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Pokemon Plasma Rated T (IC)

chapter one: COLETTE / Rootdry Town.2

The little orange bird looked up to Colette as she sat down on her knees in front of him. ''Tor?''
''Um, hi! I'm Colette. I'm your new trainer!''
Torchic looked at her face curiously, glanced at the professor it could see in the other room, and looked back at her. ''Chic!'' it said happily. It ran a circle around her and jumped into her lap.
''I guess it's my turn now, right.''
Colette was surprised by the unfamiliar voice, and looked up behind her, but just then she was passed by its owner; a rather tall black-haired young man walked to the table with large steps. Colette picked Torchic up in her arms and stood up, watching the other person. He seemed to have closed his eyes to make his choice. Wait, was he choosing at random?! She had no time to consider it, for immediately after picking it up he threw the Pokéball to reveal his choice: a small Mudkip stood on the floor, looking around a little bewildered. ''Kip?'' it cried.
Colette decided it best to let them get to know each other a little bit, and returned to the professor. Pine was already waiting for the both of them, smiling, but with her arms crossed.
''I see you picked Torchic! And it seems to like you too. That's wonderful!'' She walked over to her desk and pulled out two extra chairs for Colette and the other person to sit on. They sat down together, Torchic on Colette's lap. Professor Pine waited a little while for the second trainer to come out before starting her explanation. She smiled once again when she saw said trainer walk toward them.
''And you took.. Mudkip! I see. I hope he will become a valuable companion to you as well as a strong fighter!'' She paused so he could join them. Colette smiled at him and tried to say 'hi' softly, but combined with her shyness it ended up as a whisper. Slightly embarrassed, she turned to the professor to listen.
''Now, the both of you need to understand that the mission you're being sent out on isn't going to be an easy one. As you know, Team Plasma, the evil organisation that threatened Unova before has resurrected once again, this time stronger than ever before. With their leader Ghetsis' Genesect, they shot and killed White, and managed to capture Kyurem as a result. Combined, their strength is overwhelming, and they caused great havoc in Unova already.''
''Yes, I'm aware.'' Colette said. ''I was in Castelia City at the time of their attack, you see…''
''You were? That's… Hm. I see. In that case, you should be fully aware just how large a threat we're facing at this point in time. We may have successfully evacuated the Unova Region, but there is no guarantee that Plasma won't follow us here – in fact, I'm quite certain they will.''
''And that is the reason we will be sent out, isn't it? To follow in White's footsteps, to make Team Plasma disappear once and for all this time…'' Colette murmured as she looked down at the Torchic in her lap. ''Chic!'' it chirped as it looked back at her excitedly. At that, Colette held the Torchic a little tighter against her. At the time of the attack, her Pokémon hadn't exactly been weak. She had been travelling for a while, but Colette was far from being an Ace Trainer. Was there enough time to establish a completely new team from scratch that would be able to defeat Ghetsis? Images from Castelia flashed before Colette's eyes, imagining what would happen to if she couldn't…

She snapped out of it when another trainer came running into the room. ''Sorry I'm late Professor!'' He quickly walked on through to the room where the Pokéballs were being kept. He apparently took one and was about to hightail it back out of the room. ''Who are you again?'' The professor said.
''Frank Hul! Got to go!''
The professor quickly checked the list on her table. ''You're not on my list…'' she said, her eyes swiftly moving through the list again to make sure.
The door slammed shut. The Professor ran into the Pokéball room and finally it dawned on her what actually happened. ''He stole the Totodile! Can you go after him?''
Torchic chirped as Colette stood up from her chair and put her little Pokémon back in its ball. ''Yes!'' She started walking towards the door hurriedly, but then turned around to face the other trainer, and continued walking backwards.
''I'm Colette. Come with me! ...Please!''
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Rootdry Town
Javier Serrano

The Mudkip looked around the lab, with a little fright in its eyes. It? How am I supposed to know if this Pokémon is a male or female? Javier decided to just stick with 'it' for the meantime, or until he determined if the Pokémon is of either gender.

"And you took.. Mudkip! I see. I hope he will become a valuable companion to you as well as a strong fighter!'' So, it is a 'he'. The other trainer was already sitting on one of the chairs pulled out by Professor Pine. The Torchic was on her lap. The trainer tried to smile, but it turned to be an awkward grin. "Come, sit." Javier took the seat next to the trainer.

"Now, the both of you need to understand that the mission you're being sent out on isn't going to be an easy one. As you know, Team Plasma, the evil organisation that threatened Unova before has resurrected once again, this time stronger than ever before. With their leader Ghetsis' Genesect, they shot and killed White, and managed to capture Kyurem as a result. Combined, their strength is overwhelming, and they caused great havoc in Unova already.'' Javier already knew this. Because of Plasma's terrorism (what else is it?) people from Unova were forced to move to Xyuim. Javier suddenly remembered his grandparents. He started to space out when Pine said, "We may have successfully evacuated the Unova Region, but there is no guarantee that Plasma won't follow us here – in fact, I'm quite certain they will.''

It's our turn to fight. I never wanted any of this. But hey, it's an adventure. The trainer beside him was looking at her Torchic. He could see a flash of fear in her eyes. Javier knew that it was really frightening to confront a whole terrorist organization all by yourself, and he could see why. Javier looked at Mudkip. It looks so weak and in order for them to defeat Plasma, they need to train really hard, day in and day out. Javier does not know how long that will take, but it will surely not take a week. Could I do it?

"You're not on my list…'' Pine once againt stopped Javier's train of thoughts. A messy-looking guy was about to leave the room, holding one of the Pokeballs. Pine sounded anxious as she checked the list of, probably, the new trainers' names.

"Sorry!'' The guy just ran out the room, holding the Pokeball. Professor Pine headed towards the Pokeballs and exclaimed, "He stole the Totodile! Can you go after him?" The other trainer called her Torchic back. Javier did the same, but she was already halfway out the door when Javier rose from his seat. She turned around and said, "I'm Colette. Come with me, please!" Javier nodded and followed her.

death to plasma?
Jack Robinson

Jack got up thinking while his two pokemon just lay down not noticing Jack.
"BlazeBlast! Shroomie! We need to find a travel partner, someone who is worth travelling with." BlazeBlast and Shroomie got up shocked from his shouting and they both tapped Jack. Jack turned around and sow them pointing at this berry on him infact two berries a leppa berry and a pecha berry, all he did was put them both in his bag. "You two. Lets go on" Jack said waiting for them to turn around "Ok Shroomie where shall we go?" The Shroomish pointed to a small path that had a sign saying 'Forest Shack forward'. "Thanks Shroomie, someone will definitely be there great lets go!" BlazeBlast on his shoulder and Shroomie tucked in his hands like a baby they all followed the path.

"Great the Shack is here, looks more like a little house." Jack looked around observing the area looking for someone when out of nowhere a boy stumbled right over him. All he did was stop and say "Are you ok? Why do I attack pokemon? Oh bye!" The boy ran off chased by Oddish, Shroomish and two Pikachu. Jack looked at the situation, gave a shrug and kept on looking for a travel partner. He then realised that he should be having lunch by now so he set up a picnic rug and got out food for him and his pokemon.
Finish it later sorry
Shadow Adler

Shadow sat almost frozen, he blamed fear. He tried to lock himself in a world of music, and shut out everything else. He had only recently drowned out the sound of the muttering of the man from earlier. He was trying to get the idea out of his head that someone is coming to kill him, or that the man in the house would come out and attack him. He held Nip's pokeball, only this morning he met him and he is now his second closest friend. He hated the fact that he let him faint, he should have withdrawn Nip from the battle and leave the pikachu. Even though Nip wanted to fight, and Shadow did like the pikachu who was still hiding in his hat. But Shadow would have liked Nip to steady his nerves. Shadow didn't dare look round the forest either, he was just picking at a hole in the bottom of his jeans. He just hoped his MP3 player doesn't die on him.
Shadow's hat fell onto his lap. and he jumped. He placed his hand on his head, Pikachu wasn't there. He grabbed it hat and forced it onto his head, half covering his face and tried to steady himself. 'I'm just scaring myself' he told himself, he looked up and Pikachu was looking down from the roof. Shadow thought he should tell Pikachu to get down, but he was scared to breathe to loudly. He just curled up, hugging his bass case. Shuting his eyes, and trying to block out things. 'I don't want to die' he said in his head.
Tommy Yerington; Ferrow Forest

Chapter 2.2 – An Electrifying Battle in Ferrow Forest!

