lucy lapras
XY Event collector
- 27
- Posts
- 11
- Years
- Isle of Thanet
- Seen Oct 9, 2014
And Welcome to my shop! I am Looking for any Gen6 Events I dont have, that does include different natures, Characteristics and Languages, I do also like some older Events too, so please feel free to offer!
1) I like to try to keep trades fair, and do Event nature switches when possible, but I am flexible and a generous trader ;)
2) Please no swearing or abusing people or myself on Thread, I will treat you and others with respect,so please try to do the same :)
3) If you trade me pokemon with false information, PowerSave Date Pokemon obtained after the Powersave date or it turns out to be a Hack etc, I will message you to arrange a tradeback, if you ignore my request then I have to report you, and you may be banned from my shop :(
4) Have fun! :D
I have alot of pokemon here and some I did acquire before they became available on powersave, as they are noted as such, but if you do see a powersave date somewhere please feel free to point this out to me, thanks!
Now, here is what I have to offer
Generation 6 Events
Halloween White Gengar
Gengar, 09134, Modest, Proud of its power, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Timid, Strong willed, 10/10/2014 [Eng]
Gengar, 09134, Hardy, Takes plenty of siestas, 9/14/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Quirky, Strongly defiant, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Calm, Very finicky, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Hasty, Very finicky, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 9/16/2014 [Ita]
Gengar, 09134, Naive, Sturdy body, 9/13/2014 [Kor]
Gengar, 09134, Adamant, Often lost in thought, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Docile, Strong willed, 9/20/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Modest, Often lost in thought, 9/30/2014 [Fre]
Gengar, 09134, Jolly, Capable of taking hits, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Quiet, Strong willed, 9/17/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Rash, Likes to run, 9/19/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Brave, Likes to fight, 9/20/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Naughty, Somewhat vain, 9/22/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwan Wonderland Darkrai
Darkrai, 08074, Sassy, Somewhat vain, 8/9/2014 [Jpn]
Darkrai, 08074, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 8/19/2014 [Jpn]
Darkrai, 08074, Hasty, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/17/2014 [Fre]
Darkrai, 08074, Bold, Alert to sounds, 8/17/2014 [Ger]
Darkrai, 08074, Careful, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/17/2014 [Kor]
Darkrai, 08074, Docile, Likes to thrash about, 8/17/2014 [Ita]
Darkrai, 08074, Serious, Somewhat vain, 8/17/2014 [Spa]
Darkrai, 08074, Bold, Somewhat vain, 8/17/2014 [Eng]
Taiwan Movie Theater Diance
Diance, 08274, Hardy, Likes to thrash about, 8/29/2014 [Jpn]
Wishing Star Jirachi
Jirachi, 08144, Hardy, Highly persistent, 8/17/2014 [Kor] LEVEL 24
Jirachi, 08144, Lax, Somewhat vain, 8/27/2014 [Kor]
Jirachi, 08144, Quirky, Likes to relax, 8/27/2014 [Kor]
PCBC 2ND Distribution
Mawille, 07074, Adamant, Strong willed, 7/18/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 06234, Hasty, A little quick tempered, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Tyranitar, 07074, Jolly, Proud of its power, 7/18/2014 [Kor]
Gyarados, 06234, Gentle, Highly persistant, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Kangaskhan, 06234, Impish, Scatters things often, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Captain Pikachu NN せんちょう
Pikachu, 08094, Bold, Highly curious, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lax, Likes to run, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Timid, Thoroughly cunning, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Red Brick Warehouse Pikachu NN あかレンガ
Pikachu, 08094, Careful, Capable of taking hits, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Gentle, Likes to run, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Impish, Quick to flee, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pacifico Pikachu NN パシフィコ
Powersave dated pikachu obtained before they became available on powersave
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Likes to run, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Serious, Loves to eat, 8/17/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lax, Quick tempered, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Mischievous, 8/15/2014 [Kor]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Likes to fight, 8/17/2014 [Ger]
Pikachu, 08094, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 8/16/2014 [Ita]
Pikachu, 08094, Bashful, Likes to fight, 8/16/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu, 08094, Careful, Mischievous, 8/16/2014 Spa]
Heart stamp Pikachu NN ♥♥ピカ♥♥
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Often lost in thought, 8/17/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Adamant, Likes to fight, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Hasty, Highly curious, 8/16/2014 [Spa]
Pikachu, 08094, Modest, Highly curious, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Capable of taking hits, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lonely, Scatters things often, 8/13/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, 08094, Naive, Strong willed, 8/11/2014 [Ger]
Landmark Tower Pikachu NN ランドマーク
Pikachu, 08094, Naive, Likes to run, 8/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Good perseverance, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Cosmo World Pikachu NN コスモW
Pikachu, 08094, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 8/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Bold, Nods off a lot, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
World Championship Aegislash
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Good perseverance, 8/17/2014 [Eng]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Somewhat of a clown, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Scatters things often, 8/16/2014 [Ger]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Scatters things often, 8/17/2014 [Spa]
Fancy Pattern GTS Vivillon
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Highly curious, 7/13/2014 [Fre]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Relaxed, Proud of its power, 7/8/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Gentle, Capable of taking hits, 10/9/2018 [Ger]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Lonely, Highly curious, 7/11/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Likes to run, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quiet, Strongly defiant, 7/10/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Timid, Mischievous, 7/10/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Bold, Somewhat of a clown, 7/11/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quiet, Capable of taking hits, 7/8/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Modest, Somewhat vain, 7/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Adamant, A little quick tempered, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quirky, Quick tempered, 8/23/2011 [Eng] LEVEL 15
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Serious, Likes to fight, 7/24/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Bashful, Thoroughly cunning, 7/28/2014 [Ger]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Likes to run, 7/9/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 27
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Jolly, Quick tempered, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 7/20/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 21
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Impish, Capable of taking hits, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Vivillon
Vivillon, 08064, Mild, Alert to sounds, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Lonely, Strong willed, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Rash, Mischievous, 8/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Timid, A little quick tempered, 8/6/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, 08064, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Serious, Scatters things often, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Lax, Hates to lose, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Careful, Strongly defiant, 8/6/2013 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Timid, Capable of taking hits, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Vivillon, 08134, Jolly, Good perseverance, 8/28/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08134, Sassy, A little quick tempered, 5/6/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, 08134, Modest, Loves to eat, 8/29/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08134, Relaxed, Strongly defiant, 8/30/2014 [Ger]
Vivillon, 08134, Modest, Likes to run, 9/7/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Heracross
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Likes to fight, 8/13/2014 [Spa]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Quick to flee, 8/13/2014 [Eng] Has gained some experience
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 8/14/2013 [Eng] LEVEL 51 HAS PKRS
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Strongly Defiant, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Pinsir
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Mischievous, 8/14/2014 [Eng] Has gained some experience
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 8/23/2014 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Quick to flee, 8/27/2014 [Spa] Has gained some experience
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Likes to run, 8/28/2014 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Good endurance, 8/30/2013 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 8/17/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 100
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/31/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 66
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Loves to eat, 8/15/2014 [Eng]
GAME 2014 Charizard
Charizard Y, 07114, Brave, Impetuous and silly, 7/14/2014, [Eng]
Charizard Y, 07114, Modest, Strongly defiant, 8/5/2014 [Eng]
Gamestop14 Charizard
Charizard, 08134, Timid, Takes plenty of siestas, 9/2/2014 [Ger]
Charizard, 08134, Bold, Nods off a lot, 9/2/2014 [Ger]
Movie Diance
Diance, 07194, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 8/7/2014 [Jpn]
Diance, 07194, Bold, Capable of taking hits, 7/22/2014 [Jpn]
Pokebank Celebi
Pokebank Celebi, Brave, Somewhat vain, 1/1/2014, level 20, [Jpn]
Pokebank Celebi, Bold,Capable of taking hits, 3/30/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Hardy, Mischievous, 4/28/2014 [Eng] Obtained myself
Pokebank Celebi, Quirky, likes to thrash about, 4/11/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/6/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Lax, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/16/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Timid, Somewhat vain, 1/1/2013 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Gentle, Somewhat vain, 3/14/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 12/28/2013 [Kor]
Pokebank Celebi, Docile, capable of taking hits, 12/25/2013 [Kor]
Pokebank Celebi, Careful, Mischievous, 2/5/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Jolly, Mischievous, 2/7/2014 [Ger]
Pokebank Celebi, Calm, Alert to sounds, 2/5/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 4/7/2014 [Fre] Has PKRS
Pokebank Celebi, Timid, Mischievous, 6/11/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Mild, Alert to sounds, 8/15/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Bold, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/9/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 1/30/2013 [Kor]
SPRING 2014 Magmar
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Lonely, Strong willed, 5/6/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014,PRINT2014, Docile, Often Lost in thought, 5/5/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Brave, Hates to lose, 5/6/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014, Spring 2014 Sassy,Good Endurance, 4/5/2014, [Eng]
Magma 04014, Spring 2004 Lonely, Quick tempered, 5/3/2014 [Eng]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Rash, Very Finicky, 4/25/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Gentle, Quick Tempered, 4/25/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Sassy, Good perseverance, 4/21/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Impish, Mischievous, 4/20/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Bashful, Likes to thrash about, 4/28/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Rash, Strongly Defiant, 4/15/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Careful, Mischievous, 4/14/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Brave, Thoroughly Cunning, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Hardy, Likes to run, 4/14/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014, Spring 2014 Bold, Hates to lose, 4/5/2014 [Eng]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Bold, Quick tempered, 4/19/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014 Quirky, Very finicky, 5/8/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014 Brave, Thoroughly cunning, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Modest, strong willed, 4/17/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014 Modest, Thoroughly cunning, 4/15/2014 [Fre]
Spring2014 Electabuzz
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Relaxed, Scatters things often, 4/24/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Docile, Likes to relax, 4/26/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Quiet, Somewhat Stubborn, 4/24/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014, Hasty, Proud of its power, 4/27/2014 [Spa]
Electabuzz 04014, spring2014 Naughty, quick to flee, 4/16/2014, [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Print2014, Naughty, Good Endurance, 4/14/2014, [Fre]
Electabuzz 04014 Fruhl2014, Jolly, Capable of taking hits, 4/14/2014, [Ger]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Sassy, somewhat of a clown, 4/17/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Print2014, Calm, somewhat stubborn 5/20/2014 [Fre]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014,Modest, Quick tempered, 4/16/2014 [Spa]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Calm, Likes to thrash about, 4/14/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Hardy, Takes plenty of siestas, 4/5/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, lonely, Good perseverance, 4/17/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 Fruhl2014, Relaxed, Often lost in thought, 4/21/2014 [Ger]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014, Lonely, Mischievous, 4/18/2014 [Spa]
