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League of Legends

  • 289
    I find this champion rotation quite funny though, biggest part of them I already own. xD

    I'm not interested in any of them :(

    And see what I mean about bots?
    League of Legends

    Too easy. This is only the 2nd time I used her, and I don't know if I'm good enough to use her in normal or not. I don't want to mess up and be flamed by everyone.
    There are so many ragers in this game.
    Also... I have a problem... I can't log into the site with my game account. Nothing happens. But if I put the password in wrong, I get an error. It's strange. I don't have any symbols in my username or anything...

    Yume Tsuki

    (/ ゚ヮ゚)/彡 ┻━┻
  • 1,197
    I'm not interested in any of them :(

    And see what I mean about bots?
    League of Legends

    Too easy. This is only the 2nd time I used her, and I don't know if I'm good enough to use her in normal or not. I don't want to mess up and be flamed by everyone.
    There are so many ragers in this game.
    Also... I have a problem... I can't log into the site with my game account. Nothing happens. But if I put the password in wrong, I get an error. It's strange. I don't have any symbols in my username or anything...

    And you're also sure that you're on the right server when you log in?
  • 289
    And you're also sure that you're on the right server when you log in?

    I am. I'm using na.leagueoflegends.com, and my account is on the NA server.
    Thanks to Korea...
    Week 26 champions: Alistar, Ashe, Graves, Lux, Malzahar, Maokai, Master Yi, Morgana, Riven, Volibear

    *sigh* inc 9001 more Yi noobs

    I already have Lux and Ashe. Maokai and Graves were free not too long ago, and they're already back.

    Again... not really interested. I guess I can try Malzahar and Riven, but I definitely won't be buying them.
    Nothing I want is on sale, so rune page it is then, I guess.
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    f i r e f l y .
  • 4,262
    I find this champion rotation quite funny though, biggest part of them I already own. xD
    Yeah. I don't own too many champs, but half the free ones for the week I've already got, that being Alistar, Varus, Lux and Riven. And as for the sale, yuck. The only tempting one is Yorick tbh, and I don't want him because I want Renekton.

    @double trouble One time I heard that you're not ever going to get real experience in games against bots. You play normals and you'll get that experience, it's the only place you can start to feel challenged and you know, have a role and so on it's hard to explain lol. But one thing you have to remember is that you will win and lose games, regardless. Sometimes you may not be as good as someone else, but don't let it get to you. They were also that bad at one stage.

    I'll keep my RP for now though, but I will be trying out Malzahar and Morgana heavily when my internet get's back to full speed again, since they're champions I really want to try out and play for reals.

    Also today I played a game, two people on my team left and we still won. :D
  • 289

    Yeah. I don't own too many champs, but half the free ones for the week I've already got, that being Alistar, Varus, Lux and Riven. And as for the sale, yuck. The only tempting one is Yorick tbh, and I don't want him because I want Renekton.

    @double trouble One time I heard that you're not ever going to get real experience in games against bots. You play normals and you'll get that experience, it's the only place you can start to feel challenged and you know, have a role and so on it's hard to explain lol. But one thing you have to remember is that you will win and lose games, regardless. Sometimes you may not be as good as someone else, but don't let it get to you. They were also that bad at one stage.

    I'll keep my RP for now though, but I will be trying out Malzahar and Morgana heavily when my internet get's back to full speed again, since they're champions I really want to try out and play for reals.

    Also today I played a game, two people on my team left and we still won. :D

    This week is already frustrating :/ I really can't stand the idiots I get matched with all the time.
    We were winning... then these idiots on my team kept going out solo and fed Graves.
    Game over :|

    Yeah, I know you don't get a lot out of bots. But I'm just too scared to try out my other champions in normal lol. But yeah, I have to stop doing that because I'm getting tired of Fizz/Annie/Kennen. I still like them, but I need a break. Since I started using LolMatches (for tracking my stats), I've played 46 games with Fizz, 25 with Kennen (and I just got him before week 25), and 13 with Annie.

