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vegan vegetarian

I'm wierd when it comes to food - I dislike a lot of fruit and vegetables but eat lots of meats o.O

But surely eating other animals is perfectly natural?

Eating meat just seems... gross.

Lots of things in life are gross, but they ensure our survival and welfare.

What if you cut a steak and you find a vein in there? X_X

Umm... meats are cut from the body in such a way to ensure things like that don't happen. That's just like saying what if you're eating a vegetable and find a root? Or a caterpillar crawling all over it - after all, it's been in the ground.
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I've been vegetarian for 3 years now... but I can't say I support PETA because of all the animals they euthanize.
I'm all for animal rights though. I wouldn't even step on a snail on the sidewalk, or squish a spider in my house.
I've been vegetarian for 3 years now... but I can't say I support PETA because of all the animals they euthanize.
I'm all for animal rights though. I wouldn't even step on a snail on the sidewalk, or squish a spider in my house.
Erika really suits you then.

I don't see why i shouldn't eat meat and i'm glad to see no one is pressuring people to become vegan (Like what usually happens in these threads.)
I don't see why i shouldn't eat meat and i'm glad to see no one is pressuring people to become vegan (Like what usually happens in these threads.)
I'd be happy to show you some of the reasons you shouldn't eat meat, or should at least cut down, but since that would be "pressuring" I won't, but I will say I'm open to talk with anyone who wants to know some of what goes on inside a veggie's brain. 'Cuz there be lots of different reasons.
I'd be happy to show you some of the reasons you shouldn't eat meat, or should at least cut down, but since that would be "pressuring" I won't, but I will say I'm open to talk with anyone who wants to know some of what goes on inside a veggie's brain. 'Cuz there be lots of different reasons.
Don't you wreck my blissful ignorance you tyrant.

And i mean really you call me out on that, but not him on this.
Really... No offense but I think Vegans have something wrong going in their mind. They are either insane or hypocrites at heart. If you were stuck in an island with only poisonous plants and cute bunnies that eat the plants which one would you eat?...

I, like every normal human, would eat the bunny. I'm wouldn't starve to death just because I think meat isn't meant to be eaten. Sorry kids, if you don't eat meat you are gonna seriously screw up your figure and you life. The only reason vegetarians exist is because of modern medicine. Even then you are nowhere as healthy as a meat-eater.

As for the best conclusion in the world: I sent PETA a Happy Meal through the mail.
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Don't you wreck my blissful ignorance you tyrant.

And i mean really you call me out on that, but not him on this.
I want to believe you're jokingly-angry. I really do.

You brought up the whole pressuring thing so I figured I could say "Hey, this is sort of a thread about vegans and vegetarians, so does anyone want to actually hear from a vegetarian?"

I thought the point of this part of the forums was to, ya know, chat about things.
I want to believe you're jokingly-angry. I really do.

You brought up the whole pressuring thing so I figured I could say "Hey, this is sort of a thread about vegans and vegetarians, so does anyone want to actually hear from a vegetarian?"

I thought the point of this part of the forums was to, ya know, chat about things.
[PokeCommunity.com] vegan vegetarian
Funny how this thread shows up now. For me, anyway.

I wouldn't call myself a vegetarian just yet. I have been practicing the life of a vegetarian for a few days now, though, through a lacto-vegetarian diet. I want to see if I will be able to last a month or so before I consider myself to be a vegetarian. It'd be hypocritical of me to reply with "Oh yeah, I'm a vegetarian" and then, unknowingly to myself now, three days later break and eat meat. Though I doubt I will that early, if at all. I'm pretty dedicated to this, despite what people I know are telling me. But the majority of my friends are vegetarians and I'm sure I'll be able to cope with it through their help and guidance.

...I've never had as much trouble understanding the words people are typing (and butchering completely) until this thread. Spell check anyone? :/
While I don't have anything against vegetarians(and vegans), the only downside I see to this group of individuals is the mass consumption of every green plant(that's edible) which would damage the Earth itself and it's inhabitants. So who is the real murderer? meat eaters or the green eaters?

Though lately at dinner the meat is kind hard to eat because butchers usually soak the meat with water to rip people off for their money and it's really horrible to eat since it's all watery. Though sometimes the meat is too dry and is bleh to eat. D:
It's impossible to have the right amount of protein being vegetarian, unless you spend money on supplements.
Very common misconception. It's a matter of eating the right foods correctly and adjusting your diet, in most cases you don't have to buy any extra supplements.

I've been a full-fledged vegetarian for almost six years now, but I stopped eating red meat about eight/nine years ago. I didn't do it for ethical reasons, not that it isn't a concern of mine, it was more for health reasons and some others that I won't really divulge in. I'm not a fan or supporter of PETA, either.

