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The Uprising: Fighting the Pokémon Extermination

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The members of the Uprising immediately began packing up the scarce items from the campsite. The new boy with the Pichu walked over to her with a questioning look on his face.

"We're heading to Crystal City," Isabel explained, returning Fay and Eve to their Poke Balls. "When we get there, we're gonna see if we can intercept a transport of Pokemon and supplies. They're bound to have those posters there, too, so I'm going to need to get a makeover on the way."

"A makeover...?" the boy asked, even more confused.

"Look!" Isabel said, exasperated. "I'm the leader of the Uprising. We fight to protect Pokemon. The government doesn't like it, therefore I'm wanted. Therefore, I need to change my appearance. We're all wanted, actually. But I don't think they'd be able to recognize you yet."

The boy didn't look very comforted by Isabel's last statement. Isabel ignored him and quickly bundled her sleeping back and slung it over her shoulder.

"What's your name, kid?" Isabel turned and asked the boy.

"I'm Drake," he said. "And this is Sparky."

"O....Okay," Isabel replied, fighting off a laugh. "Well Drake, you've got quite a journey ahead of you. Are you up for it?"
Josh was glad that they were leaving this area of the forest and heading for Crystal City, because he didn't like the place anymore. The bounty hunter thing was affecting him badly, despite the fact that no one was hurt.

Twilight was sitting in a branch of a nearby tree, staring at her trainer. Josh knew that she was affected by it as well, and they both knew that if anything had happened to one of the group, he could never look at any of them in the eye again.

He knew that he would have to tell the others sooner or later, but decided to choose the later option. He then began to think of ways that he would tell them, or if there was an appropriate time.

However he was excited about going to CrystalCity, hoping that his experiences there would be more enjoyable, and that it'd be a nice place. Then again, places like that don't exist anymore. Not since the new laws anyway.

Twilight picked an apple of a nearby tree, dropping it in Josh's hand. He smiled at her, and she landed on his shoulder. He took a bite from the apple knowing that things could have been worse.

(OOC- This is to basically show how the guilt is affecting him. I'm still thinking of ways for him to tell people, but it should be soon.)
(OOC: Ok, im am not gonna list your changes as i have no power over that, so ill stop this post soon)

Drake picked up sparky and followed isabel out of the camp.

Crystal City!, he heard that was a gigantic place, before the pokemon were taken away it used to do competitions. Drake couldn't remember, but its where pokemon fight certain strong people with a certain type of pokemon. He heard his dad talk about them; was it a contest? No a contest was for a ribbon. hmmm what was that name?

While Drake was thinking, Sparky poked him in the eye, and he forced away the tears that formed in it. Sparky poked him again, and when Drake looked up, the others where already gone.

"Pichu, Pichu" Sparky ran ahead, and Drake followed him. Soon he stumbled upon the others, who where waiting by a big tree with annoyed looks.

Embarressed Drake lowered his head.



"Nothing" Drake suddenly remembered it was a contest. He wondered what it would be like. Soon he got bored of imagining things and started observing their environment.

He was counting birch trees, when isabel suddenly stopped at a crook.

"Whatcha doing?"

Isabel couldn't stop her laughing now, and replied "I told you, a makeover"

Drake sat with the others while Isabel changed her complete appearance.

(OOC: Like i said, it is not up to me to change Isabel's appearance :P)
Isabel could feel her teammates staring at her, but she tried to ignore them. She slipped the knife and a bottle of temporary hair dye from her bag and placed them beside the stream. She looked at herself in the crystal water, trying to picture a variety of options for her new appearance. Isabel chose one and picked up the knife. She took hold of her hair and promptly chopped off five inches. After evening out the edges, she tucked the severed locks in the front pouch of her bag, assuming that her Flareon would burn it later.

Isabel dipped the remainder of her hair in the stream and rubbed in the coloring. She rinsed it out and looked at her reflection. Though her hair was darker because it was wet, Isabel could see blonde streaks showing up as it dried. Isabel smiled and placed the items back in her bag.

