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  • <3 socialized health care. (Yup, got to spend my day in the ER yesterday since my stupid specialists have been ignoring me all month as I asked for more painkillers and I finally ran out and had to go to the hospital my pain clinic is based in to ask for more. ;~;) The only problem with purses is once your male friends remember you have one, it's "can you carry this?" "Can I put this in your purse??" forever. ;_; Omg N64 games ARE really hard. :( I never had anything earlier than that but I still have trouble with some of my N64 games and even Gameboy games. Video games are so much easier nowadays lmao.

    My purse this weekend has mostly been video games. XD; 3DS, an extra game (in the original case because I'm too lazy to find something smaller), the charger, my phone, its charger, plus all the normal stuff. Also apparently my lip balm is multiplying because I've got two or three things of it in addition to the gloss. Yeah, most of my female friends only carry makeup in their purses. :x Only makeup I even wear is nail polish because that's more painting than makeup for me. XD French bread pizza is so easy though! Just buy a loaf, cut it in half horizontally, cover it in tomato sauce, add cheese, and put in the oven. *u* So easy! Aww, I love seafood though. My favourite kind of food is Japanese food which is mainly seafood. Italian food is A+ too though. <3

    I'm super enjoying all the Republicans on Twitter saying they're gonna move to Canada. I mean... do they... do they even realize we have EVERYTHING they're complaining about? XD; Gay marriage, abortion, liberal laws, and an even more socialized version of Obamacare. I... just... okay you guys. Okay.

    It's hot here sometimes! One of my friends on the other side of the country is complaining about -20 (-4 F) and today it's like 18 (64 F) here. No complaints here.

    Yeah, plus specialists for my insomnia. THANK GOD FOR OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM or my family would be so bankrupt fml. (also guess what else showed up this week to help comfort me during my time of dying... YAY. /sob) YES PURSES FOR HANDHELDS. I laugh at guys who have to just keep 'em in their pockets especially since the systems are getting bigger and bigger now. >:D I usually keep my PSP and my 3DS (or DSi, depending what I'm playing) around but I lent my PSP to a friend like three months ago and keep forgetting to ask for it back. T_T; Which really sucks because it's officially been like a year since I played BBS and I think I'm going into a total withdrawal?? D: (To be fair I think I might have a stick of lip... gloss? stick? hell if I know... in my purse. Somewhere. I don't remember where or when I got it or why it's in there but it came in handy during Dungeons & Dragons the other night because it was the perfect size for an obstacle for our characters on the board. 8D I think that takes points away from my girliness though so. It's a Ministry of Magic bag and it's so pretty. <3 It just lacks pockets so all my stuff mixes together and is impossible to find lmao) It's super easy to make! I always forget about it as a meal choice and remember a few months later and it's glorious. *u* I'm used to being sick like 24/7 so illnesses don't usually phase me too much. :( They just aren't usually anything serious either. SEAFOOD FEASTS ARE BETTER THAN PIZZA HUT. Although Pizza Hut is still awesome since I so rarely get to have it. AND PROBABLY WON'T AGAIN FOR AGES /baaaw (This paragraph is so rambly omg.)

    you could put up both across from each other and she could glare at him for not being part of her Commonwealth. 8D Except I'd feel bad for Obama because our portrait is like terrifying... Her Majesty has like this creepy smile and glint in her eyes. I need to take a picture of it sometime or find the image online again lol. We have American Smarties too but they're called Rockets here. I would totally send you Smarties so you could try them but I don't know if there are laws about sending food internationally...? @_@

    I think even our conservative party is farther left on the political scale than the US's Democrats. XD; Canada is just super liberal. Although we do have some crazies here and there... my district's representative is reeeally conservative and kept pushing to have the abortion debate reopened this year. PM also shut that down pretty quick too. HE'S NOT SO BAD SOMETIMES but i still hate him for being a robot. I... I can't even imagine voting for someone just because of religion? It's just... I can't. The concept. It doesn't compute at ALL for me. :| I don't understand.

    Omg I can't deal with hot weather at all. I'll take -30 C over + 30 C any day. (I don't know fahrenheit conversions lol) So it figures that probably the only states I'd feel at home in are the more Northern, empty ones. :P

    Yup! <3 I felt really bad when I disappeared for so long and then I was worried you'd disappeared to but now we are both back yaaaay ;~;
    Ehehe. <3 I wanted it to be somewhat reminiscent of clouds and dreams, so it worked perfectly. c:

    Freaking right! I'm DONE with hearing about them. But omfg NOOOOOOO they gotta KEEP talking about "omg we going to be doctors but not no more omg no money in medical field thanks obama u suk" and I'm like "Romney would have ROBBED you broke college kids BLIND."