    I own Annie, Ashe, Caitlyn (from sale), Fizz, Jax, Kennen, Lux, Nasus, Poppy, Sona, Soraka, Teemo, Tristana, and Ziggs (sale).
    I just started playing Tristana in normals. Not doing bad.
    I'm level 22 atm, almost 23.
    I should start using Ziggs again, he's quite fun. I haven't used him since I lost a game with him though :|
    But again... it wasn't my fault. I was playing with idiots.
    I have 5.6k IP right now. Not saving it for a 6300. I might buy a 1350 some time soon.

    Edit: Hit 23 :D
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  • 289
    I'll stay out of ranked until I feel ready. My last hitting needs more work and I'm not good with a lot of champions yet. I don't want to end up in "Elo hell" :P
    I wouldn't mind going down there with a smurf though!
    It's funny how ratings like 400 exist. I read about it. How can you be 30 without knowing the basics of the game?

    I should also try Dominion against players, and not just bots. It's quite fun, and fast too.

    I wish the games I played were more like the setups I see in ranked.
    1 support, a jungler, and 2 solo lanes. More gold.
    I hate having to share minion kills. Solo lanes are nice....
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    Doctor Lobotomy
  • 1,193
    Double when you hit 30 everything pretty much changes. Everyone arent all complete noobs most the time and youll usually have the ranked game set up which is good to practice with.

    Im not even sure what champs I own haha! I'm only playing free people atm for a challenge xD. Waiting for this new champ to come out though, rather excited for the update as well.

    You guys should add me ingame if you want to have a game or two! I'd happily help you guys get some wins etc. (Also I'm stuck in ELO hell from my teams mates failing, woe is me.)
  • 289
    I can't wait :(
    It's taking so long! I'm almost halfway through 23.

    It's so unfair..... The last game I had... I tried really hard. I was getting kills, as well as helping my team get kills. But this stupid guy kept going out on his own and fed Twitch (15/0/3 by the end).
    Most of the time, I feel like I'm better than the players on my team.
    I think I'm going to make a smurf as soon as I hit 30 so I can own noobs whenever I get frustrated. /mean

    And yeah... about the ranked setup. My CS usually isn't too bad if I get a solo lane. Better than the rest of my team 90% of the time if I'm trying.
    I miss minions every once in a while, but at times, I can reach 70-80+ by 15 minutes (most don't get there)
    I like having the gold to start my build early on.

    It really doesn't help having Master Yi free this week -_-

    I hope I'll be decent by the end of this summer.
    I don't know if I'm just bad... or if it's my team... or if I'm against smurfs.
    I just lost a game and there was a guy with almost 300 CS by the end. Obvious smurf. He had 150 before 15 minutes as well.
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    f i r e f l y .
  • 4,262
    Tbh nowadays I'm only really playing either solo mid or support, seeing as it's either my job to carry or not get CS. But it all really depends on the champ I'm playing as well when I get CS. Most I can get 70-80 by the time of the 15 minute mark, but 150 seems crazy. That's the mark of a true warrior on the fields of justice. All I know is that I hate it when people focus more on getting kills rather than the objective. Someone who will go off around trying for ganks rather than destroying a turret.

    I also hate it when I'm Caitlyn being forced to solo top because we have a Pantheon who refuses to do so.