"Let's go," Isabel said with a smile, rubbing her fingers through her hair. "It's not the best disguise... but it'll do."

Isabel shouldered her backpack and lead the way toward Crystal City, already sensing the temperature change as they traveled further north.

(OOC: She really couldn't do anything drastic, lol. Hmm... this would be a great time for someone to rejoin the group *nudges iLike2EatPiez* Unless you had a different entrance in mind ^.^)
((I've been called? :P))

Maud was lucky to have found the stream that the group had stopped by for a moment. Otherwise, who knows how long she would have been wandering about in the woods? (Well, Ann could easily have guided her with her psychic senses, but still...) And, it was also lucky of her that the very burden who had gotten her into this mess let out an excited bark in the direction of the others. So it was only a matter of following the stream in the right direction that separated Maud from the rest of the Uprising. First it was Isabel who came into view, doing something with her hair... Cutting and dying it, probably. She was smart; any sort of disguise would help her escape suspicion. Of course, Maud hadn't even been there to see what happened back at the clearing...

"Hey, err... everyone?" she greeted in a rather uncertain tone. She blinked, gussing an explanation for her absense would be the best thing to give them, so to start she lifted a finger and pointed at the Poochyena that was held securely in one of her arms. Jess curled his lips into an aoplogetic grin. "Sorry I was gone for a bit; this guy just sorta ran off into the woods... I dunno if he was chasin' something or just being strange, but I was running around looking for him for quite a bit. Either way... I overheard something about goin' to Crystal City?"

Really, Jess probably darted off for reasons beyond the obvious... Especially considering there didn't seem like anything for him to chase after. Darting about was one of the strange things he did every now and then, for no apparent reason. Maud's mind went slowly to the idea of his supposed 'brain condition', but quickly she shoved that away. There were, admittedly, more important matters now than just her Poochyena. If she'd heard right when she first approached the group, they'd need to be getting to Crystal City.
Isabel looked over Maud and then the Poochena in her arms. She didn't see anything on Maud's face that could give her reason to believe that she was lying.

"Yes, we are," Isabel said sharply. "But make sure your Pokemon doesn't do anything like that again."

She began walking again and glanced down at the compass in her watch to make sure they were still going north. Crystal City was supposed to be only a couple miles away from Oran Valley... Or was it further? Isabel sighed. She would need to purchase a new map when they got there.

"We need to get our stories straight," Isabel said to the team. "We don't know what Crystal City's like or how the new law has affected it, so we need to be prepared. We all have to say that we live in this region, because really only trainers would come to a new region. You decided to come to Crystal City for work, to visit family, whatever. Just clear it with me before you go broadcasting it around and make sure NEVER to screw up you story. That would raise suspicion, which is the last thing we need."

The small group continued on for a few hours. Several conversations were started, but quickly died and left them traveling in silence for most of the time. The temperature dropped as they continued on and it soon grew dark. Finally, Isabel dropped her bag.

"We're going to have to camp here tonight and reach Crystal City tomorrow," Isabel said. "Make sure to stay warm. We can't afford having any of you getting sick."
Bad Dream!

Josh set up his sleeping bag away from the others. He still didn't trust himself, and was afraid that he might say something about what he did. Twilight was sleeping next to him, twitching in her sleep. He stared at her for a while, slowly drifting to sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted off, hoping for a good nights sleep.

'He opened his eyes, it was midday and he was floating above the forest near Oran Valley. What! How was this possible? He looked below and saw his body, which appeared motionless was this height, was lying in a pool of dark liquid. He flew closer, and saw that he was lying in a pool of his own blood. Twilight was locked in a cage next to him, screeching wildly. A bounty hunter was standing next it laughing evilly. He heard screams and so drifted of it that direction. He arrived in an opening, and saw Isabel being forced into a cage. Some of the other members were in cages as well; the others lay dead on the floor. The bodies of dead Pokemon were scattered across the ground.

