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(BDSP) The Candy Exchange


Your Chaotic Affectionate!
  • 127
    Yeah, couldn't come up with a clever title for that one.
    Anyway...hi! I'm Obsidian! I've been playing Pokemon since I was young, and, recently, I've been getting into Competitive Battling, so, I'm breeding Pokemon I intend on using. That said, after getting my competitive-ready Pokemon, I have a couple boxes full of babies that weren't QUITE up to snuff. I also got a few Legendaries I intend on using with...less than stellar IVs. I need to get them to Level 100 before I can start using Bottlecaps on them.

    So that's what this is! I'm selling my Breedject Pokemon for 1 Rare Candy each! (I will also accept Bottlecaps as well, but, I don't have anything of equal value to that...yet.)

    Here is what I have available.

    Machop: Fairly straight forward. All have a Jolly Nature and the egg moves: Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, and Bullet Punch. A majority have No Guard, and all of them have at least 3 Perfect IVs.
    Murkrow: A lot more variable than Machop. A lot of them have their Hidden Ability, Prankster, but some just...don't, hence the breedject status. I bred them to have Hasty natures, and the later generations have Brave Bird as an Egg Move. They all have at LEAST 2-3 Perfect IVs.
    Venonat: A majority of them have Tinted Lens, with a few Compound Eyes. They all have Baton Pass as an Egg Move and a TImid Nature. They all have at least 3 Perfect IVs.
    Gligar: Probably the most simple among them. No Egg Moves, no Hidden Ability. They all have an Impish nature which is good for a tanky Gliscor build. Again, all of them have more than 3 Perfect IVs each.

    In addition to those I also have Pokerus spreading among my Pokemon, so, let me know if you'd like a Pokemon with Pokerus.

    Contact me in DMs if you'd like to trade for one of them! (And in the case of the more variable ones, specify what aspects you want specifically. For example, not all of the Murkrow have Hasty, not all have their Hidden Abilities, and not all have Brave Bird.)

    I will update this shop occasionally to update my stock and price changes if any.
    If you'd like to request I breed a specific Pokemon, we can discuss my terms in Direct Messages. The price may be more than a single candy depending on how tedious some Pokemon can be to properly narrow down. If you want an HA Pokemon that CAN'T be obtained using Poke Radar, and needs an Ability Patch, the price would be one Bottlecap, which you can get from the Battle Tower for 25 BP. More than a fair exchange on your end, compared to the 200 BP of an Ability Patch.

    [PokeCommunity.com] (BDSP) The Candy Exchange

    (And don't worry. The humor of selling virtual animals for virtual...medicine...is not lost on me. ;D)
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    Just updated what I have available! This is just a quick "bump," as I believe it's called. (I'm not old and out of the loop, you are!)