Tretta Wobbuffet
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Naughty,Sturdy body, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Modest, Sturdy Body, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 1/20/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Bold, Likes to relax, 2/14/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Hasty, Somewhat vain, 12/23/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Timid, Throughly cunning, 1/24/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Calm Good Endurance, 2/12/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Jolly, Likes to relax, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Careful, Likes to fight, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Gentle, Strongly defiant, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Relaxed, Somewhat stubborn, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Sylveon
Sylveon 10123 Lax, Capable of taking hits, 1/3/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Bold, Alert to sounds, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Careful, Somewhat of a clown 1/4/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Modest, Alert to sounds, 10/31/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Bashful, Somewhat stubborn, 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Adamant, Quick tempered, 12/20/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Pikachu
Pikachu 10123, Birthday, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu 10123, Birthday, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/13/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu 10123, Timid, Likes to run, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu 10123, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 3/6/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Glaceon
Glaceon 10123, Birthday, Careful Strong willed 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 12/2/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Hardy, Likes to relax, 11/29/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Impish, Proud of its power, 10/12/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Umbreon
Umbreon 10123, Birthday, Quirky, Takes plenty of siestas, 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Naive, Alert to sounds, 1/4/2014 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Timid, Quick to flee, 1/28/2014 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Sassy, Mischievious, 10/31/2013 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Hardy, Likes to run, 12/14/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Espeon
Espeon 10123, Gentle, Good Endurance, 1/3/2013 [Jpn]
Espeon 10123, Brave Thouroughly Cunning 2/23/2014 [Jpn]
Espeon 10123, Timid, Likes to thrash about, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Jolteon
Jolteon 10123, Hardy, Highly persistant, 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Jolteon 10123, Rash, Likes to thrash about, 1/14/2014 [Jpn]
Jolteon 10123, Naughty, Scatters Things often, 1/26/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Leafeon
Leafeon 10123, Sassy, Somewhat vain, 1/26/2014 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Docile, alert to sounds 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Bold, Often lost in thought, 1/29/2014 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Jolly, Likes to fight, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Vaporeon
Vaporeon 10123, Mild Somewhat vain,11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Vaporeon 10123, Rash, Sturdy Body, 1/17/2014 [Jpn]
Vaporeon 10123,Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Flareon
Flareon 10123, Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Jolly, Strongly Defiant, 11/29/2013 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Mild, Quick to flee, 12/24/2013, [Jpn]
Birthday Eevee
Eevee 10123, Naive, Capable of taking hits 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Mild, Quick to flee, 12/24/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Modest, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Calm, Loves to eat, 11/21/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Bashful, Strongly defiant, 12/22/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Naughty, capable of taking hits, 12/25/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Impish, Good perseverance, 2/15/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Jolly, Somewhat vain, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Lax, Very Finicky, 11/4/2013 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai
Movie Darkrai 04194 Modest, likes to thrash about 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Naughty, Capable of taking hits 4/23/2014 [Kor]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Adamant, Takes plently of siestas, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bashful, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bold, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Brave, Mischievious, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Careful, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Gentle, likes to trash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Hardy, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Hasty, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Impish, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Lonely, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Mild, Alert to sounds 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Sassy, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Mild, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Spa]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Rash, Takes plenty of seistas, 5/1/2014 [Ita]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Timid, Likes to thrash about 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Quirky, Somewhat vain 4/20/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Quirky, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Ita]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Impish, Likes to thrash about, 5/1/2014 [Spa]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bold, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Eng]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Jolly, Somewhat vain, 5/28/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Gentle, Capable of taking hits, 7/19/2014 [Jpn]
X/Y Torchic
Torchic X/Y 10123, Naughty, Hates to lose, 10/13/2013 with Blazikenite [Eng] Obtained myself
Torchic X/Y 10123, Bold, Likes to relax, 1/12/2014 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Lax, Somewhat vain 10/12/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Sassy, Takes plenty of siestas 11/9/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Bold, Mischievious 11/3/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Modest, Likes to run, 12/11/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Adamant, Proud of its power, 10/23/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Timid, Likes to relax, 8/14/2011 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Careful, Strong willed, 10/12/2013 [Ger]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Naughty, Somewhat stubborn, 10/12/2013 [Ger] LEVEL 15
Coro Coro Chaizard
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Adamant Capable of taking hits 3/17/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Brave, Scatters things often, 2/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Careful, Mischievous, 3/21/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Jolly, Good perseverance, 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Lonely, Mischievous, 3/14/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Modest, Very finicky 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Bashful, Very Finicky 3/15/2014 [Eng]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Relaxed, Sturdy body, 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Naive, Impetuous and silly, 11/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Modest, Often lost in thought, 3/15/2014 [Eng]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Serious, Somewhat vain, 3/28/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Calm, Nods off a lot, 12/8/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Bold, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/19/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Jolly, Often lost in thought, 12/25/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Hasty, Impetuous and silly, 12/7/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Naughty, Likes to fight, 11/15/2013 [Eng]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Relaxed, Hates to lose, 11/17/2014 [Jpn]
WINTER 2013 Garchomp
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Naive, Highly Curious, 12/30/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Timid, Likes to run, 1/8/2015 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Jolly, Alert to sounds 12/7/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153, Adamant, Quick tempered, 12/5/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153, Lax, Loves to eat, 11/28/2013 [Eng]
VGC Garchomp
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Adamant, Alert to sounds, 4/13/2014 [Kor]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Mild, Nods off a lot, 4/13/2014 [Kor]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Adamant, Nods off a lot, 4/13/2014 [Eng]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Bashful, Somewhat of a clown, 4/13/2014 [Eng]
X/Y Garchomp
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really want :)
Singaporean Garchomp XY 01244 Impish Somewhat of a clown 2/18/2014 [Eng]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Modest Strongly Defiant, 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Serious, Often lost in thought [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154, Bold, Highly Curious, 1/27/2014 [Eng]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Timid, Proud of its power, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Brave, Very finicky, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Quiet, Good perseverance, 1/26/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really like :)
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Jolly, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Serious, Highly Persistent, 4/13/2013 [Jpn]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Bashful Somewhat stubborn 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Lax, Very Finicky, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Naive, Quick Tempered, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Lonely, Somewhat of a clown,1/9/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Relaxed, Likes to fight, 1/4/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 13 HAS PKRS
PCTB Inkay
PCTB Inkay 11223 Gentle, loves to eat, 1/19/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Docile, Takes plenty of siestas, 11/22/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Naive, Mischievous, 1/20/2014 [Fre]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Quirky, Likes to fight, 11/22/2014 [Kor]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Brave Capable of taking hits, 11/30/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Serious, Sturdy Body, 12/26/2013 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Naughty Somewhat of a clown 1/3/ 2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Rash Nods off a lot 11/22/2013 [Ger]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Bold Mischievous 11/22/2013 [Ita]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Adamant, Sturdy body, 11/30/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Quirky, Good Endurance, 1/9/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Modest, A little quick tempered 1/13/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Relaxed, Strong willed, 1/23/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Careful, Takes plenty of siestas,1/6/2014, [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 12/5/2013 [Spa]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 1/4/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Hardy, Good perseverance, 1/23/2014 [Jpn]
Christmas Trade Scizor
Scizor 12213, Christmas Trade, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 12/21/2013 [Jpn]
PCBC Scizor
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Takes plenty of siestas,5/24/2014 [Eng]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Bold, Capable of taking hits, 5/21/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Sturdy body, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lonely, Impetuous and silly, 5/23/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Serious, Somewhat stubborn, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naughty, Highly curious, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Timid, Highly curious, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Likes to run, 5/19/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Somewhat Vain 5/25/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lax, Often lost in thought, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 5/18/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 5/19/2014 [Spa]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Careful, Alert to sounds, 5/18/2014 [Spa]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Impish, Good Persevrance, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Likes to relax, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Relaxed, Highly curious, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Calm, Somewhat vain, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Sturdy Body, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
WINTER 2013 Scizor
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Naive, Likes to fight 1/27/2014 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Adamant, Mischievous, 12/18/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Relaxed, Likes to fight 12/24/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Sassy, Thoroughly Cunning, 12/16/2013 [Eng] HAS PKRS