Honestly, I do miss some dishes, like the tuna casserole my dad used to make, and turkey burgers. I absolutely hate when people try to taunt me with a cheeseburger and expect me to tear it out of their hand once they hear I'm a vegetarian.

Really... No offense but I think Vegans have something wrong going in their mind. They are either insane or hypocrites at heart. If you were stuck in an island with only poisonous plants and cute bunnies that eat the plants which one would you eat?...
If it was a life or death situation, I'd obviously pick the bunny. I'd feel stupidly guilty afterwards, but it's better than being dead.
I have a friend who's been a vegan for 15 years that would say the same thing. He, too, doesn't do it for ethical reasons, it's just how he was raised.
I have a question:

Why are some vegetarians (not vegans) allowed to eat fish? Is it a rule or more of a personal, ethical choice?
I've been vegan for the last five or so years and it's been going great.

I just can't justify contributing to the harm of other beings when I'm just in a situation where I don't need to harm them. Considering the only thing that I've even had to go out of my way to get is vitamin B12 and that problem is solved very easily, there's really no argument for anyone who lives with modern day conveniences besides themselves liking the taste of animal products, and that just doesn't do it for me.

Really... No offense but I think Vegans have something wrong going in their mind. They are either insane or hypocrites at heart. If you were stuck in an island with only poisonous plants and cute bunnies that eat the plants which one would you eat?...

I, like every normal human, would eat the bunny. I'm wouldn't starve to death just because I think meat isn't meant to be eaten.

The entire point is that we're not on the island. If you're clinging to life and don't get much choice in available meals, you've got justification. When you call us hypocrites because of what the vast majority of us would undoubtedly do in the extreme situation you described, you completely fail to take into account any sort of context. The fact that we're not trapped on the island with a very limited selection of food changes what is ethically justifiable.

When you live in modern society and can choose between pretty much anything, and still choose to harm another sentient being because you like the taste then I'd argue that's not so justified. Especially when the very fact that raising animals for food and food production is a much less efficient use of land especially when you consider that the animals eat more food than they produce.

Sorry kids, if you don't eat meat you are gonna seriously screw up your figure and you life.

No, you're not. You have to pay attention to what you eat, but if make sure you get your B12 and Omega 3, and eat a multitude of different fruits, vegetables, and grains your diet is going to be more healthy than one that consumes animal products. The fact of the matter is that the only vegans who have health issues are the ones who are only eating a couple different things which is going to be a problem for anyone.

The only reason vegetarians exist is because of modern medicine.

Not so much medicine as much as other modern advancements. The meat eaters generally benefit more from medicine with their enhanced cancer risk and whatnot. Veganism certainly wasn't practically possible centuries ago and isn't for most individuals in third-world countries and some of the less fortunate ones in modern countries, but that argument doesn't change anything for the vast majority of people who are able to regularly access the internet such as ourselves.

Even then you are nowhere as healthy as a meat-eater.

Incorrect. Maybe if they ignored the wonderful family of beans and lentils that would be the case, but as long as a vegan pays attention to their diet they're generally going to be quite healthy. I'd argue vegetarians don't even really have to pay *that* much attention because B12 is easier to get when you include dairy products and such.
Well as for me I am semi-vegetarian. I will eat some meat on occasion, but not all the time. I stay away from red meat. I eat mostly chicken, fish, and turkey. I been eating veggie burgers as well. I am doing this because I need to lose weight(also maintain it) and red meat has a lot of fat and cholesterol. While the others don't have that much. I know eating red meat can be good for you if you look for leaner cuts, but I am used to eating chicken and turkey anyway. So I really don't need red meat as part of my diet. And I love veggies. I eat them with all my meals I make.
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I have a friend who's vegan. I made her cookies for her birthday, made the effort to find a replacement for eggs, etc., and then found out I had used some obscure dairy product somewhere in the recipe a few days later. Oh well. She'll never know :P

I'm not a vegetarian. I like meat, and I'm not going to have someone guilt me into not eating steak. I'm all for not being a jerk to animals, but frankly, they're just animals, and so are we. Animals eat other animals, and humans have evolved to eat meat. Sure, we probably eat a lot more meat than is ideal to be healthy, and I do think it's a good idea to cut back for that reason.

My mom is a vegetarian, but only because of the supposed health benefits. Look, humans have eaten meat all throughout their existence because we have evolved on diets with meat, and it is natural to eat meat. Forcing yourself to not eat meat is unnatural. That's all there is to it. There's nothing bad about that at all, and like I said I'm good friends with vegans and vegetarians so I don't mind it at all. It takes discipline, and I do admire that aspect of it.
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