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The Mystics and the Gems (Take Two)

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Queen Chair
  • 3,918
    The Mystics and the Gems (Take Two)

    Long ago in ancient times, humans and pokemon lived in peace. There were no need for pokeballs since pokemon would do things on the request of the humans if asked nicely and in return the humans would treat the pokemon to their needs. As for the Legendary Pokemon, they were treated like gods and if the humans ever needed anything, they were welcome to seek help from the Legendary Pokemon. There was no need for the Legendary Pokemon to hide.

    This peace continued for many years and the Legendary Pokemon were proud of this. They saw this peace as something grand and were happy. Still some Legendaries wanted to make sure that this peace continues and came up with the idea to spread their knowledge of peace and power to other pokemon so they can make sure that this peace continues. There were some disagreements, especially between Ho-oh and Lugia but in the end a decision was made. The Legendary Pokemon Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Latios, Latias, Cresselia, and Darkrai agreed to this idea and each decided to seek one pokemon and to train them as their disciple. The seven pokemon that were selected were taught by one of the seven Legendaries in the ways of the Legendary pokemon and to unlock the power that would give them Legendary-like power which allows the pokemon to access the abilities of their Legendary teachers and attacks. These seven pokemon that were picked to be the disciples of Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Latios, Latias, Cresselia, and Darkrai were called the Mystics.

    Still the idea of the seven Legendaries didn't stay a secret and the humans found out about what the seven Legendaries were doing by teaching regular pokemon the ways of the Legendary Pokemon. They were fearful of what this could mean since they saw no need to expand the knowledge of the Legendary Pokemon. The humans feared that if regular pokemon were exposed to this kind of knowledge then they may not be able to handle the power and thus go on an unstoppable rampage. Others fear that the Legendary Pokemon was secretly plotting to take over the humans with legendary-like pokemon armies. Either way the humans were scared and decided to find a means to defend themselves. They created five stones with the awesome powers to control five elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Time. Also each stone had the ability control a certain types of pokemon. The person that is in possession of one of these stones has the power to control both the elements and pokemon. These five stones were called the Gems.

    Just like the news of the Mystics, the news of the creation of the Gems spread rapidly among the pokemon and a distrust between pokemon and humans began to form. All the seven Legendaries that agreed to have disciples, the Mystics, and the rest of the Legendaries came together and discuss the situation about the Gems and the new found distrust between Pokemon and humans. In the end it was decided that the Legendaries should go into hiding and that the seven Mystics should disappear. With the fire that caused the creation of the Burnt Tower thus began to era where humans had to capture pokemon and where the Legendary Pokemon had to go into hiding to discreet locations. As for the Mystics, they were never seen or heard of again only to fade into nothingness in the memories of both humans and pokemon.

    As of for the Gems, The humans saw the wrong in them and knew that they had to keep them from the hands of others. A select group of humans took the Gems to a far off region that would soon to be called Hoenn and entrusted them to people who would defend them from anybody that would seek them out. Still this is a very well kept secret and only very few know about the Gems.

    Today in present day, the times are peaceful as they can be and the Gems and the Mystics are nonexistent in the minds of people. Team Magma and Team Aqua had recently fallen into disorganization with their former leaders in prison but there seem to be something stirring beneath both groups while a new organization trying to rise in secret. With little organization Team Aqua and Team Magma have been active doing random attacks on people but there seems to be no clear purpose while this third secret organization doing nothing in pubic.

    Meanwhile a few young trainers are roaming around Hoenn with their own purpose but unknowing to them they are carrying a pokemon that seem to be different from other pokemon. Neither the trainer nor pokemon know about the secret that makes them different from the other pokemon so they are living their adventures normally. Neither, pokemon and the trainer know that the pokemon is a descendent of the seven disciples of the Legendary Pokemon.

    What awaits these trainers with their ancient descendent pokemon on their journey and what trouble will these criminal organizations do? You will take the role of one of the trainers that have no idea that one of their pokemon is a Mystic Pokemon. While Team Aqua and Magma are performing random attacks on people harassing them looking for something while the third secret group haven't revealed themselves. A force will bring the trainers with the Mystic Pokemon together and unravel the scheme that the third group has.

    1) All PC RP section rules apply here. Four lines minimum per post and no bunnying other characters.
    2) No superhumans. That mean no psychics and other weird characters. I want a realistic as possible RP.

    You don't have to start off the RP with a Mystic pokemon if you want to. I will provide the opportunity where you will acquire a Mystic Pokemon as an egg.

    List of Legendary Pokemon that took disciples in ancient times
    Mew- Raichuchika
    Ho-oh (taken for plot purposes)
    Lugia (Taken for plot purposes)
    Latios- Orange
    Latias- Drapion_Dawg
    Darkrai- AJ

    Sign up
    Name: (The name of your character)
    Age: (The age of your character)
    Gender: (The sex of your character)
    Description: (What your character looks like)
    Personality: (What your character acts and feels like)
    History: (A small history of your character's life. Maybe include how you met your pokemon that would find out is a Mystic if you are starting the RP with a Mystic.)
    Pokemon: (You can have a few pokemon. Four the most. No Legendaries)
    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: (If starting with one)
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: (Pick one from the list. Note: First come first serve. If the Legendary Pokemon that you want is taken then pick another or hope that the person who picked that Legendary is declined.)
    RPG Sample: (Required. Give a sample that is up to four good size sentances since that is the rules to RP here. If less then you will be decine. More you type the better your chances of being accepted. Please use caps or I may just decine you. It just looks a bit neat. If I have RP with you before just do this still for others can see how you RP. I accept RP post from other RPs you have partcipated for this too. Just give me the link or tell me where it is from.)
    Other: (Anything else you want to add)

    We start when I feel ready to start and I hope there are people here that are interested in this RP.
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    Ok I'll join I guess....