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Impish, A little quick tempered, 11/29/2013 [Eng] Has gained some EXP
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Lonely, Somewhat of a clown, 12/12/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Mild, Likes to thrash about, 12/18/2013 [Eng]
PC Scizor
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 2/2/2013 [Jpn]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Docile, Hates to lose, 2/9/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 02014, Pokemon Center , Adamant, 1/23/2014, [Kor]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Modest, Takes plently of siestas, 2/1/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Lax, Nods off alot, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Modest, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/1/2014 [Eng]
PCBC Kangaskhan
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Adamant, Often lost in thought, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Highly curious, 5/30/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Highly curious, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Quick to flee, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Nods off alot, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Proud of its power, 5/27/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Highly Curious, 5/26/2014 [Fre]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Likes to thrash about, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quirky, Likes to thrash about, 5/26/2014 [Ger]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lonely, Good perseverance, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Somewhat of a clown, 6/1/2014 [Jpn]
PCBC Gyarados
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Gentle, 5/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Impish, Good perseverance, 5/11/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Sassy, Good Endurance 5/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Timid, Often lost in thought, 5/16/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Alert to sounds, 5/16/2014 [Eng]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Loves to eat, 5/10/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Hates to lose, 5/16/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Nods off a lot, 5/17/2014 [Jpn]
Korean Eevee House Sylveon
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really like :)
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Modest, Likes to run, 1/11/2014 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Naughty, Nods off alot,08/01/2014 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Brave, Nods off a lot, 12/21/2013 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Jolly, Quick to flee, 1/12/2014 [Kor] LEVEL 87
VGC Mamoswine
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to fight, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Somewhat Stubborn, 5/4/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Proud of its power, 5/3/2104 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 5/5/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 5/4/2014, [Jpn]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Endurance, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to take siestas, 5/3/2014 [Kor]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to relax 5/25/2014 [Eng]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Scatters things often 5/3/2014 [Eng]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Perseverance, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Endurance, 6/1/2014 [Ita]
Olleh TV Charizard
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Quirky, Loves to eat 04/19/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Hasty,Alert to sounds 04/18/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Naive, Quick tempered 4/25/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard Y, 04114, Brave, Likes to fight, 4/18/2013 [lKor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Naughty, Loves to eat 4/30/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Docile, Quick to flee 4/17/2014 [Kor]
Christmas Trade Gengar
Christmas Gengar 12213, Timid, Mischievious, 12/21/2013 [Jpn]
PC Gengar
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Timid, Scatters things often, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Lonely, Likes to relax 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Bold, Loves to eat, 2/9/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Timid, Capable of taking hits 1/23/2014 [Kor]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Mild, Loves to eat, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/2/2014 [Eng]
PCBC Gengar
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Modest, Likes to run 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Bashful, Somewhat Vain 6/2/2014 [Fre]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Careful, Strong willed, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Rash, Often lost in thought, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Naughty, Strong Willed, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Jolly, Likes to relax, 6/2/2014 [Kor]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Timid, Takes plenty of siestas, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Serious, Proud of its power, 6/2/2014 [Spa]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Naive, Quick tempered, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Hasty, Impetuous and silly, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Mild, Quick tempered, 6/5/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Lonely, Loves to eat, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Calm, Strong willed, 6/5/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Bold, Alert to sounds, 6/8/2014 [Jpn]
Paris Vivillon
Powersave dated Pokemon were obtained before availability on Powersave
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Bold, Alert to sounds, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Brave, Strongly Defiant, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Calm, Strong willed, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Naive, Alert to sounds, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Gentle, Good endurance, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Naughty, Scatters things often, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Serious, Capable of taking hits 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Timid, Proud of its power, 6/6/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014 ,Quirky, Often lost in thought, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Sassy, Highly curious, 6/5/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Relaxed, Scatters things often, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Mild, Thoroughly cunning, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Docile, Capable of taking hits, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Lonely, Somewhat stubborn, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Modest, Somewhat of a clown, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Lax, Sturdy body, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
PCBC Tyranitar
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Likes to run 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Highly curious, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Capable of taking hits, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Gentle, Somewhat of a clown, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Bold Alert to sounds, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Adamant, Mischievous, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Serious, Alert to sounds, 6/9/2014 [Ita]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Likes to run, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Careful, Highly curious, 6/10/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Modest, Impetuous and silly, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Good perseverance, 6/11/2014 [Jpn]
Get TV Pikachu
Obtained before availability on Powersave
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Bashful, Highly curious 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Calm, Likes to relax, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Modest, Very finicky, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Careful, Impetuous and silly 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Lonely, Takes plenty of siestas, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Brave, Somewhat stubborn, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Quirky, Loves to eat, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hasty, Highly persistant, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naughty, Strong Willed, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Rash, A little quick tempered, 6/23/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naive, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naive, Good perseverance, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Adamant, Strong willed, 6/15/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Relaxed, Proud of its power, 6/15/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Mild, Alert to sounds, 6/15/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Bold, Proud of its power, 6/15/2014 [Spa]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hardy,Likes to fight, 6/15/2014 [Ita]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Timid, Mischievous, 6/15/2014 [Ger]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Quirky, Alert to sounds, 6/15/2014 [Kor]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Serious, Loves to eat, 6/15/2014 [Kor]
PCBC Mawile
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Sassy, Good perseverance, 6/17/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Adamant, Mischievous, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Bashful,Nods off alot, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Bold, Strongly defiant, 6/19/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Brave, Likes to thrash about, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Jolly, Very finicky, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Naive, Likes to relax, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Relaxed, Alert to sounds,6/18/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Quirky, Nods off a lot, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Rash,, Very finicky, 6/17/2014 [Jpn]
Jessies Wobbuffet
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Jolly, Likes to run, 6/22/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Quiet, Likes to relax, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Lonely, Somewhat vain, 6/22/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Relaxed, Strong willed, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Impish, A little quick tempered, 6/24/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Brave, Likes to fight, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Adamant, Likes to relax, 7/21/2014 [Ita]
Generation 3, 4 And 5 Events
Plasma Genesect
Genesect, 10072, Bold, A little quick tempered, 10/7/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Timid, Likes to run, 11/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Lax, Often lost in thought,10/9/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Lax, Strongly defiant, 10/14/2012, Lv 15 Gained a small amount of experience [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Quiet, Loves to eat, 10/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Sassy, Often dozes off, 10/31/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Naughty, Good Endurance, 11/9/2012, Lv 15 Has PKRS [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Adamant, Quick to flee, 11/11/2012, Lv 26 [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Rash, Strongly defiant, 10/7/2012, Lv 15 Gained some experience[Eng]
Genesect, 08112, Jolly, Often dozes off, 8/11/2012 Lv 50 Gained some experience [Jpn]
10th Anniversary Mew
Mew, 11219, Jolly, Somewhat vain, Lv 5 UT [Jpn]
Faraway Island Mew
Mew, 25162, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 30, UT [Jpn] Shiny
Aura Mew
Mew, 20078, Adamant, Likes to fight, Level 45
Mew, 20078, Naughty, Somewhat vain, Lv 10 UT
FAL2010 Mew
Mew, 10160, Naive, Likes to fight, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Jolly, Nods off alot, Lv 35 [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Quiet, Strongly defiant, Lv 60 [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Calm, Likes to thrash about, Lv 20 [Eng]
Mew, 06930, Hardy, Very Finicky, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Hayleys Mew
Mew, 01000, Hasty, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 50, UT [Eng]
Mew, 01000, Modest, Quick Tempered, Lv 80 [Eng]
Character Fair Jirachi
Jirachi, 07173, Timid, Hates to lose, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap or a pokemon I really like
Australian Night Sky's Edge SMR2010 Jirachi
Jirachi, 06030, Impish, Alert to sounds, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Summer 2010 Jirachi
Jirachi, 06260, Lonely, Likes to run, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Jirachi, 06260, Timid, Somewhat vain, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Jirachi
Jirachi, 02270, Hasty, Strong willed, Lv 5, UT [Eng]
Wishmaker Jirachi
Jirachi, 20043, Brave, Mischievous, 10/25/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Jirachi, 20043, Gentle, A little quick tempered, 11/6/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Summer 2012 Keldeo
Keldeo, 08272, Timid, Somewhat vain, Lv 15 Has had PKRS [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Hasty, Good perseverance, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Naughty, Likes to relax, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Mild, Quick to flee, Lv 55 [Eng]
Winter 2013 Keldeo
Keldeo, 01163, Naive, Loves to eat, Lv 50 [Eng]
Shokotan Keldeo
Keldeo, 06232, Adamant, Capable of taking hits Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Plasma Deoxys
Deoxys, 05083, Jolly, Highly persistent, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hardy, Likes to relax, 5/9/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hasty, Quick Tempered, 5/13/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Gentle, Often scatters things, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Timid, Likes to thrash about, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Naive, Capable of taking hits, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 5/10/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Serious, Often dozes off, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Oblivia Deoxys