Everything turned black, before he appeared in an unfamiliar place. He wasn't floating or anything like that. He was standing in a street; people were walking past on both sides. He looked straight ahead, and froze at what he saw. His mother was standing a few metres in front of him, pointing a finger at him and mouthing the word "You!" she then began to storm towards him. He turned to run but was too late, she clutched his arm saying, and "You're coming home with me!"' Then he woke up.

OOC- The first is what may of happened if the group wasn't warned, the second is a preminition sort of thing.
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(OOC: Wow kewl story :P)

Drake couldn't sleep that night. He kept twitching and it seemed pichu was in the same state. He grinned, tomorrow was a big day.

He kept reciting his story i his head. He kept changing it around, until finally he came up with one to his liking.

He walked across camp, spying on Isabel to see wether she was awake. She wasn't, and he realized the others were sleeping too. He decided to just head back to bed, as he lay down he realized how tired he was, and fell into a deep sleep.

(OOC: Well this post is unneeded, but i am tired and cant think of anything else ;/)
(OOC: Please try to make your posts slightly longer and more grammatically correct even if it isn't directly relevant to the story.)

"Okay, here's what we're going to do."

Isabel handed out a piece of paper to each of the members along with a small pencil.

"I need you to go purchase the items on your list," Isabel explained. "But I also want you to write down anything unusual you observe. We'll meet back here at six o' clock and figure out what to do for the night."

The team broke apart and approached Crystal City, each entering at a different place. From what Isabel could recall, Crystal City was a big trading city, so travelers wouldn't arouse too much suspicion... she hoped. This mission was so simple that nobody should manage to mess it up. But that's also what she thought about Shadow Valley. Isabel shivered and pulled her hoody tighter around her. She hoped that she had remembered to put warmer clothes on one of the lists.

She made her way to the middle of the city, passing by numerous people happily chatting away, not giving Isabel so much as a second glance. Nobody seemed to be very affected by the new law, which probably meant that they weren't searching for anyone who was breaking it. Isabel smiled to herself and ran her fingers through her short blonde hair.

Isabel passed by the store windows, pretending to browse, all the while glancing around. Is she here, or not?
Ashi finally sat down on the cold snow in her new hiding place, it didn't bother her that much, despite her clothing. The only thing she had thrown over her vest was a thin coat. It wasn't much, but it kept her as warm as she needed to be.

Today had been like most days she had spent in Crystal City, wandering the back streets looking for suspicious activity. Of course, she knew that the gym was where most of the 'action', compared to the rest of the town, would be going on in there, but she would risk her Pokémon and her life if she just stormed in there without any backup.

The rooftop she had decided to rest apon was out of site, in the shadows of two slightly taller buildings. Although she could not be seen, she could see the entrance to the gym and both paths that lead out of the city.

Sighing, Ashi released her youngest Pokémon, a Glaceon. It shook it's body and lay next to her in the snow, enjoying the cold against her fur. Ashi fell back into the snow, letting it wet her hair and back. It was cold, but it was a relief to a hard day's work. After a good 5 minutes rest, she sat back up and studied the town.

A teenager entered the city, shivering at the cold. That wasn't unusual, kids constantly came through town. A lady on a bench sat down next to her child in a pram and started to cry. Also not unusual, people were disappearing by the second lately, and Pokémon even faster. Another teenager entered the town. And another. And another. Although there was some delay between each of them, they all seemed to be clutching a piece of paper and searching for something.

After a few teenagers after that entered, the same puzzled look on their faces, Ashi finally recognised one of them. Isabel was her name, Ashi knew her from a while ago when she first joined the Uprising. Isabel wandered into the centre of town, also with the same look on her face. She was searching for something. Or someone. And Ashi knew exactly whom.

Isabel looked into a window just below her, and Ashi knew that was her que. She quickly returned Lone into her PokéBall and swiftly climbed down the side of the building fast enough to jump right in front of a startled Isabel.

"Izzy. Long time no see,"
Isabel looked over her old friend and laughed.

"Close, it's Lizzy," Isabel leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "At least here it is."