    Name: Abby M.
    Age: 14 (and a half!)
    Gender: Female
    Description: Abby has pretty blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and somewhat tan skin. She tends to wear a black tank top with blue jeans and black flip-flips. Her makeup is black eye-liner, gray eye shadow, and pink lip gloss. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 110 lbs.
    Personality: Abby sometimes acts like a total clown and isn't afriad to be herself. However, this is rare. She normally is afraid of what other people think of her. She is extremely weight conscious and sometimes acts very emo.
    History: Abby lived in Sinnoh originally with her pet Eevee, Rose. She started her Pokemon journey at age 12. Rose later evolved into Leafeon. Then she traveled from region to region and caught and raised a few other Pokemon until she finally settled in Hoenn.
    Species- Raichu
    Nickname- RJ
    Gender- M
    Nature- Lonely

    Pokemon- Luxray
    Nickname- Bella
    Gender- F
    Nature- Sassy

    Pokemon- Leafeon
    Nickname- Rose
    Gender- F
    Nature- Timid

    Pokemon- Charizard
    Nickname- Pyro
    Gender- M
    Nature- Brave

    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: Leafeon (Rose)
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: Mew
    RPG Sample: Abby decided to settle in Mauville City shortly. Surely enough as soon as she walked outside, a Team Rocket member was waiting for her. "Your Pokemon are mine, kid!" He shouted. "Not if I can help it! Go! Rose!" Abby shouted, sending out her Leafeon. "Oh so you want to fight?" Abby told Rose to use solar beam, and that Rocket went flying. "That was the most powerful solar beam I've even seen. It's amazing how powerful you are and how quickly you learn moves Rose. I barely even train you! Abby said happily. "Leafeon!" Rose said. Both Abby and Rosewas unaware that the only reason that Rose was so strong is because she was a mystic Pokemon.
    Other: None
    Name: AJ Valentine
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Description: AJ is average height and weight, he is Hispanic male which means his skin tone is dark, a tannish kind of tone. He has Silky Black hair. His hair is in a short ponytail, about six or seven inches. His eyes are strange, one is blue and one is crimson. AJ has a medium type face, Not to tense, yet not to 'Cute' it's the whole pretty boy thing, with a great sense of 'I can kick your ass! And it's plastered on my face!' AJ wears a cross pendant right around his neck, it is a shining silver that just seems to kick out at you. AJ's main attire consists of a tight black undershirt made out of generic material, nothing real special. He wears a somewhat small dark crimson red combat vest with flames on the topper sleeves, on the back of the vest it reads in bold white letters ' Made In Heaven' and over that he wears a large white trench coat that has a cross on the back that is black and also the title, 'Fallen Angel'. He wears tight black pants, a nice leather texture. He also wears black combat boots, they have an iron sole in each shoe for more efficient walking. He has black fingerless gloves, they aren't fuzzy, just real padded. He is muscular, but not in the way that muscles are bulging everywhere and it looks like your kind of on steroids... AJ has a gold stud in his left ear ( Not Gay!) About 5'7, 145 lbs

    Personality: Apparently by veiw, AJ is a badass. AJ plays the 'Good Cop, Every survivor counts. Doesn't matter what happens to me' card. He also tries to make sure that no one has to get hurt in a bad situation and this will also go for the bad guy, he has tried to keep this trait ever since learning that a long line of murderers and crooks were his descendants, he will try to make everything right and make up for his descendants sins. He is an overall nice guy but does get fed up pretty easily by annoying people, he has a very great level of sarcasm and has the greatest comebacks for when he is insulted, which would seem out of character for a guy like him. He has a pretty decent sense of justice, and not to mention the fact that he loves adventure.AJ isn't someone you really want to anger, but to anger him you have to actually try since it takes alot to actually anger him. Considering getting fed up and actually getting angered are totally different. He is serious and strict in battle but will also have a sense of humor to lighten up all the tense moments, this makes him a good companion. Even when your on his nerves he will try to help you out, but as said before he is not good to be around when angry. And that is pretty much AJ, the 'good cop who wants everyone to be safe'.

    History: AJ has long been traveling, he started out in Blackthorn and went from there. In the ice caverns is where he found a togepi egg, which hatched into a togepi and became his first pokemon. From there AJ captured two young eevee's in Kanto, and in sinnoh found an aboandoned Riolu, he then traveled toward hohen. But before his traveling he was an elusive rouge for Team Skyrider and is still considered a skyrider executive.



    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: Riolu
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: Darkrai

    RPG Sample: AJ Was about to start on his way into Pallet when the group was suddenly surrounded by not only cultist but by a few soldiers, AJ looked around the forest they were surrounded in, There were at least a hundred surrounding the group, only five or six of them had guns though. A Solider dressed in a flak jacket and bullet proof padded clothes stepped up, He was wearing a gas mask and was holding an AK-74 which he aimed at AJ.