Deoxys, 03060, Lax, Often lost in thought, 9/14/2011, Lv 50 Has PKRS [Eng]
Deoxys, 03060, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 4/27/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Deoxys
Deoxys, 06218, Hardy, Likes to relax, 4/9/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 06218, Rash, Good perseverance, 6/21/2008 Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Space Center Deoxys
Deoxys, Impish, Quick to flee, 1/14/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
10th Movie Deoxys
Deoxys, 07147, Gentle, Good perseverance, 7/14/2007, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
Spring 2013 Meloetta
Meloetta, 03013, Modest, Alert to sounds, 3/6/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Careful, Often scatters things, 3/4/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Modest, Mischievous, 3/19/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Jolly, Somewhat of a clown, 3/8/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Calm, Often lost in thought, 3/24/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie 12 Meloetta
Meloetta, 07142, Adamant, Often dozes off, 7/28/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Meloetta, 07142, Modest, Mischievous, 3/19/2013, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Liberty Garden Victini
Victini, 07142, Serious, Highly curious, 10/15/2012, Lv 15 Has PKRS [Eng]
Victini, 15628, Bashful, Somewhat stubborn,3/13/2011, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Victini, 36253, Rash,Often lost in thought, 3/3/2013, Lv 15 UT [Kor]
Victini, 40617, Relaxed, Very finicky, 10/10/2010, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Victini, 52501, Hasty, Somewhat of a clown, 3/13/2011, Lv 41 [Eng]
Victini, 49197, Quirky, Often dozes off, 7/10/2011, Lv 52 [Eng]
Movie 14 Victini
Victini, 12031, Adamant, Often dozes off, 6/14/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Victini, 12031, Naughty, Often dozes off, 12/15/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Center Tohoku Victini
Victini, 11252, Naive, Somewhat vain, 11/25/2012 Lv 100 [Jpn]
Winter 2011 Celebi
Celebi, 02211, Lax, Often lost in thought, 3/11/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Celebi, 02211, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 4/23/2013, lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Celebi
Celebi, 02271, Modest, Somewhat vain, 3/6/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie Celebi
Celebi, 07100, Quirky, Often lost in thought, 3/29/2013, Lv 50 Gained some experience [Jpn]
Ash's Pikachu
Pikachu, 01301, Hardy, Somewhat vain, 1/30/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Pikachu
Pikachu, 01300, Jolly, Often dozes off, 3/8/2013, Lv 48 SHINY [Eng]
ANA Pikachu
Pikachu, 07181, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 7/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
FEB2012 Mewtwo
Mewtwo, 02112, Bold, Good perseverance, 2/12/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Mewtwo, 02112, Timid, Somewhat vain, 2/12/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Team Rocket Meowth
Meowth, 12072, Timid, Scatters things often, 12/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Meowth, 05103, Rash, Proud of its power, Lv 15 UT [Kor]
Pokemon Center Osaka Meowth
Meowth, 03209, Jolly, A little quick tempered, 4/11/2009, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
PalCity Manaphy
Manaphy, 07157, Modest, Scatter Things often, 8/17/2007, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
Mikena Pichu
Pichu, 12179, Jolly, Highly Curious, 3/23/2013, Lv 30 UT SHINY [Kor]
Battle Series 2009 Arcanine
Arcanine, 06069, Jolly, Proud of its power, 3/23/2013, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Shinsegae Feebas
Feebas, 07049, Calm, Mischievous, 3/23/2013, Lv 5 UT [Kor] Will only trade for nature swap
Year Of The Dragon
Swablu, 08232, Hasty, Highly curious, 8/23/2012, Lv 1 UT [Kor] Will only trade for other Year Of The Dragon
Trapinch, 08232, Adamant, Good perseverance, 8/23/2012, Lv 1 UT [Kor] Will only trade for other Year Of The Dragon
Homeplus Darkrai
Darkrai, 09031, Lax, Strong willed, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap
Winter 2011 Darkrai
Darkrai, 11011, Bashful, Scatters things often, 11/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Fre]
2012 May Darkrai
Darkrai, 05092, Brave, Somewhat stubborn, 5/20/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Darkrai, 05092, Adamant, Likes to relax,5/9/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Almia Darkrai
Darkrai, Bold, Likes to thrash about, 12/1/2008, Lv 52 [Eng]
ALAMOS Darkrai]
Darkrai, 05318, Lonely, Good endurance, 5/31/2008, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Nobunaga's Black Rayquaza
Rayquaza, 03172, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 3/17/2012, Lv 70 UT SHINY [Jpn]
Toys'R'Us Shaymin
Shaymin, 02089, Mild, proud of its power, 2/8/2009, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie 11 Shaymin
Shaymin, 04019, Relaxed, Good perseverance, 4/4/2009, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Lucario, 07157, Modest, Alert to sounds, 4/10/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Lucario, 07157, Modest, Mischievous, 8/10/2007, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
10th Anniversary
Zapdos, 00010, Naive, Thoroughly cunning, 8/3/2011, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Articuno, 00010, Lonely, Sturdy body, 8/3/2011, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Tyranitar, 00100, Quirky, Loves to eat, 10/27/2007, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Sandshrew, 13579, Docile, Mischievous, 4/5/2013, Lv 12 UT [Eng] Will only trade for other JEREMY Events or a pokemon i really want
WORLD09 Weavile
Weavile, 08159, Jolly, Somewhat vain, 4/10/2013, Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Popularity Poll Rayquaza
Rayquaza, 45602, Quirky, Likes to thrash about, 3/29/2012, Lv 50 [Kor] Gained a small amount of experience
Rayquaza, 33675, Adamant, Likes to fight, 9/21/2011, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap or a pokemon I really like
Befriend A Pokemon Umbreon
Umbreon, 28112, Jolly, Often dozes off, 5/19/2011, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Umbreon, 28112, Adamant, Good Endurance, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Dream World Arceus
Arceus, 10170, Brave, Highly persistant, 3/18/2012, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Arceus, 54042, Timid, Often lost in thought, 12/26/2010, Lv 100 UT [Jpn]
N's Zorua
Zorua, 00002, Hasty, Proud of its power, 12/29/2012, Lv 25 UT [Eng]
Guide Book Gothorita
Gothorita, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 12/22/2012, Lv 32 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Colosseum
Entei, 33088, Modest, Very Finicky, 2/14/2012, Lv 54 [Eng]
Suicune, 33088, Hardy, Highly curious, 2/14/2012, Lv 54 [Eng]
Raikou, 33088, Adamant, Very finicky, 2/14/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Entei
Entei, 01171, Adamant, Often dozes off, 4/6/2011, Lv 30 UT Shiny [Eng]
Gamestop Raikou
Raikou, 01031, Hardy, Likes to fight, 1/3/2011, Lv 34 Shiny [Eng]
Winter 2011 Suicune
Suicune, 02211 Relaxed, Mischievous, 7/18/2011 Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Carlita's Hydreigon
Hydreigon, 06171, Timid, Somewhat vain, 6/17/2011, Lv 70 [Jpn]
Juanitas Golurk
Golurk, 06171, Brave, Often dozes off, 6/17/2011, Lv 70 UT [Jpn]
VGC 09 Milotic
Milotic, 05099, Timid, Often dozes off, 7/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Center Tohoku Snivy
Snivy, 12041, Hardy, Good Perseverance, Lv 5 UT [Jpn]
10/12 Giratina
Giratina, 09143, Modest, Somewhat stubborn, Lv 100 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for other 10/12 Event or a pokemon I really want
Dream Radar Ho-oh
Ho-oh, 18028, Rash, Good endurance, 10/11/2012, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Ho-oh, 28847, Calm, Quick to flee, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Ho-oh, 58961, Naive, Good endurance, 4/20/2013, Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Giratina
Giratina, 27662, Bashful, Likes to thrash about, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Giratina, 28847, Quirky, A little quick tempered, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Lugia
Lugia, 11593, Bold, Scatters things often, 4/8/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 28847, Brave, Sturdy body, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 27662, Quiet, Good endurance, 10/18/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 31010, Docile, Quick to flee, 10/21/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 58513, Quiet, Alert to sounds, 7/19/2012, Lv 100[Jpn]
Dream Radar Palkia
Palkia, 12969, Timid, Mischievous, 12/14/2012, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
Palkia, 65531, Lonely, Likes to relax, 3/14/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Palkia, 05747, Naive, Sturdy body, 2/9/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Palkia, 27662, Sassy, Strong willed, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Dialga
Dialga, 33532, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 9/24/2012, Lv 44 [Jpn]
Dialga, 27662, Sassy, Loves to eat, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Dialga, 28847, Lax, Cpable of taking hits, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Tornadus
Tornadus, 43433, Hardy, Proud of its power, 4/13/2013, Lv 42 [Jpn]
Tornadus, 62811, Quirky, Very finicky, 3/24/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Tornadus, 04932, Jolly, Likes to run, 12/24/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Thundurus
Thundurus, 04932, Jolly, Good endurance, 12/24/2012, Lv 62 [Eng]
Thundurus, 37740, Timid, Proud of its power, 10/31/2012 Lv 100 [Fre]
Dream Radar Landorus
Landorus, 04932, Lax, Loves to eat, 12/26/2012, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Landorus, 43217, Lax, Good endurance, 10/15/2012, Lv 85 [Jpn]
Dream World Starter Event
Squirtle, 52406, Rash, Somewhat stubborn, 7/3/2011, Lv 10 UT [Kor]
Squirtle, 12020, Timid, Mischievous, 10/13/2010, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Squirtle, 06189, Bold, Highly curious, 7/31/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Bulbasaur, 06189, Modest, Capable of taking hits, 7/20/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Bulbasaur, 47027, Quiet, Quick tempered, 1/14/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Charmander, 52272, Serious, Often dozes, 3/13/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Charmander, 13546, Timid, Often dozes off, 2/2/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Mudkip, 34868, Naughty, Often scatters things, 10/9/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Treecko, 21077, Adamant, Thoroughly cunning, 3/8/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Torchic, 45312, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 2/7/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Torchic, 04332, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 12/18/2010, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Piplup, 21297, Impish, Strong willed, 2/27/2013, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Piplup, 62926, Bold, Very Finicky, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Piplup, 49658, Bold, Highly curious, Lv 10 UT [Kor]
Tutwig, 62926, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Chimchar, 47027, Timid, Mischievous, 1/14/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Chimchar, 20323, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 11/20/2012, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Chimchar, 62926, Docile, Impetuous and silly, 2/12/2013 Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Will only trade for other Dream World Starter Event or a pokemon I really want
Nagashima Spa Land Piplup
Piplup, 04282, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 4/28/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Recital Piplup
Piplup, 07202, Modest, Loves to eat, 7/21/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
McDonalds Pikachu
Pikachu, 05308, Bashful, Likes to thrash about, LV 20 UT[Jpn]
Kyoto Cross Media Experience 2009 Pikachu
Pikachu, 10039, Naughty, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
2008 Birthday Pikachu
Pikachu, 12268, Modest, Likes to run, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
Berry Glitch Zigzagoon
Zigzagoon, 30317, SAPHIRE, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
2007 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07207, Mild, Nods off alot, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2008 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07208, Naive, Likes to run, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2009 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07209, Naughty, Likes to thrash about, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07200, Hardy, Very Finicky, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2009 Birthday Chimchar
Chimchar, 09129, Mild, Loves to eat, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Chimchar
Chimchar, 09129, Hardy, Highly Curious, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11040, Calm, Somewhat of a clown, Lv 30 [Jpn]
2011 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11041, Serious, Good endurance, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
2012 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11042, Jolly, Likes to run, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
And Welcome to my shop! I am Looking for any Gen6 Events I dont have, that does include different natures, Characteristics and Languages, I do also like some older Events too, so please feel free to offer!
1) I like to try to keep trades fair, and do Event nature switches when possible, but I am flexible and a generous trader ;)
2) Please no swearing or abusing people or myself on Thread, I will treat you and others with respect,so please try to do the same :)
3) If you trade me pokemon with false information, PowerSave Date Pokemon obtained after the Powersave date or it turns out to be a Hack etc, I will message you to arrange a tradeback, if you ignore my request then I have to report you, and you may be banned from my shop :(
4) Have fun! :D
I have alot of pokemon here and some I did acquire before they became available on powersave, as they are noted as such, but if you do see a powersave date somewhere please feel free to point this out to me, thanks!
