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Interesting, I'll have to look into them when I have a moment. That's sad, I'm sorry you never got the chance to practice that game... Yeah, I'm... Not that kind of person obviously. :p
I love music, especially when I can't understand what's said, as it lets me more easily focus on the sound of the singer's vocals, the emotion (or lack thereof) in the singer's voice, the music in the background... Pure joy. ^^ So you like your favorite idols a lot, but you aren't 'shine in your closet' obsessed with them? (what kind of idol fan are you!?!? >joke) :p
I very much lean into slower songs, but I can technically enjoy songs at any speed if I can connect with them, Teo being an example of that lol.
Ah, I see! Yeah, that explains why I don't know of it. I've got a copy of P3-FES for the PS2 that I plan on playing when I get some time though! ^^
I'm always for more character development, even if I start out not really liking said character, because something might change with more content for the character. Also cool that it isn't just about them, in the event I find myself not liking them much. Which Pikmin games have you played? I've only played 1 and 3, but I've watched someone play 2, and I played a bit of 4 with a buddy of mine. (also did 3 with him as well, but eh) 1 is my absolute favorite though. Short, simple, has a proper day limit, I just love seeing how quickly I can do everything lol. It makes me happy. ^^ Indeed! I used to type out very long posts between another site user who isn't on anymore that would take me sometimes a half hour to type out. Not to say that small bite convos are bad either, but it's nice to be able to really get into a long chat with someone. ^^ I'd say it helps you stand out! It also helps a lot for newer people to find others to talk to that share interests beyond just Pokemon. (like, I'd love to get into a long chat with someone who loves the early 2000s era Transformers as much as I do, but no one would know I liked those shows if I didn't make it obvious, you know? :p)
It's all good, even if I dipped out of playing rhythm games in my teens I've gotten back into playing a few now. I practiced StepMania for a little bit when I remembered Dancing Onigiri one day. It's more comfortable for me since it uses 4 buttons instead of 5, and whenever I play osu mania (which is essentially just the same thing with a lot more songs since they're community-made) I'll play with 4 buttons and it's super comfortable for me.
I suppose I am! It's a little bit too exhausting to keep up with every single thing any celeb does, regardless of the country. I know someone who moved from Brazil to Japan because of the idol they follow and they have autographs and got shout-outs and met with her and everything and that's... too much for me. I don't want to turn it into some kind of competition to be the biggest fan, or I'm going to get really insecure really fast, and that's not what loving something is about.
I think character development is especially great for those characters you don't start out liking. Like if a villain is really hateable but has a great backstory that genuinely makes you understand them and care for them, and they become a hero in the end? That kind of thing is really neat. There were one or two LL characters people just assumed were boring one-note characters but once people saw why they were how they are, people started to love them and they genuinely became popular.
I've played all 4 of them, I've been a big fan since the original Pikmin 3 came out. I think 1 is a great game for that kind of optimization, but since I've never been quite interested (or good, frankly) at that aspect, my favourite is 4. I kinda liked how brutal 2 can be and I think 4 is just a newer better version of 2. I like the careful planning and resource management more than speed and optimization, and I love how there are games for both kinds of people.
Aww, I hope they're doing well even if they aren't here. I'm a big believer in putting yourself out there and really trying to express yourself so being that new person who would really talk about her interests definitely helped me break in here. People aren't really gonna know what you're into until you mention it, so I think that's really important!
Glad to hear you still play them on occasion. ^^ I'm not familiar with StepMania, but the though of needing to use 5 main buttons instead of 4 makes me 0_0... No thanks! lol
A rhythm game with community songs added sounds super fun! I think there was some way to add your own songs to one of the PDf's but I could never figure it out lol. :p
Super agree. Loving something like that just sounds exhausting to me, not fun or exciting... It's one thing if it's a person you really love and connect with, but for it to just be some person doing their job, I'd imagine that telling them that you moved country, just so you could follow them around and more easily buy their merch, would make them really uncomfortable. (even creeped out depending on how it's said and to whom it's said to... I certainly wouldn't like it in if I was in the idol girl's position)
Oh yeah! Like Magus in Chrono Trigger! I love stuff like that! One of the stories I worked on had a character ark just like that for the co-star character!
Cool! The idol world kinda sounds like wrestling dramas lol. :p Where the wrestlers all have something to help them stand out and be memorable. (I'd ask who those idol characters are, but there's no way I'll remember their names without a list, or a song or something lol) I honestly agree with your feeling about 4 being a newer version of 2. That kinda explains why I wasn't really into 4 that much. I've watched someone play 2 (did I say that already? *shrugs*) but found it to be not really my taste. (well, okay fine, I'll be blunt with this, I found 2 to be boring as all hell lol :p) So if 4 is a polished up 2, meh. I'm glad that they exist though, like you said, it's nice that there are games for people who have different tastes. ^^
So do I... She was really fun to chat back and forth with like this... Indeed! And doing that can also be a great way to make friends with new people!