    " You are under arrest in the name of Overlord Dillon, You have the right to remain silent, if you resist you will be eliminated." The solider barked at the group.

    AJ smiled and started to speak calmly, " Isn't that's whats going to happen anyway?" He asked the Solider, Little did the solider know what AJ was planning.

    " What happens to you is none of my concern, Now Cooperate." He said moving forward, AJ Sprung into action and got behind the Solider holding him from behind. Another solider with a Shotgun shot the solider that AJ was restraining by accident on reflex. AJ ducked down as the body went limp and grabbed the AK-74, Barry just looked at AJ knowingly as the other team members seemed a little shocked, Barry grabbed for his Grenade Launcher and sent a powerful shot into the crowd, killing some random Cultist.

    AJ started to fire the AK-74 at the solider who had killed the other solider and shot the guy dead, AJ Grabbed for his SPAS 12 and aimed at a cultist that was charging him. Without a second thought he pulled the trigger, A loud boom was heard as the cultist fell back.

    AJ now tried to locate another solider, He located one with an AJ-74. AJ started to charge the solider, but was distracted by the large number of Cultist swarming him, AJ was pissed.

    AJ reached for a Incendiary Grenade and pulled the pin, " Fire in the hole!" And he threw the red grenade into the crowd in front of him, AJ dived back to avoid the flames, AJ winced as the rifle he was holding jabbed into his chest.

    The Crowd went up in hot flames, one by one the Cultist started to drop in the fire. AJ smiled weakly as he looked around, he saw Lamont just standing there as the madness went on, he saw that his team was battling with the Cultist.

    AJ located the Third Solider again and aimed for the soldiers abdomen but misfired and blew the guys right leg off. The guy collapsed and AJ Ran toward him, He was moaning on the ground, AJ decided to be merciful and Pulled the trigger of the SPAS, aimed at the guys head. And the solider never woke again.

    AJ took the spair ammunition of the AK-74 and tried to locate the next Solider, Target locked. AJ smiled as he aimed the light weight AK-74 at the solider.

    A searing pain enveloped AJ in his right leg, a bullet had just skimmed his leg and blood was starting to stain his pants. AJ winced and anger started to flow through him, AJ turned around quickly and without aiming started to fire at the solider that had hit him. The solider was hit with the remainder of AJ's clip, 24 bullets into the guy and he collapsed under the immense firepower unloaded onto him. AJ ejected the empty magazine away and put a new one in, AJ turned to the other solider and frowned. Pulling the trigger on the fourth solider, the guy simply fell to the ground in a puddle of crimson fluid.

    AJ took the spair ammo from both soldier's and looked for the last two, He saw one about to shoot Rocky and AJ rushed into action but it was unnecessary as Rocky hit the solider between the eyes with his Walther P99, the guy dropped and Rocky picked up his AK-74.

    That was Five soldier's down with one to go, AJ saw him a few feet away, with an AK-74, AJ aimed his weapon at the solider and fired. AJ destroyed the AK-74 that the soldier had been holding, AJ then put down his gun and pulled out his Katana, The solider smiled and pulled out a large knife.

    AJ ran at the guy and they had a stalemate, AJ pulled back the slender blade and swung it down on the soldiers arm with the knife, it cut through the guys arm like butter and left him in shock, AJ decided to finish it, he raised the blade once again and took it to the guys neck. There was a dull plump and AJ left the corpse.

    That had been the last solider and AJ was tired, He let the other's finish off the random Cultist.

    First of all, thanks for reading all that stuff.

    raichuchika- Accpeted
    Just make sure when you are to press enter whenever somebody else is talking or in between different actions and you be perfect for this RP. YOu know a bit more description in your post and stuff to ad more meat to them.

    Fallen...Roses/AJ- Accepted
    It really seems like you have improve a lot when I did the RP the first time around. Just don't be all into that Skyrider group. I perfer you don't get them involve but I trust that you won't let it take over completely.

