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Steve Z
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    • Steve Z
      Steve Z replied to the thread Guess who's back?!.
      It was so long ago I can't really remember(lots of time has passed and an amount of adult bevvies consumed since then). It was mostly...
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z replied to the thread Guess who's back?!.
      Well, I used to be a member of the Shiny Hunters Club. It took me over 10,000 resets for a shiny Dialga in Pokemon Diamond all those...
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z reacted to Fact Checking Gardevoir's post in the thread Guess who's back?! with Like Like.
      Hello Steve Z, and welcome back to the forums! What are your favourite Pokémon ? I, for one, am always up for new friends!
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z reacted to Lavender's post in the thread Guess who's back?! with Like Like.
      Welcome back! It's always cool to see people on the site for so long!
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z replied to the thread Guess who's back?!.
      I'm on and off! I was here right after the first migration from what I believe was SMF to vBulletin if I'm not mistaken... Now we on...
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z replied to the thread Guess who's back?!.
      You can just call me Steve. I love me some Ghost-type Pokemon! I hope as a Psychic-type that doesn't deter you from friendship. Haunter...
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z replied to the thread Place in the canon timeline?.
      Judging by the overall theme of the trailer, I'd place it later in the timeline compared to Arceus, maybe 100ish years give or take...
    • Steve Z
      Steve Z posted the thread Guess who's back?! in Meet & Greet.
      It's been a while, as per usual! I tend to take some long hiatus' but I don't mean to! I'm excited to be back and interact with some...
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