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~◕‿‿◕~ Happy-Face Trading ~◕‿‿◕~

Why did you come to my trading thread?

  • I am looking for shinies.

    Votes: 28 39.4%
  • I am looking for events.

    Votes: 21 29.6%
  • I am looking to fill my Pokédex.

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • I am board.

    Votes: 12 16.9%
  • I went to the wrong thread.

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • I am looking for someone to do services for me.

    Votes: 10 14.1%
  • I am looking for someone to do services for them.

    Votes: 4 5.6%

  • Total voters
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╬Awesome╬ Okay, how about Swablu and Gallade for the Buneary and the Gible? For the Toxicroak how about the shiny Palkia?

╬Blazi╬ I can't because I have to go somewhere that day. Do you think it can be today or the 24th?
Metal - Well even though I am suppose to get a Wish Jirachi from someone else I would gladely trade to help you widen your horizions. Also thank you for the compliment. I give people VM's because when I am trying to trade off of someone's thread, I tend to forget to check. ^3^

Gee, thanks alot then...
Um, is it then possible to trade for the TRU Manaphy?
I'll give you a VM as well^^
Forgive me if I may, but I don't have any shinies available at the moment(I'm waiting for something special^^)
O: what would you want for the SHINY EEvee i can give you lvl 50 gamestop deoxys and lvl 50 movie 11 shaymin For it :D? they are both UT
ill trade you for these
Check My Thread

Oh and i have these from your want list
Nidoran - Adament - Male
Slowpoke - Modest - Male
╬Papi╬ The Movie 11 Shaymin will work fine for the trade. ^3^

╬Deds╬ Ello! Nice to see you again!


For the Slowpoke and the Nidoran Male
╬Miltank╬ for Vulpix
╬Azurill╬ for the Growlithe
╬Clampearl╬ for Spinda
╬Glameow╬ for Zangoose

for Kyogre

I hope that this will work for you, but one more thing. Which Darkai do you want? I have one that is Untouched and one that is level 100.

I will VM you guys.
╬Naru╬ Sure, it is a deal! But first I do need to tell you that the Miltoc isn't the event Miltoc. If you still want to trade my Friend Code is at the bottom, please use the Pearl.
it doesnt matter if is the event one or no...lol ill be on wi-fi to trade my fc is in my sign
I seriously need someone to clone for me.
╬Dr4g0n╬ Thank you for the private message and sure I would love to clone for you! We will do this once we are both on at the same time, because I feel that if you give me the pokemon, one of us logs off, then it will seem like we could never get on at the same time to trade back.

╬Tea╬ Here are the natures:
Entei has a Serious nature;
Raikou has a Rash nature;
Suicune has an Adament nature;
Espeon has a Quiet nature;
and Umbreon has a Lonely nature.

I do hope that you have found what you are looking for, and if you didn't then I do hope that you will find it soon. ^3^

Sending VMs right now!
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