    My sign up will come up later...
    Sign up
    Name: Harono Ketsuru
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Description: Harono has a lean muscular figure. He has a nice tan and is Caucasian. His hair is light brown with highlights in some areas. It's long and hangs low over his eyes. His jaw is big and he has light stubble that makes him look more masculine. His eyes are dark brown and thin. His eyebrows are somewhat thin and at the perfect angles to give him the look of innocence. His ears a medium size and have a hanging lobe. Harono's nose is fairly big but not noticeably larger. His chin is larger than most but not too long. He sometimes wears a skater hat that is dark blue and has an orange trim. He wears a light brown cloth jacket that says "Pain" on the back in bold white letters. He wears a black, tight-fitting tank top underneath it. Harono wears light brownish-grey khaki shorts with many pockets and is worn around the edges. Harono's shoes are black Converse All Stars.
    Personality: Harono is usually sad a lonely, but when he is with his friends his mood completely flips. He can be cheerful most the time, but when he gets in a bad mood, it's best to avoid him because he can go off like a gun. His Mudkip gives him confidence when he needs it the most.
    History: Harono lost his mother the instant he was born and because of this he never knew his mother and his mother never knew him. He has and older brother at the age of 20 and an older sister at the age of 17. His father abuses him and his sister, but they never tell anyone because he is all they got. Harono usually goes to bed hungry because his dad doesn't feed him often. He and his sister decided to start a pokemon journey when Harono reached the age of 10 so they could travel together. His sister and he eventually went their separate ways, Harono to Hoenn, and his sister going to Sinnoh.
    Pokemon: Mudkip does not stay in pokeball.
    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: Mudkip
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learning from: Cresselia
    RPG Sample: Harono was walking along the path in Lillycove City, examining his surroundings. He saw many people walking around with Buizels and Floatzels. The citizens were in their own conversations ignoring eavesdroppers dressed in blue wearing bandanas. Harono took no notice of these happenings but decided to look around some more. He walked along the beach, looked out into the deep blue ocean - with his Mudkip's gleaming eyes staring back into his - and saw Waillords swimming around. (That's just a short bit, I'll get more into it when I actually know what to write about XD And don't worry about my character talking, I know how to write those. I write everything on word so it corrects most mistakes.)
    Other: N/A
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    Name: Ryan
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Description: Ryan is a tall slender guy, standing at 6'1 with a slight muscular tone and average caucasian skin tone. He has shaggy brown hair and light green eyes. His outfit consist of a white t shirt, with an unbuttoned black long sleeved collared shirt over it, tan pants and white shoes.
    Personality: Ryan is a generally a calm and relaxed guy, but inside he is hurting. He is trying to find meaning in his life, and feels like he's wasting his life alot of the time. He also has major trust issues, and really has to get to know somebody to open up. He is usually nice to people, but can be mean if ticked off, or if he doesn't trust someone. He also doesn't like it when people try to help him, he thinks he can do everything on his own.
    History: Ryan was born in Goldenrod City.After he was born his father abandoned him and his mother, and when he was two months old his mother left him at an orphanage. As Ryan got older he did not want to be adopted by anybody, and eventually ran away from the Orphanage. He spent his later childhood working hard labor, for little money and a place to sleep. When he turned 15 he got fed up with this lifestlye, and decided to do something better with his life. So he got a pokemon liscense, and his starter pokemon, Totodile. It's been two years since then and he is now 17. He's traveled through Johto and Kanto, and is now traveling around Hoehn, making himself, and his pokemon stronger.
    Pokemon: Totodile, Flaffy, Golbat. (if I can have a fourth, I plan on catching it.)
    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon:I'd like to aquire a mystic Trapinch from an egg.
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: Latios.
    RPG Sample: (I'll re-do the whole thing :P)

    Ryan was sitting be a lake resting his legs. It was hard traveling all the time, but he would be well trained when he started his league journeys in the future. Near Ryan were three pokemon, Totodile, Golbat and Flaffy. These were Ryans pokemon, and he liked to let them play together. Ryan stood up and let out a yawn.

    "Alright guys, let's get going." Ryan said recalling his Pokemon. As he began walking on the path next to the lake, he noticed a small group of people watching two trainers battle. "What's going on?" Ryan asked a young man in the crowd.
    "Some poor guys getting beaten by the town bully in a pokemon battle. This guy trains his pokemon, just so he can beat new and unexperienced trainers. He's horrible." The young man replied.
    "Oh." Ryan said as he watched the "bullies" Viuplume defeat the younger trainers Pidgey.

    "Ha!You're pathetic!" The bully said to the trainer, who was now running off with his Pidgey to the pokemon center. "Anybody else think they can beat me? I'm the best there is!"

    "...I will." Ryan said stepping up.
    "Oh and who are you?" Said the bully.
    "I'm just a traveler. Ryan's my name.And you are?" Ryan responded.
    "I'm Jack, but it doesn't matter, because after this I doubt you'll ever show your face again!" Jack said smugly.
    Ryan smirked. "Let's just battle." Ryan said.

    "Hah!Your funeral! Let's get 'em Viuplume!" Jack said, sending out his Viuplume to battle.
    "Ah...a Viuplume...a poorly trained one at that. Alright, go Golbat." Ryan said tossing his pokeball on the ground, releasing Golbat.
    "Viuplume! Use stunspore on that thing!" Jack demanded.
    "Golbat, dodge and use wing attack." Ryan said to Golbat. Viuplume released a pollen from it's bloom, but Golbat flew up and sent down a wing attack, knocking out Viuplume.

    "W-what...." Jack said confusedly.
    "You're pathetic. Train your pokemon right and fight trainers your own skill level, instead of newer ones." Ryan said sternly. Jack looked down in shame.
    "Viuplume return...." He said as he recalled his only pokemon. "You just got lucky.....ehhh I'm out of here." Said Jack as he began walking away, passing the trainer he beat earlier, refusing to look him in the eyes. The young trainer approached Ryan.
    "You beat Jack?" He asked astonishedly.
    "Yeah. I did." Ryan responded.
    "Wow...I'm glad someone taught him a lesson..." The young trainer said.
    "Yeah...well...bye." Ryan said as he began walking away.
    "Wait...why are you leaving?" The trainer asked. "You can rest at my house tonight."
    Ryan stopped. "Thanks, but no thanks." He said. "I really don't need anybodies help but my own." And with that, Ryan left and continued on his travels through Hoehn.
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    Pipluper- Accpeted
    Suber! Very good. Thanks for joining the RP. Nice and simple but not sloppy. Also I understand the short sample. All just wanted to see if you can string together a few words and muster out four lines on a post with good description.

    orange- Pending
    Personity I think you need a bit more on Description but it is ok. Still I would like a bit more in Personality. Still I would like more on history like what region he is in and how long he has been a trainer. Where he is from? If you want you can add where he has been and stuff like that. What was his first pokemon. Things like that. Also in the Sample I would like it to be a bit cleaner. It seems you are ok with spelling since I can read what you typed pretty well but I would like you to use the space bar because it seems like you forgot to use it in some places. Still I like that you are voluteering to recieve the Mystic Egg. If you are going to do that then it is ok for you to start with a fourth pokemon.

