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RPG Wish List

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The Paper Fastener
  • 340
    As I see many RPG's getting no attention, and others getting a lot, I thought: why not make a thread where people could think of RPG's to RP as. Note that this is not for posting polts- that is for other, mod-created threads. The overall purpose of this thread is to ask: what kind of RPG"s do we want to see? Because right now, there are a lot of empty RPGs- what do we want?

    Anyways, I'd like

    Fantasy RPG's
    One Piece( I could make one...)
    Any RPG not run by me... (laughs)
    School settings (Oh Lancaster, why are you on the brink of death... you were my favorite...)
    Post-Apocalyptic RPGs

    Things I don't want to see
    Pokemon Trainer RPG's (Like generic Journey. Just too much)
    Pokemorphs- We already have good ones.
    Naruto- Just wait until Cipher//Infinity's is done. Lets face it, his is the best, and the others are struggling.
    Kingdom Hearts- They have a lot of it at Serebii- don't want to see it here.
    Digimon- They seem too "exclusive" you have to know every season...

    Well, post away. What do we want?
    Well, let's not post things we don't want to see, because that has nothing to do with a wishlist. Wishlists are things we want. ^^

    In the meantime, I like the idea of posting concepts we do want. I'll discuss stickying this with Animadversion.

    Me and Aira were arranging a One Piece roleplay earlier, but it never really quite got anywhere, so if you do decide to make a One Piece roleplay, you might have two roleplayers guarunteed to be interested. That depends though, on the plot and what I remember. xD And whether Aira is around. xDD

    Also, what happens at SPPF, has nothing to do with what happens here.
    I honestly want a normal schoolbased RP. With normal drama and just a casual atmosphere. Not something that you just have to jump into, but something you can progress with over time without a rush.
    I'll throw in my two cents here, something that we simply don't see enough of is the traditional open ended sci fi RP. Everyone wants fantasy, fan fiction, or surreality. Not that it's bad, but it'd be nice to see some science love too.
    Oh, I second Chibi-chan's idea. I also want to see a plain old normal school RP, or maybe a slice of life RP. Something like that. Or maybe an Ouran Highschool Host Club-type roleplay. For the second part, basically more of a shoujo-glittery-romance oriented roleplay.

    - Normal School RP
    - "Shoujo-Glittery-Romance"/Slice-of-Life Roleplay. xD

    ~ Gah, David, you ruined it! D: Don't tell anyone else my gender, I want to see how many people can mistake me for a guy. xD And how many people neglected to read this post. xD;
    Well as a very sexy female returning to Role Playing, I'd like to second (third?) the high school RP. While I have no idea what specific anime(?) things the very manly Xenocrates or Chibi-chan are talking about, the idea of a casual high school RP sound appealing.
    Yeah, that pretty good. I like that idea. I call job of being the overachieving loner!!!! I have no life- in my real world high school, and the RPG!!!! Yeah!
    xD Well, let's keep this thread restricted to a wishlist guys. When we post, let's keep in mind that we should have something relevant to what we want to see. This applies more to an old post rather than the recent ones, but still.

    Regardless, for those of us who want to organize a school RP, that discussion now belongs in... well... The Discussion Thread. xD
    ooo a wish list... ya lets see....

    I'd like a high school RP, but i like having a twist in there, sometimes drama/slice of life gets too boring, i feel you can add a slice fantasy into it and it can have all the elements of both... (I'd restart Lancaster if i found more dedicated RPers who are interested :( *wink wink*)

    I'd LOVE an One Piece RP. If someone made one, that would be 3 RPers you have interested instead of 2 :P. If you wanted, i could help make a plot for it as well... I'm actually quite interested in that.

    As for Naruto RP's... i'm kinda hoping we could maybe see Cipher's start a new chapter to allow new members, since they seem to be teetering out.