It's funny cause most people would think "It's just one extra button, how hard can it be?", It was played with the arrow keys and the space bar, but for some reason any rhythm game on a keyboard with more than 4 keys throws me off heavily. I can play mobile games with up to 9 pretty well, but my brain short-circuits at the idea of "The button on your keyboard corresponds to a different button on screen". Community added songs is the only reason I'd still be interested in playing a game like osu mania after a short while. It's nice coming back to it after a year or something, adding a bunch of new songs that I've gotten into since I last played, and having a fresh experience like that.
It definitely depends on how you look at it, I think, but it is definitely something that could go too far. Moving your life to another place to be able to do something you want is something that happens with people's jobs fairly often and it's great that there are fans like that who are willing to support them that much, but it can definitely go too far too easily.
I suppose it is kinda like that! They all have different personalities or group dynamics that play off each other's personalities, and all have their interests or funny little character quirks. Something like Mia being a prestigious composer from New York or Setsuna having a secret identity as an idol. It makes them feel unique.
Yeah, with 4 expanding on things like bringing back the cave systems and how it limits you to only having 3 different types out at one time, it feels like it really embodies what made 2 unique. I think your enjoyment of Pikmin 4 would depend on if you like its new additions enough to consider playing it. I think you would find the Dandori missions to be the best parts of the game, because that's a lot more about efficiency and doing everything under a time limit. If you ever played the Mission mode of Pikmin 3, it's essentially just that. And if you haven't, I'm sure you'd love that.
At first I was shocked to hear you consider Pikmin 2 boring, but if your favourite part is optimizing things under the time limit, that makes perfect sense. It's a lot more about careful planning and keeping your squad alive rather than efficiency and speed.
Hey... I was going to type out a response to you, but I just got some really sad news... So I'm not really in a place at the moment for cheery chatting at the moment... I haven't forgotten about our chat here though, so I'll respond when things don't feel so... Like they do now. Sorry.
No worries, take as much time as you need, I'll still be around. Look after yourself.
Yeah, no. Playing rhythm games on keyboard sounds like hell to me lol, I'll stick to consoles. :p Also, do you mean like 'the A button = the the G key' or something? Like, the buttons aren't 1:1 what you have to press? Because that sounds awful if so... One of the best applications of community added content to games like that I've seen, was when someone added the entire Shrek movie to the game Beat Saber lol. XD Talk about one hell of a workout! :p Yeah, I still feel like going so far as to move to a new country for the sole reason being to support an idol is a bit too much, but I do see your point about people doing it for jobs, etc. I mean, if the person also really likes Japanese culture, of they get a good job, or they just really want to find a Japanese partner, on top of being a big idol girl fan, then cool.
Do their character traits ever overlap from series to series? I can't imagine that making over 30 (don't remember the exact number atm) characters completely unique while also writing out the whole story plots is very easy to do. (also Setsuna's a secret idol? how does that work?) I've played some of 4 with a buddy of mine, and while I didn't dislike it at all, I don't really feel any compulsion to get and play it myself honestly. I believe those missions are the ones with Pik-Olimar, right? Because I did play some of those, and they were pretty okay. ^^ And me and the same buddy 100% Pikmin 3 together a while ago actually! Those missions were quite fun! And I don't mind the restrictions of 2, but the treasure instead of the rocket parts just wasn't compelling to me at all, and I reeeaally wasn't a fan of the caves personally.
Sometimes it's like that, but not usually? It's sort of hard to explain but it requires a lot more hand-eye coordination to associate the button I press with the button on screen instead of just tapping the button directly on my phone. Especially if different inputs require combinations of buttons, it's hard for me to be able to do them accurately, or I might hit one button instead of another. It's like a totally different kind of muscle memory to me?
I'm astonished you'd be allowed to have something that long, much less be able to actually play it! One game I played had full versions of some songs that went around 4 to 5 minutes and that would usually exhaust me.
There are some characters that are similar to others and get compared (such as "this is the serious one in this group") but they'll most often try to do stuff that separates them or keeps them unique. Maybe someone's a different nationality or can speak a different language or has more of an eccentric personality. The whole thing with Setsuna is pretty cool, it's like a "superhero's secret identity" kind of deal. She's just a normal student around the school and "Setsuna" is like a different identity she has as an idol. Most people don't know they're actually the same person and there are rumours about who Setsuna actually is. Setsuna is just her stage name.
