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*Aura Guardians* Lucario/Riolu Fan Club

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Fenrir Reki

Guardian of Destruction
  • 2,073

    [PokeCommunity.com] *Aura Guardians* Lucario/Riolu Fan Club

    For fans of Lucario and Riolu!

    Members: 107


    ~ 07/31/13 (31/07/12) - Updates are slow as usual. But I updated the list of sprites and included an animated Lucario one. I'll consider working on a club banner soon. In the meantime, we haven't had an event in a while. So if anyone wants, we can have another contest according to what our members want. Also, I have updated the club's story and posted a link on the main post. It is in a google document and is quite lengthy, however I do recommend reading it. Since I honestly have not been too dedicated as a club leader, I promise to start being more active from now on. (Sorry everyone!) ~
    **Feel free to contact OokamiReki if you have any questions about anything via private or visitor message**

    Current Topics:
    ~ Club Story
    ~ What is your favourite nickname for a shiny Lucario/Riolu?
    ~ How do you feel about Lucario being in the new Pokken Tournament game?

    Current Contests:

    [a id]A[/a id]

    Club Milestones

    [x] - Reached 50 members
    [x] - Reached 100 members
    [x] - Nominated as Pokemon Club of the Month (April) in 2012
    [x] - Created a DeviantArt club page

    Our Club's DeviantArt

    To view drawings of Lucario and Riolu created by our very own club members, visit this DeviantArt group page:

    I encourage all artists in this club to join the DeviantArt group and contribute to the gallery, if you want to.

    Club Story

    Our club's exclusive story that any member can contribute to can be found here:

    This document contains the current club's story so far. If you wish to contribute to it, please read through the story first so you know what is going on, then post your addition to the story.

    Contest information

    This contains information about various contests that the club has such as the rules, and other important information regarding them. Any club member can participate in them.


    Contest Winners and Past Contests

    Drawing Contests


    1. Be a fan of or somewhat like Lucario and/or Riolu! Come on, this club is dedicated to them!
    2. Just relax and have fun! There will almost always be some sort of a discussion going on, and from time to time there might be events such as small gaming tournaments for pokemon or other games or something else such as weekly questions.
    3. Be active! I don't expect you to always respond to posts or questions but I do expect everyone to be active.
    4. There is absolutely NO flaming, spamming, trolling, etc. Doing so will get you a strike. Three strikes and you will be dismissed from the club. (Of course accidental double posts does not count, we all know lagging computers and internet are annoying)
    5. Please follow general PC rules.
    6. Anyone is allowed to post new topics and discussions, not just the owner and co-owner.
    7. When posting a new topic, please try to have it relate to Lucario and Riolu, and try not to stay off topic too much. You can post any kind of topic you like, but if it is not Lucario or Riolu related, please try not to stay on that topic for too long or post more random topics. This is a Lucario and Riolu club, keep that in mind! Also, just to let everyone know, going off our main club's focus will get us all in trouble, so rethink your topics before you post them if they are not Lucario/Riolu related!
    8. If you get a username change, please let me know what your old username was so I can edit the member list accordingly. (Usually i'll be able to tell and adjust the member list myself)


    You have 'strikes' which are little (*) marks next to your name. If you get three, then you will be dismissed from the club. As long as you follow the rules and don't do anything that will get you into trouble, you are unlikely to get a strike. How do you lose them? Well, they aren't permanent, and they will be disappear after a while. So basically, if you have a strike, and you start following the rules again, it will disappear.
    [a id]B[/a id]

    Pokemon Partners

    Since this is a Lucario and Riolu Fan club, you will only be allowed to choose between Lucario, Riolu, or both and you can fill in additional information for them too such as their name, what their personality is like, what their hobbies are, etc. Just for fun. You can also choose a sprite for your Lucario or Riolu and can have it changed at any time. All you have to do is ask either the owner or co-owner and provide the new sprite you want, and we will change it for you.

    Lucario Sprites


    Riolu Sprites


    [a id]E[/a id]

    Sign Up Sheet

    [B]Gender:[/B] Are you a boy or a girl? (Male or Female)
    [B]Activeness:[/B] How active will you be in this group?  
    [B]Pokemon Partner:[/B] Your pokemon partner. It's either Lucario, Riolu or both so choose both or one. You can choose to include a name or gender for your partner(s). You can also choose a sprite for them out of any of the Lucario or Riolu sprites. If you do not choose a sprite, you will be stuck with the default one, but you can always change your sprite in the future.
    [B]Why:[/B] Any reason why you want to join?
    [B]Password:[/B] What is the password? It's right below you in a spolier... seriously.

