Welcome to my trading thread, I hope you like what you see!
-------------Updated Shiny and Ev'ed Legendaries sessions-----------
Coming soons:
***********This thread is under construction and will be updated daily**********
***********Please post in this thread first regarding an offer/request before VM-ing/PM-ing me.************
--------------------------------My FC platinum: 3610 1528 6833----------------------------
*No hacks* If you suspect that the pokemon on offer you previously recieved from another person is hacked, post its stats/infos and I'll have a look.
*Please do not be offended* if I suspend any trade during the exchange if the legitimacy of pokemon on offer is questionable.
*Be patient* There are times I might be away from PC for a long time, if that is the case please leave your available trading time.
*I don't know how to do RNG or whatever that is so IV breeding is beyond me* Although I do have several good IV dittos.
*If you want your pokemon be cloned and traded back i.e for the trade*, ask before hand.
I'm a nice person who will do favors for you everynow and then :P I will breed natures/egg moves for you free of charge! Don't abuse it though as I can be very scary when I'm angry!:laugh:
My free of charge services:
1. Move tutor in Diamond/pearl/platinum
2. Nature breeding (if I don't have the pokemon, you'll have to provide one. I have plenty of dittos though)
3. Moderately rare items: Plates, Battlepoint items, evolution stones, heartscales, not-so-expensive battlepoint TMs.
4. Evolution trades
5. Egg-moves from pokemons that I have.
My not-so-free of charge services: (make an offer!)
1. Ev'ing - you provide the pokemon to be ev'ed or at least breedable one.
2. Expensive TMs/rare items
Please note that you'll have to give me at least one or several day for Ev'ing. Time for completion depends on how busy I am with my other schedules.
Pokemons on offer:
Fully Ev'ed Pokemons:
Kingdra Swiftswim @ lifeorb lvl 61 naughty 22/27/23/25/21/25 252Atk 240SpA 16Spe Waterfall/Raindance/hydropump/DracoMeteor
Infernape @ Focus sash lvl 70 Hasty 2/26/13/21/18/28 252ATK 64SpA 192Spe U-turn/CloseCombat/Overheat/Stone edge
Gengar @ life orb Lvl 60 Timid 23/19/12/28/21/26 252SpA 252Spe Shadowball/Thunderbolt/FocusBlast/Icywind
Scizor Technician @ Life orb lvl 64 Adamant 26/30/18/2/21/28 32HP 252Atk 224Spe Bulletpunch/roost/swordsdance/Bugbite
Dusknoir @ leftovers lvl 56 Impish 22/27/30/4/28/10 252HP/28Atk/228Def
Dragonite lvl 66 jolly 31/31/23/26/18/25 252Atk/4SpA/252Spe
Breloom Poison heal @ Toxic orb lvl 61 Adamant 23/29/22/3/21/24 48HP/252Atk/208Spe FocusPunch/Seedbomb/Spore/Subsitute
Weavile @ focus sash lvl64 Jolly 25/27/28/15/21/26 40Hp/252Atk/216Spe
Togekiss Serene Grace @ leftovers lvl 67 Calm 20/13/20/20/8/17 252hp/4def/252SpD Thunderwave/Airslash/AuraSphere/Roost
Flygon lvl59 Jolly 7/24/18/18/21/28 4hp/252atk/252spd
Heracross Guts lvl 59 Adamant 22/21/15/14/6/18 252atk/4SpDef/252Spe
Empoleon lvl58 calm 14/10/25/19/20/14 252Hp/160def/92SpDef/4spe
Salamence lvl76 naughty 4/14/20/20/25/31 232atk/24SpAtk/252Spe
Machamp Noguard lvl 50 adamant 12/29/22/14/25/22 160hp/252atk/96spe
Ninjask lvl 58 jolly 24/20/22/30/15/30 176hp/252atk/80spe
Vaporeon lvl 65 bold 28/12/26/31/23/22 188def/252SpAtk/68spe
Drifbloon unburden lvl 52 Calm 25/9/22/30/31/19 126hp/62def/188Spatk/128Spe
Hippowdown lvl 63 Impish 31/24/26/3/29/26 252hp/88atk/168def SlackOff/Stealthrock/roar/EarthQ
