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4th Gen Bug Pokemon Quest

That's a fun idea! Should you get a Drapion? They're pretty good, right?
Only problem is that Drapion is Poison/ Dark. He scraps the Bug typing when he evolves.
I could always keep it from evolving, though that may not be strong enough of a pokemon to help me get through the pokemon league.
Well yes, Heracross is strong and would help a lot (obviously) but there is always Vespiqen as a substitute (extra Pokemon incase you need it). At only 2 Gym Badges, that's not bad although 23 hours. Is that because you waited so long for your pokemon or is that because of your training?

EDIT:WOOT, 100 posts... that was so unnecessary.
Mothim is also a good one, with SAtk 94 (boost w/ Modest) and quite great moves like Psychic, Air Slash, Energy Ball etc..
But its defenses aren't that great either (50)
Well yes, Heracross is strong and would help a lot (obviously) but there is always Vespiqen as a substitute (extra Pokemon incase you need it). At only 2 Gym Badges, that's not bad although 23 hours. Is that because you waited so long for your pokemon or is that because of your training?

EDIT:WOOT, 100 posts... that was so unnecessary.

I have a Vespiquen, and I very much like it. The "order" moveset it has is fantastic.

The 23 hours however is mainly training. Like when I got my Kricketot I immediately stoped using my piplup which means I fought only using the move "Bide" for a while, plus I have to make sure my bugs are slightly higher in level then the rest of the pokemon I face due to their weakness.

Also, I like to check up on berry trees and do small things like that while I play and that always becomes time consuming. So yeah this will take me a while but it is way way fun so far.
If no one has already I can offer u a heracross or a mothim. I also have scizor and a shiny dustox
Mothim is also a good one, with SAtk 94 (boost w/ Modest) and quite great moves like Psychic, Air Slash, Energy Ball etc..
But its defenses aren't that great either (50)

Sounds like a good idea, I could always EV train it up for a higher defense. Maybe I will give it a try, but If I run into a Heracross thats probably going to be the one I use.

Thanks people.
No, when EV training, you have to focus on their strengths, not attempt to cover up their weaknesses- especially if doing so won't make a bit of difference.

Though, I am not training them for competitive battling. Im just training it to beat the game, therefore a well rounded pokemon could actually be of some good use.
Though, I am not training them for competitive battling. Im just training it to beat the game, therefore a well rounded pokemon could actually be of some good use.

True. But since sweepers are the rulers of in-game battling, you may as well EV in SAtk and Spd anyway.
Also true. As long as youre the harder hitter in game, thats all that matters.

Whats the best in your opinion to spatk EV train a mothim against?
Figured as much. Which means EV training my level60 bugs after I beat the E4 is just going to be sort of silly.
How about Beedril Poison/Bug and It can learn great moves but yea Heracross as it does make a great pokeon and it learns a one hit KO move (can't remember name). breedril can learn Sludge bomb which I find is good but Heracross is better with the one hit KO.
How about Beedril Poison/Bug and It can learn great moves but yea Heracross as it does make a great pokeon and it learns a one hit KO move (can't remember name). breedril can learn Sludge bomb which I find is good but Heracross is better with the one hit KO.

The only problem with that is the fact that Beedrill is unobtainable untill after I complete the game and recieve my National Dex. Otherwise man, beedrill is a pretty cool bug pokemon I agree.
DUH! Get Arceus, and just uquip it with the Bug Plate thingy :P Then it's Bug type! Definatley the strongest bug type =]

Lol, I'm obviously just joking. I know you can't get Arceus until...well, even not today (besides AR cheats:P)
My Wormadam is Bug/Steel. And a very good version of bug/steel. ALSO I cant obtain a scizor due to national dex rules.