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Community RP: Defenders of Eshu City (PG-13)

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Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    This is a community RP taking place in the fictious Eshu City. Eshu City is located on an island in the Bahamas. It is a large futuristic metropolis located at the base of a jungle island. The large scyscrapers cast shadows over a clear sea. The tropical jungle behind the island is largely unexplored and is a haven for criminal operations.

    In this RP you play as a superhuman. You can either join The Defenders of Eshu City (the city's premier superhero organization) or you can be a rogue. Rogues can be a meance on their own, join with other rogues to start their own supervillain groups, or join with the criminal organizations located in the city and jungle.

    1. Don't godmod. I'll allow one or two superpowerful rogues for major villains. PM me if you would like you would like to be one of the major villains.
    2. Try to interact with the other superhumans
    3. Rogues working togther is encouraged

    Please post your characters

    Physical Description:
    Affiliation: (Defenders of Eshu City or Rogue)
    Sample RP: (you must have one)

    My Char

    Jedi Kong
    Age: Unknown

    Physical Description: A large gorilla with Jedi robes on wielding two duel bladed gold lightsabers.

    Affiliation: Defenders of Eshu City

    Powers: Super Strength, The Force, Force Lightning, Jedi Reflexes, Jedi Physique

    Weapons: 2 dual bladed gold lightsabers

    History: A starship explosion above the capital city of Coruscant creates a wormhole that drops a certain giant simeon into the planetary metropolis. King Kong, lost and confused, began a rampage fueled by fear and confusion.

    Kong was attacked by a squadron of Jedi, and a fight began to subdue the beast. After finding Jedi Mind Trick didn't work on Kong, the Jedi had to use raw combat to subdue Kong. Several Jedi fell, some of them eaten by Kong, before the beast finally was subdued.

    Perhaps because of the Jedi that Kong ate, the presence of midichlorians were detected within the large simian. When Kong calmed down, the Jedi saw he was a gentle giant...maybe he could be trained to become a Jedi. After all, his mind was not weak like a normal wild beast. Kong befriended the Jedi and they began training him to be a Jedi himself. Kong showed great skill, he was able to create a golden lightsaber with the capability of two blades. What was an even bigger suprise, was that Kong was able to fluently wield 2 dual bladed sabers in battle.

    All of this happened during The Great Hyperspace War, a time when the Sith numbered in the thousands and the Jedi were engaged in a bloody war to defeat them. The Jedi saw Kong as what may be able to turn the tide of war in their favor.

    Kong and a squadron of Jedi were sent to Korriban to assist Jedi already stationed there in a battle against Sith forces. Kong and his Jedi allys charged into battle against the Sith...but it would end in disaster for all. Kong, being as large as he was, was an easy target for Sith forces and the simeon was pelted by laser blasts. Kong's Jedi discipline slowly started slipping away and the beast he formerly was began to resurface. Kong was driven into a hellish rage and he killed every being on that battlefield, including the Jedi that fought alongside him.

    Seeing that they had failed to ultimately supress the rage within Kong, the Jedi excommunicated Kong from the Jedi entirely and left him at Korriban. The Sith lords, impressed by JK's strength and more imporantly, his anger, took Jedi Kong in. They taught him the ways of the Dark Side.

    From that point on, the Sith would use Jedi Kong and his rage as their secret weapon against the Jedi. His Dark Side powers were very impressive because of his emotions, and he was a commanding presence on the battlefield.

    Aboard a Flagship in a Sith starfleet, Jedi Kong was riding to his next battle, a quite nasty skirmish with Jedi Forces on Yavin 4. The flight went smoothely, until Jedi snuck aboard the ship and a battle ensued within it. Kong was driven to his rampage in this fight, and he accidentally caused fatal damage to the ship's fuel core. A great explosion ensued, and another wormhole was created. Kong was sucked into the wormhole, and it dumped him back here on Earth.

    Jedi Kong was found by the government of Eshu and was taken in for expiramentation. He was eventually infused with a second persona, one of a civilized human. The human persona controls Jedi Kong now, but occaisonally the beast breaks through. Jedi Kong was selected to be the leader of a new government organization, Defenders of Eshu City.


    The pen is mightier...
  • 1,606
    Name: Zinae (pronounce Zye-Nay)

    Age: 18

    Physical Description: A beautiful young woman with flowing silver hair and two white ears sticking out of her head. Her eyes are a pale green splashed with yellow, and her canine teeth resemble fangs. She also has a white, wolf-like tail and her fingernails are abnormally long, resembling claws, however, she is quite abnormally attractive, and many of the people she kills are young men wooed by her. She wears tight-fitting clothes, mainly a camo-jumpsuit with a belt.

    Affiliation: Rogue

    Powers: Transforms into a Wolf, Communicate with animals, Swift-speed

    Weapons: Her teeth, Claws, and a dagger she wears on her belt.

    History: Was shunned from the city when she was thirteen due to her looks. Well, she actually ran away due to the constant teasing from her fellow classmates. Because of that, she utterly despised Eshu City, and everyone who lives inside of it. She occassionally enters the city to take a victim and kill him, leaving his body on the outskirts of the city with a large Z slashed through the chest. Mainly, they are the men who were once in her class, but they could also be any random person she passes.
    She wishes to frighten the citizens into leaving, but if that fails she would rampage through the whole city, killing off each and every person until everyone is dead or gone. Unless she can persuade the people for her to become ruler of the town.