Tommy had only walked for twenty minutes since his weird and most-likely unique encounter with some shady character, however, he suddenly realized his need to stop. His adrenaline rush had receded, and suddenly, his broken arm felt heavy and by Arceus it hurt!

Tommy leaned against a tree and let himself fall down on his ass, dry leaves padding the ground and providing a soft cushion for his bottom. He fumbled through his backpack with his right arm, and eventually found a small canister with pills that he was unable to open.

"Damn!" he screamed, startling his small Emolga, who had curled up beside him.

Breathing heavily to calm down, Tommy patiently stuffed his medicine back into his backpack, and leaning back against the tree, closed his eyes to try to forget the pain…

* * *
A sudden rustle woke Tommy up. He knew not how long he'd fallen asleep for, but the pitch-black sky seemed to have turned lighter as dawn approached. To his immediate right, only ten feet away, he saw it.

A wild Pikachu was peeking through the foliage, seemingly worried; it brought an Oran Berry with it.

Emolga, having recently woken up, immediately perked up with interest and approached its fellow Electric-type.

The two Pokémon seemed to measure each other up. They sniffed at each other, circled, Emolga tried to touch the wild Pikachu who shied away, before suddenly…


"Piii… kaaa… chuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The wild Pokémon screamed, as it blasted both Pokémon and trainer with a powerful Thundershock.

"Damn it all…" Tommy told himself through gritted teeth as he tried to get up after being floored by the Electric-type attack.

"Ehh mool…" his Pokémon agreed apparently.

"That power… I must…" Tommy continued, struggling before finally getting up. "Possess it!"

"GAH!" Emolga proclaimed, getting up and chucking his Oran Berry upwards before catching it and taking a chomp out of it.

The Pikachu let loose sparks from its pouches, daring Emolga to "come at me, bro." And Emolga swallowed the rest of the Oran Berry, and was apparently rejuvenated; their battle was on.

Okay, it's been a while, let' see if I still got it. Tommy thought to himself as his Pokémon rushed forth to battle. The wild Pikachu began to build up static on his cheek pouches…

"Emolga, use Quick Attack!" Tommy ordered.

The wild Pikachu released his attack, but only too late; Emolga hit it hard and away, causing its attack to miss. "Emol!" he cried, as if asserting his superiority.

"Good job!" Tommy screamed. I'm at a slight type disadvantage, but that Pikachu's Thundershock won't bring Emolga down any time soon. Tommy thought. "Keep it up Emolga, connect with more Quick Attacks; tie them up!"

Emolga listened to his trainer, and obeyed. He rushed the wild Pikachu one more time, who, gasping, was not even able to cover up before taking the full brunt of the hit. "Pikaa!" it cried as it went airborne.

However, the wild Pikachu was able to regain its composure as it approached land, and with swift determination, it flipped in midair to land facing its opponent; it was its turn to attack.

Emolga noticed his opponent's offensive stance, and didn't waste time to prepare his own attack; electricity sparked on both Pokémon's check pouches, and electricity rushed from either Pokémon's body to the other.

"Emolga!" Tommy screamed. His fears confirmed, the clashing Thundershocks combined to create a strong explosion that sent his little Emolga flying back.

"Eeeh… mooool…" he grunted as he struggled to get back up, while the wild Pikachu lumbered toward him. Electricity sparked weakly but violently over the Pokémon's pouches, and its eyes seemed glazed over. It had the will to keep fighting, but it seemed his strength had left him. However, Emolga was not in any better condition.

Tommy's Pokémon stood upright and prepared to brace for his opponent's last attack. The fight was over; they had los… wait a minute!

"Piii…" the wild Pokémon cried as electricity built up. Emolga could hardly stand, but Tommy knew it was now or never.

"Emolga!" he screamed, obtaining his Pokémon's attention.

"Kaaa…" now electricity sparked dangerously all-around the Pikachu's body, Emolga observed, but he waited for his trainer's order…

"Up the tree!" Tommy finished. It was now up to Emolga to decipher exactly what he meant.


Using his Quick Attack Emolga ducked under the stream of incoming electricity, and climbed up a tree. Pikachu, attempting to follow his opponent mid-attack, wildly turned, dissipating his attack, which regardless, whiplashed the tree and brought it down unto itself!

Not out, but down for the count, the wild Pikachu was unable to lift the heavy weight of the tree from top of its body. Emolga approached to finish the job, but a sudden red light engulfed and returned him to his Poké Ball.

"Well…" Tommy said as he approached the Pikachu. "It's just you and me know little fellow." He then kneeled to be at the Pokémon's eye level. "You're pretty strong, you know? I mean, you lost, but you have a lot of potential. Please don't hate me for this."

"Pika?" the yellow Pokémon questioned before Tommy dropped a Poké Ball on it. The Poké Ball opened, and white light engulfed and transported Pikachu to the Poké Ball.

Now it shook. 1… 2…​
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joint post: JAVIER & COLETTE / Rootdry Town → Ferrow Forest

Javier and Colette went outside the lab. The sun was already low in the sky, so Javier guessed that it was something past four o' clock in the afternoon. "Where is he?" Javier saw the messy-looking kid enter the Ferrow Forest. That leads out the village. The two of them ran towards the guy into the forest.

The boy in front of them was running as well, but Colette wasn't sure if he already noticed he was being followed. Regardless, the woods would inevitably make it more difficult to give chase. ''Hey, um...'' Colette realised she didn't know her companion's name yet. This wasn't exactly the best time for introductions, however. ''Are you familiar around here? Is there any way we can drive him into a corner or something?...''

"Me? Familiar?" Javier shook his head. He was far from being tired, but perspiration was already beading on his forehead. Probably due to the heat. "Never bothered to explore the village, nor the forest. All I know is that," Javier pointed towards where the boy is running. "That leads out the village. We better keep on running so as to catch up to him."

Colette nodded. They were steadily approaching the entrance of the forest. Unfortunately, as they were getting closer to the thief, he'd picked up on them; occasionally, the sloppily-dressed trainer looked back, and threw them an irritated look. Still, it was as if he didn't pay them much mind just yet. Soon they found out the reason for his confidence: fairly quickly after they'd gone into the forest, the trainer strayed from the beaten path, into the much more densely forested area. Clearly, he must have known the forest like the back of his hand.

The two of them followed the kid into the deeper parts of the forest, both of them panting hard. The kid soon gained advantage of the situation; his twist and turns made Javier redouble his efforts in keeping up with the kid. However, his lack of knowledge in the forest, and the kid's apparent mastery over it, took its toll on the chase. Once or twice, Javier thought that the kid had lost them, only to find that he was several meters away from them, running through thick brambles of bush. Soon enough, the kid was already far from the duo.

