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Amazing things can happen when you do nothing

  • 1,225
    • Age 29
    • he/him/his
    • Seen Jun 12, 2024
    I am a mindful individual. Therefore I know that while I can make better choices, there are things that are out of my control. Sometimes I just have to allow things to happen. Sometimes the outcome of doing this is pleasant. Sometimes it is not so pleasant. And more often than not the outcome is confusing. But being mindful of the present moment, I think, will always yield better outlooks. Every time you are faced with multiple options, you choose one. Once you make the choice, it is often very difficult to go back. You may fixate on what you perceive to be a mistake -- it may or may not be -- and try to think of how you can change it. But you do not fixate on what may be a good outcome.

    A truly great author Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote a book called "Wherever You Go, There You Are" 22 years ago. He writes, "Is it possible for you to contemplate that in a very real way, this may actually be the best season, the best moment of your life? If so, what would that mean for you?" Essentially, imagine that your life is fragmented into a seemingly infinite number of "moments", of whatever brief, arbitrary duration you wish to set them at. What if this moment is your peak? Would you be happy with that? Well, if you are fixated on your regrets from the past or your worries about the future, then you'd probably think, "Well, this moment sucks, so that means it's all downhill from here." If you're peacefully aware of your purpose in life, your intrinsic connection to everything that surrounds you, and the good that exists in everything in your current moment, then maybe it isn't so bad. After all, if you are living presently, isn't it a GOOD thing to be living in your best moment?

    Chances are you aren't living in your best moment, or your worst moment. I just wanted to help give everyone what is perhaps a fresh perspective on happiness and mindfulness. Don't take your life, or its purpose, for granted.