Now, here is what I have to offer
Generation 6 Events
Halloween White Gengar
Gengar, 09134, Modest, Proud of its power, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Timid, Strong willed, 10/10/2014 [Eng]
Gengar, 09134, Hardy, Takes plenty of siestas, 9/14/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Quirky, Strongly defiant, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Calm, Very finicky, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Hasty, Very finicky, 9/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 9/16/2014 [Ita]
Gengar, 09134, Naive, Sturdy body, 9/13/2014 [Kor]
Gengar, 09134, Adamant, Often lost in thought, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Docile, Strong willed, 9/20/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Modest, Often lost in thought, 9/30/2014 [Fre]
Gengar, 09134, Jolly, Capable of taking hits, 9/15/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Quiet, Strong willed, 9/17/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Rash, Likes to run, 9/19/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Brave, Likes to fight, 9/20/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar, 09134, Naughty, Somewhat vain, 9/22/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwan Wonderland Darkrai
Darkrai, 08074, Sassy, Somewhat vain, 8/9/2014 [Jpn]
Darkrai, 08074, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 8/19/2014 [Jpn]
Darkrai, 08074, Hasty, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/17/2014 [Fre]
Darkrai, 08074, Bold, Alert to sounds, 8/17/2014 [Ger]
Darkrai, 08074, Careful, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/17/2014 [Kor]
Darkrai, 08074, Docile, Likes to thrash about, 8/17/2014 [Ita]
Darkrai, 08074, Serious, Somewhat vain, 8/17/2014 [Spa]
Darkrai, 08074, Bold, Somewhat vain, 8/17/2014 [Eng]
Taiwan Movie Theater Diance
Diance, 08274, Hardy, Likes to thrash about, 8/29/2014 [Jpn]
Wishing Star Jirachi
Jirachi, 08144, Hardy, Highly persistent, 8/17/2014 [Kor] LEVEL 24
Jirachi, 08144, Lax, Somewhat vain, 8/27/2014 [Kor]
Jirachi, 08144, Quirky, Likes to relax, 8/27/2014 [Kor]
PCBC 2ND Distribution
Mawille, 07074, Adamant, Strong willed, 7/18/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 06234, Hasty, A little quick tempered, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Tyranitar, 07074, Jolly, Proud of its power, 7/18/2014 [Kor]
Gyarados, 06234, Gentle, Highly persistant, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Kangaskhan, 06234, Impish, Scatters things often, 6/30/2014 [Kor]
Captain Pikachu NN せんちょう
Pikachu, 08094, Bold, Highly curious, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lax, Likes to run, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Timid, Thoroughly cunning, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Red Brick Warehouse Pikachu NN あかレンガ
Pikachu, 08094, Careful, Capable of taking hits, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Gentle, Likes to run, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Impish, Quick to flee, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pacifico Pikachu NN パシフィコ
Powersave dated pikachu obtained before they became available on powersave
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Likes to run, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Serious, Loves to eat, 8/17/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lax, Quick tempered, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Mischievous, 8/15/2014 [Kor]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Likes to fight, 8/17/2014 [Ger]
Pikachu, 08094, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 8/16/2014 [Ita]
Pikachu, 08094, Bashful, Likes to fight, 8/16/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu, 08094, Careful, Mischievous, 8/16/2014 Spa]
Heart stamp Pikachu NN ♥♥ピカ♥♥
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Often lost in thought, 8/17/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Adamant, Likes to fight, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Hasty, Highly curious, 8/16/2014 [Spa]
Pikachu, 08094, Modest, Highly curious, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Naughty, Capable of taking hits, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Lonely, Scatters things often, 8/13/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, 08094, Naive, Strong willed, 8/11/2014 [Ger]
Landmark Tower Pikachu NN ランドマーク
Pikachu, 08094, Naive, Likes to run, 8/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Quirky, Good perseverance, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
Cosmo World Pikachu NN コスモW
Pikachu, 08094, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 8/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, 08094, Bold, Nods off a lot, 8/10/2014 [Jpn]
World Championship Aegislash
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Good perseverance, 8/17/2014 [Eng]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Somewhat of a clown, 8/16/2014 [Jpn]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Scatters things often, 8/16/2014 [Ger]
Aegislash, 08164, Quiet, Scatters things often, 8/17/2014 [Spa]
Fancy Pattern GTS Vivillon
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Highly curious, 7/13/2014 [Fre]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Relaxed, Proud of its power, 7/8/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Gentle, Capable of taking hits, 10/9/2018 [Ger]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Lonely, Highly curious, 7/11/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Likes to run, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quiet, Strongly defiant, 7/10/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Timid, Mischievous, 7/10/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Bold, Somewhat of a clown, 7/11/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quiet, Capable of taking hits, 7/8/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Modest, Somewhat vain, 7/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Adamant, A little quick tempered, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Quirky, Quick tempered, 8/23/2011 [Eng] LEVEL 15
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Serious, Likes to fight, 7/24/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Bashful, Thoroughly cunning, 7/28/2014 [Ger]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Naughty, Likes to run, 7/9/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 27
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Jolly, Quick tempered, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 7/20/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 21
Vivillon, GTS, 00108, Impish, Capable of taking hits, 7/9/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Vivillon
Vivillon, 08064, Mild, Alert to sounds, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Lonely, Strong willed, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Rash, Mischievous, 8/9/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Timid, A little quick tempered, 8/6/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, 08064, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Serious, Scatters things often, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Lax, Hates to lose, 8/6/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Careful, Strongly defiant, 8/6/2013 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08064, Timid, Capable of taking hits, 8/13/2014 [Jpn]
Vivillon, 08134, Jolly, Good perseverance, 8/28/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08134, Sassy, A little quick tempered, 5/6/2014 [Spa]
Vivillon, 08134, Modest, Loves to eat, 8/29/2014 [Eng]
Vivillon, 08134, Relaxed, Strongly defiant, 8/30/2014 [Ger]
Vivillon, 08134, Modest, Likes to run, 9/7/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Heracross
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Likes to fight, 8/13/2014 [Spa]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Quick to flee, 8/13/2014 [Eng] Has gained some experience
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 8/14/2013 [Eng] LEVEL 51 HAS PKRS
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Strongly Defiant, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
Heracross, 08134, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 8/13/2014 [Eng]
SUM2014 Pinsir
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Mischievous, 8/14/2014 [Eng] Has gained some experience
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 8/23/2014 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Quick to flee, 8/27/2014 [Spa] Has gained some experience
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Likes to run, 8/28/2014 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Good endurance, 8/30/2013 [Eng]
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 8/17/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 100
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 8/31/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 66
Pinsir, 08134, Adamant, Loves to eat, 8/15/2014 [Eng]
GAME 2014 Charizard
Charizard Y, 07114, Brave, Impetuous and silly, 7/14/2014, [Eng]
Charizard Y, 07114, Modest, Strongly defiant, 8/5/2014 [Eng]
Gamestop14 Charizard
Charizard, 08134, Timid, Takes plenty of siestas, 9/2/2014 [Ger]
Charizard, 08134, Bold, Nods off a lot, 9/2/2014 [Ger]
Movie Diance
Diance, 07194, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 8/7/2014 [Jpn]
Diance, 07194, Bold, Capable of taking hits, 7/22/2014 [Jpn]
Pokebank Celebi
Pokebank Celebi, Brave, Somewhat vain, 1/1/2014, level 20, [Jpn]
Pokebank Celebi, Bold,Capable of taking hits, 3/30/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Hardy, Mischievous, 4/28/2014 [Eng] Obtained myself
Pokebank Celebi, Quirky, likes to thrash about, 4/11/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/6/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Lax, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/16/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Timid, Somewhat vain, 1/1/2013 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Gentle, Somewhat vain, 3/14/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 12/28/2013 [Kor]
Pokebank Celebi, Docile, capable of taking hits, 12/25/2013 [Kor]
Pokebank Celebi, Careful, Mischievous, 2/5/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Jolly, Mischievous, 2/7/2014 [Ger]
Pokebank Celebi, Calm, Alert to sounds, 2/5/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 4/7/2014 [Fre] Has PKRS
Pokebank Celebi, Timid, Mischievous, 6/11/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Mild, Alert to sounds, 8/15/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Bold, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/9/2014 [Eng]
Pokebank Celebi, Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 1/30/2013 [Kor]
SPRING 2014 Magmar
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Lonely, Strong willed, 5/6/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014,PRINT2014, Docile, Often Lost in thought, 5/5/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Brave, Hates to lose, 5/6/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014, Spring 2014 Sassy,Good Endurance, 4/5/2014, [Eng]
Magma 04014, Spring 2004 Lonely, Quick tempered, 5/3/2014 [Eng]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Rash, Very Finicky, 4/25/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Gentle, Quick Tempered, 4/25/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Sassy, Good perseverance, 4/21/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Impish, Mischievous, 4/20/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Bashful, Likes to thrash about, 4/28/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Rash, Strongly Defiant, 4/15/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Careful, Mischievous, 4/14/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014, Brave, Thoroughly Cunning, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014, Hardy, Likes to run, 4/14/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014, Spring 2014 Bold, Hates to lose, 4/5/2014 [Eng]
Magma 04014 PRIMAVERA14 Bold, Quick tempered, 4/19/2014 [Ita]
Magma 04014 PRIMAV2014 Quirky, Very finicky, 5/8/2014 [Spa]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014 Brave, Thoroughly cunning, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Magma 04014 FRUHL2014 Modest, strong willed, 4/17/2014 [Ger]
Magma 04014, PRINT2014 Modest, Thoroughly cunning, 4/15/2014 [Fre]
Spring2014 Electabuzz
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Relaxed, Scatters things often, 4/24/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Docile, Likes to relax, 4/26/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, Quiet, Somewhat Stubborn, 4/24/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014, Hasty, Proud of its power, 4/27/2014 [Spa]
Electabuzz 04014, spring2014 Naughty, quick to flee, 4/16/2014, [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Print2014, Naughty, Good Endurance, 4/14/2014, [Fre]
Electabuzz 04014 Fruhl2014, Jolly, Capable of taking hits, 4/14/2014, [Ger]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Sassy, somewhat of a clown, 4/17/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Print2014, Calm, somewhat stubborn 5/20/2014 [Fre]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014,Modest, Quick tempered, 4/16/2014 [Spa]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Calm, Likes to thrash about, 4/14/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 Spring 2014, Hardy, Takes plenty of siestas, 4/5/2014 [Eng]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAVERA14, lonely, Good perseverance, 4/17/2014 [Ita]
Electabuzz 04014 Fruhl2014, Relaxed, Often lost in thought, 4/21/2014 [Ger]
Electabuzz 04014 PRIMAV2014, Lonely, Mischievous, 4/18/2014 [Spa]
Tretta Wobbuffet