Garchomp lvl 67 Jolly 22/29/24/19/15/31 4hp/252atk/252spe Outrage/Earthquake/Firefang/StoneEdge
Metagross lvl 62 Naughty 27/28/27/23/26/31 252atk/124Spatk/132Spe Thunderpunch/MeteorMash/Earthquake/Grassknot
Ursaring lvl 69 @ Toxic orb Jolly 22/28/24/11/25/26 4Hp/252Atk/252Spe Facade/closecombat/crunch/swordsdance
Drapion lvl 60 BattleArmor Adamant 21/27/25/13/28/29 252Hp/252SpDef/4Spe Crunch/Acupressure/Substitute/rest
Magmortar lvl 62 Timid 23/15/27/29/23/26 4Hp/252Spatk/252Spe LavaPlume/Thunderbolt/FocusBlast/HpIce
Tyranitor lvl 100 Naive 24/29/27/27/17/29 48atk/252SpAtk/208Spe Superpower/DarkPulse/Icebeam/Flamethrower
Aerodyctal lvl 65 Jolly 22/29/22/15/23/29 4Hp/252Atk/252Spe RockSlide/StealthRock/Taunt/Earthquake
Blissey lvl 70 Calm 31/8/28/14/27/24 4Hp/252Def/252SpDef Aromatherapy/Softboiled/Counter/SeismicToss
Umbreon lvl 55 Impish 30/20/29/15/28/26 252hp/200atk/56SpDef Wish/Protect/Payback/Curse
Gliscor lvl 80 @ Yacheberry Impish 30/27/28/11/28/31 252hp/40atk/216Spe Sworddance/roost/Earthquake/Batonpass
Swampert lvl 74 @ Cheriberry careful 30/28/31/25/28/19 252hp/40def/216SpDef Curse/earthquake/avalanche/rest
Meganium lvl 68 @ rose incense modest 31/15/26/31/26/25 156hp/48Def/252SpAtk/48SpDef leafstorm/energyball/sythesis/ancientpower
Venussaur lvl 67 bold 30/12/31/22/31/19 200hp/184def/124Spdef sythesis/sludgebomb/sleeppowder/Leechseed
Ev'ed Legendaries
JAP HG/SS Souldew Latios lvl 71 @ Souldew Timid 20/11/21/25/31/28 4Hp/252SpAtk/252Spe Grassknot/Dragonpulse/Recover/CalmMind
JAP HG/SS Raikou Timid 11/12/23/26/14/29 4Hp/252SpAtk/252Spe roar/discharge/calmmind/thunderbolt
Uxie lvl 80 Bold 31/6/27/20/29/28 252hp/98def/160Spe Trick/Memento/Safeguard/Reflect
Registeel lvl 75 Impish 28/29/28/8/28/25 252hp/100atk/156Def Curse/Amnesia/Substitute/IronHead
Registeel(V2) lvl 75 Impish 28/29/28/8/28/25 252hp/156atk/100Def Rest/Explosion/Earthquake/Ironhead
Ev'ed Events
Newmoon Darkrai lvl 75 Timid 21/5/27/29/25/23 4hp/252Spatk/252Spe DarkPulse/Darkvoid/Icebeam/Nastyplot
FlowerParadise Shaymin lvl 100 Timid 4hp/252SpAtk/252Spe SeedFlare/Airslash/Earthpower/HpIce
Not Ev'ed/Untrained
Dialga @ Adamant orb lvl 70 Hasty 17/22/22/28/12/24 Untrained
Palkia @ Lustrous orb lvl 70 hasty 21/19/21/27/19/22 Untrained
Heatran lvl 50 Rash 23/11/21/23/18/15 Untrained
Girantina @ Grasieuos orb lvl 47 Modest 19/23/19/25/15/19 Untrained
Jap Ho-oh @ Sacred Ash lvl 45 Lonely 24/26/26/25/25/29 UT
Jap Lugia lvl 70 Timid 31/19/30/25/26/26 UT
12th Movie TRU Arceus lvl 100 Modest Judgement/Flamethrower/Shadowforce/Roaroftime
Ranger Manaphy Hydration lvl 1 Timid 23/15/27/29/23/26 UT TailGlow/Bubble/Watersport
Shiny Lucario lvl 100 Adamant 28/19/25/26/26/23 252Atk/252Spe/4Hp SwordsDance/Extremespeed/closecombat/StoneEdge
Shiny Skarmory lvl 56 Impish 31/31/11/31/31 252hp/64atk/176Def/18Spe Bravebird/Whirlwind/roost/Spikes <MightbeHacked>
Normal(Used pokemon with unknown Evs)
PorygonZ lvl 61 Modest adaptability Triattack/agility/recover/signalbeam
Infernape lvl 49 Timid nastyplot/flamethrower/grassknot/closecombat
Evee of any nature
Starters any nature
Tyrogue, Lucario
***********Please post in this thread first regarding an offer/request before VM-ing/PM-ing me.************
Pokemons that I'm looking for:
*Legit Darkrai Timid/modest nature with decent IVs. Pref untrained but EV trained in speed and Special attack are acceptable.
