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      The last tile of grass thing, especially happens a ton in Platinum. Mons escaping after the third shake. The move Retaliate. When you...
      Honestly, no. Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means excited about or comfortable with dying, and the last thing I want is for someone I...
      KOZSTAR replied to the thread "Ew not this place again.".
      Parfum Palace + Route 7 Snorlax side quest in XY. It's just such a to-do and it's not even conducive to the gameplay, like all of the...
      KOZSTAR replied to the thread Overpowered Pokémon abilities.
      Okay, can we talk about Water Bubble for a second? If I'm correct the only one who has it is Araquanid, which like okay at least it's...
      KOZSTAR replied to the thread Unappealing Pokémon.
      Graveler, Kadabra, Swoobat/Woobat, and Slaking all disgust me design-wise. If we're talking unappealing in the just-as-a-pokemon sense...
      Saturn from DPPT. One of the Galactic Commanders, but a lot less shallow than Mars or Jupiter, and more deep, determined, and...
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