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Emerald hack: Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

I'd love to hear opinions on the games difficulty, Is it too easy, too hard, or just right? and let

  • Too Easy

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Too Hard

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Just Right!

    Votes: 17 63.0%

  • Total voters
  • 44
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    Chaos Emerald v2.4!
    WELCOME, to the absolutely CHAOTIC world of Pokémon Chaos Emerald!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    This hack is wild!

    Get ready to battle in some of the strangest and most unique battles you've ever battled in a pokemon game before! This is in no way, shape, or form a normal difficulty hack!

    This is a funny little difficulty hack I've made that's full of things that pokemon fans love including some old beta pokemon that were scrapped long ago

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    Lots of changes have been made to make the game better than ever!
    Including no need to teach field HMs, more engaging and surprising battles, fairy type, night time, some new moves and abilities, and most important of all, the removal of that stupid fish gyarados (I hate gyarados!)
    The game also features almost all of the pokemon from gens 4-7 including chatot (duh), riolu, solosis, alolan raichu, MEGA EVOLUTONS and much more! There's also a gen 8 pokemon line sneaking around in the shadows, can you find them?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    This fanhack also adds some fun quality of life features!
    You can use your starter unevolved but with the stats of a fully evolved pokemon (level them up holding a regular potion at any evolution stage they'll turn into their X variants, which are basically the first stages of them but much more powerful (basically the first stages of them but with the stats of a fully evolved pokémon). You can switch back between the X forms and the fully evolved by having them level up holding a super potion). So now you can carry your cute little Torchic and Mudkip all the way to the Elite 4 without having to worry about them being too weak!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    You can even purchase rare candies!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    In some pokemarts such as the rustbaro mart and ever grande city you can buy rare candies for a low price to prevent having to grind too much, they'd also be really useful if you feel the game is getting too difficult too. I don't recommended going too high over the gym leaders however or else the game will be too easy haha

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    I'm glad to announce that EV training is not required to finish the rom hack! I've beaten it twice with zero ev training whatsoever

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    The hack is complete and 100% playable from start to finish!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    Pretty much all of the major battles are modified with fun including the first Gym Leader rematches and the Meteor Falls battle against Steven!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    So please have fun playing my silly rom hack! There's a lot of surprises waiting for you...


    Included in the download link below is the Version 2.4 MilkyWay UPS patch file (released 9/24/21) , documentation that you should read, a small text file that teaches you how to patch if you don't know how, and details on how to get those sweet sweet mega evolutions!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    WARNING: This hack doesn't support old VBA or mVBA, use a more accurate emulator like VBA-M 2.1.4! If you're playing on android I recommend John GBAC

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!









    EV DISPLAY BY jiangzhengwenjz


    if I'm missing any credits or if there's any crazy bugs let me know :}
    and most importantly, enjoy the show!

    P.S if you hear any weird screeching noises during your battles, its because they aliens are so intrigued by your battles that they have no choice but to come down and watch. They're a very interruptive and loud crowd indeed.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    Boss level ranges

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    Discord Community! (created on 9/20/21)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

    EDIT (4/5/22): Check out my cool new fangame, Chaos Dreams! It's fully completed and ready to play!
    Are you ready for a brand new adventure in an all new region? Many old friends and new challenges await you!

    Link to the page!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Chaos Emerald, the weirdest difficulty hack in the world! (You can catch Kirby in it, and it's 100% Complete!!!) Now with Mega Evolution!

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    MAJOR UPDATE ALERT, Version 1.3 has just been dropped!!!

    • Added Legendaries to the Safari Zone
    • Modified more generic NPC Trainers
    • Changed a few routes wild pokemon selection for more diversity
    • Made some pokemon such a Poliwag and Politoad evolve much earlier
    • Nerfed Brawly
    • Buffed Crasher Wake
    • Fixed Wattson's movesets
    • Fixed Porygon's evolution so it evolves by holding Up-Grade (which it holds in the wild)
    • Fixed Scyther's evolution so it evolves by holding Metal Coat (which it as well holds in the wild)
    • Gave more wild pokemon held items in general
    • Fixed Victreebel's Cry
    • Added Herobrine

    EDIT 1: VERSION 1.4 HAS BEEN RELEASED, fixes an issue with Glacia's team. Your savefile should be fine if you update to any version, let me know if there's any issues!

    EDIT 2: I'd love to hear any feedback about the rom hack!
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    Major update has just been released, version 1.7
    • Fixed a Major issue with the first 2 May battles if you picked Mudkip
    • Completely redone almost all of the routes to make sure almost every Pokémon from gen 1-7 is catchable, Including all of the starters from those generations
    • Added in a few more cries for certain Pokémon
    • Karrablast evolves by level up
    • Kricketune is now Bug/Normal with Moody and Boomburst
    • Lumineon is Water/Flying with boosted hp, special attack, and a better moveset
    • Lilligant has been given boosted speed with Friend Guard and Whimsicott has boosted special attack and No Guard
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    Version 1.9 Deluxe editon (yep we're doing deluxe now) has been released!
    • Fixed the glitch that caused the game to crash if you defeated all the trainers in Brawly's Gym
    • Fixed Wooper and Stufful's evolutions
    • Added in even more Pokémon to the game, almost every pokemon from gen 1-7 is catchable now
    • Absol, Pidgeot, and Buneary evolve into their lines mega evolutions
    • Buffed Unfezant, Maractus, Krickitune, Noctowl, Luminion, Plusle, Minun, Pachuritsu, Drifloon line, and Vikavolt
    • Unfezant is now Psychic/Flying with the ability Competitive
    • Hoothoot learns Dark Void
    • Drifloon line has the ability Delta Stream
    • Vikavolt has 143 speed
    • Maractus is Grass/Water with boosted defenses
    • A few more Pokémon evolve instantly from level up, especially ones that evolved too late
    Your savefile should be safe if you update to the latest version, make back-ups just in case!