*Legit event shaymin(for sky form) Timid/modest
*Legit 12th movie Arceus jolly, timid, adamant, impish, modest
*Legit manaphy Timid/calm
*HG/SS Groundon
Pokemons that I'm interested In:
*Hitmon family, Regi family.
*Almost all pokemons I don't have.
*Ev'ed pokemons
Trading rules:
Rare/event/Ev'ed Legendaries -----> 2x ev'ed non legendaries or anything of Equal value
Ev'ed/Untrained Legendaries -----> 1x ev'ed non legendaries or anything of Equal value + an item
Ev'ed non legends ------> Ev'ed non legends or anything of equal values
Shiny ------> shiny, Ev'ed non legendary
Shiny with good nature/IV/Ev'ed/legendary -------> 2x Ev'ed non legend
Normal pokemons that I don't have --------> normal/breedables + egg moves/Items
*****Of course they are just some basic rules, if you have a decent offer not listed there please don't be discouraged, go ahead make an offer and I'll consider it.*****
Note: I will accept cloned pokemons as long as their legitimacy is retained. Please also note that I'm cloning the pokemon I have on offer in order to trade. I do not however offer any form of cloning service in this thread as it is against the rules of PokeCommunity.
---------After a successful trade please leave a post with a brief description of the trade. It helps keeping track of past trades and I would be very grateful to you :) ------------------------------
***********This thread is under construction and will be updated daily**********I have many more Ev'ed pokemons in-coming. :)
Completed Trades
-------------Updated Shiny and Ev'ed Legendaries sessions-----------
Coming soons:
Lead Azelf, Lead Aerodyctal, Quickfeet toxic orb facade Ursaring, Bulky Swampart, wall Rotom and many more!
***********This thread is under construction and will be updated daily**********
***********Please post in this thread first regarding an offer/request before VM-ing/PM-ing me.************
--------------------------------My FC platinum: 3610 1528 6833----------------------------
*No hacks* If you suspect that the pokemon on offer you previously recieved from another person is hacked, post its stats/infos and I'll have a look.
*Please do not be offended* if I suspend any trade during the exchange if the legitimacy of pokemon on offer is questionable.
*Be patient* There are times I might be away from PC for a long time, if that is the case please leave your available trading time.
*I don't know how to do RNG or whatever that is so IV breeding is beyond me* Although I do have several good IV dittos.
*If you want your pokemon be cloned and traded back i.e for the trade*, ask before hand.
I'm a nice person who will do favors for you everynow and then :P I will breed natures/egg moves for you free of charge! Don't abuse it though as I can be very scary when I'm angry!:laugh:
My free of charge services:
1. Move tutor in Diamond/pearl/platinum
2. Nature breeding (if I don't have the pokemon, you'll have to provide one. I have plenty of dittos though)
3. Moderately rare items: Plates, Battlepoint items, evolution stones, heartscales, not-so-expensive battlepoint TMs.
4. Evolution trades
5. Egg-moves from pokemons that I have.
My not-so-free of charge services: (make an offer!)
1. Ev'ing - you provide the pokemon to be ev'ed or at least breedable one.
2. Expensive TMs/rare items
Please note that you'll have to give me at least one or several day for Ev'ing. Time for completion depends on how busy I am with my other schedules.