Isabel's expression turned serious and she stared at Ashleigh's vest.

"Do you still have the..." Isabel reached out for her vest and flipped one side open slightly. Sure enough, the silver star was still stitched into it. Fight for the right.

"Enough of that," Isabel released the fabric and placed her arm around Ashleigh's shoulders. "You get the honor of showing me around today and tell me what's going down. I only have a couple hours left. It took incredibly long to get here."

Ashleigh, of course, knew exactly what Isabel meant by "going down."

(OOC: if you didn't already, look at my post about Crystal City)
Ashi nodded, almost smiling at her pun.

"Walk and talk, Lizzy," Ashi guided Isabel through the backstreets, pointing subtly at various things along the way. "They've used the sewers. They have various entrances not only right in front of out faces, the pot holes, but also the gym and a few shops here and there. It's a simple yet effective process. It's the reason the town is so 'quiet'. Be on your toes."

It felt funny to talk again, Ashi hadn't spoken for at least 2 days. They stopped at a park bench, looking as normal as they possibly could be. Although, most of the work the exporters did was underground, they still had what they called "plain clothed officers" wandering the streets.

"Warn your new recruits, it's important. Best place to hide is above. I have several safe spots if you need a place to stay. Sharp eyes, Liz, sharp eyes, like always. Keep your Balls hidden, mine are a good example," Ashi flicked her own disguised PokéBalls tying down her hair.

"Now tell me, what have you been doing the past few days?"
The city, Crystal City, looked strange and dangerous. Unlike the heavily technological advances in LaRousse, the city was far behind; and far more people. It was probably the biggest city he'd ever been to, and he couldn't wait to leave, but doubted the others felt the same way.

List in hand he headed out in a random direction to find its contents, as Is talked to a girl she clearly must have known. After traveling for about ten minutes, he thought about something. He had no money, and he'd have to get it from the ATM feature of his PokéComm, which was a trainers tool. Standing in the shadow of a building, he withdrew several thousand bells from his account.

He continued "window shopping" for a while, occasionally buying something from the list. During this, his mind was free to wander, "The Uprising is doing the Just and Honorable thing. But we're only a couple of people against the entire region...? That's more than unlikely, it's astronomically so."


After collecting the last item, he checked the time and realized he was running late; it was Six O' Four, and he still had to go back. He stopped for a second to evaluate the situation, and realized he was hopelessly lost. Worse yet, it was a busy part of the city, so he couldn't using the GPS feature on his PokéComm, so he was totally and utterly lost.

Not wanting to rouse suspision, as 15-year-olds staring into space often do, he started walking in another random direction. He found, at the back of the city, an old Pokémon Gym. Staring at it, he saw movement inside, and he decided to go in.

He started to grab the knob, but stopped. He realized that the Gym would be the first place wanted trainers would go, and they probably did to, so he backed away.

As he walked back toward the heart of the city, which he knew the general direction of thanks to the Gym, he decided to count the movement and possible motives as suspisous, and wrote them down. It was a large town, it took a while or them to come into view. "I knew it," he groaned, "I'm the last one...".
(OOC: Sorry about the bunnying. If you don't like it, I'll gladly edit it.)

"Oh you know," Isabel said, reclining back on the bench. "Went to Oran Valley. That was a barrel of fun. You should have been there. Met two very nice men there, but Umi didn't like them very much."

Ashleigh seemed to catch what Isabel was saying and nodded. Isabel looked around. The city seemed very quiet. There were no wanted posters plastered on windows and she hadn't seen one sign of the new law being put into effect except for the absence of Pokemon. Everyone seemed content here...

"What else have they been up to?" Isabel asked. "Has there been any move to further their operations toward Bounty Hunting?"