    If there's any more glitches I need to fix, let me know!
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    VERSION 1.9c DELUXE (I ran out of numbers so now we're doing letters now lol) has been released for the world to enjoy!
    • Added in 5 new pokémon, the Rinrin line from the 1997 spaceworld beta (can be found in the petelburg woods) and a mysterious 3 pokémon line from gen 8, can you find them?
    • Changed the Gym Battle music to the Battle Frontier music! Now this underrated gem can be captured by more ears!
    • Hypno is now a Psychic/Dark defensive pokémon with prankster
    • Rhydon is now a Rock/Fairy pokémon with buffed special defense
    • Venomoth now has 255 speed, had to make it unique somehow haha
    • Biberal is guaranteed to have moody and learns Giga Impact, V-create, and Aqua Tail by level up
    • Politoad is now Water/Ghost and is guaranteed to have drizzle, you can obtain it by leveling up poliwhirl by only a single level!
    • Golisopod now has Intimidate!
    • Zebstrika has buffed defenses, the ability Galvanize, and leans Flare Blitz by level up!
    If there's any glitches i need to fix let me know!
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    Deino has a 4% chance of appearing on route 112!
    Also it evolves much earlier, it evolves into zweilous at level 30 and zweilous evolves into hydreigon at level 40!

    Nice, thanks for telling me. And extra props to you for lowering the evolution levels for the line lol. Wish more romhacks modified the level requirements of some Pokemon-Gen 5 as a whole for the most part, so their evolutions are more easily attainable. In another Emerald hack someone graciously reduced the level requirement for Rufflet into Braviaey from 54 to 34.
    Hello everybody! Incase you haven't noticed, I released a small update this morning, Version 1.9w STARLIGHT!
    1. Fixed the issue that caused Wattson's Raichu to use struggle
    2. Buffed Archeops by giving it the ability Run Away
    3. Buffed Tirtouga line to match Archeops
    4. Nerfed Norman's Spinda because I felt it was too powerful and thus unfun to battle against, I still kept the battle challenging but not to a frustrating level ;)
    5. Made a few Pokémon easier to catch such as Deino and Dratini
    6. Buffed Hydregon's moveset so it learns more special moves
    7. Last but definitely not least, a brand new ability for Vanilluxe!
    There shouldn't be any more major bugs in this hack, but if there is let me know!
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    Update time! Verison 1.9x NightSky has been released!
    • Wild Charge no longer does recoil damage (this was actually done earlier but I never announced it)
    • Removed full restores from all the gym leader rematches
    • Fixed Sandshrews Evolution
    • Fixed Victory Star and Iron Fist not displaying on the party menu
    • Buffed bone rush to base 35 power and 100% Accuracy
    • Finished adding in basically all the non-legendary missing Pokémon from Gens 1 to 7
    • Buffed Persian by giving it super luck and a new critical hit based moveset!
    • Buffed Spearow (I won't spoil how ;)
    • Added a TON of Pokémon in the Mirage Tower on route 111, there's a huge set of Pokémon on every floor!
    • Buffed Butterfree by giving it a huge special attack boost and making it Bug/Psychic
    • Made Parasect into a Bug/Ghost type and a huge defense boost
    • Buffed the Elemental Monkeys by making them half normal-type and boosting thier stats
    • Raised Avalugg's special defense
    • You can catch wild Spiritomb in the Petalburg Woods
    • Gaving Watchog the weirdest buff of all time, Gave it 255 in both offenses and 5 in all defenses and speed. It also learns Dark Void (which btw now has priority) , so have fun using this weird set! You can find this crazy Watchog on the third story of the Mirage Tower!
    As always if there's any glitches that i haven't already fixed, let me know!
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    HUGE UPDATE, Version 2.0 StarryDreams has just been released!
    • The game is MUCH more polished now, both visually and mechanically
    • Fixed the issue that caused a certain pokémon to randomly transform into burmy
    • Slowking is now obtainable! Wild Slowpoke are guaranteed to hold a King's Rock
    • Buffed Slaking's HP to 30
    • Strengthened Norman's team
    • Boosted Emolga's offenses to 105
    • Raised Bombseel's HP to 95
    • Turned Mud Shot and Mud Bomb into useful moves
    • Created a cry for one of the new "pokémon"
    • Changed the menu sprites of the new additions to be closer to their original designs
    • Gave Skuntank a new name
    • Quagsire learns Aqua Tail, Ice Punch, and Brave Bird by level up
    • More held items for wild pokémon, yay!
    • Vileplume, Bellossom, and Victreebel now all have 535 BST
    • Added in a new ""pokémon""
    I'd love to hear some feedback about my hack!
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