Pokemons on offer:
Fully Ev'ed Pokemons:
Kingdra Swiftswim @ lifeorb lvl 61 naughty 22/27/23/25/21/25 252Atk 240SpA 16Spe Waterfall/Raindance/hydropump/DracoMeteor
Infernape @ Focus sash lvl 70 Hasty 2/26/13/21/18/28 252ATK 64SpA 192Spe U-turn/CloseCombat/Overheat/Stone edge
Gengar @ life orb Lvl 60 Timid 23/19/12/28/21/26 252SpA 252Spe Shadowball/Thunderbolt/FocusBlast/Icywind
Scizor Technician @ Life orb lvl 64 Adamant 26/30/18/2/21/28 32HP 252Atk 224Spe Bulletpunch/roost/swordsdance/Bugbite
Dusknoir @ leftovers lvl 56 Impish 22/27/30/4/28/10 252HP/28Atk/228Def
Dragonite lvl 66 jolly 31/31/23/26/18/25 252Atk/4SpA/252Spe
Breloom Poison heal @ Toxic orb lvl 61 Adamant 23/29/22/3/21/24 48HP/252Atk/208Spe FocusPunch/Seedbomb/Spore/Subsitute
Weavile @ focus sash lvl64 Jolly 25/27/28/15/21/26 40Hp/252Atk/216Spe
Togekiss Serene Grace @ leftovers lvl 67 Calm 20/13/20/20/8/17 252hp/4def/252SpD Thunderwave/Airslash/AuraSphere/Roost
Flygon lvl59 Jolly 7/24/18/18/21/28 4hp/252atk/252spd
Heracross Guts lvl 59 Adamant 22/21/15/14/6/18 252atk/4SpDef/252Spe
Empoleon lvl58 calm 14/10/25/19/20/14 252Hp/160def/92SpDef/4spe
Salamence lvl76 naughty 4/14/20/20/25/31 232atk/24SpAtk/252Spe
Machamp Noguard lvl 50 adamant 12/29/22/14/25/22 160hp/252atk/96spe
Ninjask lvl 58 jolly 24/20/22/30/15/30 176hp/252atk/80spe
Vaporeon lvl 65 bold 28/12/26/31/23/22 188def/252SpAtk/68spe
Drifbloon unburden lvl 52 Calm 25/9/22/30/31/19 126hp/62def/188Spatk/128Spe
Hippowdown lvl 63 Impish 31/24/26/3/29/26 252hp/88atk/168def SlackOff/Stealthrock/roar/EarthQ
Garchomp lvl 67 Jolly 22/29/24/19/15/31 4hp/252atk/252spe Outrage/Earthquake/Firefang/StoneEdge
Metagross lvl 62 Naughty 27/28/27/23/26/31 252atk/124Spatk/132Spe Thunderpunch/MeteorMash/Earthquake/Grassknot
Ursaring lvl 69 @ Toxic orb Jolly 22/28/24/11/25/26 4Hp/252Atk/252Spe Facade/closecombat/crunch/swordsdance
Drapion lvl 60 BattleArmor Adamant 21/27/25/13/28/29 252Hp/252SpDef/4Spe Crunch/Acupressure/Substitute/rest
Magmortar lvl 62 Timid 23/15/27/29/23/26 4Hp/252Spatk/252Spe LavaPlume/Thunderbolt/FocusBlast/HpIce
Tyranitor lvl 100 Naive 24/29/27/27/17/29 48atk/252SpAtk/208Spe Superpower/DarkPulse/Icebeam/Flamethrower
Aerodyctal lvl 65 Jolly 22/29/22/15/23/29 4Hp/252Atk/252Spe RockSlide/StealthRock/Taunt/Earthquake
Blissey lvl 70 Calm 31/8/28/14/27/24 4Hp/252Def/252SpDef Aromatherapy/Softboiled/Counter/SeismicToss
Umbreon lvl 55 Impish 30/20/29/15/28/26 252hp/200atk/56SpDef Wish/Protect/Payback/Curse
Gliscor lvl 80 @ Yacheberry Impish 30/27/28/11/28/31 252hp/40atk/216Spe Sworddance/roost/Earthquake/Batonpass
Swampert lvl 74 @ Cheriberry careful 30/28/31/25/28/19 252hp/40def/216SpDef Curse/earthquake/avalanche/rest
Meganium lvl 68 @ rose incense modest 31/15/26/31/26/25 156hp/48Def/252SpAtk/48SpDef leafstorm/energyball/sythesis/ancientpower
Venussaur lvl 67 bold 30/12/31/22/31/19 200hp/184def/124Spdef sythesis/sludgebomb/sleeppowder/Leechseed
Ev'ed Legendaries
JAP HG/SS Souldew Latios lvl 71 @ Souldew Timid 20/11/21/25/31/28 4Hp/252SpAtk/252Spe Grassknot/Dragonpulse/Recover/CalmMind
JAP HG/SS Raikou Timid 11/12/23/26/14/29 4Hp/252SpAtk/252Spe roar/discharge/calmmind/thunderbolt
Uxie lvl 80 Bold 31/6/27/20/29/28 252hp/98def/160Spe Trick/Memento/Safeguard/Reflect
Registeel lvl 75 Impish 28/29/28/8/28/25 252hp/100atk/156Def Curse/Amnesia/Substitute/IronHead
Registeel(V2) lvl 75 Impish 28/29/28/8/28/25 252hp/156atk/100Def Rest/Explosion/Earthquake/Ironhead
Ev'ed Events
Newmoon Darkrai lvl 75 Timid 21/5/27/29/25/23 4hp/252Spatk/252Spe DarkPulse/Darkvoid/Icebeam/Nastyplot
FlowerParadise Shaymin lvl 100 Timid 4hp/252SpAtk/252Spe SeedFlare/Airslash/Earthpower/HpIce
Not Ev'ed/Untrained
Dialga @ Adamant orb lvl 70 Hasty 17/22/22/28/12/24 Untrained