    Club Members





    Banners and Userbars

    Club Banners


    Last edited:
    Gender: male

    Activeness: as soon as i get home from school, thn on untill i go 2 bed

    Pokemon Partner: lucario (jon (male))

    Why: somewut obsessed w/ em o.o

    Password: Wave-guiding Riolu
    Gender: Male
    Activeness: I'll show up as much as possible
    Pokemon Partner: Zano The Lucario (Male)
    Why: I'm so obsessed with Lucario, have tons of pictures of him, countless. I'm such a furre as well, and a Lucario/wolf at heart
    Password: Wave-guiding Riolu
    lucario giavlés and Zylasn, you have been accepted into the club. Remember applications for Co-Owner are available but to qualify you should be active, have good grammar/spelling and be able to check up on the club at least once every two days for applications, new members etc.

    To start off the new club, lets have some questions to help keep the activity up.
    Have you bought pokemon black/white yet?
    I bought it but I don't play it that often
    Which starter pokemon have you chosen and why did you chose them?
    I chose tepig as my starter because I usually choose fire pokemon as my starter.

    Gender: male
    activity: may be once a day
    Partner: riolu, lucario (riolus name is hope, lucario is lucarian)
    Why: cause lucarios and riolus are awesome!
    pasword: Wave-guiding Riolu
    Welcome to the club lucarioishere! I updated the first post to look more organized (sort of) and if anyone has a good drawing they made of Lucario or Riolu, feel free to tell me and i'll add it to the drawings section. We had lots of people in the social group so I hope we get some more people if not more than we had in the group to join. Remember, topics can be about anything as long as its appropriate!
    Have you bought pokemon black/white yet?
    I bought it but I don't play it that often
    Which starter pokemon have you chosen and why did you chose them?
    I chose tepig as my starter because I usually choose fire pokemon as my starter.

    i have both black and white, but i play white most often if im not on my ps3 or computer

    i chose snivy, i have an impulse 2 pick a grass type almost every time, not cuz of the name, but the look and "diffaculty"* setting, but im sure its a roumored "diffaculty" setting, but i chose snivy and he is acculy quite a valued member of my team (lvl 23)


    I don't really know is thats true or not. I always found fire pokemon to be easier to use because they seemed to have lots of advantages compared to the other starters over gym leader battles.
    Hay we need to start some events. have a chat party! do some role play! come on lets do some quizes for point
    Gender: Male

    Activeness: I'll probably be on everyday (I'll try to remember to post on this thread).

    Pokemon Partner: Lurcario

    Why: Favorite pokemon ever since its first apperance in "Pokemon Lucario and the Mystery of Mew", I quickly started to love this pokemon

    Password: Wave-guiding Riolu
    Well i have a idea for the quiz part.
    And a well we dont have alot of people to do a chat party
    Let's just hold off on event for now until we get at least 10 members. Then maybe we can start a drawing contest or something easy.

    Welcome to the club gameplayer56! Your reason why you like Lucario is similar to mine, except it started off from brawl first, then I saw "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" and it just went from there on out. I hope you enjoy it here.
    Let's just hold off on event for now until we get at least 10 members. Then maybe we can start a drawing contest or something easy.

    Welcome to the club gameplayer56! Your reason why you like Lucario is similar to mine, except it started off from brawl first, then I saw "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" and it just went from there on out. I hope you enjoy it here.
    Really? Was the release date of Brawl?
    Well, not exactly although I did buy brawl on its release date. Lets just say I didn't know what the list of characters were and I started using Lucario because I thought he (or 'it' but I will refer to Lucario as a male) was an interesting character and Ike was overpowered and boring to use. I eventually found out that he was a pokemon and then I started becoming even more interested because not only was he a good character in brawl, he looked awesome and seemed to have a cool personality. I eventually became a dedicated fan to both Lucario and Riolu as I am today, but the whole story is very long to type.
    ^ this also happend 2 me... except the movie happend b4 brawl... some1 cappable of all tht power... the looks... everything, although he wuz a bit harsh, he wuz also a softie at times, he wuz awesome durring the movie... but it sucked he died (it wuz a few years ago i saw it, not the ending i planned on watching, but it had me more respectful of him and his power, i grew attached 2 him the more i saw the movie)... but it wuz fer a great cause

    thn in brawl after i saw him, i used him more thn any char in the game, ya... he wuz tht awesome... his power, his moves... everything were top notch... he wuz perfect... any match i came accross usein him, 99% of the time i win, the rest, either horrable timeing, bad stratiges or just not rdy fer a battle at tht lvl (1 lvl 9 pika beat me in 30 sec o///o) other thn tht, im rly good w/ him

    the ammount of lucario pics i have on my comp and another site... i have around 230 + pics of him, he is tht awesome
    You know, now I think of it, the 1st time I watched Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero, Rukario I believe it is in JAP, where I wish I could go, even after what happened there), I started to luv the furry guy. I got attached to him, and at the end of the movie, i kinda cried a little inside.

    Then he comes out in SSBB, and then I get even more attached to the furry Rukario... That's when I thought, hey, I must be a Rukario at heart... turns out I am, lol.
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