    Another thing i'd like to see is to get DASH Hunters revived by Orange(Citrus Boy). That was such a great RP and was stopped due to a few inactive RPers that ruined the flow... wouldn't you agree, Xeno?

    And a successful GUNDAM rp.... i think i'm the only RPer that loves Gundam haha
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    Something I have never, EVER seen here and something that I have always desired is a modern-day (or close to it, like World War II, Korea, or Vietnam) war RP. Less swords and bows, less lightsabres and blasters, more M1 Garands and AK-47s. Less knights on horseback, more Panzers. Less spacecraft, more MiGs.

    You've all fought in medieval and futuristic settings. Why not storm the beaches of Normandy, drive a Russian tank around Kursk, or pilot a B-29 on a bombing run over Japan? Why not battle North Koreans on the 38th parallel, be it in the cockpit of an F-86 Sabre or with an M1 Garand in your hands? Why not hunt down Viet Cong along the Ho Chi Minh Trail or duel North Vietnamese MiGs in a trusty F-4 Phantom? Why not battle Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard on the outskirts of Baghdad or track down Taliban forces in the mountains of Afghanistan? Even "realistic" combat with good old guns and tanks can be escapist enough for your wants or needs.

    If open battlefields are too big and epic for you, however, you can always do espionage, black ops, and/or counter-terrorism. All the drama and character development with only half the bloodshed and property damage.
    Oh, I second Chibi-chan's idea. I also want to see a plain old normal school RP, or maybe a slice of life RP. Something like that. Or maybe an Ouran Highschool Host Club-type roleplay. For the second part, basically more of a shoujo-glittery-romance oriented roleplay.

    - Normal School RP
    - "Shoujo-Glittery-Romance"/Slice-of-Life Roleplay. xD

    ~ Gah, David, you ruined it! D: Don't tell anyone else my gender, I want to see how many people can mistake me for a guy. xD And how many people neglected to read this post. xD;

    Holy Mofo.
    Yeah, just repeating that a slice-of-life highschool has my instant attention.

    You must follow my manly example if you want to be a real man, btw.
    OH i've got a wish.... a successful Bleach RP!!!! I really liked Anima's bleach rp a while ago... but it just quit :(
    I would rather have an RP with the following:

    1: Lets you kill things and get away with it.
    2: Lets you blow up the surroundings for no apparent reason other than your own entertainment.
    3: Lets you travel around a giant world, be it earth or somewhere else.
    4: Dosn't let n00bs in.
    5: Starts on or near the brink of world destruction, and gives you the choice wether or not to help it progress or try to avoid/delay the inevitable.
    6: I can be a bad guy for no apparent reason other than watching others cringe in fear in my very presance.
    7: Dosn't have a uniform or set of clothing one HAS to wear.
    8: Dosn't let n00bs in.
    9: Has a few modern conviniences, yet they still depend on/revolve around magical powers of some sort. (MP3, Magic Player 3)
    10: Dosn't require a history of the character. (honestly, if you don't want to talk about your past in the RP, what makes you think you're going to let everyone know anyways?)
    11: Allows the player/character to do things their creator wouldn't normally be able to do. (who wants to be normal? Supernatural/super powered is way more fun)
    12: Dosn't let n00bs in.

    The Italics are reasons I joined Mindspace, and none of the other RPs.

    Would you believe I found it on Google? No? Well I did. Don't remember how, but I did.
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    Okay, so based on these preferences, how does a post-apocalyptic Kingdom Hearts school RP where people get to visit such charming locales as soul society and WW 2 Normandy sound to you guys? Everyone happy, right? x3 *Shot*

    Ahem, actually replying to the topic here:

    What I like to see

    - A working Yu-gi-oh! RP (one that actually respects the rules of the game and has nothing to do with children's card games on bikes. ¬¬) , because I'm a geek for children's card games and nothing you say will change that. xD Doing CARD GAMES with ACC was glorious fun, but it doesn't seem to be doing too well on the attendance side anymore. .__. Anyways, yeah, any respectable effort on this front has my full support. ^^

    - Pokémorph RPs. What can I say? I have some fond memories from my early RPing days so the genre has a certain nostalgia value for me. Long time since I participated in one too. :3

    - New region RPs. Yeah, I like this clichéd old concept too, so bite me. Original twists are much appreciated, however.

