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4th Gen 2 quick questions (please answer!!!)

  • 9
    • Seen Jul 9, 2008
    So i have 2 questions and i didnt think they each deserved there own thread so sorry if thats wrong. question 1 is: if you retire from a battle tower challenge and then start another challenge later, is your win streak broken? question 2 is: do you unlock any special items or events when you complete having owned all 493 pkmn i nyour pokedex, cuz i did that but all that happened was the professer congratulated me and that one guy in his house gave me a certificate. does anything big happen or anything? thanks for helping in advance!!!
    1. Your streak ends.

    2. You obviously hacked, cause shaymin and arcerus arent released yet.
    yeah i hacked. that doesn't answer my question. thanks for answering the 1st one though.
    I don't think so... at least I haven't heard anyone else say anything besides the certificate happened. But I haven't completed the dex yet so I don't know for sure.
    You can also get a star for your trainer card...