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Naughty,Sturdy body, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Modest, Sturdy Body, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 1/20/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Bold, Likes to relax, 2/14/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Hasty, Somewhat vain, 12/23/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Timid, Throughly cunning, 1/24/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Calm Good Endurance, 2/12/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Jolly, Likes to relax, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Careful, Likes to fight, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Gentle, Strongly defiant, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Tretta Wobbuffet, 12063, Relaxed, Somewhat stubborn, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Sylveon
Sylveon 10123 Lax, Capable of taking hits, 1/3/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Bold, Alert to sounds, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Careful, Somewhat of a clown 1/4/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Modest, Alert to sounds, 10/31/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Bashful, Somewhat stubborn, 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Sylveon 10123 Adamant, Quick tempered, 12/20/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Pikachu
Pikachu 10123, Birthday, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu 10123, Birthday, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/13/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu 10123, Timid, Likes to run, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu 10123, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 3/6/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Glaceon
Glaceon 10123, Birthday, Careful Strong willed 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 12/2/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Hardy, Likes to relax, 11/29/2013 [Jpn]
Glaceon 10123, Impish, Proud of its power, 10/12/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Umbreon
Umbreon 10123, Birthday, Quirky, Takes plenty of siestas, 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Naive, Alert to sounds, 1/4/2014 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Timid, Quick to flee, 1/28/2014 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Sassy, Mischievious, 10/31/2013 [Jpn]
Umbreon 10123, Hardy, Likes to run, 12/14/2013 [Jpn]
Birthday Espeon
Espeon 10123, Gentle, Good Endurance, 1/3/2013 [Jpn]
Espeon 10123, Brave Thouroughly Cunning 2/23/2014 [Jpn]
Espeon 10123, Timid, Likes to thrash about, 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Jolteon
Jolteon 10123, Hardy, Highly persistant, 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Jolteon 10123, Rash, Likes to thrash about, 1/14/2014 [Jpn]
Jolteon 10123, Naughty, Scatters Things often, 1/26/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Leafeon
Leafeon 10123, Sassy, Somewhat vain, 1/26/2014 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Docile, alert to sounds 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Bold, Often lost in thought, 1/29/2014 [Jpn]
Leafeon 10123, Jolly, Likes to fight, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Vaporeon
Vaporeon 10123, Mild Somewhat vain,11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Vaporeon 10123, Rash, Sturdy Body, 1/17/2014 [Jpn]
Vaporeon 10123,Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Birthday Flareon
Flareon 10123, Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Jolly, Strongly Defiant, 11/29/2013 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 11/26/2013 [Jpn]
Flareon 10123, Mild, Quick to flee, 12/24/2013, [Jpn]
Birthday Eevee
Eevee 10123, Naive, Capable of taking hits 11/22/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Mild, Quick to flee, 12/24/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Modest, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/21/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Calm, Loves to eat, 11/21/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Bold, Mischievous, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Bashful, Strongly defiant, 12/22/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Naughty, capable of taking hits, 12/25/2013 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Impish, Good perseverance, 2/15/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Jolly, Somewhat vain, 1/30/2014 [Jpn]
Eevee 10123, Lax, Very Finicky, 11/4/2013 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai
Movie Darkrai 04194 Modest, likes to thrash about 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Naughty, Capable of taking hits 4/23/2014 [Kor]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Adamant, Takes plently of siestas, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bashful, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bold, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Brave, Mischievious, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Careful, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Gentle, likes to trash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Hardy, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Hasty, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Impish, Alert to sounds, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Lonely, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Mild, Alert to sounds 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Sassy, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Mild, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Spa]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Rash, Takes plenty of seistas, 5/1/2014 [Ita]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Timid, Likes to thrash about 4/19/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Quirky, Somewhat vain 4/20/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Quirky, Somewhat vain, 4/19/2014 [Ita]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Impish, Likes to thrash about, 5/1/2014 [Spa]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Bold, Likes to thrash about, 4/19/2014 [Eng]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Jolly, Somewhat vain, 5/28/2014 [Jpn]
Movie Darkrai 04194 Gentle, Capable of taking hits, 7/19/2014 [Jpn]
X/Y Torchic
Torchic X/Y 10123, Naughty, Hates to lose, 10/13/2013 with Blazikenite [Eng] Obtained myself
Torchic X/Y 10123, Bold, Likes to relax, 1/12/2014 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Lax, Somewhat vain 10/12/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Sassy, Takes plenty of siestas 11/9/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Bold, Mischievious 11/3/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Modest, Likes to run, 12/11/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Adamant, Proud of its power, 10/23/2013 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Timid, Likes to relax, 8/14/2011 [Eng]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Careful, Strong willed, 10/12/2013 [Ger]
Torchic X/Y 10123, Naughty, Somewhat stubborn, 10/12/2013 [Ger] LEVEL 15
Coro Coro Chaizard
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Adamant Capable of taking hits 3/17/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Brave, Scatters things often, 2/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Careful, Mischievous, 3/21/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Jolly, Good perseverance, 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Lonely, Mischievous, 3/14/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Modest, Very finicky 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Bashful, Very Finicky 3/15/2014 [Eng]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Relaxed, Sturdy body, 3/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Naive, Impetuous and silly, 11/15/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Modest, Often lost in thought, 3/15/2014 [Eng]
Coro Coro Charizard 03154 Serious, Somewhat vain, 3/28/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Calm, Nods off a lot, 12/8/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Bold, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/19/2014 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Jolly, Often lost in thought, 12/25/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Hasty, Impetuous and silly, 12/7/2013 [Jpn]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Naughty, Likes to fight, 11/15/2013 [Eng]
Coro Coro Garchomp 11153 Relaxed, Hates to lose, 11/17/2014 [Jpn]
WINTER 2013 Garchomp
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Naive, Highly Curious, 12/30/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Timid, Likes to run, 1/8/2015 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153 Jolly, Alert to sounds 12/7/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153, Adamant, Quick tempered, 12/5/2013 [Eng]
WINTER2013 Garchomp 11153, Lax, Loves to eat, 11/28/2013 [Eng]
VGC Garchomp
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Adamant, Alert to sounds, 4/13/2014 [Kor]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Mild, Nods off a lot, 4/13/2014 [Kor]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Adamant, Nods off a lot, 4/13/2014 [Eng]
VGC Garchomp, 04124 Bashful, Somewhat of a clown, 4/13/2014 [Eng]
X/Y Garchomp
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really want :)
Singaporean Garchomp XY 01244 Impish Somewhat of a clown 2/18/2014 [Eng]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Modest Strongly Defiant, 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Serious, Often lost in thought [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154, Bold, Highly Curious, 1/27/2014 [Eng]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Timid, Proud of its power, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Brave, Very finicky, 1/16/2014 [Jpn]
Taiwanese Garchomp XY 01154 Quiet, Good perseverance, 1/26/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really like :)
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Jolly, Takes plenty of siestas, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Serious, Highly Persistent, 4/13/2013 [Jpn]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Bashful Somewhat stubborn 1/18/2014 [Jpn]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Lax, Very Finicky, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Naive, Quick Tempered, 1/19/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Lonely, Somewhat of a clown,1/9/2014 [Eng]
Hong Kong/Taiwan XY Sylveon 01044 Relaxed, Likes to fight, 1/4/2014 [Eng] LEVEL 13 HAS PKRS
PCTB Inkay
PCTB Inkay 11223 Gentle, loves to eat, 1/19/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Docile, Takes plenty of siestas, 11/22/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Naive, Mischievous, 1/20/2014 [Fre]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Quirky, Likes to fight, 11/22/2014 [Kor]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Brave Capable of taking hits, 11/30/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Serious, Sturdy Body, 12/26/2013 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Naughty Somewhat of a clown 1/3/ 2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Rash Nods off a lot 11/22/2013 [Ger]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Bold Mischievous 11/22/2013 [Ita]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Adamant, Sturdy body, 11/30/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223 Quirky, Good Endurance, 1/9/2014 [Jpn]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Modest, A little quick tempered 1/13/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Relaxed, Strong willed, 1/23/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Careful, Takes plenty of siestas,1/6/2014, [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 12/5/2013 [Spa]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Mild, Capable of taking hits, 1/4/2014 [Eng]
PCTB Inkay 11223, Hardy, Good perseverance, 1/23/2014 [Jpn]
Christmas Trade Scizor
Scizor 12213, Christmas Trade, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, 12/21/2013 [Jpn]
PCBC Scizor
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Takes plenty of siestas,5/24/2014 [Eng]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Bold, Capable of taking hits, 5/21/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Sturdy body, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lonely, Impetuous and silly, 5/23/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Serious, Somewhat stubborn, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naughty, Highly curious, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Timid, Highly curious, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Likes to run, 5/19/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Somewhat Vain 5/25/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Likes to thrash about, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lax, Often lost in thought, 5/24/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 5/18/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 5/19/2014 [Spa]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Careful, Alert to sounds, 5/18/2014 [Spa]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Impish, Good Persevrance, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Likes to relax, 5/24/2014 [Kor]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Relaxed, Highly curious, 5/19/2014 [Fre]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Calm, Somewhat vain, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 05194, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Sturdy Body, 5/19/2014 [Jpn]
WINTER 2013 Scizor
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Naive, Likes to fight 1/27/2014 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Adamant, Mischievous, 12/18/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Relaxed, Likes to fight 12/24/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Sassy, Thoroughly Cunning, 12/16/2013 [Eng] HAS PKRS
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Impish, A little quick tempered, 11/29/2013 [Eng] Has gained some EXP