    Sample RP: A young woman sits in a tall oak, swinging her feet carelessly as she looks at the city that shunned her. Her nails dig into the bark, and she appeared rather peeved, her green/yellow eyes glowing faintly in the shadow of the tree, and her ears and tail twitching. Suddenly, the girl transforms into a rather fearce-looking wolf, a large scar running across its face with white pelt and a silver under-belly. It leaps off of the tree, its long claws scathing the tree underneath, and lands on the ground as agile as a cat. Its long muzzle sniffs the air, and she turns back into her human self. She shakes her silver hair out of her face before disappearing in the shadows, her rage seemingly cooled down.


    Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    Actually, Wolf_Goddess, you might want to make your character a bit more powerful. You wanted her to be a main villain right? Right now I think Jedi Kong coudl take her alone.

    And could somebody else please join?


    AKA Blitz
  • 1,903
    Name: Blitz

    Age: 17

    Physical Description: Blitz has a very thin, lanky figure, Like most thin lanky people he stands about 6 ft, Blitz has short brown hair and gray eye's, Blitz hardly ever smiles, Its not because he is never happy, Its just because he userly can't be bothered

    Affiliation: Rogue

    Powers: Blitz has the power to create and controll spheres of lead, This gives him the abillity to use them as bullets, destractions, and any other way he can think of

    Weapons: Only his powers

    History: When blitz was small he accadentely exposed to an experement, The experement was ment to turn lead into gold, But somehow, He got in the way and ended up with the powers he has now, Blitz still hasn't compleatly figured his powers out, So you could say, He's still a rookie

    Sample RP:

    Blitz's mother was continued to research, She had no baby sitter so she had to bring blitz along to her work,

    "Blitz don't go anywhere, I have to set the experement up again!" Blitz's mum said as she walked into the experiment room, But blitz bieng only a baby didn't listen, and folloed his mother, But at the time she didn't notice,

    "Now maybe it will work this time!" His mother said as she sat back in her seat, Still not noticing that blitz wasn't with her, she turned the machine on, After that, All she heard for about three minutes was blitz screaming as he tried to get out of the machine, His eye's turned gray, and his body curled up, As the machine started mallfunctioning, When his mother noticed what had happened, She turned the machine off and took blitz to the hospital, Suprisingly all tests came back perfect. not a thing wrong with him, Other then his eyes turning grey, That was the only apparent side effect teh machine had on him, But as the years went on, Blitz started develiping powers,

    When blitz reached the age of 6, He killed his mother, At the time he couldn't controll his powers at all, SO it wasn't his fault right?, Well thats not the way the town seen it, And from then on, He was treated as a freak, Nobody would play with him, All he saw in anyones eyes was fear.


    Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    I have several profiles of other characters that you could use if you cannot come up with a character Legend.


    Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    (Wolf Goddess, you could start RPing yourself if you wanted to. I won't start RPing till the Defenders of Eshu City gets a few members besides Jedi Kong)


    Bow to the Kaiser
  • 71
    Here we Go..

    Name: Seigi Red
    Age: 21
    Physical Description: Seigi Red
    Affiliation: Defenders of Eshu City
    Powers: Super Speed( Mach One ), Size Changing ability( 80ft maximum, looses Super Speed past 18ft ).
    Weapons: A staff
    History: ( will do later, Not much time )
    Sample RP: ( Will do later as well..Must go now. )


    Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    Rex, I won't officially accept you until you post a sufficient sample RP and history for your character.


    Too Tired to Care.
  • 594
    Name: Mizuko Katajii, Goes by Katajii
    Age: undetermined
    Physical Description: A mid height man, Katajii stands at 5'7". He has long black hair, reaching his shoulder blades, that he pulls back and into a pony tail. He has spiffy eyes that change color (cuz, Kagome started me on it an i love the idea. and her.) but stay, for the most part, hazel. He wears white hakama and a black yukata top.
    Affiliation: Defender

    Powers: Skilled with swords, as agile as a cat, trained in the Way of the Samurai, as well as the other martial 'arts.' He is only part superhuman, his late father being a mere halfling himself. Katajii's unique power is that of darkness.

    Weapons: Yugure no Ha, A dark Katana and wakizashi combo, a pair of carbon steel claws that fit over his fingers llike a glove (not a bulky weapon, but more of a glove... ask and i'll try to make a rough sketch or something...) Several ninja tools, and his mind.

    History: He's lived in outskirts of the city, training and honing his skills. He may not be a true super hero, but his skills are formidable. He employ's his training to walk the shadows, double jump through the tree's, and other l33t ninja like things. He may not be able to stand a barrage of bullets... But those bullets will have a hard time of hitting him.
    Sample RP:
    The jungle was quieter in the dark. He loves it out here. No one or nothing to bother him. At first, everything was after the intruder, no beast wanted a human in their territory.
    Now, they've all become accustomed to his prescence. He lost count of how long he had been in the jungle, but he was used to every sound. Every smell. Every beast and every plant, he knew.
    But he had encountered somethine he never saw before. It was a group of men, seemingly trying to take from the jungle what was not theirs.
    Katajii dashed through the brush, noiselessly, as he approached closer.
    "You there! Hurry UP! If we dont get this animal back to the lab, we're going to be in big trouble."
    "Right boss. We're hurrying!"
    *twang* One of the men dropped to the ground, in his chest were a few well launched shuriuken.
    "They came from the left!"
    It didnt take long for him to dispatch them. The trap was perfectly sprung. As he approached form the right, they turned to open fire. They never hear one another as they hit the ground without the slightest scream.
    The young man found it odd that he was amused by his victory.
    "Go on now, young one... your mother is out there waiting."
    "Oh! Ah!" The small monkey cried, it's silver fur reflecting the moonlight.

    How does this fare?


    Submarket Zydrate Dealer
  • 762
    Nice, your accepted Inuyasha. A ninja, a power ranger, and a jedi gorilla. The Defenders are becoming quite the odd bunch...
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