Ashleigh glanced around for a moment and stood, motioning for Isabel to follow her away from the park. Isabel carefully plastered an excited expression on her face, hoping to hide the curiosity. She stood up and began to follow when the back of her neck tingled. Isabel turned around and scanned the different faces, but didn't find anything unusual on any of them. She turned around to follow Ashleigh once more and the sensation returned. Isabel quickened her pace, not allowing her expression to show her thoughts, but the tingling just grew. Something was definitely going on here.
Drake was completely lost. He had been walking through this big city for hours. It was about twelve times the size of his old village, and he had no idea what to do. He sat down on the side walk, ignoring the agonizing wave of cold that went through his body. The two pouches of money dug into his sides. One of them was his life savings, and the other was the money Isabel gave him. He looked at the list; there were seven items in total.

After scanning his surroundings he moved forward to a small kiosk, and bought a map of the city. After getting three of the items he got some lunch for him and Sparky, and together they ate it in an abandoned warehouse. As he walked out he saw a truck drive by. He took a glance in the back window and gasped at what he saw. About a dozen boxes, filled with red and white objects. Pokeballs! He started running down alleyways; chasing the truck.

Drake was getting tired after the first mile, his legs were worn out, and after five more minutes he collapsed. So much for finding the truck, he still had four things on the list so he decided to do those things first.

By sundown he had all the stuff, and he still wanted to buy some for his own. He passed some stores until he reached an army store. Walking inside he could see many kinds of weapons. He was gonna need something if he were to survive. After looking at several of the items, he tried a katana. The katana was similar to a hunting knife and longer than his arm. Finally he decided to go with the katana, which used up three-fourth of his savings. With the rest of his savings he bought himself some new clothes, some food, and different tools he might need later such as rope, chain, hooks etc. He put the katana over his shoulder, and under his backpack, then he put his vest over it. This way he could draw it, without other people noticing it. Then he walked outside

The sun was almost down, realizing he was late, Drake sprinted down the city. He had to tell the others about the truck.
It Can't Be!

Josh stared at his list, it was only small, but he still had no idea of where to get them. He trudged through the snow, looking in shop windows hoping to find something from the list. Walking was hard, as people barged into you from all sides. 'They need to sort this place out.' Josh thought to himself.

He kept walking for ages, finally finding something from the list; Warm Clothing. He carried on walking for ages, not seeming to be able to find anything else. He was looking in the windows when he saw a familiar one. He sighed, knowing he was walking in circles. The streets weren't as busy anymore, and he looked around trying to spot any Uprising members.

A sudden gust of wind blew the list from his hands, and so he quickly chased after it. The wind blew it on to a rooftop, and he knew he wouldn't stand a chance of getting it. He looked forward and froze at what he saw. His mother was on the phone several metres ahead of him. 'This can't be happening!' he thought, before turning and heading of in the opposite direction, hoping she wouldn't spot him.
Chris walked through the crowded streets of Crystal city with a balled up piece of paper in his hand. As his passed a trashcan, he threw it, bouncing it along the rim and in.

"And boom goes the Dynamite" Chris joked to himself. From his bag he hear a sigh. Chris turned around and hit it, hinting for the Pokemon inside to stop the noise. Dile, not liking it's ball very much, had taken to hiding in Chris' backpack when traveling.

He had to wonder what everyone else was doing, especially the kid. To Chris he seemed a bit... fragile. Even though he had the guts to try to fight Isabel, he was knocked out in 5 seconds flat.

Continuing down the street, Chris noticed how depressed the city was. Maybe it was just the snow, but in Kanto and Johto, every city was alive. Sure, most people seemed content, but you could see in a few eyes, the loss of a friend was effecting them. Chris knew that if he every lost any of his Pokemon, he would be devastated. He could only imagine how these people must have felt when they lost all of theirs.

Turning into a back alley, Chris' mind became silent, sullen with the thought of that happening to him. As Chris turned down the connecting street, Dile suddenly exclaimed "Toto Toto!" poking his head out of the bag and pointing own the street. Chris, hearing this turned his head and shoved Dile back into the bag. Fearful that someone might see him. However, upon inspection, the street was deserted, as if everyone had just vanished from this part of the town.

As Chris walked down the street, he noticed that all the stores were boarded up. Peeking into a window, he saw aisles and aisles of empty shelves. "Dile Totodile!" Dile said as he, again, poked his head out of the backpack.