    Yay! 8D Wat games? o3o
    And it be going okies. I haven't called them this week like I was gonna since I got teh flu. ;;
    IT MADE MY EYES HURT BEFORE. but now is all soft and sweet and a lil' dreamy. <3

    Yay! FREAKIN' RIGHT YO. Jeez, now I can learn about real politics rather than just the candidates' pasts and junk.

    And I be good! How you is? c:
    u_u It sucks, but I get why. I'm totally used to waiting at doctor's here. I see tons of specialists which always have crazy wait times. I'm usually okay with it since in the last year or two I finally accepted my girliness and started carrying around a purse which means I can bring like every handheld with me at once. (I don't think that's what purses are meant to be for but what else am I going to put in there, makeup? Pfft. Plus my purse right now is a HARRY POTTER one so hell yeah.) I am much better today! We made french bread pizza and I was able to eat two big pieces of it so I think I'll probably be all better tomorrow. :D So glad this isn't one of those month-long things haha. Going home to my parents' for the weekend too and they always make awesome food when I visit so I SHALL FEAST THIS WEEKEND. it shall be even better than pizza hut.

    Lmao, Japan has the excuse of being completely different but my god it's weird sometimes. Definitely serious about the Queen, though. I discovered earlier this year that apparently all Canadians citizens are allowed to request a free portrait of the Queen to be delivered to their (Canadian) address. WTF at this use of our tax dollars but hell if I wasn't getting my money's worth. XD; I USUALLY HAVE SMARTIES COOKIES which are pretty much the same since Canadian Smarties aren't the same as American Smarties... they're like M&Ms but better. n_n But BOTH ARE GOOD.

    We didn't even have to vote for it or anything. It just happened... and someone wanted to bring it up again last year or the year before but our (conservative!) PM was just like "lol no" and I think it's pretty much impossible to change at this point now anyway. <3 Canada. I think there are still others sort of debating these things? US is the only one that makes a big deal out of it and pulls hardcore religion into it though, I think. :s Haha my favourite part of that is that Romney is Morman which is so different I don't even consider it a real branch of Christianity... but ugh all the people voting with their religion regardless... POLITICS AND RELIGION SHOULD BE KEPT SEPARATE. It's very satisfying that the fundamentalist Christian vote wasn't enough. <_<

    Canada has ~35 million people. I think something like 80-90% of the population lives within a few hours of the US. Everything else is just too cold! XD; We also don't have very many big cities. Usually just one or two per province. Since we're the second biggest country by land, it makes us so sparsely populated it's kind of sad lmao.

    Okay. Yup. Definitely missed this.
    No one was home until it was too late to cancel because it needed to be done 24h in advance haha. :( Ick waiting! I didn't end up going to the doctor since I've been getting better. I think today I might be able to eat something that isn't just soup and crackers. *u*

    Yeah that's... weird. XD; We consider it kind of dorky in my household but that's probably because we have a portrait of the Queen up in our kitchen and we include her in our daily "WHAT SHOULD WE EAT FOR DINNER" conversations. So it's hard to think about England seriously for my household. YES. All of those sound excellent. Especially now that I can eat some things again. <3

    CANADA HAS HAD GAY MARRIAGE FOR ALMOST A DECADE and I'm pretty sure the world hasn't ended yet. The only creature I know of that actually has that mechanism is a duck. How one mistakes a duck for a female human, I will never understand. They don't really debate women's rights here... abortion is legal and all that so we got our main debates out of the way long ago but we still have the whole women-get-paid-way-less thing and whatnot. :( I don't think the race would have been close in any other country lmao. Or rather, I don't think Romney would have been elected head of ANYTHING in any other country. >:/

    That was pretty much him. xD; Haha, what made the storm a super storm was the cold air from up here, I think. Though to be fair it was still kind of a super storm as it made its way up here... it just happened to go right between two cities and didn't hit anything important as it dissipated because Canada is so empty lol.

    <3 <3 <3

    You can um...multitask...? Forever? For me. Forever. c:


    ...um maybe...
    Add a few tigers and several dozen alcoholic beverage bottles, a couple strippers, and more people, and you betcha
    OF COURSE. especially when she literally couldn't phone or go cancel in person because she could not talk. >:/ I didn't want to go to the appointment anyway so it wasn't a total loss at the time though.