She had never been in extremely good shape, and it was beginning to show. Colette's jumps weren't as high, her turns weren't as swift - it wouldn't be long until she---
BAM. She tripped over a surfaced tree root, and now she'd hit the ground hard. Colette cursed under her breath and scrambled to her feet. That'd done it, however. The criminal had disappeared into the lush greenery of the forest.
The two trainers continued to run in the direction he disappeared in. Suddenly, they came back to what seemed to be a path.
''He must've known this was here. I can't tell which way he went though...'' Colette crouched down to see if she could distinguish any footprints, but couldn't tell. She looked up at Javier. ''Should we split up?''
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Shadow Adler

Shadow was still curled up, still resting against the outside of the shack. He didn't dare take out his headphones and be greeted by either the sounds of movement which are bound to scare him, or silence. Pikachu was still on the roof, Shadow tried to think back. 'Did he actually see the man enter the shack, or just walk by?' He kept on giving himself this question, but he could never think of a definite answer.
Shadow froze completely, he held his breath afraid to move the smallest bit. He saw something, a shadow, it was in the distance though so Shadow thought he was safe. But within the next 30 minuets the shadow got closer, it took the shape of a man. Shadow panicked, he snuck into the cabin and hid behind a chest of draws his Bass case rest underneath it. He forgot to see if the man was in there. But he had something else to think, was there actually a shadow, was it a person? Shadow knew that a group of objects together makes a convincing shadow. Why was it getting closer? Was it one of the trainers? Could it be the person form the mans 'there going to kill me' mutters. Would they bother checking a small shack? Would they bother looking behind a chest of draws?
Yet, Shadow couldn't think through these question properly, he had an edge of unease. Something wasn't right. 'Damn it I left Pikachu on the roof' he said in his head. Guilt took over, he no longer worried if someone attacked him, he just thought of Pikachu just above him on the roof, maybe he is scared? Or he might just run? 'I am a useless trainer' Shadow thought 'Letting Nip faint to catch a pokemon, and then I leave that pokemon to save myself'
Chapter 2: Javier Serrano || Ferrow Forest

''Should we split up?'' Colette asked. Javier looked around the area and saw nothing that could point in the direction the kid ran off. The leaves did not trace any path through the forest, and no footsteps were imprinted on the muddy path.

"I guess. It seems that is the best thing to do. So, meet you again, somewhere. Good luck," Javier started to retrace his steps, when he suddenly decided to turn around. "I'm Javier Serrano, by the way." Javier ran off. He was worried that the girl might insist on searching for the thief together, and he'd had enough company for the day. Good thing she thought of searching the forest independently. Javier was retracing their steps back to where Colette tripped. I guess a little bit of company would not hurt, either way. Javier got Mudkip's Pokeball and threw it. The Mud Fish Pokémon appeared in a flash of red light.

"Kip?" The Pokémon looked at Javier with curious eyes. He picked it up. Mudkip squirmed from his touch but relaxed when Javier looked at it straight in its eyes. It started to nibble on one of Javier's fingers. "Shall I name you?" The Pokémon ignored him and was happily nibbling Javier's thumb. "I guess you have to have a name, not just simply Mudkip. Let's try… uhmm… Axel?" The Mudkip continued on ignoring Javier. "Never mind. We'll get to that later." He let down the Pokémon. "C'mon, Let's find that guy." Something rustled in the bushes behind him. Javier turned towards the bush. It continued to rustle vigorously.

"Let's see what you are made of! Axel- I mean, Mudkip!" The Mudkip bounded in front of Javier, its eyes gleaming. Out of the bushes emerged a Deerling, holding a branch of Oran Berries in its mouth. "Mudkip! Tackle!" Mudkip crashed into the Deerling with such intensity that the Oran Berry branch flew away from its mouth. The Deerling looked at Mudkip furiously. It growled. Mudkip cowered with the sound. "Hold your ground! Tackle!" Mudkip crashed into the Deerling once again, but it countered with another Tackle. Mudkip flew and crashed into the ground. Mudkip stood up, and tackled again. The Deerling fell with the Tackle. "Wait, Mudkip! Let's try our luck for our first partner!" Javier threw his Pokeball. The same red light sucked in the Deerling and beeped. Javier waited with bated breath.

The Deerling popped out after one shake of the Pokeball. Both Javier and Mudkip looked confused "Wait, wha-?" Before Javier could even processed what happened, the Deerling disappeared into the bushes behind it. "Where'd it go?" Mudkip bounded into the foliage and sent a blind tackle. The Deerling reappeared once more, its eyes gleaming. It started to growl.Guess this whole catching business is not really my thing. "Okay, Mudkip! Let's try this again! Flank that Deerling on its left and use Tackle!" Mudkip bounded towards the Deerling's left.

However, the Deerling seemed to understand the confusion caused by it using Camouflage. It used it again, disappearing into the forestry once more. Javier could hear it rustling away. "No! Come, Ax-Mudkip!" The two of them followed the sounds of shaking grass. It finally stopped short of a clearing. Javier could make out a silhouette of the Deerling. "I got you now. Axe-I mean Mudkip, Tackle!" Mudkip leaped and hit the Deerling squarely in the back. It slid back a few feet. However, despite its obvious fatigue, it managed to knock Mudkip back also. "Uhmm. Mudkip, Counter!" Mudkip glowed with a white light. It crashed into the bushes, both of them rolling head over paws. Javier followed and saw that both are still on their feet. However, both of them looked tired as Arceus on the seventh day. The Deerling rushed towards Mudkip, knocking Mudkip down to the ground but the impact took its toll on the Deerling. Its knees buckled, and it slumped to the ground. One more hit, and I'll try to catch it again. First times are seldom good, everybody know that. "Tackle! One more!" Javier took a Pokeball and threw it as Mudkip got to its feet and did one final Tackle. The Pokeball sucked the Deerling in as Mudkip crashed to the ground. Javier ran towards the Mudkip. It is in no state to battle yet. The Pokeball beeped and shook once...

death to plasma?
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chapter two: COLETTE / Ferrow Forest

''I guess. It seems like that is the best thing to do. So, meet you again, somewhere. Good luck.'' And he walked back in the direction they came from.
… He sure didn't waste any time getting away from me, huh.
She'd turned away from him to go her own way, but Colette was startled when suddenly his voice sounded from behind her again.
''I'm Javier Serrano, by the way.''
''Nice to…'' She sighed. When she turned around, he'd left again already. ''…meet you too.'' She stuck out her tongue in his general direction. Hmph. You're not going to find our thief by backtracking, anyway!

She walked along the path, keeping an eye out in case Frank really did show up again. Being honest however, she'd already given up on the search a little. Of course if she did run into him again, she'd kick his ass. Hopefully. But until then examining the forest around her was far more interesting. The girl let out Torchic as to let him explore with her, possibly to get some necessary training in; after all, they needed to get stronger, and fast. Perhaps she could even add a Grass-type to her team.
Together they were looking through the bushes and trees to find critter Pokémon to train against, but apparently luck wasn't on their side. After about half an hour of non-stop searching, Colette and Torchic sat down in the tall grass to take a little rest. This area of the forest was a little darker than where they'd been before, so she assumed they were a lot further in the woods by now. Little light came through the trees, and they seemed closer together as a whole as well. This definitely wasn't where Frank went, at least. The brunette took out a sandwich and gave Torchic a little Pokémon food. When she did, though, suddenly a bit of grass near her began to rustle.
''What… Torchic, look.'' Colette got up, and Torchic readied himself for battle. They slowly crept up closer to the rustling grass… Until it suddenly stopped. Colette and Torchic looked at each other and snuck to an arm's reach. When she tried to move the grass apart to see the Pokémon, the grass suddenly jumped up! A cute Oddish popped out. A little scared, it backed off a few steps, but it seems curiosity got the better of it; it kept watching the girl and her Pokémon closely.
A few moments were lost to a staredown between Oddish and Torchic. ''… Oh! Right! Torchic, use Scratch!''
And the battle started! Torchic ran up to Oddish to Scratch it, but Oddish was flexible. Waiting right until Torchic got close, it turned away with a twirl and ran towards Colette.
Torchic however came right back as well and this time managed to Scratch Oddish from behind. Oddish tripped over by the blow and rolled over once. It got back up quickly, and looked not amused. ''Great Torchic, try attacking it again!''
Torchic chirped with excitement and made to do another Scratch. It hit, but that was the last straw for Oddish. It struck back with an Absorb. That could become a problem should the battle last too long…
''Torchic! Okay, we'll have to finish it now. Use… Agility!''
Torchic was a little disoriented, but didn't let that stop him. It closed its eyes, relaxed its muscles, and regained – no, it even improved its composure from before. Using Agility worked wonders: Torchic suddenly launched at Oddish like a bullet. He jumped, and this time Scratched Oddish with both of its feet. Oddish fell to the ground, struggling a little to get back up; this was her chance. Colette quickly dug in her bag and threw one of her Pokéballs! Torchic chirped victoriously, but Colette waited in suspense as the Pokéball enclosed the Oddish and dropped into the grass . . .
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It was no surprise to Jack that the Spinarak he had battled was too weak to evade capture. After a few moments of the Pokeball rolling on the grass, the red LED turned off, indicating to Jack that his party had just doubled in size. Charmander went over to it and nudged it slowly with his snout to see if its foe was hiding under the red and white orb, but backed away when his master came over and picked up the Pokeball. With the press of a button, the Spinarak manifested once again beside the duo. The Fire-Type was on guard and prepared to attack, but it was unnecessary. The Spinarak was severely weakened from the previous fight and in no condition to struggle against the two. This state wouldn't suffice for Jack, as he needed his Pokémon in good health for training. Out of his backpack, he retrieved a Potion and began to spray the injured areas with the healing remedies found within.

