair grows longer and messier. He is also a computer genius, able to hack and create extremely potent viruses.
    Yup, you'll love them. :3 Also, there is manga, which is equally amazing XD

    There are two flock spots left. Iggy and Nudge. The younger teen set. The kids and older teens taken. Aura's gonna make one of them, so after that, the last will go to the first SU that takes it!