    - RPs that break convention. If I can't see any sign of archetype behind it, no matter how hard I look, then I'm most likely going to be a happy camper.

    - Modern fantasy setting. No, don't you dare equate that with any sci-fi laser gun business and silly space ships. <.< I mean a modern (or semi-modern) but not futuristic setting with fantasy elements in the mix. (Y.Z. would probably be the closest example) It would also be interesting to see one where the medieval/fantasy elements like magic and big swords wouldn't automatically trump technology and modern weaponry. Let's face it; when the big bad is charging at you, a big gun is a far more reliable friend than a piece of sharpened steel.

    - RP plots that don't spell themselves out. I realize that keeping RPers oblivious about important plot points complicates the RPing, but I still adore plot twists that manage to catch me completely off guard. :3

    - Originality, in whatever shape or form it may come.

    What I don't like to see

    - Children's card games on bikes. Ahem, that is to say that I'm not too fond of plots that look like their writer was recycling tired anime clichés under the influence of crack and/or large amounts of alcohol. Let's maintain some form of sense, even in fantasy settings, alright?

    - Negligent RP masters. Seriously, I can't count the ones who abandoned their RP within a week of starting it. If you're going to start an RP, commit to it. I don't care how promising the plot is; if the RP master is negligent the RP fails, period. And yeah, I know it's not strictly a content issue, but no-one wants to see an RP that was practically born dead, right?

    - War RPs. I'm in the military, m'kay? I get to play war five freakin' days a week already (with a real, working assault rifle and genuine military gear too. =O) and seriously don't need an online version on top of that. ¬¬ By the time my service ends, I imagine I'll be quite fed up with the whole subject. So yeah, no military RPing for me.

    - Satellite RPs. That is, ones where the entire plot essentially revolves around the personal issues of the RP master's character(s) and everyone else is just expected to play along with their drama whoring without every contributing anything of significance to the plot. I'm the drama whore here, thank you very much, and I like to have my five minutes in the RP spotlight too.

    Seriously, plots where all characters save for those of the RP master (and possibly a select other) are treated as nothing but a nuisance just bug me, particularly if it's a romance between the two spotlight characters. <.< Everyone should have their chance to make waves.

    - Generic sci-fi RPs. Lasers, aliens, and spaceships? Sorry, but they're just not my thing. :\

    - Cross-franchise RPs. Again, the idea of something like pokémon-wielding shinigami just don't look right to me. This is also what gives me the squick reaction with most KH RPs; visits to the most bizarre and mutually incompatible universes just don't sit well with me.

    - Big Bad V2. Pretty much anything that starts by introducing a notorious big bad from the original franchise returning bigger and badder than ever or - worse yet - a shallow carbon clone of the big bad who's essentially identical to his/her predecessor except even more badass pretty much kills it for me.

    - Micro-managed "game" RPs. I mean, when the RP master wants to keep tabs on my character's situation right down to the last potion and hit point. RPing is still creative writing above all; if I wanted to play an RPG in the computer game sense, I'd go and do that. Sure, some monitoring may be in order, depending on plot type and such, but complete puppetry on the RP master's part just doesn't sit well with me.

    - "It's just like in *insert Anime name here*"


    If it's precisely the same then I'll just stick with the official version, thank you very much. It will probably be better written anyway. =P

    Ehh...there are probably more things that I can't think of at the moment. Personally, though, I place far much more emphasis on who I'm RPing with. Even the craziest and seemingly lamest starting settings can turn out awesome in the hands of competent writers while even the most ingenious plot can be botched by a couple of n00bs at the wheel.
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