Palkia @ Lustrous orb lvl 70 hasty 21/19/21/27/19/22 Untrained
Heatran lvl 50 Rash 23/11/21/23/18/15 Untrained
Girantina @ Grasieuos orb lvl 47 Modest 19/23/19/25/15/19 Untrained
Jap Ho-oh @ Sacred Ash lvl 45 Lonely 24/26/26/25/25/29 UT
Jap Lugia lvl 70 Timid 31/19/30/25/26/26 UT
12th Movie TRU Arceus lvl 100 Modest Judgement/Flamethrower/Shadowforce/Roaroftime
Ranger Manaphy Hydration lvl 1 Timid 23/15/27/29/23/26 UT TailGlow/Bubble/Watersport
Shiny Lucario lvl 100 Adamant 28/19/25/26/26/23 252Atk/252Spe/4Hp SwordsDance/Extremespeed/closecombat/StoneEdge
Shiny Skarmory lvl 56 Impish 31/31/11/31/31 252hp/64atk/176Def/18Spe Bravebird/Whirlwind/roost/Spikes <MightbeHacked>
Normal(Used pokemon with unknown Evs)
PorygonZ lvl 61 Modest adaptability Triattack/agility/recover/signalbeam
Infernape lvl 49 Timid nastyplot/flamethrower/grassknot/closecombat
Evee of any nature
Starters any nature
Tyrogue, Lucario
***********Please post in this thread first regarding an offer/request before VM-ing/PM-ing me.************
Pokemons that I'm looking for:
*Legit Darkrai Timid/modest nature with decent IVs. Pref untrained but EV trained in speed and Special attack are acceptable.
*Legit event shaymin(for sky form) Timid/modest
*Legit manaphy Timid/calm
*HG/SS Groundon
Pokemons that I'm interested In:
*Hitmon family, Regi family.
*Almost all pokemons I don't have.
*Ev'ed pokemons
Trading rules:
Rare/event/Ev'ed Legendaries -----> 2x ev'ed non legendaries or anything of Equal value
Ev'ed/Untrained Legendaries -----> 1x ev'ed non legendaries or anything of Equal value + an item
Ev'ed non legends ------> Ev'ed non legends or anything of equal values
Shiny ------> shiny, Ev'ed non legendary
Shiny with good nature/IV/Ev'ed/legendary -------> 2x Ev'ed non legend
Normal pokemons that I don't have --------> normal/breedables + egg moves/Items
*****Of course they are just some basic rules, if you have a decent offer not listed there please don't be discouraged, go ahead make an offer and I'll consider it.*****
Note: I will accept cloned pokemons as long as their legitimacy is retained. Please also note that I'm cloning the pokemon I have on offer in order to trade. I do not however offer any form of cloning service in this thread as it is against the rules of PokeCommunity.
---------After a successful trade please leave a post with a brief description of the trade. It helps keeping track of past trades and I would be very grateful to you :) ------------------------------
***********This thread is under construction and will be updated daily**********I have many more Ev'ed pokemons in-coming. :)
Completed Trades
<12th movie TRU Arceus Modest lvl 100 (Sandhunter505) + Regigigas -------> Empoleon lvl 58 calm , Shiny lucario lvl 100 adamant 252atk/252Spe>
Scizor Technician lvl 64 Adamant 26/30/18/2/21/28 32HP 252Atk 224Spe
Flygon lvl59 Jolly 7/24/18/18/21/28 4hp/252atk/252spd>
<Charmander + Mudkip + Chikorita (DarkAlucard) --------> Palkia lvl 70 hasty 21/19/21/27/19/22 Untrained>
<Turtwig + Tyrogue (NO1234) -------> Salamence lvl76 naughty 4/14/20/20/25/31 232atk/24SpAtk/252Spe>
<Shiny Lucario lvl 100 Adamant (Kepov) ------> Kingdra lvl 61 Naughty + Flygon lvl 59 jolly>
Scizor Technician lvl 64 Adamant 26/30/18/2/21/28 32HP 252Atk 224Spe
Flygon lvl59 Jolly 7/24/18/18/21/28 4hp/252atk/252spd>
<Charmander + Mudkip + Chikorita (DarkAlucard) --------> Palkia lvl 70 hasty 21/19/21/27/19/22 Untrained>
<Turtwig + Tyrogue (NO1234) -------> Salamence lvl76 naughty 4/14/20/20/25/31 232atk/24SpAtk/252Spe>
<Shiny Lucario lvl 100 Adamant (Kepov) ------> Kingdra lvl 61 Naughty + Flygon lvl 59 jolly>
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