In moments, the spider Pokémon started to recover, and it was clear that its strength was restored. It looked around and saw the Charmander she had been fighting not five minutes ago. Both Pokémon were on edge and aggressive snarls and cries were traded before Jack intervened. "ENOUGH!," he exclaimed loudly, which startled both Pokémon. With his Pokémon now looking up at him, the Unovan continued, "No more bickering. You're both on the same team now, so act like it." He gave a scolding look to both Pokémon as he spoke to show dominance over the two. In his experience, Pokémon will in time follow orders as if they were defending their family from danger, but in the beginning it was important to show newcomers that the Trainer was the alpha in the situation.

Before he time to continue, a rustling could be heard from a nearby brush. Unknowing if it was a wild Pokémon hiding or something else, Jack determined that it would be best to investigate in the case of it being something to worry about. He gave Charmander the order to flush it out, and the red lizard began to run around the brush in a circle to flank whatever lie within. Instead of charging straight into the foliage as he would've liked to do, the fire Pokémon followed his orders and stuck his tail inside to scare it out. The trick worked better than plan, as a Teddiursa emerged from the leaves in fear of being burned. The tiny bear was clearly skittish, since it had only taken a moment of Charmander's tail being inside to get him out, and the live plants barely began to burn, causing no fire.

"You're up, Spinarak." Jack said to his new Pokémon. She looked up at him and began to shake her head to signify that she understood the command. "Just follow my orders and you should win this in no time. Now, lead off with a String Shot to slow it down, and then use Poison Sting." With no time to waste, the small green Pokémon scurried closer to the Teddiursa to confront it. Unwilling to fight but seemingly with no choice, the little bear with the crescent moon crest prepared for incoming attacks. Following her orders wonderfully, Spinarak lead the battle off with a stream of her String Shot aimed at Teddiursa's feet. Like with the battle with Charmander, her aim was impeccable and in a split second was all it took to cake the foe's feet in a sticky goop that prevented much movement.

Now frantically scratching away at the silky substance, Teddiursa had no time to think of a counter attack, and as left open for another attack by Spinarak. Using the distraction of the Teddiursa trying to free himself, the big green bug hurried to the side of her opponent in a flanking fashion. Unseen, she pounced on her prey, driving her head stinger through the thin layer of fur protecting the bear's skin just as he removed his feet from the String Shot. The attack broke through the skin to complete her attack before backing off to observe how much damage she caused. While the wild Pokémon cried in pain from the initial attack, it was unclear to both Jack and his Spinarak if the Poison Sting had actually caused a poisoning effect, or if the Teddiursa's natural antibodies from a diet consisting primarily of honey had given it a stronger immune system.

Now freed from the spider's trap, the small bear countered the attack by scratching her on the head with his honey soaked paws. The claws did damage, and scratch marks were slightly visible on the hard exoskeleton of the arachnid. Jumping backwards, she prepared to let loose the ranged variant of the Poison Sting attack. Before her attack hit, the teddy bear let loose a Sweet Scent, wharfing a pleasant smelling aroma into Spinarak's vicinity. She still managed to initiate the Poison Sting, and tiny poisonous needles showered the Teddiursa. But the aroma was too much for the tiny spider, and she halted her attack early to soak in the sweet smell that engulfed her. Through the hue of the cloud caused by Teddiursa, Jack noticed that the bear Pokémon began to breathe heavier and more erratic. Whether it the first or second attack that did it, the fury critter was definitely poisoned.

The aroma cloud began to disperse, and with it returned Spinarak's will to battle. Before the battle could continue, large and heavy footprints shook the nearby bushes and were followed with a ferocious snarling noise. Out from behind the Teddiursa, an Ursaring appeared with a vicious look on its face. "Crap, it's the mother bear." Jack said to himself as the hulking brute stood next to her offspring. Jack ordered his Charmander into the fray, seeing as how this now could constitute as a double battle. He didn't think they'd be able to win in their present state but Jack hoped that his two Pokémon could at least intimidate it into leaving him alone.

Jack couldn't have been more wrong with his plan. Even though he ordered both his Pokémon to attack the mother with Dragon Pulse and Poison Sting, the attacks seemed to do very little damage to the large bear. The Teddiursa, instead of attacking, chose to climb up onto his mother and climb to the back tufts of fur around her neck. Preparing to attack, the Ursaring used a Leer attack to gaze at both Pokémon, lowering their defenses as the bear began to unnerve them. The new opponent was at too high of a level for either one of his Pokémon to take on, and Jack new it as time to call it quits. "It's too powerful. Leg it!" Jack ordered to his team. In sync with each other, the spider and the lizard broke off and ran with Jack away from the bear, which proceeded to give chase. This mama bear was angered, and it would be no small feat to escape her rage.

Running for dear life, the three had to brave the obstacle course of rock and vegetation ahead of them to evade the Ursaring, who appeared to be closing the distance. Hatching a plan in his head, the Unovan Trainer gave his team orders. "Spinarak, use String Shot on the trees behind us to slow it down. Charmander, prepare to use Dragon Pulse. NOW!" Jack turned around a pointed to the trees he wanted Spinarak to shoot, and without any sort of hesitation, the Spinarak began to connect the trees with various silky strings in multiple different angles while Charmander began to form a dark blue energy ball from its mouth.

Unsurprisingly, the Ursaring began to run through the first couple string shots as though they were nothing. It's either level and weight meant that more string would be needed to actually stop the beast in its tracks, but the tension did slow its movement down some. Still, the blind rage of the mother bear gave her the unwise impulse to ignore the web strings to attack. With each string shot she walked through, it became increasingly more difficult for her to move forward until she came to a halt after becoming ensnared in the final shot. The Ursaring stood there for only a moment before Jack's order to fire came, but in the moment, the Trainer could tell much from the faces his opponents displayed. The Teddiursa was still poisoned and becoming weaker by the second while the Ursaring's anger showed without fail and was foaming at the mouth.

"Okay, fire Dragon Pulse and Poison String now!" Jack commanded, hoping this volley would fare better than the first. The Poison Sting hit first, but didn't seem to break through the thick fur of the foe, and the Dragon Pulse hit the Ursaring directly in her chest. The impact from the last blast weakened the first few layers of strong, and the bear once again began moving forward. "Frig! Keep running!" he ordered once again, and for the second time the trio began to sprint away. The Ursaring's arms were freed from their confines, and with a slash from her massive claws, the impromptu web was demolished. Even angrier than before, the large Pokémon began to use Fury Swipes at nearby trees as she passed them and threw the debris created towards Jack and his team.