Sort of? There are two kinds of Dandori missions, one where you battle someone else and one where you have to collect everything in a room under a time limit. (It's totally not at all confusing Nintendo does a great job at naming things dw about it) but the latter kind is just like the missions from Pikmin 3. Honestly the treasures were some of the best part of Pikmin 2 for me because of just what kinds of silly items or names they included for them. I think it definitely depends on if you like the caves, and honestly I think most people don't, haha.
I might understand better if I tried a PC rhythm game? Though I think I understand well enough to not be lost at least. I sadly don't have the tech for over an hour of dancing to the wonder that is the complete Shrek movie, but watching someone else try and do it is hilarious.

I see. So they just shift the interests around or something like that. I do like the idea of having more eccentric characters here and there though. Even if I don't know the full extent of it. Okay, so this is probably a silly question, but how exactly does she hide her identity when she's up on stage as an idol? Is it like a Superman situation where she just wears fake glasses or something?And if Setsuna isn't the character's real name, what is it?
I believe I played both. The timed one that I got to try was indeed pretty good. I don't really remember the battle one very well, though I did for sure get to try one.
If my first experience with the Pikmin series was 2, I'd probably like it more. Unfortunately I started with 1 and that tainted how I see the games from then on lol. And yeah, I'm one of those people lol.
It probably would be a lot easier to understand if you played one firsthand, but I also think it might just be a "me" problem haha. It's tough to explain it just right.

More or less, and you always have the more down-to-earth characters to balance out some of the more energetic ones, plenty of different group dynamics there is to love.
It's a bunch of things. She never wears the school uniform as an idol, she's usually in costume. Her hairstyle is totally different, usually tied in braids as a student, wears glasses, and has an almost completely different personality. Her real name is Nana Nakagawa, but she took the name Setsuna Yuki from two characters in a manga because she's secretly a huge closet fan of stuff like anime and manga and school idols.
Y'know I never thought of it like that but what your first game was might be a big influence on that, true. Pikmin 2 was what got me interested and wanting to try the rest of the series so maybe I'm just more used to it?
That's certainly true. If I ever try a PC rhythm game, I'll let you know how it goes lol. :p
Which of the groups is your favorite? (and why?) If you've said before, I've sadly forgotten. (and there's a looot of chat to go through just to check lol)
I could see how that would be an adequate disguise. Oh, I love her real name! I have a character named Nana as well! (Yuki as well actually...) It's kinda cool that she gets to express herself and what she likes through her idol work, that's a neat touch of the story.
I would probably like both if I had started with and got used to 2 first. I've always liked games like 1 though. Majora's Mask, a really good 'Fire Emblem like' I played on the Switch, even setting month restrictions for myself in games like Stardew Valley. I just love stuff like that lol.
Please do! I'd be curious.~
My favourite group is Nijigasaki! I'm not sure I've said that outright before. Instead of performing as a group, they'll usually perform solo songs by themselves and I think it gives them a lot more individual personality. There's more attention placed on each character and there's such a good variety that it's really easy to find who appeals to you right away. Because I got into LL around the time Aqours was "ending" and Nijigasaki was developing more it feels the same as how people's favourite Pokemon gens are just the ones they grew up with. Both Setsuna and my favourite LL character Ayumu are in Niji and I feel like I can really relate to both of them.
A big part of Setsuna's story is having strict parents and not being able to really engage in what she enjoys as a regular student, so she becomes an idol so she can express herself and what she loves.
You mentioning you like Persona 3 makes more sense to me now haha. Those kind of time limits aren't something I usually think of as game mechanics but it's cool to see them included, especially if they're like a main focus like Majora's Mask or Persona.
I'll need to find one that interests me first lol. :p
I don't remember if you have or not, but now that I have a lot more context to the show, I can remember it easier! ^^ I love the solos as well, because all I need to do to 'make' a group song is just use a program that lets me play multiple solos at once! Instant group performance! That's a good way to make Nijigasaki stand out among the rest of the groups.
It's kinda funny you say that actually. My favorite Pokemon game is Shield, yet the earliest Pokemon game I played (properly lol) was Fire Red. But I do get what you mean! I'm actually really glad that the first one you really got to watch was one you like the most! It just makes it extra special I guess. I know a bit about Setsuna, but I believe this is the first I've heard of Ayumu, what about her do you find so relatable? What's she like as a character in fact? Huh, I wish I had a 'Setsuna' growing up, would have been nice to have a chance to get to enjoy the things I liked without being judged for it... I can see how a character with a story like her's is appealing.
Believe it or not, the time limit aspect of P3 is one of the lesser things I like about it. It's the story, characters, music, and messages about moving on and sacrifice that stand out the most to me. ^^
Sorry for the late response by the way, but I noticed your post in that 'shiny Pokemon you don't have but want' thread, and decided to hunt a shiny Bisharp for you, if you aren't like me and only like to hunt your own lol. :p So just let me know if you want it! ^^