    Also to others. You will be able to catch pokemon as we go on with the RP.

    We need more girls in this RP. haha

    My Sign Up
    Name: Richard Pido
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Description: From the bottom up RIchard wears black combat boots under his blue jeans that have a patch over his back pocket. Richards wears a belt that holds his pokeballs and a chain is attach to his belt that keeps his wallet from being stolen with a blue dagger holder over the right back pocket. Richards wears a red under shirt under his unbutton white long sleeve shirt. He wears black gloves and his left glove has a metal plate. On his right shoulder has a blue bandanna tied around it. Richard has a long face with brown eyes. Richard has long blue hair that is tied into a ponytail. His hair reaches down a little past his shoulders.
    Personality: Richard has a very cool personality and doesn't really like to rush things. He more lay back and tries not to do anything too fast. MOst of the time Richard likes to keep his cool persona but if there is something that annoys him then his temper may come out. Richard can be brave when the times comes and doesn't like to be seen or called a coward. He is on good terms with his pokemon except with his zangoose but they are still friends. Richard is the type of guy that can easily start a conversation with any person that he meets in a Pokemon Center.
    History: Richard grew up around Fallarbor Town most of his life from a rich family that made their money off of farming. Still he never did like the rich life and always spent his time outdoors and away from his rich mother, father and sister. Eventually Richard joined a gang and hung out with them for most of his young teen years until an accident happen that involved taking the life of a young girl that looked up to him. After such a life shooking event Richard left the gang and his hometown of Fallarbor Town with little supplies and money. Only just taking a step out of the city he joined up with his first pokemon, a zangoose. After gaining the zangoose's respect from fighting a seviper together to save each other life. Richard never really caught the zangoose but they stay together and consider each other as partners no matter how many disagreements they have. Recently coming back from a victory in Lavaridge City they are moving from Petalburg City and up north to Rustboro City.
    Pokemon: Zip (Zangoose), Baltoy, Honchkrow, Shock (electrike)
    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: Zip (Zangoose)
    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: Lugia
    Other: Zip doesn't even have a pokeball to be returned too.

    RPG Sample/Prestory:

    In the darkness of the night a large flame ripped the night sky. There was a mixure of white and orange in the flames as it lighten the sky around a simple gym building. Inside the gym's battle field were two opponets, one of them was a girl with red hair wearing a black top and very baggy blue jeans with a torcoal on her side of the field. The other was a man wearing a brown jacket that was button up with his face covered in shadows. The jacket shined a little from the light provided by a charizard's flame tail. The man chuckle a little and said, "It seems like they made a good choice making you a Gem Holder. Still no matter."

    The girl with the red hair was breathing heavily and just looked at her torcoal. It was taking a beating all right and that was considering that all the charizard was doing were fire base attacks. She then yelled, "I don't know how you knew about the Gems but I would not let you take mines! As gym leader of the Laveridge Gym I will keep my Gem away from your hands!"

    The man looked at the young teen and said, "Brave words my dear girl. Very brave but still no matter. I will win and there is nothing you can do about it."

    The girl with the red hair looked at Torcoal and said, "Use Stone Edge!"

    The fire turle pokemon withdrew into his shell and began to spin around rapidly and flew into the air. It had a brown glow and was flying right for the charizard.

    The man looked at his charizard and said, "Dragon Claw."

    The charizard simply raised herclaw which was glowing green and hit the torcoal under the spinning shell making it fly upward into the sky. The charizard just stood there and didn't even bother to watch the torcoal hit the ground. The man who owned the charizard nodded and said, "Still like I said before. They made a wise choice in picking you as Gem Holder. The plan was brillent. Having several people to act as Gem Holder with none of them being the true Gem Holders with you being the true Gem Holder in the end. You surely sent my men on a wild goose chase and even force me out." he then stopped talking for a minute and said, "But the play ends here."

    The girl with red hair looked at the man and said, "Use Heat Wave!"

    The torcoal opened its mouth to shot out many orange waves of heat at the charizard. Then without any command the Charizard let out a roaring white flame from her mouth to shoot out a powerful Flamethrower.

    The torcoal flew back and landed on it's back unable to battle. The force of the attack had sent the girl to her knees. She looked up and saw that the man in the brown jacket was walking towards her with his charizard following close behind. She then mutter out, "That isn't. It can't. It can't be a Mystic. Can it?"

    "It is." said the person in brown. "Now my prize."

    The girl looked at the man and tried to keep a brave face. She then yelled out, "NO! Never! I can't let you have it! I won't allow it!"

    The man just laughed and said, "That isn't you to decide. It is the Gem's."