    Also just from the champion spotlight, what's everyone's opinion on Darius? To me he seems pretty interesting, just not as tanky as I thought he would be. He seems to be a bit more like Jarvan or Garen if you ask me. Also I find his passive is OP, seeing as he hits you once, and he has sight over you forever. But come to think of it, he could be a great compadre for Warwick.
  • 289
    He was killing everyone too.
    And yeah, I can get 70-80 with Fizz easily. I guess it must be because I played nearly 50 games with him.
    I don't like mid, b/c you'll get raged at if you mess up.
    Not sure what I think of Darius atm.


    f i r e f l y .
  • 4,262
    I think the whole point with the game is that if you don't do as well as your opponent, you're a noob whereas they might just be better than you at the role. Take say, a solo top Riven and Singed against each other. Both equally matched and everything, the Riven should always win against the Singed because she can counter him. But it's not necessarily like that though, as a good Singed will always beat a bad Riven. I know I was flamed because I was being a bad Janna support or something, having a small CS and no kills whatsoever. I got praise from the enemy team though, as they knew that support isn't the easiest role to play.
  • 289
    When I spec the featured games, most supports have little or no CS. They use gp10 items instead, so they still get gold but don't steal from the others. If they get a lot of assists, they're barely behind. Maybe only by 1k gold.

    You know what I hate? I don't really get a chance to play an AD champ.
    Sometimes, I try to pick Tristana right away, but then everyone else goes AD and I switch to AP, or someone tells me that I have to change -_-

    I really want to try Akali. I have 5.5k IP atm. Worth it? I like having energy instead of mana sometimes. If you're not taking too much damage, you'll never have to recall.


    f i r e f l y .
  • 4,262
    My opinion on that matter is that people refuse to adapt to the situation or just do so right at the end where it can pretty much screw up your entire game. Just people who have to auto-lock the likes of Varus, Ashe, Tristana etc. and force me to play the tanky role instead because I'm not auto-locking a role. I'm able to adapt to the situation, unlike other people.

    Although I had one game once where I think it was Leona I was playing, and this one guy who was playing Fiddlesticks was going to lane with me, right at the last second decided to jungle. He was freaking terrible at it as well. I was well off though, but it was still kinda bad, choosing at the last second. D:

    As for Akali, I really want her seeing as she's this amazing pro juker or something with her ultimate and everything. I want her, but she's a bit iffy. I mean the likes of Jax and Poppy have the same role; being a hybrid player. But I'd definitely opt for Akali if you want her. If not, just go for someone who also has energy or something like Lee Sin or Shen or someone who doesn't even rely on anything like that like Shyvana.

    Speaking of Poppy, that ultimate is terrible. I came up against a smurf account on my own when I was playing mid Morgana. This Poppy's ultimate is really frustrating, being able to turret dive without taking any damage at all.
  • 289
    I have Jax and Poppy already. And Lee Sin is too expensive. I don't want to spend IP on a 6300 champ and I don't have money to use either.

    Varus is another reason why I want this week to end. Ridiculous harass and CC. I have a hard time laning against him.
    Also, Riot needs to remove Master Yi.
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    Yume Tsuki

    (/ ゚ヮ゚)/彡 ┻━┻
  • 1,197
    The best counters against varus:

    By the way, just you wait for Darius to come by. I've seen his abilities and he's a devil... Especially his ult. The best way to counter him is probably with Mundo.


    Doctor Lobotomy
  • 1,193
    Darius looks incredibly OP, I think he's defs going to need a massive nerf straight up, his Ultimate is just ridiculous!!
    Also Varus is a fairly average AD Carry imo. I played him a few times this week and wasnt impressed at all..

    Honestly though, Darius looks WAY to OP to me..
  • 289
    Out of that list, I have Tristana and Caitlyn. Like I said... in most matches, I can't play AD because everyone else already instalocks one. I'm forced to go AP.

    I'm still not sure what to get. I know I should get Ryze since he's cheap. Not sure what else.
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    f i r e f l y .
  • 4,262
    I was honestly considering buying Urgot when I hit 3150 IP, but I bought Akali like I originally intended. She's really fun to play, but you just gotta know how to play her which I don't yet. :P

    As for Darius, he is really OP, but the one's I've come up against are just bad. I'll wait until he's free before I consider buying him. Went with Varus when he came out and I regret that, especially as I rarely play him and I've got MF anyway. :D

    Also I've taken a liking to Soraka.