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    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Pokémon Trivia.
      Pokémon Trivia Final Round - Gen 9 It's time for the final round, so we're ending it on the final Gen - Gen 9! Thank you everyone for...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum reacted to luke's post in the thread Create-a-Pokémon with Like Like.
      Art by BastionPhoenix on Discord Stampeedle Bug/Ground Reckless/Battle Armor/Moxie 80/115/100/50/40/90 Evolves from Rhinarva when...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Event PC QueUp Music Sessions!.
      QueUp will be going live at 20:00 UTC+1!!! We're in the back end of the GT, so we'll be doing the same as last time and following the...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread ☆ POKÉMON BINGO ☆.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Pokemon Pictionary.
      MORE CUTIES FROM TODAY Vendily/Shrew/Cherrim/Inky/Cube/Shrew/Celeste/Inky/Juno/Kieran/Vendily in that order...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread DJ Battles.
      GRAND FINALS The finalists have picked their setlists and the order in which they are being played. Voting will be open until Sunday, 28...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread ☆ POKÉMON BINGO ☆.
      So close ahhhhhhhh
    • Arcaneum
      You have a whole section here to browse, so go do that.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Create-a-Pokémon.
      Forumers - I am so sorry I thought I had updated here also - because of entries and stuff being a bit sparse near the beginning, I did...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum reacted to Juno's post in the thread Small Writing Competition with Like Like.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Small Writing Competition.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread Small Writing Competition.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread ☆ POKÉMON BINGO ☆.
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread VG Trivia.
      Music Round 6 - Next stop: Hero's Association! So last round seemed a bit inconclusive as to who you wanted as your protagonist of...
    • Arcaneum
      Arcaneum replied to the thread DJ Battles.
      Semifinals Results The results of the semifinals are in! Unfortunately that does mean we have to let go of our last 2 DJs of the event...
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