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Lonely, Somewhat of a clown, 12/12/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 11153 Winter 2013, Mild, Likes to thrash about, 12/18/2013 [Eng]
PC Scizor
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 2/2/2013 [Jpn]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Docile, Hates to lose, 2/9/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor, 02014, Pokemon Center , Adamant, 1/23/2014, [Kor]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Modest, Takes plently of siestas, 2/1/2013 [Eng]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Lax, Nods off alot, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Scizor 02014 Pokemon Center, Modest, Takes plenty of siestas, 2/1/2014 [Eng]
PCBC Kangaskhan
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Adamant, Often lost in thought, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Highly curious, 5/30/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Highly curious, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hasty, Quick to flee, 5/26/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Nods off alot, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Proud of its power, 5/27/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Highly Curious, 5/26/2014 [Fre]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Likes to thrash about, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quirky, Likes to thrash about, 5/26/2014 [Ger]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Lonely, Good perseverance, 5/29/2014 [Jpn]
Kangaskhan, 05264, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Somewhat of a clown, 6/1/2014 [Jpn]
PCBC Gyarados
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Gentle, 5/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Impish, Good perseverance, 5/11/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Sassy, Good Endurance 5/13/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Timid, Often lost in thought, 5/16/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Alert to sounds, 5/16/2014 [Eng]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Loves to eat, 5/10/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Hates to lose, 5/16/2014 [Jpn]
Gyarados 05104, Pokemon Center Battle Championships, Docile, Nods off a lot, 5/17/2014 [Jpn]
Korean Eevee House Sylveon
Will only trade for nature/language swap or a Pokemon I really like :)
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Modest, Likes to run, 1/11/2014 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Naughty, Nods off alot,08/01/2014 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Brave, Nods off a lot, 12/21/2013 [Kor]
Sylveon, 12013 Korean Eevee House, Jolly, Quick to flee, 1/12/2014 [Kor] LEVEL 87
VGC Mamoswine
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to fight, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Somewhat Stubborn, 5/4/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Proud of its power, 5/3/2104 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 5/5/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 5/4/2014, [Jpn]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Endurance, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to take siestas, 5/3/2014 [Kor]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Likes to relax 5/25/2014 [Eng]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Scatters things often 5/3/2014 [Eng]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Perseverance, 5/3/2014 [Ger]
VGC Shiny Mamoswine, 05034, Adamant, Good Endurance, 6/1/2014 [Ita]
Olleh TV Charizard
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Quirky, Loves to eat 04/19/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Hasty,Alert to sounds 04/18/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Naive, Quick tempered 4/25/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard Y, 04114, Brave, Likes to fight, 4/18/2013 [lKor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Naughty, Loves to eat 4/30/2014 [Kor]
Olleh TV Charizard X, 04114, Docile, Quick to flee 4/17/2014 [Kor]
Christmas Trade Gengar
Christmas Gengar 12213, Timid, Mischievious, 12/21/2013 [Jpn]
PC Gengar
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Timid, Scatters things often, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Lonely, Likes to relax 2/1/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Bold, Loves to eat, 2/9/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Timid, Capable of taking hits 1/23/2014 [Kor]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Mild, Loves to eat, 2/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 02014 Pokemon Center, Naive, Somewhat vain, 2/2/2014 [Eng]
PCBC Gengar
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Modest, Likes to run 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Bashful, Somewhat Vain 6/2/2014 [Fre]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Careful, Strong willed, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Rash, Often lost in thought, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Naughty, Strong Willed, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Jolly, Likes to relax, 6/2/2014 [Kor]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Timid, Takes plenty of siestas, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Serious, Proud of its power, 6/2/2014 [Spa]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Naive, Quick tempered, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Hasty, Impetuous and silly, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Mild, Quick tempered, 6/5/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Lonely, Loves to eat, 6/2/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Calm, Strong willed, 6/5/2014 [Jpn]
Gengar 06024 Pokemon Center Battle Championship, Bold, Alert to sounds, 6/8/2014 [Jpn]
Paris Vivillon
Powersave dated Pokemon were obtained before availability on Powersave
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Bold, Alert to sounds, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Brave, Strongly Defiant, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Calm, Strong willed, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Naive, Alert to sounds, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Gentle, Good endurance, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Naughty, Scatters things often, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Serious, Capable of taking hits 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Timid, Proud of its power, 6/6/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014 ,Quirky, Often lost in thought, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Sassy, Highly curious, 6/5/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Relaxed, Scatters things often, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Mild, Thoroughly cunning, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Docile, Capable of taking hits, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Lonely, Somewhat stubborn, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Modest, Somewhat of a clown, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
Paris Vivillon, 06014, Lax, Sturdy body, 6/4/2014 [Fre]
PCBC Tyranitar
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Hardy, Likes to run 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Jolly, Highly curious, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Quiet, Capable of taking hits, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Gentle, Somewhat of a clown, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Bold Alert to sounds, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Adamant, Mischievous, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Serious, Alert to sounds, 6/9/2014 [Ita]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Brave, Likes to run, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Careful, Highly curious, 6/10/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Modest, Impetuous and silly, 6/9/2014 [Jpn]
Tyranitar, 06094, Pokémon Center Battle Championships, Naive, Good perseverance, 6/11/2014 [Jpn]
Get TV Pikachu
Obtained before availability on Powersave
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Bashful, Highly curious 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Calm, Likes to relax, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Modest, Very finicky, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Careful, Impetuous and silly 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Lonely, Takes plenty of siestas, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Brave, Somewhat stubborn, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Quirky, Loves to eat, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hasty, Highly persistant, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naughty, Strong Willed, 6/14/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Rash, A little quick tempered, 6/23/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Jolly, Likes to thrash about, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naive, Capable of taking hits, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Naive, Good perseverance, 6/15/2014 [Jpn]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Adamant, Strong willed, 6/15/2014 [Eng]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Relaxed, Proud of its power, 6/15/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Mild, Alert to sounds, 6/15/2014 [Fre]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Bold, Proud of its power, 6/15/2014 [Spa]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Hardy,Likes to fight, 6/15/2014 [Ita]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Timid, Mischievous, 6/15/2014 [Ger]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Quirky, Alert to sounds, 6/15/2014 [Kor]
Pikachu, Get TV, 00022, Serious, Loves to eat, 6/15/2014 [Kor]
PCBC Mawile
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Sassy, Good perseverance, 6/17/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Adamant, Mischievous, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Bashful,Nods off alot, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Bold, Strongly defiant, 6/19/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Brave, Likes to thrash about, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Jolly, Very finicky, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Naive, Likes to relax, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Relaxed, Alert to sounds,6/18/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Quirky, Nods off a lot, 6/16/2014 [Jpn]
Mawile, Pokemon Center Battle Championship, 06164, Rash,, Very finicky, 6/17/2014 [Jpn]
Jessies Wobbuffet
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Jolly, Likes to run, 6/22/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Quiet, Likes to relax, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Lonely, Somewhat vain, 6/22/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Relaxed, Strong willed, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Impish, A little quick tempered, 6/24/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Brave, Likes to fight, 6/21/2014 [Ita]
Wobbuffet, Jessies, 06214, Adamant, Likes to relax, 7/21/2014 [Ita]
Generation 3, 4 And 5 Events
Plasma Genesect
Genesect, 10072, Bold, A little quick tempered, 10/7/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Timid, Likes to run, 11/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Lax, Often lost in thought,10/9/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Lax, Strongly defiant, 10/14/2012, Lv 15 Gained a small amount of experience [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Quiet, Loves to eat, 10/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Sassy, Often dozes off, 10/31/2012, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Naughty, Good Endurance, 11/9/2012, Lv 15 Has PKRS [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Adamant, Quick to flee, 11/11/2012, Lv 26 [Eng]
Genesect, 10072, Rash, Strongly defiant, 10/7/2012, Lv 15 Gained some experience[Eng]
Genesect, 08112, Jolly, Often dozes off, 8/11/2012 Lv 50 Gained some experience [Jpn]
10th Anniversary Mew
Mew, 11219, Jolly, Somewhat vain, Lv 5 UT [Jpn]
Faraway Island Mew
Mew, 25162, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 30, UT [Jpn] Shiny
Aura Mew
Mew, 20078, Adamant, Likes to fight, Level 45
Mew, 20078, Naughty, Somewhat vain, Lv 10 UT
FAL2010 Mew
Mew, 10160, Naive, Likes to fight, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Jolly, Nods off alot, Lv 35 [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Quiet, Strongly defiant, Lv 60 [Eng]
Mew, 10160, Calm, Likes to thrash about, Lv 20 [Eng]
Mew, 06930, Hardy, Very Finicky, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Hayleys Mew
Mew, 01000, Hasty, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 50, UT [Eng]
Mew, 01000, Modest, Quick Tempered, Lv 80 [Eng]
Character Fair Jirachi
Jirachi, 07173, Timid, Hates to lose, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap or a pokemon I really like
Australian Night Sky's Edge SMR2010 Jirachi
Jirachi, 06030, Impish, Alert to sounds, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Summer 2010 Jirachi
Jirachi, 06260, Lonely, Likes to run, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Jirachi, 06260, Timid, Somewhat vain, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Jirachi
Jirachi, 02270, Hasty, Strong willed, Lv 5, UT [Eng]
Wishmaker Jirachi
Jirachi, 20043, Brave, Mischievous, 10/25/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Jirachi, 20043, Gentle, A little quick tempered, 11/6/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Summer 2012 Keldeo
Keldeo, 08272, Timid, Somewhat vain, Lv 15 Has had PKRS [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Hasty, Good perseverance, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Naughty, Likes to relax, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Keldeo, 08272, Mild, Quick to flee, Lv 55 [Eng]
Winter 2013 Keldeo
