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Cyndaquil Givaway!

sorry, I forgot to say that you're on the list
I'd love to have one please :)
Just any of them
I'm very slow because of other things but i am getting through the trades.

Evoslingerr 14
PokeMaster3 ?
Nova777 30
nid player 10
hypntick 26
kiri flicker 27
spike6958 ?
Pokemonshinylegends 25
Umbreon Master ?
VFlea ?
Gold Tom i3

Already taken:
16, 8, 3
Last edited:
I'd like Number 9 please, I'll get on right now
Can I get one? I don't mind which one.
I'd like a Clam, Male for my Pearl! My FC is 2148 8411 1704, Siimo

Do not enter the FC in my sig! That's for my Diamond...

Oh yeah my character in Pearl is a girl but I'm not a girl >.<
