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FireRed hack: [Completed] Pokemon Supreme Fire

  • 78
    Pokemon Supreme Fire


    Story of the Hack
    I'm sure you already heard of this RomHack when it first came out in reddit. It is an Original Fire Red game with a little twist here and there. So because I am making the sequel game for this RomHack, i'm finding ways to make this one more updated so that people know what to expect for the sequel.
    Back then people say that the level curve is too much, so i fixed that in the remake. Can you beat the game easily though? I still doubt it!
    This hack was made when when i was a kid, few years ago, so pardon the bad grammar. You don't have to read it though, cause the story will be the same.

    Goal of this Hack
    So this is the main points that I need everyone to understand about this RomHack. This is My take on the Pokemon Game. The concept, the typing changes, the niche, it is all new to the game and it is for everyone to explore. I feel a lot of hacks is just the same with different stories or more updated features or different map palette. I want to give my romhack idea to go to another direction. So this is why I am making it in a firered Base story.
    What you should expect in this Romhack are:


    Flow of the game:



    Some Flaw and Imbalance in this Concept - No Longer Important


    Reason for Weakness/Resist Changes: - No Longer Important

    Link for update on the Sequel
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    same like fire red generations?

    I deleted few of the event generation has. I use it as base just for the Legendary events. But pokedex and a lot of other things are changed

    The big change is the different concept from original pokemon game. So not really story based but more on how the battle will feel different.

    Edit: Just incase anyone wondering. The base (pokemon fire red generation) i used was from 7 years ago. Incase there is more updated one.
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    I just got to Celadon, and the game feels quite harder. Leveling up is easy but you can't solve your problems by brute-forcing your way with an overleveled team, that's nice. It may be the different weaknesses I'm not used to, but some types feel noticeable stronger than others, both offensively and defensively. The generation challenge trainer battles are fun, but I couldn't fight the trainer near the gym in Pewter City, the screen went black and the battle never started.

    Overall it's really fun so far.
    I found another crash in route 12, when I enter the super rod guy's house the screen goes black and the music stops.
    Just added Reasons for Weakness/Resist Changes in the main post, in case people want to know in depth reason for the changes.
    I am not expecting for people to agree or understand. Just explaining myself, so you know it was not some random change.

    I might explain the niches as well.
    Yeah so the game absolutely will not let me fight the champion. Sound still works but the screen just goes black. Tried on most recent patch and the first version.
    Main post updated. Should be fixed, let me know

    Yes! Thank you for the lightning fast fix!

    I should mention, the patching was weird in that the squirrels patch in the new fix folder wasn't working properly and caused a white screen. Using the squirrels patch from the previous fix folder and then using the UPS patch from the new folder was able to work around it. Don't know if it's a problem on my end or if the IPS patch in the new folder is bugged. Either way the fix worked beautifully and I'm fighting the champion now, thanks again!
    Okay I finished the game so I wanna give my thoughts since you asked.

    I really liked the game but I do have my issues. It was difficult, real difficult. A lot more difficult than I wanted from a Pokemon game to the point it sometimes wasn't even fun to be honest. My final team ended up being Alakazam, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Charizard, Mega Starmie, Mega Tyranitar and Shadow Mewtwo. Not a pushover team at all, but I still struggled a lot especially near the end. I won't lie, because of this I abused the hell out of save states on Visual Boy Advance. Not proud of it but a lot of battles past the 8th gym, Altered Cave in particular, were annoying lol. I wanna go over some personal pros and cons for me just to help get my thoughts out.


    Starters. Based on what I saw playing the game, I'd rank them as Alakazam > Arbok > Machamp, but the beauty of it is all of them are great. It's not like Charizard Blastoise and Venusaur where one is clearly better than the other 2, and 1 is just plain bad. The fact that all 3 have the ability to set up too is just amazing lol. Personally think Machamp should've had the elemental punches (I assumed he would but he did not) to give his moveset more options but maybe that's just me.

    EVs. Much, much better. Lowered the cost of vitamins significantly and made them the only way to raise EVs made it so EVs were optional and not annoying to deal with at all. Plus the fact many Pokemon (like Alakazam and Tyranitar) have a stat that's clearly much worse than the other 5 makes it very easy to decide which stat is getting ignored.

    Pokemon Changes. There's SOOOOOO many good Pokemon options you can use if you want to. I changed my team so many times just because I could. Also having the choice to get Shadow Mewtwo + Rayquaza after the Champion to ease up the difficulty a little was very much appreciated.

    Moves Changes/HMs. Mostly making moves more viable, I didn't see a single change in a move I didn't like throughout the entire game. HMs being removable is a godsend, having the ability to use and remove any HM as needed is something I always wished mainline games did.

    Documents. Not really an in-game pro but something I loved nonetheless. Adding the txt documents with the game was really really nice, I looked through them CONSTANTLY while I was playing and I can't even exaggerate how big of a help they were.

    Niches. They're cool but require getting used to especially when you know a lot of gen 3 by heart. It would really catch me off guard to not be able to hit Dark types with Dragon type moves for example lol. Same with a lot of typings.



    Disobeying Pokemon. I don't like or understand this at all. I like being able to grind until I'm satisfied with where I'm at. To me it's half the fun, I would want to train up because I was having a hard time and wanted to get ahead but then I'd remember if I trained too much I would be penalized. Because of this I avoided fighting the generation trainers placed in gym battle cities. Why punish people for having fun and grinding? Felt forced to stay under leveled until beating the 8th gym.

    No Items During Battles. I also don't like or understand this at all either. The game's difficult enough with or without this, but at least give people the choice. Why force a handicap that's unnecessary for the sake of upgrading something from difficult to annoyingly difficult?

    *Just to note, the questions asked were meant to be towards myself and rhetorical. I know you have your own reasons that you already mentioned for including the features you did in your game so please don't take it personally :)

    Altered Cave. Not actually a con, just didn't know where else to put this in this post. I really wanted to be able to get the unique Pokemon they had there lol. Like either in the cave itself or as a reward for beating them would've been really cool. The Pokemon themselves being included was really cool.


    That was a lot more than I thought it'd be lol. So yeah, all in all I enjoyed the game a lot and I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel when it's complete, whenever that'll be. :D
    Don't know if this is a common bug or just mine, but when the Jirachi egg hatches the game freezes. It's seems like it doesn't like Jirachi itself, I even tried to cheat it in on a different save just to see what would happen and the game froze again (just to be clear, the previous and next pokemon to Jirachi could be cheated in).