    Well, they'd think they were just English phonebooths which normally aren't nerdy at all. xD; Definitely heading off now though because the fever is coming back. ;___; they could be all kinds of cookies. ALL THE BEST ONES. And none for them. of course i'd share so we could eat them together while they rethought all their life's choices especially tonight's

    THREE STATES seem to be legalizing gay marriage tonight, too, if the percentage stays where it is for the rest of the tally. :3 That's so exciting! ALL OF THE RAPE GUYS LOST TOO. That was probably the part of the campaign that baffled me the most because WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HOW A WOMAN'S BODY WORKS BUT WANTED TO RESTRICT IT ANYWAY???? w t f I'm still a little scared that the race was allowed to be this close but at least the right choice was made. *nod*

    It was funny when we got little flurries. Like, didn't even stay on the ground or anything but because he never sees snow he was SO EXCITED. And my other roommate and I were just like "we wouldn't even call that snow..." haha. We didn't get much of anything with that storm though! Glad all you got was snow. It sounded pretty scary closer to its path... Said SC roommate who is very used to panicking about hurricanes was having a fit the week before it hit and wouldn't believe us when we said the most that would happen is it would rain and be really windy. Sure enough, it was really windy and it didn't even rain here except for a little bit in the morning of Halloween. XD;

    DEFINITELY NOT. I don't think that's possible.
    Haha, I think they'd have to just cut their $20 (or is it $40? fff) loss. Plus I'd like traumatize everyone working there. I should be sure to leave a note in my pocket saying "THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF THE FINE" just in case. >:D

    It has a TARDIS. :3 Well, four of them right next to each other going around the bottle. It's not the most interesting design but it looks pretty classy. No DW logo... it's just one of those things where if someone else knows it, they'll recognize it instantly but if they don't know what it is, I just have a phone booth on my water bottle and I probably look like a hipster or something. Also I only get dizzy if I stand/sit up really quickly or stay up for too long. I've been sitting up for about half an hour now and I'm sort of getting a bit queasy so I'll probably just go to bed soon. I need to bake cookies or something and not let them have any. >:C Not sure how comparable that is though *sob*

    Well, they're both conservative economically so they'd probably get along. u_u; Mostly all I care about is social liberalism (and socialized health care WHY ARE YOU GUYS STILL THE ONLY FIRST WORLD COUNTRY WITHOUT IT SDKFJS) and that's not changing any time soon here whether Romney got in or not. BUT OBAMA WON SO IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER I'm so proud of your country. <3 Our winters have been really mild the last few years anyway. Hardly any snow. I'm kind of hoping for an AWFUL one this year though because my roommate from South Carolina still thinks Canadians make a big deal out of winter and he hasn't even experienced a real one yet.
    I love and missed us. We're already growing this conversation back to acceptable lengths.
    Like, it was a pretty pink, but the contrast with the white and the placement of the pink was just baaaad.

    LOL HERE YOU GO -gently rolls it to you because too laid back to throw-
    I'm gonna go see a doctor tomorrow if it hasn't gotten a lot better. u_u though that's a bit of an adventure since I missed my last appointment at that clinic because I lost my voice and couldn't cancel it so I think I owe them money that has to clear before they see me, even if I walk in and like die on their floor lol.

    I HAVE MY DOCTOR WHO WATER BOTTLE NOW so I haven't been forgetting. I can actually sit up for decent amounts of time now. <3 I CAN BEAT THIS THING. They ate all of it too and drank all the Coke so if I feel better tomorrow or in a day or two I can't even have leftovers BRB DEMANDING MY PARENTS EVICT THEM

    Apparently he'll be kind of buddy buddy with our Prime Minister because our PM is a jerkface but all that really means is Canada and the US will get a shared oil pipeline or something. Even our conservative PM is more liberal than Obama, I think. SO COME HERE IT IS SAFE EVEN IF IT IS COLD.

    *refresh page* Apparently on the site all the American friends I have are using, it's 244/203 for Obama. FINGERS CROSSED.
    ;_; thank you

    I DUNNO HOW THE PASSING OUT PART KEPT HAPPENING. I think I was dehydrated for most of the afternoon without realizing it 'cause when I remembered you're supposed to drink tons of liquid it got better. So I bet most of this is just me being an idiot but still. ;~; I expected it to just be one of the not-so-bad ones! IT IS the best pizza ever and they got breadsticks too and I couldn't have any and waaaah ;_;

    yes please come here. ;__; I'd be scared for you too! It's super cold in my basement now 'cause we're getting close to winter but anything is better than Romney America. >:[
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