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A Follow Up from "I Can't Believe This!"

Lucy Lu

Keep On Moving Foward...
  • 6,195
    • Seen Mar 6, 2014
    Great news everyone! I went ahead and checked my account and it is all clear! That charge is gone! That person will never get their shoes! I stopped it in time. Omg, thank goodness I checked my account on Monday morning. They made that transaction on early Monday morning. And I stopped it on Monday afternoon. I AM SO HAPPY! I am going to sleep very good tonight. So yeah my account is in good standing. Oh man I was in nerves end for a couple of hours. x.x All is fine now. And that person who did this to me...I hope you burn in a fire and fall over a cliff. Thank you. I had the last laugh, and I feel good. :3
    Awesome Lucy. o3o

    Hehe, thanks guys! Wow I am so glad I checked my account online like I did. If you see anything usual in your bank account, please get it fixed as soon as possible! Lol, Nica. Yeah that person should fall over a cliff. That person didn't deserve to live. :( Finally I got justice!