    Soon a red glow began to emit from under the girl's shirt. There was ripping sound and soon a red, round, apple shaped crystal was floating in front of the man. He then smiled and said, "The Gem of Fire. It is mines." He then took the stone that was floating before him into his hand and place it inside his brown jacket. He then looked down at the girl that was kneeing before him and said, "It was nice to meet the new Lavaridge Gym Leader. Maybe we meet again once my plan is complete." He then got on to his charizard and together the flew into the night sky.
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    Orange- Pending
    Well I am a bit unsure about accepting you but if you can edit your sign up one more time and fix it up a bit where you have a space after each period then I accept you. I would perfer a bit more description in your post but that could be done in the RP.

    Also it is ok with the change of Mystic Pokemon. Kind of strange to see a Wynaut using Dragon Breath.

    Also my Sample is kind of like a Prestory to the RP. Maybe nice to read it.
    Name: Riiarei Setsuko

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Description: Riiarei has short, dark brown hair styled in a tomboyish fashion, but it isn't so short that she actually looks like a boy. Her eyes are deep blue and show the the inner fire raging in her soul. She's most often seen wearing a white t-shirt with a black dragon design embroidered on the right side along with a pair of black pants. To top it all off, she wears a black headband with a design that looks similar to the top half of a pokeball printed on the front.

    Personality: Riiarei is very hot tempered. Anything she finds annoying or inconsiderate can set her off. But she rarely shows this side of her to people she's unfamiliar with. She manages to keep her cool around strangers. That is, unless they do something that really makes her mad. She's vary loyal to her friends and she has a protective nature about her. She can't stand watching others get hurt. Other than that, she's generally pretty quiet and normally keeps to herself unless she's around close friends.

    History: Riiarei has been on her own almost as long as she can remember. Her mother died when she was only eight years old and she never knew her father. So for the past eight years, she's been traveling the world with her three close Pokemon companions. She's traveled throgh Kanto and the Orange Islands and is currently exploring Hoenn, where she's been for the past two years. She loves it there.

    Pokemon: A male Umbreon named Eclipse, a male Luxio named Tazyr, and a female Vulpix named Soulfire.

    Pokemon who would be your Mystic Pokemon: Umbreon

    Legendary Pokemon that your Mystic Pokemon ancestor was learn from: If orange takes Latios and all the rest are already taken, I guess that leaves me Latias :P

    RPG Sample: There he stood. Right before her eyes was the very man who made her life such hell. It was because of him that she had no parents. It was because of him she was stuck in a world where she did not belong. It was because of him that her two closest friends were gone and she'd never get to see them again.

    She was filled with a sudden rage. Just the sight of him made her want to scream with frustration. When she got her hands on him, she'd make him pay for all the pain he'd caused her.

    (hows that? I know it's pretty short and if it doesn't work, I can search for something longer, just let me know :) )

    Other: None
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    Give me a bit more on History and you will be perfect. You know. Tell me where Riiarei has been and stuff. Everything else seems excellent but I really appreciate if you tell me where your character has been which will make this perfect.

    Also One Piece rocks. haha

    Ok. So all we need is Orange to fix up his stuff then we can start this with a full cast. Expect this RP to set sail tonight.
    Give me a bit more on History and you will be perfect. You know. Tell me where Riiarei has been and stuff. Everything else seems excellent but I really appreciate if you tell me where your character has been which will make this perfect.

    Also One Piece rocks. haha

    Ok. So all we need is Orange to fix up his stuff then we can start this with a full cast. Expect this RP to set sail tonight.

    Okay, I fixed it a bit. Tell me if that's alright.

    And yes, One Piece does rock =D
    Orange- Accepted
    Looks much better now. I hope you do use more detail in your post. Just don't over do it. haha

    To Nariko- Good enough.

    Go One Piece!

    Also sign ups will be temportary closed. Depends if I feel like we need more cast.

    Now it is time for the current to rise!


    "That city was surely full on that Norman guy weren't they Zip?" said a young man with blue hair in a ponytail named Richard. He was walking next to his zangoose named Zip who wore a matching blue bandana on his right shoulder just like Richard. "Still you have to say that the guy was kind of tough. Still no problem for us."

    Zip shurgged lazily and thought that the whole battle was just a joke. The zangoose just kept on walking next to his partner and countinued to walk deeper into the dark forest of Petalburg Woods. They were heading north towards Rustboro City where they were making plans to battle Roxanna for her badge.

    "Still we are good for the battle right Zip. Nothing to worry about except for for where her gym is." smiled Richard. "No matter. We worry about that once we get to the city."

    Zip just shurgged again and together the two walked deeper into the woods.

    The wind rustle the high treetops of Petalburg woods. Little sunlight was able to make it though the treetops making the ground below look dark. Still a loud scream broke the slience of the woods. Richard and Zip around to look for the source of the scream. Richard could see anything but looked at Zip to see if he could detect where the sound came from by using his ears. "ANything?"

    Zip nodded and began to run forwards on all fours. Richard ran after his friend until they were in a small clearing where they hid behind a large tree. Richard was able to see that a man dressed in the classic Magma grunt uniform was holding a small boy in his arms. There was a primeape and Camerupt on both sides of the Magma grunt. A Golbat was flying above the man.

    "Let me go! I don't have anything!!!!" said the boy.

    The Magma grunt looked angry and yelled, "Give it to me now or we are going have to get painful." The Primeape looked ready to attack.

    Richard heard this and guess that these guys were some kind of thugs and knew that this must be some left over Magma grunt trying to act big for his team, or what is left of it.