Now dodging projectiles, Jack made the executive decision to climb a nearby tree. Spinarak, being perfect for this job, climbed the large tree first and used her string shot to pull her master and Charmander up the tree as it had very few ranches for them to climb up near the base. The Ursaring appeared at the base of the tree and growled at the three. Jack sighed in relief as he began to plan how they would escape this unfortunate predicament, though he believed this seemingly good luck to be out of place. He pulled out his old Pokedex that he had since his beginning days as a trainer and thought to himself out loud. "Wait…I think Ursarings can climb trees."

As if on cue, the large bear began to sink her claws into the bark of the tree and started to climb up. Cursing this series of unfortunate events, Jack was left with no choice but to think of his way out quickly or risk being mauled to death. Having an idea, he ordered his Spinarak to swing over to a nearby tree while ordering Charmander to unleash another Dragon Pulse to slow down the opponent's advance. "Spinarak, use Rage Powder to draw its attention!," he called out at the same time the Charmander's attack hit the Ursaring in the face. From her thorax, a reddish mist secreted down towards Ursaring. Releasing an enraged growl, the powerful bear jumped from the tree it as on and clawed her way onto Spinarak's tree. Giving the small spider a Leer, the Ursaring succeeded to lowering her defenses through intimidation yet again.

The Teddiursa on her back looked to be in bad shape, being poisoned for almost a half hour by now and currently shaking on his mother's fur. It was weak, and Jack could tell. If the child would grow up to be anything like the mother, it would be a powerful asset to his team and there was no denying it. Taking out a Pokeball, Jack threw it at the Teddiursa. The small bear was entrapped inside the spherical device and it began to shake and roll about as the wild Pokémon began to struggle against being captured while his mother continued to climb up the tree.
Chapter 2: Javier Serrano || Ferrow Forest

The Pokeball Javier threw stopped after the third shake. He waited for a few more seconds just in case the Deerling popped out once again. It did not. Mudkip went over to the Pokeball and sniffed it. "Axel, get away from it." Javier said. The Mudkip retreated back, but there is still a hint of alarm in its eyes. Well, at least you now have a name. He picked up the ball. It was not heavier than it was before, despite the fact that there is a Deerling inside of it. Well, technology is really advancing quite fast. Axel looked up at his trainer curiously. "We're three now. Meet your new team-mate, Deerling." Javier threw the ball back to the ground, and in a flash of light, the Deerling appeared once more. However, its strength is not yet fully recovered. Its knees buckled and it fell to the ground once more. Oh, no. Javier scrambled to check whether he has some medicine in his bag. He sifted through the contents while Axel merely looked at the weak Deerling.

"Where is that... Potion... When you need one..." He upturned all the contents of his bag. "Nothing? Of all the things that I could forget, why Potion?" Axel made a sound and pushed an Oran Berry towards the Deerling. Javier watched in fascination as the Deerling opened one eye and started to nibble on the berry. Axel grinned (or the Mudkip equivalent of grin) and jumped around the Deerling. He pushed another Oran Berry, the last of the pair Axel was holding. "Where are you getting that?" Axel answered him by leaping into the shrubbery behind him and pulling out a branch of Oran Berries. Oh.

Soon enough, the Deerling's strength was slowly coming back. It was still tired from the battle, but it was vigorously nibbling on every berry Axel was giving it. The Mudkip was also munching one. "Yeah, you better consider yourself as friends now." Javier sat as he watched the two of them in fascination. It seemed that the Pokemon were haywired to know how to care for a distressed Pokemon, even if the said species is if a different kind.

After a whole hour of resting, the Deerling managed to stand up on its feet. It started out as wobbly at first, but he managed to straighten it. Axel cheered. However, the sound of the Mudkip's cacophony seemed to echo throughout the whole jungle. Something rustled in the bushes behind the Deerling.

The head of a spring Sawsbuck appeared. It growled upon seeing Javier. Uh-oh. Deerling stood between the two of them, but Javier recalled it. along with Axel. "This time, I run." Javier ran with the Sawsbuck in hot pursuit of him. The chase led Javier and the Sawsbuck to a clearing. The Pokemon was close enough that he could actually hear the soft grunts made by the Pokemon. He cleared the field in less than ten seconds and he entered the forest again. However, this time, instead of the monotonous greenery, Javier saw a house. A house in the forest?! Javier barely had time to think when he collided with another guy. "What the-"
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The Pokéball rocked once… Twice… Three times… And laid still. A mechanical sound followed. Evidence of a successful capture.
Colette grinned and picked up Torchic, and stroked its head. ''You did great! Now, let's meet the newest addition to our team, then.''
Next, she picked up her Pokéball and let out the Oddish once again. It seemed a bit dizzy.
''You okay there, little guy?'' Colette said as she crouched down next to it.
Miraculously, the grass-type stood up straight and looked up at its new trainer angrily.
''Oh, you're not a guy? Sorry!'' She grinned.
Torchic walked up to its new teammate shyly. Oddish glared, likely still refusing to admit defeat. They stood in front of each other like this for a while, but finally the ice was broken when their trainer suddenly sprayed both of them with a small purple bottle. Her Pokémon were surprised and indignant; just what Colette was going for. This way neither felt the sting of the Potion as their wounds mended.
''There we go. Hm. So you're a girl, are you? In that case, I feel this calls for a nickname. Oddish just isn't ladylike enough, is it? So, how about… Hm. Iris?''
Oddish shook her head.
''I see. Then… Violet?''
Again, the bluish Pokémon was not impressed.
''Hmph, I thought both of those were pretty good you know. Hmmm.''
Meanwhile, Torchic was softly pecking Colette's side. ''Chic...''
''Ohh, it's okay, I'll think up one for you too. First though,'' she said as she stood up and stretched a little, ''Let's move on, okay? I want to cover some more ground, and I think better when I'm moving, anyway.''
As they walked, Colette kept thinking of nicknames for the two, but both were choosy – especially because Oddish's pickiness made the young and impressionable Torchic mimic its behaviour. Eventually their trainer finally came up with the perfect nicknames, however: Oddish was to be named Lilac, and Torchic became Chief.

In the forest, the light was starting to change. The darker area of the woods they'd been in earlier was clearing out, but time had gone by and the sky was coloured orange. The light dancing down through the cracks between the trees, too, was fading, and caused the woods to be shaded in an autumn hue. More Pokémon cries could be heard; possibly nocturnal Pokémon were starting to wake up. Colette was especially weary of a specific kind of noise, though: a faint buzzing sound could be heard, and the girl was trying to determine whether its owner could become a threat or not. It was getting closer, too.
Suddenly, Colette noticed. A flash of red in the corner of her eye. Was it the source of the buzzing noise? When she turned, there it was. A Ledyba was flying, looking around determinedly. This should be good. As Lilac would have a significant weakness against a Bug/Flying-type, she was returned to her Pokéball. Chief however, seemed ever more excited to show Ledyba what he was made of. To prepare for the first blow, it used Agility to relax its muscles. It then ran towards the Bug-type with an incredible speed, to strike when it was low to the ground. Chief jumped, Scratching Ledyba's belly with its beak.

The wild Pokémon, surprised by the sudden attack from the Torchic, took flight and flew off in an attempt to escape. Chief immediately gave chase however, and so its trainer did as well. Due to its Agility use Chief became a lot faster, but as long as Ledyba was flying, the ground-bound Torchic couldn't land any of its attempted Scratches. Ledyba realized this as well, and after a little while it saw an opening to suddenly fly above the trees, effectively disappearing from sight. Chief started trying to run up a tree, but when it lost its momentum, it landed back on the floor. ''That's enough, Tor— I mean, Chief. It's gone. That first Scratch of yours was wonderful though!'' Colette said as she picked up Torchic. The Pokémon seemed disappointed nonetheless, but didn't seem to mind being put back inside its Pokéball.