"Dile!" Chris hissed at the Pokemon "Comon quiet down!" However this time when he turned around, he saw what Dile was pointing at. A red sign and Pokeball on the doors determined it was a PokemonCenter.

Quickly, Chris walked over to the center and tried to open the door, but it seemed to be stuck. Chris took a step back and gave the door a kick, sending it flying open and slamming against the wall. It wasn't the perfect entrance that he had opted for, but it would do.

The PokemonCenter, not surprisingly, was empty and a thin layer of dust lay on the counter. jumping over it, Chris took a look around the backrooms. After finding nothing, Chris headed back to the from. However, a glare caught his eye. Turning to the source, Chris saw a Pokeball sitting under the desk! Grabbing it, Chris noticed a crack in the top of the ball, but he didn't care, and attempted to call out the Pokemon inside. The ball opened, only to reveal nothing but an empty ball. The Pokemon inside had already been "Harvested".

Chris threw the ball against the wall and watched it shatter, before collapsing against a wall.

<Why...> He thought to himself as Dile came to comfort him <Why am I doing this. Our chances are all but astronomical. A group of bloody teenagers taking on the God damn Government... God, I must be insane. Dammit! I couldv'e escaped... I could be in Hoenn getting my badges, but instead I'm risking everything for people I don't even know. Why the hell am I doing this...>

Dile tugged against Chris' shirt worryingly. Chris looked down at the Totodile "But I've gone through the same thing as these people are going through now..." Chris said to himself, remembering the day when all his friends set off to become Pokemon trainers, and he was forced to stay at his home and forbid to ever become one. His dreams felt crushed that day. The kids of this city, even this whole region were going through the same thing. He couldn't let anymore people feel this way. People had always helped him fulfill his dream of becoming a trainer. After the Kanto Championship, trainers and even his biggest rivals had helped him escape. They didn't turn their backs on him, and Chris could not turn his back on these people.

Standing up with a renewal of optimism, Chris stood up allowing Totodile to crawl into the backpack and proceeded to walk to the exit of the center. But embarrassingly tripped over a electrical cord.

Wincing in pain, Chris got up, his eyes following the cord. It stopped in the back of a PC. Chris quickly ran over and pressed the power button on the PC. It flashed once then the main screen turned up. He quickly contacted Elm's lab, where his Pokemon were being held for him, and asked one of the assistants to send over his Charmeleon, Char, in exchange for Cinder. Happy with the exchange, Chris opened the door walked out of the center, only to be met with a collision with another person.

Getting up and rubbing his head, he saw another member of the group, Josh, doing the same.

"Slow down Josh. It's not a race of who can get back to camp the fastest."

(OOC: Yes, ending is rushed. It was becoming to long and I was running out of time. And yes Mira, I found a way to switch Pokemon :) [even if it is rushed])
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(OOC: I hope its ok i used "beat his ass" i wanted to emphasize the fact that Drake was disappointed and frustrated by the gap in power"

Sundown had passed by the time Drake reached camp. Nobody had arrived yet, which ment he could have stayed longer.

Drake looked at Sparky "urgh, i guess we didn't have to rush"

"Pich, Pichu" Was Sparky's response. Since there was nothing left to do but waiting, Drake decided to train.

"Come on Sparky, we're going training." Sparky ran over to him in response, and after Drake put down his backpack, he walked over to a seperate clearing.

He grabbed his katana, and started inspecting it closely. There were greek glyphs inscribed in the side, and the shopkeeper told him they meant hope.
The sword was forged a long time ago, but Drake was surprised by the accuracy. The handle fit him perfectly and was easy to maneuver, the guard had a shape, which somehow made the sword more aerodynamic, and the blade was thin, swift, and strong. Now he didn't have to rely on his pokemon that much. He had thought about getting a weapon ever since Isabel beat his ass when he first met her. He realized Sparky still had alot to learn, and meanwhile he had better protect himself.