    "OK Primeape. Looks like we having some problems with this kid. How about you give him a Karate Chop to the face." said the man angry to the boy.

    Richard guess this was the time to do something if this kid wanted to keep his face in one piece. He looked at Zip and said, "Use Airal Ace!"

    Zip nodded and shot forward like a blur. The primeape was raising his gloved handed into the air that was glowing white when he was shot backward to the ground. "What was that?" asked the Magma grunt.

    Richard then walked behind the tree with Zip who just walked back in front of Richard. Richard then said, "How about you leave that little kid alone. Three against one isn't that fair so maybe two against three will help a bit."
    Ryan was at his wits end. He's been through alot of forest during his travels, but none were as confusing as the Petalburg Woods. The dark setting was the problem. He could barely tell where he was going, and if he didn't find a way out soon he didn't know what would happen.

    "This is just great...my third day in Hoehn, and I'm lost. Sigh." Ryan said as his stomach rumbled. "Oh fantastic....now I'm hungry. Alright, back to finding my way out."

    Ryan began searching around some more, using his Totodile to cut down any bushes in his way, but it was hopeless. Ryan was completely lost, and he knew he was lost.

    "This wouldn't be a problem, if I could only find a human to help me....no. I can find my own way out. I don't need others." Ryan said to himself. Suddenly Ryan heard noises in the distance, and what sounded like human voices.

    Without hesitation, Ryan began walking in the direction of the voices, and soon enough he saw three people. A blue haired boy, another boy, and a man in an odd uniform, with others in the same uniform. There were also pokemon as well.

    "What is going on?" He asked himself, edging closer to the people, but trying to stay out of sight, wanting to avoid unwanted attention, by the looks of the man in the uniform. That's when he noticed that they must be battling over something, because these uniformed men didn't look like average trainers.

    "Heh...I'll just watch the battle, and then secretly follow the winner out of the woods." Ryan said satisfied to himself, keeping his attention on the strange men, while keeping himself hidden behind some bushes.
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    Harono and Mudkip were walking around Lilycove City looking at its many sight-seeing worth areas. The two just recently moved into a small one bedroom, half bath apartment. They were happy with the price for the size.

    "Would you like to go see the department store Mudkip? I hear they have a lot there that could help us in battles," Harono told Mudkip.

    "Mud, Mudkip!" Mudkip replied giving back a wide smile to him.

    The two entered the store and asked the salesclerk where he would find some potions and such. The woman smiled and told him to check the second floor. Harono and Mudkip started walking up the stairs to reach the second floor. As they entered the room, they could see the glimmer of the lights on the clean white marble floor. Mudkip's eyes glimmered in the bright surroundings.

    Harono approached a woman wearing a nametag and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled at him and asked what she could help him with.

    "Do you sell potions on this floor? I'm going to need them when I go and face the gym leader in Fortree City," Harono told her. She pointed to a counter where there was a man standing behind it.

    Harono walked up to it and purchased what he came for. "Would you like to go see anything else, Mudkip?"

    "Mudkip!" Mudkip announced meaning that it wanted to find a TM for Ice Beam.

    They asked where they would find the TMs and went to the floor. It had a similar look to the first two floors, except had different items on display. Harono purchased the TM and taught it to Mudkip. It was the perfect move to use against Winnona's flying type pokemon.

    The duo left the store and went to the beach to see the sun set over the beautiful ocean. The water glimmered as the ocean turned a reddish-orange color. Over to the right, there were two young teenagers making out on a beach towel, and to the left, a man dressed in blue, wearing a blue bandana with a weird bone made symbol. The man was talking to a Sharpedo and it dove underwater. Harono took no notice to this, as he thought it was just a trainer.
    Riiarei gazed out at the long road ahead of her and let out an exasperated sigh. The Umbreon at her side looked up at her quizzically, as if to ask "What's the matter?"

    The two of them were on their way to Fortree City for a battle with Winona, the local gym leader. It seemed to Riiarei that she had been on the road to Fortree for months when in reality, it had only been about a week and she was longing to sleep in a warm bed instead of the cold, hard ground.

    "Looks like it's going to be a while still before we get to Fortree, Eclipse..." she murmured to her companion. "I wanted to get there before nightfall, but I can't tell if we're close and there hasn't been any signs... I should have asked the people at the Weather Institute while we were there, but it just sort of slipped my mind."

    She waited for Eclipse to give her some sort of response, but he stayed silent. "You could at least act like you-- what's the matter?"

    When she looked down at her companion, she found that he wasn't paying attention. Instead, his eyes were locked on a shadowy figure moving around in the darkness of the forest. Eclipse let out a low growl and the fur on his back bristled.

    Riiarei stared at the figure for a moment before it disappeared behind a tree. "Just ignore it, Eclipse," she said. "Let's get going."

    The Umbreon continued to stare into the forest for a moment while his trainer walked ahead. Then reluctantly, he followed her.
    AJ walked along the sodden path with Espeon and Umbreon side by him, the path was supposed to be shapen as a maze, but was sorley too easy. AJ scoffed at the whole thing and turned his attention to a battle, a Lowlife Magma grunt with more then one ambushing pokemon battling a young boy and a late teen with a blue ponytail.

    " Two against Three still isn't even, let me join the fight." AJ told the blue haired man, AJ then took a look at the Opponents pokemon, one was an enraged primeape, one was a firey Camerupt and the last one was an annoying Golbat.