Colette walked on, but as she strayed from the path, there were a lot more bushes and roots that hampered walking. To make matters worse, another challenge seemed to be coming her way: Ledyba's buzzing had made place for a different rumbling noise. A louder, much more powerful type of sound. And its source was getting closer fast. Colette crawled in the bushes for shelter. Just as she'd hidden herself properly, a young human man came running past at an incredible speed, with an angered Sawsbuck in his wake. ''Javier?!'' Colette exclaimed, reminding herself to keep her voice down just in time, so the Sawsbuck wouldn't switch targets. After they passed, the girl got back up, and started walking the trail the Sawsbuck had left, hoping to eventually be able to meet up with Javier again.
Teddiursa was unable to struggle against the Pokeball for very long before his strength gave out, becoming entrapped in the spherical technological wonder. Even in her undiminished rampage heightened due to Spinarak's Rage Powder, the Bear-like Pokémon was still aware of the change in weight on her back when her baby boy was captured. The faint thud of an object hitting the grassy patch below attracted her gaze, and found the rumbling Pokeball instead of her child. While most wild Pokémon would not know what to make of the almost foreign shape of a perfect globe or the devices purpose, the panicked look on the Ursaring's face indicated that she had experience with both Pokémon capture devices and the humans who wield them.

This advent of events were so emotional to the grizzly beast that the Rage Powder that had once ensnared her attention no longer had any effect and the heavy-set Pokémon hopped off the tree with the intent to crush the Pokeball to free her child. Knowing a successful crushing would free the newly captured Teddiursa, Jack barked the order to his Spinarak to move the item before it could be destroyed. Once again, the green spider's accuracy proved itself invaluable and the silky white string grabbed ahold of the Pokeball. She reeled it in with ease before the enraged mother could land on the ground. Her contact with the earth shook the nearby ground and Jack had to hold onto a nearby branch for stability to prevent him from falling out.

Not seeing where the Pokeball actually went to, the Ursaring focused on the Unovan trainer once again as the target of her anger. Furious about her child's abduction, the powerful bear stopped the attempt of climbing the tree and began to Slash the tree multiple times with the goal of toppling it. The fury engulfing the Ursaring was so great that even another Dragon Pulse and Poison Sting attacks from both Charmander and Spinarak respectively could not slow her down. At the end of a few good hits, the tree's weight had shifted too greatly to too small an area, and the once proud standing plant began to tumble.

"CRAAAAAAAP!," yelled a startled Jack as he fell out of the faltering tree with Charmander alongside him. Charmander had been fortunate enough in that Spinarak had caught her fellow teammate with her String Shot, which acted as a bungee cord of sorts to allow him the luxury of a relatively soft landing. Jack's run of bad luck continued, however, and fell right on top of the rampaging Ursaring. With the options of fall into a dangerous ensemble of muscle, teeth, and claws or risk breaking something from hitting the ground too hard, the young man was in between a rock and a hard place. Gambling his currently piss-poor luck, Jack latched onto the neck of the Ursaring. His chest collided into the thick furry chest of the wild Pokémon's, and had she not seen the trainer fall, would've fallen on impact by the inertia.

Now was the mother Ursaring's chance for revenge. While Jack was in an awkward position which made it difficult for a proper swipe of her claws, the protrusions on her paws her still sharp enough to injure the Unovan even with a weakened glide. Three of her claws where able to make contact with Jack's back, tearing his shirt where contact was made before shallowly cutting into his flesh. The pain was sudden and he knew he was bleeding even without being able to look.

He winced in pain but refused to make an audible sound. The trainer quickly tried to think of a way out of the situation. "Crap, I have no way out of this…Unless…" With very little options, Jack's seemingly only way to escape would be a failed capture attempt to buy himself time to run away. He pulled a Pokeball from his belt and expanded the ball's diameter. There was not enough space for him to throw the Pokeball, so Jack slammed it into the Ursaring's body while it was still in his hand. The Ursaring had not prepared for this and was sucked into the Pokeball. Jack was pleased with the result because he didn't know actually throwing the Pokeball was never a requirement for a Pokeball operation, but soon learned why all trainers threw them anyways. Still in his hand, the Pokeball and by extension the Ursaring currently trapped within, began to spasm in random directions. The torque of each pull was massive, certainly an indicator of Ursaring's strength.

With all of the arm strength Jack could muster, he threw it high into the air and as far away from him as he possibly could. Off in the distance, he heard the sounds of Pokémon suddenly scattering, which meant that either the Pokeball or the Ursaring startled them, but Jack didn't want to stick around to find out. "Spinarak, pass me our new friend and high tail it out of here!," he ordered while wiping sweat off his face. Spinarak crawled down from the tree the Pokeball in tow and delivered it to her master. The Teddiursa was still weak from the poison and in no shape mentally or physically to run away from his own mother not moments after his own capture, so it was decided it would be best to keep him inside his Pokeball for the time being.

The trio quickly ran in a random direction away from the recent battlefield and came across a small cottage in segment of the forest less populated with trees. "Good, a place to rest up and recover from the battle. Come on guys; let's see if anyone's home." The three approached from the rear of the building, which didn't seem to have any lights on at all. "Good maybe it's abandoned," thought the trainer as the distance between man and shelter closed. He continued to analyze the situation with each step and kept his guard up, "Then again, this region is newly discovered, it's too soon to have randomly unoccupied buildings for no reason. Let's just hope I'm over thinking this. Oh look, an opened window. Hit the Jackpot."

Spinarak had no difficulty entered through the window on the first floor, being perfectly able to walk up the wall without wasting any time. Charmander on the other hand was too short to climb up and needed the assistance of his trainer to enter the window. With his team safely inside the small woodland home, Jack climb the windowsill and into a darkened room.
Chapter Three; The "Shack"

You enter this random shack in the middle of the woods, for one reason or another. Inside, you see two chairs around a table. There is no one inside except for you and one or two other rpers. There is also a bookshelf. There is a book open on the table, and has the words, "War and Peace" highlighted.
OOC: If you pull the book War and Peace out of the bookshelf, the bookshelf will move to the side, exposing a trap door. Inside of that trap door, there is a room with a lot of scientific technology inside. There is a man talking to a guy in a lab coat inside. They are talking about team Plasma and its plans. There are scientific instruments inside.

What you must accomplish:
1. Discover the trap door.
2. Investigate the scientific instruments and find that they talk about the legendary trios.
3. Overhere some of what they are talking about.
4. Interact with the people, does not have to be battling or talk to them.
5. Get out.

What you can do:
1. Talk to the other RPers.
2. Examine more things in the room.
3. Battle them.
Thomas Yerington; Ferrow Forest

Chapter 3.1 – Team Building and Cardio


Tommy's Poké Ball lay still on the ground. The button on the middle no longer flashed; Pikachu was caught!

This wasn't the first time Tommy had ever captured a Pokémon, he'd done that several times before, with and without the aid of Poké Balls. However, this was his first 'official' Pokémon capture ever, and that filled him with undeniable joy.

Tommy grinned at the realization. His chest puffed up with pride, he strode toward the Poké Ball and reclaimed his prize.

Emolga hopped on his back as he unleashed his Pikachu and scanned it with his Pokédex.

~Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms~
His Pokédex blurted with a thick Russian accent; Some of its common moves are Thundershock and Growl.

Tommy laughed. He'd completely forgot that he had changed the settings on his Pokédex before, but now Emolga wanted a turn. This made Tommy laugh even more; "Emolga, I've already scanned you several times." He pleaded, but his Pokémon's chest was puffed up, and he seemed intent to get scanned as well.

~Emolga, the Sky Squirrel Pokémon. They live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity~
Some of its common moves are Thundershock and Quick Attack.

