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Bibliophibian's Pokemon Exchange

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Sorry about that. I had to clean up. I can get on wifi if your done with your other trades. [:
Mk. Can you give it a razor claw? I need one to get a lvl. 2 shiny weavile :P
I don't have one, otherwise I'd give it to you. ^^; I don't have an AR or anything to get items with.
Sorry about that. I had to clean up. I can get on wifi if your done with your other trades. [:
No worries. I can trade with you right after I finish the trade with Deoxys. :3
Nearly ready. Trading one other person now, my FC is 2407-7383-3045
I'll have to leave, add your FC, and I'll be back on.
Just have to make sure I have the right Suicune. I have two of them, but I can't tell them apart, so I'm gonna have to check first lol.

Thanks for the trade. That should be the correct Cune..unless I have two with HP Electric..lol.
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Hey Told you I'd be here (you know me aka Duffy).

Good luck with the shop. It's looking good.

Are you changing your NFT policy? :-0

Any way you know how to find my stuff (both lists).

Love your Lickitung, what would you like for it?
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Hey Told you I'd be here (you know me aka Duffy).

Good luck with the shop. It's looking good.

Are you changing your NFT policy? :-0

Any way you know how to find my stuff (both lists).

Love your Lickitung, what would you like for it?

Yay~ *huggles*
The NFT status was mostly just for the freebie requests we did on the other thread, but for something like the Glameow I did for you, you can feel free to go ahead and trade it. I'm honestly not super picky about it as long as it has credit and I can have the fun of seeing where it ends up. If anyone asks, just tell them I said you could trade it because you're super. <3

I like the look of that shiny Koffing, OT: smogon~ ^^

@nike: Thank you for the trade. :3
Please CMT and see if you like anything from my thread!

If you do, tell me the list of Pokemon you want from my list and then I'll pick out list of Pokemon I want from your list! ^^
I'm interested in the shiny Seviper and the shiny Glameow. I can offer these Pokemon:

I have several flawless shinies:

Aerodactyl: Adamant, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, lv 100, Graf
Dratini: Jolly, UT (Note: With Dragon Dance and ExtremeSpeed), Mat
Gible: Jolly, UT (Note: With Outrage), Mat
Elekid: Adamant, UT (Note: With Cross Chop, Ice Punch and Fire Punch), Mat
Skarmory: Impish, UT (Note: With Brave Bird and Roost), PENIS
Cacnea: Adamant, UT, Mat
Aron: Adamant, UT (Note: With Earthquake and Head Smash), Enosh
Beldum: Adamant, UT, Luis
Staryu: Timid, UT, Enosh
Lileep: Careful, UT, Mary
Caterpie: Jolly, UT, Mat
Magby: Naive, UT, Smogon (Note: With Cross Chop and Thunderpunch)
Heracross: Jolly, UT, Mat
Hitmontop: Adamant, UT (Note: With Mach Punch, Fake Out and Bullet Punch), Mat
Tyrogue: Adamant, UT (Note: With Mach Punch, Fake Out and Bullet Punch), Mat
Nincada: Adamant, UT, Mat
Spiritomb: Adamant, UT, Mat
Sudowoodo: Jolly, UT, Mat
Persian: Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Att, 252 Speed (Note: With Hypnosis and U-Turn), Shreyas
Giraferig: Timid, 4 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed (Note: With Calm Mind), Shreyas
Dunsparce: Adamant, 252 HP, 212 Atk, 44 Speed, Shreyas
Tyranitar: Jolly, 4 HP, 252 Atk, 254 Spe (Note: With Dragon Dance), Hiiro
Gyarados: Adamant, 252 Atk, 4 Def, 254 Spe, Gabe
Venonat: Timid, UT (Note: With Toxic Spikes), Mary
Bulbasaur: Timid, UT (Note: With Leaf Storm), Shadow
Duskull: Impish, UT (Note: With Pain Split), Mat
Toxicroak: Adamant, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, lv 100 (Note: With Bullet Punch), TYME
Gliscor: Jolly, 252 HP, 252 Speed, lv 100, Luis
Lapras: Adamant, UT (Note: With Dragon Dance), Shreyas
Snorunt: Timid, UT (Note: Female and with Spikes), Shreyas
Zangoose: Jolly, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, lv 100, blaQk
Baltoy: Bold, UT, Mat

I also have several near flawless shinies:

Vaporeon: Bold, 31/31/31/30/31/31, 188 HP, 252 Def, 70 Speed, lv 100(Note: HP Electric), Kate
Relicanth: Adamant, 31/31/31/6/31/31, 240 HP, 252 Atk, 18 Def, lv 100, Damian
Shuckle: Impish, 31/25/31/25/31/27, 6 HP, 252 Def, 252 Sp. Def, lv 100, ToAzT
Flygon: Jolly, 31/31/31/15/31/31, 6 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, lv 100, MattJ
Gallade: Adamant, 31/31/31/8/31/31, 56 HP, 252 Atk, 202 Speed, lv 100, Nowair
Aipom: Jolly, 31/31/31/x/31/31, UT (Note: With Fake Out and Pursuit), Flan
Growlithe: Adamant, 30/31/31/x/31/31, UT (Note: With HP Grass, Flare Blitz and Morning Sun), Flan
Exeggcute: Modest, 31/26/31/30/31/30, UT (Note: With HP Fire), TRELLIS
Kangaskhan: Adamant, 31/31/31/24/31/31, UT, ARREN
Meditite: Jolly, 31/31/31/8/31/31, UT (Note: With Psycho Cut and Psychic), Hayley
Anorith: Adamant, 30/31/31/23/31/24, UT, Jason
Starly: Adamant, 31/31/31/9/31/31, UT, JOHNNY
Skorupi: Jolly, 31/31/31/27/31/31, UT (Note: With Night Slash and X-Scissor), John
Finneon: Modest, 31/18/31/30/31/31, UT, Hayley
Buneary: Jolly, 31/31/31/16/31/31, UT (Note: With Switcheroo, Encore, Ice Punch and Fire Punch), JOHNNY
Mr. Mime: Timid, 31/29/11/26/31/31, 252 HP, 4 Sp. Def, 252 Speed (Note: With Calm Mind, Baton Pass, Encore and Charge Beam), Melinda
Ninjask: Jolly, 31/31/21/4/15/31, 176 HP, 252 Atk, 80 Speed (Note: With Baton Pass, Subsitute, X-Scissor and Sword Dance), AURORA
Swinub: Jolly, 31/31/31/14/31/31, UT (Note: With AncientPower), Flan
Heatran: Naive, 30/31/31/30/31/31, UT, Kurt
Cresselia: Bold, 30/22/25/26/25/27, UT, Masters
Azelf: Jolly, 31/29/31/7/31/31, UT, Fenix54
Manetric: Timid, 31/30/31/30/31/31, 4 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed (Note: With HP Grass), Shreyas
...And responding back to you! ^^
I really want: Chansey ♀, Chimchar ♂, Ho-Oh! <3
@FallenStar: I sent you a VM. ^^

@wonjoon: That sounds good to me. :3 I've got them ready to go, so just let me know when you've got some time to trade. <3

Should be a small update coming tonight or tomorrow, depending on how lazy I am. :P
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