    AJ took pity on the pokemon, being with such a loser trainer. " So how 'bout' it? Go Umbreon!" AJ yelled to his loyal Umbreon.

    " Or you could back out now..." AJ reasoned with the lowly grunt, for just a second flashing his Skyrider emblem to the grunt, hoping to rattle him.
    Magma grunt had no idea what the newcomer just flashed at him and just said, "Stay out of this you punk kids. This buisness is between me and this guy here." He then looked at his Camerupt and said, "Use Rock Slide on these guys."

    Before the Camerupt was able to perform his attack Richard notice that another kid had joined this so called battle. He had a pretty boy look and some sort of small ponytail. Still no matter. That just meant less action for him and Zip. The zangoose was disappointed that it won't have to deal with threepokemon at the same time and Richard saw that. Richard then grinned and said, "Don't worry Zip. Maybe next time."

    The Magma grunt then looked at his Primeape and said, "Go in there and use your Rock Slide too!"

    Camerupt shot out large rocks from it's back to both the zangoose and umbreon. The Primeape then slammed it his into the ground making many rocks fly in the air and towards the same pair of pokemon. Richard saw that the attack was coming close and told Zip, "Use Double Team!"

    At once many illusions of Zip took the field and a few of them were hit with the Rock Slide attack but the real Zip was still hidden among the fake illusion Zips.

    Richard then notice that the kid was still in the arms of the Magma grunt and guessed that something had to be done about that. He looked at Zip and nodded his head towards the kid. The zangoose seemed to understood and Richard said, "Use Quick Attack!"

    The illusion Zip then shot forward and instead of attacking a pokemon the real Zip hit the grunt making his stumble back a bit and releasing the person that he was holding. Zip then took the kid and was beginning to make his way back towards where Richard and the other person was.

    Richard then yelled at the kid, "How about you use your pokemon now to join the battle? With you this battle would be three on three."

    The kid that was being dragged by Zip looked at Richard and said, "But I don't even own a single pokemon."

    Richard just looked at the kid and knew that he was more then ten years old so he was legal to carry a pokemon but still he doesn't even own one. Still Richard wasn't given much time to think about that because the Magma grunt had gotten up and said, "But I still have one left to battle myself. Golbat use Air Slash on that zangoose!"

    The Golbat flew into the air and began to flap it's wings to make the air into a blade like current and it was going to make it way towards Zip. The zangoose was being slowed down by dragging the human and the only way for him to be able to escape would be by letting go and let the kid take the hit but Zip knew better not to do that. Still in a matter of seconds both of them were going to be hit.
    "I can't watch this anymore..." Samson thought to himself.
    These people he had been watching seemed to be in trouble, and they were about to get attacked by a Golbat.

    "Alright I don't need there help...but they might need mine...and the best way to fight that Golbat is with my own Golbat!" Samson said releasing Golbat, and making his entrance, giving the trainers a nod.

    "Golbat, help them out! Knock that other Golbat right out of the sky!" And with that said, Golbat appeared behind the enemy Golbat almost instantly. "Use bite Golbat! Drag it to the ground!" Samson yelled.

    Samson's Golbat bit into the other Golbat and dragged it down before it could attack the Zangoose and the kid.

    "Good job Golbat, now show it your wing attack!" Samson said as Golbat flew up and flapped it's wings, sending cutting air currents down on the Golbat.

    "Phew....that could have gotten ugly.." Samson thought to himself, staring at the other trainers.
    Harono was just reaching what looked like a long grassy route. "Just up here Mudkip, it may take about a day's travel to reach Fortree, but you never know what we might find."

    They started up a dirt made path, and could see a pond up ahead and a lady with a bag full of something. Harono made his way towards her. She was wearing a pink dress and a white apron over it. Her hair was a beautiful glowing blonde that twinkled in the bright morning sun. "Would you like a berry sir?"

    Harono looked behind him to see if anyone else was there, "Are you talking to me? Uh, yeah sure. Do you have a Sitrus berry? They're my favorite."

    "Why, yes I do. How many do you want?" The young beautiful lady relplied.

    "Enought to cook me a nice meal tonight." Harono replied shakily. He was nervous talking to such a beautiful girl. "She's hot!" Harono mumbled to his Mudkip.

    "What was that?" Harono just shrugged like he didn't say anything. "Well if you want a nice meal, take this selection of berries. It'll make a nice meal."

    Harono smiled and thanked the nice young woman. He and Mudkip set their eyes on a large patch of very high grass, and they decided they would try and get there by noon.
    Because Abby was afraid she'd be attacked by a criminal again, she decided to stay inside. Then her cell phone rang.

    "Hello? Abby? How are you? This is Sarah." Sarah was Abby's friend whose parents happened to be rich to a whole new extreme. "Wanna go on a boat ride with me? It has a motor. We won't have to row it ourselves."

    Abby hesitated, but then said, "Sarah, how will we do that? You don't have a motor boat, do you?"

    "Yeah I do," Sarah started. "My parents bought it for me yesterday."

    "Wow. Is there anything you don't have?" Abby questioned. Sarah didn't answer. She said she'd meet Abby at a nearby lake at 3:00 pm. It was 1:30 pm then. Though Abby was looking foward to it, would she be attacked by another criminal?
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