"Sparky, use thundershock repeatedly!" Sparky unleashed a thundershock which burned a hole in a tree. "Great job Sparky" Drake was happy that Sparky's training was getting along.

"Keep doing that, it should improve your stamina" While Pichu unleashed multiple thundershock's, Drake tested out his sword he grabbed the hilt, which was wrapped in red cloth, and swung the dark black blade.

"Whoosh" The blade cut through the air, and Drake spun around. He swung it far harder than he thought. After slashing some wood, and practicing some moves, Drake started inspecting the sword again. It was super thin, but i hadn't broken. Suddenly he realized why this blade was so strong. It had been forged with pokemon! Now Drake understood the details, a strong fire pokemon must have supplied the heat for the forge.

Drake decided to practice with Sparky. "Come on Sparky, a showdown!" Sparky jumped off the tree he was sitting on, and shot a thundershock at Drake. Sparky purposely kept it a weak one, but Drake made sure to get out of its way. Kicking off from a tree he lunged at Sparky, who easily dodged. Drake had expected this and nudged his blade up, tapping Sparky in his stomache. Sparky fell over and shocked Drake's arm. A wave of pain jolted through his arm, and he countered. After ten minutes of sparring he signaled to Sparky to stop, and together they rested. His arm felt numb, but it seemed none of them recieved any major damage.

"Great job, that last shock almost got me"

"Pichu Pichu" Sparky replied in delight.

Together they walked back to camp and sat there for the rest of the time.
"Yes." Ashi said simply, making her way through the crowd of people. She had saw briefly what she had feared, and made a 'walk' for it. A man that had been on her for the past day, and had tried to follow her everywhere. Lucky for Ashi, she knew her way into hiding spots and shadows.

"Lately, there haven't been many, you can tell by the way they search for things. They don't walk around town. They're looking for something. So when I saw your group come in, I thought there was some coming in. There's just one. And he's following us. Don't turn around."

Ashi made a giggling noise, and linked arms with Isabel, and skipped her way past shops and eventually into her best hiding spot. She quickly looked around and started to climb up the building, waving Isabel up. Ashi reached the top and fell back into the snow as Isabel climbed up onto the roof.

"This Bounty Hunter's a newbie. He doesn't have much ideas on how to track. But he is armed. So we should be safe up here. He's the only one that has bothered to follow me, " Ashi sat up and faced Isabel. "Is there any way to contact the rest of your group? They'll need to hide as well. Outside the city is not a good idea."
(OOC: Ok i know its a lot of posts for one day, but im bored :P)

With there still being no sign of the others; Drake set out to look for berries. Not for him, but for Sparky. Soon afterwards he found bushes full, he then began filling his pocket and backpack with them. Running back he saw Sparky practicing thundershock. He was happy Sparky was taking all this serious.

"Spark think fast!" Aiming at Sparky, Drake threw one of the hand sized fruits. Sparky spun around and spotting the ammo; opened his mouth.

"Plop!" "Pich, Pichu" Sparky ate the fruit, and then fired a shock at Drake. Drake was surprised at the power it had obtained, and quickly drew his sword. He was too slow, the shock hit his sword, but strangely enough nothing happened.

"Sparky do that again!"

"Zap" Another shock came rushing at him, and again he put his sword in front of it. It absorbed the electricity while it was nothing.

<Take that Isabel! Drake was about to burst with pride, finally the two of them might put up a great fight against her umbreon>

After they were done inventing some useful combos, the two of them walked towards the city. The impatient Sparky wanted to play, and Drake supposed it was alright as no one was there, and so they began scouting the area.

"Dong!... Dong!... Dong!... Dong!... Dong!... Dong!..." The church bell rang six times. Six? But sundown had passed! Drake was frustrated, in the snowy part of the region it must get dark earlier, he could have explored more of the city. In the end he decided to pick up Sparky, and go to camp yet again.

(OOC: Sry if this offended Isabel, but for Drake she is a leader, and a powerful rival, and he aims to be as good as her. (Due to the earlier confrontation))
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