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Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

I'm glad you're still at it buddy. I think the animations are great (i'm going to assume you'll be adjusting frames and speed yourself). The only thing I'm picky about is the sword and it looks quite flat. giving it an outline will be best I think, you don't exactly have to include more detail/shading/texture etc. onto the sword itself.
The sword will be tricky, specially I don't know if we'll have the chance to be a bit overzealous and allow for different swords to look different on the sprite itself. So for the time being, I'm being hyper simple with that for now.

Well, I'm not dead, which is good.

My usual spriting time was taken from me, and so many things have kept me busy (Oh Smash Bros, you're so wonderful). However with school, I actually have a few new oppurtunities to sprite thanks to a class being in a computer lab. So, here's a new member of the team, Professor Anouto!

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

A scientist who will act as a black mage, though instead of spells, he'll use his inventions. Flamethrowers, freeze rays, and typhoon missiles will be his way of attacking.
Well, I've gotten an animation going for this one already. An animation for his basic attack, and probably some of his 'magic' actions as well.

[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)


A few small changes were made.
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[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

This is Myobu, another fox person for the party. Her colors are undecided so far, but this is what we're thinking about for the time being.
[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

So I got the face, added the tail (that took far too long to get it to the point its at) and worked with some of the timing and leg positions. Still plenty of things to add, her flappy bits and shield primarily.
[PokeCommunity.com] Captace Region (Fakemon + Other stuff)

Well I got to some of the bits of critique. Faster, some work on hands, adding in the extra details, and some upped contrast. If this is good, then I have a form of battle animation for all the characters (alternate animations, like idles, or other kind of attacks, would be next then). Of course also tinkering with previous ones too.