Seemingly flattered by the raspy, Russian voice, Tommy's Emolga began to cockishly make poses before Pikachu had seen enough and shoved him; round two was on!

"Stop." Tommy commanded, seemingly to no avail. The two Pokémon shot shocks of electricity at each other, one cancelling the other one. "Hey, I said…"


With a flash of red light, Emolga had suddenly vanished, and both Pokémon understood what having a trainer truly meant. Tommy put Emolga's Poké Ball on his belt and threatened to withdraw Pikachu into its Poké Ball as well, but the Pokémon sat instead.

Tommy sighed and let Emolga out once more, who sat next to Pikachu. "Okay guys, you all need to understand this, we're a team now. I can't have you guys fighting amongst yourselves all the time…"

The young trainer didn't even know if he'd be able to reach them, but he trusted his Pokémon. He paused, and let the idea sink in.

Suddenly, Emolga reached out his hand towards Pikachu who, after a hesitant second, embraced its fellow Electric-type instead. Tommy beamed. Not in a million years did he expect such a perfect start to a new journey. Sure, the broken arm was a hassle, but his team was expanding, and he knew exactly who would be the recipient of its wrath…

For now however, a Potion. Tommy thought as he doused his Pokémon with a Potion each.

Ready to move on, Tommy checked his backpack and took a drink of water before hearing a faint 'tink' sound. Looking around, he suddenly noticed a huge Pokémon materialize from thin air but twenty feet away from him!

Tommy looked on, astonished. The Ursaring caught his gaze. Their eyes met, and all Tommy saw, was red; "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!"

Away from the clearing. Through the branches. A creaking sound, turn left, that tree fell! Run. Got to keep running. It's right behind me, oh no…

The Ursaring's paw launched forward, its Slash aimed at Tommy's head, who had momentarily (and mistakenly) run into a clearing.

"Pikaa!" His small Pikachu collided against the behemoth in the electrical coat of Volt Tackle, move which Tommy didn't see, and the Ursaring barely felt, but it was enough to intercept the wild Pokémon's attack.

Pikachu! Damn! Got to keep running, got to keep running. Into the trees; is that a house?

"Ehhh… MOOOOL!" Tommy heard behind him. Emolga's Thundershock had no effect on Ursaring other than to allow Pikachu to escape, but that was all they could ask for. They needed a way out. "Emolga!" The Pokémon cried, as he jumped higher onto the treetops.

His new teammate agreed; "Pika pi!" and used its acrobatic ability to climb up to the treetops. They had gained Tommy enough time…

Meanwhile, on the other side of the thick forestry, Tommy had almost reached the clearing where the small shack was located, when he began to feel his pursuers footsteps behind him.

He ran straight to the door and pulled on the doorknob. Damn it, locked. Quick! To the right!

Tommy dashed away from the door, and suddenly, the wild Ursaring's claws ripped right through the door, pulling it off its hinges.

Exhausted, Tommy ran into the clearing where his two Pokémon met him. "HEEEEEELP!" he screamed between pants, hoping someone inside would be capable enough to handle the situation…​
The small cottage was quiet when Jack first dropped down through the first story window. The trainer could barely hear any sounds with the exception of the sound he made after making contact with the floorboards. Maybe the owner of the house was sleeping in the next room over or out to gather supplies, either way it didn't make a difference to Jack. All that mattered right now was that he made it to shelter and could catch his breath for a little while. He looked about the darkened room. There didn't seem to be any built in electricity, which would make sense because it's not like there were any electrical posts leading up to the place from Rootdry or any other direction. The only lighting in the room allowing the trainer to see was natural sunlight beaming in through the window he had just entered which ended on the wall parallel to the window.

It was dim, but Jack's pupil's widened the more he stared blankly into the dark room which allowed him to see better than when he had first entered. Lying on his back against the wall, he panted out of exhaustion. Both his Pokémon were beside him doing likewise, though they both seemed to recover faster than their trainer did. Now getting cozy on his spot on the floor, Jack began to notice the slight stinging sensation from his cuts given to him by the Ursaring. "Those need to be bandaged up, " Jack thought to himself as he let the cool air brush against his face. While he was in a small amount of pain and the cuts needed to be properly disinfected, he was far too tired to give a damn at the moment. The trainer's lack of worry came from the fact that he knew he had the proper supplies to treat himself properly and had plenty of time to do so before the chance of infection became great.

As he sat, an uncomfortable lump between the back of his belt and the wall compelled Jack to investigate and retrieve the object. To his annoyed surprise, he could his hunting knife that he had bought earlier. God damn it! I completely forgot I had this…I wish I remembered this earlier….friggin' Ursaring would've had cuts of its own, he thought as he sheathed it once again to the holster on his belt. It was after this exact moment when Jack heard the creaking footsteps as if someone was approaching. Jack kept his hand on the knife and prepared to wield it of absolutely necessary, but restrained himself from swinging around like a madman in case the presence was friendly.

Much to Jack's relief, it wasn't another growling wild Pokémon who wanted to murder him and feast on his lifeless corpse and instead was a familiar looing kid. Sighing, the weary trainer could only hope that he wasn't about to ask for a Pokémon battle, because he currently wasn't in the mood for anymore crap right now. Before any dialogue could be exchanged between the two, the door on the other side of the room began to fidget wildly. The small rumbling of the door quickly ceased. Looking on with great interest, Jack and his Pokémon noticed the sunlight that was peeking through the threshold was covered with a large shadow. Without a moment even passing, claws began ripping through the door. Jack was familiar with this set, and the hair began to stand on the back on his neck. A second set of claws then pierced what remained of the wooden door, and the remnants of the entryway were sucked outside as if by vacuum.

Emerging from the sunlight was a large silhouette. Though the details were yet to come into focus through Jack's eyes, Spinarak's more sophisticated pair saw the Ursaring enter in full focus. A shriek from the small spider sent her Charmander teammate's tail ablaze in anticipation for a fight. The commotion of Jack's Pokémon instinctively saw the trainer pull out his knife. The Ursaring came into view and while staring down his pursuer, Jack noticed that the bear started to wobble in place as if she was feeling faint. Without any conflict between man and beast, she fell. Her heavy panting and Spinarak's apparent look of pleasure suggested one of her Poison Sting attack's from over an hour ago was successful in causing the status ailment it is named for. Almost immediately after the Ursaring collapsed, another kid entered the cottage, and then threw a Pokeball at the defeated Ursaring while introducing himself. Jack's looked on in disbelief that so many people appeared almost out of nowhere in the blink of an eye.
Chapter 3: Javier Serrano || The Shack

Javier bumped into the kid, curled up against the shack while listening to music. "What the-?" Javier started to say, when the bushes behind him rustled again. The head of the Sawsbuck appeared. It looked around for a moment, apparently curious about the little house in the middle of nowhere, when it spotted Javier. It snorted and started freeing itself from the vines that it got tangled with. Javier thought that he was safe for a moment when he heard a roar from inside the house. Almost simultaneously (and coincidentally, which was bad luck for Javier) the Sawsbuck managed to shake off the remaining vines cling onto its body. "Uh-oh, have to run," Javier told the guy he bumped into. The Sawsbuck resumed its wild chase for Javier. Why did it just chase me? He circled the house to try to find a door, only to be caught surprised as a lumbering mass of fur blocked his way. Javier took a sharp turn and avoided the claws swiping at what presumably was the doorway to the house. He risked to take a look back, and saw that the mass of fur was an Ursaring. It managed to rip the whole wooded door from the doorway. It lumbered inside, as Javier took a corner turn. There must be some other way to enter this house. Seeing none, he decided to run from the Sawsbuck by entering the bushes again. However, as soon as he changed direction, the Sawsbuck appeared in front of him. It was smart, deciding to meet Javier head-on rather than chasing him. Javier stumbled into the ground.