Keldeo, 01163, Naive, Loves to eat, Lv 50 [Eng]
Shokotan Keldeo
Keldeo, 06232, Adamant, Capable of taking hits Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Plasma Deoxys
Deoxys, 05083, Jolly, Highly persistent, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hardy, Likes to relax, 5/9/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hasty, Quick Tempered, 5/13/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Adamant, Somewhat of a clown, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Gentle, Often scatters things, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Timid, Likes to thrash about, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Naive, Capable of taking hits, 5/7/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Hasty, Capable of taking hits, 5/10/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 05083, Serious, Often dozes off, 5/8/2013, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Oblivia Deoxys
Deoxys, 03060, Lax, Often lost in thought, 9/14/2011, Lv 50 Has PKRS [Eng]
Deoxys, 03060, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 4/27/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Deoxys
Deoxys, 06218, Hardy, Likes to relax, 4/9/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Deoxys, 06218, Rash, Good perseverance, 6/21/2008 Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Space Center Deoxys
Deoxys, Impish, Quick to flee, 1/14/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
10th Movie Deoxys
Deoxys, 07147, Gentle, Good perseverance, 7/14/2007, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
Spring 2013 Meloetta
Meloetta, 03013, Modest, Alert to sounds, 3/6/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Careful, Often scatters things, 3/4/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Modest, Mischievous, 3/19/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Jolly, Somewhat of a clown, 3/8/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Meloetta, 03013, Calm, Often lost in thought, 3/24/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie 12 Meloetta
Meloetta, 07142, Adamant, Often dozes off, 7/28/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Meloetta, 07142, Modest, Mischievous, 3/19/2013, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Liberty Garden Victini
Victini, 07142, Serious, Highly curious, 10/15/2012, Lv 15 Has PKRS [Eng]
Victini, 15628, Bashful, Somewhat stubborn,3/13/2011, Lv 15 UT [Eng]
Victini, 36253, Rash,Often lost in thought, 3/3/2013, Lv 15 UT [Kor]
Victini, 40617, Relaxed, Very finicky, 10/10/2010, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Victini, 52501, Hasty, Somewhat of a clown, 3/13/2011, Lv 41 [Eng]
Victini, 49197, Quirky, Often dozes off, 7/10/2011, Lv 52 [Eng]
Movie 14 Victini
Victini, 12031, Adamant, Often dozes off, 6/14/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Victini, 12031, Naughty, Often dozes off, 12/15/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Center Tohoku Victini
Victini, 11252, Naive, Somewhat vain, 11/25/2012 Lv 100 [Jpn]
Winter 2011 Celebi
Celebi, 02211, Lax, Often lost in thought, 3/11/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Celebi, 02211, Modest, Likes to thrash about, 4/23/2013, lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Celebi
Celebi, 02271, Modest, Somewhat vain, 3/6/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie Celebi
Celebi, 07100, Quirky, Often lost in thought, 3/29/2013, Lv 50 Gained some experience [Jpn]
Ash's Pikachu
Pikachu, 01301, Hardy, Somewhat vain, 1/30/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Pikachu
Pikachu, 01300, Jolly, Often dozes off, 3/8/2013, Lv 48 SHINY [Eng]
ANA Pikachu
Pikachu, 07181, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 7/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
FEB2012 Mewtwo
Mewtwo, 02112, Bold, Good perseverance, 2/12/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Mewtwo, 02112, Timid, Somewhat vain, 2/12/2012, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Team Rocket Meowth
Meowth, 12072, Timid, Scatters things often, 12/12/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Meowth, 05103, Rash, Proud of its power, Lv 15 UT [Kor]
Pokemon Center Osaka Meowth
Meowth, 03209, Jolly, A little quick tempered, 4/11/2009, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
PalCity Manaphy
Manaphy, 07157, Modest, Scatter Things often, 8/17/2007, Lv 50 UT [Jpn]
Mikena Pichu
Pichu, 12179, Jolly, Highly Curious, 3/23/2013, Lv 30 UT SHINY [Kor]
Battle Series 2009 Arcanine
Arcanine, 06069, Jolly, Proud of its power, 3/23/2013, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Shinsegae Feebas
Feebas, 07049, Calm, Mischievous, 3/23/2013, Lv 5 UT [Kor] Will only trade for nature swap
Year Of The Dragon
Swablu, 08232, Hasty, Highly curious, 8/23/2012, Lv 1 UT [Kor] Will only trade for other Year Of The Dragon
Trapinch, 08232, Adamant, Good perseverance, 8/23/2012, Lv 1 UT [Kor] Will only trade for other Year Of The Dragon
Homeplus Darkrai
Darkrai, 09031, Lax, Strong willed, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap
Winter 2011 Darkrai
Darkrai, 11011, Bashful, Scatters things often, 11/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Fre]
2012 May Darkrai
Darkrai, 05092, Brave, Somewhat stubborn, 5/20/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Darkrai, 05092, Adamant, Likes to relax,5/9/2012, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Almia Darkrai
Darkrai, Bold, Likes to thrash about, 12/1/2008, Lv 52 [Eng]
ALAMOS Darkrai]
Darkrai, 05318, Lonely, Good endurance, 5/31/2008, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Nobunaga's Black Rayquaza
Rayquaza, 03172, Jolly, Alert to sounds, 3/17/2012, Lv 70 UT SHINY [Jpn]
Toys'R'Us Shaymin
Shaymin, 02089, Mild, proud of its power, 2/8/2009, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Movie 11 Shaymin
Shaymin, 04019, Relaxed, Good perseverance, 4/4/2009, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Lucario, 07157, Modest, Alert to sounds, 4/10/2013, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Lucario, 07157, Modest, Mischievous, 8/10/2007, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
10th Anniversary
Zapdos, 00010, Naive, Thoroughly cunning, 8/3/2011, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Articuno, 00010, Lonely, Sturdy body, 8/3/2011, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Tyranitar, 00100, Quirky, Loves to eat, 10/27/2007, Lv 70 UT [Eng]
Sandshrew, 13579, Docile, Mischievous, 4/5/2013, Lv 12 UT [Eng] Will only trade for other JEREMY Events or a pokemon i really want
WORLD09 Weavile
Weavile, 08159, Jolly, Somewhat vain, 4/10/2013, Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Popularity Poll Rayquaza
Rayquaza, 45602, Quirky, Likes to thrash about, 3/29/2012, Lv 50 [Kor] Gained a small amount of experience
Rayquaza, 33675, Adamant, Likes to fight, 9/21/2011, Lv 50 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for nature swap or a pokemon I really like
Befriend A Pokemon Umbreon
Umbreon, 28112, Jolly, Often dozes off, 5/19/2011, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Umbreon, 28112, Adamant, Good Endurance, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Dream World Arceus
Arceus, 10170, Brave, Highly persistant, 3/18/2012, Lv 100 UT [Eng]
Arceus, 54042, Timid, Often lost in thought, 12/26/2010, Lv 100 UT [Jpn]
N's Zorua
Zorua, 00002, Hasty, Proud of its power, 12/29/2012, Lv 25 UT [Eng]
Guide Book Gothorita
Gothorita, Mild, Somewhat of a clown, 12/22/2012, Lv 32 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Colosseum
Entei, 33088, Modest, Very Finicky, 2/14/2012, Lv 54 [Eng]
Suicune, 33088, Hardy, Highly curious, 2/14/2012, Lv 54 [Eng]
Raikou, 33088, Adamant, Very finicky, 2/14/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Gamestop Entei
Entei, 01171, Adamant, Often dozes off, 4/6/2011, Lv 30 UT Shiny [Eng]
Gamestop Raikou
Raikou, 01031, Hardy, Likes to fight, 1/3/2011, Lv 34 Shiny [Eng]
Winter 2011 Suicune
Suicune, 02211 Relaxed, Mischievous, 7/18/2011 Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Carlita's Hydreigon
Hydreigon, 06171, Timid, Somewhat vain, 6/17/2011, Lv 70 [Jpn]
Juanitas Golurk
Golurk, 06171, Brave, Often dozes off, 6/17/2011, Lv 70 UT [Jpn]
VGC 09 Milotic
Milotic, 05099, Timid, Often dozes off, 7/18/2011, Lv 50 UT [Eng]
Pokemon Center Tohoku Snivy
Snivy, 12041, Hardy, Good Perseverance, Lv 5 UT [Jpn]
10/12 Giratina
Giratina, 09143, Modest, Somewhat stubborn, Lv 100 UT [Kor]
Will only trade for other 10/12 Event or a pokemon I really want
Dream Radar Ho-oh
Ho-oh, 18028, Rash, Good endurance, 10/11/2012, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Ho-oh, 28847, Calm, Quick to flee, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Ho-oh, 58961, Naive, Good endurance, 4/20/2013, Lv 30 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Giratina
Giratina, 27662, Bashful, Likes to thrash about, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Giratina, 28847, Quirky, A little quick tempered, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Lugia
Lugia, 11593, Bold, Scatters things often, 4/8/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 28847, Brave, Sturdy body, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 27662, Quiet, Good endurance, 10/18/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 31010, Docile, Quick to flee, 10/21/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Lugia, 58513, Quiet, Alert to sounds, 7/19/2012, Lv 100[Jpn]
Dream Radar Palkia
Palkia, 12969, Timid, Mischievous, 12/14/2012, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
Palkia, 65531, Lonely, Likes to relax, 3/14/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Palkia, 05747, Naive, Sturdy body, 2/9/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Palkia, 27662, Sassy, Strong willed, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Dialga
Dialga, 33532, Adamant, Alert to sounds, 9/24/2012, Lv 44 [Jpn]
Dialga, 27662, Sassy, Loves to eat, 11/15/2012, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Dialga, 28847, Lax, Cpable of taking hits, 2/16/2013, Lv 20 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Tornadus
Tornadus, 43433, Hardy, Proud of its power, 4/13/2013, Lv 42 [Jpn]
Tornadus, 62811, Quirky, Very finicky, 3/24/2013, Lv 40 UT [Eng]
Tornadus, 04932, Jolly, Likes to run, 12/24/2012, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
Dream Radar Thundurus
Thundurus, 04932, Jolly, Good endurance, 12/24/2012, Lv 62 [Eng]
Thundurus, 37740, Timid, Proud of its power, 10/31/2012 Lv 100 [Fre]
Dream Radar Landorus
Landorus, 04932, Lax, Loves to eat, 12/26/2012, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Landorus, 43217, Lax, Good endurance, 10/15/2012, Lv 85 [Jpn]
Dream World Starter Event
Squirtle, 52406, Rash, Somewhat stubborn, 7/3/2011, Lv 10 UT [Kor]
Squirtle, 12020, Timid, Mischievous, 10/13/2010, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Squirtle, 06189, Bold, Highly curious, 7/31/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Bulbasaur, 06189, Modest, Capable of taking hits, 7/20/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Bulbasaur, 47027, Quiet, Quick tempered, 1/14/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Charmander, 52272, Serious, Often dozes, 3/13/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Charmander, 13546, Timid, Often dozes off, 2/2/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Mudkip, 34868, Naughty, Often scatters things, 10/9/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Treecko, 21077, Adamant, Thoroughly cunning, 3/8/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Torchic, 45312, Adamant, Likes to thrash about, 2/7/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Torchic, 04332, Adamant, Capable of taking hits, 12/18/2010, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Piplup, 21297, Impish, Strong willed, 2/27/2013, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Piplup, 62926, Bold, Very Finicky, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Piplup, 49658, Bold, Highly curious, Lv 10 UT [Kor]
Tutwig, 62926, Quiet, Likes to thrash about, 2/12/2013, Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Chimchar, 47027, Timid, Mischievous, 1/14/2011, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Chimchar, 20323, Adamant, Somewhat vain, 11/20/2012, Lv 10 UT [Jpn]
Chimchar, 62926, Docile, Impetuous and silly, 2/12/2013 Lv 10 UT [Eng]
Will only trade for other Dream World Starter Event or a pokemon I really want
Nagashima Spa Land Piplup
Piplup, 04282, Hasty, Alert to sounds, 4/28/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
Recital Piplup
Piplup, 07202, Modest, Loves to eat, 7/21/2012, Lv 15 UT [Jpn]
McDonalds Pikachu
Pikachu, 05308, Bashful, Likes to thrash about, LV 20 UT[Jpn]
Kyoto Cross Media Experience 2009 Pikachu
Pikachu, 10039, Naughty, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
2008 Birthday Pikachu
Pikachu, 12268, Modest, Likes to run, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
Berry Glitch Zigzagoon
Zigzagoon, 30317, SAPHIRE, Adamant, Takes plenty of siestas, Lv 5 UT [Eng]
2007 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07207, Mild, Nods off alot, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2008 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07208, Naive, Likes to run, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2009 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07209, Naughty, Likes to thrash about, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Charmander
Charmander, 07200, Hardy, Very Finicky, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2009 Birthday Chimchar
Chimchar, 09129, Mild, Loves to eat, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Chimchar
Chimchar, 09129, Hardy, Highly Curious, Lv 40 UT [Jpn]
2010 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11040, Calm, Somewhat of a clown, Lv 30 [Jpn]
2011 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11041, Serious, Good endurance, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
2012 Birthday Audino
Audino, 11042, Jolly, Likes to run, Lv 30 UT [Jpn]
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