"Moo!" The Sawsbuck reared its head, and it tried to impale Javier by its horns. However, Javier managed to roll to the side, and stood up. Despite his tiredness, he pushed himself to run. He realized that there was nothing blocking the door anymore. He decided to enter it, and was surprised to see four kids inside. One of them was the thief who stole the Totodile. "You?!" Suddenly, the he felt hot breath on his back. He turned and saw the Sawsbuck, its eyes gleaming and its horns lowered, indications of agitations. Uh-oh. Javier decided to let out his two Pokemon.
Charles Zernas

Charles had been looking for a refrigerator, anything to eat, when there was a little thump, and something fell out of the window. Charles could see a young adult trainer fall through the window, with a Charmander and a Spinarak. Charles was about to go over and say hi, when suddenly the door to the house flew open, and shut, with a boy barring the exit. There was a smashing noise, and Charles backed up. A giant pair of claws ripped through the door, and a giant bear, um, Ursaring, appeared growling. Suddenly, it fainted. Charles edged forwards, and suddenly, the Ursaring was sucked into a Pokeball, being caught without much effort.
"Hi! I'm Frank." The boy said. Charles shook his head. Everything was happening so quickly.
Charles walked into the center of the room, "Can somebody tell me what just happened?" He quickly asked, still extremely confused.

Charles decided to send out Niengo and Trickster, just to make sure incase a battle happened. His stomach growled, as the red light revealed his two Pokemon. He hadn't thought up a punishment for Trickster yet, but it would probably be something li-

"MOO!" A boy ran into the room.
"Come to join the party?" Frank beamed. The boy looked extremely scared, and looked wildly behind him. Charles saw an angry Sawsbuck run towards the room, and the boy throw out his Pokeballs, there was another boy outside, and Charles yanked him inside.
"Niengo, use Quick Attack!" Niengo quickly dashed forwards, pushing the Swasbuck back, a little only biding them some time. Niengo rushed back to Charles' side, and looked around the room. There was a table in the middle of it.

"Everyone! Help me pick up this table, and prop it where the door was!" Charles strained to lift it up, and Frank helped him. He couldn't see if anyone else was. Lugging it over, a book fell off, and lie open on the floor, a few words highlighted. Just managing to prop it up, the Sawsbuck slammed into it, its horns going through the table, stuck for a few minutes.
"Okay. We only have a few minutes, and we need to get out of here."
Chapter 3: Javier Serrano || The Shack

"Come to join the party?" the thief asked as soon as the Sawsbuck entered the room. Both Axel (Javier decided to stick to the name) and Deerling were out of their Pokeballs. "We'll talk later. Can someone help with the angry Pokemon?" Javier asked any of the people inside the shack. Suddenly, a Riolu darted in between his legs and crashed into the Sawsbuck, pushing it a little back outside. Javier decided to join in on the assault against the Sawsbuck.

"Axel, use Mud Slap! Deerling, Tackle the Sawsbuck while it is distracted!" The Riolu ran back towards its trainer, who was trying to prop up the table. Wow, these guys are young. Javier continued shouting orders, biding Sawsbuck's time while the thief and the other guy carried the table. The Sawsbuck seemed irritated by the constant barrage of attacks, which seemed to not do anything at all except annoy the Pokemon more. A Horn Attack sent both Mudkip and the Deerling flying, but Axel managed to stand up again. "Counter! Now!" Mudkip glowed white and crashed into the Sawsbuck, while the Deerling ran towards the older Pokemon, with the intent to send another Tackle. If I just started as a trainer earlier, I would not be experiencing this. Both attacks hit and managed to push the Sawsbuck a considerable distance. Suddenly, the table was propped up as a temporary door, but the Sawsbuck's horns managed to bore through it. The table, whatever material it is made from, would not hold for long. Oh no.

"Okay. We only have a few minutes, and we need to get out of here." The man with the Riolu and, as Javier could see, a Zorua said. Javier looked around. He could see nothing much, except a window, the table with Sawsbuck's horns (it is trying hard to free itself), and a bookshelf containing a few books.

"We can't obviously go out this way," Javier said pointing out to the jammed doorway. They could hear the Sawsbuck grunting. "Nor that," Javier pointed out the window, "as we could still be chased by the Sawsbuck. You think we could all take it out?"
chapter three: COLETTE / The Shack

Slightly nervous, Colette followed the trail Sawsbuck had left on its rampage. She and her Pokémon were hardly prepared to battle such a powerful opponent, even with Javier's possible help. With ever step, her fear grew a little. That is, until she realised: if they wouldn't be able to beat it with the two of them, how could Javier possibly take it on by himself?! Colette picked up the pace faster, even started to run. She'd only been thinking about her own safety, and now only left to hope that Javier had somehow saved himself.

After a while of running, a wooden cottage came in sight, in the middle of a small clearing. Colette stopped her running at a safe distance to catch her breath and assess the situation. The Sawsbuck was standing in front of what must be the door of the shack; it seemed its antlers had pierced the door and it'd gotten stuck. Colette came up a little closer carefully, and only then she saw that the wood blocking the entrance of the shack was in fact not a door, but a table. Hands could be seen holding it in place, but the Deer Pokémon didn't seem ready to give in at all. It was struggling heavily to free its antlers from the table, and it seemed like the piece of furniture was about to break apart already.

Colette had caught her breath, and proceeded to run to the other side of the cottage, to see if there was another way in. No such luck. ''…We need to get out of here.'' Faint male voices could be heard from inside now that she'd gotten closer. Colette made up her mind. She ran to the front of the cabin and sent out her Pokémon in an attempt to distract the Sawsbuck. The enraged Pokémon paid her no mind at all, though, as it was too desperate to free itself and rampage inside. ''Okay… well, here goes nothing. Chief, use Scratch! Lilac, you use Absorb!''

Torchic started moving forward first. It ran up to the back of the Sawsbuck, and Scratched its back leg with its claws. Oddish on its own turned used Absorb, and managed to drain its opponent's health with its roots from a safe distance.
The Season Pokémon, ever more infuriated, began kicking its legs and pulled back as hard as it could, finally breaking its antlers out of their wooden entrapment. ''MOO!'' it exclaimed, and looked around at its attackers. ''Tor— CHIEF, RUN!'' Colette yelled. Torchic started moving away from the Sawsbuck, but the grand Pokémon wasn't even after it. Likely because of her shouting, it scraped the floor with his front hoof, and glared at their trainer furiously. ''Uh-oh.'' Colette ran from it as fast as she could, but Sawsbuck took off swiftly and gave chase. The girl's first instinct was to climb into a tree, and so she jumped as high as she could to grab one of a tree's lower branches and pulled herself up, right before the Sawsbuck would have struck her with its Take Down. She was sitting on top of the branch now, desperately trying to climb up higher. Her attacker wasn't about to give up, however, and started ramming the tree with its hind legs, using Jump Kick.

Chief and Lilac had run after the Sawsbuck as well when it charged their trainer. The two managed a combination to make it stop: Torchic struck its front legs as it kicked the tree, to unbalance it. Right then, Oddish jumped and climbed on top of Sawsbuck's head, used Absorb to grab hold of it with its roots and drain its health.
Sawsbuck was absolutely furious and jumped around like a rodeo to get Lilac off its back. The Grass-type couldn't hold on for long after its attack ceased, and fell on the ground. Torchic struck Sawsbuck's hind leg with a final Scratch to keep Oddish from being trampled, but was hit immediately by one of its rodeo-esque Jump Kicks. Its massive power on such a small Pokémon caused Chief to be launched into the nearby bushes. Oddish panicked and ran after it, leaving Sawsbuck to himself. The two pesky critters that ganged up on it were gone. Relieved, the Normal-type Pokémon allowed itself a moment to catch its breath, but as it saw people and other critter Pokémon had begun streaming out of the wooden cottage, the tension made its back hairs stand up again. This wasn't over yet.